Screw all of you , I love Aang

Screw all of you , I love Aang

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Tip Your Landlord Shirt $21.68

  1. 2 years ago

    He's a whiny little baby who won't kill one sadistic psychopath to save the lives of millions of innocents. Frick him. c**t.

    • 2 years ago

      Well, I think he's funny

      • 2 years ago

        funny LOOKIN'

      • 2 years ago

        Well, that's ok. As long as you don't want to put your dick in him. We had a LONG series during which to bond with the little goofball.

      • 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      He buck broke Katara so hard that the next one in line got buck broken three times in one show.

      • 2 years ago

        He literally raised a homosexual lmao.

        • 2 years ago

          Now check this out!

          • 2 years ago

            Holy shit

            • 2 years ago

              Impressive. Very nice.

      • 2 years ago

        but two of his kids are water Black folk moite

      • 2 years ago

        What's the point of posting that screenshot, there's no capt-
        >file name
        Really? How new are you to brag about this stuff?

      • 2 years ago

        What's the point of this screenshot?

    • 2 years ago

      >saves everyone anyway without having to compromise his own morals
      heh, nothing personal

      • 2 years ago

        He is truly a mad genius

      • 2 years ago

        Honestly one of the most interesting bits of Aang´s character is that he had to make a choice where there were no good options. The moral dilemma he faced.
        Giving him a way out of it in the last minute kind of undermines all of that. I understand *why* they did it, and I figure regardless of how they resolved it it wouldn't have been totally satisfying, but still. Could've been better.
        Aang as a character was fine though, even if the romance with Katara was a bit hamfisted.

        • 2 years ago

          >Giving him a way out of it in the last minute kind of undermines all of that.
          No it doesn't. You only say this because you fetishize suffering and failure.

          • 2 years ago

            a dilemma means that isnt a right answer, coming in last minute with a perfect solution makes it not a dilemma.

            I don't understand how can someone watch this show and for even a second think Aang and Katara are not gonna end up together, I watched A:TLA first time when I was five and even then I understood these two clearly liked each other, they had respect and affection toward each other and those feelings were clear and present throughout the whole series, they didn’t feel forced or hamfisted to me

            mostly the episode where they danced together tbh

            • 2 years ago

              >that animation
              My god it's so great to see talent reflected so well in a work
              Who is the artist?

              • 2 years ago

                I think it's this

                Remember to put your name on your work, kids. sometimes it blows up and nobody will know who made it

            • 2 years ago

              >mostly the episode where they danced together tbh
              Eh, it was so obvious well before then.
              Aang's attraction to Katara was already implied in the first two episodes, but by episode 4 it was made explicit with how Aang cares so much about getting Katara's attention.
              Then with the Fortune Teller episode Katara is first shown a mild attraction to Aang when she considers Aang as a romantic partner for the first time.
              Then in the Cave of Two Lovers Katara is shown for the first time actually being attracted to Aang.

              The only reason why people were against it or managed to blind themselves to it was because Katara is post-pubescent in the series while Aang is prepubescent.

              • 2 years ago

                Aang is 12
                Katara is 14
                I aggre with everything you said I just wanted to point the age

              • 2 years ago

                >The only reason why people were against it or managed to blind themselves to it was because Katara is post-pubescent in the series while Aang is prepubescent.
                I have never heard this before. I think it's more a factor of shippers not liking the outcome

                It's not necessarily the age, it's more the designs and attitude - Aang is a heat shorter than Katara and acts much more like a child, meanwhile Zuko is a similar height and build to Katara, while Aang and Toph have the same height/ build.
                They never say their ages in the show either afaik, so I always assumed the age gap was greater

              • 2 years ago

                >The only reason why people were against it or managed to blind themselves to it was because Katara is post-pubescent in the series while Aang is prepubescent.
                I have never heard this before. I think it's more a factor of shippers not liking the outcome

              • 2 years ago

                There are some who said the age gap is weird
                I guess those people weren't aware of the age of characters

              • 2 years ago

                >I have never heard this before. I think it's more a factor of shippers not liking the outcome
                Well the reason why shippers didn't like the outcome is probably just from how most shippers are women, women who would have identified with Katara.
                Naturally if they're identifying with Katara, they want her to get with the best hunk on the show rather than a literal child, so that's why Zutara is so popular.

              • 2 years ago

                Yeah this.
                Woman want Zuko
                Katara is the main female character
                They identify with her
                They want her to be with Zuko

              • 2 years ago

                This reminds me of something

              • 2 years ago

                Women fundamentally want a man willing to rape them, example infinity.

              • 2 years ago

                I'm against it because it was executed poorly, and felt imposed upon Katara rather than being a natural development. It was obviously gonna happen because it was Bryke's baby. It's pretty fricking obvious that the rest of the writing staff didn't feel the same..

              • 2 years ago

                Well that's mostly because they rarely showed what Katara liked about Aang.
                The relationship was very focused on Aang himself outside of like two scenes (when they talk about kissing in the cave and when they dance in the headband episode) Those are the only times we see Katara like Aang.

                She also doesn't have a change of relationship regarding Aang. She likes him just the same when she first finds him to right when the show ends.
                Unlike every other main gang member who does have a change in attitude with Aang, with Sokka starting off as dismissive but growing to trust him, Toph not caring about anyone and growing to care about Aang and his mission, and Zuko goes without saying.
                Katara is the only one who lacks that.

              • 2 years ago

                Right after I hit post I thought of more to say.
                Katara is also characterized in a very maternal way, and she is seen repeatedly as being protective of Aang.
                She doesn't see Aang as a peer like the rest of the gang, which makes a relationship seem almost out of character.

                I didn't mind it though, mostly because I like Aang's character and wanted to see him get a happy ending.
                And Katara is also my least favorite main cast member, so I just didn't care about if getting with Aang felt in line with her goals and motivations.

              • 2 years ago

                A happy ending wouldve been Aang pumping 10 babies into Meng

              • 2 years ago

                If she was somehow a main cast member, she'd be by far the better pairing for Aang.

              • 2 years ago

                If she was somehow a main cast member, she'd be by far the better pairing for Aang.

                Has there been a canonical ending for her? I mean in some comic or book or whatever. Wanna know if she hooked up with a big eared boy.

              • 2 years ago

                I know she doesn't show up in any other episode of ATLA again. I haven't read the comics or saw Korra or the rest of the additional media, but I'd really be surprised

              • 2 years ago

                Would be neat just to have a little thing where we see her having a large family of big eared descendants. Not much to go on but would just be fun.

              • 2 years ago

                >Katara is also my least favorite main cast member, so I just didn't care about if getting with Aang felt in line with her goals and motivations.
                This is a trend I've noticed with Kataang shippers. I've not seen many people who love Katara who also love the ship.

              • 2 years ago

                I know it was obvious, but that just felt like the writers telling us how they want things to work out. When they were dancing they had genuine, organic chemistry with one another.

              • 2 years ago

                That's mainly because they never really explored what Katara saw in that relationship.
                So, given her characterization, it may seem somewhat out of character. Since she's so maternal, and she doesn't often treat Aang like a peer.

          • 2 years ago

            Even if it wasn't rushed Spiritbending doesn't work. Aang choosing to kill or not would be interesting if big lionturtle didn't comes and saves the day.

            It's like Aang has his cake and ate too

            • 2 years ago

              >Even if it wasn't rushed Spiritbending doesn't work
              Spiritbending was an asspull to justify saving Aang from his moral dilemma.

        • 2 years ago

          I don't understand how can someone watch this show and for even a second think Aang and Katara are not gonna end up together, I watched A:TLA first time when I was five and even then I understood these two clearly liked each other, they had respect and affection toward each other and those feelings were clear and present throughout the whole series, they didn’t feel forced or hamfisted to me

          • 2 years ago

            Aang was into Katara from literally the moment he opened his eyes and her face was the first thing he saw. He spent like half the first episode trying to impress her and pulls similar stunts for her attention throughout the series, long before it became spelled out his interest was romantic. It truly could not have been more obvious where Aang's affections lay, the only question was Katara, but the show goes out of its way to address her feelings on a few occasions.

            • 2 years ago

              He once nearly got himself killed trying to impress her

          • 2 years ago

            >What are friendships?
            I guess you didn't have any female friends in your childhood.

        • 2 years ago

          >Giving him a way out of it in the last minute kind of undermines all of that.
          No it doesn't. You only say this because you fetishize suffering and failure.

          I think the issue is how immediate and rushed it was, it would've been better if the Lion Turtle told him about spiritbending already then explained in no uncertain terms the risk of it. Aang's issues were never about compromising ideals or realizing the folly of his worldview but more knowing his duty and overcoming adversity. Cut the fight in half, winning the physical battle then the res tof the fight is a battle inside Aang and Ozai's intertwined spirits.

          • 2 years ago

            The problem wasn't the plot points but how there wasn't much build up to them
            "Sozin's Comet" problem was it introduced some issues that were in no way possible they could be solved without feeling rushed

          • 2 years ago

            It was rushed, but thematically solid. Ideally they'd have introduced the Lion Turtle earlier and set up this conclusion more in advance, and that's probably what they wanted to do with one more season of the show. More than anything I'm glad they did not compromise Aang for the sake of subversion and allowed him to be an idealistic hero. If the reaction to him is any indication, he's badly needed to offset the general pessimism in so many people.

            • 2 years ago

              I agree it was thematically neat idea, but ultimately feels like a moot point because the dilemma as presented can only exist in a Y7 show with implied killing. S5 of Samurai Jack suffers a similar problem.

              • 2 years ago

                >S5 of Samurai Jack suffers a similar problem
                Also both suffer from the lack of Mako

            • 2 years ago

              The problem isn't that he didn't kill ozai. The problem is he was unwilling to do so. He fricked around in the final fight and could've died because he was too chickenshit to redirect lightning at him. It was selfish as frick. Spare him when you know you can, not beforehand.

      • 2 years ago

        He's a whiny little baby who won't kill one sadistic psychopath to save the lives of millions of innocents. Frick him. c**t.

        Aangs refusal to kill Ozai was a huge middle finger directly to him, I'm astonished more than a decade later you people still don't understand this

        Ozai literally said to Aang "You're weak, just like the rest of your people, they did not deserve to live in this world, in MY world"
        If Aang then decided to forsake a core principle of his people and murder Ozai, he would just be validating what he said.

        Instead, Aang clipped his wings but let him live, proving that what his people had to teach and offer to the world had value.

