>seething over Star Wars

>seething over Star Wars

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  1. 4 weeks ago

    One time the internet was fun, and it was fun to be a part of something, even if you were just hating on bad prequels.

  2. 4 weeks ago

    Lucas Derangement Syndrome is real.

  3. 4 weeks ago
    • 4 weeks ago

      Christ imagine being these guys

      • 4 weeks ago

        >Christ imagine being these guys

        Daily reminder star Wars fanboys are the most insane and cancerous there is. Also most cringe.

  4. 4 weeks ago
  5. 4 weeks ago

    "the prequels are actually go-"

    • 4 weeks ago


    • 4 weeks ago

      Episode I was kino.

    • 4 weeks ago

      this movie is worth for peak portman alone. also, detective obi was was also kino

      • 4 weeks ago

        The last part with the battle of Geonosis is great too.
        People hate because of the usual "too much politics" and "it ruined my headcanon" bullshit.

        • 4 weeks ago

          The Prequels all suffer from being way too bloated and this one in particular suffers in that Anakin is a moody psychopath the entire movie. Hes always seething, hes a brat to Obi Wan, and hes an insane freak ranting about wanting a dictatorship and killing off inferior sand people while screaming ""I hate them!" with tears in his eyes. It ruins any "hero falls to the dark side" story its trying to build. Also, the romance between Anakin and Padme is completely inauthentic, they fall in love because the story needed them too.

          It also has that horrible scene of c3po in the droid factory. I do agree that people who b***h because "the movie didnt match up to my head cannon so its bad" is moronic though.

          • 4 weeks ago

            >It also has that horrible scene of c3po in the droid factory.
            that was slapstickino, you just got filtered

          • 4 weeks ago

            >Hes always seething, hes a brat to Obi Wan, and hes an insane freak ranting about wanting a dictatorship and killing off inferior sand people while screaming ""I hate them!" with tears in his eyes. It ruins any "hero falls to the dark side" story
            He couldn't have people thinking the dark side was cool. If he made the fall more subtle and intelligent, the audience would realize the Jedi council actually feared Anakin. They believed his power would upset their order. The viewer would realize the Jedi were, like the Republic, more concerned with maintaining their influence than living up to their principles. Like, here comes Quigon with a kid that fulfills the prophecy, the kid they've supposedly been looking for. What does the council do? Try to reject him on a technicality. When that fails they act like complete Black folk towards him his whole life. Then they make him protect miss sexy breasts which sets him up for failure. If Anakin acted like anything other than a spoiled brat, we would rightly label the Jedi the bad actors that killed the Republic.

          • 4 weeks ago

            >killing off inferior sand people while screaming ""I hate them!" with tears in his eyes
            They killed his mom, dude. That's not a psychopath, but what most people would do if they had the power he has.

          • 4 weeks ago

            Why do you autists lack empathy? I'm inclined to believe that one anon from several threads ago about nerds hating Anakin because he wasn't enough of a edgy badass.

        • 4 weeks ago

          ironically, the gen x redittors who kept complaining about the politics during the PT era are the same ones who like Blandor and use Lucas commentaries on the PT and ROTJ (the second most overhated after the PT, remember that) to justify the aberrations Disney makes now

          • 4 weeks ago

            They b***h about the political stuff not making sense in TPM when it was explained in the crawl that they never read.

      • 4 weeks ago

        Portman is hot but the way she keeps blueballing Anakin while wearing sexy revealing clothes when they're alone together in the star wars version of a resort hotel is ridiculous.

    • 4 weeks ago

      I saw this is in theater, and you cannot forget the battles when they're on the big screen.

    • 4 weeks ago

      It's hard to tell if it was saved by an amazing soundtrack and imaginative action scenes or ruined by bad romance

      • 4 weeks ago

        its overall a below average movie and probably the worst in the original 6 from a structural perspective, though where it fit in the overall 6 movie saga I think it was inevitably going to be the most challenging film to pull off.
        Its OST contains some of the best pieces of cinematic orchestral music ever made though and dressing up hershlag in sexy outfits did really help gloss over the CGI/effects which were noticeably worse than TPM (a lot of ILM left after TPM and it was a weird transitional period for CGI/practical effects in general).

        As a kid I would fast forward through the cringe romance. Which I now recognize was acted the way it was intentionally as an homage to a particular age of noir films that Lucas was a fan of. I can respect/appreciate that he was going for something very distinctive and sort of achieved that in II/III, but it clashed with the pacing of the film overall. People like to call it poorly acted or poorly directed or whatever but the reality is it was all a choice, which was well executed, but man, it was not a great choice.

