Shin Kamen Rider

Did toku fans like this movie? I watched it on a whim and turned it off after an hour , but I’ve never watched anything toku before besides the og godzilla movie. I got the feeling you need to be well versed in the genre to enjoy it.

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  1. 10 months ago
  2. 10 months ago

    have a nice day iToddler.

    • 10 months ago

      moot said phoneposting is ok

  3. 10 months ago

    The only good Shin is Godzilla. Shin Ultra was a disrespectful abomination and the less said about Shin Rider the better. If you want a good KR film watch ZO

    • 10 months ago

      And Shin's only a mediocre as frick Godzilla movie

    • 10 months ago

      >waaaah shin ultraman wasn't different enough
      >waaaah shin kamen rider was too different
      >muh 90's slop
      Just frick off contrarian.

      • 10 months ago

        >slop poster is moronic
        Woah no way

      • 10 months ago

        >slop poster is moronic
        Woah no way

        Not that anon but ZO was good. Haven’t seen Shin.

    • 10 months ago

      Shin Godzilla was a movie I didn’t like as much as everyone else. I like the reverse-theme compared to the original and I thought the approach was unique, but I feel like it dragged on too long with no real sense of characters despite their focus. It could’ve done with some scene cutting, mainly the ones that become repetitive.

      Shin Ultraman is alright. My main issue is that the pacing is whiplash level and too many ideas got crammed in. I love the original series with a passion, but because of that I’m not necessarily impressed with them desperately trying to recreate moments from it. I think once Zoffy happens, the movie breathes, and they go in their own direction, it picks up.
      I did love how alien they made Ultraman though, and having his personality take over the host unequivocally was a good move.

      • 10 months ago

        >I did love how alien they made Ultraman though
        This was absolutely one of its greatest strengths. Even little things in how he moves are off.

        • 10 months ago

          I really like how it emphasized the science fiction aspect of the original series. It didn’t feel like just some superhero, it felt like a very awkward, very powerful creature that we barely know anything about.

    • 10 months ago

      Shin Godzilla isn't very good and gives off Godzilla 1998 vibes.

  4. 10 months ago

    I liked it.

  5. 10 months ago

    I liked it but it had a bit too much CG for me for something that so heavily wanted to replicate/remind you of the original. It's full of Anno jargon and it has strange pacing but I also read the prequel manga beforehand and have familiarity with both the show and manga it's taking elements from.

    I watched with people who, while they've seen toku, never saw or read anything to do with the original but they like Anno's other work including the other Shins so they came out loving it apart from the tunnel sequence near the end (which is also my least favourite part) so I'd agree it's probably the least newcomer friendly of the Shins.

    You should check out Shin Godzilla since it feels more like a good synthesis of Anno and Higuchi under Toho's reigns and manages to be a compelling and cool film that newcomers can join in on moreso than Ultra or KR. Shin Ultraman is good too though.

    • 10 months ago

      i really wished they used the brawl with the shocker riders even if anno felt it looked fake.
      OFC it will look fake , you just cant have a fistfight 2vs10 people that wont turn out to be a lynching because thats the only natural and " realistic" outcome , thank good i could watch some snipets of it in the making of documentary...

      • 10 months ago

        I watched it and felt angry that this was left out of the movie in place of dark CG tunnel choreo you can barely see, though the rain sequence isn't as stylised as it was in the manga either. Such a weird decision when there are so many taken directly from the TV show/manga moments in the movie before this.

    • 10 months ago

      The prequel's still going too, and it kind of irks me because I read a good deal of the prequel too before I got to see the one-day theatrical release in the US. Sasori getting all this build-up as a character just means jackshit to me when she's gonna end up doing the job to ningen in a one-scene-wonder.

      • 10 months ago

        honestly im glad they practically got rid of sasori AUG, the desing was too silly for me, even kamakiri-chameleon looked more on par with all the other AUgs.
        the fight against Wasp was the best

        • 10 months ago

          The design you saw apparently only happened probably because they cast a face actress for the roll.

          The original was much closer to the other AUGs.

          • 10 months ago

            Anyone have scans of Skin Kamen Rider Design Works? There was some great stuff there.

            • 9 months ago

              E-Hentai has them

        • 10 months ago

          The design you saw apparently only happened probably because they cast a face actress for the roll.

          The original was much closer to the other AUGs.

          Honestly it looked to me like they were going for a mix of both more mech-like AUGs and more monstrous looking like the old school. It would have been weird if Sasori was the ONLY one who looked the way she did but we got the Komori-AUG to think about, too so at least she's not the odd one out. If I'm thinking on it, these were the only ones to not go through a transformation either, right?