        • 2 years ago

          >not killing to make the villain "seethe" for the 1000th time already
          Frick off batcuck

        • 2 years ago

          >what his people had to teach
          Gyatso was surrounded by firebender corpses

    • 2 years ago

      Killing Ozai proves him right that the Airbenders were weak little b***hes that deserved to get genocided.

    • 2 years ago

      Brainlets and children aren't smart enough to understand that taking pacifism to that extreme is actually evil.

    • 2 years ago

      Look, it would be such a downer if the show ended with Aang feeling disgusted over taking away a person's life.
      That's not the happy ending that the show needed.
      Not to mention that wouldn't be satisfying, that would be what anyone would expect to happen to Ozai, it would seem generic and make Aang's whole subplot of not wanting to kill somebody feel pointless.

      Even if the whole Lionturtle was an ass-pull, it was visually stunning and a far better ending for the series both climatically and tonally.

      • 2 years ago

        Yeah, I don't personally like the deus ex machina nature of the ending, and I think it's silly that they even introduced the moral quandary of killing Ozai if they didn't have a better way to follow through on it.

        But at the same time, I think simply forcing Aang's hand and having the finale close with him being emotionally broken over losing his moral code and ending a life isn't exactly a satisfying outcome for a colorful, hopeful family show like this.

        • 2 years ago

          Guy got over finding out all his relatives died in like an episode lmao

    • 2 years ago

      >won't kill one sadistic psychopath to save the lives of millions of innocents.
      >*saves the lives of millions of innocents*

    • 2 years ago

      Cause he didn't need to. He's just that great. No idea why Cinemaphile is obsessed with making characters abysmal failures who can't live up to their own ideals. Maybe projection?

      • 2 years ago

        >aang isnt an abysmal failure
        He failed at repopulating his people despite having more than a 60+ years to do so.

        • 2 years ago

          He had 3 kids, which is pretty respectable for somebody with his kind of responsibilities. Plenty of famous, important men with far less responsibility than Aang failed to have even one child because the pressures of their work kept them too busy.

          His efforts to keep air bending and air nomad culture alive weren't a failure at all, they just weren't wildly successful. Aang's biggest failures were all in his childhood, and he spent his entire life making up for them. He's an extremely admirable person.

          • 2 years ago

            >have 3 kids
            >all of them still seethe about muh daddy issues while being 50+ years old while zero complaints about Katara
            Truly not the best examples anon, how does even a Monk frick so bad they have a war commander as a son lmao, peak of writing for Bryke self-inserting their daddy issues for the 950th time in a row

            • 2 years ago

              All of Aang's kids turned out to be very successful and important people, despite his apparent deficiencies as a father. And if his relationship with them wasn't perfect, none of them actually hate him, they simply grumble and have unresolved grievances and resentments that make their memory of him more complex than simple fondness or idolization. It's still a far cry from "failure". Again I see this as a weird, desperate attempt to project failure onto a character who has succeeded by any fair metric.

              • 2 years ago

                Legend of whorra isn't cannon anyway, daddy Aangy would be a loving father

              • 2 years ago

                I agree, Korra horribly mangled several characters and I don't like the implications, but it's what we have to work with when looking at Aang's legacy. Even as badly as they tried to mar Aang's character in Korra he still comes out ahead.

              • 2 years ago

                >Kya and Bumi
                >minor resentments
                >Kya and Bumi dont have any kids due to fearing of making their daddies mistakes
                As I said, Aang post show is badly written, not the character's fault but the "creators" his highest failure is his ugly ass grandkid tho ngl

              • 2 years ago

                Bumi was a high ranking military officer, Kya is a talented water bender in her own right. Neither one is estranged from their family despite the issues they have. So how are they failures? Because they weren't world famous heroes? Because they're not blissfully happy? I don't like what they did with Aang's kids in Korra but they're not miserable failures however much you want them to be.

              • 2 years ago

                homie Kya has so little personality they made her a dyke because her other only memorable moment was her mentioning "uncle sokka" who's implied to have taken more care of her than his dad

              • 2 years ago

                Doesn't Korra also imply that Sokka never had kids?
                That's also pretty disrespectful to his character, women dug that dude, and he seemed like he would be a family man.

                I know there's one of Toph's children who some believe to be Sokka's, but even then she never knew her father, so it means that Tokka was just a fling not a real relationship.
                Man Bryke really shit the bed with Korra.

    • 2 years ago

      I really want to believe posts like these are b8 and nobody actually expected a child to kill a guy in a kid's cartoon

    • 2 years ago

      >saves everyone anyway without having to compromise his own morals
      heh, nothing personal

      Honestly one of the most interesting bits of Aang´s character is that he had to make a choice where there were no good options. The moral dilemma he faced.
      Giving him a way out of it in the last minute kind of undermines all of that. I understand *why* they did it, and I figure regardless of how they resolved it it wouldn't have been totally satisfying, but still. Could've been better.
      Aang as a character was fine though, even if the romance with Katara was a bit hamfisted.

      The whole thing is stupid because Aang DID kill people multiple times already over the course of the show. What, are we supposed to believe that the dozens of warships he and the Ocean Spirit destroyed together didn't result in a single fire nation fatality?

      • 2 years ago

        That was the Ocean Spirit's fault, it doesn't count

        • 2 years ago

          >doesn't count
          Yeah, I'm sure Aang was telling himself that the whole time.

          • 2 years ago

            >it's only okay WHEN I do it
            Airbenders truly are the israelites of their own universe

            • 2 years ago

              Six million Air nomads? Didn't happen but it SHOULD have happened
              Sozin was a gay

              • 2 years ago

                >Didnt you hear about the Air Nomads genocide? Six gorillion airbenders died!
                >why didnt the Fire Nation retrieve the corpses of their own soldiers from the temples?
                >STOP ASKING QUESTIONS

              • 2 years ago
              • 2 years ago

                >a little far fetched

                >a little

                how were they able to get to the air tempels without either tundra tanks or flying machines?

                its more reasonable to assume that the air nomads were killed off by some plague, and that their tempels were burned later on to stop it from spreading

        • 2 years ago

          Those people he threw off the mountain in the Northern Air Temple episode are definitively dead.

          • 2 years ago

            t-they dont count

      • 2 years ago

        Yeah. Even as a kid I thought it was goofy because it was obvious that he had killed people before. Him or his gang anyways.
        But obviously they can't have him officially murder people in a kids show, and it would have made his character a lot less likeable to think of him as also a killer.

        Whenever people say that they would have liked more violence or darker things like that in Avatar, I just think that it would have devalued the characters.
        I mean would Mai still be a likeable character if, to save Zuko, she murdered like 7 guards instead of just pinned them to walls? Not really.
        Having the characters not be killers is pretty important to keep them likeable and relatable, as well as keeping the tone light.

        • 2 years ago

          Agreed, not every story needs to be filled with gore and sex

          • 2 years ago

            It's literally a show about genocide

      • 2 years ago

        He has killed but it doesn't mean he enjoyed it

      • 2 years ago

        Even if he has killed before, something he probably realizes and deals with privately, doesn't mean he will consciously do it again. Its against his religion, not some childish whim

    • 2 years ago

      Yugo is better

    • 2 years ago

      >frozen before the war started
      >isn't strong enough to beat the fire lord
      >beats him and doesn't kill him
      >fire lord is (so far in all media)never a threat again


    • 2 years ago

      >Ran away from his destiny.
      >Air Nomads get wiped out because of his cowardice.
      >Gave the Fire Nation 100 years to commit genocide and colonization.
      The world would of unironically been better if he died sooner and let Korra reincarnate sooner. It would actually be interesting to see a pacifist avatar fail and be replaced by a hawkish avatar like Korra. Aang is the true villian of ATLA. If the Fire Nation are murderers then Aang handed them the knife. Frick idealist fools like him.

      >Aang wouldn't kill one sadistic psychopath to save the lives of millions
      >"muh Monk teachings forbid it!"
      >Never finished said monk teachings to begin with...
      Being the avatar means keeping balance and peace between the four elements. Aang only gets violent when people close to him are hurt. e.g. Katara and Appa. This behavior is nothing short of prejudice. Aang just didn't care enough about the world to protect them.

      And yet, Jet gets treated like a war criminal for fighting a just war for his dead parents. Killing Fire Nation troops and the village of sympathizers who are essentially helping the Fire Nation kill is justified. Jet brought more balance to the four nations that Aang did until the very end of the entire show.

      • 2 years ago

        Korra fricked the world worse with the spirit shit

        • 2 years ago

          Aang sent his whole nation to the spirit world. Both these avatars fricked up but only one left genocide happen.

          • 2 years ago

            Aang was also a 12 year old boy who had just learned he was the Avatar, and was not prepared for the responsibility thrust upon him. It's also unlikely he would have had the skills to have changed anything. The other characters say as much as they console him, and in a world with destiny, coming to terms with his responsibility and facing Ozai was probably always his destiny.

            • 2 years ago

              >Aang was not prepared for the responsibility.
              That's what the monks were for.

              >Aang wasn't skilled enough to have changed anything.
              Avatar state.

              • 2 years ago

                >Avatar state.
                Azula killed Aang in the Avatar state without the benefit of Sozin's comet.
                If Aang hadn't ran away the Avatar would have likely just been killed and the world doomed to fall under the Fire Nation's hands

              • 2 years ago

                >Aang gets killed
                Good. A better avatar is reincarnated instead. An avatar that doesn't take 112 years to solve their problems.

                Verification not required.

              • 2 years ago

                If an Avatar is killed in the avatar state then the entire avatar cycle is broken and there will be no more avatars at all

              • 2 years ago

                Yes the very convenient plot devices of this show

              • 2 years ago

                If the avatar state was just an instant win option all stakes would be taken out of the action scenes.
                They gave rules and risks to the avatar state to make it more interesting

              • 2 years ago

                But 99% of the time, it is an instant win

              • 2 years ago

                It's actually an instant win on TLA, Korra turned it on some sort-of power up

                If the avatar state was just an instant win option all stakes would be taken out of the action scenes.
                They gave rules and risks to the avatar state to make it more interesting

                >If the avatar state was just an instant win option all stakes would be taken out of the action scenes.
                Yeah and that's why no one remembers the final fight aside from discussing Aang's morals and it's flaws despite being build up since S1, Katara almost fricked up the Siblings Agni-Kai by being a moron and it's still more memorable.
                Still, got one of the best shots in the series when Aang re-directs the lightning at Ozai

              • 2 years ago

                You mean when he pusses out on directing the lightning

              • 2 years ago

                >Roku describes the Avatar State as the combination of all the past lives focusing their energy through Aang
                >when AS Aang speaks, a shitload of other voices are overlaid as if he is many people talking at once, his personality and form of speech change
                >past Avatars like Roku and Kyoshi were able to directly manifest themselves through the AS
                it's not a convenient plot device you're just low IQ
                except then in TLoK all the past lives are destroyed and the Avatar State doesn't change so you're retroactively right and high IQ

              • 2 years ago

                >except then in TLoK all the past lives are destroyed and the Avatar State doesn't change so you're retroactively right and high IQ
                This was so bizarre to me, I thought the reason they killed Korra's past lives in S2 was because they realised the Avatar state was OP and this made it difficult for Korra to have any credible threats she couldn't just BTFO. But instead of losing the Avatar state all she's lost is their knowledge and wisdom - so the show just doubles down on a blockheaded, bratty Korra who has even less spiritual guidance or experience to draw on.
                The entire show's logic with this kind of stuff is just weird anyway, like at the beginning of S2 she's already mastered the Avatar state because she was able to speak to Aang literally once? And she's also somehow "mastered" airbending even though Tenzin says she hasn't really lol.

