Reverse mortgage bros not like this

Reverse mortgage bros not like this

UFOs Are A Psyop Shirt $21.68

DMT Has Friends For Me Shirt $21.68

UFOs Are A Psyop Shirt $21.68

  1. 4 weeks ago

    Should have stayed true to the mustache.

    • 4 weeks ago

      poor guy, can't even afford salad dressing no more

      He's got $45 million, I think his ranch is safely in his hands for a bit.

      • 4 weeks ago

        With all that money he should have the ranch secured and have a reverse mortgage on it so he can enjoy life a little more.

      • 4 weeks ago


        • 4 weeks ago

          Not even that high in California, I mean, not high enough for him to lose his ranch. Tom Selleck is just a greedy Boomer. They're legit afraid that they won't own everything they lay their eyes on. They'll do anything to get more money so that they might get another chance to hoard items that they will never truly use or appreciate in their oversized palaces.

          • 4 weeks ago

            >They'll do anything to get more money so that they might get another chance to hoard items that they will never truly use or appreciate in their oversized palaces.
            This is true of even the middle class boomers. They're all such hoarders of useless shit

            • 4 weeks ago

              Even when they build something that might be useful, they don't use it. Boomer fricker next door has a garage bigger than a house and can fold at least four vehicles, but he literally put one table, a tv, and a canoe in it. He uses the ally as his garage.

              • 4 weeks ago

                My neighbor built this god awful looking shooting tower autism fort for shooting elk in his yard and never used it once. Half a decade after his death it sits there a rotting eye sore for the people who moved in and anyone who drives past lmao

              • 4 weeks ago

                Heh. Local kids will tell legends about it, how it was "an old British fort" and how it's haunted, hopefully. Kids need stuff like that.

              • 4 weeks ago

                Why don't they tear it down?

              • 4 weeks ago

                Laziness and having to pay. They'd rather seethe about it at the mailbox then actually do something. Plus the things built with two electrical poles concreted into the ground. It'd be a pain in the ass to knock it down.

              • 4 weeks ago

                I feel like the actions of boomers continuing to impact the next generations from beyond the grave will become a very common story. That unused tower is a pretty apt metaphor for boomers.

              • 4 weeks ago

                And to further the metaphor it's so out in the boonies so it'd cost a lot to get a demo crew out there. So, if the home owner wants to get rid of it himself he'd have to get scaffolding and dismantle it piece by piece until he could take a chainsaw to the poles. Much like the situation boomers have left us; it will have to be dismantled piece, by, piece.

              • 4 weeks ago

                I feel like the actions of boomers continuing to impact the next generations from beyond the grave will become a very common story. That unused tower is a pretty apt metaphor for boomers.

                Laziness and having to pay. They'd rather seethe about it at the mailbox then actually do something. Plus the things built with two electrical poles concreted into the ground. It'd be a pain in the ass to knock it down.

                Nta, but Boomers believe that pieces of junk will "be worth something someday" or that they'll salvage parts of it,but none of that ever happens. They just pass away and everything that isn't obviously valuable goes to a landfill, or purchased by China, to be dumped willy nilly wherever.
                Imagine busting your ass your entire life to afford to collect junk that goes to pay Chinese people so that other Chinese people can purchase it in a scheme that makes rich israeli people even more rich.

                tl;dr Boomers work for trash just to trash the world.

                Why don't they tear it down?

                My neighbor built this god awful looking shooting tower autism fort for shooting elk in his yard and never used it once. Half a decade after his death it sits there a rotting eye sore for the people who moved in and anyone who drives past lmao

                you guys are such a bunch of whiny b***hes, if a guy put it up a guy can take it down.
                your area has gotten gentrified with weak wristed homosexuals is the real issue - OP feels comfortable amongst them but all of you are trash.
                a real man would've taken a hatchet to the tower day one or set it on fire instead of complaining about it for decades. that's the social contract of the boonies - you might get murdered for it but no one else will raise eyesores

              • 4 weeks ago

                Mass repliers are always wrong and homosexual.

