Scott Snyder's Ultimate Line For DC Is To Be Called Absolute Comics

>For a little while now, Bleeding Cool has run gossip about an upcoming publishing project at DC Comics being spearheaded by Scott Snyder. One that has been compared to Marvel Comics' Ultimate line, that reimagined a number of main characters in a new continuity, recreating them from the ground up. Marvel has also revisited the concept this year with a new Ultimate Comics line that has topped the sales charts in comic book stores and gone to multiple printings. But what Scott Snyder has been working on, with a number of major comic book creators, has been in the works for longer. And we have a name for it, Absolute Comics. Or just Absolute.

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  1. 2 months ago

    >Bleeding Cool understands, however, rather than some single central creator-focused line, or something with a major editorial driver such as Dan DiDio's New 52 or Geoff Johns' DC Rebirth, this is intended to be more of a hands-off affair on Snyder's part, with the creators being given more of a carte blanche to achieve results, closer to the All-Star line, with major A-list creators on board. Also rather than something separated from the main line like All-Star, the Ultimate Universe, or even Jim Shooter's New Universe back in the day, this will be something published in conjunction with the main line, part of a larger initiative that aims to spotlight DC's entire lineup. But there will not be a reboot or even a relaunch of the main line, that will remain intact and continuity (along with many creative teams) will continue on.

    >Because the other name I have heard, of which Absolute Comics is a part, is DC All-In, the broader initiative Snyder and other creators have been working on. Make of that what you will. This is most definitely being seen as an attempt to do New 52 right, alongside a DC Rebirth with a more holistic approach. That the team on DC All-In are aiming to give fans something bold while leaving alone what's already working. And I expect to hear more, a lot more, at San Diego Comic-Con this year.. And I expect to hear more, a lot more, at San Diego Comic-Con this year. Announce in SDCC and launch for New York Comic Con maybe? But what I am hearing so far (and hey, my DMs are open), I like a lot. This feels like just what DC Comics needs to lift itself. Marvel has had Ultimate Comics, Image has had the Energon Universe of Transformers and GI Joe, and now DC Comics has Absolute Comics, for All-In.

    • 2 months ago

      >So, I understand that Absolute Comics will also follow sometime after Mark Waid's Absolute Power event in July and August. Maybe in October and November? The title similarity is a nice touch… As is the fact that DC still has the trademark on the Absolute line of oversized slipcase line of hardcover volumes launched by Scott Dunbier with The Absolute Authority… now, any chance they will move into vodka?

      Commence screeching

    • 2 months ago

      The last thing modern creators need is “carte blanche”

    • 2 months ago

      >the creators being given more of a carte blanche to achieve results, closer to the All-Star line, with major A-list creators on board
      This sounds terrifying. More Earth One style dogshit.

      • 2 months ago

        >More Earth One style dogshit.
        Except GL Earth One, that one was good.

        • 2 months ago

          You liked Teen Titans?
          You liked the second two Batman books?

          • 2 months ago

            Wow, reading comprehension isn’t your strong suit, is it anon?

    • 2 months ago

      Is this the big game changing DC news that Leech was teasing because of so then lol

    • 2 months ago

      >But there will not be a reboot or even a relaunch of the main line, that will remain intact and continuity (along with many creative teams) will continue on.
      So it's in continuity and not at the same time and the current contnuity which is a complete mess remains. Fricking lmao this is just making the problem even more.

    • 2 months ago

      Giving Scott Snyder more freedom to do absolute jack shit, just like during his dark multiverse saga.

    • 2 months ago

      >But there will not be a reboot or even a relaunch of the main line, that will remain intact and continuity (along with many creative teams) will continue on.
      Yeah fricking right. DC editorial and writers are TOTALLY ready to do upkeep for two separate continuities that are inherently at competition with each other.

      • 2 months ago

        They did this for about 25 years when they brought back the older golden age heroes as Earth 2. The problem there was that there was no clear and definitive "here is where Earth One starts" point.

        • 2 months ago

          >They did this for about 25 years when they brought back the older golden age heroes as Earth 2.
          And how did that end? Oh, yeah company wide reboot.

          • 2 months ago

            They had to reboot because Shooter's Marvel was kicking their ass. The books themselves were mostly fine though. The way they handled the Crisis was a mistake that they repeated with the New 52.

            • 2 months ago

              I think who any is still whining about COIE is a poser who just got into comics.
              What the frick is a total reboot anyway anin? Are writers just supposed to pretend they can recreate Superman without being derivative of Superman?
              It's an exercise in futility and I think you're a dumbass who doesn't understand how continuity isn't just another word for comic book trivia.

              • 2 months ago

                This. Snyder literally went on fatman on Batman to say he didn’t want to remake or overwrite classics and within months put out zero year and death of the family.

              • 2 months ago

                Man is absolutely shameless. I remember thinking how fricking audacious he is for putting out Dark nights Metal right at the tail end of Multiversity, just trying to ride the coattails while at the same time doing something completely anathematic to what multiversity was doing.

              • 2 months ago

                Completely anthemic to what rebirth was doing as well. Notice he didn’t have a rebirth book. He had a soft canon”all star” book and his dopey fricking event was basically a middle finger to the entire initiative.

                The new 52 was a fricking cancer and he and his cabal refused to ever let it go.

              • 2 months ago

                I would have loved if it 2s anthemic.

              • 2 months ago

                I would have loved if it 2s anthemic.

                It's not even about the New 52 for him, what Scott Snyder wants is to be talked about on the same level aa Grant Morrison or Geoff Johns. Just look at his Dark Multiverse saga, that wasn't about the Nu52 but tying his ideas and name to CoiE.

              • 2 months ago

                I think it’s more crass than that, personally. He just wanted an over stuffed event billed as being built on his Batman run so that he could continue to bring in residuals on his trade sales. It was all about himself, not about the characters. And while I do somewhat agree that part of it was creating a “legacy” of sorts I really think it was more just trying to keep his trades relevant and in print. He didn’t want to see his new 52 trades deemed Alt-U and thus non-essential.

                Can I blame him? Not really. He’s human. But do I resent him for it? Assuredly.

                The funny thing is if he wanted to be compared to Geoff and Grant’s greatest hits he should have told Capullo to ditch the new 52 designs and bring back the classic ones for metal. When your characters are dressed like Canal Street knockoffs there’s a cognitive dissonance with readers that it IS an Alt U.

              • 2 months ago

                > to keep his trades relevant and in print. He didn’t want to see his new 52 trades deemed Alt-U and thus non-essential.
                Considering he made the dark multiverse which is literally non-essential AUs I don't think that something he cares about.
                I don't know anon, I just think keeping the New 52 canon is nowhere near Snyder's goal here. What he wants is for his wikipedia page to be permanently tied to the DC Comic page.

              • 2 months ago

                >Considering he made the dark multiverse which is literally non-essential AUs I don't think that something he cares about
                He did no such thing. He attempted to make all Alt-Us canon with the same moronic “everything is canon” shit Johns pushed in DClock.

              • 2 months ago

                >he did no such thing.
                No anon I am 100% positive Scott Snyder created the dark multiverse.

              • 2 months ago

                Look we agree that ego is his driver. I have no interest in debating this any further. I just feel it’s sales based self-interest. I don’t know why someone would disagree but have a good day.

                By all means have the last word if you like.

              • 2 months ago

                I will have the last word because you disagreeing that Scott Snyder created the dark multiverse is just weird and I need to remark on it.

              • 2 months ago

                The Crisis and New 52 fricked up by throwing away large chunks of the old continuity while also still keeping some aspects of it, which created a lot of continuity problems that resulted in a bunch of stories trying to unknot that mess (Zero Hour, the concept of Hypertime, Infinite Crisis for post-Crisis, Rebirth and Death Metal for New 52).
                Earth One/Earth Two was fine for 25 years. They should have repeated that. Every 25 years you begin sunsetting the old continuity by letting them grow old and get legacies, end the even older continuity that no one cares about anymore, and start a brand new one from the beginning.

              • 2 months ago

                >they should just repeat themselves
                Dude, it's called 'trades', short for 'trade paperback'. It's what you buy if want these stories repeated. Now frick off and do that.

              • 2 months ago

                It's not repeating themselves, they're telling tried-and-true stories updated for the present day. It's not the 30s-10s anymore.

    • 2 months ago

      >This is most definitely being seen as an attempt to do New 52 right

      I've never seen anyone in any creative field more stubborn than DC Comics is about refusing to admit that New 52 was a failure.

    • 2 months ago

      This is so moronic DC ongoing run currently didnt know which lore from 52 or post crisis canon and what make those frickers sure that new line taking place in the same universe not gonna confusing readers even more

    • 2 months ago

      >Snyder still can’t get over new 52 being ditched
      >wants to rewrite classic stories yet again
      Frick off homosexual. More DC catpiss I won’t be touching with a 100 foot pole.

      i have little faith in dc at this point, but i'll try to keep an open mind. if there is a creative team i like i'll check out their comic, but i doubt dc can afford many really good creators these days.

      >Scott Snyder in charge
      >creators have carte blanche (as if they haven’t already had that for the last two decades)
      >showing classic art despite the fact they’re obviously all going to be redesigned and edgy
      I hate DC. I hate Jim Lee. I hate Marie Javins. Frick all of these people with an AIDS dick.

      So Scott Snyder hasn't become a millionaire on his creator owned garbage.

      And it wasn't bad enough he metal wanked for a good near 8 years with some truly stupid and imbecilic stories but now he'll get to do it again.


