>SEED factor. >Coordinator. >Newtype

>SEED factor
How can any other Gundam Protag even compete?

The Kind of Tired That Sleep Won’t Fix Shirt $21.68

UFOs Are A Psyop Shirt $21.68

The Kind of Tired That Sleep Won’t Fix Shirt $21.68

  1. 11 months ago

    They can't.

  2. 11 months ago

    Is this flash guy still alive?

    • 11 months ago

      Yes, although some of them got pruned


  3. 11 months ago

    >All of that & still worse than Athrun.
    Must suck to be the second best pilot in universe.

    • 11 months ago

      He's not even second best. He's probably not top 100. Kira has an abysmal win rate for a Gundam lead and he loses to nameless mooks the one time he sorties in a machine that isn't two generations ahead of them.

      He's overrated as frick in power level and underrated as frick as an actual realized character with strengths and weaknesses

      • 11 months ago

        >he loses to nameless mooks the one time he sorties in a machine that isn't two generations ahead of them.
        i don't remember that happening. what you think of is sting when he lost to 3 murasama.

        • 11 months ago

          >i don't remember that happening. what you think of is sting when he lost to 3 murasama.
          He launched in the upgraded Strike Gundam against Zakus attacking the Eternal. His usually tactics didn't work, and Strike Gundam was wrecked by the Zakus.

          • 11 months ago

            They worked fine until one of the Zaku almost blasted Lacus and depending on the version he either intercepted the shot himself and took major damage, or launched the striker into it.

          • 11 months ago

            didn't watch the HD remastered. i only watched the original. did they change anything?

            • 11 months ago

              Strike Rouge now uses the Ootori backpack instead of the Aile Striker, some beams are recoloured and there’s some new shots of stuff exploding

            • 11 months ago

              There's a few remade scenes and fights. In Seed they change the way Nicol dies so it's Nicol's own accidental suicide instead of Kira's kill. Aile Strike at the EA invasion of Orb is replaced with Perfect Strike. One of the recap episodes is completely cut out so the last 10 or 12 episodes are off in numbering compared to the original airing.

              In Destiny, not much changes that I can recall off the top of my head. The Aile Strike Rouge is replaced by Strike Rouge Ootori which has an enhanced multipurpose striker pack.

              • 11 months ago

                >In Seed they change the way Nicol dies so it's Nicol's own accidental suicide instead of Kira's kill.
                excuse me, what? they changed it from kira killing nicole to nicole jumped straight to sword strike? why? just so they can say kira didn't kill anyone on purpose?
                >Aile Strike at the EA invasion of Orb is replaced with Perfect Strike
                did they make new animation for perfect strike or just replaced the animation of aile strike? is it the only time perfect strike launched or we see more of it?

              • 11 months ago

                With Nicol’s death, they removed a few frames of Kira moving his blade forward to impact the Blitz so instead it looks like Kira steps back to take a defensive stance and Nicol just runs into the blade. The Perfect Strike is newly animated and features until the very of the end of the show, I think most of their budget actually went into inserting it into the footage. They even got Koyasu back in to record some new lines retaining to it

              • 11 months ago

                >excuse me, what? they changed it from kira killing nicole to nicole jumped straight to sword strike? why? just so they can say kira didn't kill anyone on purpose?
                Absolutely yes, just to erase any evidence of Kira's sins. Here, see the original scene for yourself..

              • 11 months ago

                >In Seed they change the way Nicol dies so it's Nicol's own accidental suicide instead of Kira's kill.
                excuse me, what? they changed it from kira killing nicole to nicole jumped straight to sword strike? why? just so they can say kira didn't kill anyone on purpose?
                >Aile Strike at the EA invasion of Orb is replaced with Perfect Strike
                did they make new animation for perfect strike or just replaced the animation of aile strike? is it the only time perfect strike launched or we see more of it?

                And here's the remastered version of events.

              • 11 months ago

                And here's the remastered version of events.

                Was there a need for him to decloak? He could have stabbed Strike without him noticing.

              • 11 months ago

                He tried to stab him with one of Blitz's missiles. If he left the cloak on he'd have no Phase Shift and would effectively be suicide bombing him. He put the PS up in hopes he'd somehow survive.

              • 11 months ago

                It wasn't a missile, it was one of the armor piercing rods, which wouldn't explode. There was no reason to drop the cloak except to grab Kira's attention, because maybe if the Blitz didn't reach the Strike in time then Kira might have just swung down the big sword onto the Aegis.

              • 11 months ago

                Blitz's darts do explode, as shown when it fires them into AA and they all detonate causing enough of an explosion to blow one of it's railguns off, so an explosion point blank without PS would probably destroy Blitz. To be honest it probably wouldn't have destroyed Strike with it's PS either but it would have blown Kira back and given them the chance to escape.

              • 11 months ago

                >as shown when it fires them into AA and they all detonate causing enough of an explosion to blow one of it's railguns off
                I don't remember that, when did that happen? I only remember the Archangel losing one of its Valiant railguns when Athrun used the Aegis' transformed mode to fire its beam cannon from above while fighting over the ocean.

              • 11 months ago

                When they were getting so hammered by Athrun's group they needed to hide in Orb

              • 11 months ago

                Thanks for the answer, I appreciate it. Episode 24, "Land of Peace".

              • 11 months ago

                So like....do they seriously have to replace those darts every single time? Because replacing huge phase shift darts after every battle has got to be expensive and wasteful

              • 11 months ago

                The darts aren't Phase Shift, and using three darts to blow up an entire enemy battleship is a good trade of resources. The real mistakes in the Blitz's arsenal are having a beam rifle and saber in the shield and giving it a grappling claw, or in other words every weapon except the darts. If it had the Strike's armor-piercing knives, then it could just stay invisible while backstabbing every enemy MS on the field, then use the darts to blow up their ships.

              • 11 months ago

                >The darts aren't Phase Shift, and using three darts to blow up an entire enemy battleship is a good trade of resources.
                Yes they do phase shift. We see them with phase shift effect and also mirage colloid too. Just like how we see Aegis's Gundam shield have phase shift and change color. And Buster Gundam's guns have phase shift go from grey to colored. And we see Sword Strike have phase shift.

              • 10 months ago

                >And we see Sword Strike have phase shift.
                Wait what? Since when?

              • 10 months ago

                The sword and sword striker parts are already colored when they're attached to the Strike. I'll have to look through the other episodes to double check what he says about the Aegis shield and Buster guns.

              • 10 months ago

                >double check what he says about the Aegis shield and Buster guns.
                Shields and guns don't have PS, if they did, the Aegis shield would've lost its color when Athrun threw it at Tolle.

              • 10 months ago

                The sword and sword striker parts are already colored when they're attached to the Strike. I'll have to look through the other episodes to double check what he says about the Aegis shield and Buster guns.

                In episode 2, it's hard to see the shield due to the angle but the way it is presented, there is no hint of red or any other colour on the shield until after phase shift is activated for the Aegis. However, the Strike's shield definitely stays coloured in the later episode when Kira accidentally uses up all the battery life and is captured temporarily.

              • 10 months ago

                >Shields and guns don't have PS, if they did, the Aegis shield would've lost its color when Athrun threw it at Tolle.
                No. Your memory and detective skills are weak anon.

                Aegis' shield has phase shift. Its grey when launching. Then turns red when phase shift is activated.

              • 10 months ago

                >And we see Sword Strike have phase shift.
                Wait what? Since when?

                >Wait what? Since when?
                Since always. Some fans just don't pay close attention.
                The phase shift effect glimmers over the entire suit...including the Striker pack and weapons. Not everything changes color with phase shift turned on

              • 10 months ago

                Note that there's a few points, particularly in Destiny where weapons are destroyed by physical hits that PS should have protected them with, which would seem to imply that even if if the shimmering effect goes over them in some cases they don't actually have the armor protecting them.

                Or Sword Strike is just built different, because that's the only pack that has that.

              • 10 months ago

                >double check what he says about the Aegis shield and Buster guns.
                Buster's guns have phase shift. The guns shimmer and change color.

              • 10 months ago

                This scene is so silly considering how relatively small the archangel is, a lot of the space needs to be reserved for maintaining the two hyper cannons that shoot from its arms. Is it a mobile suit carrier or is it a battle cruiser with heavy armament? make up your mind.

              • 10 months ago

                >how relatively small the archangel is,
                The Archangel is half a kilometer long.

              • 10 months ago

                The sword and sword striker parts are already colored when they're attached to the Strike. I'll have to look through the other episodes to double check what he says about the Aegis shield and Buster guns.

                Note that there's a few points, particularly in Destiny where weapons are destroyed by physical hits that PS should have protected them with, which would seem to imply that even if if the shimmering effect goes over them in some cases they don't actually have the armor protecting them.

                Or Sword Strike is just built different, because that's the only pack that has that.

                Since when do beam sabres have phase shift?

                This is contradicted by the webm in [...] where the PS shimmer effect does not affect the blue sword striker parts.

                Listen anon. Freedom's railguns have phase shift. This gives the railguns durability and strength to fire railguns slugs at far higher velocity and intensity than normal railguns can ever do. Thus causing more far damage. Currently, railguns in real life have issues because the barrel breaks apart after 1 or 2 shots. We have no way of strengthening the barrel with current tech. Hence something like phase shift would be a huge benefit to developing railguns and mass producing them.

                It's the same reason why Sword Strike's giant sword is phase shifted. To withstand the pounding of cutting through hundreds of tons of metal. In real life, larger swords dull, crack, and snap apart in extended combat. After you cut through a few enemies, the sword becomes duller and at risk of cracking.

                It's the same reason why beam boomerangs and rocket anchors (Sword Strike, Blitz Gundam, and Infinite Justice) have phase shift. Extra durability in combat. You can fling around a beam boomerangs and cut through enemies because they are durable with battery powered phase shift. The phase shift isn't not as tough when it's disconnected from the main body, but it's still very good. Enough to cut through enemies and not break or dull.

                It's the same reason why Genesis has phase shift. To withstand the tremendous amounts of nuclear heat and radiation being fired through the system. Phase shift provides durability and strength so weapons can be used for a longer period of time without loss of quality.

                If it matters at all, the technical manuals say that Strike Noir Gundam has phase shift on its Anti-ship swords. The Gundam suit is from Gundam Seed Stargazer. It's the black one.

              • 10 months ago

                >The darts aren't Phase Shift, and using three darts to blow up an entire enemy battleship is a good trade of resources.
                Their not? I thought the whole point was to make them phase shift so they have more penetrating power. Otherwise it can't penetrate enemies with Phase Shift like Strike Gundam. You only have 3 darts so they must be very powerful. Not just some ordinary metal dart.

              • 10 months ago

                Wouldn't that be funny if Nicol tried to stab strike with a dart but it simply bounces off the phase shift armor? All that screaming and charging in for nothing. Oopsy.

              • 10 months ago

                The darts are said to be hyper fast velocity, but while I've heard the claim that the lancer darts are tipped with PS armor, I've never heard that the Blitz or its darts were specifically intended to penetrate phase shift armor.

              • 10 months ago

                Wouldn't that be funny if Nicol tried to stab strike with a dart but it simply bounces off the phase shift armor? All that screaming and charging in for nothing. Oopsy.

                >The darts aren't Phase Shift, and using three darts to blow up an entire enemy battleship is a good trade of resources.
                Their not? I thought the whole point was to make them phase shift so they have more penetrating power. Otherwise it can't penetrate enemies with Phase Shift like Strike Gundam. You only have 3 darts so they must be very powerful. Not just some ordinary metal dart.

                >The darts aren't Phase Shift, and using three darts to blow up an entire enemy battleship is a good trade of resources.
                Yes they do phase shift. We see them with phase shift effect and also mirage colloid too. Just like how we see Aegis's Gundam shield have phase shift and change color. And Buster Gundam's guns have phase shift go from grey to colored. And we see Sword Strike have phase shift.

                All we need is a picture of the phase shift effect on the darts. Or databook fluff, that'll do too.

              • 10 months ago

                >I've never heard that the Blitz or its darts were specifically intended to penetrate phase shift armor.
                Like other anon mentioned, how else would the darts penetrate Strike's phase shift armor? Nicole seemed confident. If they arent phase shift themselves, then they would just bounce off the armor.

              • 10 months ago

                We are trying to tell you that it WOULD NOT penetrate the Strike's PS armor. It was just a desperate effort to save Athrun.

                >Nicole seemed confident.
                Confidence isn't enough. There are tons of enemies that keep trying to attack the Gundams with weapons that definitely can't damage PS armor, does their confidence mean it'll help defeat the armor? Hell no.

              • 10 months ago

                >We are trying to tell you that it WOULD NOT penetrate the Strike's PS armor. It was just a desperate effort to save Athrun.
                So you are telling me that Federation Engineers programmed the Blitz darts to be able to cloak with, but not have phase shift? Where's the logic in that?

              • 10 months ago

                Sorry I meant...why did they go to the trouble of giving the darts cloaking abilities but not have phase shift? It does not make sense to me.

              • 10 months ago

                Why in the hell would cloaking have anything to do with whether the darts have phase shift armor or not?

              • 10 months ago

                If you are going to make a missile dart with complicated cloaking technology, then why not give it phase shift too? You wouldn't expect a disposable dart to be able to have expensive cloaking technology.

