"Resisting" the Viltrumites.

Absolutely moronic. You are literally shooting at superman.

"Oh no, I'll be breading stock for a dark haired woman who could kill me instantly." Where is the downside?
>They're a race of genocidal psychopaths bent on ruling the world.
Completely unlike the genocidal psychopaths already on earth making the planet worse for proffit. Right?
>They think they're superior to us!
They are.
>They wanna replace our economy, leaders, and and Infrastructure with their own!
>They've destroyed countless alien races!
Sucks to suck, they should have looked more human. Racism isn't a problem if it doesn't happen to me.

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  1. 1 month ago

    With the shitty fricking rap music blaring in cars, I'm surprised Viltrumites can survive Earth.

    • 1 month ago

      Slave mentality.

      Once they take over only metal music will be allowed

      • 1 month ago

        I saw a spoiler that there are only 50 Viltrumites left in the universe. Why did they cull their numbers that much?

        >Once they take over only metal music will be allowed
        Another reason to welcome our new overlords.

        • 1 month ago

          >Why did they cull their numbers that much?
          They didn't, after their their original purge they still were in the millions. Then a certain traitor created super AIDS and they got reduced to 50

          • 1 month ago

            Damn what a jerk

      • 1 month ago

        I saw a spoiler that there are only 50 Viltrumites left in the universe. Why did they cull their numbers that much?

        >Once they take over only metal music will be allowed
        Another reason to welcome our new overlords.

        Why would they let such vulgar music allowed if hip hop is getting banned? Either all Earth music is fine or none of it is fine.

  2. 1 month ago

    Honestly, if Viltrumites invaded IRL I can see a sizable portion of the population siding with them. Eliminating resource scarcity entirely, removing corrupt political institutions, hyper-advanced medical care that will double the average lifespan. Literally what is the downside for a normal person?
    >muh freedoms
    Yeah, go to an anti-Israel protest and then tell me from your jail cell how free you are right now. We already don't have freedom.

    • 1 month ago

      Ignoring what I said

      Except it is explained (not in the animation) that the Viltrumites will destroy the planet in 200 years. She tells Mark that it will be strip mined of 200 years, destroyed and be uninhabitable in 200 years. Any surviving humans will be used as breeding stock and then as soldiers (aka cannon fodder) for galactic domination. But you get 200 years of good living. That's basically it.

      here that the end goal is still destruction of humanity and Earth... Your comment on 'muh anti-Israel protests' is moronic because nobody has been charged, suspended students are allowed back and nothing has changed.

      • 1 month ago

        Now do J6 protests next to BLM protests.
        >But muh puhliticians's safety
        Bunch of people being walked in by the security guard and respecting the velvety rope. Yeah, terrible.

        • 1 month ago

          Were they respecting the barricaded door that they were smashing through when that one b***h got rightfully shot while entering through the glass they smashed? How about all of them smashing windows and assaulting the cops?

          • 1 month ago

            no no no no, the narrative is that they were all 80 yr old grannies taking a civilized tour of the Capitol lobbies.

          • 1 month ago

            no no no no, the narrative is that they were all 80 yr old grannies taking a civilized tour of the Capitol lobbies.

      • 1 month ago

        >the end goal is still destruction of humanity and Earth.
        No, it's to use Earth as a breeding ground for Viltrumite resurgence. Like, they EXPLICITLY state this in the comic.

        it makes no sense to reduce your breeding pool in the slightest when there's only a few hundred of you left and the women can only really be killed by a stronger Viltrumite anyway

        33. There's 33 of them left. There's 33 Viltrumites left. The reason why they come to Earth is because Viltrumite DNA cannibalizes nonviltrumite DNA, meaning that a Viltrumite could frick a dog and produce a hybrid. The problem with that is that it massively reduced the genepool; if Viltrumite fricks a dog then they get a 50/50 hybrid, meaning that there's less genes in the offspring, meaning that they are weaker, AND it takes milennia for the Viltrumite DNA to totally overwrite the nonviltrumite DNA. Humans, however, produce 99% Viltrumite babies, and thus the overwriting of the remaining 1% happens very quickly.

