Rick was such a better character back when he his origin story wasnt real and it turned out he was just lying and pulling a genius gotcha move to get ...

Rick was such a better character back when he his origin story wasnt real and it turned out he was just lying and pulling a genius gotcha move to get rid of the galatic government, council of Rick's AND jerry in one fell swoop.
And this show was so much more entertaining, they have Rick constantly talk about how "Godlike" he is now, when this ascension moment is much more powerful than anything else he's done.
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  1. 7 months ago

    Rick my balls, OP.

  2. 7 months ago

    >Rick was better when he was a mary sue with no depth or backstory

  3. 7 months ago

    I’m a leg!

  4. 7 months ago

    i'm still mad they never explained this

    • 7 months ago

      they're leaving it ambiguous on purpose so they can change shit later for whatever reason. television does this all the fricking time.

      • 7 months ago

        but it doesn't make sense. if the backstory shown in S5E10 is canon, then rick couldn't've altered the details of it in S3E1.

        • 7 months ago

          But WAS it a memory being altered or did rick create an entire fabrication that LOOKED almost like his real memory and fabricate the details of that? Think about it.

          • 7 months ago

            Bullshit explanation that is probably not what the writers had in mind but I came up with in five minutes:

            Rick was so fixated on that traumatic event that he obsessed over every minute detail and instant of it (as seen in S6E1) to the point where he can literally recreate the entire scene within his mind as an individual story separate from the original memory. Stuff was able to be "changed" in the version he showed the fed because that version was actually a 1:1 replica of the real thing built from the ground up.

            Alternatively, he could have just "switched" out the real memory for the fake one at any time.

            Oh we hive minding today boyyyys (and girl)

          • 7 months ago

            Everything after the bomb is fabricated, it took him a while to get back on his feet and work out portal tech so he could hunt prime. He didn't scribble it into the dirt right after it happened. The scene already establishes that Rick has near complete control here so there's nothing stopping him from conjuring up a fake memory based on a real one.

            Bullshit explanation that is probably not what the writers had in mind but I came up with in five minutes:

            Rick was so fixated on that traumatic event that he obsessed over every minute detail and instant of it (as seen in S6E1) to the point where he can literally recreate the entire scene within his mind as an individual story separate from the original memory. Stuff was able to be "changed" in the version he showed the fed because that version was actually a 1:1 replica of the real thing built from the ground up.

            Alternatively, he could have just "switched" out the real memory for the fake one at any time.

            okay, but then it wasn't a "totally fabricated origin story". still feels like lazy cop-out writing.

            • 7 months ago

              >still feels like lazy cop-out writing.
              Because it is.

            • 7 months ago

              Well the actual explanation for it is that Dan Harmon wanted a backdoor excuse in case they vetoed adding backstory to Rick, but that's a boring out-of-universe answer.

        • 7 months ago

          This. Why did Rick create a false memory that was 99% true. These bugs don't know about his wife or even earth. He could made a story about being clone or from a world thay breathes farts and lives in toilet houses, literally anything

    • 7 months ago

      Everything after the bomb is fabricated, it took him a while to get back on his feet and work out portal tech so he could hunt prime. He didn't scribble it into the dirt right after it happened. The scene already establishes that Rick has near complete control here so there's nothing stopping him from conjuring up a fake memory based on a real one.

    • 7 months ago

      but it doesn't make sense. if the backstory shown in S5E10 is canon, then rick couldn't've altered the details of it in S3E1.

      Bullshit explanation that is probably not what the writers had in mind but I came up with in five minutes:

      Rick was so fixated on that traumatic event that he obsessed over every minute detail and instant of it (as seen in S6E1) to the point where he can literally recreate the entire scene within his mind as an individual story separate from the original memory. Stuff was able to be "changed" in the version he showed the fed because that version was actually a 1:1 replica of the real thing built from the ground up.

      • 7 months ago

        Everything after the bomb is fabricated, it took him a while to get back on his feet and work out portal tech so he could hunt prime. He didn't scribble it into the dirt right after it happened. The scene already establishes that Rick has near complete control here so there's nothing stopping him from conjuring up a fake memory based on a real one.

        Alternatively, he could have just "switched" out the real memory for the fake one at any time.

  5. 7 months ago

    >ₜₕᵢₛ ₘₑₛₛₐgₑ wₐₛ gₑₙₑᵣₐₜₑd wᵢₜₕ ₜₕₑ ₕₑₗₚ ₒf ₛᵤₚₑᵣ.ₐᵢ
    I just got goosebumps.

