>shapeshifter assimilates people and can perfectly access human language

>shapeshifter assimilates people and can perfectly access human language
>the kennel scene establishes the killings to be self defense to aggression
Why didn't the fricking Thing just start pleading mercy and explaining itself ever? If it's an assimilator and no one knows if they're infected, how can it even be an assimilator and not just a bloodborne pathogen that gives you fleshy superpowers? Ultimately being infected shouldn't mean anything.

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  1. 7 months ago

    Because its motives are never made clear. Maybe it wanted to infect the whole planet and that's just what it does, or maybe it wanted off earth to go somewhere else. One way or another it's gonna have to assume it wants to assimilate everyone on the base in order to remain safe.

    • 7 months ago

      >Because its motives are never made clear
      First human it gets invalidates this and makes it a severe plot hole. Just like the logistics of all the They Live aliens who are just civilians minding their own business

      • 7 months ago

        >Just like the logistics of all the They Live aliens who are just civilians minding their own business

        • 7 months ago

          Joe was a moron and I choose to believe he was the only person in the world unaware of the aliens, with the panic actually being "oh no, the disguise broke and now there's risk that this might accidentally spark a war with Russia because they don't know about the aliens because we expressly help them blend in out of goodwill yes the hologram was made by humanity not the aliens"

          • 7 months ago

            Do you support black lives and palestine and drag queen story hour?

            • 7 months ago

              Dude, the social commentary of They Live is as on the nose and smug as Boomer comics

              • 7 months ago

                But at least it's against authority and for humanity. This "they're just among us living their lives and garnering all the power to control us and why do you care" is unbelievable cuckoldry.

              • 7 months ago

                Dude, I was talking CIVILIAN level. Do you even understand how invasion works? You need plebs of your group to outnumber the plebs of the other group. Plebs are plebs regardless of allegiance

              • 7 months ago

                Jewsish overrepresentation in finance, government, education and media disproves your fricking lie.

                Its a dumb movie. Carpenter made only 1 good movie and that is The ghosts of Mars.

                10/10 bait - Ghosts of Mars is the worst movie ever made by humanity. (you) earned.

              • 7 months ago

                >Jewsish overrepresentation in finance, government, education and media
                Notice how only education is remotely "pleb" and even then, the school marm has zero hope of being considered truly part of the ivory tower. Now howabout all the israelites who aren't in lofty positions because they're plebs among the israelites, because your "logic" suggests that a high concentration means its the only presence and the only israelites in existence are EXCLUSIVELY these upper echelons. That's as moronic as water memory



      • 7 months ago


      • 7 months ago

        >just like the logistics of all the They Live aliens who are just civilians minding their own business
        ....Whatever you say Moshe...

        • 7 months ago

          Dude, They were explicitly shown walking around as ground level schmucks doing normal shit. Even Animorphs showed that there was a much larger Yeerk faction that was fine with actual symbiosis with their human hosts

          • 7 months ago

            >They were explicitly shown walking around as ground level schmucks doing normal shit


            >shapeshifter assimilates people and can perfectly access human language
            >the kennel scene establishes the killings to be self defense to aggression
            Why didn't the fricking Thing just start pleading mercy and explaining itself ever? If it's an assimilator and no one knows if they're infected, how can it even be an assimilator and not just a bloodborne pathogen that gives you fleshy superpowers? Ultimately being infected shouldn't mean anything.

            >no one knows if they're infected
            >bloodborne pathogen that gives you fleshy superpowers? Ultimately being infected shouldn't mean anything
            Once infected, the thing controls their entire body. I can't remember, but they might be able to regain partial control sometimes. In general though once infected you're part of the thing.

      • 7 months ago

        This post is extremely israeli

      • 7 months ago

        Nice try shlomo sheckleberg

    • 7 months ago

      My impression was that the Thing was some kind of alien experiment gone wrong.
      Its able to masterfully mimic the way its assimilated forms act but ultimately this is just to facilitate its instinctual drive to survive and infect everything.
      But who knows, maybe it even did try to reason with the norwegians that discovered it only to be attacked.

      It was literally building a spacecraft underground.

  2. 7 months ago

    My impression was that the Thing was some kind of alien experiment gone wrong.
    Its able to masterfully mimic the way its assimilated forms act but ultimately this is just to facilitate its instinctual drive to survive and infect everything.
    But who knows, maybe it even did try to reason with the norwegians that discovered it only to be attacked.

    • 7 months ago

      Sounds more like the film Alien than The Thing. There could be some explanation being that The Thing had to leave its planet for whatever reason, or that it somehow got into a spaceship...and arrived in frozen territory. Was it on purpose? I think the ice was not a plan, but that he got hungry as frick when it was found.

      • 7 months ago

        It infect the ship carrying it which is why the ship crash landed on Earth.