        • 4 weeks ago

          My issue is that Hayden and Natalie are just shit choices for those roles plain and simple.
          Both act too stiff and stilted, as if they're doing some period drama and not a cheesy space opera.
          They're not leaning into the role and chewing scenery and having fun with it, which makes them just look like they're uncomfortable and completely misunderstood the tone of the movies.
          Lucas should've picked someone with more flair, more screen presence and a more relaxed approach to the roles.

          And imho even Ewan brings nothing to the Kenobi role really. He comes across also very stiff and boring with nothing really interesting going on with him. He just shows up, says his stiff lines and does what he needs to do in an almost robotic way. Even his line delivery is uninteresting.

          It just really shows how the OT actors totally leaned into the tone of the movies and it works wonderfully while in the PT everyone acts like they barely understand the lines and what they need to emote and have zero understanding of the role they're playing.Honestly most of the time it looks not even like a real take but some casting demo reel they spliced into the movie.

          • 4 weeks ago

            >Both act too stiff and stilted,
            Imagine blaming the actors for a director's failure at directing them.
            I recommend you watch something else they starred in and compare.

          • 4 weeks ago

            >Both act too stiff and stilted, as if they're doing some period drama and not a cheesy space opera.
            The whole point of space opera is that it's a period drama in space.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Watched yesterday and it's truly a pleb filter

    • 4 weeks ago

      I was 12 when TPM came out so literally George's target audience. I remember going by the script: the movie was good because the podrace and the lightsaber fight at the end was awesome. AOTC was weird though, I remember leaving the theater feeling bored. Thanks for reading this.

      • 4 weeks ago

        AOTC felt too fake and videogamey and Hayden was just shit at it. He looked uncomfortable on the screen the entire time.

        Also never really liked that geonosian bit since they're just uninteresting bug people

    • 4 weeks ago

      I remember being hype for this and falling asleep in the theater it was so bad.

  6. 4 weeks ago

    This documentary actually is about how pathetic it was for aging Gen X people to still be seething over star wars.

  7. 4 weeks ago

    >rlm had that dork on as a guest
    >that was 20 years ago

  8. 4 weeks ago
    • 4 weeks ago

      >the bad b***h

      Wait is this real lol

      • 4 weeks ago

        yes gramps, people say "bitch" on TV now.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Willow and Indiana Jones are Star Wars properties now?

    • 4 weeks ago

      The Federal Trade Commission needs to take a sledgehammer and bash Disney into dust.

  9. 4 weeks ago

    what did they think of the sequels?

    • 4 weeks ago

      probably nothing, as they were mostly morons jumping on the trendy bandwagon to hate on lucas

    • 4 weeks ago

      Redditors like it for some reason.

  10. 4 weeks ago

    Reminder that Lucas wrote the final script for Star Wars on his own, he didnt make changes others told him to make

    Reminder that his ex-wife only edited some of the final death star battle scenes and she didnt "save the movie in editing"

    Reminder that Lucas was directly involved in the entire editing process and it wasnt "saved in editing" without him

    Gen-X losers made up their own headcanon about Lucas being the worlds luckiest hack out of spite and now this bullshit infects the internet.

    • 4 weeks ago

      George Lucas is not a good director and can't write. Sneed.

      • 4 weeks ago

        American Graffiti is kino

    • 4 weeks ago

      the dishonest homosexuals also always forgot to mention that SW had 3 editors, not only Marcia

      George Lucas is not a good director and can't write. Sneed.

      not an argument

      • 4 weeks ago

        >Reminder that Lucas was directly involved in the entire editing process and it wasnt "saved in editing" without him
        Sorry homosexual, that point youre trying to make that "Star Wars was saved in editing" isnt true.

    • 4 weeks ago

      >Gen-X losers made up their own headcanon about Lucas being the worlds luckiest hack out of spite and now this bullshit infects the internet.
      You're quite literally correctly. People on theforce.net and OriginalTrilogy who didn't like the prequels/special editions in early 2000s started speculating on what went wrong (was it Marcia Lucas? Was it Gary Kurtz? Surely Lucas didn't just change as a film-maker as he got older and made a movie we didn't like? Someone else must've stepped in and actually been responsible for A New Hope!) Until eventually one fricking guy on those forums decided to write an entire book confirming all these fan rumors (pic related - The Secret History of Star Wars and it's butthole author Michael Kaminski.) Which then got picked up by early 2010s pop culture-obsessed "news" blogs as a source for clickbait articles around the time The Force Awakens came out. And now all those dumb fan rumors from 20 years ago are now internet "fact," even though if you actually bother looking into any of them properly it's almost all bullshit.

      And I don't even fricking like the prequels (well, mostly Attack of the Clones, the other two are... okay I guess.) But it's all bullshit.

      • 4 weeks ago

        >*You're quite literally correct
        frickin typo

      • 4 weeks ago

        Was he the one spreading the rumor that Marcia cucked him with the gardener?

