Ruby Gillman Spoilers

>watched the movie last night in an early screening test
Will not hide the replies because I'm phoneposting so enter at your own risk

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  1. 12 months ago

    Is she cute and funny?

  2. 12 months ago

    What are the plot twists?

    • 12 months ago

      Zero, Chelsea was manipulating Ruby into giving her the location of the trident and we learn that she isn't a teenager but an ancient mermaid, gets BTFO by Ruby.
      Yeah the movie itself is THAT bad.

      • 12 months ago

        Is it true Chelsea is the last of her kind?

      • 12 months ago

        Nah Chelsea knew where it was she just couldn't get to it

      • 12 months ago

        >watched the movie last night in an early screening test
        Will not hide the replies because I'm phoneposting so enter at your own risk

        Well I'm glad it's bombing. The plot sounds offensively bad.

      • 12 months ago

        How does Ruby BTFOs Chelsea?

        • 12 months ago


      • 12 months ago

        Where is my lesbian fish movie?

        • 12 months ago

          out in 9 days

        • 12 months ago

          have a nice day homosexual

        • 12 months ago

          It's still in Kickstarter but rest assured it's coming not a feature-length film though, only a couple minutes long.

        • 12 months ago

          I don't care as much about there being no yuri but the fact that Chelsea doesn't get redeemed makes me angry.
          I just got it. Chel-sea.

          >not enjoying hatesex yuri
          This is why Catra was so shit. When will people let lesbian ships not be cute? I'd rather have a villain than a forced "they did nothing wrong" good girl.

      • 12 months ago

        you mean a villain played completely straight is not in and of itself better than a twist villain, sympathetic antagonist or a narrative with no villain at all? how will the youtube essay community ever recover

        • 12 months ago

          Well the issue is they gave away the whole plot in the reveal
          Like, frick - the Mario movie was more ambiguous than this. They fricked up their advertising more than anything else

        • 12 months ago

          Its about depth, theme and the complexity of which the antagonist interacts with the protagonist. The villain can be compeltly evil or misunderstood but they must have some level of complexity. If done well the interactions between antagonist and protag will become extremely compelling especially if they push each other to their limits.

          For a compelling story both the antagonist and protag need to have layers to play off each other.

          Good examples
          - There will be blood
          - Capefear (remake)
          -The Favourite

          Animated Examples
          -Kung Fu panda 2 kfp1 is a bit weaker but still engaging
          - Hunchback of Notre Dame
          -The last Air bender Aang vs Zuko, then Zuko Vs Azula. You know that last Agni Kai was extremely compelling
          >Toy story
          I dont beleive modern animation houses are currently capable of successfully making a story without real villains.The generational truama story has been done to death, now every parent in a disney film is screaming "You think you can do these things but you cant, Nemo!!".

        • 12 months ago

          Its about depth, theme and the complexity of which the antagonist interacts with the protagonist. The villain can be compeltly evil or misunderstood but they must have some level of complexity. If done well the interactions between antagonist and protag will become extremely compelling especially if they push each other to their limits.

          For a compelling story both the antagonist and protag need to have layers to play off each other.

          Good examples
          - There will be blood
          - Capefear (remake)
          -The Favourite

          Animated Examples
          -Kung Fu panda 2 kfp1 is a bit weaker but still engaging
          - Hunchback of Notre Dame
          -The last Air bender Aang vs Zuko, then Zuko Vs Azula. You know that last Agni Kai was extremely compelling
          >Toy story
          I dont beleive modern animation houses are currently capable of successfully making a story without real villains.The generational truama story has been done to death, now every parent in a disney film is screaming "You think you can do these things but you cant, Nemo!!".

          Honestly I think the simplest thing to make a villain work is this
          A villain can be complex or shallow
          A villain can be threatening or mostly harmless
          A villain can be bleak or colorful
          But a villain can never ever be boring

          • 12 months ago

            I like villains who genuinely think they're the hero of their own story. It doesn't have to be a sad story, it doesn't have to be a big misunderstanding, but give me the villains who are genuinely convinced they're right (be it superiority, conquering, whatever)

        • 12 months ago

          Chelsea WAS a "twist villain" but
          1. They revealed the twist in the trailers (fricking morons)
          2. It just feels... off. Having it turn out that racist granma was right and the whole mermaid race deserved extinction just doesn't feel satisfying for the tone of the movie elsewhere. Frankly the "unlikely friends" stuff with Chelsea and Ruby was almost the only enjoyable thing to watch.
          It's just not a good movie. There's no hard rule as to whether "played straight" or "twist" villains are better. It's how well do they work in the story overall. This was not a movie that benefited from "and then it turns out the traditionally beautiful girl really is pure evil."

          • 12 months ago

            >Having it turn out that racist granma was right and the whole mermaid race deserved extinction just doesn't feel satisfying for the tone of the movie elsewhere.
            Same energy

            >Early viewing completely smothers what little delusional excitement there was for the movie

            I said this before and I'll say it again
            I blame The Last Wish for getting people's hopes up that there was more to the movie than meets the eye

            • 12 months ago

              I warned 'em. I warned 'em that Dreamworks may have made Last Wish but they also made Boss Baby and Trolls.
              Remember Trolls? The movie where the villains are horrible monsters that eat Trolls because nothing else makes them happy? And then the resolution is the Trolls going "have you tried singing? Dancing? Skating? HAVE YOU EVER TRIED LITERALLY ANYTHING ELSE?!?" and it turns out the villains hadn't, so hurrah, the day was saved?
              Dreamworks made a few good movies. They've made more bad and mediocre ones.
              This is the first pro-genocide one I can think of though.
              Although Prince of Egypt was very much in favor of killing first borns.

              • 12 months ago

                >Although Prince of Egypt was very much in favor of killing first borns.
                The Egyptians were given 11 warnings okay

              • 12 months ago

                I'm pretty sure the average man-in-the-street Egyptian with a son wasn't even consulted.

              • 12 months ago

                Call it reactionary but this sticks out more
                Most bad Dreamworks movies, we know are bad from a mile away and just move on
                This though?
                Okay, yeah the signs of it being bad were obvious but the standards The Last Wish left were so enormous, the shipping art before release was 90% of the attention the movie got, and so many reasons as flimsy as they were lead to people convinced there'd be more to the film than the first trailer suggested
                >It's alll a red herring
                >DreamWorks knows better than to spoil an entire film like this
                >The grandma being racist is clearly meant to be set up as a bad thing
                >That short promotional teaser of Ruby and Chelsea claiming the trident is cute and it means they're gonna be friends
                >Anon's early impressions from the rough unfinished trailer means it's an unlikely friends story past prejudice
                Really, unless I'm not remembering correctly this feels like the biggest blatant frick-up DreamWorks had marketing wise and executive meddling wise

              • 12 months ago
            • 12 months ago

              What's Grandma's garbage day policy?

              • 12 months ago

                Throw it back to the surface dwellers?

              • 12 months ago

                The day the movie comes out

          • 12 months ago

            >1. They revealed the twist in the trailers (fricking morons)
            They didn't really have a choice
            Only one would be to not have Chelsea at all (not sure how much footage you'd have left at that point though)
            It was either
            >Spoil the twist
            >Not spoil the twist and show the two being friends only to pull it under the rug and disappoint everyone who just wanted a heckin fun platonic girl friends story
            I'm not sure if there would've been more shipping had the latter been done instead

            • 12 months ago

              No. Stop that. It would've been shockingly easy to show a few scenes of Ruby finding out about her superpowers and hanging with her "bit of a bad influence" friend that encourages her to cut loose. You did not need to spoil the twist. Frick's sake man, she's not revealed as the villain until late in the movie, there was a lot of footage to pick from without showing the twist.
              The marketing people are idiots that spoiled the movie, it really is that simple.

              • 12 months ago

                Okay I'll just take your word for it

          • 12 months ago

            I'm starting to wonder if the writer is one of those ugly artsy girls that got bullied by Stacies. Who wrote this?

            • 12 months ago

              Director's a guy
              Two of the writers are men
              One of the writer's a woman who has worked on South Park
              Well that explains where the racist grandma being right comes from
              You think she's made jokes about that?

              • 12 months ago

                So that makes one writer who will never let go of her envy of Stacy and two writers who will go to their graves seething that Stacy went out with Chad instead of them.

          • 12 months ago

            >It just feels... off. Having it turn out that racist granma was right and the whole mermaid race deserved extinction just doesn't feel satisfying for the tone of the movie elsewhere. Frankly the "unlikely friends" stuff with Chelsea and Ruby was almost the only enjoyable thing to watch.
            Are you a liberal or a minority or something? Because that's something only someone who is too much into that line of thinking would say.

            • 12 months ago

              >Only a liberal could think something doesn't fit the tone of a movie

              Anon, the movie's a mess. And it's unsurprising, because it started out as a TOTALLY different movie. Just a straightforward comedy about a dorky family with a bit of focus on the teenage daughter since she was having the most difficulty reconciling her heritage with the human world she was growing up in. The stuff with her having a bestie that turns out to be from a whole race that are evil-enough-to-warrant-extermination, with a superhero kaiju battle last act? It doesn't sit well, at least partly because it's something literally grafted onto the story by corporate executives who had green-lit the original version then decided there needed to be an action/superhero element in there.

            • 12 months ago

              >Racism is le bad
              >Peace and understanding is solution
              >No wait, racism is not bad
              >Race war now
              In a parody it's hilarious
              In a kids movie though?
              It's tone-deaf

          • 12 months ago

            Were Ruby's human friends one-dimensional or had genuine chemistry with her?

            • 12 months ago

              1D. Bad. Bad characters.
              The family were all rightish. You could tell that the writers were dragged kicking and screaming away from the original premise of it being about a funny/weird/adorkable family, and tried to keep as much of the original movie as they could.

              • 12 months ago

                So the best part of the whole movie with the most potential for growth is nothing but a complete ruse for cheap hollow drama with very unfortunate implications for a kids film
                Also wasn't a Spongebob writer originally involved this film?
                I could see that sort of tone fit with the original vision

              • 12 months ago

                Paul tibbit? Not that I don't trust his capabilities as a director, but he's the same dude that came up with the scrapped storyline for a spongebob movie that involved gary being from another planet, alien cats and a celebrity president. On the surface it looks interesting but I can see why the film got scrapped, it's just way too absurd as a concept.

          • 12 months ago

            pro genocide movie in 2020s? this movie is breaking all kinds of barriers

          • 12 months ago

            >Having it turn out that racist granma was right and the whole mermaid race deserved extinction just doesn't feel satisfying for the tone of the movie elsewhere.
            Same energy

            I said this before and I'll say it again
            I blame The Last Wish for getting people's hopes up that there was more to the movie than meets the eye

            Basically this. They made a dorky teenager coming of age film, with a wallflower making a friend and starting to come out of her cocoon... and then they threw in a twist "psyche, your bff can't be your friend because she's from a demonrace that can't be trusted. Around fin-backs never relax!"
            It's like two very different movies were in a teleporter accident and were fused into a hideous new entity.

            • 12 months ago

              >It's like two very different movies were in a teleporter accident and were fused into a hideous new entity.
              I mean, judging by the speculation surrounding the original title, synopsis, and director change, it most definitely was

            • 12 months ago

              This fricking movie, I feel bad for poor Brundlefly. I expected horror but this film was also a tragic love story.

        • 12 months ago

          People tend to forget that Jack Horner wasn't the only villain in Puss in Boots.
          >b-but Wolf was an antagonist
          He wanted to kill Puss for most of the fricking film, that makes him a villain.

          • 12 months ago

            that movie had goldilocks as an opponent as well

          • 12 months ago

            you mean a villain played completely straight is not in and of itself better than a twist villain, sympathetic antagonist or a narrative with no villain at all? how will the youtube essay community ever recover

            Jack Horner and Chelsea are both supposed to be delightfully evil villains but the difference is that Horner's an actual threat from the start and we actually do understand his life or privilege
            There's no "tragic backstory", it's outright played as a joke since it's something as petty as being envious of Pinochio
            As little as we know about Chelsea, even considering she was the queen we have an idea that her whole ass kingdom fell apart and is as far as we know, one of if not the last of her kind
            Whether or not they had it coming, it's still paints her in a far less powerful light than Horner who has a crap ton of resources and power to serve as a punchable threat and doesn't even have something as potentially sympathetic

          • 12 months ago

            If they just revealed Chelsea as bad from the start instead of doing a twist reveal it would've worked. The whole reason the wolf works is because he's portrayed bad the whole movie, that's his character. You're supposed to be scared of him when he's on screen. Chelsea just doesn't work because the whole movie portrays her as this girl trying to help ruby, and then they do a 180 om her character by being like "actually I was just tricking you all along!" Like the movie just leaves me wanting a version where that didn't happen at all and that ending is scrapped

            • 12 months ago

              She's obviously vain and manipulative from the very start. The problem is that she's also shown to be sympathetic and pitiable. Hence the disconnect. She's evil in spite of herself. But she's also human in spite of herself.

              • 12 months ago

                I think it's that we've seen plenty of modern media subvert the alpha girl being a total c**t trope the second they show something even remotely sympathy worthy that to see the twist have it be played straight after those sympathy moments make it jarring

              • 12 months ago

                I mean, it's a twist i guess, but the unlikely friendship was literally the only enjoyable part of the movie. Shooting yourself in the foot is a shitty twist.

