>She has a no kill rule. >Accidentally kills someone. >Moves on after a little bit

>She has a no kill rule
>Accidentally kills someone
>Moves on after a little bit
This makes the Batman seethe.

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  1. 10 months ago

    Moves on to a bottle of Jack.

    • 10 months ago

      Nah. She drinks alot less after season 3.

      • 10 months ago

        >3 seasons is "a little bit"
        What do you want, a feature movie and two novelizations before she can stop moping about one particular thing?

        • 10 months ago

          I didn't say three seasons was a little bit. That isn't what happened man, that's what I'm saying. I'm criticisng the people who do a movie and two novels before she stops moping.

          Jessica is clearly supposed to have a great butt, so why did they get an actress with nothing going on back there.

          your brain is a dump

          He already had much better shows both in live-action and animation.

          Batman has no live action show.

  2. 10 months ago

    mind-breaking anal sex works wonders

    • 10 months ago

      She didn't even do that. Watch season 3.

      • 10 months ago

        I will not, Mousecuck shill. I don't know if you pajeets do hari-kiri but you should consider it.

        • 10 months ago

          Jessica Jones was Netflix, not MCU/Disney.

          • 10 months ago

            Which platform is it now?

            Here's a hint, ain't getting my money, enjoy bleeding subscribers more.

            • 10 months ago

              >He uses streaming services
              Sometimes I forget how blessed I am to not be completely technologically illiterate

          • 10 months ago

            Disney made those shows moron

  3. 10 months ago

    >>She has a no kill rule
    She did not. Or at least, if she did it's in one of the later two seasons nobody watched. Season 1 ended with her killing the only interesting character in the entire series.

    • 10 months ago

      Kys you're not welcome in this thread.

      kills someone
      She did that a lot in season 1 through mind numbing stupidity and just in general being a badly written character. If she can move on after the fiasco that was the "Trap Dr Who in a sealed area and have someone walk in to prove he has mind control powers and get the only two people with hard physical evidence of his abilities killed", it's really not a stretch to think she could just straight up kill someone and just brush it off.

      She's kind of stupid like that.

      >she did that alot in season 1
      That is not what I meant you dumb frick. She didn't kill those people, Kilgrave chose to d that. If you want to argue that she got them killed by not being a perfect superhero yet, fine. But she didn't kill them herself.

      >This makes the Batman seethe.
      Reminder this girl has gotten more people just gruesomely and horrifically killed through her protecting the villain and then her actions causing the villain to escape in one season than Batman has in the last 15 YEARS of comics. If you guys thought Batman saving the Joker to keep a bomb from going off was morally dubious, hooo boy wait until you see this dumbass straight up knock out a guy who has the mind controlling supervillain dead to rights and then getting like 4 people exploded. Batman saves the Joker to stop bombs, this b***h saved Purple Man to make damn sure someone died by those bombs. I don't know what happened in the next two seasons, if she got better at it or not, you'd have to be insane to come back to that kind of a show.

      Don't forget those two people worked for the government they can't go to in this case because uhhhhhhhh

      You're moronic. BAtman never kills the joker no matter what and the joker constantly, and I mean like every single day, does worse shit than kilgrave. And Batman saves the joker regardless of if there's a bomb. Batgays are so gay for lying in my thread.

      >This makes the Batman seethe.
      Reminder this girl has gotten more people just gruesomely and horrifically killed through her protecting the villain and then her actions causing the villain to escape in one season than Batman has in the last 15 YEARS of comics. If you guys thought Batman saving the Joker to keep a bomb from going off was morally dubious, hooo boy wait until you see this dumbass straight up knock out a guy who has the mind controlling supervillain dead to rights and then getting like 4 people exploded. Batman saves the Joker to stop bombs, this b***h saved Purple Man to make damn sure someone died by those bombs. I don't know what happened in the next two seasons, if she got better at it or not, you'd have to be insane to come back to that kind of a show.

      Don't forget those two people worked for the government they can't go to in this case because uhhhhhhhh

      >they can't go to
      Because Kilgrave would then mind control the government.

      >She's kind of stupid like that.

      >comics written by THAT guy
      Never read them. I was talking about the show, which Stan Lee himself was one of the executive producers on. Sure that guy was too, but stan the man made sure the show got good. Or somebody did.