              • 2 years ago

                Korra in general is just a really sloppy show.
                It's almost like they were making it up as they went on and were playing fast and loose with the rules.
                Bryke must have had less care when constructing the plot of Korra then when constructing the plot of Avatar. They really failed to come up with a good core cast, a good character arc, and a good overarching plot.
                I don't even think it's entirely because they didn't have Aaron involved, I think they were just off their game.

              • 2 years ago

                They tried making Korra the opposite of Aang

              • 2 years ago

                >It's almost like they were making it up as they went on and were playing fast and loose with the rules.
                Which is exactly what happened.
                They always only had a contract for one season, so they never planned for a longer overarching arc.

              • 2 years ago

                It's still their fault, Nickelodeon gave them the green light at any time and they still kept on popping out seasons.
                Same for the Comics, they had all the time of the world to do them

              • 2 years ago

                >They always only had a contract for one season
                I heard the opposite, they were greenlit from the beginning for the full two season run they had.
                It was ATLA which was greenlit season by season

              • 2 years ago

                Ok keep sucking that avatar wiener

              • 2 years ago

                yep low IQ
                The Avatar surviving the death of the Avatar spirit and being impossible to truly kill would be convenient, not the other way around moron.

              • 2 years ago

                Good. Aang's cowardice is reincarnated in every avatar. It's only a matter of time before another avatar abandons their duty and let's the world suffer for it. The world deserves characters like Jet who will give the Fire Nation what they deserve.

              • 2 years ago

                Correct me if I am wrong but didnt Kuruk died while being on one?:

              • 2 years ago

                I never heard of that. I don't think that's in the show.

              • 2 years ago

                Korra would just have done something moronic like rush to Azula and get mogged by lightning anyway

              • 2 years ago

                Korra hasnt been born yet and he was ridiculously OP comparing to the fighting on ATLA
                >ynr fricking evangelion

      • 2 years ago

        Aang sent his whole nation to the spirit world. Both these avatars fricked up but only one left genocide happen.

        >Aang was not prepared for the responsibility.
        That's what the monks were for.

        >Aang wasn't skilled enough to have changed anything.
        Avatar state.

        >Aang gets killed
        Good. A better avatar is reincarnated instead. An avatar that doesn't take 112 years to solve their problems.

        Verification not required.

        Good. Aang's cowardice is reincarnated in every avatar. It's only a matter of time before another avatar abandons their duty and let's the world suffer for it. The world deserves characters like Jet who will give the Fire Nation what they deserve.

        Go back

        • 2 years ago

          >Go back
          >Says the Aangcuck
          Go back to the normie site that gave you your milk-toast basic k-12 idealist opinions. Aang sucks and the world needed a fighter.

          Korra would just have done something moronic like rush to Azula and get mogged by lightning anyway

          Korra would over 112 years to fight the Fire Nation before having to fight Azula.

    • 2 years ago

      Westoids can't handle separation of self from desire.

      Brainlets and children aren't smart enough to understand that taking pacifism to that extreme is actually evil.

      >if you dont participate in my concept of morality, youre EVIL
      Who is the child here?

      • 2 years ago

        Not that anon, but do you think someone that shoots up an orphanage, for example, is evil? If so, what do you think should be done in that kind of situation?

        • 2 years ago

          Whether they are objectively evil is unimportant. They are a threat to others and should at least be locked up so they can't do it again. If they cannot be captured then they must be killed for the same reason.

    • 2 years ago

      The whole point of the show is how a child deals with the role of having to "become the Avatar" and save the world. Aang's most important task would have resulted in abandoning one of his most fundamental values, which is not to take a person's life. This came in direct conflict with being the Avatar as the Avatar is literally just an avatar to do the world's bidding. Aang not killing Ozai was a triumph in him still retaining his own individuality in a world that demanded he give up his life in service for the world, which was an unfair thing to do to a 12-year-old boy.

      Zuko's story is almost the exact same, except he was given the opposite perspective, which was to stop the Avatar. That's why they're two sides of the same coin. Both characters were under pressure to do the bidding of others but in reality had to find out how to make their own choices and in a sense become adults who had the power to accept or reject their "destinies."

      • 2 years ago

        >two sides of the same coin
        >Zuko's arc is dessarollated during three seasons
        Sounds heavily moronic to me, specially since the whole reason the world is at stake was because of Roku not wanting to kill his boyfriend, Aang's character arc is to stop being a pussy and accept his responsibility.

    • 2 years ago

      He’s the last fricking air bender. The world was thrown out of balance by the air bender’s genocide. Of course he has to end the war the air bender way, you baboon.

    • 2 years ago

      By range banning your IP and taking your ability to post I would save billions of lives. Should I do it?

  2. 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago

      I can appreciate the chrome dome, but man was Fire Nation Disguise Aang cute. And lewd.

  3. 2 years ago

    He's a bald 10yo pacifist Monk, the least shonen main character ever.

    • 2 years ago

      He is Saitama's father

    • 2 years ago

      He sure beats up a lot of people every episode considering he's a pacifist

  4. 2 years ago

    Do most people not like Aang? He is a fun character. I wanted to say that Korra isn't as interesting, but I never managed to watch more than first 2 episodes of her show, so I have no idea.

    • 2 years ago

      He is generally regarded as the least interesting character of the show, and is called boring which I disagree, he is funny, goofy, cute, brave, cool and has cool fighting style thoughout the series.
      He is one of those characters that I honestly would miss if he wasn't in an episode because he brings a unique energy to the show that I can't quite put into words

      • 2 years ago

        Aang's biggest sin is that he's surrounded by a bunch of more interesting characters. That said, he is a well-written character

      • 2 years ago

        Toph is probably the most one-dimensional of the main cast, but I personally find Katara to be the least interesting

        he's the most useless of the bunch, he's fine as a funny sidekick but they gave him way too much attention when it wasn't needed. He had a whole episode to learn how to use a sword to never actually end up using it in the show, I have no idea what they wanted to make out of him he's supposedly an inventor/commander/swordmaster/mastermind but we almost never see that. He also doesn't deserve Suki. Still, he's tolerable, even the worst character in ATLAS has his moments.

        >he's the most useless of the bunch
        >He had a whole episode to learn how to use a sword to never actually end up using it in the show
        And that is why they had the sword episode. It's a character moment for Sokka, who is completely outclassed martially by pretty much everyone, and struggling personally with the failure of the invasion, which he blames on himself. It's a visual shortcut to show he is also growing and regaining some of that lost confidence. It's also a gentle reminder of what he brings to the table. Since his skills like logistics don't make for interesting television, it gives an opportunity for the Gaang to reflect on that while he's off doing something that is more interesting to portray.

        >he's supposedly an inventor/commander/swordmaster/mastermind
        He's really more of an idea guy and pragmatist, like he can help conceptualize a hot air balloon, but can't invent or engineer one himself. As for swordmaster, he's competent but pretty much every character that uses weapons outclasses him, like Jet, Ty Lee, and even Zuko. In a lot of ways, he's the leader of the group, despite Aang being the Avatar and the weakest physically, which is actually why I find his character arc the most compelling. He's the oldest of the group, especially concerned with becoming a man because he was too young to join the war effort with the rest of his tribe, but he can't punch his way to manhood. All his development comes from becoming an effective leader.

        >we almost never see that
        We see it quite a bit, but never in-depth because it makes for visually less interesting television.

        • 2 years ago

          Well said
          What I like about Sokka is that he is written to be clever but not too smart to the point whete it becomes convenient
          For example He comes up with the eclipse day attack but doesn't predict that the kingdom might be aware of it which puts them at a very devastating disadvantage and when the plan fails you feel the failure in your bones

      • 2 years ago

        Katara is clearly the least interesting followed by Mai

      • 2 years ago

        A cool fighting style is not a personality

    • 2 years ago

      >Do most people not like Aang?
      /co/ntrarians might be overly negative and say they do. I mean I suppose Aang isn't the most interesting character in Avatar, but that's a high bar.
      Aang is fun.

    • 2 years ago

      He's boring and annoying, but mostly boring.

    • 2 years ago

      He's ok.. I mean, he's got no personality other than muh goofy fun childish kiddo (technically a moron) but he doesnt get too much in the way on others characters arcs like Zuko's or Toph.
      He's not as pacifist as the show makes you think, guy tried killing Azula and almost killed Zuko on the comics or him having a war commander as a son

      • 2 years ago

        >guy tried killing Azula
        I see this get said so many times but nobody can actually say when Aang did this.
        Although I do agree the whole pacifist plotline in the finale is bullshit and comes out of nowhere.

        • 2 years ago

          I think he references when Aang destroyed one of her thrones originally intended to hit on her, personally I dont know if it would have been lethal,
          I am more worried for the guys that never appeared again on the Northern temples episodes though.

          • 2 years ago

            They were always doing lethal shit to each other in bending battles but were saved by cartoon logic, I don't know why people get hung up on a scene that nobody seems to remember that well

    • 2 years ago

      Most people insert into the angry teen with anger issues and daddy issues.
      This is also the reason why the incest with Azula is so popular.

      • 2 years ago

        Dont Azulagays want to frick both Ty-Lee and Zuko?

        • 2 years ago

          >Dont Azulagays want to frick both Ty-Lee and Zuko?
          Male self-inserters use Zuko to frick Ty Lee, Azula, and Jin. In fact, a lot of the hate Mai gets is because self-inserters are not attracted to Mai.