              • 10 months ago

                The dart doesn't have any cloaking technology. It's just attached to the Gundam that surrounds itself in a cloaking gas cloud of light-bending particles. They aren't stealth darts that are undetectable even when flying toward enemies.

                >You wouldn't expect a disposable dart to be able to have expensive cloaking technology.
                But you do expect it to have expensive phase shift armor technology?

                Frick man, I don't know what to tell you. There's just no databook or gunpla manual that says the darts are tipped with phase shift armor. Even if it were, why would something being tipped with phase shift armor mean it can penetrate phase shift armor? A kick or punch from a phase shift covered fist or foot doesn't damage the phase shift armored Gundams. There's maybe one physical weapon in Seed (not sure about Destiny sequel or the Astray sidestory) that is specifically mentioned to be able to damage phase shift armor, and that's the Raider Gundam's hammer. The tech writeups from the Gundam Seed MS Encyclopedia and some websites say it can deal damage even through PS armor due to the fact that it's superheavy or dense or something, not because it's also covered in phase shift.

              • 10 months ago

                >But you do expect it to have expensive phase shift armor technology?
                Yes because it's not a big deal. The other GAT suits have attachments with Phase shift.

              • 10 months ago

                Not the anon you are responding to but if beam sabers can have phase shift then why can't Blitz's darts?

              • 10 months ago

                Since when do beam sabres have phase shift?

                >Wait what? Since when?
                Since always. Some fans just don't pay close attention.
                The phase shift effect glimmers over the entire suit...including the Striker pack and weapons. Not everything changes color with phase shift turned on

                This is contradicted by the webm in

                The sword and sword striker parts are already colored when they're attached to the Strike. I'll have to look through the other episodes to double check what he says about the Aegis shield and Buster guns.

                where the PS shimmer effect does not affect the blue sword striker parts.

              • 10 months ago

                >Since when do beam sabres have phase shift?
                The beam sabers on Gundams have phase shift. You can see it on Freedom and Justice Gundam while in the hangars. Their beam sabers change color with phase shift. Same with their beam boomerangs on Destiny Gundam and Justice. They all change with Phase shift.

                >This is contradicted by the webm in

                The sword and sword striker parts are already colored when they're attached to the Strike. I'll have to look through the other episodes to double check what he says about the Aegis shield and Buster guns.
                You have it backwards. This webm

                The sword and sword striker parts are already colored when they're attached to the Strike. I'll have to look through the other episodes to double check what he says about the Aegis shield and Buster guns.

                comes later. So if you're to try to argue that one retcons the other, then

                The sword and sword striker parts are already colored when they're attached to the Strike. I'll have to look through the other episodes to double check what he says about the Aegis shield and Buster guns.

                takes priority and retcons the one from the earlier episodes. Besides the original argument was to show any example of it having phase shift. Not which webm has priority.

              • 10 months ago

                >Same with their beam boomerangs on Destiny Gundam

                Note that this doesn't stop them from getting blown up in one railgun shot

              • 10 months ago

                >Note that this doesn't stop them from getting blown up in one railgun shot
                Not that anon but it's because the Freedom railguns have phase shift. They aren't ordinary railguns.

              • 10 months ago

                While the guns themselves have PS on them, they fire regular shells. There are no PS covered rounds. And again, PS does not work against PS. Only beams do. PS isn't some special alloy it's just a defense system that energizes the armor to resist levels of damage, which on a MS scale power system is strong enough to resist physical blasts but not beams. Building a tiny PS system into a railgun round would not only be so piss weak it's useless because of how tiny the power charge would be in it but it wouldn't matter in the slightest because there's no tactical advantage to it what so ever because it wouldn't do anything against PS itself.

                Though that might explain the Destiny thing where after being thrown and disconnected from Destiny's power source the PS on the Boomerang would be so weak, especially when what power it had would be focused on maintaining the beam the PS would pretty much be useless

              • 10 months ago

                Listen anon. Freedom's railguns have phase shift. This gives the railguns durability and strength to fire railguns slugs at far higher velocity and intensity than normal railguns can ever do. Thus causing more far damage. Currently, railguns in real life have issues because the barrel breaks apart after 1 or 2 shots. We have no way of strengthening the barrel with current tech. Hence something like phase shift would be a huge benefit to developing railguns and mass producing them.

                It's the same reason why Sword Strike's giant sword is phase shifted. To withstand the pounding of cutting through hundreds of tons of metal. In real life, larger swords dull, crack, and snap apart in extended combat. After you cut through a few enemies, the sword becomes duller and at risk of cracking.

                It's the same reason why beam boomerangs and rocket anchors (Sword Strike, Blitz Gundam, and Infinite Justice) have phase shift. Extra durability in combat. You can fling around a beam boomerangs and cut through enemies because they are durable with battery powered phase shift. The phase shift isn't not as tough when it's disconnected from the main body, but it's still very good. Enough to cut through enemies and not break or dull.

                It's the same reason why Genesis has phase shift. To withstand the tremendous amounts of nuclear heat and radiation being fired through the system. Phase shift provides durability and strength so weapons can be used for a longer period of time without loss of quality.

              • 10 months ago

                And where, in any of the technical specs does it claim PS is this magical material that makes everything better?

              • 10 months ago

                I have already explained this to you twice, and you are just ignoring what the anime shows us.

              • 10 months ago

                The anime shows the opposite with at least two examples that internals are not PS reinforced. Freedom's head is damaged and the PS immediately fails on the entire head which shouldn't have happened if the armor extended to the internal mechanisms as well. Likewise Abyss is railguned underwater through it's thrusters and they crack and fail which again, wouldn't happen if the PS reaches that far.

                The only suits that have PS reinforced internals are SF and IJ which is what the gold and silver parts on their joints are, which is a new technology even if Destiny and Legend don't have. And that's only to improve their joint flexibility. It doesn't make anything more powerful.

                This PS makes everything in the Gundam better is just your head canon, not supported by the show at all.

              • 10 months ago

                Hmm...you're arguing a completely different point now. You've shifted your argument from:

                "Weapons can't be phase shifted."


                "Does phase shift does go inside the suit's body (like the head)?"

                It's a completely different argument anon.

              • 10 months ago

                Listen anon. Freedom's railguns have phase shift. This gives the railguns durability and strength to fire railguns slugs at far higher velocity and intensity than normal railguns can ever do. Thus causing more far damage. Currently, railguns in real life have issues because the barrel breaks apart after 1 or 2 shots. We have no way of strengthening the barrel with current tech. Hence something like phase shift would be a huge benefit to developing railguns and mass producing them.

                It's the same reason why Sword Strike's giant sword is phase shifted. To withstand the pounding of cutting through hundreds of tons of metal. In real life, larger swords dull, crack, and snap apart in extended combat. After you cut through a few enemies, the sword becomes duller and at risk of cracking.

                It's the same reason why beam boomerangs and rocket anchors (Sword Strike, Blitz Gundam, and Infinite Justice) have phase shift. Extra durability in combat. You can fling around a beam boomerangs and cut through enemies because they are durable with battery powered phase shift. The phase shift isn't not as tough when it's disconnected from the main body, but it's still very good. Enough to cut through enemies and not break or dull.

                It's the same reason why Genesis has phase shift. To withstand the tremendous amounts of nuclear heat and radiation being fired through the system. Phase shift provides durability and strength so weapons can be used for a longer period of time without loss of quality.

                Yep. Not to mention we generally know the strength of phase shift color meanings in the original seed series.

                Red = highest defense

                Blue/Grey = solid Mid tier defense

                Green/Black = low to mid defense

                White/Near White =absolute lowest defense.

                I'm sure there are little variations inbetween, but we at least know what those main colors mean.

                Kira prefers to have the lowest phase shift defense settings on Strike because he puts all his power into the weapons. He wants his beams to hit harder and have more shots.

                Athrun is a mix of white and red because he loves being in close combat and needs the extra protection on certain parts of suit that are likely to get hit in close combat.

                Cagalli is full red and pink because she is an amateur pilot and needs as much defense as possible.

              • 10 months ago

                >Athrun is a mix of white and red because he loves being in close combat and needs the extra protection on certain parts of suit that are likely to get hit in close combat.
                you'd think this matters, but beam sabers makes this irrelevant. What are they expecting? Kira to kick mobile suits again? Aegis and savior getting busted in melee by Kira makes this seem like a bad idea. Just go the lightest PS setting and "try" not to get hit, because getting hit is usually going to frick them up regardless. Athrun should change colors.

              • 10 months ago

                I think in the original Seed series it made sense. Freedom and Justice Gundams were still designed to fight enemies who still mostly use physical attacks. Not beams. Many grunts were still use beams. Ginns were everywhere and Earth Alliance ships used physical gun turrets for AA defense.

                Even the Seed Druggies still used mostly physical attacks on their suits. Raider used a Mace and large machine gun. The mouth beam gun was for close range. Forbidden used a giant scythe and railguns. The curving beam was used sparingly. Calamity had a rapidfire bazooka that he used most of the time. It had more beams but ran out of power the most and the other druggies made fun of the pilot for wasting power and using beams too much.

                Its Seed Destiny where things get questionable. The Earth Alliance used Phase Shift because they had giant mobile Armors that had super phase shift that could shrug off beams. Freedom Gundam shot Destroy Gundam's legs and the beam just bounced off. But ZAFT using Phase shift didn't make sense much anymore.

              • 10 months ago

                Ship machine guns can still destroy some MS so I assume it’s a countermeasure against those. Theoretically, using non-beam weapons would still be viable against grunts and phase shift being widespread like Windam trans PS would force enemies into beam only rather than cheaper bullets. And some mechs like the Freedom and Strike Freedom still use rail guns for underwater and more. Shinn once got struck in the wienerpit by Kira’s rail gun and took it like mockery.
                >Oh, so you’re trying to tell me if that was beam, I’d already be dead?

              • 10 months ago

                I am not the anon you are replying to but I don't even understand why some people are making a big deal about this?

                Would people be more concerned with Aegis Gundam's shield having phase shift but Athrun sometimes tosses it away or loses it during battle?

              • 10 months ago

                >We are trying to tell you that it WOULD NOT penetrate the Strike's PS armor. It was just a desperate effort to save Athrun.
                So you are telling me that Federation Engineers programmed the Blitz darts to be able to cloak with, but not have phase shift? Where's the logic in that?

                Phase Shift does not pierce Phase Shift, only beams do so it doesn't matter whether the darts have it or not, although even with the new info in mind I do not see any scene where Blitz's darts change color.

              • 10 months ago

                >Otherwise it can't penetrate enemies with Phase Shift like Strike Gundam.

                The GAT-X Gundam's were supposed to be teammates. They didn't plan on 4 of them getting stolen. But like someone said said, Phase Shift is only vulnerable to beams, whether the enemy it's fighting has Phase Shift too or not.

              • 11 months ago

                >they needed to hide in Orb
                The stopover at Orb had been planned for a while before the ZAFT attack. In fact, they are explicit to point out that going there would be a huge detour from their trip to Alaska.

              • 11 months ago

                With Nicol’s death, they removed a few frames of Kira moving his blade forward to impact the Blitz so instead it looks like Kira steps back to take a defensive stance and Nicol just runs into the blade. The Perfect Strike is newly animated and features until the very of the end of the show, I think most of their budget actually went into inserting it into the footage. They even got Koyasu back in to record some new lines retaining to it

                >excuse me, what? they changed it from kira killing nicole to nicole jumped straight to sword strike? why? just so they can say kira didn't kill anyone on purpose?
                Absolutely yes, just to erase any evidence of Kira's sins. Here, see the original scene for yourself..

                And here's the remastered version of events.

                IIRC, didn't they also leave the dialogue in that scene as is? So everyone, Kira included, still acts like he explicitly killed Nicol anyway.

              • 11 months ago

                Yes, it’s still the same. I honestly don’t even know if they were deliberately animating it so Kira doesn’t mean to kill Nicol or they were and everyone irl just misconstrued it. Either way; the dialogue is identical. Athrun still yells that Kira killed him, Kira still explicitly states he killed someone in the aftermath, etc

              • 11 months ago

                then why made it look like that? we know kira felt guilty over killing someone who sounds younger than him. so why did they make it look like kira accidentally killed him instead of stopping halfway through?

                >did they make new animation for perfect strike or just replaced the animation of aile strike? is it the only time perfect strike launched or we see more of it?
                Yes to new animation. Yes it's the only time, it is never seen again.

                i kinda expected it since it's a remastered not a remake

                They also inserted a new scene of Shinn's family running towards an evacuation ship in the middle of the EA's invasion of Orb.

                that's cool touch.

                well guess it's time to watch both seed series in HD for 1st time.

              • 11 months ago

                >why made it look like that?

                Fukuda is a stupid talentless hack.

              • 11 months ago

                Fukuda is kino.

              • 11 months ago


              • 11 months ago


              • 11 months ago

                >did they make new animation for perfect strike or just replaced the animation of aile strike? is it the only time perfect strike launched or we see more of it?
                Yes to new animation. Yes it's the only time, it is never seen again.

              • 11 months ago
              • 11 months ago
              • 11 months ago
              • 11 months ago
              • 11 months ago

                >Be a mobile suit pilot
                >Stand completely still
                >Miss a target flying in a straight line directly towards you
                I don't remember the fight choreography being this lazy.

              • 11 months ago

                You don't remember Nicol running into the Anti-Ship Sword? Both versions of that are laughably bad.