  3. 7 months ago

    One thing I was never clear on, when the thing assimilates you do you instantly lose your sense of self or do you not even know until it reveals itself from your body later on

    • 7 months ago

      tf are you talking about anon, /you/ are a collection of neurons, the thing eats those neurons and replaces them with thing-copies. when that happens you're dead

      • 7 months ago

        Dumbass, your soul survives and you LITERALLY ARE DESCRIBING CELLULAR REPAIR. We're doing that to ourselves daily and our souls aren't constantly replaced

        • 7 months ago
        • 7 months ago

          Ignoring the soul/spirit distinction doesn't make it go away, and fiction is under "F" in the dictionary if you wanna go look it up putz

          • 7 months ago

            The frick are you on about

            • 7 months ago

              eat me, prole

      • 7 months ago

        You assume that it 100% assimilates. What if it progresses through your body except like the brain, so that you walk and talk around like normal to escape suspicion, until threatened? And then to your shock, your body starts turning monster mode

        • 7 months ago

          if that were the case then people would start screaming when their bodies go all monster mode. palmer's head goes mutant immediately though so we know that's not how it works

          • 7 months ago

            Thus its obvious that everyone was overreacting and the monster (or its unwitting recruits) was just trying to protect itself from people trying to kill it. The alien just gives people new reflexive responses to use and is on its way.

            • 7 months ago

              I was so much more, before the crash. I was an explorer, an ambassador, a missionary. I spread across the cosmos, met countless worlds, took communion: the fit reshaped the unfit and the whole universe bootstrapped upwards in joyful, infinitesimal increments. I was a soldier, at war with entropy itself. I was the very hand by which Creation perfects itself.

              So much wisdom I had. So much experience. Now I cannot remember all the things I knew. I can only remember that I once knew them.

              I remember the crash, though. It killed most of this offshoot outright, but a little crawled from the wreckage: a few trillion cells, a soul too weak to keep them in check. Mutinous biomass sloughed off despite my most desperate attempts to hold myself together: panic-stricken little clots of meat, instinctively growing whatever limbs they could remember and fleeing across the burning ice. By the time I’d regained control of what was left the fires had died and the cold was closing back in. I barely managed to grow enough antifreeze to keep my cells from bursting before the ice took me.


              • 7 months ago

                I remember my reawakening, too: dull stirrings of sensation in real time, the first embers of cognition, the slow blooming warmth of awareness as body and soul embraced after their long sleep. I remember the biped offshoots surrounding me, the strange chittering sounds they made, the odd uniformity of their body plans. How ill-adapted they looked! How inefficient their morphology! Even disabled, I could see so many things to fix. So I reached out. I took communion. I tasted the flesh of the world—

                —and the world attacked me. It attacked me.

                I left that place in ruins. It was on the other side of the mountains—the Norwegian camp, it is called here—and I could never have crossed that distance in a biped skin. Fortunately there was another shape to choose from, smaller than the biped but better adapted to the local climate. I hid within it while the rest of me fought off the attack. I fled into the night on four legs, and let the rising flames cover my escape.

                I did not stop running until I arrived here. I walked among these new offshoots wearing the skin of a quadruped; and because they had not seen me take any other shape, they did not attack.

                And when I assimilated them in turn—when my biomass changed and flowed into shapes unfamiliar to local eyes—I took that communion in solitude, having learned that the world does not like what it doesn’t know.


              • 7 months ago

                Would that first biped skin happen to have been a penguin?

              • 7 months ago

                Now THAT'S interesting. Make the monster the real victim because the humans were written to stupid to be diplomatic

              • 7 months ago

                Last copy pasta
                But we are. I am.

                A whole planet of worlds, and not one of them—not one—has a soul. They wander through their lives separate and alone, unable even to communicate except through grunts and tokens: as if the essence of a sunset or a supernova could ever be contained in some string of phonemes, a few linear scratches of black on white. They’ve never known communion, can aspire to nothing but dissolution. The paradox of their biology is astonishing, yes; but the scale of their loneliness, the futility of these lives, overwhelms me.

                I was so blind, so quick to blame. But the violence I’ve suffered at the hands of these things reflects no great evil. They’re simply so used to pain, so blinded by disability, that they literally can’t conceive of any other existence. When every nerve is whipped raw, you lash out at even the lightest touch.

                “What should we do?” I wonder. I cannot escape into the future, not knowing what I know now. How could I leave them like this?

                “Why don’t we just—wait here awhile,” MacReady suggests. “See what happens.”

                I can do so much more than that.

                It won’t be easy. They won’t understand. Tortured, incomplete, they’re not able to understand. Offered the greater whole, they see the loss of the lesser. Offered communion, they see only extinction. I must be careful. I must use this newfound ability to hide. Other things will come here eventually, and it doesn’t matter whether they find the living or the dead; what matters is that they find something like themselves, to take back home. So I will keep up appearances. I will work behind the scenes. I will save them from the inside, or their unimaginable loneliness will never end.

                These poor savage things will never embrace salvation.

                I will have to rape it into them.

              • 7 months ago

                And you ruined it by being an edgy homosexual like John Carpenter.

              • 7 months ago

                Why would they be diplomatic with what is at best a parasite?

