Rick, the only connection between your unquestionable intelligence and the sickness destroying your family is that everyone in your family, you includ...

Rick, the only connection between your unquestionable intelligence and the sickness destroying your family is that everyone in your family, you included, use intelligence to justify sickness. You seem to alternate between viewing your own mind as an unstoppable force and as an inescapable curse. And I think it's because the only truly unapproachable concept for you is that it's your mind within your control. You chose to come here. You chose to talk—to belittle my vocation. Just as you chose to become a pickle. You are the master of your universe, and yet you are dripping with rat blood and feces. Your enormous mind literally vegetating by your own hand. I have no doubt that you would be bored senseless by therapy, the same way I'm bored when I brush my teeth and wipe my ass. Because the thing about repairing, maintaining, and cleaning is, it's not an adventure. There's no way to do it so wrong you might die. It's just work. And the bottom line is some people are okay going to work, and some people... Well, some people would rather die. Each of us gets to choose.

The Kind of Tired That Sleep Won’t Fix Shirt $21.68

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The Kind of Tired That Sleep Won’t Fix Shirt $21.68

  1. 1 month ago

    I'm not reading all that.

    • 1 month ago

      Tldr: you gotta do a lot of boring shit to live a healthy life and it's entirely up to you to control your own life

    • 1 month ago

      especially when I watched the episode.

  2. 1 month ago

    I think of the most beautiful person I'd want to frick when I read this poetry-tier common sense logic which only a moron would call science ... and then I look up at my psychiatrist and I tell her Shut up, Meg..

    Also I've been on a Hannibal Lecter watching series, anyone watched those movies? Fillmore! is also great, if only it wasn't just an animated 21 minute cartoon series, but it's great just like KND just like any 2000s show that took itself seriously.
    Unlike 2010s that are all about "Haha taking yourself seriously, what are you gay? we're all loser stoners here mang. Lol planet about to explode? just chill and smoke weed BROOO, DUUDE" God I hate the 2010s.
    I'd much rather the cheesy 90s or the corporate cheesy 80s.

  3. 1 month ago

    Season 7 made me fall asleep

  4. 1 month ago

    I don't really get why there was such a problem with this little spiel when it's objectively correct.

    • 1 month ago

      It'd be like if there was a Spongebob episode where someone said exactly what was wrong with Squidward or Plankton.

      • 1 month ago

        >comparing Rick and Morty to Sponge bob
        Are you dumb? One of them prides itself on bouncing back and forth between juvenile toilet humor and gripping character drama, and it's not the children's cartoon.

      • 1 month ago

        They did, though. There was a whole episode where the reveal is that everyone in Bikini Bottom just fricks off for the day so they don't have to deal with him. They even give him reasons why at the end of the episode.

      • 1 month ago

        I distinctly remember that happening. He said "you'll never get yer hands on me formuler".

    • 1 month ago

      It's on the nose and delivered by the writer's self insert which is obnoxiously pompous.

    • 1 month ago

      It's just a better version of the scene where Quagmire tears apart Brian, because it's not coming out of the mouth of a completely detestable roach of a human being. But a woman said it so people get angrier about it than the Quagmire scene.

      • 1 month ago

        Quagmire knows Brian, so if he had beef with Brian it would make sense why he would have all of these things to say about him. Asian lady never even met Rick until 5 seconds before she gave her blogpost about him.

        • 1 month ago

          Except every point Quagmire raises about Brian, he himself is guilty of.

          • 1 month ago

            I didn't say it worked for Quagmire/Brian. Just that between the two, at least Quagmire/Brian rant made more sense than a fricking mall therapist analyzing someone within 5 seconds of meeting them.

            It is purely a self-insert by the writer and it's so blatant to be amateurish.

        • 1 month ago


      • 1 month ago

        The only problem with the Quagmire speech is that the writers had long before gone full edge and made him a rapist, etc. Without that (huge) problem it's a cool speech where a guy who's annoying sometimes has legit problems with someone who's actually a bad person.

      • 1 month ago

        It has a similar problem to the Quagmire rant, but in a different form. It's unearned. Quagmire hadn't earned it because it made him a hypocrite, and this lady didn't earn it because she's a random side character on the outside looking in. It's not played for laughs and Rick is meant to take it seriously, like all he needed to hear to think about his actions was a stranger hitting all the bullet points of his wikipedia character synopsis in a lengthy monologue. It's self-indulgent. Also, I don't think therapists are even supposed to do that.