          Female self-inserters usually self-insert into Katara so they can frick Zuko. And their inability to see themselves fricking Aang is responsible for a large amount of the hate he gets. For the few female Azula self-inserters, they use her not only frick most of the main male cast members like Zuko, Sokka, and Aang, but also most of the female cast members like Katara, Suki, Mai, and Ty Lee. Also, Azula seems to have the largest amount of OC love interests, especially female ones.

          • 2 years ago

            You sound like someone who knows his way around fanfics.
            Recommend me some good ones with Azula please. Hetero preferably.

            • 2 years ago

              There was this one with Toph giving Sokka a BJ but Azula related there's that fic where she fricks Zuko and (undirectly) Katara right after the Agni-Kai

            • 2 years ago

              For the Love of Fire Princess by drakensis is a genuinely well written one about an SI getting thrown into an arranged marriage with Azula and how he handles her.

          • 2 years ago

            The Katara self-inserters are the most normies kind of the fan base, just girls that want to hop on the prince's wiener, since Zutara is just that hollywood ship 'opposites attract'
            >Prince x Peasant
            >Fire x Water
            >Dark guy x Motherly girl

            I’ve never seen good Zutara porn it’s all ugly tumblr stuff

            These are recents, it's a bit hard to find tho

            • 2 years ago

              >These are recents
              Pretty hot, thanks

          • 2 years ago

            I think Mai gets hate not because of any of the pairings but because they turned her into a drama queen more or less since S3 for plot convienence, which turned out for the worst on the comics.

            You sound like someone who knows his way around fanfics.
            Recommend me some good ones with Azula please. Hetero preferably.

            Here's a few it's smut only though


    • 2 years ago

      Yea I thought everyone at least thought Aang was okay.
      I honestly liked him. He had a fun positive energy despite all the shit he was going through. Also when he got pissed it was uncomfortable.

    • 2 years ago

      Aang wasn't bad but was shackled by the show being for kids so hard, we should've gotten way more shit focusing on the airbender genocide and how it affects him, some of my favorite parts of the series are just those little moments in season 1 where Aang is facing the fact his people are extinct.

      • 2 years ago

        >we should've gotten way more shit focusing on the airbender genocide and how it affects him
        The airbenders were already dead for a hundred years when the show starts. I liked those early moments where he's dealing with it too but I don't see too many ways they could've dealt with it further.

    • 2 years ago

      I've always liked Aang, I'm earnestly confused by people not liking a fellow like him.

    • 2 years ago

      Really only zukotards who hate him because they can’t self-insert.
      He’s honestly my second favorite character in the show.

    • 2 years ago

      The characters are the worst part of Avatar.

      • 2 years ago

        The characters themselves are good, it’s just the relationships they have with each other that make no sense and are written by bipolar teens

        • 2 years ago

          That's LOK tto you

    • 2 years ago

      The show came out when 2000s edginess was reaching its peak, so a character that wasn't a brooding emo boy was just too much for them to bear. They saw that Aang was able to have fun and make jokes and considered him childish and naive despite the fact that from the very first episode he was more mature, self reflective, and selfless in the face of real danger than any of his friends, and that was the case for almost the entire series.
      Now people only remember the fight against Ozai and consider him a coward who got lucky.

      • 2 years ago

        >now people only remember the fight against Ozai and consider him a coward who got lucky.
        Yeah, cuz that's literally what happened

        • 2 years ago

          You lost Ozzy

  5. 2 years ago

    he's an annoying gary stu

    • 2 years ago

      He spend the whole series training to master his craft, how is he a gary stu?

      • 2 years ago

        He's not. Not by any means.
        That dude is just either b8ing or being a negative Nancy

  6. 2 years ago

    Screw Aang , I love all of you

  7. 2 years ago


  8. 2 years ago

    It's sad that the last episode made people ignore everything else that was great about Aang's character

  9. 2 years ago

    People dislike Aang? I know he was childish, especially season 1. But he grew out most of it (only count ATLA TV serie).
    Watching TDP, I prefere Aang childness over Ezran anyday.

    • 2 years ago

      Not to derail thread, but I kinda wonder if Ehasz doesn't know how to write young kids. Ezran feels really paper-thin, even when I think a lot of TDP's other characters are a lot better.

  10. 2 years ago

    I liked Aang a lot but, maybe because his childish personality, his moments didn't feel as serious as other characters.
    I think that is why Zuko become the favourite character for many fans. Zuko was "this is a serious character but these moments with him will be fun". You could laugh at the fun parts but still know Zuko was meant to have serious story.

    • 2 years ago

      Really? I'd say Aangs little arc of rage after Appa is taken was one of the highlights of the show

  11. 2 years ago

    Aang was better than Korra.

    • 2 years ago

      I agree, Satan.

      Korra, it has been said before, was just written worse. She doesn't have that relatable and compelling story that Aang had. Aang not wanting to be the Avatar, wanting just to be a normal kid, and having the guilt of having ran away for 100 years makes Aang a compelling character. Korra wasn't given anything as humanizing and interesting that Aang was.

  12. 2 years ago

    He's a little pussy b***h and turned out to be a shit father

    • 2 years ago

      Korra is not canon

  13. 2 years ago

    I thought those were eyeballs from the thumbnail.

    • 2 years ago

      That's what Cinemaphile expected Aang to do to Ozai

  14. 2 years ago

    >2 shekels for the blind bandit

  15. 2 years ago

    i was expecting to hate him but i ended up really liking him, the real annoying character is Sokka

    • 2 years ago

      Sokka is a character I think you either love or hate, nothing in between

      • 2 years ago

        he's the most useless of the bunch, he's fine as a funny sidekick but they gave him way too much attention when it wasn't needed. He had a whole episode to learn how to use a sword to never actually end up using it in the show, I have no idea what they wanted to make out of him he's supposedly an inventor/commander/swordmaster/mastermind but we almost never see that. He also doesn't deserve Suki. Still, he's tolerable, even the worst character in ATLAS has his moments.

        • 2 years ago

          >Aang gays coping about Sokka
          Why's that?

          • 2 years ago

            Cinemaphile sometimes memes he fricks Katara although lately he's potrayed as a cuck

  16. 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago


      • 2 years ago

        • 2 years ago

          I wasn't sure if this was a shota thing
          You've got comments there calling Aang a bawd

  17. 2 years ago

    Zukogays fear the BAC (big airbender wiener)

    • 2 years ago

      I doubt twinky Aang has a big wiener.

  18. 2 years ago

    He programmed a whole generation of kids to act like betas. Frick him.

    • 2 years ago

      You make him sound like he is Shinji-tier whiny pussy.
      for the most of the series he was determined, brave, fierce and tried to do the best he can, if some homosexuals are gays it's not his responsibility

      • 2 years ago

        He IS a homosexual tho

      • 2 years ago

        Hey shinji became a chad in the latest movie so boo on you.

  19. 2 years ago

    Aang was a simp.

  20. 2 years ago

    Katara was the worst possible ship.
    The tomboy that wanted freedom over anything else would have been the better fit for the free roaming air nomad.

    • 2 years ago

      But Toph is for Sokka.
      And to get into shipping autism, Aang is a pretty authentic guy who prefers more outwardly kind people. I don't think he'd get on with Toph that well.
      Sokka on the other hand is a similar level of aloof with Toph, with both having deeper feelings but just not feeling required to show them all the time.

      • 2 years ago

        A man of culture I see.

    • 2 years ago

      Toph makes more sense for Aang or Sokka, and Katara makes more sense for Zuko. I also think Zucest is hot as frick though but that’s probably just because I’m mentally fricked.

    • 2 years ago

      Personally I prefer toph and zuko. Toph needs someone who's more deep and spiritually serious, contrasting to bombastic fun loving energy.

      • 2 years ago

        Fun fact, Zuko never once says Toph's name throughout the entire show. Not once.
        In fact I think he only says "Aang" first in the Southern Raiders.

        • 2 years ago

          What about the comics.

          • 2 years ago

            don't know, never read 'em.
            He probably does somewhere in there, since it's more nessesary to have characters say who they're talking to in comics then in tv. In books it's required basically

          • 2 years ago

            What ABOUT the comics?

  21. 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago

      >the wooden doors at the temples

  22. 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago

      we won troonysisters

  23. 2 years ago

    I loved Aang too. Then I watched the final episode of ATLA and read the comics. Now I don't love Aang.

  24. 2 years ago

    Katara also loved being screwed by Aang, so much so she got pregonate 3 times!
    I would have gone for at least 5, but BREEDzin and his dutiful wife would fix that later on.

    • 2 years ago

      poor Tenzin got lead on by Lin for too long, imagine if he had got started sooner.

  25. 2 years ago

    Literally the only people that like Aang are self-inserting betacucks, and shotagays

    • 2 years ago

      You can write all the Zutara fics in the world, it won't fix your relationship with your father.

      • 2 years ago

        >Realizng that Kataang is underdeveloped, unrealistic and unhealthy means you have father issues
        ok Kataang gay

  26. 2 years ago

    I don't like him, then again I don't like Avatar at all.

  27. 2 years ago

    Zutaragays fear him

  28. 2 years ago

    I like Azula more

  29. 2 years ago

    me too,he's a pretty solid and well developed character, what's your point?

  30. 2 years ago

    And I love Korra

    • 2 years ago

      no you don't

      • 2 years ago

        You gotta deal with it

    • 2 years ago

      The character or the show?

      • 2 years ago


        • 2 years ago

          Is it just because of her looks or do you genuinely like her personality?

          • 2 years ago

            Both actually. Despite people shitting on her, I think she is pretty bro. Just let her grow a few years so she is out of her teenager phase and she is fine.

  31. 2 years ago


    That's a classic. Too bad he stopped doing Avatar stuff.

  32. 2 years ago

    Aang is literally the best western MC of all time. I can't see anyone but butthurt Zuko x Kataragays disliking him for ruining their delusional ship

    • 2 years ago

      I haven’t seen anybody seriously hating on him since way back, when the Zutards and Kataangers were at full force during the show airing. The complaints I see nowadays are just that he’s ugly and annoying

      • 2 years ago

        Long ago A:TLA fandom was in harmony, then everything changed when Zutara gays attacked

        • 2 years ago

          >then everything changed when A:TLA creators decided to make Katara suddenly fall in love with Aang after saying she was confused and simp Aang forced his lips on her twice

          • 2 years ago


            • 2 years ago

              That's actually pretty cute

          • 2 years ago

            Probably one of the first things they ever thought up when they were first just creating the idea of the TV show was that Aang would be the main character and Katara would be the love interest.
            And it's not really sudden. It does completely make sense that Katara would fall in love with the boy who restored hope, order, balance, and peace to the world and allowed her to complete her own goal of becoming a water bending master.
            It's just that they rarely showed the relationship from Katara's perspective. Since romance is definitely not the focus of the show.