              • 12 months ago

                best explanation i've seen so far, this perfectly describes the whole shit they did that ruined this movie

              • 12 months ago

                best explanation i've seen so far, this perfectly describes the whole shit they did that ruined this movie

                Can't wait for the inevitable "Ruby Gillman but it's just Ruby and Chelsea being friends" video

              • 12 months ago

                I'm willing to bet we've already seen most of the "being friends" on youtube already.

              • 12 months ago

                Dude who saw it. No, you haven't. They spend a "wow, really?" amount of time on them being friends, which makes it all the more jarring when we get the "I was just using you all along and will be treated as a Marvel supervillain from this moment forward" heelturn. The writers put a lot of effort into making the two feel like a fun pair of friends (okay one was a bad influence and you could've done something with that without her turning Full Dr. Doom).

              • 12 months ago

                The "bad influence" angle could've worked
                Just have Ruby's family get paranoid (even throw in "she totally must be the mermaid queen back for revenge" as a joke when someone else points out how stupid that is) when in reality Chelsea's simply just a troubled kid with problems and needs help

              • 12 months ago

                I'd say you could have done it just played straight that Chelsea's just too reckless with powerful shit. Ruby fighting her friend who got her hands on a powerful artifact and is just going "woo, power rules! Take THAT school cafeteria! Smashy smashy!" A failed friendship because one gre up without a family and now lacks a good moral grounding >>>>>>>>>>> a failed friendship because one is secretly an ancient b***hqueen of an eeeevil race, who is out to CONQUER THE WORLD.

                Less manipulative Ursula, more that kid Pinocchio befriended on Pleasure Island that doled out awful self-serving advice enthusiastically.

              • 12 months ago

                Lampwick was an ass, for sure.

              • 12 months ago

                He still didn't deserve the salt mines Carlos

              • 12 months ago

                Frick it, have it end with the trident's destruction knocking Chelsea out and Ruby shrinks down and saves her despite what happened to their friendship
                She still gets punished of course and probably serves time in sea prison but it ends their friendship on a more bittersweet note with room for redemption rather than outright obliterating it

          • 12 months ago

            An antagonist isn't necessarily a villain. That said, I agree with you.

      • 12 months ago

        I don't care as much about there being no yuri but the fact that Chelsea doesn't get redeemed makes me angry.
        I just got it. Chel-sea.

        • 12 months ago

          Anon, Shell-Sea

      • 12 months ago

        Do Kraken's get extended life spans or just Mermaids?

      • 12 months ago

        An ancient mermaid? Like...23? Scandalous!

        • 12 months ago

          She's at least as old as Ruby's mom

  3. 12 months ago

    Does he win? I know for a fact a lot of people stopped wanting to see the movie once he popped up in the trailers.

    • 12 months ago

      Yeah at the end he and Ruby agree to go on a date, really lame ending for a lame movie

    • 12 months ago

      lmao, they could not have used a more stereotypical black guy design there.

      • 12 months ago

        To be fair... Shorty is based

        • 12 months ago

          'cause he's meant to be a genuinely mockery to the black token trope.

          • 12 months ago

            And that whats makes the character funny

    • 12 months ago

      why does the human looks less human than the sea monster

      • 12 months ago

        > why does the human looks less human than the sea monster
        Umbriago! I’m mortified! I know he’s not good looking folks. But what’s one opinion against a MILLION!?


    • 12 months ago

      they don't even kiss it just becomes a dance party ending

      • 12 months ago

        I imagine it'd be hard to kiss with that 5 inch schnoz

        • 12 months ago

          >that Grubhub creatura has a huge nose
          >Ruby doesn't have a nose and is also a squishy squid kid with no bones
          >his nose ends up pushing Ruby's face in during the kiss
          Okay, I chuckled.

        • 12 months ago

          Trying not to vomit probably makes it difficult, sure.

        • 12 months ago

          Ruby's face is soft and squishy, there won't be a problem

    • 12 months ago

      i don't even care if they made him black. why can't they just at least make him look ,you know, like a human. it's not like they can't, i mean chelsea looks normal

  4. 12 months ago

    Was it good?

    • 12 months ago

      Its was alright, pretty standard.

    • 12 months ago

      Looking like it's "all right" if you thought the Mario Movie was "all right."
      So it's dogshit even for kid movie standards.

  5. 12 months ago

    How much did your movie ticket cost?

  6. 12 months ago


    • 12 months ago

      froggydoodles on tumblr

      • 12 months ago

        Thank you!

  7. 12 months ago

    Was anyone eating beans?

    • 12 months ago

      Was George Wendt watching?

      • 12 months ago


  8. 12 months ago

    Will it beat Spiderverse box office and at the academy?

  9. 12 months ago

    Any gays, troons, enbies?

    • 12 months ago

      Rubys black friend was asked out to prom by a girl offscreen and it was treated like normal although it was bunched with two of her friends going out together (straight)
      There is a scene where they talk about prompoosals and how they need to be extravagant and you just see a girl to girl promposal I didn't see it all because of how busy the shot was but there was at least one
      Didn't notice any rainbows or obvious troons (since they all look like it)

      Well I'm glad it's bombing. The plot sounds offensively bad.

      its not out yet but yea its probably going to bomb since people are too used to existing works although they hate it plus they might be turned off from what seems like a lesbian coupling

      • 12 months ago


      • 12 months ago

        >plus they might be turned off from what seems like a lesbian coupling
        I'm more turned off by the Black worship.
        Would have given it a watch if it wasn't for that.

        • 12 months ago

          kinda same here, but heck i don't even care if the guy is black... but that guy isn't black, that guy isn't even human, heck Ruby is more human than him, and that offends me, it offends me the girl fighting to fit in human society ends dating someone who should be send to Area 51 for experimenting.

          • 12 months ago

            Area 51 already has enough to worry about, send him to Area 52.

  10. 12 months ago

    Sounds good

  11. 12 months ago

    How genuine was Chelsea's apology?

  12. 12 months ago

    Any good fetish shit?

    • 12 months ago

      what do you consider "good"?

      • 12 months ago

        If there’s nothing that stands out there probably isn’t any then

        • 12 months ago

          Nah what I consider good might but be shit but there is stuff out there.

  13. 12 months ago

    >Canon is so shit that people will only remember this movie for the fanon lesbian ship
    Welp, they had their chance to make something good and they completely blew it.

    • 12 months ago

      This. Have the movie be about Ruby trying to get an ancient artifact or a way for the krakens to win the war with the mermaids by befriending Chelsea only to slowly fall for her which creates the conflict of the movie

    • 12 months ago

      This. Have the movie be about Ruby trying to get an ancient artifact or a way for the krakens to win the war with the mermaids by befriending Chelsea only to slowly fall for her which creates the conflict of the movie

      If Cinemaphile wasn't such lazy bastards I'd tell you guys to pull a Snoot Game

  14. 12 months ago

    How was the original soundtrack?

  15. 12 months ago

    Oh NOW you buttholes want lesbians

    • 12 months ago

      >Movie ads tease lesbians
      >Movie gets released
      >"Well we were wrong, even lesbians were a better option than the final product"

      • 12 months ago

        >Movie ads tease lesbians
        >Tease lesbians
        Fricking where

        • 12 months ago

          have you seen the adds they've been releasing lately? They rarely focus on anything else but Ruby and Chelsea's relationship. Ruby's family, friends, and even love interest? Nah, don't mind those.

        • 12 months ago

          Listening, shipping delusions is okay when Cinemaphile does it.

    • 12 months ago

      Most lesbian relationships in cartoons are either abusive OR only exist because the male protagonist got kicked to the curb. It's kind of funny how Sailor Moon still does better than any of these so called progressive cartoons.

      • 12 months ago

        >imagine writing lesbian couple like you write any healthy straight relationship
        Said a cartoon writer never.

      • 12 months ago

        How was the Owl House one? I didn’t watch the show but afaik that one wasn’t super fricked up

        • 12 months ago

          Ayo, Satan, idk about S2 and (the excuse they call) S3, i didn't bother watching those, but in S1 Amity is written like complete shit, and her relationship with Luz makes no sense.

          • 12 months ago

            >Satan showing up to ask about lesbian relationships. Definitely not suspicious.

            It was a relationship that happened. It was sweet and empty. Devoid of any drama. That made it better than Catradora or Korrasami at least. But no more fun than eating sugared cereal.

            So boring, empty, and more than a little forced, but not abusive?
            That’s ... fine? It’s not like a shitton of straight cartoon relationships aren’t in the same boat (Looking at the 90% of disney princesses that aren’t Rapunzel or Tiana).
            Dykes can take their mediocrity I guess

        • 12 months ago

          >Satan showing up to ask about lesbian relationships. Definitely not suspicious.

          It was a relationship that happened. It was sweet and empty. Devoid of any drama. That made it better than Catradora or Korrasami at least. But no more fun than eating sugared cereal.

        • 12 months ago

          So boring, empty, and more than a little forced, but not abusive?
          That’s ... fine? It’s not like a shitton of straight cartoon relationships aren’t in the same boat (Looking at the 90% of disney princesses that aren’t Rapunzel or Tiana).
          Dykes can take their mediocrity I guess

          As someone who actually watched the show,the relationship is fine, they support and protect each other, have their arguments/insecurities but they talk about them instead of jumping the gun and forcing cheap relationship drama
          All in all it's much better than most tvpg romances like Starco and whatnot

        • 12 months ago

          Korra & Asami: Relationship was unveiled so late in the game it didn't feel like it had been built up properly.
          Marceline & Bubblegum: Man, whatever. They got a happy ending while the main character was a guest star in his show's final ep.
          Catra & Adora: There was enough weight there to feel important, but Catra's "redemption" was too rushed (not "nonexistent" like some people claim, but too rushed).
          Amity & Luz: Tried to do an "enemies to lovers" thing, but was in too much of a rush to get to "lovers" so it didn't have as much weight as it could have.
          Vi and Caitlyn: No pressure but they have to save sapphic romance in Western animation.

      • 12 months ago

        >Most lesbian relationships in cartoons are either abusive
        Anon, even if Chelsea was sympathetic you know this would get lumped in with that accusation.

        Shippers love Enemies to Lovers, it's a known fact. If this movie had Chelsea be Ruby's genuine friend no one would have thought to ship it.

    • 12 months ago

      We just want cute girls being cute together.

    • 12 months ago

      I always want lesbians

      • 12 months ago

        They could’ve gone the safe marketing route and made them friends in the end. That way it wouldn’t be a basic ass “oh the mermaid was bad the whole time and the Queen the whole time” and it could let shippers have a head cannon.

        • 12 months ago

          The headcanon would work if maybe the MC didn't already have a love interest

          • 12 months ago

            Hey to those who saw the movie, was the love interest even that fun or was he just fricking generic and didn't even get much screentime?

            • 12 months ago

              The latter.

              • 12 months ago

                Welp, canon's boring as frick and the fanon is tainted
                How could things get any worse?

      • 12 months ago

        Same here, been that way since Cinemaphile started up in ‘03. Can’t have that in nu-Cinemaphile, post-2016.

    • 12 months ago

      Yes, if you set it up from the beginning, people want it. Don't fricking bait and switch me with a perfectly fine complicated but straight ship. Lumity did it right.

      • 12 months ago

        They didn't set it up at all
        They were clearly shown in the trailers to be enemies

      • 12 months ago

        >Lumity did it right.
        Define right in this context... 'cause S1 lumity shit was a pain in the ass.

    • 12 months ago

      Well I always wanted lesbians, but I would've settled for friends.
      And I think almost everyone on the board would prefer lesbians to "actually the pretty white girl is super-evil and her people deserve extinction, and the incredibly-ugly black dude gets the girl."

    • 12 months ago

      There are different demographics on Cinemaphile. Some like lesbians, others don't.
      But the smallest demographic of all is "people that like hideous designs and want to see attractive people demonized and punished while uggos are victorious, and who also like movies with twist endings spoiled in the trailers, and who also like movies that unintentionally say racism is okay against people with light enough skin."
      There's SOME people that fit that demographic, but not many.

      • 12 months ago

        One of the statues of the mermaids is black

        • 12 months ago

          Doesn't matter, the only mermaid that matters is Chelsea. She's the only one that's a real character and not a statue. If SHE'D been black, they would never have made this a "it's okay all mermaids were exterminated! It's a good thing, actually!" movie. Or if they had people would have cried bloody murder, regardless of what statues there were.

          • 12 months ago

            If you want to see a black mermaid so much why don't you go and watch The little mermaid remake?

    • 12 months ago

      Only yurigays but we all ignore those subhumans

    • 12 months ago

      The only good looking characters are the kraken girl and mermaid so...

  16. 12 months ago

    Jesus people, the movie has a romance subplot, but that doesn't mean the movie IS about romance. Why do you only care about shipping

    • 12 months ago

      i mean, if the movie presents more interesting elements i would gravitate around those.
      With that said, what's the biggest element this movie explores?

      • 12 months ago

        Krakens Vs Mermaids

        • 12 months ago

          And there's only one mermaid and she's not a threat until the final act. The biggest part of the movie is Ruby fighting against and ultimately accepting her role.

          • 12 months ago

            >The biggest part of the movie is Ruby fighting against and ultimately accepting her role.
            Wait, between this and Mermaid exclusionism, is... Is this movie about traditionalism?

