
Say Cinemaphile, how do I get into comics?

Is Marvel Unlimited and DC universe infinite worth getting? I'm reading through the human torch stuff, I think I wanna go through it all.

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  1. 8 months ago

    >how do I get into comics
    Don't start with capeshit.

    • 8 months ago

      have a nice day

    • 8 months ago

      you are so useless. you don't read comics, but you come to Cinemaphile. you go into an ontopic thread and shitpost. you pretend to answer op's question, but you don't. because you are useless. you are ignorant. you are a shitstain. if I had my way, you would be banned yesterday. you don't deserve this board, you fricking piece of human trash. go frick yourself, and pick a different board to shit up

    • 8 months ago

      Fpbp. Capeshit will trick you with a few good runs/minis and then you'll be caught in awful and inconsistent continuity filled with garbage event comics.

  2. 8 months ago

    >I think I wanna go through it all.
    Read every Marvel comic in publication order?

    • 8 months ago


      • 8 months ago

        I did that. it's pretty interesting and fun. you can see the writing and tonal shifts in real time and get a real.feel.of the history. Rn I'm on early 2000s DC and Marvel

        • 8 months ago

          Which reading order did you use?

        • 8 months ago

          when did you start?

      • 8 months ago

        Will, if you’re serious about reading every comic? Then use these websites:

        The first is a list of every single Marvel comic from the Silver Age to now in chronological order by publication date and storyline. The second is a similar list for every era of DC, but it’s just organized by publication date. My only advice? If an Issue or run starts to bore you, just skip the damn thing. good luck and God speed you fricking madman.

      • 8 months ago

        For all intents and purposes, the Marvel Universe effectively begins with Fantastic Four #1. Anything before that is "questionably canon" AT BEST.

  3. 8 months ago

    well. depends. what do you want out of a comic?
    like... do you want horror shit? sci fi? what's your favorite genre

    • 8 months ago

      I'd like quality. I don't have preferences to certain genres.

      • 8 months ago

        well. here's a list of series from various eras that I quite enjoy. some of them are widely considered great, others are lesser known ones that i personally think are underrated or otherwise under appreciated.
        GOLDEN AGE (1930s - 1956)
        >Captain America Comics (Timely/Atlas Comics)
        >Marvel Mystery Comics (Timely/Atlas Comics)
        >early Detective Comics (DC)
        >early Action Comics (DC)
        >EC's big three horror comics (Tales From The Crypt, Vault Of Horror, Haunt Of Fear)
        >Shock SuspenStories (also by EC)
        >All-Winners Comics (Timely/Atlas Comics)
        >early Adventure Comics (DC),
        >EC's war comics (Two-Fisted Tales, Frontline Combat, Aces High.)
        >Adventures Into Terror (Atlas Comics)
        >Mystic (Atlas Comics)
        >Chamber Of Chills (Harvey Comics)
        >Menace (Atlas Comics)
        >Police Comics, particularly the stuff featuring Plastic Man (Quality Comics)
        >Whiz Comics, particularly the stuff featuring Captain Marvel/Shazam. (Fawcett Comics)
        >This Magazine Is Haunted (Fawcett Comics)
        >Floyd Gottfriedson's work on Mickey Mouse
        >Carl Barks's work on Donald Duck
        >Kid Colt (Timely/Atlas Comics)
        >Warfront (Harvey Comics)
        >Ghost Rider (Magazine Enterprises)
        >Black Magic (Prize Comics)
        >Flash Gordon by Alex Raymond (King)
        >Thimble Theatre (King)

        • 8 months ago

          Believe you me, anon. I'll be using this list.

          I also made this thread thinking Cinemaphile would've had some kind of image guide or something...