        I get the logic of the Quagmire scene for what it's worth.
        The character we all typically consider to be an open-and-honest butthole having their humanity brought out by the obnoxiously holier-than-thou character and takes them down a peg by brutally ripping in to their faults in a way that can't be ignored.
        If Quagmire were at the stage where he was still just a shallow womanizer, it would've worked a lot better. It would come off as a surprise uppercut from the last character you expected and the impact would be much harder as a result. Instead, it does just come off as "yeah but you're a rapist."

        • 1 month ago

          I remember reading a post ages ago that said that Cleveland would have been a much better pick over Quagmire in that scene. Cleveland's soft spoken nature makes it believable that he quietly keep a grudge secret to not upset the group. Also, him hating Brian for hitting on Lois would make sense, considering adultery ruined his marriage.

          • 1 month ago

            also the implications of Brian being racist towards black people
            >considering adultery ruined his marriage
            didn’t Cleveland sleep with his girlfriend that one time?

            • 1 month ago

              >didn’t Cleveland sleep with his girlfriend that one time?
              She didn't consider Brian her boyfriend since he never made a move.

      • 1 month ago

        I actually think that both the Quagmire speech and the therapist speech are sort of lame? They’re just the characters repeating the audience’s obvious meta complaints about other characters in a very tell, not show sort of way.

        I actually mind the therapist’s speech less overall though because it IS her actual fricking job to psychoanalyze people and because they do eventually do little character arcs with Rick even if they always backtrack and blow those all to hell, it’s something. You know damn well they will never do a goddamn thing with Family Guy so I don’t see why they should ever get brownie points for repeating the audience’s complaints about the shitty writing in the form of character Flanderization and then doubling down. Quagmire is basically just saying that Brian’s been Flanderized which he has then they do frick all about it, they don’t even keep him dead.

        • 1 month ago

          Bro, she never met Rick to psychoanalyze him. A fricking therapist providing psychoanalysis on a person they only know through hearsay from their other clients is so fricking unprofessional and unethical.

          The therapist scene would work so much better and hit harder if Rick and the mall therapist actually talked. But the way they set it up it's just a self-insert by the writer and she can't help but think she's SOO smart saying things we all know about Rick.

    • 1 month ago

      I think a lot of people still idealized Rick at this point. Plus I'm sure half of Cinemaphile has been told to go to therapy at some point so seeing Rick actually go made them mad

    • 1 month ago

      Quagmire knows Brian, so if he had beef with Brian it would make sense why he would have all of these things to say about him. Asian lady never even met Rick until 5 seconds before she gave her blogpost about him.

      It has a similar problem to the Quagmire rant, but in a different form. It's unearned. Quagmire hadn't earned it because it made him a hypocrite, and this lady didn't earn it because she's a random side character on the outside looking in. It's not played for laughs and Rick is meant to take it seriously, like all he needed to hear to think about his actions was a stranger hitting all the bullet points of his wikipedia character synopsis in a lengthy monologue. It's self-indulgent. Also, I don't think therapists are even supposed to do that.

      • 1 month ago

        What, you went to therapist school or something?

        • 1 month ago

          Is that your takeaway? Yeah, sure why not.

      • 1 month ago

        Shut up you autistic frick. You don't to earn anything to tell people something real, specially not as a therapist.

        I don't really get why there was such a problem with this little spiel when it's objectively correct.

        People that liked the "Rick is bad ass" thing and can't accept therapy as anything but beneath them, also can't accept this kind of thig.
        Rick is a meant to be above such things for some people, but when the authors threw attention to the fact that he is not in fact a victim of anything other than himself, much like most people, it hurt.

        A shame, really, the show really went to shit and I don't think it can "come back" anymore, but it was fun and, as this episode showed, self aware. Now, if people get this kind of thing wrong and empatice with Rick as he was a hero, when he is unequivocally a douche that does good from time to time, then that's a problem with the audience and not the show.

    • 1 month ago

      Think people got pissed after whichever season of Rick getting shit on by damn near everyone.
      Jerry winning in the end prob was the tipping point

    • 1 month ago

      It's lazy writing to have someone explain a character's problem TO the character. It comes off as less "This is a character seeking help and "getting it and seeking epiphany naturally" and more "My MC needs a epiphany RIGHT NOW. So I'm going to self-insert as the therapist (extra points for voicing them too) and just reading his DnD backstory back to him to keep the plot moving.".