            I mean hell, Kataang is by far the most developed and understandable relationship on the show.
            Compare it to Suki and Sokka. What the hell does Suki even see in Sokka? What does Zuko see in Mai? At least you can say that Mai liked Zuko for his looks and power and serious temperament which would match hers.

            • 2 years ago

              >Kataang is by far the most developed and understandable relationship on the show
              The only time they had development that felt organic and cute was during The Headband, that dance scene was phenomenal. They needed more scenes like that.
              In The Ember Island Players, Aang pretty much forces himself on Katara, which causes a rift. He never apologizes for this, and then they also have another argument in Sozin’s Comet that ALSO never gets resolved. Then in the finale, they just magically make up and Katara throws herself at him. Weird shit, if they didn’t have the time to develop them (and have a scene where Katara and Aang actually resolve their shit) then no romance should’ve been in the finale. At all.

              • 2 years ago

                >He never apologizes for this,
                Well that's because right after that moment we hear Aang exclaim how much of an idiot he is in regret of what he just did.
                To the audience, he just apologized. And there's a good change Katara would have just heard it anyway.

                I agree that they should have had more moments and scenes which shows the two being cute, that way it would feel more natural.

                But the ending needed to have romance stuff in it.
                I mean the relationship between Katara and Aang is set up as a plot point as early as episode 4. That's before Sozin's comet is even mentioned.
                They had to pay that long lasting arc off, and they couldn't just have Aang be shut down, they wanted a happy ending.
                The only way they could have had Aang and Katara not get together is if they added like one or two more episodes explicitly about romance where Katara shuts Aang down or Aang finds someone else.

              • 2 years ago

                >He never apologizes for this,
                just like Katara never apologizes for saying that he doesnt understand how it feels to lose someone

                and saying something like that to a guy missing his whole race is much worse than him just trying to be confident bro

            • 2 years ago

              They only work as friends. They suck as lovers.

              • 2 years ago

                >They suck as lovers.

              • 2 years ago

                Because Katara is too mature for Aang.

              • 2 years ago

                But Aang really matures by the end of the series.
                He's voice deepens and he acts a lot more like an adult instead of a goofy kid, he's accepted his role in life and he has moved away from where he used to be when he just ran away from his problems.

              • 2 years ago

                >Katara "You didn't love her like I did" is more mature than Aang
                The Southern Raiders episode blows this argument out of the water

              • 2 years ago

                To be fair Katara did overhear Sokka say that he couldn't even remember their mom's face anymore.
                Between that and him questioning revenge, it makes sense that she thinks that he just didn't love her in the same way or amount.

              • 2 years ago

                >Being angry and saying something stupid while breaking down over 10+ years of repressed, bottled up trauma is comparable to Aang not understanding when to not kiss someone, give them space, or allow them to reconcile with their emotions in their own way without him giving out of touch lessons in Air Nomad gibberish

              • 2 years ago

                Aang is 12.
                And Aang was right to tell Katara that she shouldn't go on a ridiculously dangerous quest for the sole purpose of killing one person. And that killing people is also just not a good idea in almost every instance.

              • 2 years ago

                Yet he kills fire benders with no probelm. Kataang gays should rewatch the show and stop self-inserting as Aang simping for Katara,

              • 2 years ago

                Because Katara is more mature than Aang, he barely ever understands how she feels beyond a very shallow interpretation and attempts to empathize with her due to his Air Nomad way of thinking. Whenever he tries to console her (like during The Southern Raiders) it comes off as condescending and out of touch. When he forcibly kisses her this further enforces the idea that he doesn’t understand her as much as he thinks.

                kek it's really just mad zutaragays

              • 2 years ago

                >brining up that shit ship
                please stop letting them live rent free and allow us all to forget those gays exist

              • 2 years ago

                >Katara is mature
                Saying this is a great way to show off your <80 IQ
                >steals waterbending scroll, claims moral high ground
                >keeps the group stuck at the swamp village for days to do vigilante shit
                >is constantly trying to make her mother's death about her.
                Katara is shown being selfish, impulsive, and even antagonistic over petty things early in the series, and while she sheds these traits they still relapsed at the worst of times, letting herself get absolutely played when she thought Zuko and her had some common ground.
                And don't get me wrong, I like katara, and it's because she has this habit of trying to be an emotional pillar despite being a fricking mess herself.
                But one episode that flanderized her into being the group mom has so many people parroting the idea it reads as historical revisionism.

              • 2 years ago

                I agree with you however I want to point out something
                A lot of people here seems to not understand characters sometimes acting"bad" is not destroying their characteristics, the opposite actually, real people for example sometimes can be sometimes kind and caring and sometimes rude or downright insufferable.
                Why is that? Because a lot of things influences the way we act at the moment outside our regular behaviour.
                It's so easy to make a character like Katara a perfect old sister, caring, always-wise and right type but in my opinion moments that makes her break that image are little touches that make her characters even more interesting.
                As I said before a lot of elements can influence our mood and attitude in a single day so ask yourself, why did Katara got in argument with Toph in S02E08? they were extremely tired, Toph was still new to the group and she hadn't warmed up to her yet and Toph was acting a little selfish in the eye of Katara so naturally she lost her temper.
                Or in S03E01 when she gets mad at her dad, you need to understand this little girl has not seen her father in two years and for that time she wasn't sure if she would see him again or he might die in war, so her emotions got out of control because she couldn't admit to herself she missed him those emotions turned to anger, she herself even admits doesn't understand why she feels angry at her father even tho she knew why he did what he did and that moment when she cries in his arms is one of the most emotional scenes of the series.
                Or in S03E16 she acts full of rage, I don't need to explain how touching the subject of her mother is, and how much it blinded her to her actions, that whole episode is about how revenge can make you lose yourself, Katara in particular got her motherly and overprotective attitude BECAUSE she lost het mother and the idea of that wound being open almost made her forget why she is the way she is and the end of that episode she realises that

              • 2 years ago

                Well said.
                For characters to be human, they need to make mistakes, and exceptions do prove the rule.
                When Aang acts despondent, cynical, and aloof in the Serpent's Pass episode, it's not because he'd stopped being the same optimistic, happy kid we see in Episode 1. No it's because Aang was going through a hard time after loosing Appa.

                If Aang never lost his way after loosing Appa, that actually would make him less of the optimistic and happy kid we see in episode 1. Because it wouldn't be in character for Aang to just be completely fine after loosing his best friend and live long animal companion. For him to do that he would have to be some detached stoic, which he isn't.

                Katara occasionally acting immature and uncaring is because she is a caring person, who's emotional attachment to her friends and family sometimes push her over the edge.

              • 2 years ago

                >Katara is shown being selfish, impulsive, and even antagonistic over petty things early in the series
                Makes me wonder why Aang even liked her.

              • 2 years ago

                >Katara is shown being selfish, impulsive, and even antagonistic over petty things early in the series
                The closest she gets is stealing the water bending scroll, and even that isn't *too bad*, she is just taking back a precious piece of water tribe culture back from pirates who likely stole it in a raid on the tribe.

                Even that scroll she also uses to teach Aang.

              • 2 years ago

                She stole that scroll for purely selfish reasons, she was jealous that Aang got ahead of her so fast and wanted to get better herself. She used the very reasons you stated to obviously hide her selfish intent, and the actual problem was that it made the whole group the target of murderous fricking pirates.
                This is surface level shit, reading comprehension is supposed to apply to listening as well, moron.

              • 2 years ago

                Because Katara is more mature than Aang, he barely ever understands how she feels beyond a very shallow interpretation and attempts to empathize with her due to his Air Nomad way of thinking. Whenever he tries to console her (like during The Southern Raiders) it comes off as condescending and out of touch. When he forcibly kisses her this further enforces the idea that he doesn’t understand her as much as he thinks.

              • 2 years ago

                Well that's because Katara rarely ever needs to be consoled, she's the emotional heart of the group; that's the role she plays. So Aang doesn't get points to really relate to her like that.

              • 2 years ago

                >Katara rarely ever needs to be consoled, she's the emotional heart of the group
                She is, but she actually has a lot of drama and is one of the more turbulent and emotional characters in the group. Her trauma with her mother for example, her trust issues, her conflicting emotions about blood bending, nobody ever really consoles her despite her consoling them.

              • 2 years ago

                >Her trauma with her mother for example
                That basically only comes up like three times, and of those times only one happened when Aang was around. (Southern Raiders episode)
                The other times she opens up about it are with Haru in Imprisoned and with Zuko at the end of book 2.

              • 2 years ago

                >Whenever he tries to console her (like during The Southern Raiders) it comes off as condescending and out of touch
                But Aang was right and Katara was wrong. See

                >Katara "You didn't love her like I did" is more mature than Aang
                The Southern Raiders episode blows this argument out of the water

            • 2 years ago

              >the most developed
              Simping for someone who mainly sees you as a little brother is not a sign of a "deveploed" relationship

              • 2 years ago

                Katara calls Aang a little brother only in the Fortune Teller episode, which ends with Katara considering for the first time, a relationship with Aang.

                I mean I will never understand how you morons can't accept Kataang as a logical pairing.
                I mean frick there are multiple episodes which sole story purpose is to show how Katara and Aang like eachother.
                And why wouldn't Katara like Aang?
                Aang matures into a fully fledged avatar, ended the hundred year war and restored hope and peace to the world.

                Who wouldn't be interested in being with the person who saved the fricking world and is also a cool person who likes you?

              • 2 years ago

                Kataang is not a logical pairing at all. Aang acted childish throught the whole show in contrast with Katara who acted mature and motherly. Their relationship is like that of a brother and sister. Honestly I think their relationship is much more cute as friends. It would have been much better if they stayed as friends, in my opinion. The show creators constantly tried to force Kataang in the show. Katara and Zuko were such a natural pairing. Both being enough mature for each other and even the fire benders thought they were a pairing as shown in the "The Ember Island Players" episode. Admit that you are self-inserting as Aang and want to justifiy Kataang because you liked Katara. No real girl would go out with a boy who looks like he could be her little brother. Aang was just a pathetic simp who needed to mature the hell up and don't tell me he was "mature" because he acted childish in "The Ember Island Players" over a play that acknownledged that Katara and Zuko had a better chemistry. You are supporting an unhealthy relationship with a girl who the creators decided that she should end up with Aang just because they want to. I don't understand how you Kataangers see this as a developed relationship even after Aang forced kissed her twice with Katara showing no interest. This show sends a bad message to its viewers. If you want to get a girl just simp for her enough. That's not how real life works and you would slapped if you tried to force kiss a girl twice and you would never end up with a relaionship with said girl afterwards realistically. Aang DOESN'T understand Katara's feelings nor cares about them as proven when he forced kissed her a second time after she told him she was confused. Don't try to justify this unleathy, unatural pairing which would never work in real life and sends a bad message to developing teens. Also, Aang acted childish throught the whole show.