          • 8 months ago

            there are various image guides out there but i've never bothered saving any of them

        • 8 months ago

          a few more golden age ones
          Mister Mystery (Stanley Morse-Key)
          Military Comics (especially the stories featuring Blackhawk)

          SILVER AGE
          >Fantastic Four (Marvel Comics)
          >Amazing Spider-Man (Marvel Comics)
          >Silver Surfer (Marvel Comics)
          >Strange Adventures (DC Comics)
          >The Hulk (Marvel Comics) (not as great as the last three I mentioned. but I think the original 6 issue series is worth reading.)
          >Journey Into Mystery, later The Mighty Thor. (Marvel Comics)
          >Tales To Astonish (can be hit-or-miss.) (Marvel Comics)
          >Tales Of Suspense (mostly after issue #58. when it becomes a Captain America/Iron Man split book.) (Marvel Comics)
          >Konga (Charlton Comics)
          >Strange Tales (Marvel Comics)
          >Our Army At War/Sgt. Rock (DC Comics)
          >G. I. Combat (DC Comics)
          >Magnus, Robot Fighter (Gold Key Comics)
          >Peanuts really hit its stride in the 60s.
          >Creepy (Warren Publications)
          >Eerie (Warren Publications)
          >Blazing Combat (Warren Publications)
          >Amazing Adult Fantasy (Marvel Comics)
          >Air War Stories (Dell)
          >Jungle War Stories (Dell)
          >Gorgo (Charlton Comics)
          >The Thing! (Charlton Comics)

        • 8 months ago

          Believe you me, anon. I'll be using this list.

          I also made this thread thinking Cinemaphile would've had some kind of image guide or something...

          Honestly I'm not sure Golden/Silver Age stuff is good to recommend to a new reader. Their structure and pacing is pretty different than modern media (especially the Golden Age material) which can be kind of off-putting to someone not already committed to liking comics.

          • 8 months ago

            i guess but IMHO if you can't stomach early FF or Spider-Man then you just don't like comic books, period.

            • 8 months ago

              Yeah, that's horseshit. Some of those early stories are GARBAGE.
              YOU don't like comics if you think those are good.

              • 8 months ago

                like... what?
                ASM and FF are completely solid all the way through. you just sound like a homosexual who hates goofy fun
                I presume youre some casual moron who thinks Watchmen and Whatever Happened To The Man Of Tomorrow are peak comic writing.

              • 8 months ago

                I dislike bad comics, period.
                I just never fell for that "Silver Age Marvel is the greatest, most magical era of comics" bunk. That's largely marketing. Actually reading them, you find that they're not as spectacular as was promised. Instead, they're very hit and miss.
                >I presume youre some casual moron who thinks Watchmen and Whatever Happened To The Man Of Tomorrow are peak comic writing.
                Of course you have a problem with actual good comics.

              • 8 months ago

                Whatever Happened is definitely good but Watchmen is overrated as frick and does NOT deserve the sheer amount of hype it gets. it is a good comic. but i would never in a million years consider it one of the "best"
                Alan Moore is a homosexual btw
                > Actually reading them, you find that they're not as spectacular as was promised. Instead, they're very hit and miss.
                I would argue a good chunk of them kept a consistently high quality throughout. (Dr. Strange, Spidey, FF, Journey Into Mystery/Thor. Strange Tales in general except for the repetitive monster stories)
                sure, there were plenty of stinkers. most of early Daredevil is shit, early Hulk falls flat, as does Tales Of Suspense before #58

              • 8 months ago

                although even the series that i mentioned still have pretty good issues.
                Daredevil #7 where he fights Sub-Mariner, for example. that was a fun, solid issue.
                but if you genuinely fricking hate early Spider-Man i have to question your taste in comics.

              • 8 months ago

                I liked early Daredevil. It was mostly nothing special but it was fun. Definitely not as bad as say early X-Men

              • 8 months ago

                early X-Men has like 3 good issues
                some of early Daredevil was outright shit but most of it was just mediocre with a few pretty good issues sprinkled throughout here and there

                You are such an obnoxious and pretentious twat.

                pretentious? no lmao
                in fact I'm ragging on pretentious morons who are too stuck-up to enjoy something like Ditko era Spider Man.