      • 10 months ago

        >You're moronic. BAtman never kills the joker no matter what and the joker constantly, and I mean like every single day, does worse shit than kilgrave
        Yeah this hasn't been a thing in comics since Nu52. I'm not kidding. They pretty much totally removed that, Death in the Family had him not even manage to kill anyone and Batman still tried to make him dead. Like actually tried to kill him.

        That hasn't been a thing since this show was in pre-production.

      • 10 months ago

        >Because Kilgrave would then mind control the government.

        You know it says something even a completely moronic ass defender of this show doesn't remember the whole "We have video evidence of his powers AND can directly show the exact virus strain he uses to do it" subplot. "He can control the government" loses a lot of steam when they can literally show what his virus does, and the government certainly doesn't know how to quarantine people with an airborn virus! Would straight up walk him to the president, they would!
        > If you want to argue that she got them killed by not being a perfect superhero yet, fine.
        Think we jumped about six steps past that when she literally tackled someone carrying him and this allowed Killgrave to escape and immediately kill some people.

        • 10 months ago

          >You're moronic. BAtman never kills the joker no matter what and the joker constantly, and I mean like every single day, does worse shit than kilgrave
          Yeah this hasn't been a thing in comics since Nu52. I'm not kidding. They pretty much totally removed that, Death in the Family had him not even manage to kill anyone and Batman still tried to make him dead. Like actually tried to kill him.

          That hasn't been a thing since this show was in pre-production.

          >batman is a killer now
          I don't believe you. Unless dc comics are doing movie synergy now, idk much about comics I don't read them.
          >think we jumped six steps past this when she stopped somebody from killing kilgrave
          That's what superheroes do dude. Get used to it if you're going to discuss them.
          >but the hekkin governement
          You're moronic. The governement could way easier defeat the joker if we're using this logic. And btw iirc they did not have any proof of him having these powers that they could show anyone, and if they did he would have like five thousand years before the trial happens and stuff.

          • 10 months ago

            >I don't read them.
            Get the frick off the board then.

            • 10 months ago

              It's the cartoon board homosexual.

              >I'm so much better than Batman!

              Watch the whole show you moron not just the first season. Also I never said it was better than batman anyway.

              I will not, Mousecuck shill. I don't know if you pajeets do hari-kiri but you should consider it.

              >admit I'm a chad but also call me a pajeet
              Watch the whole show. It's amasing.


              samegay moron

              Why would anyone expect anything else from a woman?

              Are you saying that women are all better than batman? Every single one of them?

              • 10 months ago

                >Are you saying that women are all better than batman?
                I'm saying that women generally aren't principled and don't mind crossing boundaries if it benefits them.

              • 10 months ago

                But she did mind. It messed her up. Please watch the whole show, she becomes a very principled and dignified superhero.

              • 10 months ago

                >Please watch the whole show

              • 10 months ago

                Then get the frick off this thread and this board. If you don't like kino why are you anywhere?

              • 10 months ago

                Go back to Cinemaphile,this is Cinemaphile

              • 10 months ago

                You don't think any cartoons are kino?

                They should have kept Kilgrave the whole show

                OH MY GOSH YOU ARE SO moronic AND I'M GOING TO KILL YOU! Maybe watch the DAMN THING before posting shit like this! RIGHHT NOW!!!!!!!!!!

              • 10 months ago

                WATCH THE SEASONS YOU FRICKING REETARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11 I hate you so much. What the hell do you have against superheroes being heroic?

                Jesus christ are you autistic or something?

              • 10 months ago

                It's probably a troon that sees themselves in a train wreck like Jessica.

              • 10 months ago

                >she did mind
                on after a little bit
                Yeah. Right.

              • 10 months ago

                So she's supposed to hate herself forever because she accidentally killed somebody who deserved it? No man you're a homosexual who hates watching tv. You only want what you think is realistic which you aren't even right about, and don't care at all about the art form. And even ignoring how much her never moving on would make the show suck, it also is out of character and would completely destroy her arc.

              • 10 months ago

                She gets fricked in the ass.
                There that's her whole reason to exist.

              • 10 months ago

                Hey guess what? She stops doing that and becomes a hero. Which you would know. If you watched more than one season. Why did you only watch the part you hate?

              • 10 months ago

                No she doesn't she just inhales wiener & booze.
                Stop shaming people into watching this awful show.

              • 10 months ago

                You're weird. So many assumptions, so little thought put into your words, and very emotional. Do your parents work on the show or something? Why are you so defensive and hostile?