      • 1 month ago

        The whole episode centered around him avoiding therapy. The family is "real" in that they're active with their concerns and feelings, even cutting Jerry out with divorce. They go through a lot of trauma with Rick and his adventures so going to therapy is a real thing to do. Showing Rick not getting better and explaining it's because he's so self destructive he'd do something lol random like turn himself into a pickle rather than join in therapy is funny. A therapist taking this all in and plainly explaining the problem despite its absurdity is funny.

      • 1 month ago

        It works for Rick, though, because it's such dumb and mundane and straightforward approach that it short-circuits his ridiculousness. Moments of epiphany are most effective when it transitions naturally from the character's "normal" but takes place in their "abnormal". He turns himself into a pickle and mounts a daring escape to get to a therapy session. That fulfills the criteria.

    • 1 month ago

      Just cheaply aping Soprano's bit, lame character only used to spout "self-aware" shit for pseuds to jerk off to.

      • 1 month ago

        What was said in The Sapranos? Is any character going to therapy doing a Sapranos bit?

    • 1 month ago

      Most (normie) fans actually are and agree with the way Rick is right now. It’s annoying because I really want Rick to change and grow as a person bc I think it would be very emotionally satisfying to see a wholly ironic man adopt some sincerity into his life. Now that Roiland is gone it might happen but fans hate Rick showing any growth so whose to say.

      • 1 month ago

        >Now that Roiland is gone it might happen
        You seriously think Roiland was the only issue? Harmon is too obsessed with the status quo and fails to see it doesn't work anymore if you want the characters to actually grow.
        >but fans hate Rick showing any growth
        Cause he won't be their genius always right self-insert anymore.

    • 1 month ago

      Rick and Morty fandom and Cinemaphile in general are full of contrarians. There's plenty to say you don't like about it so people who want to disagree or not like it have plenty to say. It's obnoxious and jarring even though going to therapy is what the episode is structured around.

      Also it's the writer playing therapist to a fictional character. There's a way to make that go over well and unfortunately the first step is to be a straight white male so the character speaks with more credibility and authority. The second may be having the therapist not really see the problem; agreeing with the surface level spirit of what Rick does and gently showing him the option to redirect that and change course for his family.

    • 1 month ago

      I don't really like the therapist just explaining Rick's character to the audience in a dull way.

      It's just a better version of the scene where Quagmire tears apart Brian, because it's not coming out of the mouth of a completely detestable roach of a human being. But a woman said it so people get angrier about it than the Quagmire scene.

      Quagmire's rant is better because Brian's negative traits are more subtle than Rick's so the rant might actually be enlightening to the viewer, and while the conflict did come out of nowhere Quagmire was at least an established character that's been viewing Brian's behavior for a long time. If the therapist rant came from somebody else that's been in the show for a while it would hold more weight.

    • 1 month ago

      It's basically the "you have to be really high IQ to like Rick and Morty" reddit post but done by the writers with no irony behind it.

      • 1 month ago

        No, not even close.

    • 1 month ago

      I think it's just that the direction they took Rick's character after S1 was really boring.
      Like in S1 his super geniusness is just an excuse for sci-fi plots to happen or to have the characters play with stupid inventions. It was funny that he inexplicably loved hanging out with Morty, yet at any moment he could snap at him for not understanding something completely moronic and insane, like only a genius could understand it.
      Then suddenly in season 3 we're deconstructing this guy like he's a real person with trauma who's consumed by revenge and uses nihilism as a defense mechanism and it's like what the frick are we doing here man

      • 1 month ago

        He isn't even smart in S1. In almost every episode he creates the problem he barely solves later (or doesn't). He's a parody of cartoon scientist in that he not helpful at all.

        • 1 month ago

          Yeah like the ep where he fricks up the entire world with the love potion. He's a "genius" in that he can synthesize a magical science potion but he's also a dipshit because it's a bunch of disparate bullshit that just fricks everything up. It's funny.
          If that episode happened in a later season, Rick would solve a problem like that immediately or some other plot element like a villain or something would be there to stop him

      • 1 month ago

        I'm starting to wonder if season 1 only fans are just dumb buttholes.