              • 8 months ago

                >but i would never in a million years consider it one of the "best
                That's because you have shit taste. If I were to ask you to name 25 better comics, guaranteed you would name at least a few trash nowhere on Watchmen's level. Also, because of losers such as yourself that think saying Watchmen isn't great makes you interesting then the comic cannot be called overrated.

              • 8 months ago

                >That's because you have shit taste
                wrong again
                > If I were to ask you to name 25 better comics, guaranteed you would name at least a few trash nowhere on Watchmen's level
                Watchmen is overrated pseud shit and Alan Moore is a joyless homosexual with bad opinions
                it's a good comic?, yes. is it well drawn? yes. but I wouldn't call it the best.
                everything EC Comics ever published shits all over Watchmen.
                Denny O'Neil Batman? shits all over watchmen.
                the original Captain Marvel? shits all over watchmen.
                Quality Comics era Plastic Man? shits all over watchmen.
                yes, I unironically believe this, why? because Watchmen is a pseudointellectual wankfest masquerading as a comic book.
                Watchmen isn't even Moore's best work tbh I've always preferred Tom Strong and Swamp Thing

                I'm too highbrow, actually.

                /lit/gays pls go

              • 8 months ago


              • 8 months ago

                name ten comics you think are great or more worthy of praise than the ones i mentioned

              • 8 months ago

                No point, you revealed yourself to be a proud manchild.

              • 8 months ago

                >name better comics
                >n-n-no you're a heckin manchild!

                Watchmen deserves all of its acclaim, and so does Moore. I like good comics, and he delivered more often than not.
                >consistently high quality throughout. (Dr. Strange, Spidey, FF, Journey Into Mystery/Thor
                Not early on. They're quite inconsistent.
                One issue of Doctor Strange, for example, can be a relatively interesting showcase of trippiness and madness, then following it is a boring and moronic turd of a story.
                I love Jack Cole's Plastic Man (another one that's inconsistent in quality, but arguably more fun than anything from the Silver Age), but Watchmen is a better comic. It's more entertaining to me than anything you listed.
                You don't like comics. You like calling yourself a comics fan, but you don't like the medium itself.

                moore is up his own ass 24/7 and is sucked off by normalgays and effeminate men
                >You don't like comics. You like calling yourself a comics fan, but you don't like the medium itself.
                what the frick are you smoking
                put down the crack pipe, Cletus.

              • 8 months ago

                Yes, normal people prefer Moore, meanwhile manchildren such as yourself cry and whine because he said some bad things about your precious superheroes.
                Your low intelligence even prevents you from understanding that I feel no need to name more good comics because I already don't respect you and you already exposed yourself as a pretentious twat that worships superhero comics. The other guy was right on the money when he said you don't like the medium, you just like calling yourself a fan. Funny thing is, if I were to make a thread about how superhero comics dominates the industry you'd piss yourself in rage over that statement and bend over backwards trying to claim it's not true, meanwhile you're Rob Liefeld, all the "books" you own are superhero comic books, preferably in omnibus format because you think it makes them look classy.

              • 8 months ago

                >you already exposed yourself as a pretentious twat that worships superhero comics.
                a good chunk of my favorites are non-superhero comics though. but hating on superheroes is moron shit for pseuds trying to pretend they're intelligent.
                > if I were to make a thread about how superhero comics dominates the industry you'd piss yourself in rage over that statement and bend over backwards trying to claim it's not true
                it's completely true and i wish it weren't true.

              • 8 months ago

                Watchmen deserves all of its acclaim, and so does Moore. I like good comics, and he delivered more often than not.
                >consistently high quality throughout. (Dr. Strange, Spidey, FF, Journey Into Mystery/Thor
                Not early on. They're quite inconsistent.
                One issue of Doctor Strange, for example, can be a relatively interesting showcase of trippiness and madness, then following it is a boring and moronic turd of a story.