  6. 10 months ago

    I liked it well enough. I found the discussion of prana to be a bit out of place, but I guess the rebranding of Shocker as a Japanese cult expy rather than a Nazi remnant meant it had its place.

    • 10 months ago

      >I found the discussion of prana to be a bit out of place,

      I loved that they found an end to world hunger with the caveat that if everyone was a cyborg running on prana they would run out of prana.

      I kind of like that sort of concept in things though already

      • 10 months ago

        I thought it had shades of the sengoku driver from gaim where people could just survive via the energy from the lockseeds and not have to eat to survive in the post-Helheim world.

        Which I think ties back into hunger/appetites being a thing that defines your humanity in Rider fiction.

        For example Kouta's loss of appetite is the first sign that he is becoming an Overlord and losing what makes him human.

    • 10 months ago

      >but I guess the rebranding of Shocker as a Japanese cult expy rather than a Nazi remnant meant it had its place

      If you miss Hitler the prequel comic shows the American branch leader still loves Hitler.

  7. 10 months ago

    I loved it

  8. 10 months ago

    legitimately thought it would be utter dogshit (based on the trailer and Shin Shartraman) but it was pretty good
    the writing in the second act is absolutely terrible though, and the "thanks" scene with the girl was really long and dumb.
    other than that it went hard ngl

    • 10 months ago

      >and the "thanks" scene with the girl was really long and dumb.
      1 minute is too long for you...?

      • 10 months ago

        It lasted like 10 minutes. I'm not talking about the very end, I'm talking about the stupid montage where we learn all about Shocker and she keeps droning on and on about stupid crap
        The writing is a victim of Anno's autism

        I really enjoyed right to the moment it jumped to the plot of what should have been the sequel, everything with Rider and the brother should have been in Shin KR2.

        Splitting it in two would've been much worse.

        • 10 months ago

          >Splitting it in two would've been much worse.
          Why, the movie is all about them fighting Shocker and was leading to them confronting I or K then the brother subplot happens and Rider 2 shows up suddenly.

          • 10 months ago

            Why does that arbitrarily require them to make two movies
            I doubt you actually enjoy watching movies if you think everything is so subordinate to plot/narrative

  9. 10 months ago

    I think it's the best superhero film of the past 10 years. Most of the complaints I've seen are pedantic or unwarranted comparisons.

  10. 10 months ago

    I watched it last night and liked it well enough. It did feel kind of slow and deliberate, but I don't think that's a bad thing. It was kind of weird that Hongo rips off his mask and sees himself as a freaky bug thing under it and then that never comes up again, but overall I think it had some of that Ishinomori "the hero is set apart and can never go back" bit to it.

    I did laugh when the big bad's evil plan is just instrumentality over again.

    Liked seeing Robot Detective in there.

    I don't think my time was wasted, but I probably won't watch it again.

  11. 10 months ago

    >turned it off after an hour

  12. 10 months ago

    Honestly, Kamen Rider The First/The Next were better.
    Shin is too rushed.

    • 10 months ago

      I said this before in another thread but the only thing holding Next back was the Chiharu subplot. Unfortunately it's synonymous with V3's arc so I can't pretend it didn't exist, either.

    • 10 months ago

      >Honestly, Kamen Rider The First/The Next were better.
      Absolutely fricking not.
      Either you never actually watched those movies or you watched them years ago and have misplaced nostalgia for them and are being contrarian because Shin is "popular"
      First/Next are paced infinitely worse too

      • 9 months ago

        nah watched them like two months ago, they're more entertaining imo

      • 9 months ago

        >I can't fathom anyone preferring something over what I think is better

    • 10 months ago

      The FIRST is cool but it's a really, really dumb movie.
      It's funny that The NEXT's plot is about a girl getting literally thrown in the bin, because that's what's figuratively happened to the love interest of The FIRST's Hongo/Ichimonji love triangle by the start of The NEXT lmfao

    • 10 months ago

      Just watched both.
      Not in million years.

  13. 10 months ago

    I really enjoyed right to the moment it jumped to the plot of what should have been the sequel, everything with Rider and the brother should have been in Shin KR2.

  14. 10 months ago

    Everyone liked it except for Gundumbtards with ADS (Anno Derangement Syndrome)

  15. 10 months ago

    Admittedly I have zero knowledge of KR and went to see this movie with my best friend who is a massive fan and this movie was premiering on his birthday. I thought it was a really cool movie, Im glad I did get the opportunity to see this in the theater.

    • 10 months ago

      >Goin with your best friend for their birthday


    • 9 months ago

      Did he like it as well?

      • 9 months ago

        To say he liked it is a understatement, he really loved the movie

        • 9 months ago

          Did he like it as well?