            • 12 months ago

              It's about

              Me versus the popular girl from high school who I hold on to my baseless resentment of decades later.

              . The writers weren't thinking about anything other than their high school grudges.

              • 12 months ago

                High school transformed anime into a weird self-insert dream orgy.

            • 12 months ago

              Can't say for sure until I watch it myself. But it doesn't seem to be about anything. Which is maybe why it seems so muddled. It's a generic story of an unlikely hero being called upon by destiny.

              • 12 months ago

                >The biggest part of the movie is Ruby fighting against and ultimately accepting her role.
                Wait, between this and Mermaid exclusionism, is... Is this movie about traditionalism?

              • 12 months ago

                >by destiny.
                Eh, no. Ruby comes from Royalty.

              • 12 months ago

                This is what happens when Execs meddle. The original story was about Ruby's whole family being weird immigrants and trying to fit in, with slightly more focus on Ruby than the others and having her be especially mortified by how much she doesn't really fit in with humans.
                Then suits said "it needs to be an adventure movie with superpowers!" and we got a muddled nonsense with a weird "take THAT" at Ariel (about 20 years after knocking Disney stopped being novel). What a joke.

      • 12 months ago

        Stacies vs Beckies

      • 12 months ago

        Me versus the popular girl from high school who I hold on to my baseless resentment of decades later.

    • 12 months ago

      The trailer spoiled everything and we all knew from the very start this this film had been sent out to die. So this is the result.

      • 12 months ago

        >Movie trailer comes out
        >It can't be THAT obvious
        >It couldn't have spoiled THAT much
        >Surely there must be some red herring here
        >The Last Wish was so fricking good, I would expect more from Dreamworks with this

    • 12 months ago

      I don't know, maybe don't have the central conflict of the movie be about a fricking prom dance where the MC is trying to ask out a guy to? Sheesh, I wonder why people think this movie is about romance

      • 12 months ago

        And not only is the love interest not attractive, he's also bland and uninteresting and doesn't do much
        So all we had to work with is Ruby finding someone more attractive and fun which naturally points to the villain of the film and everything feels tightly fit like a usual Romeo & Juliet story until they reveal she's 100% evil the whole time
        Worst of all, she's an adult so even if she's redeemed (somehow) Ruby's stuck with the generic, boring ugly bastard

        • 12 months ago

          >So all we had to work with is Ruby finding someone more attractive and fun which naturally points to the villain of the film
          I would agree if the villain was another man but it's a woman. Like, what the hell dude? Ship Ruby with her other friend. No need to go homo

          • 12 months ago

            Chelsea is the only design worth shipping someone with. It was a whole conga-line of terribad designs for the humans.
            I think someone read "Man is the real monster" and took it too literally.

          • 12 months ago

            I meant chemistry-wise
            If you had to make platonic and not homo, I'd still welcome it
            Making the character with the most relationship (sexual or otherwise) chemistry potential be evil is again, a waste
            Even if Ruby's actual love interest is bland you could've just it be a wingman sort of deal

            • 12 months ago

              *made it be a wingman
              Pic related
              Just someone supportive would do

          • 12 months ago


  17. 12 months ago

    Ahhh there's nothing more beautiful the love......heterosexual that is

    • 12 months ago

      Frick, they're spoiling the last minutes of the movie now? The whole chelsea fight was one thing but this is literally one of the last scenes you see before the movie is over

      • 12 months ago

        I've never seen marketing this bad. They basically released the whole movie in bits in pieces.

        Frick, they made a "twist villain" movie where the trailers reveal the twist, AND they did a "sneak advance screening" to make sure the internet is filled with people going "yeah the trailers really do spoil the whole movie, if you've seen those you don't need to buy a ticket."

        Hoooooooooly shit. The incompetence that went into this movie is amazing. The writers accidentally made a racist grandma that's 100% right and it turns out they're NOT the most incompetent people involved in this shite.

        • 12 months ago

          Frick, they're spoiling the last minutes of the movie now? The whole chelsea fight was one thing but this is literally one of the last scenes you see before the movie is over

          Remember, an Anon saw an unfinished rough trailer

          At some moment, marketing DID try to sell it as an unlikely friends film where Chelsea wasn't blatantly evil (even though she likely was supposed to be even at that point)
          I stand by the theory that marketing realized how fricked it would be to sell the movie like that and then focused everything as an action film but that resulted in spoiling the plot twist
          Imagine if fricking E.T. was evil all along and him and Elliot just fought to the death in the climax
          You can't sell it as an unlikely friends film because the twist completely destroys it and you can't just sell it as an action film because you'd spoil that reveal

          • 12 months ago

            *supposed to be evil

          • 12 months ago

            It could've been kino...

            • 12 months ago

              Yeah, E.T. strangling a kid would've been peak cinema

            • 12 months ago

              Goody goobers…

          • 12 months ago

            I think it was something similair, but what they realised would get them backlash was selling a film on
            >A socially awkward monster girl rebels against her family after befriending a popular but isolated mermaid, the enemy of her speicies. To end the feud she and her unlikely friend forge a new destiny for themselves and their people.
            And then audiences going in and finding out
            >NO! Tradition is right! The enemy IS inherently evil and must be bought under control and their property stolen. Stick with your tribe and follow the path set for you.

            The first idea is itself a stock plot by now, but in attempting to be subversive, I think they forgot it came about from questioning the most basic form of Good Species vs Bad Species stories, which themselves are still received fine as long as the story itself doesn't bring up the question.

    • 12 months ago

      The black dude reminds me of when I used to hold a mop upside down and pretend it was a human.

    • 12 months ago

      Should've been Chelsea doing that to Ruby.

  18. 12 months ago

    Why did Ruby still look like a kraken before learning she was one?

  19. 12 months ago

    It's amazing how Dreamworks is able to constantly pivot between something genuinely good like TLW to trite garbage like this.

  20. 12 months ago

    Does the mermaid cuck the kraken

    • 12 months ago


  21. 12 months ago

    does ruby get to wear a cute princess dress

    • 12 months ago

      Kind of yeah

      Ahhh there's nothing more beautiful the love......heterosexual that is

  22. 12 months ago

    Is Chelsea truly the last of her kind, or are the few remaining merfolk in hiding and are on the brink of extinction?

    I kind of like the idea of the tragedy of Chelsea's character and situation. You have Ruby, who—while socially awkward and not super popular—does have true friends and a family to be with, whereas Chelsea—while surrounded by a legion of adoring fans—is truly alone, with no such family or friends to speak of. Even when she's the center of attention by the entire student body, she is the loneliest person in the world.

    • 12 months ago

      Yeah, being the last of her kind immediately gives her sympathy points. I'm mad they did nothing interesting with her character.

      • 12 months ago

        Her being the Queen is fricking stupid and messes with the headcanon people built as the major saving grace incredibly hard but anything like a flashback or her discussing losing an entire kingdom or maybe just explain why she's so young looking could've made that decision more interesting even if it's just her being petty about it
        Unless like they did, just working off hearsay

      • 12 months ago

        I had thought up a scene on how Chelsea being the last of her kind could have played out (while still making her the big bad in the end):
        >Both Ruby and Chelsea start hanging together and become friends
        >Chelsea tells Ruby of the merfolk's side of the war with the kraken: the trident originally belonged to her people, but they were content with being by themselves without bothering anyone (even if they sometimes acted stuck up).
        >The kraken, growing paranoid of a potential war, stole the trident, sparking said war.
        >Without the trident's power, the merfolk were more or less wiped out (their own trident's power used against them), with the few remaining going into hiding. Chelsea was one of them.
        >Ruby is skeptical of all this, but then, "History is always written by the winners," Chelsea would say.
        >Chelsea wants to find her people, but the oceans are huge, and she is just one mermaid in a big world. If she had her people's trident again, she could maybe find her family again. Ruby agrees to steal the trident for her.
        >Ruby steals the trident and gives it to Chelsea. True to her word, Chelsea uses the trident to try and communicate with her people, but no one's responding. Growing more and more desperate, she uses the trident's powers again and again to get in touch with her family.
        >Then it hits her. "I'm the last of my kind," she says, dropping to her knees to despair. "I'm all alone."
        >Ruby tries to offer her sympathy, but Chelsea's having none of it. Enraged, she lashes out at Ruby with the trident, accusing her and the other krakens of ruining her life, before running off, leaving Ruby despondent (and in trouble with the others).
        >Prom rolls around, but Ruby's not really feeling it, still guilty over what happened to Chelsea.
        >At the climax of the party, Chelsea returns as a kaiju, driven mad by pain and loss and empowered by the trident. She seeks revenge on anyone and everyone who had ever wronged her.
        There may be more.

        • 12 months ago

          Already sounds more interesting than what we've got.

          • 12 months ago


            Here's me trying to finish it up.

            I had thought up a scene on how Chelsea being the last of her kind could have played out (while still making her the big bad in the end):
            >Both Ruby and Chelsea start hanging together and become friends
            >Chelsea tells Ruby of the merfolk's side of the war with the kraken: the trident originally belonged to her people, but they were content with being by themselves without bothering anyone (even if they sometimes acted stuck up).
            >The kraken, growing paranoid of a potential war, stole the trident, sparking said war.
            >Without the trident's power, the merfolk were more or less wiped out (their own trident's power used against them), with the few remaining going into hiding. Chelsea was one of them.
            >Ruby is skeptical of all this, but then, "History is always written by the winners," Chelsea would say.
            >Chelsea wants to find her people, but the oceans are huge, and she is just one mermaid in a big world. If she had her people's trident again, she could maybe find her family again. Ruby agrees to steal the trident for her.
            >Ruby steals the trident and gives it to Chelsea. True to her word, Chelsea uses the trident to try and communicate with her people, but no one's responding. Growing more and more desperate, she uses the trident's powers again and again to get in touch with her family.
            >Then it hits her. "I'm the last of my kind," she says, dropping to her knees to despair. "I'm all alone."
            >Ruby tries to offer her sympathy, but Chelsea's having none of it. Enraged, she lashes out at Ruby with the trident, accusing her and the other krakens of ruining her life, before running off, leaving Ruby despondent (and in trouble with the others).
            >Prom rolls around, but Ruby's not really feeling it, still guilty over what happened to Chelsea.
            >At the climax of the party, Chelsea returns as a kaiju, driven mad by pain and loss and empowered by the trident. She seeks revenge on anyone and everyone who had ever wronged her.
            There may be more.

            >Chelsea begins her assault, attacking kraken and human alike, indiscriminately.
            >Ruby krakens up to face Chelsea by herself; however, she purposely holds back, since, despite everything Chelsea did and is doing, Ruby still considers her her friend.
            >Chelsea continues to rant about how she lost everything as the two battle, and that revenge is the only thing she has left to look forward to.
            >Eventually, Ruby wins and snatches the trident from Chelsea. Chelsea merely asks for Ruby to "get it over with". She's already given up on life.
            >Ruby, however, merely smashes the trident to pieces, due to its role in the war between kraken and merfolk, as well so it won't hurt anyone ever again.
            >Chelsea, losing her power, is reduced to her human size again, and reduced to nothing. She has nothing
            >Ruby disagrees, and tells Chelsea that she does have friends, and is willing to be Chelsea's friend, despite everything.
            >Chelsea is hesitant, but seeing someone who she called her enemy show her nothing but compassion and mercy, she comes around and accepts Ruby's offer.
            >Ruby's family is proud of her for both standing up to and for Chelsea, but her grandmother disagrees, insisting that merfolk are still evil. Ruby doesn't care, she still likes Chelsea.

            Obviously, a better writer or writing team could make something more out of this, but it's a start.

        • 12 months ago


          Here's me trying to finish it up.[...]
          >Chelsea begins her assault, attacking kraken and human alike, indiscriminately.
          >Ruby krakens up to face Chelsea by herself; however, she purposely holds back, since, despite everything Chelsea did and is doing, Ruby still considers her her friend.
          >Chelsea continues to rant about how she lost everything as the two battle, and that revenge is the only thing she has left to look forward to.
          >Eventually, Ruby wins and snatches the trident from Chelsea. Chelsea merely asks for Ruby to "get it over with". She's already given up on life.
          >Ruby, however, merely smashes the trident to pieces, due to its role in the war between kraken and merfolk, as well so it won't hurt anyone ever again.
          >Chelsea, losing her power, is reduced to her human size again, and reduced to nothing. She has nothing
          >Ruby disagrees, and tells Chelsea that she does have friends, and is willing to be Chelsea's friend, despite everything.
          >Chelsea is hesitant, but seeing someone who she called her enemy show her nothing but compassion and mercy, she comes around and accepts Ruby's offer.
          >Ruby's family is proud of her for both standing up to and for Chelsea, but her grandmother disagrees, insisting that merfolk are still evil. Ruby doesn't care, she still likes Chelsea.

          Obviously, a better writer or writing team could make something more out of this, but it's a start.

          Now this is better.