              • 2 years ago


              • 2 years ago

                not reading that wall of text but they’re cute together

              • 2 years ago

                Aang isn't childish the whole show. He matures in many ways throughout the run, he's voice gets deeper, he accepts his responsibility, he stops running away from his problems and generally acts a lot less goofy as the shoe goes on.

                Aang never views Katara as a sister figure throughout the entire show run. From the beginning Aang either sees her as his best friend or as a love interest.
                Katara never even calls Aang a little brother figure either except in the Ember Island Players episodes when they were deliberately making fun of Zutara shippers.
                You could argue that Katara basically says that Aang is a little brother at the beginning of the fortune teller episode, but that episode was literally about Katara for the first time seeing Aang as a potential romantic partner

                >Katara and Zuko were such a natural pairing
                lol no see

                Yeah Zutara would be really creepy tbh.
                I mean Zuko literally had tried to kill Katara and kidnap her best friend dozens of times, and the first time she even begins to try to think of Zuko as more than just a villain, he betrays her and is responsible for Azula killing her best friend.
                If, in the span of no more than months at best, Katara goes from hating Zuko's guts to being in a romantic relationship with him, that's kinda fricked up.

                While by comparison Aang and Katara do have less interesting drama and conflict between eachother, which does make the idea of them as a couple less interesting; they also have far less drama and conflict between them, which makes a relationship between the two seem a lot more normal

                granted I think this is just autistic meming, so maybe I should just stop my post here.

              • 2 years ago

                I find it really ironic how Zutaragays argue against kataang with the "underdeveloped" phrase but at the same try to argue how zutara should be cannon because of one scene of Katara showing kindness to Zuko which ended up in betrayal anyway.
                but Kataang which was built up throughout the whole series is underdeveloped to these people

              • 2 years ago

                >almost rides the enemy's dick when you have a bald twink simping for you for at least six months since
                Damn, Katara's an unhonorable filthy bawd

              • 2 years ago

                Yeah Zutara would be really creepy tbh.
                I mean Zuko literally had tried to kill Katara and kidnap her best friend dozens of times, and the first time she even begins to try to think of Zuko as more than just a villain, he betrays her and is responsible for Azula killing her best friend.
                If, in the span of no more than months at best, Katara goes from hating Zuko's guts to being in a romantic relationship with him, that's kinda fricked up.

                While by comparison Aang and Katara do have less interesting drama and conflict between eachother, which does make the idea of them as a couple less interesting; they also have far less drama and conflict between them, which makes a relationship between the two seem a lot more normal

              • 2 years ago

                >little brother
                >you're not that little boy we found in the iceberg anymore

        • 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      I wish he had hair for more than 10 episodes, also that episode where he beats the school bully without even touching him was kino

    • 2 years ago

      Aang x Katara is delusional and would never happen in real life.

      • 2 years ago

        Do not underestimate the power of /ss/

  33. 2 years ago

    Katara and Aang is placed 30 on the list of worst fictional couples:

    • 2 years ago

      >Korra and Asami are a better ship according to the moron who made this list
      >their first reasoning for not liking Aang x Katara "IT JUST DOESN'T MAKE SENSE!"

  34. 2 years ago

    Anti kaatanggays read like tumblr for some reason

    • 2 years ago

      I’m not anti Kataang I just didn’t want romance in the series unless they had a book 4. I think most people feel that way, the romance we got for basically every couple was disappointing

    • 2 years ago

      They mostly come from there

    • 2 years ago

      90% of them are

      • 2 years ago


  35. 2 years ago

    >book 4 never

    • 2 years ago

      Sozin was a very evil man, mainly because he was homophobic
      I mean I know he did a genocide or whatever but GAYS ARE JUST TO PRECIOUS!

      • 2 years ago

        T. Seething Korra

  36. 2 years ago

    Post the real version anon

  37. 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago

      >blood bending guy can just """blood bend""" anyone's bending away
      >not tied to chi blocking whatsoever
      >not implied to be a psychological thing despite Korra's unending PTSD attacks
      >just larps like Aang and """blood bends"""
      >in the end it all means nothing because Korra can just Aang it back

      • 2 years ago

        God the amount of missed opportunities there are astounding.
        I mean they had Korra lose 3/4ths of her bending and established the character arc of her needing to become spiritual and respectual and patient and shit.

        They should have stuck to it and kept Korra unable to bend Fire, Water, and Earth for at least a season

      • 2 years ago

        My theory is he uses blood bending for targeted damage to the part of the brain responsible for bending.

  38. 2 years ago

    >over two hundred thirty replies
    >only 80 posters
    Cinemaphile having autism as always

    • 2 years ago


  39. 2 years ago

    Blue Arrow caillou motherfricker

  40. 2 years ago

    Pathetic. Get cucked.

    • 2 years ago

      Pathetic: get killed

      • 2 years ago

        Pathetic. Get cucked.

        >mogs yer' shitty canon
        What did Bryke meant by this

    • 2 years ago

      He likes to watch

      • 2 years ago



  41. 2 years ago

    Hes bald naruto, therefore I hate him with every iota of soul energy i possess. So by that concept alone he doesnt exist and has never existed.

  42. 2 years ago

    I wish there was more zutara porn.

    • 2 years ago

      There's lots of it on tumblr or twitter

    • 2 years ago

      There's lots of it on tumblr or twitter

      No I want the professional exploit porn stuff you see from the guys who draw off model tips on the females and get 10,00 # likes on Twitter.

      • 2 years ago

        I’ve never seen good Zutara porn it’s all ugly tumblr stuff

      • 2 years ago

        Jay Marvel drew that time-to-time but he madethe cringiest shit and that is making Azula a futa

  43. 2 years ago

    we know azula

  44. 2 years ago

    Aang was a mid tier avatar. Funny how his immediate successor ended up being the most powerful avatar yet, and a lesbo.

    • 2 years ago

      Aang was quite strong actually
      It's just that Korra went full moron with the powercreep

      • 2 years ago

        >the azula who got mogged by Zuko and moronic Katara
        >the guy that mogged by Tenzin
        >the coward that took the throne on Iroh's back
        >no toph
        What the hell is this

        • 2 years ago

          I didn't make the chart but it's obvious to me that those were picked to facilitate the scaling

          Zuko and Katara were masters too
          Tenzin was a master too
          If Iroh was there he'd be above Ozai so I see no issue there

          • 2 years ago

            No, you just reminded me of fricking Jinora's spirit ex deus machima bullshit, frick off

      • 2 years ago

        poor Kuruk suffered over that air bending b***h frick-ups

      • 2 years ago

        it became inevitable the moment they decided to have korra bend 3/4 elements at a very young age

        they wrote themselves into a corner by upping the stakes and at the end we got korra bending spirit nukes away like it's nothing - they effectively killed the franchise because anything stronger than korra is dragon ball z tier

  45. 2 years ago


    Aang making one dumb decision by kissing Katara then immediately regretting it doesn't mean that he never matured
    >oh but he didn't kill Ozai
    why should he? By killing him he would have admitted to the grandson of the dude who murdered his people that he was right and that the air nomads were too weak to survive, plus it would have violated his own moral code.
    Aang took the harder path of trying to find a way to fulfill his destiny while not violating his principals or his culture.
    It was not that he respected Ozai, it was that he was respecting his own people's memory.
    >katara views him as a little brother throughout the show
    Katara is the group mom basically, she treats everyone with a protective attitude, that comes from how she was raised.
    Even then she breaks that multiple times and treats Aang as a romantic partner in the Cave of Two Lovers and the Headband and at the end of the Fortune Teller episode.
    >She doesn't work as a romantic partner because it took a while for her to consider the idea
    you are grasping for straws my autistic friend.
    Zutara is just moronic. How can you say that he understands Katara and respects her more than Aang when he admits that violence is never the answer after taking Katara on a mission to her mother's killer in the Southern Raiders.
    He literally took Katara on what could have been a suicide mission just so that Katara would respect him. He didn't care about Katara's well being, but just fitting into the group.

    This is moronic fricking tumblr bullshit

    • 2 years ago

      >one dumb decision
      twice* he never apologized for it which shows how much he cares about Katara's feelings.

      >why should he?
      Because a psycopath who's army killed lots of people. Saving the lives of millions of people is the moral responsible thing to do. Not killing him because his "moral code" makes him selfish and a hypocrite since he killed people before.How is killing him "weak"? It proves he overpowered him.

      >Even then she breaks that multiple times and treats Aang as a romantic partner in the Cave of Two Lovers and the Headband and at the end of the Fortune Teller episode.
      It felt awkward and forced. It's like the creators realized that they didn't develop a romance between so they decided to make this episodes to make up for it.

      >after taking Katara on a mission to her mother's killer in the Southern Raiders.
      He was trying to gain Katara's trust since she wasn't willing to trust him. Also as a compensate for betraying her and almost killing Aang. He didn't force Katara to do it. She did it of her own accord.

      • 2 years ago

        Yes that's how young love usually is

        • 2 years ago

          It is forced. What girl would for a simping twink like Aang who doesn't respect her feelings?

      • 2 years ago

        the headband dance was actually cute and wholesome
        the rest was quite boring tbqh, none of the Avatar canon pairings are actually interesting, although seeing what LOK did with her and Mako I am not entirely sure if it would have worked, although it shows the hypocrisy of Bryke
        >Zutara would be toxic af kids wth haha no matter what Dante and Katara's VA (forgot the name) tell you
        >proceed to shove the walmart brand of Zutara on your sequel down the audience's throat for 3 seasons and a half with muh love triangle
        I really dont get them.

        • 2 years ago

          Korra and Mako are entirely different characters with their own personality.

          • 2 years ago


          • 2 years ago

            >compared to Zuko at all

  46. 2 years ago

    Real Zutroony hours

  47. 2 years ago

    >Kaatang v Zutara
    >on fricking Cinemaphile

    • 2 years ago

      Zutara is based.

      • 2 years ago

        Kataang is based.

        Azulaang is better

    • 2 years ago

      Kataang is based.

      • 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      Yes, it's insufferable, both sides are equally autistic.