          Based rat shin enjoyers

  16. 10 months ago

    >Making the shocker leader sympathetic
    I can understand doing that to the monsters a bit ifi they were preyed upon by Shocker, but isn't Shocker supposed to be an analogue to Nazis?

    • 10 months ago

      I think the idea was to try and create an origin for the organization that would work in the modern day.

    • 10 months ago

      They're not Nazis in this imagining, they're moreso based on Japanese cults like Happy Science or Aum Shinrikyo. The manga isn't as explicit or simplistic about them being Nazis or having Nazi ties, with it being more about them infiltrating basically every area of society, gov’t, medicine, industry, allowing them to be more insidious but also, as we see with Man-Bat, allowing for Takeshi Hongo to be mournful of the grunts he basically has no choice but to kill despite them also oftentimes being manipulated into that position. Shocker in Shin matches the cold, mechanical, supposedly done for the betterment of society than the TV show and subsequent media's cartoon villain type of evil.

      This dialogue ( I think shows that Shin Shocker are this combined with a purposely constructed squeaky clean image, which the prequel manga in particular goes into more detail with.

      • 10 months ago

        Ironically, that's what Kamen Rider Black Sun's Golgom should have bern had they not changed the theme.

    • 10 months ago

      Ichiro isn't the Great Leader, I is the Great Leader.

    • 10 months ago

      The Nazi aspect is only prevalent in the tv show due to the fact that the people made the tv show didn't like the Nazis, but given Anno's sympathies he probably wants to underplay the Nazi element.

      Though I personally think that element is the strongest part of KR and the ultimate cross of fire.

      • 10 months ago

        Also note that the only series that really goes heavy on nazi imagery are the original tv series and Skyrider, which starts as a semi-remake of the original (Well, X has Starfish Hitler and his soldiers, but that guy is in just one episode (or two if you count cameos), it's not a recurring motif).

        Even V3's Destron for example already had a cult motif. V3 even an episode that had a plot about a girl who joins Destron believing it's an association helping mankind and such (although really late in the series).

      • 10 months ago

        Nazis are less relevant in the current era, where Nazi just means "someone who does a thing I don't like" than in 1971 where there were actual Axis or Imperial Japan supporting war criminals alive and in positions of power or authority in Japan.

        • 10 months ago

          Despite the unreasonably wide swath that's been painted with that word, if you look you will absolutely find people just as in line with the classical meaning as in 1971. Their pins and flags just used to be their parents' or are reproductions.

    • 10 months ago

      but he wasn't sympathetic

  17. 10 months ago

    who the hell was this guy

    • 10 months ago

      Technically he's K, a reimagining of another one of Shotaro Ishinomori's toku heroes called Robot Keiji K. Here, similarly to how Kamen Rider has used previous Ishinomori heroes in other things like Inazuman and Kikaider in "OOO, Den-O, All Riders: Let's Go Kamen Riders", he is reimagined as being a creation of Shocker. He gets a lot more in the prequel manga but in the movie he's basically analyising them to learn how to be human despite them all being cyborgs.

      He's pretty much what if Big Machine in the OG manga had an assistant to make sure everything was running okay and it's honestly a weird direction for the character but I do like it in a weird him learning by observing humanity and his main takeaway being more human-like actions like collecting roses as signs of mourning for the two people he watched grow up and humanity wasn't just about death and the fear of it but also love and action. I do wish we got to actually see more of this in the movie but out of the 3 Shins this is the one I can see getting a sequel so who knows.

      • 10 months ago

        >but out of the 3 Shins this is the one I can see getting a sequel so who knows.
        Shin Ultraman 2 and Shin Ultraseven have already been announced.

        • 10 months ago

          Nah, we just know there are possible plans for them from Anno (as in, written plans, not just mentioning stuff in interviews), but there's no actual confirmation from the Tsuburaya side.

        • 10 months ago

          >Shin Ultraseven
          Good luck. The tv series hits the sweet spot between sci-fi episodes and mystery episodes.

      • 10 months ago

        who the hell was this guy

        Ichiro / Masked Rider 0 is also based a lot on Inazuman (although he has other influences) and straight uo had an Inazuman redesign in concept art, and this one might be just a coincidence but it's fun to think about, once I saw the 5 Shocker augs lined up in a picture it made me realize they're like a Super Sentai team.

        If I recall correctly Mirrorman's host was in Shin Ultraman as a minor character.

        It reminds me of what Giant Robo The Day The Earth Stood Still did but that was an extreme case.

  18. 10 months ago

    I finally watched it and it's fricking amazing. Autistic references and the main Japanese girl makes my dick hard

  19. 10 months ago

    It did feel like with how the intro was handled Anno pretty much assumes you already at least vaguely know about the original Kamen Rider. It's kind a shame since with a longer introduction it easily could work as a jumping in point.