        They seem really really invested in the show being zany random. Like nuharley fans

        • 1 month ago

          >only fans

  5. 1 month ago

    Worst character in the show and that's saying something.

  6. 1 month ago

    I hate women more and more each passing day

    • 1 month ago

      I'm sorry to hear that, anon. Here's hoping you grow out of it soon

      • 1 month ago

        Are these supposed to be appealing designs?

    • 1 month ago

      that’s why you’ll never reproduce

      • 1 month ago

        thank God

        • 1 month ago


          • 1 month ago

            Yeah burrpppppp wubdubadubdub

            • 1 month ago

              Aw jeeeez

  7. 1 month ago

    >women try not to write themselves into other people's stories and have their character be better than everyone (Impossible)

  8. 1 month ago

    Diversity quotas were a mistake.
    Shocker, I know.

  9. 1 month ago

    I'm surprised Susan Sarandon is still voicing her after the whole "voice actors need to match who they're representing" trend

    • 1 month ago

      Warner still does raceblind casting; it's Netflix and Disney (and through their buyout of Fox, Fox) that forced the whole "characters must be voiced by an actor of the same race as the character" shit.

      And even then, certain voice actors (coughPhilLamarcough) are exempt from this bullshit at Disney.

  10. 1 month ago

    Why do I want to frick her?

    • 1 month ago

      The allure of seeing a put-together stiff let loose, also Susan Sarandon.

      • 1 month ago

        Elliot was such a little shit-stain

      • 1 month ago

        EW THAT JAW
        THAT CHIN
        b***h GO BACK TO INDIA.

        • 1 month ago

          homie are you blind? Lorraine Bracco looked great in this show, you should've seen her in Goodfellas too

  11. 1 month ago

    Was just having this character summarize Rick’s entire character supposed to be clever?

    • 1 month ago

      No, she read Rick's entire personality and told him what needed to be fixed in order to make his life more stable. It only feels like a gotcha because your own behavior resembles Rick's.

      • 1 month ago

        The writer looked at the character concept notes and pretended to be smart by writing them into dialogue.

        • 1 month ago

          There's no "pretending to be smart". Rick's not a hard guy to figure out. He's self-destructive and thinks having self-awareness about it makes him impervious to emotions. He's your typical edgy guy with a ton of baggage.

          • 1 month ago

            Exactly that why it pretending, they think that by just pointing out his character in a massive monologue that that somehow is clever and makes for a smart observation of who he is. It would be smart if Rick were a real person because that would require shit like reading his actions and looking into motives but all of who he is is dictated by the writer, he can literally be anything they want him to be a mad scientist, a grandpa, a pickle. In doing this it’s just some shallow attempt to have a clever moment of “oh here is Rick’s problem” instead of just showing it through the natural progression of the show, which is odd because they’ve done before this and it worked fine.

            • 1 month ago

              >the realization slowly creeping around the edges

              • 1 month ago

                Can we not do this, I don’t want to have a back and forth so just say it.

              • 1 month ago

                I've been wanting to say it my whole life, I have no need to say it now.
                I'm content to cease communication riiight...now.

              • 1 month ago

                So you don’t have a point but you’re pretending you do to try and come off as being intelligent? Was that the point you’re trying to make, that’s they’re doing what I just described?

            • 1 month ago

              You should probably talk to someone. Your little ESL paragraph reads like R&M fanfiction.

              • 1 month ago

                You’re the one that replied to me moron.

              • 1 month ago

                Do you wanna talk about it?

              • 1 month ago

                Why does pointing out lazy writing make you seethe so much? Are you attached to this bland therapist character? Do you find her monologue about the whacky science man to be engaging or clever? Why is it that you think it’s fan fiction when it literally does not mention anything in the show that doesn’t happen?

              • 1 month ago

                Why is it lazy? Because it effectively sums up Rick's character and your own in a simple and cohesive speech? These aren't real people, you're not supposed to get angry on Rick's behalf just because a psychologist is able to see through his persona.

              • 1 month ago

                Show don’t tell, having someone explain a persons issues in a boring monologue instead of showing them and letting the viewer come to the conclusion is lazy writing at its finest.

              • 1 month ago

                You're just mad because the speech describes you too.