      • 2 months ago

        Batman Metal was a cool idea... for like a mini series or a single ongoing for a year or two. I thought I could pick it up in a trade or two... but then it kept going and going and going... and crossing into everything... what the shit?!

        • 2 months ago

          >I thought I could pick it up in a trade or two... but then it kept going and going and going
          That’s how Snyder writes. He’s never written an ending. I’m dead serious. Nothing he’s ever written has an ending. It’s always “spinning into” or “seeding for” or “setting up” some other story.

  2. 2 months ago

    So, no more Absolute Editions? Or it's gonna get confusing as frick...

    • 2 months ago

      DC likes to latch onto words and things even when they're unrelated. Like "52" for a while.

    • 2 months ago

      It's not that confusing

    • 2 months ago


  3. 2 months ago

    So its either going to be a "Marvel Knights" style book where certain characters get auteur driven books for a while as a means to get revitalized?

    Or its going to be like a separate new Earth 2 that *could* interact with the existing DC line

    • 2 months ago

      Creators selling books largely due to their own names are just not a thing at DC. Other than Snyder and Aaron, there's no one else there who's big enough. And nobody would trust Aaron.

      This is either shit madeup by Rich or it's dead on arrival.

  4. 2 months ago

    i have little faith in dc at this point, but i'll try to keep an open mind. if there is a creative team i like i'll check out their comic, but i doubt dc can afford many really good creators these days.

    • 2 months ago

      Unironically, why? Just read it online. There is literally no reason to buy some piecemeal out of character OGN bullshit in floppy format at this point.

      • 2 months ago

        >There is literally no reason to buy
        nowhere did i mention buying anything. please slow down when reading so you actually understand what you are replying to.

        • 2 months ago

          When people say they’ll check something out I assume they mean buy. My mistake.

      • 2 months ago

        Even free a shit comic is not worth read.

  5. 2 months ago

    >Snyder still can’t get over new 52 being ditched
    >wants to rewrite classic stories yet again
    Frick off homosexual. More DC catpiss I won’t be touching with a 100 foot pole.

    • 2 months ago

      Did he even care about New 52? It felt like he was pretty much ignoring it was happening for as long as he could. Batman had basically zero changes aside from the moronic new timeline they made up specifically so New 52 wouldn’t change Batman books.

      • 2 months ago

        Anon. Snyder was the one who made Year Zero. He was proud of that event and that he was the one who shaped the new origin year of Batman.

        • 2 months ago

          Completely forgot that happened to be honest.

  6. 2 months ago

    >Scott Snyder in charge
    >creators have carte blanche (as if they haven’t already had that for the last two decades)
    >showing classic art despite the fact they’re obviously all going to be redesigned and edgy
    I hate DC. I hate Jim Lee. I hate Marie Javins. Frick all of these people with an AIDS dick.

    • 2 months ago

      classic art despite the fact they’re obviously all going to be redesigned and edgy
      OP here i just posted a random image i found on the internet. you need to relax

      • 2 months ago

        >c-calm down in my shill thread!
        >stop having any sort of passion
        have a nice day

        • 2 months ago

          News is not shilling. Be more moronic about how images work in an op

        • 2 months ago

          >stop having any sort of passion
          is that what they're calling moronation nowadays

    • 2 months ago

      They're giving Nightwing AIDS now?! What the frick?!

  7. 2 months ago

    Rich the Leech sure can say a lot of words without saying much.

  8. 2 months ago

    >First Spider Gobbo part 2
    >Now this
    I want the big 2 to die out painfully in 2025 once the crash hits

  9. 2 months ago

    This is the last thing they need. Why not just fire Taylor, king, Russell, Ram, Johnson, Sheridan, ect, give us rebirth 2.0 and bring back more traditional comics and let all those losers do his type of shit for the bookstore and digital only releases?

    This is just going to waste shelf space and release slots. I’m so sick of DC pandering to their creators’ whims rather than to what customers want.

    • 2 months ago

      They don't have the creatives or the editorial staff.

      AT&T fired a ton of the editors and it's been so bad in the Bat office that everyone's leaving.

      And Didio drove a ton of their writing staff away before he was fired to do "Bendis is Coming".

      Nothing says how bad it is when Tom Taylor is a top writer now at DC because they have thinned out the writing staff with the reboots and failed reboots.

      • 2 months ago

        They could easily find more who will work for cheaper and do better work. They encourage this homosexualry and hire from the same circles of people over and over.

        They don’t WANT good writers. And there are thousands who would be better than anything they’ve had in ten years who would also work for peanuts. Money isn’t the issue, their hiring practices are.

        • 2 months ago

          If they could find more creatives at the rates they offer, they wouldn't be using people like Fitzmartin. That only happens if they have a dearth of creatives and need any warm body to write a body. The same for Williamson becoming DC's top writer after the layoffs around 2020 and when they cancelled 5G. That happens when you have alienated everyone else.

          • 2 months ago

            >If they could find more creatives at the rates they offer, they wouldn't be using people like Fitzmartin
            You’re moronic if you think this. They’re hiring people with the world views they prefer.

            Ignoring this is absolutely moronic. If you genuinely think there aren’t 10000 writers better than fitzmartin or Sheridan or any of them who’d work for less then you’re either a shill in disguise or sincerely moronic.

            • 2 months ago

              Fitzmartin got hired because she's friends with Jeremy Adams. You can look it up yourself. Most of the old guard like Snyder for example were driven away because Didio was going to crash everything with 5G so they left to do their own thing and the Bendis adjacent people like Fraction and Rucka left after DC cancelled 5G. It's clear in retrospect that this and the layoffs in editorial meant they just couldn't find people at the rates they were offering.

              • 2 months ago

                >Fitzmartin got hired because she's friends with Jeremy Adams
                When did I say otherwise? I think you replied to the wrong person. 5G would have killed the company shedding overpriced homosexuals like fraction Bendis and rucka is a good thing.

              • 2 months ago

                >Scott Snyder
                >old guard
                The hell he is! He is cut from the same cloth as the two toms, some nepo baby who was never told or had the desire to get better at writing.

        • 2 months ago

          This. Only morons like Millar or Leifeld who are basically just begging to be given jobs say shit like “they aren’t paying enough”. You could find any number of better writers online who would work for pennies on the dollar. They don’t have book agents, family connections or the right political persuasions though.

          • 2 months ago

            The people who have talent aren't going to do it for pennies since they can make more money doing indy stuff while retaining creative rights to their own work. The only people who do it for pennies are the type of people that DC is hiring right now who want to break into the industry, but really don't have talent.

            • 2 months ago

              >The people who have talent aren't going to do it for pennies since they can make more money doing indy stuff
              This isn’t true at all. Most indies barely hover the profit line. Secondly you’re still not grasping what I’m saying, you seem to think I’m talking about hiring known commodities rather than doing some fricking leg work and scouting unknowns.

              It really does come off like you’re a paid employee who doesn’t understand comics used to be written by people who don’t have literary agents or connections.

            • 2 months ago

              >hey can make more money doing indy stuff while retaining creative rights to their own work
              Those comics are intended to be pitches for film and tv. That's where the actual money's at.

              • 2 months ago

                The writer of the Godzilla JL comic has a 0% rotten tomatoes score on both his movies.

              • 2 months ago

                Indie comics, moron. Learn how to read.

      • 2 months ago

        >Tom Taylor’s comics sell well
        >This is bad because uhhh it just is

        • 2 months ago

          >Tom Taylor’s comics sell well
          they don't

    • 2 months ago

      >give us rebirth 2.0

      What will tanking trade sales achieve? Apart from losing money.

    • 2 months ago

      >give us rebirth 2.0

      the thing that killed their trade sales?

      • 2 months ago

        >give us rebirth 2.0

        What will tanking trade sales achieve? Apart from losing money.

        Why samegay, scott? If you’re so obsessed with trade sales why write this dogshit in floppy format?

    • 2 months ago

      >give us rebirth 2.0
      The thing that got them in this shit position they are in now?

      • 2 months ago

        >give us rebirth 2.0

        the thing that killed their trade sales?

        >give us rebirth 2.0

        What will tanking trade sales achieve? Apart from losing money.

        Why samegay, scott?

        • 2 months ago

          That satanic piece of shit has to samegay to save face.

  10. 2 months ago

    What can they even do this time to warrant this existence. Unless it's something drastic there really aren't many ways to re-invision Batman again.

  11. 2 months ago

    This would just be Earth One all over again lol

    • 2 months ago

      >More Earth One style dogshit.
      Except GL Earth One, that one was good.

      The difference being this is shitting up monthly publishing slots rather than graphic novel slots.

      • 2 months ago

        honestly, good. dc needs to cut back on some of their in continuity monthlies.

        • 2 months ago

          They aren’t cutting back dumbass this will make their monthly release total higher.

        • 2 months ago

          They already did cut back on their monthly releases
          They used to put out like 70-80 (including Vertigo/other imprints) but after COVID and AT&T/discovery firing people now they’re down to 40-50 issues a month including Sandman and Black Label imprints

          • 2 months ago

            >they’re down to 40-50 issues a month
            still too many. cut it in half.

            • 2 months ago

              >generate less revenue
              How does this make dc better?

              • 2 months ago

                you're delusional if you think the bottom half of dc's comics are generating revenue.

  12. 2 months ago

    Can't wait for this to mostly be Batman titles like Black Label.

  13. 2 months ago

    Another rebranding for all star, elseworlds, etc
    The news by itself is whatever, but it's gonna depend on the talent as always. I think Waid will do a very readable book(s) but I'm not sure who else would be exciting these days. Maybe they'll poach Ewing.