        • 12 months ago


          Here's me trying to finish it up.[...]
          >Chelsea begins her assault, attacking kraken and human alike, indiscriminately.
          >Ruby krakens up to face Chelsea by herself; however, she purposely holds back, since, despite everything Chelsea did and is doing, Ruby still considers her her friend.
          >Chelsea continues to rant about how she lost everything as the two battle, and that revenge is the only thing she has left to look forward to.
          >Eventually, Ruby wins and snatches the trident from Chelsea. Chelsea merely asks for Ruby to "get it over with". She's already given up on life.
          >Ruby, however, merely smashes the trident to pieces, due to its role in the war between kraken and merfolk, as well so it won't hurt anyone ever again.
          >Chelsea, losing her power, is reduced to her human size again, and reduced to nothing. She has nothing
          >Ruby disagrees, and tells Chelsea that she does have friends, and is willing to be Chelsea's friend, despite everything.
          >Chelsea is hesitant, but seeing someone who she called her enemy show her nothing but compassion and mercy, she comes around and accepts Ruby's offer.
          >Ruby's family is proud of her for both standing up to and for Chelsea, but her grandmother disagrees, insisting that merfolk are still evil. Ruby doesn't care, she still likes Chelsea.

          Obviously, a better writer or writing team could make something more out of this, but it's a start.

          obviously not anon this is really kino, you made something 100x more interesting than we got. Plus most writers now can't fathom making interesting villains and adding nuances you did a great job bro

        • 12 months ago


          Here's me trying to finish it up.[...]
          >Chelsea begins her assault, attacking kraken and human alike, indiscriminately.
          >Ruby krakens up to face Chelsea by herself; however, she purposely holds back, since, despite everything Chelsea did and is doing, Ruby still considers her her friend.
          >Chelsea continues to rant about how she lost everything as the two battle, and that revenge is the only thing she has left to look forward to.
          >Eventually, Ruby wins and snatches the trident from Chelsea. Chelsea merely asks for Ruby to "get it over with". She's already given up on life.
          >Ruby, however, merely smashes the trident to pieces, due to its role in the war between kraken and merfolk, as well so it won't hurt anyone ever again.
          >Chelsea, losing her power, is reduced to her human size again, and reduced to nothing. She has nothing
          >Ruby disagrees, and tells Chelsea that she does have friends, and is willing to be Chelsea's friend, despite everything.
          >Chelsea is hesitant, but seeing someone who she called her enemy show her nothing but compassion and mercy, she comes around and accepts Ruby's offer.
          >Ruby's family is proud of her for both standing up to and for Chelsea, but her grandmother disagrees, insisting that merfolk are still evil. Ruby doesn't care, she still likes Chelsea.

          Obviously, a better writer or writing team could make something more out of this, but it's a start.

          Far fricking better than what was shown holy shit. Amazing that a bunch of anons can think of a better plot that the frickers doing the movie.

          • 12 months ago

            >Amazing that a bunch of anons can think of a better plot that the frickers doing the movie.
            It had been in the works for years and was originally a very VERY different movie before the suits demanded Superhero shit because Superheroes Are In.
            Everything I've read points to the crew just giving up at some point, keeping some bits and pieces from the original version and begrudgingly doing what the businessmen demanded. If the end story sucked it's at least partly because their heart wasn't in it any more.

            I'm reminded of Kevin Smith's story about working with Silverman. "Hmm, nice story about a bunch of sea monsters trying to blend in while living in suburbia. But Superheroes are in, so put in some of that! And a giant spider!"

        • 12 months ago


          Here's me trying to finish it up.[...]
          >Chelsea begins her assault, attacking kraken and human alike, indiscriminately.
          >Ruby krakens up to face Chelsea by herself; however, she purposely holds back, since, despite everything Chelsea did and is doing, Ruby still considers her her friend.
          >Chelsea continues to rant about how she lost everything as the two battle, and that revenge is the only thing she has left to look forward to.
          >Eventually, Ruby wins and snatches the trident from Chelsea. Chelsea merely asks for Ruby to "get it over with". She's already given up on life.
          >Ruby, however, merely smashes the trident to pieces, due to its role in the war between kraken and merfolk, as well so it won't hurt anyone ever again.
          >Chelsea, losing her power, is reduced to her human size again, and reduced to nothing. She has nothing
          >Ruby disagrees, and tells Chelsea that she does have friends, and is willing to be Chelsea's friend, despite everything.
          >Chelsea is hesitant, but seeing someone who she called her enemy show her nothing but compassion and mercy, she comes around and accepts Ruby's offer.
          >Ruby's family is proud of her for both standing up to and for Chelsea, but her grandmother disagrees, insisting that merfolk are still evil. Ruby doesn't care, she still likes Chelsea.

          Obviously, a better writer or writing team could make something more out of this, but it's a start.

          I like this a lot! if this plot actually existed for the movie, i'd probably would actually go and see it in theatres. plus I think it'd be popular as well. Frozen was popular because of the bond between Elsa and Anna. Probably won't become as popular as frozen, but with this, Dreamworks could have had their own Chelsea and Ruby thing, and it'd be cute.

    • 12 months ago

      She gives that as her fake sobstory in one of the clips with the idea being that she tan away from home but still found herself alone.

      That she might actually be the last of her kind is even sadder.

  23. 12 months ago

    i want to commit hate crimes.

    • 12 months ago

      >movie isn't even out yet and they already uploaded the end scene

      • 12 months ago

        I can't remember the last time they revealed so much in a movie trailer. Maybe the mummy reboot? It's like Dreamworks had absolutely no faith in this movie

        • 12 months ago

          >I can't remember the last time they revealed so much in a movie trailer.
          The first Sing movie, the trailer was the entire movie, including every plot twist and the resolution.

        • 12 months ago

          >It's like Dreamworks had absolutely no faith in this movie
          This is 100% DreamWorks wanting to get this shit out the door ASAP, so people forget about it before it tarnishes the good will they've built up with Bad Guys and Last Wish.

          • 12 months ago

            It kills me how this even mirrors the beats of Bad Guys.
            "The extremely nice character that's been trying to mentor our hero is actually LE EVIL!"
            Bad Guys made it kinda work though. Not GREAT, but enjoyable. And the wolf got to date a hot chick. Ruby gets to date the ugliest character designed since hentai came up with Fat Bastard.

            • 12 months ago

              Bad Guys had other attractive characters for us to latch onto and didn't try to justify a holocaust.
              "Have some attractive characters. Don't say a fictional genocide is okay" are some rules for animators that really shouldn't need stating but apparently do.

              • 12 months ago

                >Don't say a fictional genocide is okay
                Is Ruby /ourgirl/?

              • 12 months ago

                No, because the movie is in favor of genociding the pretty Betsy Brights and leaving the world Grubhub ugly.

              • 12 months ago

                i don't even care if they made him black. why can't they just at least make him look ,you know, like a human. it's not like they can't, i mean chelsea looks normal

                It's a movie that hates beautiful people that's coming out right as fans of Western Animation are thiiiiiis close to lynching the next animator to come up with a bunch of butt-ugly designs.

                This movie's a better Ugly Dolls movie than the actual Ugly Dolls movie

    • 12 months ago


    • 12 months ago

      I ain't clicking that shit. You wanna not be spoiled? Stop watching trailers then.

      • 12 months ago

        >Stop watching trailers then.
        Bruh. Trailers aren't meant to spoiler the product. It isn't my fault their teasers consist in key plotpoints instead of basic footage.

        • 12 months ago

          It'd be like a trailer of Infinity War showing Thanos successfully collecting the 7 Infinity Stones and using the Snap to wipe out half the universe.

  24. 12 months ago

    Does the dreamworks netflix deal still hold up? The one about the animated movie getting adapted for a netflix cartoon?

  25. 12 months ago

    I've seen a couple posts saying Chelsea says "Sorry."
    Is that true, and if so then what's the context?

  26. 12 months ago

    Is it true that the movie justifies genocides by saying it's okay if you think the victims are "selfish, vain, narcissists"?

  27. 12 months ago

    >Early viewing completely smothers what little delusional excitement there was for the movie

  28. 12 months ago

    >made a completely shit story that they spoiled completely in the trailers
    >can't even have any dedicated fans carry it somewhere since the only thing that could have worked was Ruby and Chelsea's relationship and they completely sank that and gave ruby a hideous nog as well in the end
    Impressive DreamWorks, really cashing all the goodwill for the last wish in

    • 12 months ago

      I haven't seen an animated film have so much wasted potential since 9

      • 12 months ago

        Oh Christ, yes. Perfect analogy.

        If Chelsea was another kraken (that just happened to be prettier) this probably would've worked better since it removes the whole "racist grandma is right" thing

        But then we couldn't have "holy shit, they just made a movie where the racist grandma is right" conversations, which are the only thing left to enjoy.

        • 12 months ago

          >Oh Christ, yes. Perfect analogy.
          In 9's case, it could've been a groundbreaker for more serious theatrical western animated films and it just failed to deliver potential-wise
          In Ruby Gillman's case, people just wanted (or at least have room in their head for) cute girls being friends

      • 12 months ago

        Frick, don’t remind me.

    • 12 months ago

      What are Ruby's human friends even like?

  29. 12 months ago

    If Chelsea was another kraken (that just happened to be prettier) this probably would've worked better since it removes the whole "racist grandma is right" thing

  30. 12 months ago

    Is Ruby's grandpa a victim of the mermaid-kraken war?

  31. 12 months ago

    I was gonna just say shit's like Orcs, Geonosians, and Moblins that fiction can perfectly have inherently evil inhuman races that do deserve to be wiped out and you guys are just biased since Chelsea's pretty but the fact that it's an actual plot point that Ruby genuinely did believe in making peace and that she was a fool to even consider that just makes the whole "yes mermaids are ALL evil" stick out
    Closest equivalent I can get is a scene from fricking Power Rangers where early on the Red Ranger struggles to believe the first MotW is inherently evil only to realize that they're all firmly artificial beings literally made to be evil and lack a heart as a result

    • 12 months ago

      *shit like Orcs, Geonosians, and Moblins show that fiction can

    • 12 months ago

      Good boys who make songs and have a merry old time of it all, don't lump them in with the bugs and Ganon's piglets

      • 12 months ago

        I guess for orcs it will depend on the fiction. The Elder Scrolls orcs basically fought to be recognized in the 2nd game, Daggerfall.

        • 12 months ago

          Heroic orcs are more of a modern rejection (though I wouldn't be surprised if it's a lot older than I think) of the cliche in favor of nuance
          Orcs not being inherently evil was a thing before people thought of it as some sort of "racist coding"

    • 12 months ago

      Orcs are Sauron's generational experiment on kidnapped elves and moblins are literal demon spawn but Geonosians are just fricking creepy

      • 12 months ago

        Im not up to snuff on my Star Wars, but I though Geonosians are a hivemind that does what's best for the species or queen. Like make some droids and join the war for the benefit of staying with the separatists. Not really evil, but just a bug race. It is easier to not be attached to non humanoids. I guess thats why its weird Grandma is right to kill all mermaids.

        • 12 months ago

          Geonosians are horrifying
          I don't give a shit if they're doing it for a queen or it's just their nature, they need to die

          • 12 months ago

            From a writing standpoint it makes it easier to justify. They have a hivemind, they're all of one mind, and that mind is a dick.
            If they all have different sentient emotional minds you're going to inevitably start going "okay but shouldn't we try to redeem them not irradicate them? Maybe some have the potential to be good sentient beings if raised in the right environment?"
            Hivemind means that option's not on the table. Queen's a b***h, they're all linked to her will, therefore they're all as much a b***h as her.

            • 12 months ago

              That reminds me of a Ratchet & Clank villain
              He was the sole survivor of a war between alien races, was taken in as a baby to be raised, and when he grew up and found out about his heritage he proceeded to nearly wipe out his adopted family's species

              • 12 months ago

                It's also MCU Loki's origin, except he tries to wipe out his biological race to prove he's worthy of his adoptive father's love. You can go with some fun angles on this shit.

          • 12 months ago

            Oh yeah, that’s fricked. But I like their language full of clicks because I think it’s neat.

        • 12 months ago

          From a writing standpoint it makes it easier to justify. They have a hivemind, they're all of one mind, and that mind is a dick.
          If they all have different sentient emotional minds you're going to inevitably start going "okay but shouldn't we try to redeem them not irradicate them? Maybe some have the potential to be good sentient beings if raised in the right environment?"
          Hivemind means that option's not on the table. Queen's a b***h, they're all linked to her will, therefore they're all as much a b***h as her.

          They're not inherently bad actually
          We see a good one in Rebels but he's the last of his kind after the Empire sterilized the planet
          Probably a retcon from George's vision but still

    • 12 months ago

      Again, it's a matter of "does this fit the setting?"
      Pure-evil orcs can work in a Conan story.
      You can perhaps do a story where it turns out that apparently-human beings are soul-eating monstrosities incapable of redemption.
      But with a movie that has the tone this one has it fits like a glass slipper on a whale flipper. This simply fundamentally does not feel like the sort of movie where it SHOULD turn out that a whole human-derived race is irredeemably evil and racist granma is right.

      And frankly on the orcs front, if you write orcs as looking 100% human most of the time, and talking like humans, wearing our outfits (better than most of us), and having human emotions, and put them in modern day, and do the twist that they're all irredeemably evil and deserve a holocaust... yeah that does come off as a bit messed up.

      • 12 months ago

        Wasn't Tolkien already slightly uncomfortable or mixed-feeling about how to handle orcs even back then?

        • 12 months ago


        • 12 months ago

          Yes. He needed evil canon fodder that were scary and that it was "okay" to kill, and he wanted something akin to the Monsters of old legends like Beowulf, but it didn't gel well with his belief that people had potential for both corruption and redemption. Sometimes when you set out to do a few things in a work of fiction your goals end up at odds with one another.