  6. 7 months ago

    Rick becoming "the smartest man in the universe" was such a moronic decision and only made it harder for them to write fun stories with rick. They should have done the opposite and started introducing "rivals" to Rick, characters who have a relatively dangerous capabilities in their own right who can give a run for his money.

    • 7 months ago

      Technically Rick is only the smartest man in a subset of infinite universes. The moment they leave that subset, there are other potential rivals. So they still can have them.

      • 7 months ago

        That's still a generally shitty idea that limits the kind of stories that can be told unless the show has to find a contrived way to make it the case.

        • 7 months ago

          Ok we'll talk with the writers and see if we can expand the possibilities.

    • 7 months ago

      Technically Rick is only the smartest man in a subset of infinite universes. The moment they leave that subset, there are other potential rivals. So they still can have them.

      "Man" is also a pretty ambiguous term and leaves open a lot of potential entities that can't be neatly classified by it

    • 7 months ago

      I wish mr. needful had become rick's recurring archnemesis. Science vs religion is a tried and true duality and you don't get alfred molina every day. Plus needful had an ok design and his mannerisms and demeanor already rivaled rick in a perfect way (rick is an butthole but cares deep down, needful is superficially kind but is in his nature to frick you over).

      Only other character that comes close is the car battery guy. Mr nimbus, story lord and hell even rick prime can't carry the dynamic as long as the devil could. Shame they resolved it in a singular episode.

  7. 7 months ago

    By the way is summer is not hot according to ep6 then how attractive is she? What does real life summer look like then? We need some AI anon to show us what mid/average looking IRL Summer looks like.

    • 7 months ago

      >What does real life summer look like then?
      What do you mean what real life summer looks like? You seriously have never seen a 5/10 girl? Just picture that in a pink top, red hair and a ponytail if you need to, you don't need AI to do that

      • 7 months ago

        I can't.

    • 7 months ago

      She’s a 6/10 still developing teenage girl, attractive just not overly so.

  8. 7 months ago

    Rick and Morty has been so bad for so long that it looks like it's on season 28 or something. But this is only season fricking 7. Even Family Guy was still watchable on season 7.

    • 7 months ago

      When they introduced a plot, they were pressured by the audience to do a serialized story, which they hated every moment of.
      The story got worse because the writers hated both themselves and the audience, for being forced to make a serialized story.
      Now that they actually finally finished the "plot", they can focus on having episodic fun again.

    • 7 months ago

      This season is the best we’ve had since Season 2.

    • 7 months ago

      The animation industry, and entertainment industry in general has become incredibly inefficient in the last 20 years. Your favorite cartoon show can go to shit in record time, nowadays.

  9. 7 months ago

    >I used to wear blue pants

  10. 7 months ago

    >RickBlack folk prefer Gary Stu Rick

  11. 7 months ago

    >Rick and Morty's first manga-inspired mission has it all: QUESTIONABLE SCIENTIFIC PROTOCOLS! STYLISH HAIRCUTS! BATTLE MECHS! SPEEDLINES!

    Rick and Morty face a foe unlike any they've seen before. Well, it's basically Jerry, but he's huge, fast, vicious, and... naked? Rick has the perfect solution: a giant mech fighting robot, perfectly designed and calibrated to take on the Jiant horde—but it needs a puny, socially isolated, 14-year-old pilot. Oh, we've got one!

    Summer, Morty, and his charming new friend Rowan navigate this violent post-apocalyptic world, where they still have to go to high school and Rick seems oddly invested in upgrading the mech with stylish new features.

  12. 7 months ago

    >origin story wasnt real and it turned out he was just lying and pulling a genius gotcha move to get rid of the galatic government, council of Rick's AND jerry in one fell swoop.
    Anon, everyone knows that the best lies are the ones with a bit of truth inside of them.
    It's literally the first and most important rule for "professional lying 101"

    • 7 months ago

      They literally explain in the episode that you CANT alter details of a memory, then they rettcon that shit by having it literally be Rick's memory 1 - 1 except for the altered details of "he didn't immediately solve the portal gun formula after Diana and Beth died" which still hasn't gotten an in show explanation besides "this show sucks and is inconsistent now," besides, every fan explanation is fricking dogshit "Rick's able to separate a memory by hyperfixating on it, turning a memory into a fantasy sequence" that's fricking stupid, do you not see how much better, how much cooler, and how much more interesting this show and this character are when Rick has no attachments besides a vague "does he or doesnt he" care about Morty

