>risk class-action lawsuits by sacrificing hundreds of employees as guinea pigs

>risk class-action lawsuits by sacrificing hundreds of employees as guinea pigs
>throw away expensive interstellar tow ship and refinery (plus cargo)
>put terraforming engine at risk (and lose it)

Why is Weyland-Yutani so obsessed with getting the xenomorph?

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  1. 12 months ago

    I guess for research/weaponization purposes. They're a megacorporation that has more influence than the government they are technically subordinate to. It's like if Blackrock, the entire MI complex and Pfizer were one company.

    • 12 months ago

      >I guess for research/weaponization purposes
      >Xenomorphs are taken down by weapons they already have

    • 12 months ago

      I think it’s more to do with genetic engineering. I know they harp on about using them as a weapon in all the movies but that seems moronic for obvious reasons. My headcannon is that they were trying to reverse engineer the genetic refinement process that the Handsome Squidward aliens implemented.

  2. 12 months ago

    the ROI is simply that good

    • 12 months ago


      • 12 months ago

        imagine the sex

        • 12 months ago

          Imagine sex

  3. 12 months ago

    First movie, it was their first time encountering extraterrestrial life and they wanted Ash to bring back whatever was found. Didn't care about the crew but didn't exactly expect the ship to be destroyed either.

    Second movie, it's a whole new group of people who weren't even alive when the first even happened. They don't even know nor believe the aliens exist. Ripley's story intrigues Burke though and he wants to look into it but secretly to hopefully keep any benefits to himself. That doesn't go well and destroys the colony. Then he wants to try to cover it up while also securing any samples to hopefully still profit off of it.

    • 12 months ago

      >Moshe Burkestein

      a little on the nose, Cameron

    • 12 months ago

      Don't the marines mention another alien species in the 2nd movie?

      • 12 months ago


        alien life wasn't unknown of by Aliens

        • 12 months ago

          They complain that the mission is a "bug hunt," implying that they've had to deal with alien wildlife before.

          I'm not sure if the line about Arcturian poontang was meant to meant to refer to an alien race, or just a human colony known for its bawds, like how Thailand is.

          Yup. They refer to other alien life being discovered a few times.

          Neat, I'd like to see more of the other alien life in the setting.

      • 12 months ago

        it isn't clear what they're talking about. It could very well be colonists on some world that for whatever reason seem androgynous or feminine to them
        I like the idea that there is no other extraterrestrial life known in the Alien universe as it makes the encounter a lot more impactful

        • 12 months ago

          But Earth has been regularly visited by Predators for thousands of years, that's how Earthlings developed such advanced spacefaring technology.

      • 12 months ago

        They complain that the mission is a "bug hunt," implying that they've had to deal with alien wildlife before.

        I'm not sure if the line about Arcturian poontang was meant to meant to refer to an alien race, or just a human colony known for its bawds, like how Thailand is.

        • 12 months ago

          >implying that they've had to deal with alien wildlife before.
          Implies nothing of the sort. Why would they think there would be some sort of "alien bugs" there and that these things would be such a non-issue that they'd be bored by fighting them? He's asking if they will finally see some action or if this will be yet another mission where nothing happens and they don't find anything to fight.

      • 12 months ago


        alien life wasn't unknown of by Aliens

        No. They don't. What they DO do is scoff and roll their eyes like a dozen fricking times when anyone brings up the idea that aliens are real.

      • 12 months ago

        Yup. They refer to other alien life being discovered a few times.

      • 12 months ago

        It's implied that aliens (not the xenos or space jockeys) have already been encountered and they have procedures in place for what to do when meeting new species. I think it's deliberate that the characters don't show much surprise.

        • 12 months ago

          Good point.

          Let's say you actually had this happen to you. You found the first aliens humanity has ever encountered, one of the crew almost died, but its ok. everything's ok. Breakfast time.

          What do you talk about? THE ALIENS. Like you guys are going to be obsessed. You're all getting interviews on every TV network when you get home, you're all getting book deals. Literally it is the only possible topic of conversation about how insane what just happened to you is and how it changes your lives and the lives of of everyone...

          Instead they're shooting the shit like its another wednesday.

          • 12 months ago

            Kane was excited. The rest were creeped out and ready to go home.

          • 12 months ago

            >Instead they're shooting the shit like its another wednesday.
            It basically was. They thought all they'd found was more primitive life.

      • 12 months ago

        There’s a reference early in Alien, before they go down to the moon/planet, to the beacon being human or not (and Dallas says “unknown”). That alone makes clear that humans are aware of aliens at that point in time, IMO. Clearly, by the time arcturians are referenced in Aliens (and the round table where “indigenous life” is shot down because IQs have dropped sharply), aliens are a fairly common occurrence.