        • 12 months ago

          Tolkien didn't see orcs as pure evil because they were pre existing beings corrupted by Morgoth and then Sauron, and equated them to men being dehumanised by tyrants.

          • 12 months ago

            weren't there special orc literally bred to be evil?
            I remember reading that in a Lego magazine of all things

        • 12 months ago

          Yes, in one of his letters he makes it clear that orcs are naturally bad because of the nature of their creation, but not irredeemably evil because they are a part of the world and the world is ultimately good because it is God's.
          Of course Tolkien is pretty much the only person who would wax philosophy and theology towards the evil race invented to be the servants of the ultimate dark lord so it's not exactly the norm

      • 12 months ago

        >You can perhaps do a story where it turns out that apparently-human beings are soul-eating monstrosities incapable of redemption.
        Anon, they're called vampires
        And even back then Buffy walked out on there being them (sans simply being Angel with a curse) being 100% incapable of redemption since it's just a demonic being taking the place of a soul much to Whedon's frustration

        • 12 months ago

          Vampires are, in the Buffy universe, pure evil demonic energy that gets poured into a human vessel that lost its soul, and the evil takes on some human properties - like pouring water into a jug makes the water technically jug-shaped while it's in there.
          Two vampires cannot frick and 9 months later produce a baby vampire. They're just parasites that take over our bodies.
          That's different from this, where you're basically pointing at a bunch of nearly-humans and going "they're all evil thieves the lot of them."

          Besides, even in Buffy you eventually had redeemable vampires. Spike and Harmony being the ones that redeemed themselves the most.

      • 12 months ago

        This. I fully understand the cope people had up until the movie's clips and pre-screenings popped up.

        This is a movie for families about funny looking octopus creatures that turn into a family-friendly version of krakens. The movie's staff has gone on the record multiple times about how heart-warming the story was regarding Ruby discovering and accepting her heritage. The trailers got way too hamfisted about the mermaid character being evil to the point people thought it was a red herring, because no self-respecting studio would spoil the main twist in a trailer so fricking early.

        All of these elements clash with something as severe as the concept of an Always Chaotic Evil race of creatures (hell, even settings where it makes sense have flaws, and like

        Wasn't Tolkien already slightly uncomfortable or mixed-feeling about how to handle orcs even back then?

        pointed out even their authors can regret the trope's inclusion). The promotional material goes on and on about how we imagine sea creatures wrong, and of whatever it was that Ruby's grandma did that caused her mom to decide abandoning the throne and hiding her heritage from her was the best course of action. Every element pointed towards Chelsea being evil purely due to how she was born as nothing but a red herring.

        • 12 months ago

          Didn't Megamind's trailers and commercials spoil Tighten's whole everything and Metro Man being alive?

          • 12 months ago

            Only the late-in-the-day movie's-already-out trailers spoiled Metroman. The ones leading up to release day didn't spoil that.
            Compare to Gillman which not only spoiled the whole damn thing in trailers (right down to showing the dance party ending and how the villain is defeated), but it also had an early screening so now there's people online going "yes, the trailers spoiled everything."

        • 12 months ago

          Imagine if we didn't get the full early release leaks but still had the clips of the two bonding and discussing ending the conflict that came out AFTER the movie had an early release

      • 12 months ago

        It's making it an actual part of the plot that seals the deal of coming across as fricked
        If mermaids were evil and that's that, it'd be easier to work with but nope
        The movie DID get the idea in our heads that peace could happen
        The movie HAD the main character discuss this out loud
        The movie HAD the main character's family see peace as impossible be perfectly valid and that the main character was a foolish idiot to not immediately buy into what her family told her about another kid's (well one she thought was a kid) whole race

      • 12 months ago

        It's making it an actual part of the plot that seals the deal of coming across as fricked
        If mermaids were evil and that's that, it'd be easier to work with but nope
        The movie DID get the idea in our heads that peace could happen
        The movie HAD the main character discuss this out loud
        The movie HAD the main character's family see peace as impossible be perfectly valid and that the main character was a foolish idiot to not immediately buy into what her family told her about another kid's (well one she thought was a kid) whole race

        Tone matters. Underlying points also matter. "Ruby Gillman" and "They Live!!!" both feature inhuman-but-humanoid creatures that live among us, and are monstrous things that want to rule over us. It works in They Live because the point of the movie is that the upper class has lower classes fighting over petty shit and fighting for scraps instead of joining forces to bring about real change.
        What's the bigger underlying point of making mermaids irredeemable monsters in Ruby Gillman? "Frick the Betsy Brights of the world"?

        • 12 months ago

          The aliens in They Live also pretty much won at the start of the film
          Without the trident, Chelsea is barely a threat
          She has no army, no kingdom, no influence or control past a school of teenagers, and the fact that we can even speculate she's the last of her kind speaks volumes

          • 12 months ago

            Star killed millions on screen, Ruby gillman only implies that krakens wiped out the mermaids but technically ruby doesn't genocide anyone, only stops Chelsea from.. taking what is rightfully hers and getting revenge? I mean I get she's evil and didn't care she was endangering humans but still.. feels like this was written very poorly.

            really seemed that chelsea was completely at a disadvantage. I even feel that originally she was meant to be the queen's daughter but they realized how bad having a child from a genocided/war torn race and leader getting mogged looked optics wise.

            But yeah the mermaids were portrayed as a war between them and they made it seems like Chelsea is the only fighting age/warrior mermaid left. Which makes it seems less like a war and more the kraken's wanted a ethnic cleansing. Also even crazier that Chelsea really could be the mc if it was a different movie

            • 12 months ago

              Question, when grandma goes on a rant about why mermaids can't be trusted do we even know what atrocities they even did or is simply vague "They're selfish and vain and that's that"?

              • 12 months ago

                I plan on seeing it on Thursday next week so I'll give a play by play. Seemed the guy that did the pastebin barely paid attention having lost interest and not even seeing it on purpose.

                But as things go and what we got in trailers and the summary, seems we never do besides they have a tapestry of the war and story. But most of it seems like hearsay and proves the mermaids lost long ago, as it depicts the mermaid queen losing the staff which it seems to imply is her only way to become a giant. so without it they got btfo by the kraken queens and warriors. An Chelsea even implies there aren't many mermaids and those that are left live in hiding implying they have to do what chelsea does i.e live amongst humans because they were kicked from the sea. This could also explain why mermaids get more love than kraken's as mermaids create their own lore or spread their culture to humans because it's dying.

            • 12 months ago

              >Comedy film about a last ruler of a now collapsed evil kingdom whose reign was cut short because of said collapsed and now forced to live a normal life in a perpetually young body and mind (alternatively its something like cryo sleep) while being tempted to seize an opportunity for revenge
              Could be fun

              • 12 months ago

                as it is now it's just sad really they couldn't kill chelsea. I mean if they did Cinemaphile would probably make her a martyr and cement her as a Cinemaphile girl. Because imagine explain the movie if chelsea died.

                But yeah definitely feel originally they made her the daughter of the queen, but then realized how sympathetic she'd be. So yeah chelsea could easily have been the mc

              • 12 months ago

                they're not gonna kill off a teenage girl. i think.

              • 12 months ago

                She's not a teenager Anon
                Couldn't even give us a cute platonic or romantic ship between her and Ruby in our heads without it being gross and weird

              • 12 months ago


              • 12 months ago

                well she's an adult so they'd do it

              • 12 months ago

                She's not a teenager Anon
                Couldn't even give us a cute platonic or romantic ship between her and Ruby in our heads without it being gross and weird

                >Won't kill off a teenager
                >Isn't a teenager

                It's like every decision made during production was last minute. The racist grandmother was right. The lesbian undertones were stamped out by an age gap and a last minute twist villain. The trailer spoiled everything because the show only has one action sequence. The show wasn't even supposed to be a superhero action movie. The marketing consists of uploading half the film on youtube. Dreamworks went after Little Mermaid before they had nothing else to build hype. They're apparently sending this movie out to die anyway.

                It's like they didn't have enough time to rethink the plot and yet still had to find the time to make sure the audience didn't ship Ruby and Chelsea. This movie is so confused. Chelsea lives so that the audience don't see a teenager die on screen. But Chelsea has to be an adult so that we see her as an antagonist and not a desperate anti-villain.

              • 12 months ago

                They probably gave up when the film steered hard away from the original vision

              • 12 months ago

                >sympathetic she'd be
                If they realized that they should've realized how fricked the your "racist grandmother is right, if the opposite race wants to negotiate peace you still shouldn't trust them" message unintentional or not

              • 12 months ago

                see honey that's why *insert real race* can't be reason'd with and need to be culled. We took their only vie for power and forced them out of their ancestral homes and still hunt them to this day under the guise of war. "No my grandma can't be right" meets one of them is proven right their evil never meets any other with the loss of their only weapon they are doomed to live never knowing their culture or getting back to the see and being their true selves.

                >chelsea: you'll never win, us mermaids still exist even if you defeat me
                >Ruby: oh poor chelsea you don't get it sure a few of you filthy mermaids may escape and live on land to be safe. But we still win
                >Ruby: We long since destroyed your kingdom you are the last and will be the last monarch of your people. You can never get the joy of swimming in the sea freely and as we speak a mermaid baby is being born that will never touch the sea, learn of their long burnt to ash culture. You see Chelsea for every mermaid child that will question who they really are where they came from and don't get answers we win it's long since not been about the war we won that long ago no it's about crushing and snuffing out your existence your autonomy.
                >Chelsea look of disgust and hopelessness: ...Why?
                >Ruby: Because one day chelsea the last spoken word of mermaids, true mermaids will disappear. *whispers in Chelsea ear* and then your little mermaids will speak my language have to obey my rules and live by my culture. They'll never be their genuine selves always doubt themselves and only have the culture we give them or tell them they have. and then and only then will we have completely wiped you out.
                >Ruby stabs chelsea with the trident
                >the end

              • 12 months ago

                Sounds like it'd be something like Emperor's New Groove
                >*Evil princess laughing maniacally while her army heads into battle*
                >*Record scratch and freeze frame*
                >Yep, that's me. Best time of my life. Sure it was the first day of the job, it didn't last long and I couldn't do much before the fun was over, but hey it beats this.
                >*Shows her working at McDonalds*
                >*Record scratch and freeze frame*
                >Yep, that's also me. You're probably wondering how I got this *shows her leading a evil kingdom* to this *cuts back to McDonalds*

              • 12 months ago

                That would be good
                >customer orders a filet o fish and even a little more of her soul dies

              • 12 months ago

                >She tries earning extra cash as a twitch thot with a simp army to make herself feel better
                >Nothing but people asking to see her feet

              • 12 months ago

                this premise is really reminding me of something but i can't remember what. salem the cat from sabrina, maybe?

              • 12 months ago

                The Devil Is a Part-Timer?

        • 12 months ago

          >What's the bigger underlying point of making mermaids irredeemable monsters in Ruby Gillman? "Frick the Betsy Brights of the world"?
          Even Shrek had Farquad who is handsome in his universe. But his flaws isn’t his looks (or height) but him wrangling up fairytale creatures and making them work for his amusement and kicked out of his perfect kingdom. If I have to pull something from my ass, the reason why mermaids are evil is because “don’t judge a book by its cover” or something about how original mermaids were bad like a siren or whatever.

          • 12 months ago

            The Farquad point in Shrek was gentrification. A rich schmuck "clearing away" all the things that he deemed unsightly, that had no place in his pretty clockwork kingdom. The overall point of Shrek was that the "unsightly" stuff can still be good. Fiona accepts her true self, Shrek realizes he doesn't have to be an antisocial prick, and the guy trying to clear away all the "ugly" stuff gets his ass kicked.

            Here the pretty girl is evil because... frick pretty girls? It doesn't really fit with the themes of finding your true self, except that they shoehorned in a weird non-sequitur about how Ruby's true self is a superhero that fights mermaids. It's the sort of crap you get when execs mangle a movie and try to turn it into something it's not.

            • 12 months ago

              >Grandma tells kid to fight some race because they're evil and it's her destiny as her true self
              >Kid befriends a member of said race and wants to create a healthy co-existence despite what destiny says and whatever other people say is her "true self"
              >Member of said race was evil and old all along, the kids family was right not to trust them
              >Kid now embraces having to fight the race her family tells her to fight as her "true self"

              • 12 months ago

                It doesn't really come together thematically, does it?

              • 12 months ago

                to the people who have actually seen the movie

                It doesn't really come together thematically, does it?

                in a lot of series that tackle this theme that end up like this, it often ends with "You were not wrong in trying to make peace" is at least something like this in Ruby Gillman? Or is it really just "they were evil all along, we told you not to trust them."?

              • 12 months ago

                The whole reason Ruby gets the peace idea in the first place is because Chelsea is being manipulative and trying to use Ruby to get her trident back, so no mermaids really are just evil manipulative shits in this movie, it doesn't help that Chelsea is literally the only mermaid in the whole film. They could've put put other not evil mermaids in this film and it would've made the movie seem less racist against mermaids, but they didn't do that at all.

              • 12 months ago

                I mean, mermaids aren't a real race so you cant be "racist" towards them but
                >if the enemy race offers peace, it is a lie, it is deception
                Doesn't sound palpable either

              • 12 months ago

                You're right that they're not a real race, but nonetheless having a grandparent go on a "you can't trust THOSE PEOPLE, they're all selfish vain lying thieves" and having it turn out she was right... I mean what the hell did they think it would end up looking like? It's basically an analog of racist grandma ramblings ending up being right.