      You know what would've been more endearing as made more sense as it ties to the first two seasons? If it wasn't a cliché "wife dead" story that even the fricking writers acknowledge how cheap it is in the episode its introduced (Morty goes "what, dead wife? And Rick replies "yes, now everyone can shut up about it") and instead was that Rick abandoned his wife and daughter like an ass, regretted it years later, returned to Beth when morty was a baby, but something happened that caused that mortys family to die, leaving him and Rick, and Rick, feeling regretful for first abandoning this family and not being able to help them keeps baby morty shortly (this is when the picture of him and Rick in bird persons house is taken) before realizing he's probably not stable enough to keep baby morty to himself, so he drops him off in a dimension that that morty died young or was otherwise gone in (which later turns into the chronenburg world) Rick spends another like 14 years fricking off on solo interdimentional travels before his guilt sets in again and he goes back to where his original morty is but not their original dimension, showing why Rick has an attachment to this specific morty and no other while also not having any attachments to ---

      • 7 months ago

        -- the rest of the Smith family in that dimension, leaving them and never even bothering to attempt to retrieve them, fix their world, and seemingly never thinking of them again
        ₜₕᵢₛ ₘₑₛₛₐgₑ wₐₛ gₑₙₑᵣₐₜₑd wᵢₜₕ ₜₕₑ ₕₑₗₚ ₒf ₛᵤₚₑᵣ.ₐᵢ

  13. 7 months ago

    No, the lore has been established. Now it can turn into the Space simpsons and be milked for all of existence. The best part is if any of the main cast die or leave they can just hire sound alikes. Unlike the Simpsons

  14. 7 months ago

    A reminder that 6/10 girl-next-door types can still get it. Summer is still cute.

    • 7 months ago

      calling bullshit, those are not 6es. 7s at least. maaybe the far right one is a 6.

      • 7 months ago

        Nah dude. 6 is a little above average. They’re cute.

    • 7 months ago

      calling bullshit, those are not 6es. 7s at least. maaybe the far right one is a 6.

      Nah dude. 6 is a little above average. They’re cute.

      Summer is a Becky that thought she might pass for a low tier Stacy. 6/10 looks for girls is what 5’11 is to guys. Just under the cutoff of hot/tall.

      None of this shit means anything. If you caked them in makeup and put them on a magazine it'd look like any other model.

      • 7 months ago

        Girls can looksmaxx pretty hard but we’re talking practical day to day appearance. And it does mean something, subjectivity only plays a one point difference outside of love multiplier.

      • 7 months ago

        >If you caked them in makeup
        or used some kind of photoshop/ AI program to alter theier appereance rto make them look more pretty and sexy then they usually are, god arent woermnei ssuch b***hes guys s they used paint and fricking shit and dog frickers and womends do this thing where they are blodne bimbos and stacyes who olmny fricki wanna frick chads asnd so my looks maxx ratio isnt getting what bthe resutlts what i wnat tos sos sos so im so fricking bored of wmenoi women and i want to have sex wi8th secx wexc aiosnd women and FCKJ ia i hate WOMENsmas o WSI owjand aOWMEN WOME na dever even and even worse troonyS and women and FRICK abd as ex sex and frickL an BASED AN based and rewdp[illed and balckpilled and gdo dog pilled and its over is so sover fr its os so over its so over its over its ois so its over its so over its over its so ove ritsn oived rio t iots irts itso over its so sover its over its so over its oveer tos toci sososo ocvid err sove rso over over over oiver its over over oce rso its it s ososo soso so so iover
        ₜₕᵢₛ ₘₑₛₛₐgₑ wₐₛ gₑₙₑᵣₐₜₑd wᵢₜₕ ₜₕₑ ₕₑₗₚ ₒf ₛᵤₚₑᵣ.ₐᵢ


  15. 7 months ago

    >this show was so much more entertaining
    Not Really.
    That first episode was good but after that the rest of the season was mid.
    Remember, that was where the "Am I evil?" "Worse, you're intelligent" line came from

  16. 7 months ago

    Summer is a Becky that thought she might pass for a low tier Stacy. 6/10 looks for girls is what 5’11 is to guys. Just under the cutoff of hot/tall.

  17. 7 months ago


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