        If it only takes 20 years for a viltrumite to get their powers and viltrumites live for thousands of years, why wouldn't they breed like rabbits?

        They can, they just don't, even when they're facing the immanent threat of extinction or need more soldiers to conquer worlds with.

        Incest. The invasion of Earth isn't about replenishing the genepool, it's a last ditch measure to bring the population up from THIRTY-THREE by what amounts to cloning (by the end of the comic, Mark at around 400 or so years old is effectively a clone of Nolan). After they bring the population up from THIRTY-THREE they will just use genetic engineering to make more of themselves so as to avoid incest, assuming that they didn't engineer that out of themselves during their ubermenschification.

        I assume the writer didn't want to make the Viltrumites that controversially dark but yeah, if the empire wants to use Humanity as breeding stock then they'd just fly in, kill all the men who resist, put the rest into lifetime servitude and just rape as many women as possible.

        It makes no sense for Viltrumite women to mate with human men when there are only a hand full of them left and billions of human women available

        >It makes no sense for Viltrumite women to mate with human men
        They aren't supposed to, they're supposed to frick the Viltrumite men to increase the genepool of pseudoclones. This is why Anissa rapes Mark.

        • 1 month ago

          didn't Anissa explicitly go off the reservation to rape Mark

          • 1 month ago

            Yes, because she was supposed to stay home and frick the other Viltrumite men to fulfill MUH MISSION. She goes to frick Mark as a way to complete her MUH MISSION without having to frick the Viltrumites back on the ship. Due to the whole "THIRTY-THREE" thing, getting every Viltrumite that they can onboard is critical, so she goes to rape Mark under the theory that by getting him (or at least his DNA) on board with Freddy Mercury's team she'll be given a pass for not fricking Kregg and Lucan.

            • 1 month ago

              you are flat-out and explicitly wrong

            • 1 month ago

              you are flat-out and explicitly wrong

              and here's a page from right before the actual rape where she says she is breaking the explicit order to breed with human men

              • 1 month ago

                you are flat-out and explicitly wrong

                >after thragg tells them to go infiltrate earth
                so literally what he said

              • 1 month ago

                > they're supposed to frick the Viltrumite men to increase the genepool of pseudoclones
                this is never stated anywhere in the comic, and is never even implied
                >This is why Anissa rapes Mark.
                she rapes him because she refuses to follow Thragg's order to frick human men, not because she's supposed to only frick Viltrumite men

        • 1 month ago

          >No, it's to use Earth as a breeding ground for Viltrumite resurgence. Like, they EXPLICITLY state this in the comic.
          Reread the god damn comic.

          • 1 month ago

            I'm surprised she didn't make a livestock analogy, because humans sort of do that stuff already, take care of cows and chickens in return for what they provide to us. There's virtually no chance they will go extinct, and I'm pretty sure Mark isn't vegetarian or vegan.

            • 1 month ago

              she explicitly says the planet will eventually be destroyed in a few centuries, that's pretty extinction-level

              • 1 month ago

                Yeah but the livestock thing is a more compelling argument. If she promised minimal livelihood vs extinction, Mark probably would have been more receptive.

              • 1 month ago

                I doubt he would buy it either way, he twigs that she's saying they would essentially be livestock already

    • 1 month ago

      They’ll literally be an entire race if dictators that will kill you at the first sign of disobedience. You don’t like corrupt politicians? Wait til you have a whole race of essentially gods that aren’t accountable to anyone and will do what they want in your face.

      > Where is the downside
      Viltrumite women won’t frick you and all the viltrumite men will have harems of the best women. If you look like you have a problem with it, you’re dead.