              • 10 months ago

                >so emotional
                Oh no I forgot that WE'RE NOT ALLOWED TO FEEL ANYTHING.

                No she doesn't she just inhales wiener & booze.
                Stop shaming people into watching this awful show.

                Stop lying! Maybe kys if you fell shame it's because you have something to be ashamed of. I never tried to shame you. She does stop doing that and I'm telling you the truth, you just don't want to listen because you are trained to defend lies even when you find out you're wrong.

              • 10 months ago

                You aren't not allowed, but if you aren't insane then you do need a reason to feel something, yes.

              • 10 months ago

                Cope homosexual

              • 10 months ago

                wow cool thanks for showing us you know how to phonepost while sitting behind your computer

          • 10 months ago

            >And btw iirc they did not have any proof of him having these powers
            Fun fact, they did! Actual video evidence of it happening when he was a kid. Jessica watched them.

            She then fricked up and burned them because if she had just tripped and died at the start of the show then Killgrave unironically would've been stopped by episode 2. TWO. EPISODE. TWO.

      • 10 months ago

        >executive producer
        That usually means nothing.

        • 10 months ago

          Well that means that HE didn't do much either, so it's good.

      • 10 months ago

        >BAtman never kills the joker no matter what and the joker constantly, and I mean like every single day, does worse shit than kilgrave. And Batman saves the joker regardless of if there's a bomb. Batgays are so gay for lying in my thread.
        Literally his most famous comic(Dark knight return and Killing joke) he killed Joker.

        • 10 months ago

          But the Joker is still alive. Also these are not the most famous and even though I know very little about comics, I do know that the ending of killing joke is supposed to be ambiguous.

    • 10 months ago


  4. 10 months ago

    kills someone
    She did that a lot in season 1 through mind numbing stupidity and just in general being a badly written character. If she can move on after the fiasco that was the "Trap Dr Who in a sealed area and have someone walk in to prove he has mind control powers and get the only two people with hard physical evidence of his abilities killed", it's really not a stretch to think she could just straight up kill someone and just brush it off.

    She's kind of stupid like that.

    • 10 months ago

      >This makes the Batman seethe.
      Reminder this girl has gotten more people just gruesomely and horrifically killed through her protecting the villain and then her actions causing the villain to escape in one season than Batman has in the last 15 YEARS of comics. If you guys thought Batman saving the Joker to keep a bomb from going off was morally dubious, hooo boy wait until you see this dumbass straight up knock out a guy who has the mind controlling supervillain dead to rights and then getting like 4 people exploded. Batman saves the Joker to stop bombs, this b***h saved Purple Man to make damn sure someone died by those bombs. I don't know what happened in the next two seasons, if she got better at it or not, you'd have to be insane to come back to that kind of a show.

      Don't forget those two people worked for the government they can't go to in this case because uhhhhhhhh

    • 10 months ago

      >She's kind of stupid like that.

      • 10 months ago

        Meta in comics was such a fricking mistake

      • 10 months ago

        Why is he psycho pirate now?

      • 10 months ago

        With all my contempt for Bendis, the comic was much better.
        For one, Purple Man was in small doses and only showed up at the end instead of being forced down my throat all the time, ironically .
        The whole "rotting dead Scott Lang" thing is the kind of mindfrickery the show desperately needed instead of the most mundane usage of Purple Man's power in the shitty show and it helped that Purple Man was allowed to be more than a b***h to be constantly beaten up, captured and told what an infantile loser he is.

        But that's what you just did, in this very post I'm responding to.

        >no u

        • 10 months ago

          I haven't read the comic but I seen one page of it and Kilgrave talks like baby redditor's first edgy post. It's just him claiming he's going to do all the things that reddit decided are the worst possible things ever for no reason. He literally said he was going to "molest everyone in daredevil's family", it's hilarious and nothing compared to show Kilgrave. You admit you have no higher standards. Quit pretending you hate bendis when you clearly love him, and go back to the other website.
          >the word mindfuggery
          Proof that you are from reddit

          • 10 months ago

            >m-muh reddit
            You're circlejerking over a godawful show for women and homosexuals, stop projecting.
            >show Kilgrave
            Literally /r/edditor bait. And I hate Purple Man regardless, he's a shitty fricking villain. It's just I hate your awful TV show version of it much much more because it's absolutely awful.
            >you have no higher standards
            You're crying the whole thread over a shitty Lifetime-tier "sociopath" being called out as trash it is. I definitely have higher standards than you ever did.