              • 4 weeks ago

                Thats such bullshit lmao. Youd have the swat on your door if you did that stupid shit. Citygays, baka

              • 4 weeks ago

                Nta, but Boomers believe that pieces of junk will "be worth something someday" or that they'll salvage parts of it,but none of that ever happens. They just pass away and everything that isn't obviously valuable goes to a landfill, or purchased by China, to be dumped willy nilly wherever.
                Imagine busting your ass your entire life to afford to collect junk that goes to pay Chinese people so that other Chinese people can purchase it in a scheme that makes rich israeli people even more rich.

                tl;dr Boomers work for trash just to trash the world.

              • 4 weeks ago

                it's probably loaded with all sorts of useless shit he's hoarding

              • 4 weeks ago

                Nope. He's had me over to piss and moan and to try and make me apologize for existing and to argue with me over how he has the right to use part of my property for parking his shit forever even if I don't like it and if so, he can sue me, I've noticed that his garage is essentially empty and has remained that way for over ten years.
                P.S. I poliitely told him "NO." to "arbitration" that he wants. Heh the frick really thinks he's going to steal part of my land to park his vehicles...that he doesn't want to park in his garage, or car bay, or in front or in back of his home. Naw, frick all that, he just HAS to use my property or else his dick shrinks or something.

              • 4 weeks ago

                im so used to being a poorgay that i dont even hate it anymore but part of me is glad that at least i dont have to deal with bullshit like this

              • 4 weeks ago

                I hear you. Wish I learned he was an evil narcissist much sooner, could have saved me a lot of grief. Still, now that I know what he is, I've been avoiding him and can't wait to rudely walk away while he tries to talk to me or get my full attention so he can get his fuel from me because that's what narcissists do, they pick one person that they feel that they can get away with being total frickwits towards, so they do it. The guy used to smile with glee over pissing me off intentionally. He has to be 14 years old mentally, there's no doubt in my mind at all.

              • 4 weeks ago

                I've never had personal experience since I've always ended up living in the quiet corner of places, but I've been witness to plenty neighborhood spats.
                I know some old boomer that lives off of his veteran disability payments that likes to knock down the garbage/recycling bins with his truck if they get on "his side" of the sidewalk.
                Which makes no fricking sense because it's the garbagemen that move the bins and they take it at noon, when everyone's at work.

              • 4 weeks ago

                >I know some old boomer that lives off of his veteran disability payments that likes to knock down the garbage/recycling bins with his truck if they get on "his side" of the sidewalk.
                He's just like my neighbor, then. They just enjoy pissing off someone who they think can't or won't fight back. Ignoring is best, but hard to do as you can imagine.
                They feed off of negative energy, then they feel even more of a rush when they act all innocent around other people because gas-lighting is their religion.

          • 4 weeks ago

            I wish I had millions of dollars. I would buy a large plot of land. like a ranch

            • 4 weeks ago


  2. 4 weeks ago

    poor guy, can't even afford salad dressing no more

  3. 4 weeks ago

    imagine having to work and stress about things at that age

  4. 4 weeks ago

    I can understand the show ending but wtf would they cancel a top 10 show?

    • 4 weeks ago

      Shot on location in NYC which is expensive
      Ratings on the decline, not horrible or anything but the writing's on the wall so might as well cut your losses early

  5. 4 weeks ago

    >mfw a new set of commercials incoming

  6. 4 weeks ago


  7. 4 weeks ago


  8. 4 weeks ago

    It's worth it

  9. 4 weeks ago

    >blue bloods has been around for 14 years
    jesus christ

  10. 4 weeks ago

    Selleck has been acting consistently for around 45 years. How the frick could he not have enough money?

    • 4 weeks ago

      He does, in fact, he has 45 million bucks, but it's not enough!

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