    • 1 month ago

      Hating Israel used to be cool before you people ruined it

      • 1 month ago

        >viltrumites supposed to be a commentary on facism and race supremacy
        >but now anti-facists are supporting them because its better than muh capitalism

    • 1 month ago

      I’m one of them. We don’t have freedom and we are being forced to pay our earnings to power hungry sociopaths and pedophiles. And we won’t have anny change anytime soon because people won’t rise up. If the Viltrumites came to invade the earth tomorrow, fine, it will make our lives better and I won’t have to worry about shit. I have no hope left for humanity.

      • 1 month ago

        so go have a nice day homosexual

    • 1 month ago

      So...you DO want to be outbred by a hyper virile foreign race? lol, the jokes write themselves.

  3. 1 month ago

    Such a shitty slave mentality you have. type of person that exactly likes to get fricking dom by some chick

  4. 1 month ago

    >Racism isn't a problem if it doesn't happen to me.
    >assuming Viltrumites wouldn't immediately recognize you as genetically inferior
    Sucks that so many white people these days assume their genetics should carry them when those same white people tend to be the laziest/least socially adaptable.

    • 1 month ago

      Viltrumites wouldn't immediately recognize you as genetically inferior
      Given that they were willing to breed with humans to bolster up their numbers, that would never have been a problem

  5. 1 month ago

    Except it is explained (not in the animation) that the Viltrumites will destroy the planet in 200 years. She tells Mark that it will be strip mined of 200 years, destroyed and be uninhabitable in 200 years. Any surviving humans will be used as breeding stock and then as soldiers (aka cannon fodder) for galactic domination. But you get 200 years of good living. That's basically it.

    • 1 month ago

      We are already doing this without the Vilts and without the good living.

      • 1 month ago

        Except Earth won't be a lifeless hollowed out rock in 200 years. Whether humanity is alive or not is irrelevant, but Earth will be here and life will be here (short of super cataclysmic events). You're repeating exactly what she said. Mark (rightly) says that humanity has to make its own way. Ignoring that in this universe, magic powers and shit exist. Shit shouldn't be problematic. No superhero world with these kind of power users should be in the shit. Eve could literally create arable land in famine stricken areas, she could remove harmful chemicals from nature, she could fix so much shit but she doesn't.

    • 1 month ago

      No one has refuted OP's points about fighting them.

      No human who witnessed the invasion would be alive to see that. By that time, the earth would have been completely inhabited by viltrumites.
      Earths way sucks donkey dick. Give me a kid with super powers.

      • 1 month ago

        >Give me a kid with super powers.
        >*Does not get chosen to breed with a viltrumite*
        >*Will likely be executed for being worthless*
        >*Probably thinks "KEK! Whatever! It just means that I'm free from suffering! Got mine fuk u hurrrr!"*
        >*Anon is then sent to Hell to become a Spawn and gets his dick kicked in for an eternity by a fat clown*

    • 1 month ago

      such a trash cope from the writter because he couldn't come up with an actual downside.

      • 1 month ago

        I have to agree. What resources are they stripping earth for that you won’t find in abundance on any other uninhabitable planet? Should’ve just left Viltrumite rule as vague and made a colonialism comparison instead.

    • 1 month ago

      Why the frick would they destroy a planet that willingly surrendered to their rule if their main goal is taking over planets to expand their empire?
      That's like an expanding country nuking their own soil after having taken it. No.

      • 1 month ago

        Because by the time they're done, there will be no resources left. No food, no new genetic stock, no point in living there. It's essentially space locusts devouring all the crops and then leaving a barren field for the next set of crops.

        • 1 month ago

          >It's essentially space locusts devouring all the crops and then leaving a barren field for the next set of crops.
          No, they're not just getting rid of the crops, they're blowing up the entire fricking field with dirty bombs, killing the farmers and salting the earth for good measure. That's moronic.