              • 11 months ago

                the original version is okay, but I am not sure what Nicol's goal was trying to attack a mobile suit with PS armor with some pole thing

              • 11 months ago

                That was one of his missiles attached to his shield, and he did it for lack of other options since his main weapon hand and the other weapon on his other hand had been cut off.

            • 11 months ago

              >some janky shots are redrawn
              >music is different in some scenes, different timing. Anna ni Issho- is replaced with a re-recording. River is completely cut and replaced with a new song called Distance. Find the Way is only used in the finale
              >some stock footage is cut/touched up to look better. Additionally the Strike vs Aegis fight is actually fully animated
              >Nicol runs into Kira’s sword now instead of Kira deliberately killing him, making Kira far less guilty
              >episode 26 is cut entirely and 14-15 are merged together
              >Strike is replaced with Perfect Strike once Mwu starts piloting


              >Vestige replaces Wings of Words as the fourth opening
              >Episode 41 is cut
              >final three episodes are a combination of the tv ending, the special editions and Final Plus
              >some redrawn shots here and there
              >nipples now visible through Meer’s night dress
              >music replaced in some scenes
              >Strike Rouge Ootori used instead of Aile Strike
              All I can remember off the top of my head

              • 11 months ago

                >Strike vs Aegis fight is actually fully animated
                that's pretty cool.
                >Nicol runs into Kira’s sword now instead of Kira deliberately killing him, making Kira far less guilty
                that's moronic. the original shows kira killing him but stopped when he heard his scream.
                >Vestige replaces Wings of Words as the fourth opening
                so they went straight with 5th opening for the extended finale instead of the only terrible song
                >nipples now visible through Meer’s night dress
                so they finally start to have the balls to show them. took them long enough.

              • 11 months ago

                There's a few remade scenes and fights. In Seed they change the way Nicol dies so it's Nicol's own accidental suicide instead of Kira's kill. Aile Strike at the EA invasion of Orb is replaced with Perfect Strike. One of the recap episodes is completely cut out so the last 10 or 12 episodes are off in numbering compared to the original airing.

                In Destiny, not much changes that I can recall off the top of my head. The Aile Strike Rouge is replaced by Strike Rouge Ootori which has an enhanced multipurpose striker pack.

                They also inserted a new scene of Shinn's family running towards an evacuation ship in the middle of the EA's invasion of Orb.

              • 11 months ago

                >Strike is replaced with Perfect Strike once Mwu starts piloting

                Only at Orb. For the rest of the show he uses the usual packs, presumably because he has to lose to Cruset at Mendel due to a back pack match up and get utterly destroyed by Providence in the finale, something that probably wouldn't happen if he was using Perfect Strike there.

              • 11 months ago

                >Vestige replaces Wings of Words as the fourth opening

                It also uses Vestige only for the OP, and in all the places it used it in show like the preview for next ep and all of Kira's big SF moments it either used regular BGM or Meteor again

          • 11 months ago

            I thought that was the strike rogue given his usual colors.

            • 11 months ago

              it is. the original strike doesn't have green eyes. he just changed the color of the PS to match his strike

              • 11 months ago

                >Athrun's son (by whoever) takes after his grandfather

                Durandal did nothing wrong except lose

                Durandal trusted Athrun which is a full-moron-tier mistake.
                Should've leaked the Saviour's flightpath to the EA to bait them into an attack, then planted a bomb on the machine to go off just for good measure.

              • 11 months ago

                >Durandal trusted Athrun which is a full-moron-tier mistake.
                Given how Athrun being such a shit mentor made it easier for Rey to get Shinn aligned with Durandal, it was either on purpose, or just a lucky windfall when Athrun sucked during the middle part of the show.

              • 11 months ago

                Rey doesn't need Athrun on the scene to align Shinn with Durandal; Shinn already likes Durandal a lot because he's a politician because Durandal frames himself as a smart politician who makes sensible promises and actually carries them out.
                Having Athrun on the scene simply became a liability. A better planner would've put him in the same bin as Lacus - exploit their influence to the populace in one hand (Meer), while the other hand tries to off them (Assassination attempt).

              • 11 months ago

                Signing Athrun up was mostly about keeping him away from Lacus more than anything.

            • 11 months ago

              >I thought that was the strike rogue given his usual colors.
              Kira reprogrammed the Strike Rouge. He diverted power from phase shift defense to offensive weapons. The result was that it matched his own Strike Gundam.

    • 11 months ago

      He's not even second best. He's probably not top 100. Kira has an abysmal win rate for a Gundam lead and he loses to nameless mooks the one time he sorties in a machine that isn't two generations ahead of them.

      He's overrated as frick in power level and underrated as frick as an actual realized character with strengths and weaknesses

      Nice headcanon.

      • 11 months ago

        Why the frick does no one actually remember Seed. Kira eats his first L like 4 episodes into the series and then consistently loses like a third of his fights. It doesn't even improve significantly after getting the Freedom. Why do people think he's invincible

        • 11 months ago

          Nice headcanon.

        • 11 months ago

          Seedhomosexuals are delusional. It's nothing new. They even think Strike Freedom is among the most powerful Gundam which is a ridiculous claim.

          • 11 months ago

            The really silly thing is that Kira isn't actually that impressive within the franchise even if you just consider things on a pure power level, and there are far more powerful protagonists in at least Domon and Setsuna, both of whom it's plausible to think could defeat Kira when he's in the Strike Freedom without using a mobile suit themselves because of the constraints of their settings.

            Strike Freedom solos everything.

            • 11 months ago

              Strike Freedom count even solo a Providence downgrade.

        • 11 months ago

          What you show have you watched. He easily beats athrun and the others. BTFOs desert tiger, then dominates everyone in the freedom

    • 11 months ago

      >spends 1/3 of seed 1v5s the coordinators
      >only lost to a cheap suicide trick
      >utterly mogs him in dynasty

      • 11 months ago

        >only lost to a cheap suicide trick
        Aegis was a write-off while the Strike was repaired and given to Mwu. Both pilots lived with no permanent injuries, despite Athrun’s stated goal of “killing” Kira.
        That fight was not a win for Athrun. At best it was a draw, and at worst a loss.

        • 11 months ago

          You'd be right if Kira's lack of injuries wasn't so controversial

        • 11 months ago

          I think Aegis self-destruct can be counted as Athrun's loss. Because not only the Aegis is destroyed and the Strike still relatively intact afterwards (it lost an arm as its sole major damage, and it came from Aegis cutting it with its beam saber, not from the self-destruction itself), Athrun also failed in his objective to kill Kira.

        • 11 months ago

          Having to dedicate an entire section of a spin off manga to explain how Kira didn't die means that Athrun and John Bandai won.

        • 11 months ago

          >Athrun even with four beam sabers still can't beat Kira in melee


    • 11 months ago

      >duhhh lok gaiz sxmy ladie! Our gnudam is so machure! >:)
      Seed is so pathetic roflmao

      • 11 months ago


  4. 11 months ago

    By having actual personality.

  5. 11 months ago

    By existing in shows people actually like instead of forced garbage that sucked in 2010.

    Gundam seed is named after all the semen its fans love choking down.

  6. 11 months ago

    Kira only seems overpowered because he's almost always piloting an absurdly overpowered suit compared to anyone else. Anyone would seem invincible on the battlefield when you can beam spam enemies, and a single hit from a beam can completely total your mobile suit, if no outright destroy it.

    Put Kira in a suit with equal capabilities to everyone else, and you can see how he struggles with other pilots. The first half of SEED and the time he had to fight through some Zakus to pick up Strike Freedom in Destiny showed that.

    • 11 months ago

      He dominates the one time he had to use Strike again in Destiny, only getting damaged because he needed to intercept a cannon blast and the Strike's shield wasn't powerful enough. He still is able to dodge and disable a bunch of Zaku's just not as fast because he's only got one gun.

    • 11 months ago

      Zaku and Gouf in Seed Destiny are far more advance and powerful than the Gen1 Gundams that's why Izak and Dearka pilot those

    • 11 months ago

      Dude he stopped that crappy ass anti-shit sword the Destiny had with the Freedom's hands for no other reason than to show off. Took the Legend without getting a single dent.

    • 11 months ago

      As others have noted, Kira handles the Zakus in the Strike just fine until he has to intercept a shot aimed for the Eternal. People only claim Kira's a bad pilot because the show uses a lot of stock footage of the fancy Full Burst animation, but when he's up against single targets and especially when he switches to melee, he's consistently an excellent pilot. He only struggles in the back third of SEED because they gave him appropriately powerful opponents: the druggies were excellent pilots themselves and had strong teamwork skills despite their constant bickering, so even Kira and Athrun working together struggled against them. Whenever he fought Shinn and Rey, who simply weren't as good, he dominated them with the sole exception of Angel Down. And as

      >there are problems with angle down to be sure, but its a stretch to call it a "unique scenario" that cannot happen again
      >while kira and athrun have more experience and fought harder enemies than shinn, angel down demonstrates that shinn has a skill they rarely use: premediated planning

      It went beyond just "Shinn planned that one time and that's why he won" it was also a situation where Zaft had total control, AA was on the defensive trying to get Cagalli and her forces back to Orb over everything and in a position where they didn't have much room to maneuver and didn't want to look too aggressive because of Durandal's recent broadcasts. Kira spent most of that fight running away and had no real stake in defeating Shinn since if he could escape him that was all he needed. Had the rematch taken place during the invasion of Orb, where Kira had way more to lose and was more aggressive, Shinn might not have won so easily.

      >shinn and rey didn't spend 1 minute really preparing for the final battle even though they already saw kira and athrun's new machines in battle (and zaft saw kira's new dragoons), which was a critical mistake on their part. but if they had done so (rather, if the idea crossed the writers mind), the outcome would've been quite different

      They had two wars worth of data on the original Freedom to work with, one brief fight against SF and IJ is not nearly going to give them the same kind data to run countless simulations they had with the original Freedom. IJ didn't even use half it's weapons, and the grunts reporting SF used Dragoons once isn't going to give them enough data to accurately simulate their every use. And that's ignoring the fact that while Kira's piloting can be predictable, Athrun's is not and there's no obvious loophole to exploit with it the way Kira has. Not to mention Athrun pilots notably different units and changes up his style accordingly so trying to use Savior data to plan for IJ Athrun would be nigh useless.

      noted, Angel Down was a perfect storm of circumstances to give Shinn every possible advantage over Kira.

      The only reason people claim Kira has no skills is because they don't like him. It's as simple as that.

    • 11 months ago

      It depends. In early SEED Kira was barely surviving against the Le Creuset boys and Mu had to pick up his slack a lot. It's not until their arrival at Earth and Flay getting her hands on him that Kira begins to take his pilot training a lot more seriously which levels up his combat skills. By the time the Le Creuset boys challenge him again after the Archangel leaves ORB, Kira basically dominates the entire group.

      By the time of SEED Destiny itself when Kira sortied in the outdated Strike Rouge to save Lacus, he was actually completely capable of taking on the ZAFT forces attacking the Eternal no issue. It only became a problem when one of them pointed a mega launcher at the ship which forced Kira to defend it leaving him in bad shape afterwards. Had that not been the case, Kira likely would have been able to beat the entire squad with just himself and Waltfeld kicking ass.

  7. 11 months ago

    Remember when Kira was shocked someone dodged him that wasn't Athrun? Shows how easy & how up his own ass he was in Seed Destiny.

    • 11 months ago

      Interesting that the Impulse is able to keep up with the freedom here. I know they're improved but these 2nd stage gundams really were a big improvement over the last generation.

      • 11 months ago

        Calamity/Forbi/Raider weren't that inferior seeming to Freedom/Justice

      • 11 months ago

        Freedom is 1.5 stronger than Impulse. By contrast Freedom was 5 times stronger than the Strike and the GAT-X series.

        • 11 months ago

          Impulse has infinite spare parts/battery packs and has much updated frame while Freedom only has infinite power supply

          • 11 months ago

            shitt asuka in Destiny gundam without infinite spare parts became pretty useless really fast once he lose his boomerangs, sword and the hands of Destiny gundam LMAO

          • 11 months ago

            In output and stats Freedom is still more powerful than Impulse because of it's nuclear reactor.

            • 11 months ago

              no it's already two years behind in development and Impulse doesn't really have energy issues because of infinite source of spare parts on the fly

              • 11 months ago

                Nuclear reactor is still more output than a battery no matter how efficient it is. Shinn even says that Freedom is more powerful than Impulse when he's planning to fight it.

              • 11 months ago

                >infinite spare parts and battery >>> infinite power supply

              • 11 months ago

                They didn't have infinite spare parts for Impulse. In fact Shinn basically uses up all of the extra chest flyers in that fight to the point where when Luna got the Impulse the one she used was the only one left and she couldn't call for repair parts when Athrun damaged it in the final fight.

                At any rate all of the characters in the show itself, including Shinn and Rey when plotting to destroy it point out that Freedom is superior to Impulse in basically every way and Shinn would have his work cut out in taking it down. If it was the better suit in every way but time limit he wouldn't have had to fight as desperately as he did.

              • 11 months ago

                >he wouldn't have had to fight as desperately as he did.
                lmao kira wasn't even trying to kill him

              • 11 months ago

                Shinn still very much wanted Kira dead and didn't want to end up disabled and humiliated like last time

              • 11 months ago

                Kira was just trying to escape. You just revealed what a shitter Shinn was. Shinn probably isn't even a coordinator but a delusional druggie

              • 11 months ago

                So you're just being a shithead troll then

              • 11 months ago

                What makes the freedom superior to the impulse other than the infinite power. Nothing.