    • 10 months ago

      Anno knows the best jumping in point is Kamen Rider ZO

  20. 10 months ago

    >sees her dad as nothing but sperm donor
    >doesn't even enjoy food
    >somehow dedicates herself to fight against shocker and being a good guy
    I love Ruriko but her character is hard to understand

    • 10 months ago

      Her cold demeanor and distant relationship with her dad in the beginning was all a front. You can tell Midorikawa sees through her bullshit when he smiles seeing her give Hongo the scarf and Hamabe's performance after Hongo apologizes for failing to save him shows just how distraught she is. She only really opens up and lets Hongo see the real her after he backs her up and tries to save Hiromi and then comforts her afterwards. You can see a pretty drastic shift in her character past that point and we learn about how conflicted she is about her father as well (yearned for a happy family life, but only came in after the Midorikawas were already damaged by the tragedy; Midorikawa was unable to be a proper father, but he did try to foster some sort of healthy relationship as implied by her saying that he did show her more of the world, etc.)

      She certainly is autistic, but it's not like she's a robot or as detached from humanity as Rei. She's just hesitant to connect with people and already sees her life as forfeit, so she's all business to not betray her feelings or strive for happiness she knows she can't hold onto. And as for her heel turn, Ichiro said that she did experience the Habitat already, so I think it's safe to assume that she (as she devised the system) plugged herself in as an experiment, had a Shinji moment of realization how horrible it is and went back out committed to stopping it. I'd also infer that experience probably played a role in the professor's decision to betray SHOCKER as well, since his desire to protect her was explicitly a motivating factor in everything he has done.

      I really like how dramaturgically efficient this movie is in building up his characters. It runs on a breakneck pace in a short time frame, but in that it's very purposeful in how it sketches the characters and seeds information about them. Quite Tomino-esque in how it leaves you to connect the dots.

      • 10 months ago

        I get that being with Hongo was fixing her and causing her to open up, but seems she she gives a shit about her brother and sister but not her father. Not even later in the film she shows any remorse for not treating her father better.

        • 10 months ago

          She's still willing to admit he did care about her and tried to do something for her, while being honest about her wishes that she could have experienced the relationship Ichiro had with him. That's a big step from "I don't give a shit about that sperm donor". She doesn't love the guy, it's a complicated, contradictory situation wrapped in regret and jealousy and all sorts of muddled feelings, fraught like a lot of strained parent-child relationships are.

    • 10 months ago

      Her cold demeanor and distant relationship with her dad in the beginning was all a front. You can tell Midorikawa sees through her bullshit when he smiles seeing her give Hongo the scarf and Hamabe's performance after Hongo apologizes for failing to save him shows just how distraught she is. She only really opens up and lets Hongo see the real her after he backs her up and tries to save Hiromi and then comforts her afterwards. You can see a pretty drastic shift in her character past that point and we learn about how conflicted she is about her father as well (yearned for a happy family life, but only came in after the Midorikawas were already damaged by the tragedy; Midorikawa was unable to be a proper father, but he did try to foster some sort of healthy relationship as implied by her saying that he did show her more of the world, etc.)

      She certainly is autistic, but it's not like she's a robot or as detached from humanity as Rei. She's just hesitant to connect with people and already sees her life as forfeit, so she's all business to not betray her feelings or strive for happiness she knows she can't hold onto. And as for her heel turn, Ichiro said that she did experience the Habitat already, so I think it's safe to assume that she (as she devised the system) plugged herself in as an experiment, had a Shinji moment of realization how horrible it is and went back out committed to stopping it. I'd also infer that experience probably played a role in the professor's decision to betray SHOCKER as well, since his desire to protect her was explicitly a motivating factor in everything he has done.

      I really like how dramaturgically efficient this movie is in building up his characters. It runs on a breakneck pace in a short time frame, but in that it's very purposeful in how it sketches the characters and seeds information about them. Quite Tomino-esque in how it leaves you to connect the dots.

      Isn't she a robot too.

      • 10 months ago

        A clone cyborg probably, whatever the frick "computational organism" born from an "artificial womb" means. She's certainly human, biological enough to require food, so that's one step above Hongo even.

      • 10 months ago

        test tube baby, probably augmented since birth. don't read the manga so idk what's the real lore but that's what I get from the movie

  21. 10 months ago

    The movie's problem is that it tries to cram too much and the movie suffered because everything goes so fast. As a standalone movie, newcomers are going to be confused. It's not an easy entry point like the other two shin movies.

  22. 10 months ago

    why did they go through all this effort only to waste it with low quality cell phone/gopro shots

    • 10 months ago

      I don't see you complaining about Hollywood not using film anymore.