                >That's because you have shit taste
                wrong again
                > If I were to ask you to name 25 better comics, guaranteed you would name at least a few trash nowhere on Watchmen's level
                Watchmen is overrated pseud shit and Alan Moore is a joyless homosexual with bad opinions
                it's a good comic?, yes. is it well drawn? yes. but I wouldn't call it the best.
                everything EC Comics ever published shits all over Watchmen.
                Denny O'Neil Batman? shits all over watchmen.
                the original Captain Marvel? shits all over watchmen.
                Quality Comics era Plastic Man? shits all over watchmen.
                yes, I unironically believe this, why? because Watchmen is a pseudointellectual wankfest masquerading as a comic book.
                Watchmen isn't even Moore's best work tbh I've always preferred Tom Strong and Swamp Thing
                /lit/gays pls go

                I love Jack Cole's Plastic Man (another one that's inconsistent in quality, but arguably more fun than anything from the Silver Age), but Watchmen is a better comic. It's more entertaining to me than anything you listed.
                You don't like comics. You like calling yourself a comics fan, but you don't like the medium itself.

              • 8 months ago

                >another one that's inconsistent in quality
                I disagree, it's probably the most consistent pre 80s comic. The low page count also helps it not having to pointlessly fill pages with fluff. It's better than the other stuff he mentioned like Captain Marvel or Spider-man. And I love those Denny O'Neil Batman comics but THAT'S an inconsistent run. And it's never on Watchmen's level.

            • 8 months ago

              You are such an obnoxious and pretentious twat.

              • 8 months ago

                He's right. If you don't like early Spider-Man you are a philistine and a moron

              • 8 months ago

                early X-Men has like 3 good issues
                some of early Daredevil was outright shit but most of it was just mediocre with a few pretty good issues sprinkled throughout here and there
                pretentious? no lmao
                in fact I'm ragging on pretentious morons who are too stuck-up to enjoy something like Ditko era Spider Man.

                Proving my point there, asshats.

              • 8 months ago

                >tfw anon is too stupid to appreciate spider-man comics

              • 8 months ago

                I'm too highbrow, actually.

              • 8 months ago

                Keep telling yourself that, dummy

  4. 8 months ago

    I've recently storytimed a few issues from a few of the comics I mentioned. so feel free to check out those storytimes.


    Tales From The Crypt 35 (plus. finishing up the storytime that i did previous to that., which was Menace #1. (i had storytimed Menace #1 and the thread archived before I could post the final story so i just said frick it and did it next thread)

  5. 8 months ago

    say. OP. you've been reading the human torch stuff. how do you feel about it so far?

    • 8 months ago

      I find it funny how the angel dresses himself as how you'd expect a hero to dress but for the most part literally CHOKES and BEATS bad guys to death.
      And how Namor's just a huge frickin' dick, and that was his whole first issue. Just being a dick and killing people.
      The human torch gives off more of a proper hero vibe, like there's powers and potential there. Probably why HE'S on the cover and not... Ka-zar.

      • 8 months ago

        Early Human Torch is some of the best stuff Marvel put out in the 40s, but after the original creator Carl Burgos gets drafted, it gets really soulless and generic. Captain America was probably the most consistently good comic they had at the time.

      • 8 months ago

        The Angel is an absurdly blatant knockoff of the Saint to the point I have no idea how they didn't get sued for it. Probably helps if you're familiar with that franchise.