    • 2 months ago

      Theres actually rumor about ewing leaving marvel after his immortal thor run

      • 2 months ago

        o shit
        don't like the sound of that
        what/who would he write

        • 2 months ago

          Johns is leaving JSA after 12.

        • 2 months ago

          I would unironically like to see him do a Milestone book. Like a Shadow Cabinet reboot.

          • 2 months ago

            oooo mite b kewl

  14. 2 months ago

    There’s an DC employee who hangs out in every thread to defend their shit dying company. They rather spend all their precious time doing this than improving, sad!

  15. 2 months ago
  16. 2 months ago

    This is going to fail like every other previous attempt. It’s worrisome that there are anons in this thread falling for this.
    Another scam with the same bad writers and sales will continue to plummet. And this is DC were talking about we know i’ll fail.

  17. 2 months ago


    • 2 months ago

      Nobody said this you disingenuous homosexual.

      There’s miles of middle ground between “make Alan Scott an effeminate homosexual” and “make Alan Scott wear a MAGA hat and frick his wife doggystyle so he doesn’t have to see her old face”.

      • 2 months ago

        oh so you're a fencesitting homosexual

    • 2 months ago

      I want all of this.
      Clark should be somewhat conservative.
      Bruce should be a limousine liberal but shouldn't be burdened by guilt. That's Ollie's bit.
      Wonder Woman doesn't need to go out to break the patriarchy, the patriarchy should break upon her.
      Harley Quinn should be fricked BLACKEDRAW style by Bloodsport or Black Spider

      • 2 months ago

        So Superman should want to insist raped ten year olds just have give birth to their rape baby and then co-parent with their rapist.

        • 2 months ago

          If he was a modern day conservative he'd end up identifying as kryptonian hating all humans and taking over as dictator.

        • 2 months ago

          Name one.

        • 2 months ago


          I want all of this.
          Clark should be somewhat conservative.
          Bruce should be a limousine liberal but shouldn't be burdened by guilt. That's Ollie's bit.
          Wonder Woman doesn't need to go out to break the patriarchy, the patriarchy should break upon her.
          Harley Quinn should be fricked BLACKEDRAW style by Bloodsport or Black Spider

          said Superman should be conservatives not a muttslim

          • 2 months ago

            American conservatives are basically Muslims.

          • 2 months ago

            But those are conservative policies. Just the other day conservative Supreme Court banned abortion entirely in Arizona by bringing back a law from 19th century.

            • 2 months ago

              Frick off you massive homosexual


              • 2 months ago

                Lol so when presented with reality you act like a baby and tell him to go away! Lmao pathetic piss baby

              • 2 months ago

                It’s not my problem you can’t handle real life conservatism after saying Superman should be more conservative character.

              • 2 months ago

                The only homosexual is you. Everyone knows conservatives are just closeted wiener crazed weirdos.

              • 2 months ago

                It’s not my problem you can’t handle real life conservatism after saying Superman should be more conservative character.

                Lol so when presented with reality you act like a baby and tell him to go away! Lmao pathetic piss baby

                IM NOT THAT ANON YOU SAMEgayGING /misc/ gay BLOW YOUR homosexual ASS BRAINS OUT

            • 2 months ago

              Oh no, they can't kill babies anymore! How awful!

        • 2 months ago

          I said Clark should be somewhat conservative, not that he should be praying in tongues in the middle of the statehouse like a bunch of buttholes.

          • 2 months ago

            Conservatives are pretty gung ho about being anti-abortion. So what exactly is your idea of “somewhat” conservative?

          • 2 months ago

            Oh no, they can't kill babies anymore! How awful!

            Conservatives are pretty gung ho about being anti-abortion. So what exactly is your idea of “somewhat” conservative?


        • 2 months ago

          Clark would just make some Kryptonian “super easy birthinator” to spare both kids . Assuming of course the writer was moronic enough to engage with such an edgy premise at all.

      • 2 months ago

        >Clark should be somewhat conservative.
        >Bruce should be a limousine liberal but shouldn't be burdened by guilt. That's Ollie's bit.
        >Wonder Woman doesn't need to go out to break the patriarchy, the patriarchy should break upon her.
        >Harley Quinn should be fricked BLACKED

    • 2 months ago

      You're a moronic mongoloid homosexual. No one likes fricking conservative Americans not even conservatives. Seriously fricking have a nice day Superman was never conservative, you know why? He's better than that. He doesn't hate everyone who looks different or has different views on the role of government. He doesn't want to kill people who disagree with him. He doesn't proclaim to worship Jesus and God but actually worships earth based fear mongers and drifters. He doesn't go online to troll liberals for the lolz. You're a disgusting broken frick up. You don't deserve to live let alone have Superman be remade into some monstrous butthole mirroring your weird ass backwards hateful views you god damn cuck. Frick you.

      • 2 months ago

        Whoa whoa, Asians don't claim that homosexual

      • 2 months ago

        >You're a moronic mongoloid homosexual. No one likes fricking conservative Americans not even conservatives. Seriously fricking have a nice day Superman was never conservative, you know why? He's better than that. He doesn't hate everyone who looks different or has different views on the role of government. He doesn't want to kill people who disagree with him. He doesn't proclaim to worship Jesus and God but actually worships earth based fear mongers and drifters. He doesn't go online to troll liberals for the lolz. You're a disgusting broken frick up. You don't deserve to live let alone have Superman be remade into some monstrous butthole mirroring your weird ass backwards hateful views you god damn cuck. Frick you.
        I'm not american but surely you exaggerate?

      • 2 months ago

        you are an irredeemable homosexual. Superman grew up a methodist cause he a kansas boy. His entire blueprint for morality is based upon the bible. Literally have a nice day.

        • 2 months ago

          See also: Punisher. He has been written by several prominent conservatives and his abject morality and individualist, vigilante tendencies appeal to conservative audiences.

  18. 2 months ago

    I came from the future to tell you that this horribly bombed and sales have gotten worse since then. And more editors got fired.

    • 2 months ago

      >And more editors got fired.

  19. 2 months ago

    Reeks of desperation. And this is going to fail because they keep hiring the same hacks. And yes some poorly written alternative line is going to stop inflation, wow.

  20. 2 months ago

    Batman, Superman, and maybe Flash are really the only ones who could support and need a back-to-basics title.

  21. 2 months ago

    Can’t wait to see all of the classic DC characters reimagined as brown and gay now.

  22. 2 months ago

    >Scott Snyder
    You mean that satanic piece of shit who sold out and has killed innocent animals and children? I fricking hate this man with a passion. Stupid ass talentless pedophile. That nice facade is so fake just like every other sociopathic piece of shit.

    • 2 months ago


  23. 2 months ago

    All anyone wants is Superman and Batman in underpants, Jon kent a straight 11 year old and a super sons ongoing back.

    No more surrogate “family” approaches to books. (Inb4 some shill thinks saying no more surrogate families contradicts wanting Jon back) and no more overtly progressive pandering (inb4 some shit stirrer claims this means I want conservative pandering).

    Just give the people what they want rather than CONSTANTLY refusing to do so and just throwing more moronic shit at th wall.

    • 2 months ago

      >just throwing more moronic shit at th wall.
      It boggles mind how stupid everyone is in the comic industry. What’s wrong with these people?

      • 2 months ago

        They’re almost all stubborn, spiteful, egotistical and narcissistic.

        • 2 months ago

          What is it about capeshit that makes people like this?

    • 2 months ago

      Both of these things were done with the delusional intention of getting twitter addicted women to replace the actual fan base, maybe they’ve given up on that pipe dream

  24. 2 months ago
  25. 2 months ago

    Don't care I only check out Black Label books now (which also suck btw)

  26. 2 months ago

    The ABSOLUTE state of capeshit.

    Flop incoming.

  27. 2 months ago

    You know what, I'll say it, i think it has a half-way chance of being decent if they actually think of a plan for this line and don't just throw random shit at the wall like normal comics.

    Don't do new 52 shit where bruce is only batman for 5 years but has gone and raised 3 robins and is on his 4th. ALSO I LOVE CHEESESTEAK SANDWICHES WAHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

  28. 2 months ago

    >They think a crappy line of work is going to stop America’s coming crash and eventual shutdown.

  29. 2 months ago

    What’s even the point of a parallel continuity when people can just alter the main continuity on a whim what can the possible do that they can’t already shoe horn into the mainline. All major supper heroes already have their mainline gay/brown counterparts

    • 2 months ago

      Rumors say there’s a lack of planning behind it. It’s just a jerk reaction to Marvel and sales falling.

  30. 2 months ago

    Considering black and gay all this is about to get, I don't give one single shit about this.

  31. 2 months ago

    DC just stop. It’s over. You refuse to blacklist all these dumbasses with no talent, your editorial department is nearly gone, sales are bad, prices are rising, collecting is dying and so are the people who do it.

  32. 2 months ago

    Surprise, surprise. Cinemaphile will b***h about everything

  33. 2 months ago

    >The DC shill seething

  34. 2 months ago

    it's all making sense now
    Millar might do Absolute Superman

  35. 2 months ago

    This is so vague and non-descriptive.

    Wonder if the news that they’re doing a big line wide push will make the “DC is closing” people shut up for a minute

    • 2 months ago

      DC can get shut down without anyone working there knowing.

  36. 2 months ago

    If anything this whole announcement proves that something bad is looming over the company.

  37. 2 months ago

    Idols are falling. Your time is almost up Scott Snyder. Along with the other clowns who think they’re untouchable. King, Taylor, Aaron, Morrison, Waid, etc. No amount of rituals will save you this time.