    • 10 months ago

      It looks raw and disconcerting. Watch Anno's Love and Pop and Shinya Tsukamoto's Tokyo Fist, there's a reason Anno cast him in the movie. Also lofi digital photography is great and more directors should take advantage of what the medium is capable of.

      • 10 months ago

        >It looks raw and disconcerting.
        >lofi digital photography
        it looks like that barrel scene in The Hobbit

        • 10 months ago

          Nah, the barrel scene is unmotivated and stylistically breaks the film, while Shin Kamen Rider is built around these choices from ground up, while serving to psychologically immerse in the characters and otherwise enhance the intentions of a given scene (the bodycam footage in the Scorpion-Aug massacre) or just Anno's formalist tendencies.

          >there's a reason Anno cast him in the movie
          Yes the reason being Shinya is a good actor.

          Naturally, but I was also very surprised by how much SKR echoed Tsukamoto's own directorial work. It was really cool to see as a fan.

          • 10 months ago

            >SKR echoed Tsukamoto's own directorial work
            Yeah I guess so, I felt SKR was very Anno given his past Live Action works (specially Cutie Honey) but I never considered Shinya Tsukamoto might be an influence for him.

      • 10 months ago

        >there's a reason Anno cast him in the movie
        Yes the reason being Shinya is a good actor.

  23. 10 months ago

    Great adaption, somewhat bad movie.
    I like the interpretation of the characters, Shocker, and the world building, and would like to see more story take place in the setting. There are lot of well done cinematography as well.
    I think that of the 3 of the Anno Shin Toku, this one have the best characterization.
    The plot is good enough(Hongo must stop the Shocker before they send the human into the after life, sort of, and take down each Shocker elite while doing so), but the overall pacing and execution of the final fight is somewhat scrambled.
    It feel as if Anno want to focus on doing cool scene, rather than a well paced story. On the case of final fight, well the idea of how it ended up is interesting, but the execution sucks. Why they ended up fighting like that, and how they are able to do so didn't show enough justification to show why is it possible, and it went on for too long it turned boring. The wonky camera work doesn't helps.

  24. 10 months ago

    any gory toku movies???

    • 10 months ago

      They’re shows, but the original Kamen Rider Amazon, Amazons (first season), and Guyver Dark Hero are worth looking at.

    • 10 months ago

      Shin Kamen Rider Prologue (1992)

    • 10 months ago

      Mechanical Violator Hakaider

  25. 10 months ago

    OP here, I had a break in my busy schedule of sucking wieners and decided to check out some more kamen rider. I watched a bit of the 1971 and the Black series, and I have to say I liked those a lot more. The acting is actually... normal instead of whatever cringe anime style bs was in this movie. Plus, Hongo is a fricking chad in the original, not a shinji b***h boy. It makes me wonder what Anno was going for here because it's not a deconstruction or mix up in any way, just a tribute with modern effects but worse everything else. I don't get it.

    • 10 months ago

      Read the manga, that was the main source of Anno's inspiration. TV show doesn't really factor in past aesthetics.

      >70's tokusatsu acting

      • 10 months ago

        >TV show doesn't really factor in past aesthetics
        That’s an outright lie. He clearly takes beats and direction from the series. Also you act like a major aspect of the movie aren’t the visuals, in which shots are taken directly from the series.
        It clearly combines both, but you’re insane if you’re trying to downplay the show’s influence.

    • 10 months ago

      you might be too much of a moron to consume media

    • 10 months ago

      Anno's version of Hongo if assumed to be the same age as the show/manga (22) is supposed to be a modern 22 year old who's also frontloaded with trauma from his backstory, he also takes more from The First Hongo if anything being that he, too, is meek, shaky, quiet and reserved. TV/manga Hongo also isn't afraid to use violence and the power he's given compared to Shin Hongo very reluctantly taking the call, fearing the power the helmet amplifies rather than him being a cyborg.

      SKR takes elements from all previous OG Rider material and remixes them while adding Anno's sensibilities (mainly the very wordy interpretation of Shocker as a cult and the addition of prana). Most of the more original stuff is unfortunately locked behind the prequel manga.

    • 10 months ago

      yeah he wants to tribute the original+manga while inserting his typical eva archetypes. It's weird. But Ruriko is cute so I give it a pass, hope she comes back in the sequel.

  26. 10 months ago

    It's funny how the two main responses to the movie are
    >It's just an uninspired tribute to the original series
    >It's too much Anno with his bullshit existentialism and pseud avantgarde photography and iPhones
    Is it too much Anno's brand or too little then?