      • 10 months ago

        kills someone
        She did that a lot in season 1 through mind numbing stupidity and just in general being a badly written character. If she can move on after the fiasco that was the "Trap Dr Who in a sealed area and have someone walk in to prove he has mind control powers and get the only two people with hard physical evidence of his abilities killed", it's really not a stretch to think she could just straight up kill someone and just brush it off.

        She's kind of stupid like that.

        she's not stupid, she's just written by Bendis

  5. 10 months ago

    >I'm so much better than Batman!

  6. 10 months ago

    Why would anyone expect anything else from a woman?

  7. 10 months ago

    They should have kept Kilgrave the whole show

    • 10 months ago

      It would have to be a single season or a movie

      • 10 months ago

        Would have been better then whatever the frick the last two seasons were

        • 10 months ago

          WATCH THE SEASONS YOU FRICKING REETARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11 I hate you so much. What the hell do you have against superheroes being heroic?

          • 10 months ago

            >WATCH THE SEASONS YOU FRICKING REETARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11 I hate you so much. What the hell do you have against superheroes being heroic?

    • 10 months ago

      No, that shitty excuse for a villain was painful enough to sit through. They should've never made this garbage show in the first place.

      Kys you're not welcome in this thread.
      >she did that alot in season 1
      That is not what I meant you dumb frick. She didn't kill those people, Kilgrave chose to d that. If you want to argue that she got them killed by not being a perfect superhero yet, fine. But she didn't kill them herself.
      You're moronic. BAtman never kills the joker no matter what and the joker constantly, and I mean like every single day, does worse shit than kilgrave. And Batman saves the joker regardless of if there's a bomb. Batgays are so gay for lying in my thread.
      >they can't go to
      Because Kilgrave would then mind control the government.
      >comics written by THAT guy
      Never read them. I was talking about the show, which Stan Lee himself was one of the executive producers on. Sure that guy was too, but stan the man made sure the show got good. Or somebody did.

      >not being a perfect superhero
      More like being utterly and moronically moronic which is how the purple moron, one of the shittiest villains I've ever seen, was kept a "threat" for so long.

  8. 10 months ago

    Yeah I enjoyed this show actually. In retrospect I really enjoyed all the netflex Marvel shows aside from like Iron Fist and even then it wasn't THAT bad.

  9. 10 months ago

    i hope she returns to the mcu as israeliteel

    • 10 months ago

      Like a full reboot of the character? I don't know if the MCU would bother with a fifth stringer like her really. Sides despite this place hating her, I liked her netflixs show and idk if they could really do it much better

      • 10 months ago

        nah i mean with the past stuff having happened already or a prequel

    • 10 months ago

      I don't, that's homo. Marvel doesn't do superheroes, they do murderquip. Besides, israeliteel is a crappy name anyway. They could give her a new one but like I said, Marvel. When was the last time any character of theirs ever did anything heroic? It's been a while that's for sure.

      • 10 months ago

        thats why i would like it, also israeliteel goes hard

        • 10 months ago

          >doesn't like heroism
          >likes mass produced murder films and soul destroying """jokes"""
          You're trolling right?

          • 10 months ago

            I don't, that's homo. Marvel doesn't do superheroes, they do murderquip. Besides, israeliteel is a crappy name anyway. They could give her a new one but like I said, Marvel. When was the last time any character of theirs ever did anything heroic? It's been a while that's for sure.

            Can you take your obviously uninformed marvel hate boner somewhere else? It's not even remotely true in the MCU and even less so true in the comics right now.

            • 10 months ago

              What heroic thing has anyone done in the mcu lately?

              • 10 months ago

                Kalama died to save Peter Parker

          • 10 months ago

            i meant israeliteel as an actual superhero

  10. 10 months ago

    I stopped watching season 3 after the troony showed up. Immersion: ruined

    • 10 months ago

      Who? There wasn't one of those.

  11. 10 months ago

    Batman is a better character than this worthless Bendis' prostitute, so it evens out.

  12. 10 months ago

    All Marvel Females are losers.
    She shouldn't even exist.

    • 10 months ago

      Watch the show right now. The whole entire thing.