    • 2 years ago


      >Ran away from his destiny.
      >Air Nomads get wiped out because of his cowardice.
      >Gave the Fire Nation 100 years to commit genocide and colonization.
      The world would of unironically been better if he died sooner and let Korra reincarnate sooner. It would actually be interesting to see a pacifist avatar fail and be replaced by a hawkish avatar like Korra. Aang is the true villian of ATLA. If the Fire Nation are murderers then Aang handed them the knife. Frick idealist fools like him.

      >Aang wouldn't kill one sadistic psychopath to save the lives of millions
      >"muh Monk teachings forbid it!"
      >Never finished said monk teachings to begin with...
      Being the avatar means keeping balance and peace between the four elements. Aang only gets violent when people close to him are hurt. e.g. Katara and Appa. This behavior is nothing short of prejudice. Aang just didn't care enough about the world to protect them.

      And yet, Jet gets treated like a war criminal for fighting a just war for his dead parents. Killing Fire Nation troops and the village of sympathizers who are essentially helping the Fire Nation kill is justified. Jet brought more balance to the four nations that Aang did until the very end of the entire show.


      Katara is pump and dump. This thread is focused solely exposing Aangcucks.

  48. 2 years ago

    Aang has lots of strength. In personal resilience, and in the power to make people like him. He's a rock star everywhere he goes. Even in the fire nation when he was in hiding. There's nothing at all weak about him. Those who hate Aang for being "weak" are seriously projecting.

    • 2 years ago

      >in the power to make ppl like him
      no shit, he's the avatar

      • 2 years ago

        Before even he was found to be the Avatar he was very popular among his peers in the air temple, people in the southern water trib liked him a lot even though they didn't know he was the Avatar.
        People in the fire nation who joined his party didn't know he was the Avatar.
        So no it's not just because he is the Avatar.

        • 2 years ago

          >he was very popular among his peers in the air temple
          he was bullied there
          >people in the southern water tribe liked him a lot
          understandable, it's the only visit apart from FN soldiers, not to mention it's practically a village composed with only grannies and children
          >people in the fire nation who joined his party didn't know he was the Avatar
          He already had his group stablished there, there were even FN soldiers honoring fricking Wang Fire on his "funeral"

          • 2 years ago

            >he was bullied
            That was after they found he is the Avatar, I said he was liked BEFORE they found out and he wasn't bullied, they just told him he was too OP to play with them
            And you seem to misunderstood the fire nation part, I meant S03E02 when he throws a party and had a positive effect to the fire nation kids and they seem to like him a lot and have a fun time

  49. 2 years ago

    Watching Korra's last season, I can't think of any other series where the antagonists are consistently more likeable and reasonable than the protagonists, so much that they ass pull their asses off to make them win anyway then attach stuff like "that girl that had one scene saving Korra's dad is saving the Earth Kingdom except she's not because she's actually Hitler holocausting everyone lol", "The red Lotus guys who wanted to train Korra since birth and make a change by taking useless rulers who are consistently shown as making things worse for their people and preventing Korra from doing her job are now huge jobbers who want to kill Korra and all leaders to send everything into chaos lol", "the only guy keeping a balance between spirits and people in the north pole and soon the rest of the world by opening the portals, forcing everyone to learn to live in the same kind of world as before Wan released Vaatu was actually just plotting for power for his own selfishness and to become evil avatar lol".
    They leave the antagonists accomplishments around but attribute them to Korra, the non bender equality, the spirit world bridges and people cohabiting with them, the only thing they don't is the Earth Queen's death who is painted as bad because literally Hitler took over instead.

    • 2 years ago

      Tbqh Avatar really sucks with their villains

      • 2 years ago

        LOK villains are still much better than ATLA. Ozai is the worst kind of villain out there, comically evil and power hungry for the sake of it.

        • 2 years ago

          No they aren't, Korra's just such a thoroughly unappealing hero that the villains seem good in comparison

          • 2 years ago

            Yeah they are. On the basis of having personal beliefs.
            Ozai is so dogshit that Zuko vs Azula is the best conflict in ATLA.

            • 2 years ago

              Ozai's personal belief is Fire Nation is the best and should rule the world. Ultra-Nationalism is just as valid a motive as whatever the frick Korra's shitters were about

        • 2 years ago

          the problem with LOK villains is that all of them ridiculously rape Korra intelectually
          About Ozai, he's the type of villain that's just a literal man child, gets mad at everyone and makes them do the thinking anyway, mogged when he tried to backstab his son and left to tears by some 11 year old

          • 2 years ago

            And they're right to rape her intellectually. They're adults while she's an overconfident and hormone-driven teenager woman for most of her story.
            Aang only felt smart because his villain was, like you said, a literal manchild.

            • 2 years ago

              >Aang only felt smart because his villain was, like you said, a literal manchild.
              I don't think that was the intent, though

        • 2 years ago

          >worst kind of villain out there, comically evil and power hungry for the sake of it
          It just depends how the story is written. Not every villain needs to be sympathetic and on a revenge crusade

        • 2 years ago

          Ozai is fine. He's two-dimensional, but that's the point. He's the embodiment of the evils of war; the product of generations of a hateful and deadly ultra-nationalist ideology. He serves his purpose in the narrative perfectly.

          Amon's anti-bending crusade goes nowhere. The narrative doesn't even try to convince us that his ideology is wrong. Unalaq is exactly what you accuse Ozai of being. Zaheer is okay, even if his "destroy all governments" motive is stupid. Kuvira had potential. Her motivations were sympathetic to an extent. They just didn't develop it enough. Ozai is a better villain than all four: his motives are clear, how he got there is logical, and he is the perfect representation of the evil that Aang has to defeat. Simple, but he works for that story.

        • 2 years ago

          The issue is that the two I saw were horribly realized. their motivations much like the rest of the show were just pretension in the end. They never sought to follow up on any of those ideals in an interesting way. Does Amon have a point? Is he just scapegoating? Who cares? His movement ousts him after he's revealed to be a hypocrite with daddy issues and he kills himself. Uniqlo comes in with the "Dark doesn't necessarily mean evil" but no it fricking does and he fricking is. He presents no alternative perspective as to why darkness might be a good thing and that's not getting into how they fricking ruined the mythology of the show with that bullshit.
          The villains are never any deeper or more interesting than opening with the line of "From my point of view the jedi are evil" and then expecting that to carry them being a c**t.

          Ozai is flat but ultimately he was just a device in a show that realized what it wanted to accomplish and used him relatively for the other characters.

  50. 2 years ago

    I understand it's a kid's show, you need to have the fairytale monogamy ending and all that shit but realistically speaking Aang would have fathered hundreds of kids in service of bringing back airbenders, all paid for by the Fire Nation etc. Even if he still had the official "family" with Katara as his wife, she wouldn't be the only person to have his children. Even she would understand he has a duty, surely.

    The sheer fricking notion that he only had three kids is absolutely ridiculous. Every "last of my clan" scenario has this exact same problem and you're meant to just not think about it - which is fine if the story ends and you just ignore it
    Until of course, you then make a sequel and it becomes one of those things that's impossible to ignore - especially because it's implied you need airbenders for balance in the world, so refusing to revive the line of airbenders is effectively an immoral act on Aang's part.

    • 2 years ago

      >three kids
      two are sokka's

      • 2 years ago


        • 2 years ago

          dont worry, Katara letted Aang have Tenzin

          • 2 years ago


            • 2 years ago

              see [...]

              dumbass ESL

      • 2 years ago

        Bumi is obviously Zuko's. Just look at the beards and military inclinations.

        • 2 years ago

          >Bumi is obviously Zuko's
          I suspected the same shit when watching LOK, glad I’m not the only one

        • 2 years ago

          >Bumi is obviously Zuko's
          I suspected the same shit when watching LOK, glad I’m not the only one

          Inuits supossedly offered guests their wives like a plate of food.
          That aside, how does a pacifist monk who wont kill a genocider by choice ends up having a war commander as a son?
          I mean, Bumi HAS got to kill a few ppl at least hasnt he?

          • 2 years ago

            Not necessarily given the world seems to have been at peace.
            Also his father-in-law was warrior chief of the Water Tribe and in general he's close with a tone of warriors. Aang himself is a pacifist but it's not a view he pushes on everyone and is realistic about avenues which to achieve peace which he himself is not personally taking part in.

            But goddamn am I disappointed in Bumi
            >Expect crafty madman like his Uncle and Namesake
            >He's fricking Mr Magoo who literally fumbles his way to success
            It's absurd how Bryke managed to miss the point of why people liked their old shit.

            • 2 years ago

              Bumi had so much potential and Bryke didn’t even realize it

            • 2 years ago

              >Oh cool, Bumi is actually capable of air bending
              >Oh, every random nobody is, no training, knowledge or effort required

          • 2 years ago

            >That aside, how does a pacifist monk who wont kill a genocider by choice ends up having a war commander as a son?
            The Sokka influence i guess

            • 2 years ago

              I think only Kya references him as "Uncle Sokka" implying he had to take care of him

              >He didnt,
              He did.

              nice dubs comicgay

              • 2 years ago

                >I think only Kya references him as "Uncle Sokka" implying he had to take care of him
                I think you're missing the point.
                Sokka is Aang's kids actual uncle.

              • 2 years ago

                She tells some joke then says "Uncle Sokka would have laughed" on some episode during S3, I think that's what anon above refers to

                Azulaang is better

                >Zutara but worse

              • 2 years ago

                >Zutara but worse
                Every ship iw worse than Zutara because Zutara is the best ship in this show.

    • 2 years ago

      Just make Aang a woman then and i'd gladly breed that airbending bawd.

      • 2 years ago

        damn, if Aang looked like this the thread would just be cooming over her.

      • 2 years ago

        It fits him better to be a woman imo.Now I want to read a fanfiction of what of Aang as a girl.

    • 2 years ago

      Well honestly the only reason why Aang only has three kids is because they didn't want to write like 8 or so different characters who were all Aang's kids.
      I don't think Aang would have had hundreds or even dozens of kids, because he was always so loyal to Katara, and I imagine he would quickly become overwhelmed with more like like 8 or so children.

      Bryke probably just made it be 3 because that way they don't need to think hard.

      • 2 years ago

        Sperm donating always exists. Fathering hundreds of kids is clearly not an option for someone who on said sequel fricked up so bad two of his three kids are still b***hing about
        >boohoo bwaah daddy-kun didnt love me and that's why i cant breed bwaaah bryke will make us homosexuals on the comics sob sob

        I wouldnt be so sure about the loyalty, Hakoda kept fricking another woman after Kya's death and same goes for Gran-Gran I think.