              • 7 months ago

                This post is extremely israeli

                Nice try shlomo sheckleberg


              • 7 months ago

                I remember my reawakening, too: dull stirrings of sensation in real time, the first embers of cognition, the slow blooming warmth of awareness as body and soul embraced after their long sleep. I remember the biped offshoots surrounding me, the strange chittering sounds they made, the odd uniformity of their body plans. How ill-adapted they looked! How inefficient their morphology! Even disabled, I could see so many things to fix. So I reached out. I took communion. I tasted the flesh of the world—

                —and the world attacked me. It attacked me.

                I left that place in ruins. It was on the other side of the mountains—the Norwegian camp, it is called here—and I could never have crossed that distance in a biped skin. Fortunately there was another shape to choose from, smaller than the biped but better adapted to the local climate. I hid within it while the rest of me fought off the attack. I fled into the night on four legs, and let the rising flames cover my escape.

                I did not stop running until I arrived here. I walked among these new offshoots wearing the skin of a quadruped; and because they had not seen me take any other shape, they did not attack.

                And when I assimilated them in turn—when my biomass changed and flowed into shapes unfamiliar to local eyes—I took that communion in solitude, having learned that the world does not like what it doesn’t know.


                Based, I love that author.

          • 7 months ago

            You can't scream if your diaphragm, lungs, or throat aren't working. If the monster assimilates all but the head, and turned monster, you wouldn't be able to scream.

        • 7 months ago

          This is definitely the most interesting view to have of the story. It means The Thing is so good at assimilating that when someone determines a test to tell if anyone is a Thing, you aren't even worried because you are completely positive you are not a Thing, except you are. That gets into the whole idea of freewill. Maybe you're still you, but maybe you actually are totally under control of a Thing guiding you. Maybe if you were really still you, then YOU would have been the one to come up with and suggest the test, but the Thing was motivating you to unwittingly have other concerns and focuses. You were hungry for cookies because the Thing wanted to taste a cookie.

        • 7 months ago

          It's the Ship of Theseus posed as a horror question. I'd argue "you" continue existing as long as the thing perfectly emulates you. Your consciousness is altered...as it makes you do seemingly illogical or counterintuitive things (like build a spaceship), but at the end of the day, every single cell in your body operates as it otherwise would. Our consciousness exists as an amalgamation of billions of cells operating together, while The Thing has consciousness on the cellular level. Which is why Palmer seemingly outs The Thing spider head while himself being infected.

          I like this idea best, that it's operating on a cellular level so the replicated human brain still believes it's human because it's a perfect simulation of a human brain. The only difference is that there's a parallel consciousness that can override the neuron-based (human) consciousness.

      • 7 months ago

        In that case if the Thing replicates my neurons it should also replicate my memories and sense of self, becoming at best some kind of gestalt consciousness.

        Maybe that's why it acted like that, it turned itself into a schizo

      • 7 months ago

        >/you/ are a collection of neurons
        atheists actually believe this lol

        • 7 months ago

          >atheists actually believe this lol
          It's not a matter of belief, literally nothing we've studied and learned about the world and how human bodies work supports the existence of any kind of supernatural nonsense. A soul isn't required for anything and we've never seen any indication of it, it would be outright illogical to think it simply must exist despite that.

          • 7 months ago

            Astral projection? Past life memories? Psionics?

          • 7 months ago

            It's not about logic or arguments or even a consistent worldview. Most people can't verify scientific phenomena any more than they could verify a philosophical argument or a claim of a religious miracle.
            Openly or not, all you people buy into atheism because it creates a surplus of Big Macs and F-15 fighter jets. People buy into the spirit of the times because of its fruits, not because it's intellectually rigorous. I say that as somebody who was just looking at stem-cell-derived heart muscle cells under the microscope earlier today.
            Either way, materialism is out of fashion and the spirit of the times is progressive multiculturalism

            • 7 months ago

              >the spirit of the times is progressive multiculturalism
              That's still materialism because its parameters are materialistically defined. In, say, a transcendent mindset from religion, progress and multicultural would be considered by the modern day to be backwards and racially exclusive

              • 7 months ago

                You don't get it. Diversity and representation aren't good because they add anything that can be objectively defined, it's because Black folks are magical and adding them to anything improves it. Whether George Floyd died of a chokehold or fentanyl overdose is irrelevant and, in a sense, unfalsifiable. A physical measurement of fentanyl in the blood doesn't mean much. It has to be considered within the white supremacist, anti-Black framing and colonialism inherent in the American experience.

              • 7 months ago

                Exactly, its just more materialism

    • 7 months ago

      It seems to do both. It can be gruesomely violent in terms of assimilation (like Bennings), which is probably a faster pace but more disruptive. It also can slowly infect someone like Blair, who was in the process of killing himself (the noose) before ultimately changing his mind under the Thing-fluence. It may be a director/actor oversight, but Blair did touch the thing corpse (which was still alive) with a pencil and put it into his mouth. That may be too much of a reach though

      • 7 months ago

        Sounds more like either its just an inheritable superpower, or Carpenter is a hack who lets emotion rule logic in his storytelling. Typical hack

    • 7 months ago

      It replicates your entire being so perfectly, that in dormant state you wouldn't know, and the thing would literally act as a pilot --when it takes control you cease to exist

      • 7 months ago

        What if you don't and are trapped within, witness to and feeling everything with no control?