      • 10 months ago

        He's a homosexual, but I don't think he deserves to endure that kind of misery.

        • 10 months ago

          kys it's the best superhero show they ever made. One of anyway. It's actually about being a hero, imagine that.

          • 10 months ago

            It's garbage by a b***h who's responsible for Dexter and Twilight based on a shitty character by Bendis (which was made somehow even shittier) and with one of the worst villains I've had the displeasure to watch to boot.

            • 10 months ago

              So why don't you like Kilgrave? I have actually never heard anyone say they don't like him before.

              • 10 months ago

                Yeah, I've noticed. Feels like every moron under the sun was psyopped to adore this irredeemably garbage villain.
                It's bad enough that he's stupid to the extreme to the point he's captured several times because he's a complete idiot who only escapes because everyone on this shitty show has a potato IQ.
                It's bad enough Tennant knows nothing but obnoxious overacting.
                It's bad enough that there is zero creativity with the usage of his powers.
                But he's portrayed specifically as nothing but an embarrassing loser manchild who exists to be Jones' punching bag who exists solely to be shittalked or beaten (I swear, at times it feels like cheap revenge torture porn). He's not scary or threatening, he's just a whiny loser straight out of Lifetime crap I'm supposed to pretend is oh-so-scary because "MUH OVERHYPED SUPERPOWER"

              • 10 months ago

                >he's stupid
                >tenant's acting
                Name one scene where it's not good and how you would improve it.
                >zero creativity
                This is untrue. Give an example though of what you think is something creative they should have done with the power.
                >nothing but an embarrassing loser manchild
                In other words you are complaining about Muh CRIINJ! And it's not even true. He does alot more than get punched man he has a well written manipulating personality and he's so dangerous like he kills and rapes so many people. What do you mean he's only portrayed as a loser manchild? Did you see the show?
                >shittalked or beaten
                This basically never happens.
                >he's not scary or threatening
                You may be dead inside. What do you think is scary or threatening?

              • 10 months ago

                >how is a moron falling for the obvious traps stupid?
                >Name one scene where it's not good
                Literally every single scene because all Tennant knows is to be an obnoxious overacting c**t.
                >improve it
                By either casting a non-shit actor or forcing Tennant to act the same way creators of that Dennis Nilsen series did.
                >This is untrue.
                Lmao. Every single usage of his powers is just having people generically maim themselves. There's no creativity, nothing goes beyond absolutely banal "stab yourself/bash your head in" shit.
                >And it's not even true
                It is. When you make your villain pathetic and embarrassing, constantly make jokes at his expense and portray him as completely laughable and inept don't expect me to take them seriously.
                >Did you see the show?
                >HURR DURR HE KILLS PEOPLE
                Freddy's Dead Krueger is then exempt from any criticism for being a clown villain then.
                >This basically never happens.
                Lmao, now you've certainly never watched the show you're shilling.
                >You may be dead inside.
                No, I just have higher standards than Marvelhomosexuals slop-eaters do.

              • 10 months ago

                >every scene is not good because... I'm thinking of liar liar?
                >non shit actor
                He's not bad actor. He doesn't overact. You have yet to name on single instance he did.
                >every use f his power is this
                Watch the show. This is just a lie, nothing else. Here are ten other uses right off the top of my head
                >Kids should not be seen or heard go in the closet and piss yourself while I eat the dinner your parents made for you
                >Go stand in a street corner forever
                >Do a bunch of jumping jacks
                >Recite this dramatic tv dialogue I wrote to jessica
                >In five seconds you will all realise this was a hilarious joke and let JJ go
                >Everyone in the restauraunt shut up
                >put down the gun, turn yourself in and don't tell anyone you saw us
                >kiss me in front of your sister and mean it
                >drive me to a doctor who but not a hospital
                >Put both of your lungs inside of me because mine broke
                >You like chinese food