              • 1 month ago

                So you can’t argue and instead you’re just going to engage in your own attempt at psychoanalysis? I guess it makes sense now you found the monologue to be clever so me saying and you find me disagreeing as an a front to your own intelligence.

              • 1 month ago

                To be fair you kinda have to have a high IQ to get her speech in the first place.

              • 1 month ago


              • 1 month ago

                Some fans just hate Rick showing any personal growth at all (or it even being hinted at). They themselves have a cynical worldview and were initially attracted to the show due to Rick’s character unbeknownst that the actual intention was to show how dysfunctional Rick’s dynamic is. Now that he’s showing some change and actually striving to become a better person (however small), they are offended because it feels like a personal attack. Which it is, because Rick and Morty fans are the worst - the ones that want it to stay the same at least.

              • 1 month ago

                When did I say that? When did I say I didn’t want Rick to grow as a person?

              • 1 month ago

                Look, if I can't be happy and well-adjusted, no one can be. NOW GET BACK IN THE FRICKING CRAB BUCKET!

    • 1 month ago

      The writer looked at the character concept notes and pretended to be smart by writing them into dialogue.

      Exactly that why it pretending, they think that by just pointing out his character in a massive monologue that that somehow is clever and makes for a smart observation of who he is. It would be smart if Rick were a real person because that would require shit like reading his actions and looking into motives but all of who he is is dictated by the writer, he can literally be anything they want him to be a mad scientist, a grandpa, a pickle. In doing this it’s just some shallow attempt to have a clever moment of “oh here is Rick’s problem” instead of just showing it through the natural progression of the show, which is odd because they’ve done before this and it worked fine.

      i think a lot of people are forgetting the therapy speech was just setup to the punchline of Rick and Beth being in denial and ignoring everything she said in the car ride home.

      • 1 month ago

        That was supposed to be a joke? And they bring her back as well and made an episode with her in the latest season?

      • 1 month ago

        It wasn't ONLY a setup to that, but yes, I do love that ending.

    • 1 month ago

      That’s what therapists do dipshit

      • 1 month ago

        No it’s not, therapist don’t go in monologues about who/what a persons problem is or summarize all their issues like that. They take information and present ideas and information so the person can figure it out on there own and then they will provide options and further ideas and info to help the cope or deal with them. Dr. Wong does some pseudo criminal psych analysis on Rick like she’s Sherlock Holmes.

        • 1 month ago

          >therapist don’t go in monologues about who/what a persons problem is or summarize all their issues like that
          That's literally their job, you fricking moron.

          • 1 month ago

            >That's literally their job, you fricking moron.
            You’ve never been to a therapist have you? There job isn’t to talk but to listen, they’re not there to tell you what is wrong but help you figure it out. What is so hard to comprehend about this?

            • 1 month ago

              >There job isn’t to talk but to listen
              Sure, but after a while they talk to you and underline your issues and hangups and tell you what you may not like to hear. That is literally their fricking job. Not sure where you get this idea that psychologists can't "judge" you. Probably some homosexual TV show.

              • 1 month ago

                >Sure, but after a while they talk to you and underline your issues and hangups and tell you what you may not like to hear
                They don’t monologue or say “here is your problem” they present them as idea for the individual to think about and decide for themselves whether it is an issue or not.
                >Not sure where you get this idea that psychologists can't "judge" you. Probably some homosexual TV show
                Oh you’re changing it to psychologist now, or do you not know the difference? Also when did I say anything about judging? Are you just making shit up now because you have nothing else to counter with?

              • 1 month ago

                Idk one of the most helpful therapists I have been to just told me what I needed to hear/repeated what I told her in a more succinct way - I was struggling with OCD so it’s a bit different but yeah. All I wanted was for a third-party unconnected to me to repeat my problems back to me and offer advice.

              • 1 month ago

                That’s not the same, that’s not psycho analyzing someone based on an hour of talk with family member that’s you’re only meeting for the first time and giving a speech. It’s basically just a medical diagnosis and listing treatment and coping options.

              • 1 month ago

                >They don’t monologue or say “here is your problem”
                You're b***hing too much about the monologue. It's a TV show, TV characters monologue, it's how they circumvent animation costs and give the VAs a chance to show their skills. Get that through your thick head. It has nothing to do with the simple fact that a psychologist told Rick exactly what he needed to hear at that time. That's what they fricking do.