    • 10 months ago

      My only problem with it is there being more CG than I really wanted or was expecting, and I don't mean the cool stylistic stuff used for Wasp-Aug's fight and moreso the DBZ style Hongo/Ichimonji fight. I feel like I know what it was going for (grasshoppers hopping up in the air at such speeds that it basically looks like they're fighting in the air) but I don't really like it. I also like the Anno-isms and how it takes bits and pieces from the show, manga and The First but I wish the prequel manga's original stuff could've been a bit more prominent overall.

      Even in Japan when this movie first came out though it was the most divisive of the 3 Shins so it's not a new thing exactly, I think it's the one that people will either love or bounce off of immediately.

      • 10 months ago

        The Hongo/Ichimonji fight 1? is supposed to resemble two grasshoppers fighting but it was just awkward. The one with CGI was even worst.

        • 10 months ago

          When they hop around in the air all DBZ-like, yeah, not a fan of that.

          • 10 months ago

            Anno fulfills an Otaku's life long desire, and you out here hating lmao

            • 10 months ago

              I love the rest of the movie, I just wanted it to be more practical and that fight kinda took me out of the experience. Tunnel fight while hard to see at least had Hongo and Ichimonji work together!

    • 10 months ago

      Just a vocal minority as always.

    • 10 months ago

      It feels uninspired because Anno speedruns through the plot, so it ended up feeling like a compilation movie

      • 10 months ago

        At least things feel better connected than Shin Ultra; I felt like I was watching a compilation movie.

        • 10 months ago

          well that's the case with shin kamen too unfortunately. A new comer would totally be fricking bewildered the first 10 minutes and just have to accept they're not going back to explain it eventhough the opening looked like it was an in media res

          • 10 months ago

            >what? what's going on? where is the narrator? why is some masked guy riding a motorcycle in the masked rider movie??
            Do americans really?

            • 10 months ago

              The worst noob opinion I ever saw was a guy praising the movie for being one big joke and totally ironic. It was actually kind of soul crushing to see because I always hated the trend of sincerity dying like MCU quips and shit.._

              • 10 months ago

                They would probably call the Cutie Honey movie "ironic" too.

                Damn I actually am having a hard time getting into the original series which Im watching because of Shin.Hongo's 13 episodes were so good. I'll watch a few episodes a week instead of looking forward to one everyday. I'm thinking I should drop it if the tone never changes even with Hongo's return. Should I drop it?

                You shouldn't have this hard a time with something you want to watch. I'd suggest you move onto something else until you learn to appreciate a varied range of styles, tones, etc.

              • 10 months ago

                I thought I would love cheesey stuff, I loved Sun Vulcan... Oh well.

              • 10 months ago

                If only they took their time to establish the characters and world to the audience instead of cannonballing to the plot

              • 10 months ago

                Were you looking at the cheese on your dick or something? the movie goes out of its way to expodump every 15 minutes.

              • 10 months ago

                I know this doesn'tmake the movie better for you but that's why I'm enjoying the prequel manga so much

              • 9 months ago

                The only characters they really needed to flesh out was Ruriko, her brother and Hongo. I don't really care about the other kaijins

            • 10 months ago

              >fan of a franchise understands what's happening
              thanks for proving my point

              • 10 months ago

                Gee, it's almost as if an abrupt and disorienting opening puts you in the shoes of a confused and disoriented protagonist! Movies 101. And if you are still confused by the movie afterwards, then sorry, but it really is on you. Midorikawa has a five minute exposition dump right after the opening.

              • 10 months ago

                >Gee, it's almost as if an abrupt and disorienting opening puts you in the shoes of a confused and disoriented protagonist! Movies 101
                That doesn't work when you don't establish and have the audience know your main character in the first place. When you show the mc in his regular life first, only then the audience become invested when shit hits the fan and his life gets turned upside down, that's Movies 101.

                Were you looking at the cheese on your dick or something? the movie goes out of its way to expodump every 15 minutes.

                Constant exposition dumps are not good writing

              • 10 months ago

                Please watch movies other than Hollywood franchise slop.

              • 9 months ago

                >only hollywood follows basic writing principles
                you'd say anything to defend it at this point

              • 10 months ago

                >Constant exposition dumps are not good writing
                Didn't say it was lol, the argument here is that you got lost in a movie for kids.

              • 9 months ago

                >the argument here is that you got lost in a movie for kids.
                no the argument was nobody about caring about the story

              • 9 months ago

                Were you looking at the cheese on your dick or something? the movie goes out of its way to expodump every 15 minutes.

                If only they took their time to establish the characters and world to the audience instead of cannonballing to the plot

                The worst noob opinion I ever saw was a guy praising the movie for being one big joke and totally ironic. It was actually kind of soul crushing to see because I always hated the trend of sincerity dying like MCU quips and shit.._

                >what? what's going on? where is the narrator? why is some masked guy riding a motorcycle in the masked rider movie??
                Do americans really?

                well that's the case with shin kamen too unfortunately. A new comer would totally be fricking bewildered the first 10 minutes and just have to accept they're not going back to explain it eventhough the opening looked like it was an in media res

                The lucidity of the narrative is completely irrelevant to the quality of the writing, which was terrible.
                Starting en media res was great but the exposition dump at the end of the second Act almost ruined the movie. The first half of the movie seems like it was written by a different person.