              • 10 months ago

                >He doesn't overact.
                That's all Tennant ever does, unless he's on Des. Big surprise there considering playing a real-life sociopath and not a cartoon version of one for Marveltards to circlejerk over edgy goyslop would require selling a convincing flat affect.
                >This is just a lie
                >lists mind-numbingly boring usages of a power proving my point
                >He's not
                That's literally how the show itself treats him, you homosexual. A whiny entitled homosexual. They even take away one thing that could make him seem like half a threat and make Jessica immune to him so he could spend the rest of the season shitting his pants that she might kill him.
                >They never did this shit.
                Holy fricking delusion. Now I see why morons like this shitty villain, they just memoryhole anything inconvenient
                >"haha, Kilgrave is such a dumb name XDD, murdercorpse, snuffcarcas XDDD" numerous times
                >the whole "incremental not exponental" scene
                >You did not watch.
                >you are a liar
                You are genuinely a delusional homosexual.
                >Now you're talking about ireelevant things.
                No, moron. A villain killing doesn't make them not a joke. Again, referring to later films' Freddy Krueger. Could've gone for Chucky, but at least those movies are comedic and know it. Unlike this embarrassing homosexual the series expects me to take seriously.
                >n-no u

              • 10 months ago

                Never heard of "des" but he is playing a real sociopath in JJ. Have you ever met one? He is playing the role perfectly.
                >boring uses of his powers
                More lies. And you have not yet said any uses that you think would be better.
                >the show itself treats him
                No it doesn't watch the show.
                Then name a few times it happened. Can you name three?
                >kilgrave is a dumb name
                That wasn't even a joke it was just jessica not knowing what it meant. How can you be so homo? Also, it was a single time it was ever brought up.

              • 10 months ago

                No, moron. He's a cartoonish Lifetime-tier exaggeration.
                >More lies.
                Sorry but you having extremely low standards doesn't make something "lies".
                >y-y-you didn't watch the show wahhh
                Lmao, stick those bananas down your ears even harder, kek.
                >Then name a few times it happened
                I literally did, dumbass.
                >That wasn't even a joke
                That's literally what it was unless you're a dumb homosexual. Oh wait, you have to be to enjoy this shitty show.

                won't respond to anything else, too pathetic, too gay, too liar homosex.

                Concession accepted.

                Dude he just called it kino like everybody else but decided to use english for once. What's the big deal?

                "kino" is utter cancer in any form. Just because you make it slightly less shit doesn't make it not shit.

              • 10 months ago

                Never heard of "des" but he is playing a real sociopath in JJ. Have you ever met one? He is playing the role perfectly.
                >boring uses of his powers
                More lies. And you have not yet said any uses that you think would be better.
                >the show itself treats him
                No it doesn't watch the show.
                Then name a few times it happened. Can you name three?
                >kilgrave is a dumb name
                That wasn't even a joke it was just jessica not knowing what it meant. How can you be so homo? Also, it was a single time it was ever brought up.

                won't respond to anything else, too pathetic, too gay, too liar homosex.

              • 10 months ago

                He's not lol
                >constanlty make jokes at his expense
                They never did this shit. You must be thinking about loki in the avengers movie because that's where they made jokes about the villain constantly. The Netflix shows didn't have any jokes let alone ones about the villains.
                >portray him as completely laghuable
                You did not watch.
                you are a liar
                >hur dur he kills people
                You said he was only portrayed as a punching bag. I said this is untrue and one of the other things he was prtrayed as is a killer. Now you're talking about ireelevant things.
                >you didn't watch
                Stop talking about yourself
                >higher standards
                Then tell me a scurry and threatening villain.

          • 10 months ago

            >Alcoholic BPD mudshark

            • 10 months ago

              >alchohol bipolar race traitor
              She is no longer any of those things. Maybe if you watched more than one third of her origin story like I'm telling you to, you would know this.

              • 10 months ago

                Frick you troon.
                No one like Jessica Jones she's a gross loser.

              • 10 months ago

                Are they in the room with you right now? What part of what I said makes you think of this?
                Not anymore anon LIKE I SAID watch more than just one season. That's only the first part of her origin story when she is at her lowest.

      • 10 months ago

        Frick you Art Hoe.

        He's a homosexual, but I don't think he deserves to endure that kind of misery.

        Name a single Marvel Female that isn't a graceless scrub.

        • 10 months ago

          Black Widow.

          • 10 months ago

            She's boring.

            • 10 months ago

              She's played by scarlet johansen so she actually isn't. Scarlet johansen is always fun to watch no matter what.

              • 10 months ago

                Are you a fricking Alien?

              • 10 months ago

                Okay to be fair I haven't seen much of her in other things so I don't know what the hell I'm talking about. But if she sucks in everything else then doesn't that mean black widow is good?

  13. 10 months ago

    >8 years late to the party.

  14. 10 months ago


    No She's a PIG.