        • 12 months ago

          If the mermaids were part of a conspiracy that had them be in power over Krakens, that might have worked and explain human fondness past them "being stupid" but instead our villain is just some b***h with a hormone deficiency

    • 12 months ago

      >Power Rangers where early on the Red Ranger struggles to believe the first MotW is inherently evil only to realize that they're all firmly artificial beings literally made to be evil and lack a heart as a result
      If that's Wild Force then even that series had three of those Monsters turn good by the end.

      • 12 months ago

        It's Wild Force
        Wasn't it intended those general Orgs that called it quits were gonna be Cole's parents?

        • 12 months ago

          It was rumoured but apparently not.

          It's not that uncommon for PR seasons to have one or even two villains abandon villainy, even if they're from a always evil species.

    • 12 months ago

      Geonosians aren't inherently evil, they're just really creepy and were all raised to be part of a literal hive mind before the Empire exterminated the majority of their race, the Geonosians that pop up post Clone Wars seem to at least have the option of being decent people.

  32. 12 months ago

    You'll yurigays

  33. 12 months ago

    This thread just reminded me of this gem lol

    • 12 months ago

      >I love food.
      Every time.

  34. 12 months ago

    I would pay to see a movie where uberbitch-but-potentially-redeemable depowered Chelsea is stuck working alongside the old-but-still-badass Jaeger Clade from Strange World. Let the most fun characters in two of the worst recent animated movies hang out.

    • 12 months ago

      Isn't that just Wild Thornberrys minus the main character, brother, chimp, and mom?

      • 12 months ago
    • 12 months ago

      was he the villain in the end or did Cinemaphile guess wrong?

      • 12 months ago

        Very wrong. Cinemaphile assumed he would be an old bigot that would need to be defeated in the third act or something. Instead he was a gigachad that shaved using live piranhas, fought monsters 20 times his size, and upon meeting his grandson for the first time he taught the kid how to use a flamethrower and offered Adventurer Relationship Advice.
        "Interested in a girl, eh? Take her on an adventure, let her get in danger, save her life, and she'll be all yours."
        "I'm gay."
        "Save HIS life! Still works!"

        Cinemaphile was right in thinking he'd be the only good thing in the movie, we were just wrong in thinking the moviemakers would decide that should make him the villain.

        • 12 months ago

          to be fair, he was still a villain in how modern writers think villains should be presented as: generational trauma

          • 12 months ago

            True, but he was still a great character, and we were wrong that the writers would do him dirty.
            It's just that every other aspect of the movie was boring as frick.

  35. 12 months ago

    How do you think animation YouTube and twitter are gonna take it if Cinemaphile's already reacting this badly?

    • 12 months ago

      there will be people posting the panic attack scenes and being like OMG DREAMWORKS DID IT AGAIN!! and people commenting AGH I'm getting tired of this... and then other people complaining about the fact that chelsea is a twist villain out of nowhere.

      • 12 months ago

        You think Tamatoa's not gonna like this one?

  36. 12 months ago

    >completely scrap original plot
    >make movie solely about Ruby trying to get along with Chelsea for plot reason (not in a shipping way just friends way)
    >include wacky sea shenanigans
    >remove boring love interest
    >imprison the dreamwork marketer for 2 eons
    >its already 10x more charming as a movie
    This could've been really fun and memorable, what a fricking shame to see it get wasted over dogshit direction

    • 12 months ago

      But... Stacy rejected me in favor of Chad. That wound still festers. Thoughts of her even invade my dreams, leaving me crying out for bloodshed.

    • 12 months ago

      Actually frick it, someone recreate the models of this movie and make their own Ruby Gillman damnit. Don't even know why I care so much but wasted potential sucks.

      • 12 months ago

        Cinemaphile did make Snoot Game out of their head canons but they finished it before the official developers could finish GVH

        • 12 months ago

          "Squish Movie" could be the most innocent thing ever made and articles will still write about how it's offensive for taking away things from the original Ruby Gillman

          • 12 months ago

            Free advertising, you say?
            We should make it.

            • 12 months ago

              When was the last time Cinemaphile finished anything bigger than a series of polls?

              • 12 months ago

                I was gonna say Cinemaphile/co/'s bizarre adventure but I remember we didn't finish jackshit

            • 12 months ago

              Well I've only really seen the threads about this movie, and how it started from optimistic to sad (now). I don't have input, but if there's enough dedicated autism to fix this wasted dynamic, I could see it happening (as a 10-20 min short).

          • 12 months ago

            Anon, GVH is protected because it's about queer dinosaurs in high school and big bad Cinemaphile bullied it starting with the school shooter art made literally the day after the trailer was shown
            The official movie denies the people underwater lesbian Romeo & Juliet

            • 12 months ago

              Well when you put it like that, in hindsight it was kinda dickish to do all that to a working-out-of-a-garage game publisher. Oh well! Still better than when we harassed a dead kid's parents.

              When was the last time Cinemaphile finished anything bigger than a series of polls?

              We finished a series of polls? Hot damn!

              • 12 months ago

                >We finished a series of polls? Hot damn!
                /co/lympus and Ms. Cinemaphile
                I don't really pay attention to it personally
                Are you kidding me?
                It was hilarious
                >dead kid's parents
                When was that?

              • 12 months ago

                >Doesn't know where "an hero" comes from
                We did some very bad things back in the old times...

              • 12 months ago

                Oh frick, now I remember

            • 12 months ago

              >The official movie denies the people underwater lesbian Romeo & Juliet
              Next time we'll get underwater lesbian Romeo & Juliet. Next time...

          • 12 months ago

            Actually frick it, someone recreate the models of this movie and make their own Ruby Gillman damnit. Don't even know why I care so much but wasted potential sucks.

            Cinemaphile did make Snoot Game out of their head canons but they finished it before the official developers could finish GVH

            A full short parody movie of Ruby Gilliman about fixing some of the things that the original movie didn't and trying to give it another opportunity sounds really ambitious and will take lots of time to do it, plus lack of communication and most anons doesn't want to work on it could happen.
            Maybe a one-shot comic could be better.
            Still, i agree this movie should have went in a better way

            • 12 months ago

              >Maybe a one-shot comic could be better.
              Suggestion for the comic: maximum fricking with Dib mode
              >Chelsea doesn't turn into a human at any point, she's just in a wheelchair
              >she clearly has a fish tail below the waist
              >none of the Grubhub monsters at school register that the hot disabled new girl is a mermaid even though her "disguise" consists entirely of a skirt
              >additionally, Ruby has suction cups and three legs even out of kaiju mode (assuming that's kept in Squish Comic: Meet the Gillmans)
              >nobody notices this either

            • 12 months ago

              Ok frick it, I'm gonna start the project tomorrow.
              Might do it in this thread or in another one if it isn't archived yet.

          • 12 months ago

            >Squish Movie
            Squid Movie sounds better

      • 12 months ago

        I can't model but I could probably write a fanfic tier story or script trying to fix the movie. Can't guarantee it will be good though

        • 12 months ago

          I can only draw, though I have difficulty adapting to anothers style. Put I won't even bother with this project, because such things will never be made.
          The best you can do is the stuff they do on youtube the past few years, where they have like 200 animators who all draw 3 seconds each. But since you want to create a semi-original story, these animators won't even have something to base their animation off, which would make everything even more difficult.
          The next best thing is animatics, but for that you would still need fully voices 90minute of screentime for them to have something to work with.
          Basically, you guys should just give it up.

    • 12 months ago

      Evil or not, if wasn't for the Queen reveal I'd say they should've at least included an awkward dinner scene where Chelsea is invited into Ruby's house

      • 12 months ago

        what a waste.

        On multiple levels! They wasted Meet the Gillmans by trying to make it superhero when the superhero genre is dying, and they wasted the potential of their "bad girl hanging with a good girl" scenes.

      • 12 months ago

        >Chelsea deflecting all of granny's racist side comments with social grace
        Yes please

        • 12 months ago

          didn't that happen in Elements?

          • 12 months ago

            You mean the racist grandma? It's there in Elemental, except she died. Other grannies like Turning Red, Encanto, and Teenage Kraken are still alive.
            Now that I think about it, what is with evil grannies in generational trauma in recent films?

            • 12 months ago

              No, I meant the
              >Chelsea deflecting all of [someones] racist side comments with social grace
              I think I saw a scene in a trailer where the fire girl visited the water boys family, and the water boys parents made racist remarks towards the fire girl, and she brushed it off with snarky replies

      • 12 months ago

        >Chelsea deflecting all of granny's racist side comments with social grace
        Yes please

        Good timeline teenage kraken
        >ruby: *awkwardly* hey my family wants to meet. you really don't have to come
        >Chelsea with a smile: I'd love to come ruby
        >as they walk over ruby is really stressing out. They finally get to the door ruby is regretting this.
        >Chelsea:this is a nice house
        >ruby grabs the doorknob stops and turns to her friend
        >ruby: but you really don't have to come
        >Chelsea chuckles:ruby are you ashamed of me come on
        >Chelsea puts her hand over ruby's and twist the door open.she walks through the door
        > is abruptly met by a trident hitting the wall 5inches from her head
        >ruby awkwardly:hehe hi grandma *under her breath* oh my frickin God this'll be terrible
        >chelsea:this'll be great! *walks over to the giant kraken out stretches hand* hey grandma nice throw guess you're slipping with age.
        >ruby screams internally and this started the most awkward family dinner ever

        I may make more just tired

        • 12 months ago

          That's pretty good, anon.

          • 12 months ago

            Thanks anon. I was gonna go with the more basic slur joke, but I saw potential for comedy even at just the first meeting

        • 12 months ago

          >Ruby's little brother who hasn't been taught about the war yet breaks the silence and just abruptly says "You're friend's pretty hot Ruby"

          • 12 months ago

            *"Your friend's pretty hot

          • 12 months ago

            I keep forgetting she has family members other than the mom and grandma kek. But nice if I do continue it I may just add it in.

            *"Your friend's pretty hot

            damn, the one time it's not actually you're. couldn't you let him have this grammar nazi anon?

    • 12 months ago

      Don't forget
      >humans don't look like abominations

  37. 12 months ago

    >One time Yuri shit would have saved it.
    >Ends up being one of the most generic movies with Quandale Dingle being the love interest.

    • 12 months ago

      I was thinking the exact same thing

  38. 12 months ago

    Some brainstorming I've done so far

    • 12 months ago

      Solid start Anon

    • 12 months ago

      You could even keep the final fight, just have the trident be this evil corrupting force that turns the wielder into a monster capable of killing the opposite race. Its design looks like malachite, which is a mineral that releases toxic chemicals when exposed to water, you could work with that.

      Both Ruby and Chelsea's sea families tell them how the other side was so power-hungry when they stumbled upon the trident, but it turns out to be a heavily-skewed version of events. Each depiction is accurate in that it's showing someone turning into a monster, but they fail to mention the evil ambitions come AFTER someone makes contact with the trident, not before.

      Chelsea gets a hold of it and gets corrupted and the fight from the movie proper breaks out. Ruby's Grandma insists it's clearly because Chelsea is an evil b***h, but Ruby puts two and two together and realizes the actual threat is the trident. It gets destroyed and Chelsea returns to normal. They all make up and work towards better relations between krakens and mermaids and then Ruby goes to prom to french kiss Connor on-screen :^)

      • 12 months ago

        He has a name?

      • 12 months ago

        Already liking this interpretation way more than the actual film

      • 12 months ago

        I'd keep Chelsea as the popular alpha girl but include at least a moment showing she's willing to sacrifice that to stay friends with Ruby even if it might kill her "cred" hanging with the loser

        • 12 months ago

          my headcanon was before the plot was completely revealed, that Chelsea was bullied as a kid for her fish tail before she learned to transform into a human. Thus while as an older teenager she is accepted by humans, she still harbors ill will towards them and thus on one hand feels close towards Ruby, as Ruby is also hiding her true form, but also doesn't want Ruby to feel like she has to be accepted by humans. Thus there is a 3way racist dilemma in the movie between all three species, with Ruby trying to find peace between them. We got a racist Kraken grandma, a bullied mermaid, and an insecure young Kraken with human friends.(who of course are totally accepted of monsters, because it's always like this)

      • 12 months ago

        It's better than what we got, but it's only fair to remind people just how fricktardedly meddled-with this movie was. There was no superpower stuff in the original version.

        • 12 months ago

          Without superpowers it'd just be just be nonhuman, slice of life, feuding parent sitcom shenanigans which honestly I'd still take

        • 12 months ago

          I'd love for them to still keep the giant kraken stuff purely because holy shit I love size difference and macro shit. That clip of the movie where Chelsea is holding onto Ruby's knuckle as they swim is mmm chefs kiss

          It could work for the immigrant allegory too since it's quite literally a giant part of Ruby's identity that's extremely hard to hide. Ever heard of "white-passing privilege"? That shit is a fricking lie, people can fricking clock you for even the slightest hint of an accent or the wrong hair texture. Hiding heritage as an immigrant (or someone who frequently travels) is extremely difficult.

    • 12 months ago

      Pocahontas rip

  39. 12 months ago

    How did the movie end, please?

    • 12 months ago

      Did you see the trailers?
      Like that.