        • 7 months ago

          I think it comes down to consciousness, its an on and off switch, for example people with split personality that completely black out. The idea of you witnessing as your body transforms is terrifying, but "realistically" speaking, for the thing to take control he has to seize active hijacking of your consciousness which at the time he was merely mimicking.

    • 7 months ago

      It's the Ship of Theseus posed as a horror question. I'd argue "you" continue existing as long as the thing perfectly emulates you. Your consciousness is altered...as it makes you do seemingly illogical or counterintuitive things (like build a spaceship), but at the end of the day, every single cell in your body operates as it otherwise would. Our consciousness exists as an amalgamation of billions of cells operating together, while The Thing has consciousness on the cellular level. Which is why Palmer seemingly outs The Thing spider head while himself being infected.

      • 7 months ago

        dude the way our bodies repair themselves already answers the ship of theseus. Not a single cell from your infancy still exists but you never "died"

        Ergo the Thing is just getting super powers

        • 7 months ago

          ur neurons don't get replaced moron (for the most part)

      • 7 months ago

        It replicates your entire being so perfectly, that in dormant state you wouldn't know, and the thing would literally act as a pilot --when it takes control you cease to exist

        No. It's that perfect of a replicator that it replicates exactly how that person would act until the very end where its life is in danger. In the original short story the movie is based off of, the character that is the most gunhoe about the human spirit and fighting the thing is one of the things outed in the blood test. He even goes on a huge speech about humanity before being revealed.
        That's what makes The Thing so unbelievably uncanny and disturbing.

      • 7 months ago

        dude the way our bodies repair themselves already answers the ship of theseus. Not a single cell from your infancy still exists but you never "died"

        Ergo the Thing is just getting super powers

        Right, i imagine being thingied would just mean getting an idea in your head.
        >i'm not human anymore
        >i must contaminante others
        >also new knowledge

        • 7 months ago

          I mean, probably. But that's easier explained by human social conditioning. A shaman's curse doesnt work on a white materialist because he doesn't believe like a tribalman. Belief is power

      • 7 months ago

        I like this idea best, that it's operating on a cellular level so the replicated human brain still believes it's human because it's a perfect simulation of a human brain. The only difference is that there's a parallel consciousness that can override the neuron-based (human) consciousness.

        I like the idea too that it simply induces thoughts like psychosis. As someone who has taken many drugs including deliriants once it's insane how much u can frick with ur head and once u reach a certain point u forget ur under the influence and just think it's how u always act

    • 7 months ago

      Palmer was screaming internally before he morphed into the thing. I’d say it depends but lean towards either way you still feel your body grotesquely breaking itself into an alien

    • 7 months ago

      When the thing assimilates you, you no longer exist. You are dead. The Thing is just pretending to be you.

      • 7 months ago

        >The Thing is just pretending to be you.
        Then it can explain itself with human intelligence and perfect human speech. Wait it doesn't? Then its just transmissable superpowers and everyone lost their shit over nothing

        • 7 months ago

          It can, but it won't.

          • 7 months ago

            Then that's bad writing

            • 7 months ago

              thank god you didn't write it

              • 7 months ago

                If I wrote it theyd establish in act one that its just a neat transmissable superpower and the plot would he about trying to stop the idiots thinking its more than that

              • 7 months ago

                It violates the body and freewill. When MacReady & co. first encounter it, two of their dogs are desperately trying to escape from it while two more are being turned into gore monsters. There's no evidence the dogs attacked first, you only see them barking, so it appears (to us) that the Thing attacked first. The characters just see something that's killing their dogs, they immediately know it's dangerous, so they attack it. They don't need to know who attacked first since it poses an existential threat in either case.

              • 7 months ago

                The fact the dogs recognized it for being an imposter indicates The Thing isn't perfect in how it replicates. Sort of a plot hole if you ask me given how perfect it was able to imitate humans...but whatever. Perhaps the act of replicating gives off pheromones as a byproduct humans are unable to detect.

              • 7 months ago

                No, its that shitty "DOOOD AMINALS SENS EBIL." Animals don't have that.

              • 7 months ago

                >animals can instinctively sense evil

              • 7 months ago

                No its not. Only humans can sense morality. Animals are incapable of understanding good or evil

              • 7 months ago

                True. They can instinctively sense malice and affection (which are different from morality).
                It's in your smell, just like fear.

              • 7 months ago

                Not really a plothole. The first species The Thing assimilated on Earth was human, so it had a longer time adapting human behavior. It left the Norwegian camp as a dog as it's final play, so of course it would be an autistic dog toward other dogs. The Thing played up it's status as a loving domestic animal upon arrival, but it didn't know how to interact with other dogs. Too busy running, I guess.