    • 10 months ago

      Yeah maybe for ONE FRICKING SEASON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's called a character arc. An origin story.

  15. 10 months ago

    >Gets raped on her first day as superhero
    This doesn't need to be a thing ever.
    It's actually profoundly evil.

    • 10 months ago

      Was that her first day? Regardless, he's a supervillain. they do bad evil things. Like, dude how do you not already know this?

  16. 10 months ago

    based shill thread this show was cinema outside of her never having purple hair..

    • 10 months ago

      Yeah see that's not even what it's about I made the thread as a joke about batman but then it got flooded by moron who are telling people to not watch anything but one season.

      • 10 months ago

        i know i just think its funny

    • 10 months ago

      >show was cinema
      No surprise that a dumb homosexual who uses this kind of moronic wording likes this garbage show.

      • 10 months ago

        forgive me what i meant to say was that the show was the pinnacle of the visual and sonic medium that is television

      • 10 months ago

        Dude he just called it kino like everybody else but decided to use english for once. What's the big deal?

        • 10 months ago

          how unsurprising that a contrarian friend doesnt understand what kino actually means

          • 10 months ago

            It's german for film. Sowhat?
            >but he said cinema!!!!

            • 10 months ago

              i was the guy that said cinema haha

              • 10 months ago

                >it was the guy that said cinema
                What is even happening? What do you think is funny? I'm confused anon.

              • 10 months ago

                oh i thougt you thougt i (

                how unsurprising that a contrarian friend doesnt understand what kino actually means

                was the guy that was shitting on the use of the term cinema

              • 10 months ago

                Oh I get it now. I misread it I thought you said it was the guy not I was the guy.

              • 10 months ago

                this site can get so confusing..

                So you thought that i didn't know what kino means and also that I'm a contrarian?

                i would imagine you know now and yeah

              • 10 months ago

                So you thought that i didn't know what kino means and also that I'm a contrarian?

  17. 10 months ago

    So to recap what we learned today.
    >Jessica Jones fans are moronic (expected of anyone who likes Bendis shit)
    >Jessica Jones fans are easily impressionable and never watched anything that's not MCU capeshit
    Actually known that for several years, but still relevant.

    • 10 months ago

      >coping two hours after the discussion he lost is over
      >to, someone?

      • 10 months ago

        >discussion he lost
        Now who's coping? Oh wait, it's you just going "n-no ur wrong" every single time because your shit show and shit villain called out for trash they are.

        • 10 months ago

          But that's what you just did, in this very post I'm responding to.

  18. 10 months ago

    she just stayed true the original source. I mean, Bendis never gave a shit about consistency either

    • 10 months ago

      How is it not consistent? You clearly don't get it, the joke is that batman thinks that if you kill somebody you are forever tainted and can never be trusted again, and if he ever killed anybody he would always be affected by it every moment for the rest of his life and have to give up being batman, but Jessica Jones just moves on in a few months like a normal person and this makes batman mad. How did nobody in the thread understand that? They just saw JJ and started crying because they can't handle anything actually good, and so they spread lies like this. Idk about the original source, but she is consistent in the show.

      • 10 months ago

        >but Jessica Jones just moves on in a few months like a normal person
        she's a heavily traumatized freak with superpowers, there''s nothing normal about that
        > Idk about the original source

        • 10 months ago

          She might not be a normal person in that way but she isn't erternally angsty like morons want. She moves on, that is normal.

  19. 10 months ago

    And I just remembered , holy kek.
    Show Purple Man makes a corny butthurt speech of how he would do to Jones what he did in the comics, except it comes off as completely pathetic "I-I'll grow up and beat my bullies up"-tier whining instead of sounding even remotely threatening. So par for the course for that shit character.
    >"Dear god I'd give anything to see the look on her face when she realizes she's helpless. I'd make her want me, then reject her, devastate her over and over and over until she wants to die...No, I won't give her that, either. She'd wither away like someone dying of thirst or starvation. Be a certain ring of hell, designed specially for her...Or maybe I'll just kill her."
    Literally bullied crybaby incel-tier.

    • 10 months ago

      You really don't think that would be scary, for a super villain like him to say that? You're dead inside man. Or unable to use your brain.

      • 10 months ago

        >low standards

        • 10 months ago

          You haven't given an example of your so called higher standards yet dummy. The only thing you said is "Kilgrave comic good" and then when I proved it's not you said "I didn't like it anyway."