  38. 2 months ago

    Scott Snyder is not a human being.

    • 2 months ago

      Idols are falling. Your time is almost up Scott Snyder. Along with the other clowns who think they’re untouchable. King, Taylor, Aaron, Morrison, Waid, etc. No amount of rituals will save you this time.

      That satanic piece of shit has to samegay to save face.

      All of this sounds like insanity I just don’t like his comics.

      • 2 months ago

        Wait until you see all the disgusting shit he does behind the scenes. Far more fricked up than his shitty stories.

      • 2 months ago

        He is just moronic

  39. 2 months ago

    Don't listen to schizos lol. He may be a shit writer, but he's just some annoying dude.

    • 2 months ago

      Lmao even

      Not if you know him. There’s nothing normal about him. No amount of shills or arrogant dumbasses online won’t erase what you did Scott. One of the fakest people ever.

      • 2 months ago

        Lol you're so funny!! Maybe if you keep repeating this over and over it'll take hold! You can do it! Meme it into reality!!!! Go eat a dick you b***h.

        • 2 months ago

          Go frick yourself Scott and all the lives you destroyed. Of course you find it funny. You’re a deranged psychopath!

      • 2 months ago

        What did he do? (besides make half of a good Batman run and then a mountain of shitty edgelord bullshit like Metal *shudder*)

        • 2 months ago

          >besides make half of a good Batman run
          Only newbies who’s first exposure to Batman comics was COO think this. The entire run was terrible.

          “Conservative comics” are terrible, just like “progressive comics”. People either have a story that is relatable on a human level, or they have a shit, propaganda rag.

          I don’t disagree but there has never been a Big 2 “conservative” comic so you’re not really dealing in reality with this reply. Currently (for the lat 8-9 years) 2/3s of both companies’ output is blatantly progressive.

          • 2 months ago

            I’m referring to Chuck Dixon making Donald Trump Spaceforce comics and CG dreck. That’s the inverse equivalent to Gay Alan Scott globohomosexual propaganda

            • 2 months ago

              I know that, and those aren’t big 2 comics. So you’re comparing Kickstarter trash to corporate products which is always going to be unequal. Which is why I pointed out you’re not dealing in reality. I suspect you understand the point I made and just find it inconveniently factual.

              • 2 months ago

                I mean, Dixon is an out conservative writer, and he's written his comics for both DC and Marvel. So, like, you can find them.

              • 2 months ago

                >I refuse to admit it’s not the same thing so I’ll just wiggle and wiggle and wiggle until you agree with me
                No, you massive of homosexual. They change the sexuality of multiple characters to reflect the world around us but don’t have a SINGLE character that not only votes republican but is shown as accepted and valued.

                The idea that either of the big 2 has ever let alone in the last 20 years produced a single “conservative” comic is just fricking absurd. Meanwhile, as I said 2/3s of what they make is blatantly left leaning and a good third of their output extreme in its leftist views.

                If you can’t even admit that you have a mental illness of some sort.

              • 2 months ago

                Anon, your post is completely incoherent. Let's start admitting that, first.

              • 2 months ago

                >I-I-I know I’ll latch onto an autocorrected typo
                I accept your concession

                You know what no here it is fixed. Reply genuinely or admit you’re wrong.

                >No, you massive homosexual. They change the sexuality of multiple characters to reflect the world around us but don’t have a SINGLE character that not only votes republican but is shown as accepted and valued.

                >The idea that either of the big 2 has ever, let alone in the last 20 years, produced a single “conservative” comic is just fricking absurd. Meanwhile, as I said, 2/3s of what they make is blatantly left leaning and a good third of their output is extreme in its leftist views.

                >If you can’t even admit that you have a mental illness of some sort.

              • 2 months ago

                >casual lost the argument
                >declares victory

              • 2 months ago

                I accept your concession.

  40. 2 months ago

    More like absolutely moronic amirite?

    But seriously this sounds like the exact opposite of what anyone wants.

  41. 2 months ago

    Should be a full reboot. Who gives a shit about all this awful continuity that prevents people form actually getting into the books.

    • 2 months ago

      Nobody who pays for comics wants this. Nobody who doesn’t pay for comics already will start doing so just because they reboot.

      Shit like Absolute and whatever dumb shit you want should just be sold to bookstores as graphic novels and let floppies go back to being for traditionalist fans.

      • 2 months ago

        The people that pay for comics only care about speculation and buying dumb variant cover gimmicks.

        • 2 months ago

          Not true most people prefer A covers and only buy what they’re actually reading. The “collector” and “speculator” shit doesn’t actually make up any significant portion of the consumer base.

          t. actually goes to a comic shop every Wednesday unlike you

          • 2 months ago

            What a Wednesday Warrior you are! Spending your money on titles that have awful storytelling and inconsistent art! DC is clearly the best it has ever been and shouldn't change at all!

            • 2 months ago

              >Spending your money on titles that have awful storytelling and inconsistent art
              I never said I did. I stopped buying pretty much any DC ongoings after Bendis arrived. I’ve nabbed a few minis here and there, really liked the recent sandman, but mostly avoid the big 2 lately. If they brought back kid Jon I’d have Superman action and super sons on my pull immediately though.

    • 2 months ago

      They’re just copying Marvel but failing as usual. These comics are useless. And it seems that the outside media wants nothing to do with them anyone with exceptions of classics that came out years ago.

  42. 2 months ago

    What books should the Absolute Line start with?

    • 2 months ago

      Nobody cares shill. Might as well just make them OCs

      • 2 months ago

        Like the shit versions that we have now are any better. Who wants to read about Superman with some 18 year old kid no one likes? Or how bloated the Batman line is with 20 different heroes running around Gotham at the same time. It's all awful.

        • 2 months ago

          I agree they need to fix their ongoings. Random elseworld ongoings with creator freedom is not going to fix the regular ongoings though.

          So yes, might as well be OCs.

    • 2 months ago

      Absolute Comics, Absolute Super-Man, and Absolute Batman and Robin (the Boy Wonder) as the three starter books.
      Absolute Comics is the anthology title. ASM is a young Superman. ABAR starts with Robin's origin and uses him as the viewpoint character.

    • 2 months ago

      >Absolute Flash (Barry)
      >Absolute Justice League (maybe under a different name)
      >Absolute Aquaman
      basically anything goes maybe. As long as a new writer as new ideas with a character/group that hasn't been used in a while and/or has been misused recently

    • 2 months ago

      >implying it's going to be anything but Absolute Batman, Absolute Superman, and then an 2/3 of the following Wonder Woman, Flash, or Green Lantern, then a Justice League or Teen Titans in an attempt to save the line in 18 months

  43. 2 months ago


  44. 2 months ago

    Salty comic writers mad they can’t get their ideas past this dying content farm.

  45. 2 months ago

    Its not going to be the fix DC/the Big 2/capeshit/monthly floppies need BUT

    I would love to see DC go the complete opposite direction for their "Ultimate" imprint

    >Call it DC Golden Age
    >Specifically set on another Earth in the Multiverse that's still in a 1940s timeframe. WW2 and the Nazis are still an active threat
    >Superman is not as god-powered, more like a Max Fleischer looking young strongman who can leap and run and is still getting the use of his powers
    >The Bat-Man is dark and pulpy and he carries a gun
    >Wonder Woman is... idk, no one's really been able to figure out a hook for her and no one seems to like Morrison's angle of leaning into the S&M bondage stuff
    >JSA instead of a JLA
    >Sgt. Rock and other wartime characters get minis
    >funny pulpy crime fighting Plastic Man
    >Shazam exists in Fawcett City

    • 2 months ago

      DC has multiple times made pulp version comics and they don’t make comics sell any better. For fricks sake there’s literally a Golden Age Batman miniseries coming out this very moment.

      • 2 months ago

        Yeah but its Dan Jurgens

  46. 2 months ago


    *21% are under 18 lol.

    • 2 months ago

      They can't even get their statistics right, they just want an excuse to attack a hospital nursery IRL, claim they're "saving" the babies from an abusive future

  47. 2 months ago


  48. 2 months ago

    It's funny and kind of sad really. You had these young kids at one point, loved comics loved Superman. But they grew up and became Republicans and just can't fricking deal with the fact that they're awful people, completely unlike Superman in every way. And they can't let it go. Just go read conservative comics or something. Oh wait, conservatives can barely create shit without it being a shittier version of whatever it's aping.

    • 2 months ago

      They all left to read manga, which has more conservative values.

    • 2 months ago

      “Conservative comics” are terrible, just like “progressive comics”. People either have a story that is relatable on a human level, or they have a shit, propaganda rag.

  49. 2 months ago


    The number of abortions from rape victims is such a small number it isn't really worth categorizing.

  50. 2 months ago

    >why yes I discuss abortion on Cinemaphile
    Jesus fricking Christ just abort yourselves already

  51. 2 months ago


    Because we'd have to first admit that rape is treated as a "necessary evil" by the current powers that be

  52. 2 months ago

    What the frick is up with this thread. why do these threads attract freaks

    • 2 months ago

      Just report every single /misc/gay and ignore them

      • 2 months ago

        Announcing reports is against the rules

        • 2 months ago

          So is discussing off-topic shit like abortion. Apparently nobody cares about the rules let alone the homosexual ass (literal) troony jannies.

    • 2 months ago


      No, I only watch fansubbed battle shonen and flavor of the month. Why would I buy manga or comics in stores? I don't see what that has to do with anything.

  53. 2 months ago

    My bad, I was fueling the bait and kind of ruined the thread.