        • 12 months ago

          Good point.

          Let's say you actually had this happen to you. You found the first aliens humanity has ever encountered, one of the crew almost died, but its ok. everything's ok. Breakfast time.

          What do you talk about? THE ALIENS. Like you guys are going to be obsessed. You're all getting interviews on every TV network when you get home, you're all getting book deals. Literally it is the only possible topic of conversation about how insane what just happened to you is and how it changes your lives and the lives of of everyone...

          Instead they're shooting the shit like its another wednesday.

          The assumption is YES, there is other alien life. In Aliens they refer to scanning over 700 worlds and not finding anything like Ripley described. The issue isn’t that Ripley found a life form, it’s that the type of life form she describes is too far fetched to be believed. Also, later in the film, wiping out alien life is clearly so common-place the marines even have a slang for it- ‘another bug hunt’, the word ‘another’ being important.

          more good points

          "To be perfectly frank, we've surveyed over three hundred worlds and no one's ever reported a creature which, using your words... (read from Ripley's statement)...'gestates in a living human host' and has 'concentrated molecular acid for blood'".
          That's the line, see the whole scene here: https://youtu.be/rkBhLjwuq20

          The executives are saying that no world has reported a creature like the xeno, but some have reported creatures. If they hadn't, the line would have been '300 worlds with no reported creatures'.

          • 12 months ago

            >The executives are saying that no world has reported a creature like the xeno, but some have reported creatures. If they hadn't, the line would have been '300 worlds with no reported creatures'.
            Nice catch.

          • 12 months ago

            Then why would they be so incredulous about an alien lifeform at all? She'd be the first report they're looking for. And since they have encountered so many others, they'd be accepting and eager to go check it out. So no, there are no aliens, and they are extremely dismissive since that's the case. They've never found anything, and they never expect to, so it'd be a big waste of time and money to look into this obviously insane woman's claim.

            • 12 months ago

              >Then why would they be so incredulous about an alien lifeform
              They were incredulous about her description.
              The lady in the board room at the beginning says "you found something never recorded once in over 300 surveyed worlds... a creature that gestates inside a living human host..."
              To me the way she says that makes it clear that they have encountered aliens before but specifically not ones that reproduce like the xenos do.

          • 12 months ago

            You can read it that way, based especially on Ripley's function in the story: the entire point of Ripley's character is that she's Cassandra, she knows what's going to happen and no one believes her until it's too late.

            But in order to read the film (Aliens) this way, you have to ignore slight evidence that they have in fact encountered other alien species. The company woman does not say "we have never yet found extraterrestrial life anywhere else in the universe", she only says that they haven't seen the sort of specimen that Ripley is describing. This can be taken to mean that life elsewhere in the universe has been found to exist, (maybe something boring like small animals/plants/benign micro-organisms), but nothing like what she says. Also the marines speak of a "bug hunt". This can be taken to mean that they have in fact exterminated extraterrestrial life forms in past missions, but nothing nearly as dangerous as this. OTOH we could read it your way and "bug hunt" could just mean a fictitious hunt, a wild goose chase. And by the point of the third film (which happens basically at the same time as Aliens), Fury 161 definitely has extraterrestrial life in the form of nasty xeno-lice, and this would definitely be known to the company. In fact, those lice are definitive canon evidence that the company and humanity in general are aware of the existence of extraterrestrial life (even if it's boring life) by the time of the events of Aliens. The inmates were there for years, toward the end of Ripley's long hibernation.

            It's much more ambiguous than you would like to believe.

            • 12 months ago

              >definitive canon evidence
              Sorry, but you're wrong since Alien 3 is not canon and essentially a hypersleep nightmare.

      • 12 months ago

        The assumption is YES, there is other alien life. In Aliens they refer to scanning over 700 worlds and not finding anything like Ripley described. The issue isn’t that Ripley found a life form, it’s that the type of life form she describes is too far fetched to be believed. Also, later in the film, wiping out alien life is clearly so common-place the marines even have a slang for it- ‘another bug hunt’, the word ‘another’ being important.

        • 12 months ago

          yeah it's fairly obvious

        • 12 months ago

          Assumption is NO.

          there's literally nothing in the first two alien movies to say that there's other alien lifeforms known to Earth and plenty of lines to imply there isn't and I don't understand why it's so important to some of you to say there are. I think you're getting your head mixed up with extended universe comics and want to tie that into the movies or whatever reason

          What this homosexual said.
          They haven't found any other aliens any other explanation is reddit tier.
          >Acturian poon tang!
          Are we suppose to believe they were fricking aliens? Is that more likely than him having fricked a troony colonist?