          • 10 months ago

            I listed things that were done better by the comic, you fricking moron. Yes, I can think both are shit.
            Pretty much anything is higher standard than slop made by a b***h who made Twilight movies and Dexter
            >check her on IMDB just to be sure
            >she actually worked on that shitty Birds of Prey series from the early 2000s
            Holy shit, she may actually be female Bendis.

            • 10 months ago

              They weren't done better in the comic though I proved that, and you conceded. What the hell is going on in your skull bro? Anyway, this is irrelevant if you hate them both, because then they are both not up to your standards. Which means you haven't given any examples of your high standards and you accidentally admit it. So please tell me, what villain do you like and think is scurry and threatening?

              • 10 months ago

                >I proved that
                No, you didn't you fricking moron. You pointed at entirely different shit, a cringy speech from the comic and I countered with an equally cringeworthy speech (perhaps even more so) from the godawful fricking show for morons and teenage girls. Literally any villain who's treated by writers with respect and not just an exercise at venting about and getting at "muh abusive men" would be thousands times more scary and threatening. That's how low the bar is with the purple homosexual.

              • 10 months ago

                >literally any villain who isn't just this shit that he's not
                What the heck. Also you still have yet to name a single one you like.

              • 10 months ago

                Shit even Marvelslop itself did a much better villain who even had a notion of competence and sense of dread and used his powers for the sake of horror elements and in creative ways.
                Even if the show kind of fell apart after the first season, that's more good seasons than Jessica Jones ever had.
                Funny how it works.

              • 10 months ago

                >doesn't name a villain
                What is this image? I have never heard of legion. Sounds like homosexual x man crap. I bet you chose a show I never heard of on purpose, knowing I won't bother to look it up. But the thing is I don't have to. I know you're wrong. I know you have shit taste and no standards without looking it up lol.

              • 10 months ago

                Concession accepted.

              • 10 months ago

                But you still didn't name one! It's been hours, that's what a concession is.

              • 10 months ago

                >can't even reverse-image search

              • 10 months ago

                >still doesn't name one
                kek even

              • 10 months ago

                >can't reverse-image and find out the show is Legion
                >can't find out the main villain of that show is Amahl Farouk/Shadow King
                Holy fricking kek.

              • 10 months ago

                >ten hours later finally says a name
                Too late. You lost a long LONG time ago.

              • 10 months ago

                >y-you lost
                Keep coping, Black person. Won't stop the purple homosexual from being an embarrassingly shit villain.

              • 10 months ago

                You keep on using that word. Why?

              • 10 months ago

                Because embarrassment is exactly what I felt watching that shitty show, especially every time its shitty villain was on screen.

  20. 10 months ago

    is there some Cinemaphile invasion or something, rarely I witnessed such display of ignorance and dumbness in a single thread

  21. 10 months ago

    Jessica is clearly supposed to have a great butt, so why did they get an actress with nothing going on back there.

  22. 10 months ago

    >fights against an actually smart and threatening villain
    >Bendis' shitty OC
    >struggles against an idiot who was given an OP power and still managed to get captured several times like a fricking moron

  23. 10 months ago

    batman will never have a show as good as this

    • 10 months ago

      He already had much better shows both in live-action and animation.

      • 10 months ago

        yeah like gotham knights

  24. 10 months ago

    worthless coal burning prostitute

    • 10 months ago

      As a fan of Luke Cage, I don't want this b***h tainting my boy either. Give her to fricking muties.

      I didn't say three seasons was a little bit. That isn't what happened man, that's what I'm saying. I'm criticisng the people who do a movie and two novels before she stops moping.
      your brain is a dump
      Batman has no live action show.

      Really, Black person.

      yeah like gotham knights

      That's about on the same level as the garbage in the OP pic.

  25. 10 months ago

    Daredevil was worse he would try to kill somebody then smell their heartbeat or something and say it's all cool they are still alive. He put 0 effort into not killing

  26. 10 months ago

    She'll always be the b***h in apartment 23 to me. Underrated show.

  27. 10 months ago

    OP is an overweight woman. I don't need to watch this trash to know it's "Look! I'm a woman! Hi-Ya!" Trash. Now excuse me, I'm going to continue reading my Post Crisis DC Omnis.

    • 10 months ago

      But it's not, it's about her becoming a superhero.

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