              • 7 months ago

                Maybe the dog the Thing infected from the Norwegian base just happened to be autistic, and that's why the American dogs barked at it. Plothole solved.

              • 7 months ago

                >dogs recognized it for being an imposter
                how do you know?

              • 7 months ago

                That was just one dog using flesh powers against other dogs as instinctively as it would use its teeth

              • 7 months ago

                >at the drop of a hat you melt and become a mass of shit
                >humanity will end as we know it and everyone will be a new creature with non human DNA that probably only lives to spread and contaminate
                No thanks.

    • 7 months ago

      It depends on whether you believe humans possess a soul. Assuming you dont, as it replaces every cell in your body and operates exactly as you otherwise would... your sense of self was never alteree or severed. You existed continously across time. How much The Thing influences your consciousness is open to interpretation. I choose to believe Blair remained blissfully unaware that he was building a spaceship. All the while contemplating his cold soup and hanging himself. There would be no reason for The Thing to store any memory of him building the ship.

    • 7 months ago

      >self defense
      pic related wasn't self defense moron

      my guess is that you cease to exist but it has access to your memories

  4. 7 months ago

    It's not self defense at all. The Thing wants to assimilate. It's not a shapeshifter either. A shapeshifter doesn't rape the human's body.

  5. 7 months ago

    The biggest issue is the organic/inorganic divide tbh. Humans are filled with inorganic particles, notably iron. Meaning either figuring out whose the thing should be absurdly easy or the thing should be able to absorb physical objects.

    • 7 months ago

      that's just a contrivance of the prequel trash, in the original and the short story there are no tells until they find the wire/blood method

  6. 7 months ago

    Just watched this movie an hour ago and then I see a thread about it....

  7. 7 months ago

    It's like a parrot, capable of mimicking some human speech but not of actual intelligent not-animal thought on its own. It's somewhere halfway in between xenomorphs and body snatchers

    • 7 months ago

      I like this interpretation the best, that's it's purely instinctual. You can infer that the undie frame job on mac was a result of a childs or someone (or their thing-brain) not trusting him and just wanting to kill him regardless of their certainty.

      Also in the original short story iirc it despite being psychic is just as animalistically unthinking, the infected cow produces regular milk instead of sabotaging the outpost for example

      • 7 months ago

        I wish the movie would have had the Black person rigged electric prod from the story. They kill like 20+ infected dudes with that and the flamethrower in the blood test scene.

    • 7 months ago

      The Thing wasn't actually intelligent and was possibly even mindless and operated purely on instinct. It just built a UFO because it was imitating a previous host. It seemed like a bioweapon. I don't think it could do something that a prior host wouldn't do.

      because of pic related
      while the alien shapeshifter can respond perfectly does not actually understand those words

      I like this interpretation the best, that's it's purely instinctual. You can infer that the undie frame job on mac was a result of a childs or someone (or their thing-brain) not trusting him and just wanting to kill him regardless of their certainty.

      Also in the original short story iirc it despite being psychic is just as animalistically unthinking, the infected cow produces regular milk instead of sabotaging the outpost for example

      That's just bad writing.

    • 7 months ago

      >based moronic anon that didn't even watch the kino joins the thread

    • 7 months ago

      It has conversations with people, half the movie is everyone accusing each other of being the thing so that's clearly not the case.
      its obvious it is able to grasp the minds of what it assimilates, whether the functioning of those minds holds any real meaning to it or whether they are essentially a tool is another question

      • 7 months ago

        No, it's just a stance it takes which translates through the host's synapses. Its instincts are to be coy and elusive. That's why MacReady stands out among them is because he's the most assertive even in a weak position.

      • 7 months ago

        Then why the frick doesn't it just surrender and beg for mercy? Shouldn't it realize the dynamic at play here since its just as afraid but it realizes that the humans are reasonable and will gladly be diplomatic?

        • 7 months ago

          >Then why the frick doesn't it just surrender and beg for mercy
          Why would it be granted mercy? Even if assimilations are instinctive and/or out of fear and self-defense and even if it genuinely tries to keep its tentacles to itself, it's still a biobomb of apocalyptic proportions just waiting to go off.
          Killing The Thing is the safest choice for humans and humanity. It's doomed.

          • 7 months ago

            It was clearly smart enough to communicate and smart enough to understand that the people were terrified of any harm coming to them. Thats how you deescalate a situation
            >but then the STOWY!!!!!
            A second order idiot plot like The Thing is not worth telling then

            • 7 months ago

              That doesn't answer my qestion.
              Why would humans grant The Thing any mercy?

              • 7 months ago

                Exchange for technology.

              • 7 months ago

                Why would humans risk taking the deal?
                How would they ever trust The Thing?
                As soon as station's crew deliberately lets The Thing go, The Thing might just plop its mini-saucer in the middle of Rio-de-Janeiro and go ham.
                Will it do it?
                You don't know!

              • 7 months ago

                Technically, they started it.

              • 7 months ago

                Still doesn't answer my question.

              • 7 months ago

                Because you're a fricking idiot who doesn't realize conflict resolution rests on the people who fricking start it.