          • 12 months ago

            >Are we suppose to believe they were fricking aliens?
            It's a weird line and seems to have been partially-improvised. Cameron's script only has Frost (Wierzbowski in the script) saying, "I sure wouldn't mind getting some more of that Arcturian poontang," with no response from anyone. The way it reads in the script, it definitely seems like he's talking about colonists. In the movie, with the, "But the one you had was a male," followed by, "It doesn't matter if it's Arcturian," it comes off like they're talking about some type of alien.

            • 12 months ago

              Arcturian was the troony of the time.

      • 12 months ago

        Extended universe,
        In some of the books they've encountered alien life before, But most of it is just analogues of things we have on earth, Weird looking deer, big bugs kinda thing.

        Also Predators might be part of the alien universe.
        And if we're going to get into the Comics then frick man, theres billions of fricking aliens.

        • 12 months ago

          Seriously. The galaxy is so full of xenos that humans are the weird creatures

  4. 12 months ago

    they were simply trying to avoid the bonus situation

    • 12 months ago

      were bonuses ruining the company?

      • 12 months ago

        Yep like twitch broken business model that couldn't afford to pay the wages.
        Alien was paid to reduce wages by creating industrial incident leading to fatalities.

  5. 12 months ago

    there's literally nothing in the first two alien movies to say that there's other alien lifeforms known to Earth and plenty of lines to imply there isn't and I don't understand why it's so important to some of you to say there are. I think you're getting your head mixed up with extended universe comics and want to tie that into the movies or whatever reason

    • 12 months ago

      Exactly. And if alien life were all over, there'd be plenty of other hostile creatures and no one would mock Ripley's story or act like it was so outlandish to be unbelievable. Plus they wouldn't need her to come along.

  6. 12 months ago

    Weyland Yutani being omniscient and moronic comes from the comics and games. Same with the marines fighting other aliens prior to Aliens

  7. 12 months ago

    What about the bonus situation?

  8. 12 months ago

    I mean it's simple they can make all that expensive shit they can't make a fricking alien. Who knows what the frick you could do with the alien, probably use its jizzum to cure AIDs or some shit.

  9. 12 months ago

    You would figure Weyland Yutani would be more interested in the crashed ship than the xenomorphs.

    • 12 months ago

      Yeah no one is even that surprised by the crashed ship in Alien.

      It's like they've seen this stuff before and it's no big deal.

    • 12 months ago

      Burke WAS primarily interested in the ship. He sent them to go verify it was there, and Newt's parents were really excited about finding it. They even wanted to verify that they'd get a piece of the profits. Burke just didn't want to raise a stink about the possible alien eggs, so didn't include that part and got everyone fricked up.

  10. 12 months ago

    Did they ever question why the aliens look so much like human genitalia?

    • 12 months ago

      the aliens dont look like human genitalia, human genitalia looks like the aliens because everything was made from the black goo

  11. 12 months ago

    Was he human or a robot?

    • 12 months ago

      >was the robot a robot
      idk anon, do you have a pulse?

  12. 12 months ago

    >Why is Weyland-Yutani so obsessed with getting the xenomorph?
    Engineers with the Xenosuits were chasing physical immortality. Their synthetic black goo could be the key.

  13. 12 months ago

    >Why is Weyland-Yutani so obsessed with getting the xenomorph?
    they created it and were trying to get it back before it could be traced back to them, thus making them liable for all the bloodshed

  14. 12 months ago

    >Class Action Lawsuits
    Lol, this homie thinks people will have the means to effectively prosecute corporations in the near to distant future!

    Also before Prometheus retconned it, obviously they're just an evil corporation trying to capture and commodify something so alien that its potential was unknown and therefore limitless

    • 12 months ago

      they weren't evil at all until the shitty third movie tried to retcon it

      • 12 months ago

        >Hide a robot among your employees with a directive that essentially says "if it seems like it's worth it kill them"
        >Not evil

      • 12 months ago

        How were they evil in Alien 3?

  15. 12 months ago

    Earth is overrun by millions of Xenos. How do you even win?

    • 12 months ago

      >we will never get an Earth War movie that's actually set in the right Alien timeframe instead of modern Earth, and has the dark retro-futuristic cities that match the Alien aesthetic with practical models
      It sucks so much. Alien Isolation knew how it's supposed to look. But the movies and tv show just keep getting it wrong

  16. 12 months ago

    I just now after fricking 40 years realized those grey triangles are the Y in Yutani.

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