              • 1 month ago

                >You're b***hing too much about the monologue. It's a TV show, TV characters monologue
                And? It was a shitty monologue, what do I have to say I was good just because it’s common?
                >Get that through your thick head. It has nothing to do with the simple fact that a psychologist told Rick exactly what he needed to hear at that time
                More like the writers just wanted to jack themselves off in the most hackneyed way possible. Also she’s a therapist not a psychologist and they’re not supposed to do shit like that. Especially when they haven’t even talked to the person prior and are basing all of it off of accounts of family members.

              • 1 month ago

                Therapists and psychologists are different. As are psychiatrists, psychotherapists and psychometricians.

              • 1 month ago

                Though most psychometricians are also psychologists, I should add that. Still different things THO.

    • 1 month ago

      It's what Rick needed to hear after going through such lengths to avoid therapy.

      • 1 month ago

        Are you just going to keep samegayging and repeating yourself?

  12. 1 month ago

    >You seem to alternate between viewing your own mind as an unstoppable force and as an inescapable curse.
    It literally is both.

  13. 1 month ago

    When will Morty be treated as Rick's equal?

    • 1 month ago

      He kind of already is by the seventh season. Rick has shown multiple times that Morty's one of the only people he values above himself, and has semi-defrosted enough to be attached to the rest of the family, even being lenient enough with Jerry.
      The difference is Morty is someone he always loved, while it took a long time for him to accept everyone else.

      • 1 month ago

        Then what was that bullshit Rick told Summer about how he respects her and views Morty as a dog who'll obey his every command no matter what? This is what frustrates me about the show. They'll claim Rick has grown and that we'll see this growth with the way he treats his family moving forward, only to then backpedal by the very next season. I could care less about Rick Prime or Evil Morty, I just want to see some actual change within the family dynamic.

        • 1 month ago

          Different writers, I guess. Every show has that. I think we all hold Rick and Morty to high standards when it's basically just sci-fi Family Guy

        • 1 month ago

          Rick treats Summer differently from Morty because she reminds Rick of his dead wife combined with the fact that Summer is way more psychopathic than Morty and that she is way more willing to enable Rick's darker impulses as a result.

        • 1 month ago

          I think you're misreading Rick's cat and dog metaphor. Morty is like a dog in that he just likes being involved. He'll complain and whine but for the most part his affection is unconditional. Summer won't do much for Rick without something in return which in turn means Rick engages with her more on that level. Like a cat Rick usually waits for her to come to him.

  14. 1 month ago

    grass tastes bad

  15. 1 month ago

    There will not be peace in this world until every shrink in existence is subjected to the same fate as the guy from Bone Tomahawk who got scalped, had his scalp nailed to his mouth, and got ripped in half Mortal Kombat style

    • 1 month ago

      You just know this poster was molested at some point in their childhood.

      • 1 month ago

        i wasn't, but hey, i'm not the one defending psychgays who can give your kids brain damage just because they feel like it

    • 1 month ago

      And people wonder why nobody takes Cinemaphile seriously?

      • 1 month ago


  16. 1 month ago

    spit on shrink frick scum

  17. 1 month ago

    Dr. Jr. is the best therapist hands down.

    • 1 month ago

      Doctor Junior?

      • 1 month ago


  18. 1 month ago

    >repairing, maintaining, and cleaning
    >There's no way to do it so wrong you might die
    Someone doesn't read the warning labels, kek.

  19. 1 month ago

    she's not saying anything wrong, here. Rick is throwing a tantrum being he doesn't want to open up to his daughter. Would people have preferred if these words were coming from a giant alien that Rick could conceivably fear?

  20. 1 month ago

    Trying to apply sensical and coherent goals and motivations to an edgy absurdist cartoon is fricking moronic.
    Rick didn't turn himself into a pickle because he "views his own mind as an inescapable curse," he did it because the writers room thought shapeshifting into a pickle was funny.

  21. 1 month ago


  22. 1 month ago

    does it bother anyone that Rick keeps abandoning and replacing his family members as if they were replacement goldfish?
    even Morty is cool with replacing his family members.

    How can Rick and Morty profess to love their family if they keep abandoning and replacing said family?

    • 1 month ago

      They addressed that in the most recent planet/universe hop that they do care about each other, to the point that no one gave a frick about Beth's Jerry when they revealed Rick randomly grabbed a Jerry instead of Beth 2's Jerry because everyone loved Jerry 3 more due to him having had the whole divorce/reconciliation arc.