  6. 8 months ago

    BRONZE AGE (1970 to the mid 80s. usually clarified as 85 or 86)
    also none of these are in any particular order)
    >House Of Mystery (DC)
    >House Of Secrets (DC)
    >Fantastic Four, Thor, Spider-Man, Hulk, Iron Man, Daredevil, Captain America, etc. are all very good throughout this time period.
    >Power Man & Iron Fist (Marvel)
    >Marvel Team-Up (Marvel)
    >Tomb Of Dracula (Marvel)
    >Werewolf By Night (Marvel)
    >the original Swamp Thing run by Bernie Wrightson (DC)
    >Green Arrow/Green Lantern (DC)
    >Batman, especially the stuff Dennis O'Neil Did.(DC)
    >Conan The Barbarian (Marvel)
    >Man Of Steel by John Byrne (DC)
    >Adventure Into Fear (especially the stuff featuring Man-Thing) (Marvel)
    >Master Of Kung-Fu (Marvel)
    >Scream, Psycho, and Nightmare (all by Skywald)
    >Ghost Rider (Marvel)

  7. 8 months ago

    >Is Marvel Unlimited and DC universe infinite worth getting?
    You can read anything you want for free on the internet, but go ahead and give them money if you think they deserve it.

  8. 8 months ago

    Not worth reading it all. Start with the good stuff.

    • 8 months ago

      Will, if you’re serious about reading every comic? Then use these websites:

      The first is a list of every single Marvel comic from the Silver Age to now in chronological order by publication date and storyline. The second is a similar list for every era of DC, but it’s just organized by publication date. My only advice? If an Issue or run starts to bore you, just skip the damn thing. Good luck and God speed you fricking madman.

      For all intents and purposes, the Marvel Universe effectively begins with Fantastic Four #1. Anything before that is "questionably canon" AT BEST.

      Maybe I'll just start at fantastic four #1... cuz some of these stories just aren't that interesting

      • 8 months ago

        Maybe captain america...

        • 8 months ago

          Captain America comes back in the 60s.

  9. 8 months ago

    Read comics 10 years ago, got burnt out, got back into them 2 years ago maybe
    Recommendations from this batch of reading are mostly slated to original creator(s) work and/or shameless fan fiction i.e. What If?/Imaginary Stories/Elseworlds
    >EC Comics
    You would be fairly hard pressed to go wrong with them, tons of great artists and neat plotlines. My top three are
    >Weird Fantasy
    >Weird Science
    >Weird Science-Fantasy
    Orginally two comics, eventually rolled into one for a shorter run. Tons of great monster and babe art.
    >Heavy Metal
    Lots of ENG translations of stuff from Metal Hurlant, solid artwork from Moebius, Druillet, and others; check out the first year to see how you feel. Arzach is a good one.
    Hitman by Ennis/McCrea
    Plastic Man by Jack Cole
    Fourth World (Jimmy Olsen, New Gods, Mister Miracle, Tomorrow People)
    Captain Victory and the Galactic Rangers to follow up
    Devil Dinosaur
    Superman '39-'43ish
    Sky Masters of the Space Force
    Popeye by Segar
    Krazy Kat pre-color era
    Prince Valiant to 1971ish

  10. 8 months ago

    you just read them

  11. 8 months ago

    digital comics museum

    Comic Book Plus

    Internet Archive

    These are all great resources for older comics. Try some of the good girl art comics, they'll put hair on your chest.

  12. 8 months ago

    I never did. Homestuck is sorta getting me into webcomics

  13. 8 months ago

    You read comics, and you get more of the shit you like. Pay more attention to creators than brands or characters.

    One good thing going on is the Wizard 100 best comics marathon on RIGHT FRICKING now which will cover a huge variety of shit..

    And right now is LARRY FRICKING HAMA'S famous Silent issue of GI Joe. A book that partialy inspired the TMNT. Possibly the best GI Joe comic ever made.


    • 8 months ago

      >A book that partialy inspired the TMNT.
      huh, I didn't know about that. I knew Frank Miller was an influence, but I hadn't heard Silent Interlude was as well

      • 8 months ago

        Ninjas were not well known when the book was written. Frank Miller is the biggest influence, but a bunch of ninja shit in america comes directly from Hama.

  14. 8 months ago

    FF does take a minute to get it's footing.

    Spidey's good from the jump though

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