              • 11 months ago

                Nuclear power is better than battery. But you can't seem to wrap that around your brain.

              • 11 months ago

                Except it doesn't matter since Shinn could swap and keep going

              • 11 months ago

                It matters because Freedom flies faster and hits harder than Impulse because it's reactor.

              • 11 months ago

                >Freedom flies faster and hits harder than Impulse because it's reactor.
                this is your headcanon and not true. The freedom is an old model.

              • 11 months ago

                Episode 33 Shinn says otherwise

              • 11 months ago

                Since when is Shinn an authority on mobile suits? We have the freedom and impulse specs

              • 11 months ago

                He was running computer simulation battles against the Freedom so he probably knew what he was talking about, I can't find any official specs saying Impulse > Freedom either.

              • 11 months ago

                >He was running computer simulation battles against the Freedom so he probably knew what he was talking about
                No he doesn't. The Freedom is a old model by destiny's standards.

              • 11 months ago

                He was specifically trying to work out a way to defeat Freedom with Impulse via simulations, and was getting stomped at first because he said Freedom was more powerful than Impulse, with Rey chiming in that it's a testament to Kira's skill that he can control something with such powerful acceleration and output so precisely. Rey also says in the flashback during the fight where he points out Freedom doesn't aim for the wienerpit, that taking advantage of that pattern is the only way Impulse can win and that trying to straight up overpower Freedom won't work.

              • 11 months ago

                Kira's skill has nothing to do with the freedom itself

              • 11 months ago

                Everything you've said in this thread has been dead wrong

              • 11 months ago

                >dude the freedom is way better than the impulse
                >cue you mentioning how shinn andrey praise Kira's skill

              • 11 months ago

                Freedom is better than the Impulse and Kira is a skilled pilot for being able to control such a powerful suit so easily. That's what is said. That is not wrong.

              • 11 months ago

                >and Kira is a skilled pilot for being able to control such a powerful suit so easily
                Tell me what exactly he is doing here. Unless there was some sort of man-computer interface at work, the machine is doing all the work.

              • 11 months ago

                that's stock animation. They actually explain how difficult it is but they never show it. One of SEED's many faults


                frick off

              • 11 months ago

                >They actually explain how difficult it is
                Where? In some model kit manual? Big whoop. Tell me when we'll get a concrete answer as to who actually built SF/IJ.

              • 11 months ago

                >Tell me when we'll get a concrete answer as to who actually built SF/IJ
                looool you're only ever gonna get model kit manual answers since the show is done and fat chance that any more databooks are coming out

              • 11 months ago

                have a nice day, discord tourist scum.

              • 11 months ago

                triggered af

              • 11 months ago

                that's stock animation. They actually explain how difficult it is but they never show it. One of SEED's many faults
                frick off

                I was always under the impression that Kira was doing on the Freedom the same thing we see him doing on the Strike, which is writing code to optimize the machine. And instead of manually targeting, he just speed programs targeting macros.

              • 11 months ago

                that's stock animation. They actually explain how difficult it is but they never show it. One of SEED's many faults
                frick off

                >and Kira is a skilled pilot for being able to control such a powerful suit so easily
                Tell me what exactly he is doing here. Unless there was some sort of man-computer interface at work, the machine is doing all the work.

                Kira literally has to make the freedom target enough to only disable his enemies

              • 11 months ago

                The machine would be shooting to kill, so at the very least Kira is making adjustments to make it shoot to disable. And that's ignoring the fact that in alot of his battles Kira is only using one of his guns at a time, which doesn't use that since that screen only pops up when full burst mode is turned on.

              • 11 months ago

                >so at the very least Kira is making adjustments to make it shoot to disable
                Okay, but do we see that? Or is that just speculation because some side material said "kira does a lot of effort to pilot freedom" despite all evidence to the contrary?
                If you go only for what's depicted on screen, Kira's intervention during targeting is minimal to non-existing.

              • 11 months ago

                >If you go only for what's depicted on screen, Kira's intervention during targeting is minimal to non-existing.
                that's because it's stock footage

              • 11 months ago

                It's not side material. It's mentioned in the show by Shinn and Rey that Kira is incredibly skilled to pilot Freedom as precisely as he does and fight non lethally despite it's power.

              • 11 months ago

                >If you go only for what's depicted on screen, Kira's intervention during targeting is minimal to non-existing.

                If you go by what's depicted on screen, Kira always performs the same 5 maneuvers and shoots the same dozen guys over and over again.

              • 11 months ago

                Yeah because the computer will automatically target the non lethal parts without Kira telling it right?

              • 11 months ago

                Why would you have to set that on the fly? The whole point of programming is automation.

              • 11 months ago

                >Tell me what exactly he is doing here.

                he is selecting all targets with the thumbstick on the control

              • 10 months ago

                Freedom, Justice and their upgrades has the best wienerpit and dashboard design it's so iconic(Mutli lock-on system)

              • 11 months ago

                >and Kira is a skilled pilot for being able to control such a powerful suit so easily
                Tell me what exactly he is doing here. Unless there was some sort of man-computer interface at work, the machine is doing all the work.

                Pilot seat doesn't even have that typical "Gundam gunsight", which Strike did have.

              • 11 months ago

                Yes it does. Kira used it at least once in episode 41 to aim the cannons without using the rest of the lock on system, and I think he used it in other episodes too.

              • 11 months ago

                >We have the freedom and impulse specs
                We actually don't. The Impulse has never had a value for its propulsion listed. The only thing we know is that it's heavier than the Freedom, at 78.3 metric tons as the Force Impulse versus the Freedom's 71.5 metric tons.

              • 11 months ago

                Freedom is an outdated MS and outdated skeletal frame from two years ago and two years of development time is a lot especially when 1st Gen Gundams like strike is inferior to Zakus spec wise

                Freedom is even derived and develop from the first Generation of Gundams like Strike and Aegis in a very short period of time which are fodder to Goufs and Zaku currently LMAO

              • 11 months ago

                They didn't build anything as powerful as Freedom in that time frame because of the new Treaty that prohibited use of nuclear energy in mobile suits. Even with the new Gundam's they needed to come up with the rechargeable battery system because they weren't allowed to use a NJC and nuclear reactor. Freedom was built during Patrick Zala's genocide phase, while Impulse and the other newer mobile suits were built during peacetime when Durandal had to play nice. It wasn't until the war started that Durandal was allowed to build stuff like the Destiny and Legend.

              • 11 months ago

                >Freedom is an outdated MS and outdated skeletal frame from two years ago
                It's anything but. The Freedom still outperformed every modern MS at the time and the only reason it even got destroyed was because Kira was being an absolute idiot during his and Shinn's battle.

              • 11 months ago

                Kira had gotten too good for the Freedom.

              • 11 months ago

                Angel Down was just pretty much built specifically to create a situation where Shinn could feasibly beat Kira. In an ordinary scenario, there was no way that could happen.

              • 11 months ago

                Graham could be described as Setsuna telling the ELS to salvage him.
                Is that canon or something to appease the fans that never got a follow-up?
                It was a unique scenario. Take them out on a field without prep and Freedom would've still been kicking. Kira had to deal with a man with on-demand replacement parts that wanted to kill him while he initially held back until his unit was pretty fricked. He had to keep an eye on AA and got distracted at the worst moment which led him to get bum rushed by Shinn with an AS sword.

                honest question: do you think repeating this statement all the time helps to change opinions or is it just cope?

                because i've been lurking seed threads for a bit and see this same line posted a lot

                there are problems with angle down to be sure, but its a stretch to call it a "unique scenario" that cannot happen again

                while kira and athrun have more experience and fought harder enemies than shinn, angel down demonstrates that shinn has a skill they rarely use: premediated planning

                typically in fictional "deathmatch" scenarios on the internet people consider whether the characters are "lusted" and/or "have prep" and prep means a lot - know thy enemy

                pretty much the most prep we see out of kira was during the final desert dawn battle where he asked for the aile striker because he was fighting bucues - again know thy enemy

                most of the time kira (and athrun) just wing it in their fighting style and are reactive. this works for them, since they have a lot of skill and experience. its like the smart kid who doesn't need to study and will get an 'A' anyway

                when shinn and rey try to do the same against them, they fail - because they're trying to beat kira/athrun at their game

                shinn and rey didn't spend 1 minute really preparing for the final battle even though they already saw kira and athrun's new machines in battle (and zaft saw kira's new dragoons), which was a critical mistake on their part. but if they had done so (rather, if the idea crossed the writers mind), the outcome would've been quite different

                i hope that in the movie we see a more strategically-minded shinn, but i do not hold my breath

              • 11 months ago

                >strategically-minded shinn
                Considering his fighting style consists of just going unga bunga on everyone, I wouldn't hold your breath. Angel Down and the times he fought mobile armors in the impulse were the only moments where there were any type of strategy involved

              • 11 months ago

                >there are problems with angle down to be sure, but its a stretch to call it a "unique scenario" that cannot happen again
                >while kira and athrun have more experience and fought harder enemies than shinn, angel down demonstrates that shinn has a skill they rarely use: premediated planning

                It went beyond just "Shinn planned that one time and that's why he won" it was also a situation where Zaft had total control, AA was on the defensive trying to get Cagalli and her forces back to Orb over everything and in a position where they didn't have much room to maneuver and didn't want to look too aggressive because of Durandal's recent broadcasts. Kira spent most of that fight running away and had no real stake in defeating Shinn since if he could escape him that was all he needed. Had the rematch taken place during the invasion of Orb, where Kira had way more to lose and was more aggressive, Shinn might not have won so easily.

                >shinn and rey didn't spend 1 minute really preparing for the final battle even though they already saw kira and athrun's new machines in battle (and zaft saw kira's new dragoons), which was a critical mistake on their part. but if they had done so (rather, if the idea crossed the writers mind), the outcome would've been quite different

                They had two wars worth of data on the original Freedom to work with, one brief fight against SF and IJ is not nearly going to give them the same kind data to run countless simulations they had with the original Freedom. IJ didn't even use half it's weapons, and the grunts reporting SF used Dragoons once isn't going to give them enough data to accurately simulate their every use. And that's ignoring the fact that while Kira's piloting can be predictable, Athrun's is not and there's no obvious loophole to exploit with it the way Kira has. Not to mention Athrun pilots notably different units and changes up his style accordingly so trying to use Savior data to plan for IJ Athrun would be nigh useless.

              • 11 months ago

                >It went beyond just

                yes. the strategy took context into account. that is a sign of good strategy.

                a strategy for the final battle would assume that the good guys are going to prioritize disabling/damaging requiem and messiah, not run away.

                >not nearly going to give them the same kind data to run countless simulations
                >the grunts reporting SF used Dragoons once isn't going to give them enough data to accurately simulate their every use.

                i actually work in machine learning. you are assuming victory for zaft requires a perfect simulation model of kira and athrun in their new machines, which is wrong. famous quote:
                >to learn is to generalize

                the pilots are the same, the machines are upgrades over their predecessors. we know the sf used its dragoons which are similar to the providence/legend. we saw the ij use its leg beams when shinn used his boomerangs. we don't even know how much was added to the machines by terminal and what was in the original zaft plans, but we can have a decent guess at its specs by looking at it

                today meta released Llama 2 which is pretrained on a large corpus of data, then fine-tuned on a limited corpus for a more specific task. so you fine-tune the model built to combat the freedom with limited data from the strike freedom, and that will be a sufficient simulation.

                >Kira's piloting can be predictable, Athrun's is not

                no. kiras style can be more novel, like when he's in the strike. in the freedom hes more predictable because its more efficient to beam spam. even in the seed finale he does novel tricks like cutting beams like a jedi.

                athrun is bruteforce. he has multiple sabers but a limited moveset that he can execute very well, but his fighting style isn't creative at all. thats why when hes in the saviour most of the time just transforms and flies around.

                most au gundam aces like amuro, heero or setsuna would have a harder time fighting kira than athrun.

              • 11 months ago

                >a strategy for the final battle would assume that the good guys are going to prioritize disabling/damaging requiem and messiah, not run away.

                That would be even worse for Shinn and Rey because it means they're on the clock to defeat them before the main fleet can get to Reqiuem and Messiah and can't afford to waste time with a strategy designed to whittle them down like last time. Which is effectively what happened in the show where Athrun and AA left to join the main fleet and Rey had to send Shinn ahead to fight Athrun rather than double team Kira because by the time they defeated him (if they even could) Requiem would have been destroyed.

                >you are assuming victory for zaft requires a perfect simulation model of kira and athrun in their new machines, which is wrong.

                That's how it worked the first time where the simulation was so good Shinn could predict Kira's every shot and move. Just good enough wouldn't cut it in a rematch, without being able to completely shut down Kira and Athrun they'd have to fight them head on, which they do and they lose. Even in Angel Down Shinn got crippled and had to repair and try again when he got too aggressive too early and Kira was able to get a counter in.

                >athrun is bruteforce. he has multiple sabers but a limited moveset that he can execute very well, but his fighting style isn't creative at all.

                That's even worse since it means there's no way around having to fight him head on, in which case Shinn and Rey lose because Athrun is the superior pilot

              • 11 months ago

                >That would be even worse for Shinn and Rey because it means they're on the clock

                wrong. the "big picture" victory condition for zaft is not "defeat kira, athrun and the rest of the orb/terminal forces".

                their victory condition is to hold off until requiem can fire and destroy orb. as lacus says, if they lose orb, they lose the world.

                strike 1.