      • 1 month ago

        Fricking phenomenal season opener only for the rest of the episodes to be total duds, how do they always trick me into getting excited for more cringey, unfunny slop?

  23. 1 month ago

    Because the show was having its cake and eating it too. People had caught on that there was no actual character growth in the show, so seeing this shit after 20 minutes of tryhard gore was just embarrassing. Imagine getting emotionally invested in fricking Rick, give me a break.

  24. 1 month ago

    For the life of me I still don't understand why this made some people so mad. I mean, yeah? Isn't that the whole damn point of the show?

    • 1 month ago

      Because it's unearned. You really think Rick would give a shit what a human therapist in a mall would say about him?

      • 1 month ago

        Yeah. She has his number. She nailed him.
        The whole "unearned" talk is nonsense, because being around Rick for long is a death sentence. To SOME extent his family survives, but only if you ignore how often he's had to bring them back from 99.99% death or just plain dimension hop to get a similar family from an alternate reality. And he WANTS them around, partly because Beth is the only one of them smart enough that she ever could get into his noggin, and she's too much in awe of him to ever push back. There's no opening for a character to naturally evolve and "earn" it the way people b***h and moan was needed.
        But an outsider looking at the very obvious trash fire of his life and laying out the facts is just fine. The fact that she isn't someone that he respects is irrelevant. "Pickle Rick" was arguably him at his lowest, willing to put himself through absolutely outrageous hoops and nearly dying all to avoid a short therapy session. Sitting there literally turned into a pickle and half-dead, there's nothing wrong with having Rick go "shit, she's got a point."

  25. 1 month ago

    This therapist is a piece of shit who took the side of Rick's shitty x who he went no contact with for his own mental health. His x was a piece of shit who forced herself back into Rick's life like a rapist to humiliate and traumatize Rick because she was too narcissistic and insecure to let things go and this b***h takes his x's side.

    • 1 month ago

      Well she's just a Nutritionists not an actual therapist. She's not that good.

    • 1 month ago

      She agreed with Rick. If you notice, Rick asked her to lie to get Unity's help and that's what she did. It's like you guys don't pick up on subtext at all.

      • 1 month ago

        Despite what you've been led to believe, many Rick and Morty viewers don't have high IQs at all...

    • 1 month ago

      >. His x was a piece of shit who forced herself back into Rick's life like a rapist to humiliate and traumatize Rick because she was too narcissistic and insecure to let things go and this b***h takes his x's side.

      Anon, I don't know who hurt you but making someone talk to you isn't the same as rape.

  26. 1 month ago

    not enough summerXmorty incest innuendos in this thread.

    • 1 month ago

      Why are these two shipped so much?

  27. 1 month ago
    • 1 month ago


    • 1 month ago

      Pickle Saitama

    • 1 month ago

      but why though

  28. 1 month ago
  29. 1 month ago

    >there's morons ITT analyzing this shitshow knowing well it lost any spark it had after Harmond kicked Roiland out of the writers room and replaced him with a bunch of Harvard squares
    this is why your shitty media companies are losing to japanslop. let the coomers take over this board and stop pretending there is anything else of value left to discuss here

    • 1 month ago

      Imagine caring about troons enough to sit down and draw that ugly head between a yellow ass

    • 1 month ago

      >there's morons ITT analyzing this shitshow knowing well it lost any spark it had after Harmond kicked Roiland out of the writers room and replaced him with a bunch of Harvard squares

      Roiland kicked himself out. At worst, because he felt intimidated. At best so he could focus on his game studio while also getting a check for R&M

      The team probably wanted him off the show for years given that he wasn't doing to work required for his pay

  30. 1 month ago

    Where is he now

    • 1 month ago

      the most normal one on the left
      that smile of being to close to degenerates

      • 1 month ago

        Shut up, gypsy. Learn some English.

        • 1 month ago

          okay ethen

    • 1 month ago

      Probably playing VR games in his mansion and mourning his two dead pups

  31. 1 month ago

    Therapy is israeli lies . Except for jung

  32. 1 month ago


    • 1 month ago

      We all do anon

  33. 1 month ago

    When you realize the Unity episode was written by Dan Harmon to suicide bait his ex wife it makes a lot more sense.

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