      • 12 months ago

        There's no other mermaid in the movie.

        I know she was manipulating Ruby, but I kinda agree of the points she used about an inter-racial war.

  40. 12 months ago

    Star Vs or Ruby Gillman?
    Which one fricked up harder with the whole genocide is okay shit?

    • 12 months ago

      Star killed millions on screen, Ruby gillman only implies that krakens wiped out the mermaids but technically ruby doesn't genocide anyone, only stops Chelsea from.. taking what is rightfully hers and getting revenge? I mean I get she's evil and didn't care she was endangering humans but still.. feels like this was written very poorly.

  41. 12 months ago

    It's a movie that hates beautiful people that's coming out right as fans of Western Animation are thiiiiiis close to lynching the next animator to come up with a bunch of butt-ugly designs.

    • 12 months ago

      I wouldn't have minded the designs if the movie was still cohesive
      If it stayed a simple, fun light-hearted immigrant family story about fitting in I would've thought nothing of it at worst and be pleasantly surprised at best
      Shoe-horning the action elements and including a poorly implemented good vs evil narrative when a much more fun, positively engaging experience that would've been more thematic to the original pitch's context was so obvious everyone could see it even without shipping goggles on
      Have what is essentially two immigrant families put the conflicts of the past in their old home behind them in favor their kid's present and future in their new home

  42. 12 months ago

    This feels like the Onceler Fandom but for Yurigays
    And unfortunately I am a member

    • 12 months ago

      That's because much like the Lord, we were given a snippet of what could've been as well as people seeing the pieces are there, it's just that they are all over the place

    • 12 months ago

      >The internet has a Category 5 autism event creating dozens upon dozens of AUs and what-ifs to stick these characters into
      Don't give me hope

    • 12 months ago

      I wouldn't even consider myself a yurigay, I'm just starved for genuinely cute and sexy animated girls and there's nobody else to ship Chelsea with in this movie except Ruby. Ruby wins by process of elimination.

  43. 12 months ago

    I mean, the obvious sequel fix is to have it turn out that Chelsea isn't the ancient Queen. She's a solitary mermaid that decided to claim she was the ancient Queen to make herself look more badass and important than she actually is.

    But they won't do that in a sequel because there won't be one because this mess is gonna rightfully bomb.

    • 12 months ago

      You could just do a reveal that she was the queen but was the newest, youngest one at the time and immediately after losing was put in suspended animation so she technically never aged
      Granted apparently she says something like "I've waited so many years" when she got the trident

      • 12 months ago

        You can wait in suspended animation.
        I still say the easiest fix is for her to be a lonely teenage LARPer that decided to tell everyone she's this ancient immortal mermaid when she's just a teenager herself, because she thinks it's the only way she'll be taken seriously.
        That's the obvious fix. But we won't get a chance to do a fix because this is on track to bomb, and the writers (who in fairness had been meddled with a lot) fricked up so royally the nascent fandom is already disappointed.

    • 12 months ago

      Dreamworks has given out sequels and spin-off shows to even their total failures.

      • 12 months ago

        Where the frick is my Rise of the Guardians sequel?

        • 12 months ago

          Will be slapped together in five minutes once they train the right monkey.

        • 12 months ago

          Will be slapped together in five minutes once they train the right monkey.

          They have like five books of material to use for prequels.

      • 12 months ago

        Bee Movie?

  44. 12 months ago


  45. 12 months ago

    youre telling me chelsea is just dreamworks version of pic? or of equestria girls sunset shimmer?

    • 12 months ago

      shit, wrong picture

      • 12 months ago

        Yeah but she pulls it off

  46. 12 months ago

    Is it true there's LGBTQ bullshit?

    • 12 months ago

      One of Ruby's friends is a lesbian
      That's it

    • 12 months ago

      There's a background character who's queer. But people are mainly talking about the subtext.

      >Ruby was taught her whole life that she needs to hide
      >Ruby and Chelsea can only be in their true forms when they're by themselves.
      >Ruby is afraid of being open about her relationship with Chelsea with her family
      >Ruby has lived among people her whole life and still feels like she doesn't fit in
      >Chelsea can fit in with humans but only as an exaggerated caricature of a popular girl
      >Chelsea claims that she hates hiding

      No doubt Dreamworks is panicking and throwing every Chelsea/Ruby scene they have at us. But it's pretty clear what the intention is. This isn't even the first mermaids as an allegory for being gay movie.

      • 12 months ago

        Happy Pride Month everyone

        • 12 months ago

          >Happy Pride Month
          >The two gay fish movies were stomped on


          i can't tell if you're fishing for it like the spiderverse chuds or being sincere. if you are sincere i'm sorry anon. the subtext is that she is being groomed by an abusive lesbain.

          That's not subtext. The subtext is gay. The abusive groomer relationship is just the text. As we've all been saying this whole damn thread, this film need another draft.

          • 12 months ago

            what was the other gay fish movie?

            • 12 months ago

              The little mermaid. People who worked on animated original were open about the fact that it was a gay allegory. Obviously, the live-action remake has no such intention.

              • 12 months ago

                >People who worked on animated original were open about the fact that it was a gay allegory.
                this isn't true at all. the composer was gay though, maybe that is what you confused it with.

              • 12 months ago

                Howard Ashman wasn't the composer, he was the songwriter and that gave him a lot of creative input through the songs. Such as part of your world.

              • 12 months ago

                yes this one. ashman's real baby was aladdin though iirc.

      • 12 months ago

        i can't tell if you're fishing for it like the spiderverse chuds or being sincere. if you are sincere i'm sorry anon. the subtext is that she is being groomed by an abusive lesbain.

      • 12 months ago

        and they still somehow managed to frick this lay-up, up. Like bro it's pride month the fans loved it why, how do you frick up a easy lay-up really they imply at the end they want a sequel apparently. If they just left it even ambiguous that they were gay they'd have a 100mil opening weekend for the sequel.

        • 12 months ago

          Don't forget, not make Chelsea an adult

          • 12 months ago

            yeah i swear I feel she was originally the daughter but they realized how bad it'd look to have the daughter of a dead queen beaten up by most likely her parents killer and her daughter at the same time.

            >If they just left it even ambiguous that they were gay they'd have a 100mil opening weekend for the sequel.
            Goddamn, yurigays are DELUSIONAL

            bro you are a fool if you don't think that. I said ambiguous as it could keep the kid audience but also have the lgbt fandom simping as well. Also more just saying they'd get 1000x more free publicity than it already did. Shit I bet just the shear simping on Cinemaphile and twitter got a min of 1mil people to check it out.

          • 12 months ago

            That'll no doubt be the first thing retconned if this movie gets any continuation, like she's only queen by default because there wasn't anybody else willing to take the title.

            • 12 months ago

              It'll only get retconned if they do make her and Ruby friends

        • 12 months ago

          >If they just left it even ambiguous that they were gay they'd have a 100mil opening weekend for the sequel.
          Goddamn, yurigays are DELUSIONAL

        • 12 months ago

          I doubt they would have done THAT well, but they would've done better. This is a movie for nobody. It tries to do superhero stuff at a time when superheroes are no longer popular, and it really has the superfight at the end. It's kaiju without the fun smashing. It's a family comedy that sidelines the fun family. It has two teen girls with a friendship that most people who saw it said they liked... until it suddenly took a sharp left turn and the friends are arch enemies (and one's no longer a teen), but without any sort of overall theme that would make it appeal to teen girls like Jennifer's Body.
          "Friends to enemies to friends again" would have more appeal than this mess.

          • 12 months ago

            yeah true I meant more as it'd have a locked in audience and then have good word of mouth that would also get it to have more support than this run. You are right though really it was directionless it seems it has to much of all types of bs, really it can't commit to family comedy or girl coming of age or super powered shit. Really i feel that lack of commitment was the real reason their were no other mermaids as they could have had her fight some mermaids or something but instead she only fights chelsea and boom that's the end of the super powered part they set up.

            This is one of the few i wish had just been generational trauma. Just make the grandma a old racist and can't accept ruby relationship and ruby learns her overbearing and hate is why the mom left get more mom lore. Also make chelsea a teenager for god sake have chelsea and the grandma meet pre fight then have her reveal to Chelsea she killed her mom or that ruby's mom killed her mom. Then we can have chelsea pulling a lapis instead of using the trident to end the war she decides she just wants to disappear and uses her staff to drain the ocean or make a great flood. then ruby doesn't beat her in a fight but just talks with her and saves her from the tridents rampant power. I feel a lot of modern movies can't just do the non action packed finale like anime movies do. idk why I guess they think talking is boring, even though they'll have characters talk for hours for nothing everywhere else but oh no it's the end they must have a intense fight in our movie

      • 12 months ago

        Again, could've easily been underwater lesbian Romeo and Juliet

  47. 12 months ago

    Well at least I get to see Ruby’s Prom Dress.

    • 12 months ago

      They look really cute together

      • 12 months ago

        More then they are on the screen next week.

      • 12 months ago

        >They look really cute together

  48. 12 months ago

    Do they ever explain why no one freaks out about Ruby being A LITERAL MONSTER?

    • 12 months ago

      A trailer explained it already. They just say "I'm from canada" and people go with it. In other words, it's literally Invader Zim logic

      • 12 months ago

        Yet another Canadian coming of age story I see.

        • 12 months ago

          As a Canadian I can confirm that it really do be like that sometimes.

          At least we still have the fan art, porn, and rewrites.

          It might get Loraxed a bit. One can hope.
          Good God that boyfriend is too ugly for words.

          • 12 months ago

            Well at least we won't get Oncest since we have two characters to ship instead of just one

  49. 12 months ago

    >reading the last couple of threads
    it really is fricking over

  50. 12 months ago

    At least we still have the fan art, porn, and rewrites.

    • 12 months ago

      Here's to hoping
      I fear too many will be unmotivated after knowing what happens but if enough people dedicate to the yuri au I'd be down with it

    • 12 months ago

      Yeah I don't think it's gonna generate fanart like crazy even after the new details, just savor what's being put out before it's shoved aside from the next new thing.

      • 12 months ago

        Yeah. Gonna be saving and sharing the yuri while I still can.

        • 12 months ago

          I hate twitter leftists for being so ostensiblly against incest and age gap ships. Kinda ironic

          We'll see when pic related stops making content for it.

          • 12 months ago

            I would say commissions can be a thing too. But there are better things to pay for besides a yuri ship from a movie that sucked.

        • 12 months ago

          I hope they keep making art for the time being. I don't want a repeat of Owl House fan artists being harassed by Twitter again.

      • 12 months ago

        Yeah, and we drew Ruby a lot of times.

      • 12 months ago

        Yeah. Gonna be saving and sharing the yuri while I still can.

        Yeah, and we drew Ruby a lot of times.

        I hate twitter leftists for being so ostensiblly against incest and age gap ships. Kinda ironic

  51. 12 months ago

    I prefer this ship. Do they have sexual tension?

    • 12 months ago

      >Imma steal yo gurl

  52. 12 months ago

    I need Chelsea feet!

  53. 12 months ago

    Connor: Hola

    Chelsea: A

  54. 12 months ago
    • 12 months ago

      who's the artist of this? also a lot of foot focused chelsea art I've been seeing recently.

      • 12 months ago

  55. 12 months ago

    I don’t think anyone’s brought it up, but I really appreciate the potential this has to take Yaoi Hands and place them into Yuri
    That’s the power of the west

  56. 12 months ago

    So basically this movie is what would happen if in HTTYD Toothless was evil all along right?

    • 12 months ago

      >So basically this movie is what would happen if in HTTYD Toothless was evil all along right?

      ...............................That's actually a damn good analogy.

      >This whole thread is throwing an autistic fit over two girl characters not kissing in a throwaway summer movie
      hello Cinemaphilemblr

      It's Last Wish whiplash. We went from one of Dreamworks' best movies in years to one of their worst. It's like having Boss Baby right after Prince of Egypt. Made more jarring because it wasn't hard to imagine a better (maybe not great but much better) movie from snippets of material we saw.

  57. 12 months ago

    Look at this poor baby

    • 12 months ago

      pre-forced kraken copopulation

    • 12 months ago

      >No family
      >No friends
      >Home is destroyed
      >Can't date people your age because you have a growth hormone deficiency

    • 12 months ago

      She needs my cum

    • 12 months ago

      But does she have a face that can be squished?

    • 12 months ago

      *baby (30-something)

    • 12 months ago

      Around mers
      You can never be sure

    • 12 months ago

      She needs a kiss from Ruby.

    • 12 months ago

      She's 43, accept it

      • 12 months ago

        HAG LOVE

        • 12 months ago

          Hehe. Hagfish.

  58. 12 months ago

    maybe if they hadn't painted Chelsea as 'the last of her kind' she'd function better as a villain?
    like make her some evil sea-witch who has escaped mermaid prison, or something and is hiding out under the humans while trying to get the trident to destroy both kingdoms and mermaids and krakens gotta work together to take her down

    • 12 months ago

      The whole last of her kind isn't explicitly stated and more of a theory given she's the only mermaid we see (she didn't come with an army despite being royalty) but considering we have more evidence backing her to be the last one (or at least one of the few remaining), it sticks out more

    • 12 months ago

      Spoiler didn't say she's the last of her kind, or even imply it, just that Mermaids are shown getting wrecked in battle and then only Chelsea from then on.