  54. 2 months ago


    Nta can you please give me a genuine answer. No shitposting. Why are you posting about abortion on a comics and cartoons board? You don’t think this is a bit insane? Like on this very board people are discussing children’s cartoons and comics and you’re sitting here acting like this is the floor of the senate. Why do this?

  55. 2 months ago

    Cinemaphile mods are by far the worst. I’ve honestly never seen any other board get this off topic.

    • 2 months ago

      The Peridot spammer has exposed there is no active moderation on Cinemaphile.

      • 2 months ago

        Agreed, that made it extremely obvious. No other board is like this in my experience.

      • 2 months ago

        Except for the strikes, because there were WGA and SAG members acting as jannies around that time and they gave 1 month bans to anyone who criticized the strikes

  56. 2 months ago


    I think Superman's view of life would not be dependent on consciousness or sentience
    He's encountered lifeforms that while fully alive, we would likely define as dead or vegetative
    An amoeba is a living thing but it would never fall into our own definition of alive

  57. 2 months ago



    You're avoiding this post on purpose

    They can't even get their statistics right, they just want an excuse to attack a hospital nursery IRL, claim they're "saving" the babies from an abusive future

    because I called out your actual intentions

    • 2 months ago

      Jesus Christ can you frick off too? I’m so sick of both of you autistic fricks talking about abortion of all things. Frick off.


      is right there you massive homosexual

  58. 2 months ago


    Why not just step away from the computer or go to /misc/ or Twitter? I’m being completely serious. You don’t seem interested in this topic at all. Let alone comics in general.

  59. 2 months ago


    I think Superman's view of life would not be dependent on consciousness or sentience
    He's encountered lifeforms that while fully alive, we would likely define as dead or vegetative
    An amoeba is a living thing but it would never fall into our own definition of alive

    You're avoiding this post on purpose [...] because I called out your actual intentions




  60. 2 months ago

    why is some roastie having a meltdown over abortion in this thread?

    • 2 months ago

      Because they really want to do Joker's hospital scene in TDK, but IRL

  61. 2 months ago


    >can't even name one
    Rape babies exist only on Democrat-endorsed rape farms. Such as the ones ran by John of God, who Oprah heavily endorsed.

  62. 2 months ago

    What I gather from this thread is there's going to be an Absolute Superman book where he gives people abortions depending on how conservative or not he's feeling that day. That sound right?

  63. 2 months ago


  64. 2 months ago

    Cinemaphile like every other site has been taken over by shills and bots.

    • 2 months ago

      That's why they got rid of the IP counter

      • 2 months ago

        You really feel it in the Death Battle threads. Shills think things are actually won for real, there.

        • 2 months ago

          >Death Battle threads
          Get out.

          • 2 months ago

            have a nice day.

            • 2 months ago

              No one cares about Death Battle.

              • 2 months ago

                > keeps posting, seething desperately about something he 'doesn't care about'

              • 2 months ago

                >No one cares about Death Battle.

              • 2 months ago

                >keeps posting about Death Battle

              • 2 months ago

                No one cares about Death Battle.

  65. 2 months ago

    unless Clark is Superboy as a kid again with Legion of Super Heroes adventures, I will not care

  66. 2 months ago

    Absolute gay brown Japanese Batman is going to fight abortions in a Death Battle manga written by a conservative?

  67. 2 months ago

    >more off-brand trash from Scott Snyder n’ pals
    Nobody asked for this. Nobody wants this. Nobody cares. And I’m not talking about Morgan Ducard.

  68. 2 months ago

    >most Black Label Batman books from "prestige" creators sell like shit and get no hype
    >launches another line for supposedly not just Batman books from "prestige" creators to sell like shit and get no hype

    • 2 months ago

      DC never learns.

  69. 2 months ago

    Poo comics strikes again. No one cares. Gunn doesn’t care, the animated movies don’t care, every recent series ignores them. What’s the point anymore? We all know this is just clickbait.

  70. 2 months ago

    >Black Label
    Basically like a Marvel Knights / Marvel MAX / vertigo-esque imprint for DC

    "Imaginary tales from the Multiverse", doesn't necessarily have to be Black Label "mature audiences only"

    >Absolute Comics
    A Hickman's Ultimate style imprint. There's too much damage from the New 52-Rebirth-5G mess. They can't reboot DC again. But perhaps they could cultivate a small boutique line of a "new earth" while perennials like Supes, Bats, Action Comics and Detective Comics continue to sell, the Trinity has kids, the super families grow with more sidekicks.

    • 2 months ago

      >the super families grow with more sidekicks

      • 2 months ago

        then who should be cut?

        Cinemaphile hates the bloatedness of the super families but also hated how New 52 threw it all out to start over.

        just cherry picking the characters you don't like still isn't going to trim enough of the fat

        • 2 months ago

          anyone made in the 21st century has to go

        • 2 months ago

          No, Cinemaphile hated how they thew out some stuff but not all stuff. Batman and Green Lantern were the worst offenders. Four Robins in three years? That's fricking stupid.

        • 2 months ago

          Just cut the whole 'family' notion, and get them out of Batman and Superman, except as occasional guests. Send some to space, another universe, another time. Join teams, quit teams, die, and come back. Do everything Superman or Batman can't do.

          • 2 months ago

            Or scrap everything and start fresh. Nerds need to learn to let the old shit go.

            • 2 months ago

              >non-reader admits to being a bad actor
              No. No more rebooots. Especially for non-reader homosexuals.

              • 2 months ago

                A reboot is needed because everything is completely fricked. And delete the omniverse or whatever moronation that's ruining DC.

              • 2 months ago

                >why yes I have no actual ideas

                It's not repeating themselves, they're telling tried-and-true stories updated for the present day. It's not the 30s-10s anymore.

                So repeating, but with self-conciousness. Because you have no ideas, as established.
                No thank you, non-reader.

              • 2 months ago

                No one will ever seriously accuse the Batman serials of the 40s, Batman 66, Batman 89, Batman Begins, and The Batman of "repeating with self-consciousness." They were all different Batmen for different eras, none pretending that they were all the same Batman.

              • 2 months ago

                And not a single one of them is a reboot. You have no point to make. Frick off.

              • 2 months ago

                Those are all Batman reboots.

                One more reboot, bro, it'd fix everything. I think DC has too many reboots so the obvious solution is rebooting.

                You can never tell what's canon or not because they spam reboots so much. I don't get why they don't just reboot to fix it.

                >This is what rebootgays actually believe.

                Every time a casual brings up reboots, I wonder if they ever actually thought out what they're saying or just repeating things out of instinct. There's a reason every time DC tries rebooting to bring things into a certain vision, there's always an "Anti-Reboot" somewhere down the line to restore some of what was lost.

                Anon, they do that anyways. Why do you think there's so many jokes about how much we see the Waynes get gunned down every time we get a new Batman adaptation? This has been a complaint for literal decades

                We've seen it lots more in 80 years of comics. It's an important part of the character.

              • 2 months ago

                Constant reboots will only make things worse. Marvel has never done one outside their attempt with Heroes Reborn in the 90s. Do you think they should too? Do you think it'd actually be a good idea and not make them worse?

              • 2 months ago

                >Marvel has never done one
                Kek good one anon

              • 2 months ago

                Point me towards the Marvel equivalent of the New 52

              • 2 months ago

                New x-men

              • 2 months ago

                You’re being disingenuous. Secret Wars 2 led to a lot of retcons and a soft reboot in many ways. But then there’s Lao the fact that almost every chatacters has been retconned so many times that 616 has absolutely shed its skin multiple times.

                A hard reboot? No. But was Carol ever even a security officer at this point? How would miles and fury jr be there if not for the universes being merged?

                Marvel gays who say this shit are just being intentionally obtuse.

              • 2 months ago

                A fresh start every 25 years isn't "constant."
                Marvel's all in on a sliding timeline forever frozen in place with all the benefits and problems that come with that. DC never did that. They replaced their golden age heroes with silver age heroes, but with younger versions of Batman, Superman, and Wonder Woman, their most popular characters.

              • 2 months ago

                Earth-1 also has no actual beginning and the cutoff is something debated among Pre-Crisis fans. A lot of Golden Age stories are still canonical to Earth-1's trinity with some seemingly happened on both Earths.

                Earth-2 also isn't actually the Golden Age but based on earlier discarded elements of main canon. Stuff like Batman with a gun never lasted as long as it did on Earth-2 nor did Superman working for "The Daily Star under editor George Taylor" since he had his general pre-crisis status quo with the Daily Planet pretty early on.

                New x-men

                How did that radically change the history of all of Marvel?

              • 2 months ago

                >Earth-1 also has no actual beginning and the cutoff is something debated among Pre-Crisis fans. A lot of Golden Age stories are still canonical to Earth-1's trinity with some seemingly happened on both Earths.
                Yeah and that was definitely a flaw.

              • 2 months ago

                The only thing I'll give you is maybe there's a timeline where DC didn't go through with Crisis, which was really an attempt at getting all the eggs in a basket, and instead shifted focus to the Titans like their books at the time were setting up. Maybe that'd change the direction of comic history but with the Crisis, they basically adapted a similar sliding timeline to Marvel's except with various revisions at a bunch of points as writers try to morph it into their ideal DC.

              • 2 months ago

                25 years later they did another partial reboot right on time..

              • 2 months ago

                When I prune my garden it isn't 'rebooted', anon. Not even 'partially'.

              • 2 months ago

                They erased and replaced all their history except Batman and Green Lantern because those were their two best selling books, but carrying those two books over into the new continuity ended up creating so many problems.