        • 4 weeks ago

          Yes! (Although to be clear it was the guy who did one of Skywalker ranch's stained glass windows, not a gardener.) iirc Marcia Lucas herself came out of hiding to tell him to stop spreading that nonsense lol

      • 4 weeks ago

        I'm a theatrical OT autist, but I fricking hate that place

        • 4 weeks ago

          Those guys unironically still count the sequels as canon.

    • 4 weeks ago

      You're mostly right but just 2 real quick corrections:
      >Reminder that Lucas wrote the final script for Star Wars on his own, he didnt make changes others told him to make
      Nah he did. 2 of his friends (Hal Barwood and Matt Robbins) told him he should introduce Luke way earlier because starting the movie off following the droids is probably gonna filter 90% of the audience. Then when they completed the first rough cut those scenes were the first things George cut out of the movie cause it worked way better the way he'd originally written it.
      >Reminder that Lucas was directly involved in the entire editing process and it wasnt "saved in editing" without him
      Almost, crucially there was originally another editor, John Jympson, who Lucas fired midway through principle photography because the way he was cutting the footage together was incredibly dull and when George asked him to cut it differently he refused. Hence why George hired 3 new editors and the 4 of them had to start recutting the entire movie from scratch. This is where the whole "disastrous first cut" of Star Wars thing comes from, the only problem is: it's not a cut! Jympson was fired before filming wrapped so he never actually finished his first cut.

      We actually have one scene from Jympson's cut available. Sorry for the quality but here it is:

      Notice how it's edited differently to the version on the blu-ray and even has some different footage in it? Also notice how it ends with a big SCENE MISSING title card? In the script that's when it cuts back to the rebel ship when Darth Vader enters, which was the very last thing shot as part of principle photography, well after Jympson's ass got fired. This is actual proof that the whole "saved in the edit" thing is the complete nonsense that it is

    • 4 weeks ago

      its honestly kind of crazy how much people want to paint the picture that Lucas just so happen to make by accident the highest grossing space opera of all time

      Not only that

      the dishonest homosexuals also always forgot to mention that SW had 3 editors, not only Marcia
      not an argument

      , but the "terrible horrible original version" of the movie that Marcia "saved" was just the assembly cut, just all the scenes shot ordered chronologically without any of the effects done. And yeah, the only changes done to the movie was slash the first 20 minutes of luke´s life and the final battle.

  11. 4 weeks ago

    George's only problem is that he can't write dialogue.

  12. 4 weeks ago

    I love this documentary. It's full of delicious gen X tears

  13. 4 weeks ago

    >be George
    >get rights back to Star Wars toys because the toy company can’t be bothered to pay you anymore since no one cares
    >now decide to make new movies to get rich off toy rights
    >make 3 movies that exist to introduce new action figures every 5 minutes instead of making a good story

    • 4 weeks ago

      Is this true about the toy rights? Is that why he released the special editions in 97?

      • 4 weeks ago

        Nah he got full control of the toy rights back in either 1990 or 1991, hence the Star Wars merchandising bonanza throughout the early 90s. He was already doing really well even without any new movies.

    • 4 weeks ago

      How dare that DEMON Lucas make new products for people to enjoy? Doesn't he know Star Wars is supposed to be Rebels vs Empire in sand planets forever?

      • 4 weeks ago

        That was the problem tho most people didn't enjoy the prequels or the special editions

        • 4 weeks ago

          Most people did, a vocal minority (which is increasingly smaller and irrelevant) didn't.

          • 4 weeks ago

            Okay most people above the age of 15 didn't like it.

            • 4 weeks ago

              Who cares, genxers are the most entitled and useless generation

              • 4 weeks ago

                They're also the ones who started a lot of the bullshit we have today. The millennials they b***hed about back then were their fricking kids. Same with older zoomers. Way too many Gen Xers made for shit parents.

      • 4 weeks ago

        I know the Clone Wars cartoon apparently did this but couldn't he introduce new stuff in the same setting?

        'The Empire' and 'lightsabers' weren't there, then they were. I don't know what because every attempt was bad, but something like the Yuuzhan Vong or the weirder shit from the pre-prequels Old Republic comics.

        • 4 weeks ago

          >couldn't he introduce new stuff in the same setting?
          He did.

    • 4 weeks ago

      If the toys sell that means the thing is popular and well liked.
      Nu-Wars shit on the other hand doesn't realy sell

  14. 4 weeks ago

    Prequals are better than the sequals, Gen-Xers' can go frick themselves.