        • 2 years ago

          >Sperm donating always exists.
          In the medieval asian setting of Avatar? I doubt it.
          Even if he did that, who would take him up?
          How many women would be like "yeah let's try for an air bender."

          Besides that's a bit... graphic. For a kids show especially

          • 2 years ago

            The post said >all paid for by the Fire Nation
            (you JUST know an indian wrote that kek)
            seeing that some ambience of TLOK is heavily based on 1920s NY there's lots of times in the age-gap between ATLA and Korra for medical advances and research, although that's hard because the Fire Nation are the only ones apporting anything.
            >Besides that's a bit... graphic. For a kids show especially
            I would leave it heavily implied, besides, they already showed Lo and Li being practically Azulon's b***hes or Azula "intimiDATING" her brother on her bedroom while wearing a fricking nightgown.

            • 2 years ago

              Korra being 1920s themed is already fricking horrible. Like seriously that alone killed half or more of my interest in the show. It just makes no fricking sense and is so boring.
              The ancient asiatic feel of ATLA was so unique and timeless, having the sequel show be so explicit is just terrible.

              • 2 years ago

                well, if that killed half of your interest let me tell you that if Korra lives long enough the next Avatar could be born on a fricking 2010s ambience.
                Tbqh, Korra has soooo many retcons I'd like to treat it as another timeline
                same for

                >He didnt,
                He did.

                >he somehow got his ass beated down by some smoke
                Guess they don't make fully realized Avatar like they used to, huh?

                >I guess it's some kind of reference to Roku also getting beat by Smoke but if that's the case, it's poorly done.
                Roku inhaled toxic volcanic ash as an old ass man after literally fighting against volcano. Aang inhaled bender generated smoke that has no special properties.

              • 2 years ago

                It's easy enough to just ignore all of the Avatar media outside of the show

  51. 2 years ago

    Was Aang's most immoral act allowing Azula to go on the search for Ursa free and unbounded before losing her after not taking her bending in the immediate aftermath of the war?

    Because I can't help but feel that the events of S&S, as well as any harm Azula causes afterwards until she is stopped, is on his hands along with Zuko's.

    • 2 years ago

      Comics aren't canon

    • 2 years ago

      He didnt, he somehow got his ass beated down by some smoke, I guess it's some kind of reference to Roku also getting beat by Smoke but if that's the case, it's poorly done.

      I understand it's a kid's show, you need to have the fairytale monogamy ending and all that shit but realistically speaking Aang would have fathered hundreds of kids in service of bringing back airbenders, all paid for by the Fire Nation etc. Even if he still had the official "family" with Katara as his wife, she wouldn't be the only person to have his children. Even she would understand he has a duty, surely.

      The sheer fricking notion that he only had three kids is absolutely ridiculous. Every "last of my clan" scenario has this exact same problem and you're meant to just not think about it - which is fine if the story ends and you just ignore it
      Until of course, you then make a sequel and it becomes one of those things that's impossible to ignore - especially because it's implied you need airbenders for balance in the world, so refusing to revive the line of airbenders is effectively an immoral act on Aang's part.

      >three kids
      two are sokka's

      If you want to look at it like that, seeing that Katara was the only waterbender left at the tribe (pretty shit at it too), the rest of the men had left for war and all that was left were kids, both Katara qnd Sokka would probqbly had been forced to mate.
      I wouldnt give it that much thought tho anon, it's a show about a couple of kids outsmarting the same army that was competitive enough to exterminate another Nation in a couple of days.

      • 2 years ago

        >He didnt,
        He did.

      • 2 years ago

        >he somehow got his ass beated down by some smoke
        Guess they don't make fully realized Avatar like they used to, huh?

        >I guess it's some kind of reference to Roku also getting beat by Smoke but if that's the case, it's poorly done.
        Roku inhaled toxic volcanic ash as an old ass man after literally fighting against volcano. Aang inhaled bender generated smoke that has no special properties.

  52. 2 years ago

    I haven't been keeping up with the comics but i know Zuko and Mai broke up. then she hooked up with a literal who and late broke up with him. I know this much but my question is what the hell happened to Zuko x Mai? I find it hard to believe the writers would spend so much with them on the series just to break them up in a fricking comic.

    • 2 years ago

      >I find it hard to believe the writers would spend so much with them on the series just to break them up in a fricking comic.
      Aaron and his wife were the writers behind the fire nation stuff, especially anything involving Zuko and Azula

      you might have noticed that the bryke not only never invite them to any invents but basically act as if Aaron has never existed... writers envy is a real thing

      • 2 years ago

        Damn, i knew about their weird relationship but if Aaron was also behind Zuko x Mai then i guess that explains some things. Just sucks, i hope the movie about Zuko clarifies some things.

        • 2 years ago

          Aaron I believe actually wanted Zuko and Katara to get together, but Bryke (fortunately in this case) shut that down.

          • 2 years ago

            unfortunatly* Bryke was a self-inserting beta.

            • 2 years ago

              I don't disagree, Kataang comes off as Mike living out his fantasy of getting with that brown skinned popular girl from high school who never looked at him.

              Zutara would have been stupid too though, they were only ever shipped because he was the only other guy on the show Katara's age who wasn't her brother.

              • 2 years ago

                >they were only ever shipped because he was the only other guy on the show Katara's age who wasn't her brother.
                Nope. There are plenty reasons to ship them.
                >both can relate to each other
                >both are mature
                >Katara brings the good in Zuku, Zuko bring the good in Katara.
                They are perfect for each other.

      • 2 years ago

        I swear i'm rewatching a couple of episodes right now and i see this guy's name in every one of them. Even episodes that could be considered filler. How is that this guy was so god tier in Avatar yet so painfully ok in The Dragon Prince?

        • 2 years ago

          >How is that this guy was so god tier in Avatar yet so painfully ok in The Dragon Prince?
          Aaron is a master at writing but sucks at worldbuilding. Bryke are masters at worldbuilding but suck at writing. Together, they cover each others weaknesses but apart their weaknesses are magnified since they don't seem capable of hiring people who pushed back against their worst tendencies in regards to their weaknesses (ex. Bryke's fascination with love triangles as seen with Mako-Korra-Asami and Zuko-Mai-Kei Lo)

        • 2 years ago

          Dragon Prince still much better than Korra shit. Without Aaron. Azula redemption story is just pure shit.

          • 2 years ago

            >Without Aaron. Azula redemption story is just pure shit.
            The best argument for an Azula redemption is that with LoK saying everything will turn out ok, plus the fact that they can't write a post-war villain Azula for shit, there is no way Azula can remain a credible antagonist.

            • 2 years ago

              Azula being redeemed is a good thing since Azula is a likeable character, so the audience would like to see her live peacefully.

              • 2 years ago

                This is why Smoke and Shadow just a shit book.

        • 2 years ago

          My guess is that it was Aaron's writing combined with Bryke's idea guy stuff which combined into something so excellent.
          The Dragon Prince suffers mostly in how it's world is so generic and the visual design so poor and generally just not being that interesting on a concept level.
          It's got some other writing issues, but those are the main ones.

    • 2 years ago

      It's ship baiting since the writers heavily imply Zuko has a crush on Suki behind Sokka's back and because of the plots just not being interesting enough, like 3/4 of this thread is discussing if Aang is a pussy for letting Ozai live right?
      Well, the comics have Aang almost kill Zuko by entering Avatar state on a city with FN citizens over some dumbass promise.
      Also going back to Zuko x Mai, it doesnt make sense how they break up since she ends up running to him all the time anyway.

    • 2 years ago

      Well honesty I think the only reason Zuko x Mai was a thing by the ending was because Bryke hated Zutara so much.
      Mai doesn't really work as a partner for Zuko.

      Zuko's whole story is about him learning humanity and the virtues of the average person and how the royal traditions are just really fricked up and not actually worth while.
      Mai is a noble who clings to those traditions who never understood why Zuko left her and didn't care.
      She joined Azula just because she was bored and wanted a cheap thrill.

  53. 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago

      She was cute, Aang should have got with her.

  54. 2 years ago

    them* ffs I cant write today

  55. 2 years ago

    I relate to Aang on a spiritual level. Like him, i also have a pretty developed feminine side. Someday i want to have three children too.

    • 2 years ago

      Will you also disregard your first two children to play favorite?

  56. 2 years ago

    >think Tenzin and his family being the last air benders but keeping the air nomad's culture alive with the help of gurus and the other people who adopted their beliefs and now live in the temples is nice
    >season 3 shits out a bunch of air benders more capable than Korra when she was in training
    >they show Tenzin basically trying to indoctrinate these random people into his dying culture just because of their bending
    >they rightfully refuse and even Tenzin accepts that expecting people to abandon their lives and adopt a completely foreign culture just because of circumstances forced upon them is dumb
    >they rescue some air benders from the earth kingdom and now they have people from all over the world coming in droves to the air temple
    >Surely they're still just there for training right?
    >the end of season 3 has Tenzin declare the air nation rebuilt
    >season 4 turns them all into roaming SuperAirBats

  57. 2 years ago

    The most basic things in a good relationship is respecting each other's feelings. Aang can't even do that with Katara.

  58. 2 years ago

    Korra can only be satisfied by some big dick spirit, no puny human can even hope to actually please the most OP avatar to ever live

    • 2 years ago

      Korra melted at the first firebender she saw. She became a b***h when she didn't get it. Korra is a baby and hot fire dick is her pacifier.

  59. 2 years ago

    Is it weird that I love Aang but hate Katara
    I also hate suzi and dislike toph but absolutely love sokka

    • 2 years ago

      >Love Aang and hate Katara
      >hate suki and dislike toph but absolutely love Sokka
      Sokka at least on Cinemaphile is a hit or miss character, Suki has no personality whatsoever and anon I think it's the first ever person I came across that dislikes Toph though

      Korra and Mako are entirely different characters with their own personality.

      It's a poor man's Zutara

  60. 2 years ago

    Are there really that many Aang self-inserters and Zutarians on Cinemaphile or is it just the same 4 autists fighting each otherm

    • 2 years ago

      it's just Mike shitposting his ship

  61. 2 years ago

    itt seething self-inserting Kataangers that can't deal with the fact that their ship would never work out in real life and Aang is a simp.

    • 2 years ago

      Calm down zutaragay, it's been a whole day since you read a Tumblr zutara fanfic

      • 2 years ago

        Shut up twink

        • 2 years ago


  62. 2 years ago

    Aang is just boring

  63. 2 years ago


  64. 2 years ago

    then why dont you marry him lmao

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