              • 2 months ago

                They kept everything, anon. All in implication. They didn't want to stop selling all those tpb's that would've been rendered useless noncanon unreadable trash. An actual reboot would just be nothing but disastrous for DC.

              • 2 months ago

                Point out how Death of Superman still happened in some form or how we saw a variation of the Superman Blue outfit. Maybe the Legion before DC pretended they weren't carried over wholesale.

                Martian Manhunter's League history being sorta intact. Despite Tim's Titans being the first, the fab five and New Titans unofficially existing at some point. There's a bunch.

                You’re being disingenuous. Secret Wars 2 led to a lot of retcons and a soft reboot in many ways. But then there’s Lao the fact that almost every chatacters has been retconned so many times that 616 has absolutely shed its skin multiple times.

                A hard reboot? No. But was Carol ever even a security officer at this point? How would miles and fury jr be there if not for the universes being merged?

                Marvel gays who say this shit are just being intentionally obtuse.

                >Secret Wars 2
                You mean 2015's Secret Wars. Secret Wars 2 was a totally different event from decades earlier.

                >But was Carol ever even a security officer at this point?
                Yes, we still get Mar-Vell mentioned. He gets ignored a lot but it still happened

                >How would miles and fury jr be there if not for the universes being merged?
                The universes didn't merge, anon. Miles moving over because Molecule Man liked him didn't get rid of Ultimate, read Spider-Men 2 where we go back to 1610 for a bit. Also Fury Jr. was a 616 character and already existed.

                I'm not denying Marvel has had retcons but they've never been giant reboot bombs like the New 52. The closest is Heroes Reborn from the 90s and that didn't last

              • 2 months ago

                >I'm not denying Marvel has had retcons but they've never been giant reboot bombs like the New 52.
                I said they haven’t had a hard reboot but to ignore that so much has been changed, dropped, or erased is just being absurd out of company loyalty and pure autism.

                They never pulled the bandaid off but it’s scabbed over and become completely different over time.

              • 2 months ago

                "A" version of Superman dying happened, yes, but not the Death of Superman. Superboy, Steel, Eradicator, and Cyborg Superman were all introduced in the New 52 with brand new origin stories.

              • 2 months ago

                Lol you’re having two different conversations and managing to be completely disingenuous and in some respects completely wrong about both.

              • 2 months ago

                Where am I being disingenuous or wrong?

              • 2 months ago

                By implying the new 52 was anything but a whole clothe reboot.
                By implying Marvel is completely the same as it was since 62

              • 2 months ago

                That’s simply not true. I’m sorry but you sound like you’re a teenager too young to remember it or a newbie who never read comics before during or after the new 52.

                It was absolutely a reboot. It changed everything about every character outside of GL and Batman. I don’t know how you could say otherwise. So many of us dropped buying any DC comics for years because of it. That they eventually got around to rewriting classics just proves that even more.

              • 2 months ago

                One more reboot, bro, it'd fix everything. I think DC has too many reboots so the obvious solution is rebooting.

                You can never tell what's canon or not because they spam reboots so much. I don't get why they don't just reboot to fix it.

                >This is what rebootgays actually believe.

                >why yes I have no actual ideas
                So repeating, but with self-conciousness. Because you have no ideas, as established.
                No thank you, non-reader.

                Every time a casual brings up reboots, I wonder if they ever actually thought out what they're saying or just repeating things out of instinct. There's a reason every time DC tries rebooting to bring things into a certain vision, there's always an "Anti-Reboot" somewhere down the line to restore some of what was lost.

                No one will ever seriously accuse the Batman serials of the 40s, Batman 66, Batman 89, Batman Begins, and The Batman of "repeating with self-consciousness." They were all different Batmen for different eras, none pretending that they were all the same Batman.

                Anon, they do that anyways. Why do you think there's so many jokes about how much we see the Waynes get gunned down every time we get a new Batman adaptation? This has been a complaint for literal decades

  71. 2 months ago

    What a fricking moron.

  72. 2 months ago

    >30 percent of the replies ITT are about /misc/ shit
    This is more DOA a than breevort’s new x-men lineup

  73. 2 months ago

    Comic writers for DC are the scum of the earth.

  74. 2 months ago

    >Schizo thread
    I hate this place

    • 2 months ago

      >A company that puts out schizo products from schizo creators
      I wonder who the audience for that is...

      • 2 months ago

        Your mom?

  75. 2 months ago

    Why doesn't marvel produce this kind of schizophrenia ?

    • 2 months ago

      Because the majority of DC content is fricked with overly edgy moronic content and their most popular character is a fatherless schizo manchild.

      • 2 months ago

        Hey now, Batman is a schizo manchild, but Alfred did his best.

  76. 2 months ago

    Donny Cates reposted the article on X
    If he's involved in this, it's gonna be hilarious since he was originally handling the new Ultimate Marvel universe

  77. 2 months ago

    DC-AC. Frick off.

  78. 2 months ago

    They really couldn't come up with a better name? Had to try and compete with the Ultimate name? How can you be so creatively bereft in an industry predicated on creativity?

  79. 2 months ago

    Rich the Leech has clarified on Twitter

    Absolute Comics is like Ultimate Marvel - a smaller line of interconnected comics with a new continuity.

    All Star, Earth One, Black Label - those were all attempts to have evergreen bookstore-friendly prestige trade - but this is different.

    This is a new earth being published through a new imprint, show-run by Snyder

    And it *may* interact with the existing Earth Prime continuity at some point?

    The plan for DC All-In is to keep what was already working from the existing publishing line while creating a fresh start, jumping-on point with Absolute DC

    aka it sounds like what the New 52 should have been: an imprint that didn't throw out the things that people liked.

    • 2 months ago

      That's the sales pitch but so was making everything canon. Maybe it's time to admit that Scott Snyder isn't good at being an architect and this is gonna run into problems almost immediately?

    • 2 months ago

      >The plan for DC All-In is to keep what was already working from the existing publishing line while creating a fresh start
      But nothing is working

      • 2 months ago

        >keep what was already working from the existing publishing line while creating a fresh start, jumping-on point
        Oh like Dawn of DC? Or the infinite frontier before that? Or like DC Rebirth before that?

        Or all the "reboots" that weren't actual reboots. DC has never had had a true reboot where nothing was carried over.

        everyone hated how New 52 erased Wally and the JSA and years of character development and relationship. They're not throwing all that out for a second time.

        This won't erase World's Finest or New Super-Man or The Terrifics or Blue Beetle or Wally West or the JSA or Shazam or Hal. there are characters and stories that you all say you like. this is ensuring that they don't get erased.

        you're complaining that nothing is working and also complaining about attempts to fix it.

        this is probably the best of both worlds: we're always complaining about how we want capeshit characters to grow and age and experience life changes that matter. And then we also complain about the complete clusterfrick inaccessibility of comics.

        the "main" comics line should age. iconic characters get older, have kids. Sidekicks get older and assume new mantles. the problems we have are when the execution is flawed. we like Cass and Steph. We like Kyle. we like Wally. that shit only works with dense continuity.

        and then should be an "ultimate" comics line: tight, contained to a handful of books. retelling the origins with new modern art styles. basically serving as the blueprint for what a blockbuster adaptation could look like.

        and as a bonus, a line of original graphic novels for the bookstores. cute stuff for kids and teens. and elseworlds cause those are always fun. and prestige standalones with that vertigo/marvel knights vibe.

        • 2 months ago

          >They're not throwing all that out for a second time.
          Scott Snyder did do that though. In fact Scott Snyder loves using the excuse of New 52 to justify his much more destructive hijacking with the dark multiverse bullshit

          • 2 months ago

            and now he's being quarantined to his own sandbox. so what's the problem?

            Wally and World's Finest aren't going away

            • 2 months ago

              everyone hated how New 52 erased Wally and the JSA and years of character development and relationship. They're not throwing all that out for a second time.

              This won't erase World's Finest or New Super-Man or The Terrifics or Blue Beetle or Wally West or the JSA or Shazam or Hal. there are characters and stories that you all say you like. this is ensuring that they don't get erased.

              you're complaining that nothing is working and also complaining about attempts to fix it.

              this is probably the best of both worlds: we're always complaining about how we want capeshit characters to grow and age and experience life changes that matter. And then we also complain about the complete clusterfrick inaccessibility of comics.

              the "main" comics line should age. iconic characters get older, have kids. Sidekicks get older and assume new mantles. the problems we have are when the execution is flawed. we like Cass and Steph. We like Kyle. we like Wally. that shit only works with dense continuity.

              and then should be an "ultimate" comics line: tight, contained to a handful of books. retelling the origins with new modern art styles. basically serving as the blueprint for what a blockbuster adaptation could look like.

              and as a bonus, a line of original graphic novels for the bookstores. cute stuff for kids and teens. and elseworlds cause those are always fun. and prestige standalones with that vertigo/marvel knights vibe.

              I don’t give a frick about Wally, new Super-man hasn’t had an ongoing in 6 years, nor the terrifics. And absolutely nobody gives a duck about Jaime Reyes. The JSA is meaningless to me until Alan Scott is straight again, Shazam will suck now that waid is off.

            • 2 months ago

              Well for one we already got confirmation that Snyder wouldn't be quarantined and probably use whatever sales figures he uses for the first issue as justification should be given even more influence.
              Like last time.

        • 2 months ago

          You genuinely sound like a shill.

          None of this matters if the people driving the ongoings into the ground aren’t fired and replaced by people who care about traditionalist readers rather than Twitter accounts. Also this:


          while slightly unhinged is absolutely, get it “Absolutely”, true.