                >strategy designed to whittle them down like last time.

                again wrong assumption. they could deploy an obstruction strategy where they get in the way, but then act defensive. buy time for requiem. the more time passes, the more stress will mount for kira and athrun, and by human nature, the more likely they will be to make mistakes.

                strike two.

                >Requiem would have been destroyed

                also wrong assumption. in canon it was the infinite justice and akatsuki that destroyed it. so shinn needs to delay athrun, not defeat him.

                that leaves mwu and the fake black tri-stars, which is a separate issue though.

                strike three. you are out.

                >how it worked the first time where the simulation

                no. you have no idea what you are talking about. you did not understand my post. especially the part where i mention meta's Llama 2 which is analogous in this scenario.

                if you have a perfect simulation there is no need for a pilot, since you can generate an ai with that simulation (like the dolls from wing) that is capable of perfectly predicting and countering every move the opponent will make.

                and ai exists in seed. haros. part of the natural MS OS like the strike rouge.

                but you need a pilot because perfection is lie. unobtainable. as I said
                >to learn is to generalize
                and humans are much better at this still than ai in critical aspects, e.g. how wrong ChatGPT can be when it "hallucinates".

                so no, shinn/rey can just take whatever simulation model they have against the freedom, and fine-tune it on new data from kiras new machine, and strategize.

              • 11 months ago

                >wrong. the "big picture" victory condition for zaft is not "defeat kira, athrun and the rest of the orb/terminal forces".
                >their victory condition is to hold off until requiem can fire and destroy orb. as lacus says, if they lose orb, they lose the world.

                Wrong, their condition is to defeat Kira and Athrun because Shinn and Rey are the only ones with powerful enough machines to do so otherwise they'll just tear apart everyone else on their way to Requiem which they were basically doing until Shinn and Rey showed up and is what they go back to doing after they're defeated. Kira basically single handedly destroys Messiah himself with the Meteor.

                >again wrong assumption. they could deploy an obstruction strategy where they get in the way, but then act defensive. buy time for requiem.

                Also wrong that that will work because they tried something just like that and Athrun just went ahead while Kira covered him at which point Shinn had to chase after him and become aggressive. Also what "obstruction strategy" would they be able to try? They were trying to stop them all from getting to Reqiuem, and failing. How exactly is Shinn going to block Infinite Justice with Destiny, IJ is better equipped for turtling than Destiny is.

                >meta's Llama 2 which is analogous in this scenario.

                What does real life systems have to do with what they are working with in CE circa 20 years ago? For that matter Kira and other Coordinators have superhuman intelligence and thinking anyway.

              • 11 months ago

                Peak intelligence and thinking, not superhuman.

              • 11 months ago

                >He didn't come up with the strategy for Angel Down, Rey did

                a semi fair point. but shinn took the initiative to sit down and prepare for a fight against the freedom with simulations. rey provided a critical insight.

                but you conviently ignore that even after angle down, kira prefers to disable and not kill. even against the destiny, he disarmed its sword, and shinn comments that he could've ended it all right then.

                kira was still kira.

                >it certainly doesn't prove Shinn is the superior pilot to Kira

                which i never said. i said this is a stat where shinns is higher than kiras or athruns. based on what we have been shown in canon, that is the case.

                >Could Shinn repeat that outside of that specific situation? I don't think so.

                you dont think so because you see pilot skill in terms of some kind of "Premise 1: A > B; Premise 2: B > C; Conclusion: A > C" math transitivity logic, and if shinn did prep to beat kira again kira haters would have more evidence to say hes better.

                this is what I said here [...]
                >imo thats what the haters think subconsciously, the quiet part they do not say out loud.

                even still i disagree with that logic.

                it is a low-resolution way to gauge piloting ability.

                you have to take a more detailed and criteria-oriented view of the pilots.

                for instance, shinns lowest stat is his ability to keep calm and collected. he sucks at this.

                rey pointed it out at orb that if got hot under the collar he would lose. and that is what happened.

                >short notice another plan

                they would actually have a decent amount of time to come up with something prior to the final battle.

                zaft has requiem. kira and athrun are going to come to them. so they need to be ready. simple.

                please read this post: [...]

                >In fact I'd dare

                you can think that all you want.

                but its not at all convincing.

                because your motivation is to defend kira and athrun as being better pilots.

                and motivation is the master of reasoning - not the other way around.

                anyway, this thread reminded me why its nice to lurk seed threads, lol.

                or gundam threads in general.

                >for instance, shinns lowest stat is his ability to keep calm and collected. he sucks at this.

                this is his most major weakness. he needs to be more like athrun, and keep a cooler, objective head in harder situations.

                but this mostly a product of immaturity and trauma.

                at least, thats what I think fukuda wanted to portray with the constant flashbacks.

                developed shinn is like kratos from god of war. gets pissed off easily. will kick your ass. easily.

                kira and athrun do not get off the hook.

                they also have stupid weaknesses.

                kira could overcome his weakness by being more like shinn.

                kill his enemies instead of sparing them like a b***h.

                make them shit their pants at the sight of the strike freedom on the other side of the battlefield. currently they fear showing up home with the same of defeat. make them fear the possibility of not showing up ever again.

                then they wont be so brazen for a fight

                morosawa wanted kira to be like kenshin himura.

                but before taking up the reverse blade sword, he was battousai the manslayer, which kira never was

                so go in reverse and make kira into battousai the manslayer

                athrun could overcome his weakness by being more like kira.

                tune the political stuff out more. as heine said "stop worrying".
                be like kira by figuring out where you want to be and just be there. and defend it.

                that way he wont be in a stupid situation where hes uncertain of everything and loses like a b***h.

                so ironic he tries to lecture others on knowing what their fighting for while never having a clear picture of it.


                developed athrun is like mikasa ackerman.

                reys problem is that he a plot device because fukuda realized how much rau carried seed.

                there is no fix for this. whomp whomp.

                but he dead anyway.

                >oh wait all my references are not gundam, not even /m/
                yeah, now i remember why i now mostly lurk here

              • 11 months ago

                last post. then i go lurk.

                i did have fun making meme

                i got doubles

                it will be fun to see what kind of (you)s i get

                >wrong. the "big picture" victory condition for zaft is not "defeat kira, athrun and the rest of the orb/terminal forces".
                >their victory condition is to hold off until requiem can fire and destroy orb. as lacus says, if they lose orb, they lose the world.

                Wrong, their condition is to defeat Kira and Athrun because Shinn and Rey are the only ones with powerful enough machines to do so otherwise they'll just tear apart everyone else on their way to Requiem which they were basically doing until Shinn and Rey showed up and is what they go back to doing after they're defeated. Kira basically single handedly destroys Messiah himself with the Meteor.

                >again wrong assumption. they could deploy an obstruction strategy where they get in the way, but then act defensive. buy time for requiem.

                Also wrong that that will work because they tried something just like that and Athrun just went ahead while Kira covered him at which point Shinn had to chase after him and become aggressive. Also what "obstruction strategy" would they be able to try? They were trying to stop them all from getting to Reqiuem, and failing. How exactly is Shinn going to block Infinite Justice with Destiny, IJ is better equipped for turtling than Destiny is.

                >meta's Llama 2 which is analogous in this scenario.

                What does real life systems have to do with what they are working with in CE circa 20 years ago? For that matter Kira and other Coordinators have superhuman intelligence and thinking anyway.

                >their condition is to defeat Kira and Athrun

                they are soldiers of zaft

                objective is the destiny plan.

                one step is destroy orb with requiem.

                so they need to defend requiem.

                then probably after it fires kira and athrun get super demoralized and either become push overs or go into a spastic rage and make mistakes.

                you are literally the moba player who picks a ganking hero and goes around the map raking up kills but ultimately loses because the other team used a rat (google "rat dota") strategy and fufilled their objective

                >Also what "obstruction strategy" would they be able to try?


                >Kira basically single handedly destroys Messiah himself with the Meteor.

                he needs to hold still to dock with that meteor and cant do that if rey is shooting at him.

                >Shinn had to chase after him and become aggressive

                in canon yes. in an obstruction strategy you have them split up, then fly after him and get in his way all the time.

                but you be careful not to give him an opening to damage you.

                you prevent him from entering requiem as best you can

                >IJ is better equipped for turtling than Destiny is.

                destiny has 3 shields. physical and two beams.

                it has more defensive power. shinn just sucks at it.

                athrun has all these offensive beams but cant do jedi cuts like kira

                >What does real life systems have to do with what they are working with in CE circa 20 years ago?

                look at picrel. hint is filename.

                you say they need a lot of combat data to train on. that they cant get a good enough simulation without 2 years worth of strike freedom data like the freedom.

                well, machine learning models also need data.

                sometimes hundreds of gigabytes, or terabytes of it.

                but this is usually for the pretraining phase. then fine tune.

                with a lot less data.

                same holds for shinns simulation.

                you are boring.

              • 11 months ago

                None of this will work because Kira and Athrun are better. Frick off with your ESL reddit posting and kindly die thanks.

              • 11 months ago

                >but before taking up the reverse blade sword, he was battousai the manslayer, which kira never was
                Yes he was. Throughout the entire middle third of SEED, Kira was a ZAFT-massacring murder machine. It mentally wrecked him, but he was unstoppable and so vicious that the trained soldiers on the Archangel were shocked at the degree of his brutality. It hurt Kira so badly that the reason he shoots to disable whenever it's feasible is that he doesn't want to feel the way he felt when he was the berserker that Flay molded him into.

                >yeah, now i remember why i now mostly lurk here
                I think it's more likely because you ramble. Goddamn, man, people think I'm excessively wordy but I've got nothing on you. Tighten up your posts.

              • 11 months ago

                >Yes he was.
                lolno. Battousai Kenshin was almost machine-like. An agent of the revolution who showed very little emotion and would effortlessly cut down all who stood in his way with lethal force without hesitation.
                That description doesn't match Kira at all.
                Kira is extremely passionate, but Battousai Kenshin was a cold-blooded killer.
                That's because Morosawa's writing is a case of wanting the destination without understanding the journey: To truly replicate Kenshin Himura one must fully embrace kiddy porn.

              • 11 months ago

                >but he was unstoppable and so vicious that the trained soldiers on the Archangel were shocked at the degree of his brutality.
                The frick? Can you even quote an episode to support this? The unfriendliest that Kira ever got was maybe the desert arc where he takes down a bunch of ZAFT nobodies in quick succession but none of it was particularly vicious in any way.

              • 11 months ago

                >were shocked at the degree of his brutality.
                Fricking when? At most the Archangel crew were shocked at how quickly he leveled up as a pilot.

              • 11 months ago

                I don't get it. You're just agreeing with what I said about angel down. You're saying shinn used his brain and won in that planned situation. Without it, he got his shit pushed in hard during ORB.
                >Take them out on a field without prep and Freedom would've still been kicking
                So you agreed with this statement

              • 11 months ago

                the point im trying to make is that shinns skill in premeditation is better than kira. or even athrun for that matter.

                that there is a "combat stat" where shinns is higher. an aspect where he is a better pilot.

                you seem to act like he can only use that skill once. that he'd never be able to do that again. i disagree.

                as an analogy, consider top gun maverick which came out last year. during training maverick stresses that they dont want to get into a dogfight because the enemy has "fifth generation fighters" and his students will be no match for them. so he makes a plan that employs sun tzu logic:
                >defeat the enemy (hit the objective) without fighting them at all.

                but worse case scenario happens, and against some faceless nameless mook in a "fifth generation fighter" he has to pull out all the stops to barely come out on top, even getting caught off guard when the su-57 does its thruster vectoring trick.

                >he got his shit pushed in hard during ORB.

                thats kind of extreme. he lost his temper, and he tried to just rely on brute force rather than being more adaptive and novel in his fighting style.

                if anything, he "got his shit pushed in hard" because he adopted a fighting style more like athruns than like kiras.

                and even still, kira popped seed to catch the destinys sword and blow it away. after shinn activated his own seed. then he just shot at kira with his rifle and kira was grunting in discomfort having to deal with.

              • 11 months ago

                you're just saying what everyone has been saying, my man. He had prep and that's why he won that time.

                Remember all those scenes where he didn't have an elaborate plan and encountered Kira. He got outright dominated.

                The only time he didn't was when he was in Blast impulse, but we know that fight wouldn't have lasted long with that silhouette, and luckily Kira didn't press on further. The point is, yes, Kira lost during Angel Down. Props to Shinn for having a study session with Rey. That victory is a fact. Nobody is denying that. If you think he could win without being that prepared against Kira, then I suggest you rewatch destiny.

                >when shinn and rey try to do the same against them, they fail - because they're trying to beat kira/athrun at their game
                So you agree.

              • 11 months ago

                As someone said though it goes beyond just Shinn can win if he has time to prep and if he'd done his homework on SF he would have dominated against Kira again. Angel Down was very carefully crafted by Durandal and Rey to be a situation where Shinn could 1 v 1 Kira in the perfectly ideal conditions where Shinn held all the cards. And that kind of detailed strategy they created for Shinn with Freedom's data is not something they could recreate again even if they tried to.