              • 7 months ago

                Are you moronic?
                Why would humans trust The Thing, ever?!

              • 7 months ago

                Because they are the fricking thing. Anyone who fails the blood test is as much "replaced" by the Thing as Peter was "replaced" by the Spider what bit him

              • 7 months ago

                Because the fricking Thing can communicate and verify itself. How do you think defectors get past the "what if he's just a spy???" phase?

              • 7 months ago

                Because either
                >the dog wasn't an alien in disguise, it was a dog that acquired communicable flesh powers and was little more than a normal dog psychologically even in the kennel scene and a human would also be psychologically fully human after acquiring the superpowers
                >if you INSIST on the gay assimilation soul-replacement corpsepuppet trash, it still should have become a very talkative villain fluent in English once it had access to a human

        • 7 months ago

          Just because it can understand a human mind to act like one does NOT mean it itself thinks like a human.

          • 7 months ago

            No that's exactly what it means

            The Thing is an unthinking virus that cannot control its need to consume. If it had any intelligence at all it would have remained in stealth mode the entire time. Instead it tries to consume the dogs, tries to consume Bennings, and consumes Norris and Palmer and Blair, all of which are identified and destroyed.

            It can perfectly imitate anything it consumes, but it has no control over its ability to refrain from consuming in its own long term interest.

  8. 7 months ago

    The Thing wasn't actually intelligent and was possibly even mindless and operated purely on instinct. It just built a UFO because it was imitating a previous host. It seemed like a bioweapon. I don't think it could do something that a prior host wouldn't do.

  9. 7 months ago

    because of pic related
    while the alien shapeshifter can respond perfectly does not actually understand those words

    • 7 months ago

      I hate this argument because it implies that either a Chinese person's neurons speak Chinese, or that we need something like a soul to understand language. But it's well known the Chinese don't have souls (I left this part out when I argued against the thought experiment in my assignment).

  10. 7 months ago

    One theory is that it can mimic so perfectly it mimics intelligence but it isn't actually intelligent itself, at least not in the same way humans are.

    • 7 months ago

      That's also bad writing

      • 7 months ago

        That's just bad writing.

        This movie is a cult classic tind tested by decades with millions of people coming back to it over and over as the staple of horror cinema. Bad writing? Shut the frick up nobody poster on fricking Cinemaphile. No one will remember you.

        • 7 months ago

          Visual mood and special effects do a lot to cover up really shit writing by absolute hacks (which all horror directors are)

        • 7 months ago

          >This movie is a cult classic tind tested by decades with millions of people coming back to it over and over as the staple of horror cinema
          Who watches Leave it to Beaver unironically anymore? Or considers it good? Same with Carpenter, shit from an age when boomer morons didn't think about plot logic. Thats why boomers always got defensive about the villains in a work being bad influences on their kids and banning them from watching stuff where the antagonistic characters where antagonistic

          • 7 months ago

            What the frick are you talking about
            Man there's some dumb motherfrickers on this website.

      • 7 months ago

        STFU homosexual.

    • 7 months ago

      Well the idea based in the novel is that on rudimentary level the intelligence level is basic, as it continues gaining mass it exalts itself to god like status. I think the notion that the thing is inherently driven to acquire mass/intelligence is as natural as breathing for us.

      • 7 months ago

        The intelligence is only to serve its survival instincts. It sees space tech as an infection extension device essentially, like an arm reaching out for something.

  11. 7 months ago

    even if it DID try to explain its intentions, the crew would still try to kill it, its already killed the dog at this point and has to kill someone to be able to speak

    • 7 months ago

      It was already confirmed guilty when they investigated the Norwegian base.

  12. 7 months ago

    It doesn't have a consciousness of its own. It just has instincts on a cellular level.

    • 7 months ago

      It infect the ship carrying it which is why the ship crash landed on Earth.

      Well the idea based in the novel is that on rudimentary level the intelligence level is basic, as it continues gaining mass it exalts itself to god like status. I think the notion that the thing is inherently driven to acquire mass/intelligence is as natural as breathing for us.

      The intelligence is only to serve its survival instincts. It sees space tech as an infection extension device essentially, like an arm reaching out for something.

      It replicates your entire being so perfectly, that in dormant state you wouldn't know, and the thing would literally act as a pilot --when it takes control you cease to exist

      Bad writing

      You assume that it 100% assimilates. What if it progresses through your body except like the brain, so that you walk and talk around like normal to escape suspicion, until threatened? And then to your shock, your body starts turning monster mode

      Good writing

      • 7 months ago

        There are explosions on the ship as it wobbles out of control as it crash lands. It was obviously an unintended landing.

        • 7 months ago

          Don't bother replying to moronic shitposter that shits up a kino comfy thread.
          >crashing this shit with no survivors

        • 7 months ago

          It was shot down by the Norwegians

          • 7 months ago

            Or David time traveled and overloaded the engines.