              • 9 months ago

                Moving the goalposts for a kids movie you did not understand is quite pathetic.

              • 9 months ago

                I'm not either of you.
                I'm telling you the facts
                >kids movie
                It's meant for young adults or teens. If anything it's meant for a much larger demographic than the original kamen rider, and certainly a comparatively larger demographic than other current rider franchises. You could even say it's made for people Anno's age as they have the pleasure of seeing both the original rider when it aired AND this.
                >you did not understand
                Completely non-sequitur and incorrect to begin with. Regardless of whether even YOU "got it" (it's a very simple story, I don't know why you're insistent on pretending it's cryptic), lucidity is irrelevant to and distinct from the pace of the narrative, which was very poor in the second half. The choreography/action was also worse in the second half with the exception of the final fight with Rider Zero.
                Generally the film is just worse in the second half. The editing, framing, lighting, etc... the mise-en-scene is just not as good.

              • 9 months ago

                If you are going to butt in someone else's conversation at least don't be a dumb gorilla Black person and follow the reply chain.

              • 9 months ago

                You are both wrong.

              • 9 months ago

                Whose the rider in your picture?

              • 9 months ago


              • 9 months ago

                Number 4

                Today's word of the day is lucidity!

                Do you object to my point or to my use of the word lucidity?

                My overall opinion of the movie seems to be more positive than your take but I agree.
                The AI was already established as the main antagonistic force in the beginning, I don’t understand why they had to bring in all the crap about the dream world.
                In the end, the Butterfly Aug was more compelling but then, they should’ve cut out all that crap about “I”.
                Was it a production issue? Or was it just a reference to how the original show had to change direction to accommodate Hongo’s bike accident? This wouldn’t be below Anno given the rest of the movie tbh.

                There's nothing wrong with having a large number of elements to the narrative, but it didn't make the movie better.
                >Was it a production issue?
                Maybe, the CG Shocker Riders were a little out of place

              • 9 months ago

                The lucidity of the narrative is completely irrelevant to the quality of the writing, which was terrible.
                Starting en media res was great but the exposition dump at the end of the second Act almost ruined the movie. The first half of the movie seems like it was written by a different person.

                Today's word of the day is lucidity!

              • 9 months ago

                It's literally fricking called shin masked rider on Amazon prime

                If you watch a movie called masked rider and see a masked rider and don't get what's happening you're kind of moronic, not to mention that superheroes aren't a hard concept to explain anymore

                I like you keep pushing about not understanding when it's about how poorly written it is. You're no different than those capeshit fans who keep defending those shit movies and call them good or misunderstood masterpieces

              • 9 months ago

                >when it's about how poorly written it is
                Not really, read the reply chain.

              • 9 months ago

                just because it's one of the more coherent kamen rider movies doesn't make it have good writing

              • 9 months ago

                Why the frick are you quoting me I wasn't talking about anything you are saying. Me:

                The worst noob opinion I ever saw was a guy praising the movie for being one big joke and totally ironic. It was actually kind of soul crushing to see because I always hated the trend of sincerity dying like MCU quips and shit.._

              • 9 months ago

                My overall opinion of the movie seems to be more positive than your take but I agree.
                The AI was already established as the main antagonistic force in the beginning, I don’t understand why they had to bring in all the crap about the dream world.
                In the end, the Butterfly Aug was more compelling but then, they should’ve cut out all that crap about “I”.
                Was it a production issue? Or was it just a reference to how the original show had to change direction to accommodate Hongo’s bike accident? This wouldn’t be below Anno given the rest of the movie tbh.

              • 9 months ago

                It's literally fricking called shin masked rider on Amazon prime

                If you watch a movie called masked rider and see a masked rider and don't get what's happening you're kind of moronic, not to mention that superheroes aren't a hard concept to explain anymore

  27. 10 months ago

    It's drastic of course but I like that Shocker was reinvented from a crazy fascist-adjacent organization to being something that takes advantage of unhappy and despairing people, alongside Takeshi Hongo being someone with trauma from his past. It really feels like a natural "modernization" of Kamen Rider to go from making it about the fascist org to about individuals Rider or otherwise trying to find happiness in a miserable world, the evils born from one's desperation to escape their personal despair, and the security from not being alone.

    • 10 months ago

      If you like that interpretation, you should check out the original manga. It and the more overt Japanese cult imagery/motifs are pretty much what Shin SHOCKER is.