          If you want resources like the ones in Earth's mantle, mine things that are inhospitable to human life. Mine the asteroids that are so easy to toss around, mine the Texas sized meteors that you don't even have to look for, mine the moons of gas giants if you must.
          Planets that can support human life are hilariously outnumbered by planets that do not and those planets have resources that haven't ever been touched.

          • 1 month ago

            You'd think a hyper advanced civilization will have the means to recycle their shit

          • 1 month ago

            >Planets that can support human life are hilariously outnumbered by planets that do not and those planets have resources that haven't ever been touched
            This. Planets that can sustain life are very rare, and terraforming will presumably always be a very expensive process that will oftentimes not even be possible on a lot of planets. Any alien race treating hospitable planets as disposable is being led by idiots.

            • 1 month ago

              well if the fur-collared cape fits

  6. 1 month ago

    What's up with the choppy animation in this show?

    • 1 month ago

      North Korean slave labour

    • 1 month ago

      They know capeshit cartoon watchers are so starved for content they can just do whatever and still keep their niche audience.

    • 1 month ago

      Japan stole the only good western animators. Now we're stuck with people who don't like anime and Koreans.

  7. 1 month ago

    Superman would tear Omniman a new butthole.

    • 1 month ago

      Which Superman? Superman Prime, sure. Kal Kent? Sure. But regular? Dunno.

  8. 1 month ago

    Humans are not meant to be subjugated. We are apex predators. To suffer domination defies our instincts.

    • 1 month ago

      Such a shitty slave mentality you have. type of person that exactly likes to get fricking dom by some chick

      Slave mentality.

      Once they take over only metal music will be allowed

      Slave owners weren't bulletproof.

      • 1 month ago

        Yes they were. White privilege makes you bulletproof.

      • 1 month ago

        During the slavery era in the US, killing a slave owner had severe consequences. Not only will you die, horribly, but random people that weren’t even involved will probably die pretty gruesome deaths in the massacre that follows after. So, those slave owners were basically bulletproof. They were scared to death of a Haiti-style uprising so they went overboard on the violence anytime someone tried to rebel.

    • 1 month ago

      >We are apex predators. To suffer domination defies our instincts.
      And yet here you are, completely and utterly dominated, tamed and indoctrinated by your two-timing "leaders"

  9. 1 month ago

    Aliens LOVE human pussy/wiener. Every time a stronger alien force comes to dominate earth they ALWAYS fall for some average joe/sephine. And if they don't abandon their culture their half bastard kid's human genes always provide some special multiplication factor giving what they need. You got Mark, Steven, Peter Quil etc (idk why they're all white guy names but whatever). It's Cinemaphile's special story.

    • 1 month ago

      >idk why they're all white guy names but whatever
      dumpy schulby mostly unattractive men are drawing/writing these stories, which are then being adapted by midgets with low self-esteem who are as equally schulby and unappealing and also men.

      this is also why we get a 50/60/70 year old and looks it Daniel Craig/Tom Cruise type, or in their aging prime, an Arnold/Sylvester type but with a chick whose clearly barely out of high school as their love interest.

    • 1 month ago

      >white guy names
      They’re israeli names.

      • 1 month ago

        Steven appears to be greek. Marc is israeli but also popular among Christians. Peter is definitely more Christian than israeli.

    • 1 month ago

      Peter Quill, the human who fricked an alien?

      B*ndis need not apply

  10. 1 month ago

    What if superman... was... le bad?!

  11. 1 month ago

    I liked this season. Main complaint is that I wish Anissa had a deeper voice.

    • 1 month ago

      Yeah I really envisioned her having a deep, throaty voice with a thick russian accent

      • 1 month ago

        I liked this season. Main complaint is that I wish Anissa had a deeper voice.

        VA selection isn't as good this season. Levy sounds too smooth to be a villain. Hope they get Conquest right.

        • 1 month ago

          He has to sound like General Treister or it's bust

      • 1 month ago

        Russian? I heard more Spanish or Castillian for me.