          • 2 months ago

            Who would you put in charge of DC?

            • 2 months ago

              As in EIC? Idk. That’s more of a figurehead it seems these days. Group editors are more important. Tomasi has experience editing and was in that position for some really good runs as well as writing some great stuff.

              Waid can still write a decent comic and he’s at least writing, mostly, for comic readers rather than Twitter users but at the same time he’s too radical IRL about his worldview and political persuasions.

              I just want someone in charge that will bring back kid Jon relaunch super sons and focus on normal, traditional readers.

            • 2 months ago


            • 2 months ago

              I wanted Giffen, but he died.
              Waid is the next choice.

              • 2 months ago

                95% of Waid's comics suck

    • 2 months ago

      >keep what was already working from the existing publishing line while creating a fresh start, jumping-on point
      Oh like Dawn of DC? Or the infinite frontier before that? Or like DC Rebirth before that?

      • 2 months ago

        Or all the "reboots" that weren't actual reboots. DC has never had had a true reboot where nothing was carried over.

        • 2 months ago

          which wouldn't be a problem so much if they ensure consistency about it.

    • 2 months ago


    • 2 months ago

      >The plan for DC All-In is to keep what was already working from the existing publishing line
      So nothing?

    • 2 months ago

      >these other elseworld brands failed but this one will totally succeed
      X Doubt

  80. 2 months ago

    DC doesn’t deserve to exist anymore. Too many morons. Just burn the entire down. There isn’t a single good person yet.

  81. 2 months ago

    What an awful idea. It’s like they refuse to do anything fans want and just keep doing the dumb shit their soulless, overpaid creators want.

    • 2 months ago

      This seems to be their modus operandi.
      >fans want X? We’ll do the opposite!
      >creators want to do x? Do it and tell them to double and triple down on it!

    • 2 months ago

      What do fans even want? I want a real Ultimate universe away from the bloated DC main continuity.

      • 2 months ago

        >straight kid Jon kent brought back from space
        >gay teen Jon kent shipped off with the LOSH
        >super sons relaunched
        >tomasi writing it
        >mora and Jimenez alternating arcs on art
        >no more progressive pandering. And no this does not mean pander to MAGA people it means make capeshit for capeshit readers.
        >everything is perfectly diverse already no more changing characters’ race/sexuality/gender
        >stop hiring people like Zdarsky, fraction, Russell, king, Taylor, Aaron, Bendis, KSD, seeley, ect
        It’s honestly not difficult. People have been saying all the same things for years. They just ignore the answers to the test to pander to Twitter personalities who don’t pay for comics.

        • 2 months ago

          This. It’s this simple. None of this is difficult. Though I’d add simone to the list and
          >Ewing, Hickman, mcckay, slott, zeb wells, lanzig & kelley
          All preemptively

        • 2 months ago

          >tomasi writing it
          tomasi is gone after the sinister sons mini. he's exclusive at that new image imprint he made with a bunch of other old dc guys.

          • 2 months ago

            >none of this needs to be printed as a floppy
            except for the fact dc makes it's money from floppies and not graphic novels, and there is zero downside to double dipping.

            >Only nerds and dipshit collectors buy that shit.
            so true, their money isn't real money so dc should stop selling things that are being bought. fricking moron.


            • 2 months ago

              take your meds schizo

          • 2 months ago

            >he's exclusive
            No he isn’t. None of that announcement said exclusive.

            • 2 months ago

              >All creators will be exclusive to Ghost Machine for their comics work after completing their already committed to projects.
              it's in the fricking press release. tomasi is gone.

        • 2 months ago

          This. It’s this simple. None of this is difficult. Though I’d add simone to the list and
          >Ewing, Hickman, mcckay, slott, zeb wells, lanzig & kelley
          All preemptively

          >stop hiring people like Zdarsky, fraction, Russell, king, Taylor, Aaron, Bendis, KSD, seeley, ect
          >I’d add simone to the list and Ewing, Hickman, mcckay, slott, zeb wells, lanzig & kelley

          jesus christ can you name 5 comic writers currently working that you actually like?

          • 2 months ago

            No because you’ll just poo poo them out of spite.

        • 2 months ago

          Super Sons didn't sell that well. People act like it was some great book that tore up sales charts, but it was kind of a dud.

          • 2 months ago

            It's obsessive shotagays angry at being denied their fix so they try to convince everyone that Super Sons was popular because they think that will work to persuade DC to bring it back.

          • 2 months ago

            No other series from the last 20 years, including Snyder’s Batman, has been reprinted so many times.

            • 2 months ago

              Pretty sure the White Knight series has been reprinted way more.

              • 2 months ago

                Genuinely not even close. Super sons by my count has been reprinted no less than 5 times including two or three omnis

                Anon. Snyder was the one who made Year Zero. He was proud of that event and that he was the one who shaped the new origin year of Batman.

                He’s literally the face of the new 52. No other writer is as closely associated and aligned with it.

          • 2 months ago

            it clearly has enough of an audience to keep getting omnibus' which is more than can be said for literally every Dc character other than Batman

            • 2 months ago

              >including Batman
              You mean. As anon said no other modern series has been reprinted as much.

            • 2 months ago

              It literally never makes any of the bookscan sales charts though. So that omnibus must not be moving that many units.

  82. 2 months ago

    Scott is another creator reject from the industry that matters. So he’s stuck in a shitty niche medium that doesn’t sell worth for shit. His indie titles are complete flops and his pitches to make them work at places like Netflix were denied.

  83. 2 months ago

    >Future State
    >Absolute Comics
    The Absolute State of's getting poetic.

  84. 2 months ago

    The problem I have with this, like with Ultimate is that they use the slightest sign of sales movement or interest to make it bleed into the mainline which ends up just making everything a fricking mess.

    It’s why we’re stuck with miles, why we’re stuck with Fury Jr, why we’re stuck with all sorts of shit at marvel that nobody but Twitter wants.

    The new 52 replaced the mainline but similarly It’s the excuse DC used to make mainline Alan gay, it’s why we’re stuck with 2 Wallys, one chocolate and the other strawberry, why we had to be subjected to Luke fox and all sorts of dumb shit from future state.

    Just fricking stop. Make comics for boomers and the kids will buy them too. Because the woke/progressive/Twitter-active kids they want don’t pay for comics anyway.

  85. 2 months ago
  86. 2 months ago

    Lol shills made another thread because this one didn’t go the way they wanted.

    Nobody other than the creators behind these books wants them.

    • 2 months ago


    • 2 months ago

      Saw that, was it clipped or just naturally died?

  87. 2 months ago

    The pitches got leaked:
    >Superman lacks his humanity
    >Batman with no money
    >Wonder Woman as an adventurer

    Take it as you will.

    • 2 months ago

      >more evil Superman
      >Batman status quo from 2 years ago
      >Wonder Woman if she was a pulp hero
      Depending on the writer the WW sounds decent but the other two are instantly moronic.

      And again, none of this needs to be printed as a floppy just make them OGNs.

      • 2 months ago

        >more evil Superman
        He’s not evil, just a different approach. Think of pre-crisis Superman.

        • 2 months ago

          >kek superdick
          Only really existed on covers and a few issues early in his golden age days. By all accounts he was a boy scout by the time he met Bruce and dick on that cruise ship.

          Also how do you know this if you aren’t a shill or Snyder himself?

      • 2 months ago

        >none of this needs to be printed as a floppy
        except for the fact dc makes it's money from floppies and not graphic novels, and there is zero downside to double dipping.

        • 2 months ago

          >except for the fact dc makes it's money from floppies
          Only nerds and dipshit collectors buy that shit. Who the frick is gonna pay $5 for 22 pages of content in this economy? Only well-off fricks with disposable income can buy that shit.

          • 2 months ago

            >Only nerds and dipshit collectors buy that shit.
            so true, their money isn't real money so dc should stop selling things that are being bought. fricking moron.

    • 2 months ago

      Superman disregards traditional "human" beliefs like morality, laws, or social standards.

  88. 2 months ago

    >Absolute Comics
    I wonder where they got the inspiration from...

  89. 2 months ago

    What are the chances of this replacing the mainline?

    • 2 months ago

      Hopefully zero

  90. 2 months ago

    Fire everyone at DC and blacklist all the writers.

  91. 2 months ago

    capeshit be like
    >#1 #1 #1 reboot reboot reboot variant variant variant evemt event event flop flop flop

  92. 2 months ago

    SHITcomics and their smelly stinky stories.

  93. 2 months ago

    >Yesterday, Bleeding Cool semi-broke the internet with the confirmation and news of a Scott Snyder showrun line at DC Comics, called Absolute Comics, as part of the new DC publishing initiative for 2024 and 2025, DC All-In. But I also had a lot of questions about what I wrote, assumptions about what I wrote, and about assumptions I had made. Lots of people commenting from, understandably, different levels of knowledge. And a few nuggets of clarification through my DMs. So I thought I'd look at reaction, clarify a few points, and run a bit of backstory.

    >DC Comics has been publishing superhero comics since 1938 with Superman, then Batman and Wonder Woman. They only have ten years or so left of copyright before the original comics go public domain. So they have to do something of note in the decade of exclusive rights that they have left.

    >DC All-In is the name for the DC Comics publishing imperative across the DC Comics line intended to launch this October/November and will follow the current Dawn Of DC publishing imperative, intended as a refresher after lockdown and major changes in executives and editors at DC Comics.