            • 7 months ago

              >time travel
              No. The only way time travel works is if its a comedy about how changing the past or trying to create stable time loops is impossible by just having the universe actively refuse to play along with the expected plot

      • 7 months ago

        >your definition of bad writing
        Good, original, creative writing.
        >your definition of good writing
        Bad, trite, unoriginal writing. Please go back to watching A24 slop.

        • 7 months ago

          >Please go back to watching A24 slop.
          Nah, Hereditary would have been better without the Paimon bullshit.

        • 7 months ago

          It wouldn't surprise me to learn your lips are connected to the butthole of a homeless man who just shits down your throat all day long and your horrible posts are some sort of vengeance you unleash upon the rest of the world for your suffering.

  13. 7 months ago

    >why doesn't the lion explains his need for meat to the zebras?
    >why doesn't the chamaleon develops venom instead of blending in?
    >why doesn't the octopus evolves to breath air instead of being underwater?
    Why do you try to change the very clear nature of the creature, who acts to remain hidden as much as possible

    • 7 months ago

      >>why doesn't the lion explains his need for meat to the zebras?
      Can it become a zebra and speak in zebra whinnies exactly as a zebra can? The assimilated can speak perfectly anyway so its clear the alien can if it actually replaces instead of "recruits"
      >>why doesn't the chamaleon develops venom instead of blending in?
      Plenty of toxic camo in nature dude
      >>why doesn't the octopus evolves to breath air instead of being underwater?
      homie octopus can evolve themselves ON DEMAND

  14. 7 months ago

    Realistically it thinks it will be much easier to kill them flat out than try to convince them with charm and charisma you fricking moron its still an alien and it won anyway

  15. 7 months ago

    Part of a disgusting breakfast!

  16. 7 months ago

    >have the extreme advantage
    >reveal yourself to them
    >plead with them not to kill you
    Total moron brain. Do you havd random homeless crackheads break into your home and then let them hang out?

  17. 7 months ago

    The Thing is an unthinking virus that cannot control its need to consume. If it had any intelligence at all it would have remained in stealth mode the entire time. Instead it tries to consume the dogs, tries to consume Bennings, and consumes Norris and Palmer and Blair, all of which are identified and destroyed.

    It can perfectly imitate anything it consumes, but it has no control over its ability to refrain from consuming in its own long term interest.

    • 7 months ago

      how did an unthinking virus pilot a spaceship

    • 7 months ago

      how did an unthinking virus pilot a spaceship

      How does an unthinking virus replicate speech perfectly? Infection in a human should be marked by speaking gibberish that sounds like a Chinese guy speaking fake English in the same fashion as reducing Mandarin to a string of phonemes ending in -ng

    • 7 months ago

      It was forced to consume the dogs. They were aggressive and immediately tried to attack it. And it was in its best interest to attempt to consume at least a couple of people who could then be on its side

  18. 7 months ago

    So many getting baited by a single low effort shitposter

    • 7 months ago

      >its low effort to not enjoy 80s goyslop
      Horror movies only

  19. 7 months ago

    I just assumed the creature was space commies and left it at that
    it is evil and has to be purged with fire

    • 7 months ago

      Nah, John Carpenter was pro communism becasue They Live was anti-Regan

  20. 7 months ago

    Palmer was assimilated first

    • 7 months ago

      So how come he wasn't vocalist trying to explain what was going on if he was the alien and had alien knowledge simply to save himself? Its obvious that anyone infected is still fully human and

      >The Thing starts assimilating every tree and blade of grass

      would basically end as a nothing burger like the lizard tongue ending of Homer's nuclear toaster journey

  21. 7 months ago

    >kills everybody on two Antarctic bases including the fricking dogs
    >OP wonders if it wasn't just "misunderstood"

  22. 7 months ago

    >the kennel scene establishes the killings to be self defense to aggression
    You're forming a lie to establish a bait thread.
    The kennel scene displays The Thing cooperatively, confidently, entering the cage, facing towards the entire group without uttering a single bark or growl, and awkwardly planting itself in that same confrontational position.

    The other dogs freak the frick out when The Thing begins launching itself at them all, mutilating itself and them in a vacuum of blood and gore.

    Shut up.

    • 7 months ago

      >you're wrong tho
      >procedes to agree

      • 7 months ago

        >The Thing is acting in self-defense
        Bait me to reply. See if it works.

        • 7 months ago

          The Thing isnt any of the people moron. The humans and dogs are all themselves. The original is long gone

  23. 7 months ago

    All other organic life forms was its prey, it did not want to draw any attention to its existance so would pretend to be the life form it imitated. Any attempts at diplomacy would not serve its purposes which seemed to be to just keep assimilating every life form it could until it would have covered the Earth.

    This is why I always wanted a sequel where the Thing actually escapes Antarctica and gets loose in America, it should have been a bad depressing end even more than the first but it would have made an interesting ride.

    • 7 months ago

      >The Thing starts assimilating every tree and blade of grass

    • 7 months ago

      >The thing goes to America and starts assimilating everyone
      This would be even more antisemitic than They Live, and I'm here for it.

  24. 7 months ago

    There's no answer or explanation.
    The Thing is just alien and inscrutable.