              • 11 months ago

                The problem with the victory in question is that Kira himself was barely taking the fight seriously and spent a lot of it playing cat and mouse. The Freedom has an arsenal of weaponry yet he mostly relied on the beam rifle and beam saber for the fight. He also could have dodged Shinn's final strike by ducking into the water and then using the railguns on the skirt to dispatch him before making his escape. Alas that's not the case.

                Still though props for Shinn for doing his research. He understood that Kira was a spineless b***h who generally avoided killing his opponents and took full advantage to drive him into a corner. Too bad for him that didn't last once Kira came back and their rematch has him focused again so the same tactics won't work, especially since the Destiny can't replace its parts mid battle.

              • 11 months ago

                >If you think he could win without being that prepared against Kira

                which i never said.

                kira and athrun have 2 years experience on shinn. the seed druggies put the destiny druggies to shame. shinn never fought a foe who wanted to kill him with as much passion as yzak or athrun (after nicol died) wanted to kill kira. the toughest pilot kira faced in seed was rau. the toughest pilot athrun faced in seed was kira. but the toughest pilot shinn faced in destiny before fighting kira was probably mwu, who isnt as skilled as kira or rau.

                so of course in terms of the raw "melee combat ability" and "ranged combat ability" stats, kira and athruns are higher than shinns. the only stat shinn has that is about the same is maybe his speed stat.

                but the capacity for premeditation is a stat, or ability, that is just as important to consider when gauging a pilots ability as "melee combat skill" or "ranged combat skill".

                because if "premeditation" is a stat, it is the one stat shinn has that is provably higher than kiras or athruns.

                and for that reason it is wrong to say that kira and athrun are better than shinn in every way. imo thats what the haters think subconsciously, the quiet part they do not say out loud.

                hence why i look at these posts about angle down and cannot help but just see it as "cope"

                because it is a stat, and one where shinns is provably higher.

                and arguably, a more important stat than "melee combat skill" or "ranged combat skill".

                as the saying goes
                >preparation is everything

              • 11 months ago

                For one, I think you're giving Shinn a little too much credit there. He didn't come up with the strategy for Angel Down, Rey did. Shinn didn't even notice Kira only shot to disable until Rey pointed it out. And even Rey isn't necessarily a genius strategist for coming up with this either as he has personal inside information on Kira specifically that most do not. And Rey and Durandal had been plotting this since the show began of the potential of Shinn fighting and defeating Kira and Durandal set the stage perfectly for that win by cornering Kira and the AA in the situation they were in where they were hesitant to fight too hard and mostly trying to escape.

                Was it a well executed strategy and win? Yes but it certainly doesn't prove Shinn is the superior pilot to Kira and Kira definitely had the deck stacked against him there. Could Shinn repeat that outside of that specific situation? I don't think so. Nor is Shinn some super strategist that should have been able to whip up on short notice another plan where he could crush Kira again so easily. In fact I'd dare there was really wasn't anything he could in the finale better, because his one massive advantage against Kira and Athrun, that he held nothing back while they were reluctant was no longer true. Now they were the ones motivated to take him down and Shinn was on the defensive.

              • 11 months ago

                >He didn't come up with the strategy for Angel Down, Rey did

                a semi fair point. but shinn took the initiative to sit down and prepare for a fight against the freedom with simulations. rey provided a critical insight.

                but you conviently ignore that even after angle down, kira prefers to disable and not kill. even against the destiny, he disarmed its sword, and shinn comments that he could've ended it all right then.

                kira was still kira.

                >it certainly doesn't prove Shinn is the superior pilot to Kira

                which i never said. i said this is a stat where shinns is higher than kiras or athruns. based on what we have been shown in canon, that is the case.

                >Could Shinn repeat that outside of that specific situation? I don't think so.

                you dont think so because you see pilot skill in terms of some kind of "Premise 1: A > B; Premise 2: B > C; Conclusion: A > C" math transitivity logic, and if shinn did prep to beat kira again kira haters would have more evidence to say hes better.

                this is what I said here

                >If you think he could win without being that prepared against Kira

                which i never said.

                kira and athrun have 2 years experience on shinn. the seed druggies put the destiny druggies to shame. shinn never fought a foe who wanted to kill him with as much passion as yzak or athrun (after nicol died) wanted to kill kira. the toughest pilot kira faced in seed was rau. the toughest pilot athrun faced in seed was kira. but the toughest pilot shinn faced in destiny before fighting kira was probably mwu, who isnt as skilled as kira or rau.

                so of course in terms of the raw "melee combat ability" and "ranged combat ability" stats, kira and athruns are higher than shinns. the only stat shinn has that is about the same is maybe his speed stat.

                but the capacity for premeditation is a stat, or ability, that is just as important to consider when gauging a pilots ability as "melee combat skill" or "ranged combat skill".

                because if "premeditation" is a stat, it is the one stat shinn has that is provably higher than kiras or athruns.

                and for that reason it is wrong to say that kira and athrun are better than shinn in every way. imo thats what the haters think subconsciously, the quiet part they do not say out loud.

                hence why i look at these posts about angle down and cannot help but just see it as "cope"

                because it is a stat, and one where shinns is provably higher.

                and arguably, a more important stat than "melee combat skill" or "ranged combat skill".

                as the saying goes
                >preparation is everything

                >imo thats what the haters think subconsciously, the quiet part they do not say out loud.

                even still i disagree with that logic.

                it is a low-resolution way to gauge piloting ability.

                you have to take a more detailed and criteria-oriented view of the pilots.

                for instance, shinns lowest stat is his ability to keep calm and collected. he sucks at this.

                rey pointed it out at orb that if got hot under the collar he would lose. and that is what happened.

                >short notice another plan

                they would actually have a decent amount of time to come up with something prior to the final battle.

                zaft has requiem. kira and athrun are going to come to them. so they need to be ready. simple.

                please read this post:

                >That would be even worse for Shinn and Rey because it means they're on the clock

                wrong. the "big picture" victory condition for zaft is not "defeat kira, athrun and the rest of the orb/terminal forces".

                their victory condition is to hold off until requiem can fire and destroy orb. as lacus says, if they lose orb, they lose the world.

                strike 1.

                >strategy designed to whittle them down like last time.

                again wrong assumption. they could deploy an obstruction strategy where they get in the way, but then act defensive. buy time for requiem. the more time passes, the more stress will mount for kira and athrun, and by human nature, the more likely they will be to make mistakes.

                strike two.

                >Requiem would have been destroyed

                also wrong assumption. in canon it was the infinite justice and akatsuki that destroyed it. so shinn needs to delay athrun, not defeat him.

                that leaves mwu and the fake black tri-stars, which is a separate issue though.

                strike three. you are out.

                >how it worked the first time where the simulation

                no. you have no idea what you are talking about. you did not understand my post. especially the part where i mention meta's Llama 2 which is analogous in this scenario.

                if you have a perfect simulation there is no need for a pilot, since you can generate an ai with that simulation (like the dolls from wing) that is capable of perfectly predicting and countering every move the opponent will make.

                and ai exists in seed. haros. part of the natural MS OS like the strike rouge.

                but you need a pilot because perfection is lie. unobtainable. as I said
                >to learn is to generalize
                and humans are much better at this still than ai in critical aspects, e.g. how wrong chatgpt can be when it "hallucinates".

                so no, shinn/rey can just take whatever simulation model they have against the freedom, and fine-tune it on new data from kiras new machine, and strategize.

                >In fact I'd dare

                you can think that all you want.

                but its not at all convincing.

                because your motivation is to defend kira and athrun as being better pilots.

                and motivation is the master of reasoning - not the other way around.

              • 11 months ago

                You don't get it. It wasn't Shinn's battle to win. Shinn's planning wasn't the "deciding factor".

                It was Kira's battle to lose. The advantage to decide how the battle would go belonged to Kira the entire time. But a series of terrible decisions made by Kira and the Archangel crew led to Kira losing.
                Such as:

                -The Archangel Captain ordering to not return fire at any enemies shooting them. No direct hits allowed. Just shoot the ground or something to scare them.

                -Archangel not able to provide proper covering fire for Kira who was fighting alone.

                -Archangel refusing to launch backup for Kira. So Kira fought alone against a whole army. Not even allies available to help draw fire.

                -Archangel getting seperated from Kira.

                -Kira going for disabling hits only. Even after it became clear it wouldnt work against Impulse.

                -Kira didn't use any of Freedom's main weapons besides the standard beam rifle. What happened to the railguns or beam cannons?

                -Kira trying to do 20 different things at once, and letting himself get distracted.

                -Not properly killing Shinn when it became clear that Kira could not multi-task with Shinn raging all over the place with Impulse.

                -Kira not using any other weapons Freedom against Impulse.

                This was not the kind of battle viewers wanted. Freedom has fought Providence in a much more epic battle. Viewers wanted a true 1v1 battle. Not a Kira who's 80% distracted and trying to do 20 things at once. I'm not denying Shinn got the last hit on a distracted Kira, and destroyed the Freedom. But there were much better ways to plan and execute a Shinn VS Kira fight. Shinn suicide charging Kira the entire time wasn't the way to go. The viewers were extremely disappointed. It could have been so much better.

                I personally would have wanted to see Destiny Gundam (or I'd even accept Destiny Impulse) cut down original Freedom. Much more symbolic.

              • 11 months ago

                I feel like that was the only way to have Kira get defeated so Freedom would be destroyed while still having him easily be a match for Shinn later on.

              • 11 months ago

                I think it's a waste that they had to wreck Freedom like that. Imagine Mwu or Cagalli getting Freedom as a hand me down, Akatsuki be damned.

              • 11 months ago

                Despite the Freedom Rouge fanart Cagalli couldn't have handled Freedom. Mu might not have either, as I'm pretty sure it's said somewhere that nuclear powered MS are too powerful for Natural pilots to handle, improved OS or not.

              • 11 months ago

                >I'm pretty sure it's said somewhere that nuclear powered MS are too powerful for Natural pilots to handle, improved OS or not.
                Naturals handled the nuclear powered Destroy Gundams and all those nuke Mobile Armors just fine.

              • 11 months ago

                Despite the Freedom Rouge fanart Cagalli couldn't have handled Freedom. Mu might not have either, as I'm pretty sure it's said somewhere that nuclear powered MS are too powerful for Natural pilots to handle, improved OS or not.

                Officially the Destroys and most of the mobile armors have no listed power source, even if logically the only way they could be powered is nuclear because batteries clearly wouldn't last for them.

                It's also not mentioned anywhere that nuclear powered MS/MA are too powerful for naturals to use either, though.

              • 11 months ago

                Destroys are specially designed to only be piloted by extendeds (biological cpus as referenced in the anime). I would imagine they are nuclear powered as well. The earth alliance is already committing war crimes left and right at that point, and they have the NJC plans, so why not?

              • 11 months ago

                >I'm pretty sure it's said somewhere that nuclear powered MS are too powerful for Natural pilots to handle
                Prayer, who was not a coordinator handled dreadnought which is a nuclear powered gundam though

              • 11 months ago

                >I feel like that was the only way to have Kira get defeated so Freedom would be destroyed while still having him easily be a match for Shinn later on.
                Why not simply give the Destiny Gundam early to Shinn and have him beat Freedom with it? Shinn got Destiny like 1 episode later anyway.

              • 11 months ago

                The nuclear reactor powers everything. It's what gave it 5 times the power of Strike as Kira says when he turns it on for the first time.

                Any mobile suit losing a limb mid fight without any replacement will put you at a major disadvantage in a dog fight

              • 11 months ago

                Must be a pretty weak mobile suit like SEED mobile suits if losing a limb puts the mobile suit at a disadvantage. Shin destroyed Freedom's wings and Kira ultimately died a dog's death.

              • 11 months ago

                a homosexual like like shitt asuka can't kill the Savior jesus Yamato

                shitt had unlimited spare parts that's why losing any limbs/parts of MS doesn't really affects him

              • 11 months ago

                Kira only used beam riffle majority of the time and beam cannons in it's wings are under utilized

                the nuclear reactor just provides unlimited operational time for the MS

              • 11 months ago

                The nuclear reactor powers everything. It's what gave it 5 times the power of Strike as Kira says when he turns it on for the first time.

              • 11 months ago

                >the nuclear reactor just provides unlimited operational time for the MS

                You know power is different than fuel right? Once the Freedom runs out of fuel and loses its mobility/thrust its fricked. Mobility was the best thing going for that machine.

              • 11 months ago

                Freedom either carries a frick ton of fuel or runs it's thrusters right off it's reactor because Kira flew all the way from Plant to Earth at top speed, performed atmospheric reentry, fought a battle, outran the Cyclops explosion and after all that Kira still says he has no need of any resupplying and could take Freedom and jet off to far far away if he needed to.

              • 11 months ago

                It wouldn't surprise me if the writers just treated energy/battery as a catch all consumable.

      • 11 months ago

        By the time Destiny happens, even the grunt mechs are equaling or superior to the Strike. The Windam was said to be a true mass-production Strike in capabilities but most of their pilots are shit and their Jet Striker Packs had limiters almost like how the ReZELs had limiters because the pilots couldn't handle it. The CE Zakus were just as good if not better with even aces like Rey, Yzak and Dearka all using them just fine. The only adantage their old Gundams had in comparison was phase shift and by now everyone uses beams. Even Athrun managed to 360% no scope Ginns in his Zaku. 2 years and they made huge improvements with the Impulse compared to the Strike to be seen as a elite machine.