  12. 1 month ago

    >Racism isn't a problem if it doesn't happen to me.
    They were literally going to wipe out humans.

  13. 1 month ago

    Humans are stupid and conceited.

  14. 1 month ago

    You do realize that, in Viltrumite society, it’s perfectly ok to kill someone if they’re weak, right?

    • 1 month ago

      Should've been like that from the start. It only makes more sense with their biology. Imagine if we simply killed off every autist who comes into being.

      • 1 month ago

        >doesn't know one damn thing about fricking Darwinism
        If you don't frick, you don't speared. Axe any tax involved in tard wrangling and make heir castration a punishment for crimes. Boom.

  15. 1 month ago

    > Breading stock
    Shut up, drink the yeast, then get in the oven.

  16. 1 month ago

    These aliens don't want love they just want baby making sex

    • 1 month ago

      I'm waiting for the downside.

    • 1 month ago

      Good, love is a lie.

  17. 1 month ago

    Oh god please don't mount me viltrumite alien woman oh god noo dont! noooooo don't turn me into a breeding slave noooo

  18. 1 month ago

    yknow, this made me think.....would you accept Robot as the new leader of earth like in the comics? he basically offers humanity the same things the viltrumites do, only done with technology instead of brute force as the result of not following him.

    • 1 month ago

      Robot overlord and technofuture is a far worse outcome for earth.

  19. 1 month ago

    Become breeding stock for the Vilties just makes humanity into the future Vilties. That makes humanity the most powerful race in the verse and they can finally leave this stupid rock and all of its petty problems.

  20. 1 month ago

    >"Oh no, I'll be breading stock for a dark haired woman who could kill me instantly." Where is the downside?

    the only downside is that you get cucked of that. since viltrumites believe in genetical supremacy, they would frick humans that have the better genes. not only that but female viltrumites are very picky with their mates, so your chances of getting fricked by a muscle woman are the same as the chances now.

  21. 1 month ago

    aside from the economical, political and medical benefits, the only problem is that unlike a politician who needs a goverment to kill billions, a viltrumite can simple kill everyone that pisses them off. we are ants to them, so you can expect casual manslaughter in your daily life.
    Think of it like an invesment, they will probably take the better humans from our race, breed with them and then leave the rest to be foot soldiers for them in wars we dont really care about, but are forced to do.
    Im sorry anon, but i prefer to live my meaningless life atleast feeling like im doing something i like, instead of being forced to do something space superman will either kill me or force me to do until im too weak to fight.

    • 1 month ago

      What benefits? you think a race that kills hundreds just to make point a on an argument cares about the basic necessities of people under their rule? At best they cull the population to get the good ones to breed, thousand or maybe millions of women get raped and maybe a dozen or so men get to frick the women before getting killed either after the sex or during the sex.

      • 1 month ago

        I assume the writer didn't want to make the Viltrumites that controversially dark but yeah, if the empire wants to use Humanity as breeding stock then they'd just fly in, kill all the men who resist, put the rest into lifetime servitude and just rape as many women as possible.

        It makes no sense for Viltrumite women to mate with human men when there are only a hand full of them left and billions of human women available

        • 1 month ago

          >if the empire wants to use Humanity as breeding stock then they'd just fly in, kill all the men who resist, put the rest into lifetime servitude and just rape as many women as possible.
          A good way to frick up their best shot at fixing their population problem. Only half of those women would be fertile, not genetically fricked, etc., and at best will have 30 years of fertility. Even then you can't kill all the males because your perpetually pregnant slaves won't be productive.
          >It makes no sense for Viltrumite women to mate with human men when there are only a hand full of them left and billions of human women available
          It makes no sense to waste genetics and rush a future inbreeding problem unless you want your empire to 99% Thragg or someshit in a millennia. Your viltrumite woman can be pregnant once a year and lives 1000+ years. That's a 1000 potential warriors you're throwing away.