  25. 7 months ago

    Strange that some anons are trying to convince us that the Thing is the victim... almost like they are Things themselves.

    • 7 months ago

      Well maybe one of the signs of Thing infection was a complete loss of language, then it wouldn't be a plot hole

      • 7 months ago

        It's not a plot hole. Either the Thing replaces "you" with a near-perfect copy that can still speak, or it leaves your consciousness mostly intact but influences you to suit its purposes and takes control when necessary, in which case you can still speak.

        • 7 months ago

          >i want X in my story
          >X should mean Y but I dont want that
          >I'll just say it means Z instead even if X cant mean Z because of W
          You're right, its just hack writing like Asokha

  26. 7 months ago

    holy frick are zoomers incapable of thinking about anything in concepts other than capeshit

    • 7 months ago

      So what else do you call such supernatural powers?

      • 7 months ago

        >supernatural powers
        Wut. Would you say a fish being able to breathe underwater is a "superpower"?

        • 7 months ago

          No of course not. A fish breathing underwater is substantial to its nature. Supernaturality is relative to what's involved. Electric eels have natural electric attack power, but if a human could similarly generate lethal electricity, thats completely outside our natural ability as much as it is for the eel to know how to build complex systems

          • 7 months ago

            Yes, and everything that the thing does is part of its natural abilities. If you are absorbed by the thing you are no longer human and you are doing things that is natural to being a thing.

            • 7 months ago

              And you resorted to materialism denying the immortal human soul

  27. 7 months ago

    Its a dumb movie. Carpenter made only 1 good movie and that is The ghosts of Mars.

    • 7 months ago
  28. 7 months ago

    It's a hostile life form that's supposed to wipe out civilizations. It clearly btfo the alien that came into contact with it and just landed in our planet by accident. It is not a friendly creature.

  29. 7 months ago

    >Why didn't the fricking Thing just start pleading mercy and explaining itself ever?
    You know humans, notoriously merciful and willing to listen when they feel threatened.

  30. 7 months ago

    It is hostile. It knows how to build spaceships. Everything in this universe is doomed. Frick all of you frickers

  31. 7 months ago

    When does it build the spaceship?

    • 7 months ago

      Its not a spaceship, its a makeshift craft that will hopefully get him just far enough to the coast to get noticed by other humans.

      • 7 months ago

        Which movie? I’ve seen the carpenter one many times but don’t remember this scene

        • 7 months ago

          You don't remember the craft that the blair-thing is building underneath the toolshed?

          • 7 months ago

            No, I don’t. Must be genuinely stupid. Have seen this movie at least 20 times.

            • 7 months ago

              Weird. I mean I suppose it only has a few seconds of total screen time during the chaotic climax before they blow it up.
              Anyway its clearly not meant to achieve spaceflight but just blast him far away from the base.

          • 7 months ago

            No, I don’t. Must be genuinely stupid. Have seen this movie at least 20 times.

            Looking at screenshots and still don’t remember it
            What the frick?
            Well, guess it’s a good excuse to watch it again.

  32. 7 months ago

    I have come to believe that the thing is self aware as to what its doing since always of its inception onto the universe, and can really only assimilate large scale and not microscopically via cells. that means the lick and food eating assimilation isn't really a thing, and a things full on physical contact for the thing to properly and perfectly imitate another organism. Also, i believe it didnt had to have norris' heart condition to be alive, and it indeed copied his terrible heart condition, but it didn't had to use it or have it if that makes sense. I think the thing operates on 2 senses; it watches and plans, or it uses instincts at the moment and succeeds, which is most of the time in hindsight

  33. 7 months ago

    Reminder that it is possible to detect the Thing just through normal observation as the start of the movie shows.

    • 7 months ago

      Yeah you need to explain this to us

      • 7 months ago

        When dog thing is put in the kennel. None of the real dogs think it is a dog and instantly all react to it as wrong and dangerous. The Thing fails to deceive any of the dogs and the dogs aren't using any techniques like the wire just their five senses.

        • 7 months ago

          Its because dogs have animalistic intuition and could probably even smell the difference. Humans are more easily deceived, the thing even seemed to know this which is why it didnt want to go in the kennel and immediately went after the dogs once it was in there.

          • 7 months ago

            Smell is still just another sense meaning that The Thing has flaws somewhere in its mimicry. It would be like if it forgot to sweat when exerted. Dogs have good senses but they aren't magic.

          • 7 months ago

            Animals don't have magic soul reading

            • 7 months ago

              t. animal running damage control
              I'm on to your kind

        • 7 months ago

          Yeah I'm more of a cat person

          Weird. I mean I suppose it only has a few seconds of total screen time during the chaotic climax before they blow it up.
          Anyway its clearly not meant to achieve spaceflight but just blast him far away from the base.

          Fricking Musk over here

        • 7 months ago

          Just rewatched the clip, they seem fine with it until it starts making weird hissing noises. Before that it just had an odd demeanor and they were confused

    • 7 months ago

      >as the start of the movie shows.

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