    • 11 months ago

      Im mad impulse was just given to a women. Shinn really made impulse work, yeah its like a discount V gundam. But it's a V gundam with more options.

  8. 11 months ago

    The Aegis fight was a draw, because both pilots were unable to be recovered by their sides and would have died without outside interference. Kira aside, Athrun ends up face down in the water and would have drowned if the Orb team looking for Kira didn't find him and take him in. That's not really a win for him, he was just the first one to be revealed alive.

    • 11 months ago

      In video games, if your character makes a a suicide attack but it didn't kill the opponent (ex. A Pokémon using Self-Destruct/Explosion or Yoshimitsu KO'ing himself with his Harakiri), the win goes to the latter.

      The same goes to Strike Vs Aegis.

      • 11 months ago

        >but it didn't kill the opponent
        Both pilots lived, but both suits were scrap. I'm not sure, but I want to say that the Strike given to the Archangel after returning to Orb was a new unit and hopefully not just repaired. Seems like a lot of effort for a what were just pieces. It's not like it matters much since they would have wiped all of Kira's customizations anyway by putting the Natural OS on it even if it was Kira's rebuilt Strike.

        • 11 months ago

          The Strike was relatively intact. Aegis got blown up into pieces. When the Strike was found, its major damage was a missing left arm.

  9. 11 months ago

    Shinn vs Kira was just plot contrivance.

    • 11 months ago

      Kira's a cuck.


      • 11 months ago

        more like Kira cucks you

    • 11 months ago

      Correct. Kira is undefeated.

      Kira's a cuck.


      Shinn's the cuck.

      • 11 months ago

        >Kira is undefeated

        @ being #1 cuck

        We don't sign our posts here.

    • 11 months ago

      Depends really. Kira has legit reason to fight against ZAFT given the attempted assassination of Lacus by their forces, whereas Shinn has legit beef with Kira thanks to his interference in certain. battles which cost the lives of some his allies. The grounds for a conflict were there.

      With that said, the rivalry escalating because Shinn blames Kira for Stella's death is stupid. That was his own goddamn fault for handing her over to people who would turn her into a weapon. Maybe it was the only way to save her life, but frankly it would have been a mercy if she just passed away aboard the Minerva with Shinn at her side.

      That aside, I do love how in supplementary material and spin-off games Shinn is unironically way more respectful with Kira than he ever was with Athrun. It's especially apparent in Japanese because he always refers to Kira with "-san" which is actually kinda cute. I hope the SEED movie has them team up often to make up for the fact that we never got it in the actual series.

      • 11 months ago

        >That aside, I do love how in supplementary material and spin-off games Shinn is unironically way more respectful with Kira than he ever was with Athrun.
        It makes sense honestly.

        Shinn only meets Kira twice in the story, and by the time of the second meeting they're both agree to put the past behind them and go forward together.

        Meanwhile Shinn knows Athrun throughout the story and knows him a lot more than he does with Kira.

        It also helps that Kira treats Shinn as a equal while Athrun, even after Destiny as show in the CDs, always treats him like dirt.

        • 11 months ago

          >It makes sense honestly.
          >Shinn only meets Kira twice in the story, and by the time of the second meeting they're both agree to put the past behind them and go forward together.
          This reeks of fanfiction where fans always want their favorite characters to get along and team up. I can see why Fukuda hates it. Disgusting.

          • 11 months ago

            >This reeks of fanfiction
            Not really? Shinn himself has had time to cool down and reflect on his life by the time they meet up. It helps that Kira is genuinely nice as he knows Shinn almost killed him but doesn't hold a grudge over it and just wants to comrades instead. This touches Shinn's heart so much that it's not surprising that he ends up being quite respectful towards Kira in the end.

            • 11 months ago

              >Not really?
              YES really.

              Stop using fanfiction to justify fanfiction. SRW writers try to "fix" Shinn and Seed Destiny is so cringe. It always sounds worse.

              >This touches Shinn's heart
              LMAO. Touches his heart! lol.

              What's next? Rau ressurects and teams up with Kira? Maybe Rau apologizes to Mwu and they become a close family and hug.


              • 11 months ago

                >Maybe Rau apologizes to Mwu and they become a close family and hug.
                This would be kino. The cycle of hatred gets extinguished and everyone lives happily ever after in CE

              • 11 months ago

                >YES really.
                Not really. It's not fanfiction either considering it's straight from the franchise creators through the show itself and its Drama CDs. Game media like SRW and SD Generations are just basing it off that. Shit, even in real life, countries go to war all the time but some learn to move on and become close allies. Shinn learning to work alongside Kira is not out of the question. You can deny it if you want but that just means you're being a simple minded idiot who can't accept simple facts.

              • 11 months ago

                >Omake CDs
                They aren't canon. Just like all skits with Shinn crossdressing and pretending to be a girl isn't canon either. They are extra fun things made to help sell the TV series disc boxset so fans who buy it feel like they are getting something exclusive.

              • 11 months ago

                >They aren't canon.
                They are, as is Final Plus epilogue which is where the whole thing started you idiot. Also, weird that you would use the obviously gag episode which is the Chibi SEED Theatre. Can't think of anything else to use can you? Save yourself the trouble before your brain melts from excessive thinking.

              • 11 months ago

                >They are
                Prove it.

              • 11 months ago

                >They aren't canon
                Fukuda tweeted otherwise

              • 11 months ago

                One of the last things Morosawa wrote for the series. Shinn lists a load of reasons he thinks Athrun is a pain in the ass, but comments that Kira seems like a nice warm guy.

                Shinn also awkwardly thanks Athrun for stopping him in the final Genesis fight, but Athrun’s response is autistic and the end up screaming at each other.

          • 11 months ago

            You expect Shinn to harbor a grudge for the rest of his life over that?

            • 11 months ago

              >You expect Shinn to harbor a grudge for the rest of his life over that?
              Considering Shinn's attitude throughout Destiny, yes. Absolutely. 100%.


              One of the last things Morosawa wrote for the series. Shinn lists a load of reasons he thinks Athrun is a pain in the ass, but comments that Kira seems like a nice warm guy.

              Shinn also awkwardly thanks Athrun for stopping him in the final Genesis fight, but Athrun’s response is autistic and the end up screaming at each other.

              >That aside, I do love how in supplementary material and spin-off games Shinn is unironically way more respectful with Kira than he ever was with Athrun.
              It makes sense honestly.

              Shinn only meets Kira twice in the story, and by the time of the second meeting they're both agree to put the past behind them and go forward together.

              Meanwhile Shinn knows Athrun throughout the story and knows him a lot more than he does with Kira.

              It also helps that Kira treats Shinn as a equal while Athrun, even after Destiny as show in the CDs, always treats him like dirt.

              This is PATHETIC. It's exactly the same as this sort of bullshit: "kira is kind and perfect and can do no wrong at all".

              • 11 months ago

                If it makes you feel better, in the Morosawa drama Athrun starts ranting about why Kira sucks and will make Shinn’s life miserable.

              • 11 months ago

                It doesn't, because it's probably meant in that "I intimately know this person, so I can trash-talk about him" friendly manner. In other words, the same as that scene where Cagalli confronts Athrun and he describes Kira as "whiny" and "impulsive".

              • 11 months ago

                Nah, getting his ass severely whooped and talking to Stella's ghost snapped him out of it.

                >"kira is kind and perfect and can do no wrong at all"
                Nah, Shinn just grew up which surprise can happen in real life too.

            • 11 months ago

              >You expect Shinn to harbor a grudge for the rest of his life over that?
              Yeah I do. Freedom killed the love of his life Stella. And Shinn blames Freedom and Orb for the death of his family. Shinn was willing to commit nuclear explosion double suicide, and stab Freedom's nuclear reactor. As long as it meant killing Freedom and its pilot.

              • 11 months ago

                >And Shinn blames Freedom and Orb for the death of his family.
                Not Freedom, just Orb. As the viewers we know Freedom was likely responsible for the explosion on the ground that blew his family to bits, but Shinn was down in a ditch looking for a phone on the ground, he didn't see anything and it's not like the camera view specifically panned upward to show the Freedom and Shinn staring at it, foaming at the mouth.

              • 11 months ago

                Not only is Shinn not looking but when Freedom first attacks him in episode 23 he says in the next episode that he'd heard the name and stories but had never seen the actual mobile suit before.

              • 10 months ago

                >And Shinn blames Freedom and Orb for the death of his family.
                Not Freedom, just Orb. As the viewers we know Freedom was likely responsible for the explosion on the ground that blew his family to bits, but Shinn was down in a ditch looking for a phone on the ground, he didn't see anything and it's not like the camera view specifically panned upward to show the Freedom and Shinn staring at it, foaming at the mouth.

                It's funny how the Freedom just disappears from that flashback eventually.

  10. 11 months ago

    I've been torn about this for a day, which gundam should I watch next Wing or Seed. My favorite gundams are OYW based

    • 11 months ago

      Seed has surface similarities to the OYW and kinda apes the first 15 or 20 episodes of MSG but is mostly different enough to not be called a cheap rehash even for haters of the show.

      Wing is fairly different altogether, there isn't a huge amount of influence from MSG, but for the fans who like it, they generally happen to like the grunt MS more than the Gundams, even if they blow up a hundred times each.

    • 11 months ago

      Kira and Athrun have fun interactions.

  11. 11 months ago

    Filthy coordinators are a problem that needs to be addressed.

    • 11 months ago

      They just need their genes defiled with Natural wiener.

    • 11 months ago

      Post the pasta

    • 11 months ago

      >t. Djibril "Pull the trigger on a coordinator"

  12. 11 months ago

    By having teleporting Gundams and nano machines. And psychic powers

  13. 11 months ago

    Kira a cute.

  14. 11 months ago

    By being better characters

  15. 11 months ago

    Don't forget.


  16. 11 months ago

    By being actually interesting.

    • 11 months ago

      The really silly thing is that Kira isn't actually that impressive within the franchise even if you just consider things on a pure power level, and there are far more powerful protagonists in at least Domon and Setsuna, both of whom it's plausible to think could defeat Kira when he's in the Strike Freedom without using a mobile suit themselves because of the constraints of their settings.

      • 11 months ago

        Generally people compare pilots based on skill more then "power level". That being said, Setsuna can't beat a Mobile Suit without one, Domon sure. But Set's isn't anywhere near what Domon can do.

        • 11 months ago

          Arguably ELS Setsuna can, but that's based on a lot of conjecture, and even more worryingly would probably just lead to the creation of ELS Jesus Yamato.

          • 11 months ago

            ELS Setsuna was what I meant, yes, because the "part ELS" means that he's probably superhumanely tough and possibly means he could partially shapeshift to create weapons; including GN ones. It is of course conjecture, but that's why I said it was "plausible" rather than making a definitive statement i.e. you could make a good argument for it being true based on what we see of the ELS physiology within the movie.

        • 11 months ago

          Even Domon being powerful enough to fight Death Army suits on foot is impressive but he couldn't stand up to Gundam's without his own.

  17. 11 months ago

    Heine, he was a nice guy, he sang jpop songs, and you killed him!

    • 11 months ago

      how old was he though

      • 11 months ago

        Heine was 21. Slightly older than the main cast but not by much.

  18. 11 months ago

    Kira used a beam rifle and beam saber against the impulse. That's it

  19. 11 months ago

    I'm watching for first time since movie was announced. I'm up to ep 30. Is this where the Jesus meme started? Literally survived explosion right outside his exposed wienerpick while on Earth then wakes up on a space colony nani?

  20. 11 months ago

    I still don't think I get how "power levels" in seed actually work. Like I get from heightened awareness and faster reflexes and all that jazz but it's like you pop the seed, get a flashy effect and then the enemy just stops fighting. We're supposed to accept these strength tiers as an absolute but there's no real change in approach to how anyone suddenly starts fighting. It just goes a certain away until people remember Kira is supposed to win.

  21. 11 months ago

    The School of the Undefeated of the East don't give a shit about your Cyber-Newtype hax.

  22. 11 months ago

    Frick Coordinators

    • 11 months ago

      In the butt!

      • 11 months ago

        Go back to Cinemaphile, Gordon.

    • 11 months ago

      >learns that shinn killed her sister
      >kisses him afterward
      Her character was ruined

  23. 11 months ago

    He's not a newtype.

    • 11 months ago

      rewatch seed destiny.

  24. 11 months ago

    Kaihedgie's favorite pilot. (Though his favourite Gundam is the Delta Kai, which makes him a hypocrite)

  25. 11 months ago

    Behead coordinators
    Slam dunk a coordinator baby into the trash can
    Liquify coordinators in a vat of acid
    Crucify filthy coordinators
    Disintegrate coordinators with Tannhauser beams.

    • 11 months ago

      Behead naturals with a shield
      Destroy naturals means of energy production
      Pop naturals with microwaves
      Shoot down shuttles filled with natural children
      Vaporize naturals with high-energy beams

      Had ZAFT won, they would have hit a dead end breeding each other. They would have started breeding camps where captured naturals are forcibly spermjacked or impregnated all day, every day. Even free naturals, unable to find jobs elsewhere because of inevitable ZAFT policies ruining their careers, would've been forced to work in the reproduction industry and have unprotected, babymaking sex with bajillions of coordinators every day to make a living.

  26. 11 months ago

    Behead naturals with a shield
    Destroy naturals means of energy production
    Pop naturals with microwaves
    Shoot down shuttles filled with natural children
    Vaporize naturals with high-energy beams

    • 11 months ago

      You forgot
      >If all else fails, just colony drop Earth.