        • 1 month ago

          it makes no sense to reduce your breeding pool in the slightest when there's only a few hundred of you left and the women can only really be killed by a stronger Viltrumite anyway

      • 1 month ago

        I hated this scene. Like it doesn't suck enough already taking public transit. Plus the physics are off but I guess that's not the point

  22. 1 month ago

    Keep in mind that Invincible-Earth has regular alien incursions, Superhuman wanabe dictators, giant Kaiju and a host of other metahuman threats that people like Cecil have to try and manage.
    It's not a comparable situation to real-world Earth.

  23. 1 month ago

    What Viltrumites are like?

  24. 1 month ago

    I was with you until that last point. If they don't let me have a exotic alien gf then they can get FRICKED

  25. 1 month ago

    In the comic a promising (viral) weapon is developed against the Viltrumites. However everybody pussies out about “we’d be just as bad as them!” rather than spare the universe from their tyranny.

  26. 1 month ago

    If it only takes 20 years for a viltrumite to get their powers and viltrumites live for thousands of years, why wouldn't they breed like rabbits?

    They can, they just don't, even when they're facing the immanent threat of extinction or need more soldiers to conquer worlds with.

  27. 1 month ago

    >"Oh no, I'll be breading stock for a dark haired woman who could kill me instantly." Where is the downside?
    That woman can pick the top 1% of people to frick. Bold of you to assume you'd be fit enough. Notice how viltrumites only frick peak humans. None of us on Cinemaphile will ever have the pleasure.
    >Completely unlike the genocidal psychopaths already on earth making the planet worse for proffit. Right?
    Yeah. The ones we have still need a lot of people around to do their bidding. The viltrumites only need a fraction of humanity.

    • 1 month ago

      They'll surely choose someone capable of spelling the word breeding, for one thing.
      And unfortunately for the OP they will avoid India entirely.

  28. 1 month ago

    Thing is, we'd be trading our leaders for a bunch of genocidal supersoldier maniacs that will harvest our world to the last drop of resources. It's a shitty tradeoff and you know it.
    The difference is that the powers that be making our lives worse just whine on Twitter and rattle sabers when we dont think and act the way they want us to. Viltrumites would turn all resistant parties and their families' families into chunky salsa at the speed of sound. Wrongthink is punishable by DEATH under Viltrumite occupation.

    • 1 month ago

      >the powers that be making our lives worse just whine on Twitter and rattle sabers
      I mean there's also things like gas, food and medicine prices going up while the banks, investment firms and tech companies slowly encroach on people's freedoms and property rights. But no you're right, that all pales in comparison to twitter trannies strangling the comic book and vidya industries.

  29. 1 month ago

    My guess is that a Viltrumite conquest of earth would play out like old school European colonialism. The real problem is in the comic/show writing, there are no examples of life under Viltrumite rule, ones where the occupied planet surrendered without fighting. So we don't have a choice but to take Nolan and Annisa's word for it when they say how amazing it is.

    • 1 month ago

      I imagine like the Thraxans or Prisonship dudes. They find a useful commodity you provide or give you one and it's expected of you until you act up. So basically yeah Colonialism in a nutshell.
      Humanity would likely be just like the Thraxans, expected to breed and rear the future Quasi-Viltrumites until they're ready to be soldiers for the Empire.

  30. 1 month ago

    Mussolini invented fascism so his definition has strong authority. He defined it as something along the lines of "Everyone, and everything for the state". Without that in mind I don't think this show is about fascism. Racial supremacist who put the race above the state can't be fascists.

    • 1 month ago

      if the state is defined as the race, then yes they can

      • 1 month ago

        A fascist will see men of different races all doing the Roman salute in a row and say "This. This is what it's about." Someone who puts race first can't do that. In fact he will side with someone who doesn't even live in the state if they are a member his race, he will side with them over the different races in the state.