      However it doesn't help that the Kraken have a whole kingdom going on and Ruby has her whole family, while Chelsea is shown entirely on her own. Like as the Queen you'd think she could summon her own warriors in the final act.

      It'd probably have helped if they just treated Mermaids like some folklore horror monster Ruby is warned about, then meets and is immediately antagonised while no one believes her. Like the first trailers made it look like.

      Setting them up as two warring factions implies that they're alike in terms of humanity and raises the idea that we should see more of them around.

      • 12 months ago

        If there was a scene where at the moment she wields the trident the whole ass Mermaid species comes out of hiding and goes berserk around the world, that might've worked (but when the trident is busted and the mermaids stop it would imply they're not naturally evil)

        • 12 months ago

          >but when the trident is busted and the mermaids stop it would imply they're not naturally evil)
          They couldn't really do that comfortably without addressing grandma's propaganda.

          Either make the story about questioning the premise or present the mermaids as a monster species but NOT a society with any recognisable organisation.

          Like an underwater demon horde.

          • 12 months ago

            Trying to fit in a whole "popular guy = evil" thing falls flat as well because even when disguised as a human Chelsea does not actually bully Ruby and instead just comes across as friendly

          • 12 months ago

            The problem is you can't blithely write a story where there's a demographic that look human, dress like us, talk like us, display emotions like us, but there's a grandma going "you can't trust THEIR KIND" and have it turn out granny is right. That's just pro-racism through incompetent writing.

            • 12 months ago

              well, you can. there's lots of films like invasion of the body snatchers and secret invasion where there are evil things that pretend to be like humans but aren't.

              • 12 months ago

                >secret invasion
                In Skrulls case, they're not inherently evil

              • 12 months ago

                >Invasion of the Body Snatchers
                Nope! I said "display emotions like us." That was the horror of the podpeople. Sure they could stare at you and tonelessly say "yes, I went to a party with you last Tuesday. I had cake. It was good" but they were incapable of emotions. They sucked at faking it.
                Here Chelsea is perfect at showing emotions. She may have been "pretending" for a lot of them, but even when she reveals her true colors she's showing off emotions like happiness followed by fear and sorrow (when she loses).

                >Secret Invasion
                But Secret Invasion is the exact opposite of this. There were SEVERAL good Skrulls in the story that tried to either help humanity or find a peaceful resolution, and even with the bad ones it was framed as a species that was desperate because they lost their homeland. It wasn't a great story, but it didn't veer into accidental racism like this.

          • 12 months ago

            The problem is you can't blithely write a story where there's a demographic that look human, dress like us, talk like us, display emotions like us, but there's a grandma going "you can't trust THEIR KIND" and have it turn out granny is right. That's just pro-racism through incompetent writing.

            well, you can. there's lots of films like invasion of the body snatchers and secret invasion where there are evil things that pretend to be like humans but aren't.

            Again, actually making the consideration of coexistence an actual major plot point makes the "racist grandma is right" become the elephant in the room because you're giving the audience that expectation/idea

            • 12 months ago

              well, in my version of it being done well, the whole thing would be reframed. but i don't think it's a bad thing for a sentient species to be inherently evil. it's not the modern way of doing things, but its a trope that has its place for a reason.

    • 12 months ago

      she could be the last of her kind because she btfo the others

  59. 12 months ago

    Question, was picrel a scene in the movie or was it promo exclusive?

    • 12 months ago

      promo exclusive

    • 12 months ago

      Deleted scene I bet. Back when the story was GOOD.

  60. 12 months ago

    >This whole thread is throwing an autistic fit over two girl characters not kissing in a throwaway summer movie
    hello Cinemaphilemblr

    • 12 months ago

      We've been hyperanalysing movies for years, shut up

    • 12 months ago

      I don't care if it's lesbians or just friends, it's just poorly written and falls apart the longer you think about it

    • 12 months ago

      I hate gays in most media since they're written terribly but this was the exception I wanted. Hell I would've taken the movie without it if it were actually interesting and nuanced. I wanted another Kung Fu Panda, a movie that really surprised me despite everything that was going for it, but we got another Turbo.

  61. 12 months ago

    this is a movie where generational trauma would have actually been more fitting and crowd pleaser than a real antagonist, huh

    • 12 months ago

      There's a first for everything

  62. 12 months ago

    Any hints of a sequel redemption, even?

    • 12 months ago

      There was one Anon who said she does a twitch "apology" but it conflicts with Pastebin Anon's report and he stayed as long until the lights came back up

  63. 12 months ago

    I don’t think the movie is trying to say “race war good” at the end of the film. The plot was changed and they cobbled something up that they didn’t even think too much about how it sounds.

    • 12 months ago

      Either this, them being too blinded by the opportunity to get back at high school classmates they still despise well into adulthood to care what they were writing, or both.

      • 12 months ago

        I don't know where this "the writers are still sore about highschool" idea is coming from. There's not a gang of popular kids versus the unpopular kids. Chelsea is, initially, just as nice to Ruby as she is anyone else. The initial story idea wasn't even about Ruby Vs Chelsea. It was about the Gilman family.
        It seems like maybe one or two anons are strawmaning the writers based on their own biases.

        • 12 months ago

          I guess since the popular girl, Chelsea, is made the antagonist. Maybe they had a vendetta against Chads and Stacy, or maybe they didn’t. Since the movie isn’t written too well, it’s easy to just make fun of the writers in this way.

    • 12 months ago

      SvtFoE wasn't trying to say "the genocide of a slave race is acceptable." Whether or not the writers were TRYING to say something doesn't matter. Sometimes you frick up and your story has a shitty moral that you didn't intend. But it's still there.

      • 12 months ago

        >But it's still there.
        Oh no, I don’t deny that. I was trying to piece together the puzzles. They changed direction so many times the movie just casually has implied war and genocide. It brushes off mermaids being driven off into hiding and the only live one currently is Chelsea as a footnote. And the reason we’re given is an anecdote by grandma, because as the 2023 Cleopatra documentary shows: grandma knows bests.

  64. 12 months ago

    Behold, I am no longer the worst DreamWorks movie about marine life

    • 12 months ago

      lmao i still need to watch Ruby myself, but it's gonna take A LOT to beat Sharktale. And i mean ST is so bad i actually admire it, they took risks and failed at it. So far Ruby seems to be mid, just mid, nothing special. ST sucks massively, but that's why people still talks about it today.

    • 12 months ago

      The corporate espionage involved in making Shark Tale and DreamWorks's early movies sounds more interesting than the films themselves.

      • 12 months ago

        spoonfeed me

    • 12 months ago

      If I had a nickel for every time one of the worst Dreamworks movies was about marine life seemingly becoming unlikely friends I'd have two nickels which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it happened twice

    • 12 months ago

      This movie was good, what the frick people

      • 12 months ago

        Hello Shark Tale-anon

    • 12 months ago

      Sharktalegay has been vindicated

  65. 12 months ago

    So far I've seen three flavors of plausible reviews.
    "It wasn't great but it was fine." There are people that said that about Strange World, I'm willing to accept that some folks are VERY easily entertained.
    "Ruby's family was the best part." Hilarious because the family focus was the original thrust of the movie, but Dreamworks changed it to try and shoehorn in a Superhero Journey of some sort.
    "The unlikely friendship was the best part." Hilarious because they scuppered that friendship completely.
    I haven't seen anyone really enthusiastic over the actual movie as a whole.
    Calling it now: This is the second-biggest Oceanic Frickup of the year.

    • 12 months ago

      I know Pastebin Anon's text makes it clear Ruby and Chelsea's bonding was at the dismay of Ruby's human friends who felt neglected but hearing other Anon's say they were boring and bland is like if Star Vs was a movie and Marco hanging out and having fun with Star instead of the two human pals nobody cares for was wrong
      Ruby and Chelsea had chemistry even if it couldn't be romantic

      • 12 months ago

        If you've seen Strange World, the best way to describe Ruby's friends is to compare them to Ethan's friends in that. Okay they're friendly, and you can make out personalities, but if they had been cut from the movie entirely you wouldn't give a frick. They're not as obnoxious as Marco's "pals," I'll give them that.

  66. 12 months ago

    In all my years I've never seen a situation where the writers have as much a motive to kill the morons in marketing. And I remember shit like The Lorax's weird ad campaign promoting fricking gas-guzzler minivans.

    • 12 months ago

      Honestly, I think in many ways the marketing morons saved the writers from themselves here. Or at least tried to, depending on how much of a flop this is.

    • 12 months ago

      But anon, that Mazda had the Truffula Tree Seal of Approval!

    • 12 months ago

      Marketing bros did as a fricking favour, actually. Imagine expecting something good because the trailer was awesome and didn't spoil anything, and getting this. I would be butthurt.

      Whi should be eliminated instead are the execs who interefered.

      • 12 months ago

        The fact that there's a good chance (going by the Cinemaphile post made months before the first actual trailer dropped) that they considered selling the movie as an unlikely friends comedy shows how stupid, desperate, or both they were
        Imagine being a little girl expecting some movie about two teenagers becoming friends, you really think she'd want to still see them fight in the climax after the reveal?

    • 12 months ago

      High Guardian Spice, but in that case the creator needed to kill not just the marketers, but the writers, and the animators, and the producers, and the distributors, and the editors, and (most of) the voice actors, and ...

      • 12 months ago

        the creator was really in the wrong place at the wrong time, that show was pretty inoffensive in and of itself

  67. 12 months ago

    The only way you could "Redo" this in a remotely high quality way with the assets at our disposal would be a visual novel. More would be nice but is unrealistic (if the Psycho Zutarans couldn't produce their "Katara ends up with Zuko!" cut what chance do you have).
    Anything less than visual novel and you're just throwing yet another fanfic into the void.

    • 12 months ago

      How I Became Yours

    • 12 months ago

      Alternatively we write out what would have happened in other movies if the Ruby Gillman twist applied
      The Iron Giant was evil all along
      Toothless was evil all along
      E.T. was evil all along
      The Boy in the Striped Pajamas was evil all along
      And so on, so forth

      • 12 months ago

        >The Boy in the Striped Pajamas was evil all along
        Well that's a given, but yeah this movie is definitely going to be misconstrued as pro-racism but it deserves it because of the potential wasted.

      • 12 months ago

        >The Boy in the Striped Pajamas was evil all along

      • 12 months ago

        >Ponyo was evil this whole time and the old b***h from the beginning of the film was right all along

    • 12 months ago

      >The only way you could "Redo" this in a remotely high quality way with the assets at our disposal would be a visual novel.

      I could see this working, with a few "choose your route" elements.
      Bad End1: Chelsea turns full evil, wins, kills you.
      Bad End2: Chelsea turns full evil, loses, it's the movie.
      Bad End3: Chelsea turns evil, there's a hint that she could've been redeemed, but Granma finishes her off first
      Good End 1: Chelsea redeemed, be friends
      Good End 2: Chelsea redeemed, /u/ wins
      Worst End 1: Monika wins, all the other girls commit suicide, Monika just wants to stare at you and chat forever

      • 12 months ago


      • 12 months ago

        *Best end

  68. 12 months ago

    >Random 2-min fanart is more beloved than the movie

    Many such ca... actually no that's pretty rare and very funny.

  69. 12 months ago

    >no giant kraken on giant mermaid sex

  70. 12 months ago

    >I wish I got a new animated movie with a cute heterosexual female protagonist, a hot villain played straight, and no generational trauma bullshit

    • 12 months ago

      Shit you got me

  71. 12 months ago

    It would be wacky if pastebin-anon was making stuff up and all reviews out now are in on the conspiracy. Totally not me coping.

  72. 12 months ago

    >ruby gillman is dreamworks turning red
    >he actually makes some really solid comparisons showing this is true

    • 12 months ago

      Looks like a loser

  73. 12 months ago

    Hey guys, anyone missing a sub?

    • 12 months ago

      Chelsea no!

    • 12 months ago

      Chelsea yes!

  74. 12 months ago

    Now Cinemaphile wants redemption? Why do female villains being evil and irredeemable trigger people so much?

    • 12 months ago

      only because the alternative was THAT bad.
      like, look at Wish, no one thinks the bad guy should be redeemed and instead should be a traditional evil villain.

    • 12 months ago

      Pure evil villains are great
      This wasn't one of them
      The movie sets up so much of the two being friends (albeit flawed) so to have the writers pull it under the rug and reveal the racist grandma was right and Ruby was foolish leaves a bad taste
      Chelsea is the character with the most chemistry with Ruby and the audience is expected to just accept that it's all thrown away
      It's been mentioned before, it's like if in HTTYD Toothless was pure evil as a plot twist and the Vikings were right about the dragons
      All of Hiccup's scenes of bonding would be for nothing

      • 12 months ago

        People can't handle lesbian ships not being cute huh. Mad because you can't get off to an evil woman.

        • 12 months ago

          Did you really just go "Lol you mad" because Cinemaphile wasn't as degenerate as you thought it was?

        • 12 months ago

          how would you know, almost no one in thread has even seen the damn movie

      • 12 months ago

        You're taking the plot way too literally.

        No one would care if it was two guys, you all just can't take lesbian ships that aren't cute. Boring.

        • 12 months ago

          Anon, Toothless is male
          Even if the friendship between Ruby and Chelsea is strictly platonic it's a massive waste of potential

    • 12 months ago

      You really want Grubhub McGee to score tentacle pussy?

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