    • 4 weeks ago

      the prequels may be cgi shitfests with goofy dialog, but there's at least some themes that come through well enough, like how anakin's character is basically a cautionary tale on what happens when you let the fear of things beyond your control dictate your actions. his greatest fears are realized and he loses himself in the process. i can't think of much like that with the sequels, outside of giving kylo some manner of "anybody can change" redemption at the end, because they don't really develop any of the characters enough for anything to come through

      • 4 weeks ago

        Kylo is like Anakin but with good acting.

  15. 4 weeks ago

    Thank god people are starting to wake up from their delusional Lucas derangement syndrome. Millions of schlubby, flyover lunatics couldn't understand the themes of fricking children's movies and got so mad about jar jar binks they ruined what star wars could have been. They're to blame for the disneyslop.

    • 4 weeks ago
  16. 4 weeks ago

    >uh it's actually about film PRESERVATION

    okay then, where's my home release of the theatrical cut of The Phantom Menace? we get Spider-Man 2.1 with ADDITIONAL UNSEEN SCENES on DVD and that's a bonus?

  17. 4 weeks ago

    What a gay, manufactured controversy. Was this made by Disney to get Lucas to sell?

  18. 4 weeks ago

    It doesn't really matter anymore. This, like Star Trek and Fallout, Castlevania, The Witcher, and everything else they've made a straight-to-streaming adaptation of in the last 15-20 years, is forever lost to us and no amount of debate will ever make it matter again. Simple as.

  19. 4 weeks ago

    phantom menace was the first star wars movie I ever saw and to this day the only time ive ever walked out of the theatre

    • 4 weeks ago

      Kek, it’s such a shit movie but I love it because I first watched it when I was 8

  20. 4 weeks ago

    When do they release the sequel "Furries On Youtube Vs. Rian Johnson"?

  21. 4 weeks ago

    The prequels were ahead of their time, it showed you a glimpse of the future, turning everything lame and gay
    There were no cool characters, aliens or costumes, the dialogue was awful, the overuse of greenscreen soulless and the spaceships dorky trash
    It was a great wake-up call that anything cool from the previous generation had been completely lost
    The fact they had to rehab the franchise with a decade of animation will never not be hilarious and quite pathetic

    • 4 weeks ago

      Jesus Christ, do you frickers like anything?

      • 4 weeks ago

        I think the better question is, why do you want us to lie to ourselves so badly and why do you get so upset when we voice our opinions
        I think the real reason is you are mentally ill and don't deserve to be listened to or catered to in anyway and that drives you insane because the way social media works you can connect and create ecosystems online where you trap yourself into a confirmation bias'ed echo-chambers
        You like unaesthetic things because that's what you are and seeing beauty or intriguing things means you can't relate to it in the slightest, in fact it probably causes you great pain
        You can't determine if people are laughing at you or with you, you see the world as something to be mocked and subverted because that's the only way you can relate because you are in fact a joke and cruel mockery of life that the modern world has let fester to the detriment of all

        • 4 weeks ago

          Or maybe you're projecting your negative qualities onto others to assuage the self-hatred you feel in yourself.

        • 4 weeks ago

          Jesus Christ, you need help.

  22. 4 weeks ago




    • 4 weeks ago

      agreed. pod racing is awesome and I'm sick of pretending it's not.

      • 4 weeks ago

        >pod racing is awesome
        Sure, the first time you see it. On repeat watches, when you already know what's happening, it loses all of its intrigue, since there's no narrative of thematic weight to anything happening in there. Easily skippable.

        • 4 weeks ago

          >On repeat watches, when you already know what's happening, it loses all of its intrigue, since there's no narrative of thematic weight to anything happening in there. Easily skippable.
          You can say that for fricking anything.

          • 4 weeks ago

            No, you cannot. Most scenes, or films as a whole, have immense rewatch value, for they are meaningful and therefore, every rewatch adds to your understanding of that meaning. (That's simple hermeneutics).
            This is even true for the overwhelming majority of scenes in Star Wars films.

    • 4 weeks ago

      I just got back from the theaters from the rescreening. I'm a zoom zoom who wasn't even alive when Phantom Menace came out and it's an immaculate film.
      The visuals are stunning, the shots are breathtaking, there's this gravitas in every scene, there's enough artistry in each frame of the film to take up like ten films. There's so much care put into it, like all the low shots that indicate Anakin's POV. There's a childlike, optimistic whimsy through a lot of the film that's inspiring. It really sets up the trilogy and the story ahead beautifully.
      Did boomers really shit and piss themselves over this?

      • 4 weeks ago

        >I'm a zoom zoom
        >it's an immaculate film.

      • 4 weeks ago

        Really? I think even the most ardent prequel supporters wouldn’t argue TPM is an immaculate film. It’s a shitty movie with some decent visuals and a 10/10 score.

      • 4 weeks ago

        >Did boomers really shit and piss themselves over this?
        Autists will always be autists no matter the generation.

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