        What's so hard to understand that if your highest priority is A it cannot be B.

  31. 1 month ago

    The nation and the race are the same thing. Otherwise it's just a shopping mall like the US.

  32. 1 month ago

    >"Oh no, I'll be breading stock for a dark haired woman who could kill me instantly." Where is the downside?

    This Black person thinks Anissa would frick him just for agreeing to be her slave?

    We don't care how ingrained it is in your genes, even if you put on chains they won't frick you, not even a homosexual viltrumite would

  33. 1 month ago

    Wait, why are we conflating the comic with the show when Ray is now a girl and also not dead?
    Isn't this just a different continuity at this point? Or is it the same continuity, just in a different dimension because le multiverse?

  34. 1 month ago

    What it means to be a Viltrumites, bros?

  35. 1 month ago

    Siding with them is the same mentality commies have
    "oh just give us all the power I promise we'll fix your problems!"
    But when they get it they don't do it because there is no one to hold them accountable.

  36. 1 month ago

    >Racism isn't a problem if it doesn't happen to me.

    Were you not paying attention? Fail math?

    There are 50 of them. Millions of humans. They are a race that practices ethnic cleansing and gene selection. They would first wipe out the cripples and masses for easier control. Then only breed those approaching close to what passes for top of the class in human development.

    Men are nigh useless in this process which means the majority of them are getting wiped out with a few kept for the Vilt women. However your chances of being selected is less than winning the power ball. And since they are still in genocide thinking anyways, few of the women may just say frick it and toss the sex toy men into the sun because they can't hammer for shit.

    • 1 month ago

      Mark's mom isn't exactly top-shelf human breeding material but Mark still turned out top-tier Viltrumite because of Nathan, it would seem the "quality" of human breeding stock doesn't matter. And as has been stated already, reducing the available amount of breeding partners by any amount is moronic when you've been reduced to double digit numbers. A Viltrumite woman might only be able to carry one child by a human man at a time, but she can carry a thousand+ over her lifetime.

  37. 1 month ago

    In the show, Anissa doesn't say or even imply that the planet will be destroyed under Viltrumite rule.
    >The powerful of this world destroy their own home, strip resources for themselves.
    >Large areas of this planet will soon be uninhabitable due to human greed.
    >We have the technology to repair their climate, feed their hungry, punish their criminals.
    >You are failing this planet and its people.
    >I see you care a great deal about this planet and its inhabitants.
    Anissa is still wrong, she's just wrong in a different way than she was in the comic, she wants to treat humanity the same way humanity treats domesticated animals, the obvious problem being that people do not want to be treated like animals because they are people and are not animals.

    I also don't know why more people didn't take issue with her line about billions of humans dying in the span of 200 years, like, no shit? Humans don't have the required lifespan to live even 130 years, most die before they even reach 80. You didn't do enough research, Anissa.

    • 1 month ago

      >people do not want to be treated like animals
      could have fooled me

  38. 1 month ago

    i wouldnt want it because id die mad if someone else got the viltrussy and not me

  39. 1 month ago

    knowing what i know, viltrumites biggest mistake would be not enslaving earth immediately. breeding with humans makes softer viltrumites. imagine them coming to earth and being domesticated in a generation

    • 1 month ago

      accidentally getting the Viltrumites to actually care about both their offspring and their mates turned out to be literally the best thing that ever happened to the species

      • 1 month ago

        im kinda curious as to why humans of all species. its not like viltrumites havent bred with other species, and in time the viltrum genes would overwrite most species dna like they do the others, so there has to be something else there. im suprised kirkman hasnt come out and said that humans were an anti viltrum trap

        • 1 month ago

          there doesn't have to be some deep lore reason to mollify autists such as yourself, it's just a fact of the fictional universe the writer decided on

        • 1 month ago

          because this entire comic is just plagiarizing and that's exactly what happened to the saiyan half breeds

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