    >As part of that, Absolute Comics will be a line of radically reworked versions of well-known DC Comics characters, from major comics creators, in the fashion of Marvel's Ultimate line, separate in continuity from the rest of DC, but sharing its own internal continuity between the books, unlike Elseworlds, All-Star, or Black Label books. However, unlike the Ultimate line, there is intended from the get-go to be some "bleed through" so that the Absolute Comics line will be in the same multiverse as the standard DC continuity, suggesting awareness of each other, maybe competition or even crossover between them in years to come. It's all part of the plan.

    • 2 months ago

      This is not a relaunch or a reboot. DC All-In will continue the continuity of what DC Rebirth did with the New 52, as well as where Dawn Of DC took it. Absolute Comics is a new shared universe from major comics talents, with a hands off approach from showrunner Scott Snyder. I do not know the creative teams. But yes, I presume Scott Snyder will write at least one. Yes, Mark Waid, who is doing Absolute Power, is a natural. And yes, Ram V is coming off Detective Comics just at the time that Absolute Comics and DC All-In hits, so I would look to him, too. But these are just guesses. There are some, like Donny Cates, who were previously attached, but for one reason or another, it didn't work out. But the biggest names, I am sure, are ones I cannot conceive of yet.

    • 2 months ago

      >However, unlike the Ultimate line, there is intended from the get-go to be some "bleed through" so that the Absolute Comics line will be in the same multiverse as the standard DC continuity, suggesting awareness of each other, maybe competition or even crossover between them in years to come.
      And they've lost me.

    • 2 months ago

      >They only have ten years or so left of copyright before the original comics go public domain.
      This doesn't mean much of anything because the vast majority of what makes Superman, Batman, and Wonder Woman will not be public domain for a good long while yet.
      >But the biggest names, I am sure, are ones I cannot conceive of yet.
      There won't be any. DC can't afford anyone big.

  94. 2 months ago

    Do they really think this will fix anything?

    • 2 months ago

      I don’t think Snyder and his cronies care. They’re completely self-serving

  95. 2 months ago

    Just let the fricking medium die. There'll never be a time where comics will be seen in the same light as film, tv and video games. Even books do significantly better thanks to ebooks and audiobooks. It'll always just be niche nerdcrap.

  96. 2 months ago

    I can’t put into words how bad the publishing side of DC has become. This idea is so asinine that I’m starting to believe that there’s an insider rule to confuse and piss off readers as much as possible. Anyone with common sense wouldn’t do this.

  97. 2 months ago

    Can DC stop sending all these dumbass obvious payed shills and just fix the damn problem? Spending all there time and resources to distract people and convince anons that their shitty books are good is getting ridiculous. They rather so all this than just fire the fricking idiots driving the IPs into the ground. I fricking hate this company.

  98. 2 months ago

    Oh boy. More Woke comics no one will buy.

  99. 2 months ago

    I’m confused. Is this an alternate universe or main universe?

  100. 2 months ago

    The human race is so incompetent.

  101. 2 months ago

    DC needs to just die off. Comics will never be as important as the movies, shows, and animated films.

    • 2 months ago

      >Comics will never be as important as the movies, shows, and animated films.

      You say this like that's a bad thing. I rather comics not go super mainstream and have to deal with more people's dumb opinions. Anime fans are already learning the consequences of getting that kind of spotlight

      • 2 months ago

        Even without mainstream comic discussions are a complete clusterfrick lol

        • 2 months ago

          Exactly, why would I want them to be worse? Imagine if you had to take people who make those dumb "Batman is bad because he beats up poor mentally ill people" seriously.

          • 2 months ago

            It can't get any worse. We are aleady at rock bottom.

  102. 2 months ago

    See, I think the problem with this is that they're trying to copy Hickman's Ultimate universe without any of the actual hooks it had like Peter being married with kids or the Maker's shadow government controlling everything.

    • 2 months ago

      They're not copying Hickman's Ultimates, which will not age well, they're copying the original Ultimates. Starting from day one in a contemporary setting.

    • 2 months ago

      Plus it's super early so we have no idea what Hickman's world is going to look like when things actually connect in like two years.

      >Ultimate Line For DC
      Why is everyone so obsessed with the idea for an "Ultimate DC", given the fact DC characters have already gone through a million different reboots and re-imaginings? What could possibly make an Ultimate DC line good when all they'll will do is attempt to rehash the exact same ideas and characters AGAIN?

      Yeah, when this rumor first popped up, I tried thinking of things they could do and I kept blanking. You have to make them recognizable but also distinct enough where mainline would never do it. I kinda had an idea for Superman but I'm not complete sold on it.

      The concept I had was he's different in that he's seeming genuinely Jonathan and Martha's son with the marketing heavily pushing the "Man of Tomorrow" label. As far as he or anyone else knows, he's some kind of mutant. Eventually of course, references to different iterations of Krypton from would pop up to have fans calling it from a mile away. Then it turns out he's not even Kryptonian, it's all bait. I didn't decide where he'd be from but the way he passed as a regular human was through the same kind of gene editing tech Icon's ship used in regular canon.

      It's probably an ass idea but best I got while shitposting.

      They erased and replaced all their history except Batman and Green Lantern because those were their two best selling books, but carrying those two books over into the new continuity ended up creating so many problems.

      You're oversimplifying how much was carried over

      • 2 months ago

        They kept everything, anon. All in implication. They didn't want to stop selling all those tpb's that would've been rendered useless noncanon unreadable trash. An actual reboot would just be nothing but disastrous for DC.

        Nothing else was carried over. The universe only had five years of history. Superman had an entirely different backstory as established by Morrison until Rebirth when Johns threw his not muh fit. Wonder Woman was completely different until Rebirth when Rucka got to throw his not muh fit. Priest fumed how there was absolutely no way he could establish that Judas Contract was canon, but now all those old Titans stories count again thanks to Death Metal's Quantum State DC.

        • 2 months ago

          While I’m the other anon agreeing with you that it was a reboot I don’t understand why you’re acting like a homosexual about rebirth rightfully undoing it all.

          The new 52 was by far the worst the to ever happen to DC. To this day if I ever come within five feet of Diane Nelson I’m spitting on her.

          • 2 months ago

            My preference is that they should have kept post-crisis as a new Earth Two, but once you reboot, you should commit to it instead of dragging back all the old continuity you like which is how we end up with the pic in

            Constant reboots will only make things worse. Marvel has never done one outside their attempt with Heroes Reborn in the 90s. Do you think they should too? Do you think it'd actually be a good idea and not make them worse?

            Sure I did like post-Crisis Superman coming back with Jon and Lois but it annoyed me when they merged their history with New 52 Superman. And I didn't care for Rucka's Wonder Woman return at all.

            • 2 months ago

              Sounds like you started reading comics with the new 52 and we’re just salty to be told it was always a dogshit AU.

              Sorry but I vehemently disagree. Everything about that universe was awful and I hate that any of it was allowed to remain, mostly because Snyder is a sniveling wienersucker and his cabal of homosexuals had his back.

              • 2 months ago

                No, I started with post-crisis. But there were a good number of New 52 books I liked, Morrison's Action, Azzarello's Wonder Woman, All Star Western (which could have done fine without a reboot true), Swierczynski's Birds of Prey before they fricked it up, Cornell's Demon Knights, Manapul Flash, Green/Johnson's Supergirl. They should have done it like what they're doing now, a handful of books with the best talent they have available to establish the universe instead of going all-in with 52 titles where results can only be mixed.

        • 2 months ago

          That’s simply not true. I’m sorry but you sound like you’re a teenager too young to remember it or a newbie who never read comics before during or after the new 52.

          It was absolutely a reboot. It changed everything about every character outside of GL and Batman. I don’t know how you could say otherwise. So many of us dropped buying any DC comics for years because of it. That they eventually got around to rewriting classics just proves that even more.

          Not really though. A lot of side characters who didn't get a title where written with an ambiguous history where a bunch of Post-Crisis seeming still applied. Even the main ones would occasionally slip with references to Post-Crisis which only increased with time as we inched closer to Convergence and Rebirth where they finally put the New 52 to bed.

          >I'm not denying Marvel has had retcons but they've never been giant reboot bombs like the New 52.
          I said they haven’t had a hard reboot but to ignore that so much has been changed, dropped, or erased is just being absurd out of company loyalty and pure autism.

          They never pulled the bandaid off but it’s scabbed over and become completely different over time.

          >Company loyalty
          I like DC more though

          >They never pulled the bandaid off but it’s scabbed over and become completely different over time.
          And I prefer it that way. Reboots suck ass.

          • 2 months ago

            >A lot of side characters who didn't get a title where written with an ambiguous history where a bunch of Post-Crisis seeming still applied
            Name them. Be specific.

            • 2 months ago

              The Legion.

              By implying the new 52 was anything but a whole clothe reboot.
              By implying Marvel is completely the same as it was since 62

              >By implying the new 52 was anything but a whole clothe reboot.
              If it was intended to be then it didn't stay that way for long

              >By implying Marvel is completely the same as it was since 62
              Never said that. I said they never had a hard reboot.

              • 2 months ago

                Okay that’s one, surprise surprise another Johns baby, now continue.

              • 2 months ago

                You're not going to comment about a version of Death of Superman happening with the except of the Reign quartet not being there or the offscreen Superman Blue?

  103. 2 months ago

    >Ultimate Line For DC
    Why is everyone so obsessed with the idea for an "Ultimate DC", given the fact DC characters have already gone through a million different reboots and re-imaginings? What could possibly make an Ultimate DC line good when all they'll will do is attempt to rehash the exact same ideas and characters AGAIN?

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