    • 11 months ago

      Can't believe Athrun's dad is literally Hitler.

  27. 11 months ago

    I just finished Seed and am committed to finish the entire saga despite it being a huge turd. Can someone tell me where I should go from here? I should read astray next right?

  28. 11 months ago

    Durandal did nothing wrong except lose

    • 11 months ago

      Durandal did everything wrong. If he hadn't been to quick to try to kill Kira and Lacus they might have been convinced by him like everyone else

    • 11 months ago

      Durandal's biggest mistakes are the Lacus assassination attempt and the rapid escalation of his plan after the LOGOS announcement. The latter is almost out of character considering how good he was at being a politician before, he should have known how to better manipulate public perception.

      • 11 months ago

        I feel like the latter is in character with the former and fits with Durandal overall being a massive control freak that will immediately leap at the chance to get rid someone that only might potentially be a problem. Lacus and co are out in the open, immediately send a hit squad. Hear that Shinn is now pissed at Kira and planning to fight him, immediately drop everything on Logos and launch a full out attack on AA. Athrun is grumpy because you seemingly killed his buddy, frame him for treason send goons and then escalate to ordering him killed no prisoners or questions taken. Everything is in place for the Destiny Plan and the second assassination attack failed, frick it all in, activate Requiem and prepare to blow up Orb.

        Durandal is cunning with people he thinks will listen to him, but he always immediately defaults to full out assault on people he knows probably won't

  29. 11 months ago

    Can Kira do karate in his Gundam?

    Yeah, that's what I fricking thought

    • 11 months ago

      >Can Kira do karate in his Gundam?
      Why even do karate in Gundam when Domon can (with Master Asia's help) straight up kick a building into the sky?

  30. 11 months ago

    >normal kid
    >no military experience
    >no martial arts
    >steals mobile suits
    >beats Newtypes alone
    >beats Category Fs alone
    >beats war veterans (2 of them alone)
    >beats a colony laser alone
    >even though he has one of the most powerful weapons in the genre, he rarely ever uses it
    >married his love interest and became a father
    >is a successful pilot and husband
    How can any other Gundam Protag even compete?

    • 11 months ago

      By not being in a show that got cancelled.

      • 11 months ago

        Garrod bows before Bandai, but Kira makes Bandai kneel.

      • 11 months ago

        Gundam 0079 got canceled too and it's still a very popular show.
        Seed is hated by western audience, and Destiny got shitted on by everyone who likes Gundam

        • 11 months ago

          >Western fanbase
          >actually mattering

          • 11 months ago

            G-b***h was made for the Americ**t LGBT audience

  31. 11 months ago

    By having a personality and good taste in women

  32. 11 months ago

    >How can any other Gundam Protag even compete?
    By becoming literal Space Jesus. I am not kidding. Setsuna can straight up talk to the dead and bring them back to life if he wants. Did it with Graham and Neil even after both literally blew up their bodies in a fiery explosion, so god knows what else he can even do and if the concept of death would even apply to him or any Innovator for that matter.

    • 11 months ago

      Graham could be described as Setsuna telling the ELS to salvage him.
      Is that canon or something to appease the fans that never got a follow-up?

      >Freedom is an outdated MS and outdated skeletal frame from two years ago
      It's anything but. The Freedom still outperformed every modern MS at the time and the only reason it even got destroyed was because Kira was being an absolute idiot during his and Shinn's battle.

      It was a unique scenario. Take them out on a field without prep and Freedom would've still been kicking. Kira had to deal with a man with on-demand replacement parts that wanted to kill him while he initially held back until his unit was pretty fricked. He had to keep an eye on AA and got distracted at the worst moment which led him to get bum rushed by Shinn with an AS sword.

      • 11 months ago

        >Is that canon or something to appease the fans that never got a follow-up?
        It's canon. The Gundam 00 sequel, whatever it is, plans to follow up on the events set up by the stage play in the future. We're probably getting it around 2027 to coincide with 00's 20th anniversary.

        And let's be honest, they're not gonna miss a chance to sell more Exia kits like the R4.

  33. 11 months ago

    Can he launch a skyscraper into the air or fight MSs on foot and win?

  34. 11 months ago

    You know what would've been gutsy-er?

    Is if Durandal did not pair Athrun up with the Minerva Crew and instead tasked him to bolster the ZAFT space force.

    and instead of Shinn being Anakin, it's Athrun who gets corrupted into a blind sense of Justice, which means the Minerva Crew and the AA crew actually team up to take him down

  35. 11 months ago

    Heero can predict the future and he got like buster riflex20 in Frozen Teardrop and NANOMACHINES SON, he can blast the moon.

  36. 11 months ago

    He barely is. Outside of his battles with Rau and Rey, Kira, and by extension Mu, rarely ever show typical Newtype abilities and at most it's limited to increased spatial awareness as opposed to the Jedi-esque psychic powers that later UC entries post 0079 began to show.

    • 11 months ago

      does flay's space ghost count as newtype-esque?

      • 11 months ago

        No because either that wasn't really happening in reality, or if it was Kira couldn't hear her.

      • 11 months ago

        >does flay's space ghost count as newtype-esque?
        It actually doesn't. If memory serves right the director confirmed that Kira and Flay weren't actually talking to each other, it's just them expressing the feelings they had bottled up at the time and what they would have said had they been able to reunite.

        • 11 months ago

          I think this is going to be retconned in lieu of Kira becoming a Newtype in Destiny.

          • 11 months ago

            >I think this is going to be retconned in lieu of Kira becoming a Newtype in Destiny.
            I don't think it ever was retconned regardless. You can tell by the way Kira and Flay "talk" that they're not actually directly speaking to each other as they were just saying stuff as opposed to actually conversing like two people would.

            • 11 months ago

              >inb4 Freedom has one scene of Literally Flay and Kira talking and Flay finally telling Kira it's okay to love Lacus

              Because IT WILL happen. Kuwashima said she will be in the movie in one way or the other, and Stella isn't really going to be it based on how the film is focused on Kira.

              • 11 months ago

                Can we have more ghost Flay?

              • 11 months ago

                Like I said, Kuwashima Houko did say that she has a role in the movie.

  37. 11 months ago

    Explain George Glenn and the whale shit he obsessed about which has nearly anything to do with the story.

  38. 11 months ago

    Bellri has so far been the best MC so far in the 21st century

    • 11 months ago

      Is that why G-Reco is so forgotten and barely talked about by fans even compared to Gundam X?

      • 11 months ago


        • 11 months ago

          And G-Reco is clearly neither.

  39. 11 months ago

    I hope whatever made 3d battle, used this quality

  40. 11 months ago

    I want to approach Miriallia and tell her Tolle's dead.

  41. 11 months ago


    • 10 months ago

      If the post from the other week about Morosawa wanting to be a homemaker and Fukuda pressuring her to be a script writer are true, I feel bad for her.

      I wonder if she thought about and regretted Talia’s death, given that she predeceased her children.

      • 10 months ago

        >>If the post from the other week about Morosawa wanting to be a homemaker and Fukuda pressuring her to be a script writer are true, I feel bad for her.
        It is true: https://trafalgarlog.wordpress.com/2023/07/12/id-like-to-talk-to-this-person-107-chiaki-morosawa-from-animage-vol-358-april-2008/

        >—Unlike Cyber Formula, the Dendoh project had a large number of pro screenwriters participating on it.
        >Morosawa: That’s right. To be honest, I really didn’t like it very much. I just didn’t have enough experience to coordinate a series like that. For a long time, I wrote Cyber [Formula] from my own home, so this was my first time writing scripts with a group. The producer, Furusato (Naotake), was a great help to me. In my head, I was thinking “Sorry for being out of place here, it’s like I just wandered in, my husband is always helping me out.”

        >—So what made you decide to do Dendoh?
        >Morosawa: Fukuda called for me. At first, someone else was going to be the lead writer, but it didn’t feel right. When Fukuda was having trouble coming up with the initial developments, I carelessly said “Why not have the protagonist get kidnapped by the enemy?” Eventually he just asked me to “Come on.”

        >—After Dendoh ended, did you decide to become a professional screenwriter?
        >Morosawa: No, I didn’t think I would. I had fun writing Dendoh, but the toys didn’t sell and the ratings weren’t all that great. So you could say that it was a failure. I thought that having an amateur working on it was the cause of that failure. I have two children, and around the time Dendoh was over, the younger one was in elementary school, so I joined the PTA there.

  42. 10 months ago

    I gotta give it to the anon posting proof about phase shift. At first I didn't believe it but he actually backed up his claims. It also reveals how little some fans here in the thread pay attention to details of the show. Im ashamed to say I'm didn't remember a lot of this stuff. I tip my hat off to you anon.

    • 10 months ago

      The problem is it's hard to know exactly what the show is supposed to have, even in stuff that's shown like this because the staff was so out of sync with each other. The Windam's and phase shift are a great example. Some animator team assumed they had it for some reason and did a few destroyed Windam's greyed out in PS down colors but that clashes with every other team's depiction of them where they're always in color even when powered down in the hangars and they're destroyed by physical rounds, with one even being destroyed by Impulse's chest guns which should never happen if it had PS.

      Eventually they came up with the explanation that Windam's can have PS but most pilots don't use it which is fricking stupid and just is there to covered that team's animation frick up because nobody caught it until it was too late.

      • 10 months ago

        >Eventually they came up with the explanation that Windam's can have PS but most pilots don't use it which is fricking stupid and just is there to covered that team's animation frick up because nobody caught it until it was too late.

        Right. The databooks state that Windams have VPS. But pilots can choose how much power is diverted to Windham Variable phase shift. Many Windams pilots opt to have VPS on low power or even off because it's a a big battery drain, and almost every enemy uses beams now. Remember Phase shift is almost useless against beams.

        Perhaps the fans were wrong here? It make perfect sense for pilots to turn off their phase shift or keep it on barest minimum power since almost every enemy mobile suit has beams now. I'm sure I'm seeing any issue here...

        • 10 months ago

          The issue is aside from a few split second shots of Windam's grey Seed Destiny acts as if Windam's don't have Phase Shift at all. That's very obviously a throw in years later to try to justify their frick up

  43. 10 months ago

    I'm 39 episodes in and I'm pretty sure I already reached the point where people start hating Kira but I actually like him even more, is he going to get worse from now on?

    • 10 months ago

      he's fine in SEED, but insufferable in Destiny

      • 10 months ago

        Seems like most of the community agrees with this opinion, I hope I'll still like him though since I've been loving SEED so far.

        Unrelated to that, when did you watch SEED and do you know what's the best way to watch it? I'm using that animepack torrent but I think there should be better stuff out there

        • 10 months ago

          Pack is fine. There are a few glitches episodes of Destiny remaster (I think 1 and 36) that you’ll need to grab somewhere else.

          • 10 months ago

            For my first watch I'm going with the Original broadcast of both shows, I tried comparing it to the remastered and I think the music and overall feel is better so I'll stick with it.

            I will try to finish the Remastered version by the time the movie comes out.

        • 10 months ago

          I watched the original release almost 2 decades ago (saw SEED on CN), and Destiny sometime in 2009ish so I don't remember them much. I rewatched the remasters again earlier this year and enjoyed them though, and it makes the show more watchable these days imo. The original release does have better ED transitions and insert songs though.

      • 10 months ago

        only shinngays say that
        destiny kira is still a fine character

        • 10 months ago

          Kira is a piece of shit for not helping the Minerva when Orb and the EAF tried to gangbang them at the border.

          • 10 months ago

            why should he? he doesn't trust ZAFT at all

            • 10 months ago

              He doesn’t trust the EAF either, and the EAF were being dicks.

              The AA’s neutrality gimmick would be more convincing if they helped ZAFT once before Berlin.

              • 10 months ago

                They technically started out helping Zaft in the second Crete battle. Just that Shinn was pissed about their first attack and started shooting at them which ended any chance of Kira not being hostile to them

        • 10 months ago

          Kira in Destiny comes off as very antagonistic, and then the writers decide you're forced to like him during the last stretch of the show

          • 10 months ago

            but I like him throughout!

  44. 10 months ago

    Will the OG Freedom make an appearance in the film?

    • 10 months ago

      Maybe. Rumor is there's a flashback fight which is where the shots of the Ginn's come from

  45. 10 months ago

    So, who'll be able to get the remastered 'Special Edition' movies?

  46. 10 months ago

    I don't have a problem with grunts getting some weakened version of phase shift. But my biggest problem with Seed Destiny is how absurdly weak the grunts. I recall there was an episode where Shinn in Impulse fought 40 Windham grunts and managed to win without a scratch. That just seems crazy to me. How tf is Shinn dodging 40 beams at once? Not a single hit.
    If this were Seed, then not even Kira in Strike Gundam could fight 40 Ginns all attacking him and the Archangel at once.

    Is there even a single scene in all of Seed Destiny of a Windam winning a battle or shooting down an enemy ZAFT grunt?

    • 10 months ago

      The Windam is infamously one of the few grunt mechs in the entire franchise without a single win. Story-wise, it's at least comparable to the Zakus and Murasames and Miu proves it's useable in the right hands. It's just almost nobody ever uses it well.

      • 10 months ago

        Supposedly EA pilots just suck that bad. Mu was only able to be effective with his because he turned the output to max something most grunt pilots aren't capable of.

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