    • 10 months ago

      What was fascist about shocka?

      • 10 months ago

        Shocker in the original series had an early episode confirming explicit nazi ties in addition to just using nazi imagery (like the salutes and minor commander type characters often dressed in nazi inspired uniforms, in addition to Colonel Zol's design).

        • 10 months ago

          I don't know. Their collectivistic perspective that kill individuality in favor of total obedience to the great leader, altering humans in search of the ubermensch or hiring literal nazi officers like Colonel Zol

          That's not fascist.

          • 10 months ago

            Your hero is woke, get over it.

            • 10 months ago
        • 10 months ago

          Colonel Zol was supposed to be an ex-nazi officer but the actor was doing whiteface. Not so rare on Japanese media.

      • 10 months ago

        I don't know. Their collectivistic perspective that kill individuality in favor of total obedience to the great leader, altering humans in search of the ubermensch or hiring literal nazi officers like Colonel Zol

    • 9 months ago

      >something that takes advantage of unhappy and despairing people, alongside Takeshi Hongo being someone with trauma from his past.

      You mean like the progs?

  28. 10 months ago

    I'd say I mostly liked it. It's a bit of a mess for sure, and I think the second half is quite a bit weaker than the first, but there's enough enthusiasm and fun to keep it afloat. Weakest of the Shin series so far though for sure.

  29. 10 months ago

    It was ok. Its weirdly pace, its pretty whiplash inducing on the account that it doesn't know when to let the characters breathe and how to build up the action before a fight scene. The overused wide shot of Hongo/Girl walks to enemy bases gets too repetitive.

  30. 10 months ago

    The boss fight was really bad, like man.

  31. 10 months ago

    I wanted to like Shin KR but it felt too...I don't know.

    Maybe its far more enjoyable if one grew up in the Showa era. It felt like a gigantic Showa homage than an actual movie.

    • 10 months ago

      Go watch the first 13 episodes of the original and a lot of the weird decisions make sense. In Shin I thought the crazy amount of extreme closeups was insane and schizo but it's from the original series. Also the weird ass foam deaths and probably more subtle things.

      • 10 months ago

        >Go watch the first 13 episodes of the original and a lot of the weird decisions make sense.
        My only gripe with the original series is that after Fujiika came back, he portrayed Hongo as pretty much the same character as Ichimonji. So his relationship with Ruriko and him being conflicted about him being a cyborg never got any closure. One of the last Takeshi episodes ends with the narrator saying "he's all alone in his fight", while one of the first Hayato episodes ends with him going "I have wonderful allies". But then Takeshi comes back and inherits the same allies and the general tome.
        So that's probably my favorite part of the movie, that they brought closure to Hongo's original themes.

        • 10 months ago

          Hongo actually is still himself right when he returns (in spite of the two girls that were helping him). There's this episode where Hayato returns to celebrate with the others but then Hongo has just left already when Tachibana asks about him.

          It's when they give Hongo the actual protagonist spot and silver gloves that they pretty much shove the whole aspect of loneliness into the closet.

          • 10 months ago

            >Go watch the first 13 episodes of the original and a lot of the weird decisions make sense.
            My only gripe with the original series is that after Fujiika came back, he portrayed Hongo as pretty much the same character as Ichimonji. So his relationship with Ruriko and him being conflicted about him being a cyborg never got any closure. One of the last Takeshi episodes ends with the narrator saying "he's all alone in his fight", while one of the first Hayato episodes ends with him going "I have wonderful allies". But then Takeshi comes back and inherits the same allies and the general tome.
            So that's probably my favorite part of the movie, that they brought closure to Hongo's original themes.

            Damn I actually am having a hard time getting into the original series which Im watching because of Shin.Hongo's 13 episodes were so good. I'll watch a few episodes a week instead of looking forward to one everyday. I'm thinking I should drop it if the tone never changes even with Hongo's return. Should I drop it?

          • 10 months ago

            It would make no sense for Hongo to still be as isolated and lonely considering there's another out there just like him

        • 10 months ago

          I don’t agree with that. It was still Hongo, the difference now was that he was more confident and accepted that there are others in the fight with him. He was still more straight laced and more self-assured than Hayato for sure.

      • 10 months ago

        Oh yeah, I could tell it was obviously Show stuff going on.

        I'm just wondering if my lack of enjoyment is because I didn't grow up with Showa.

  32. 10 months ago

    The pacing felt really all over the place, speeding up and slowing down notably scene to scene, and overlal it felt like it was stuck between being two different movies.
    Half the time the film wants to be a visceral reimagining of the original, the other half the time it jsut wants to grab your wiener and give it a stroke saying "hey bro we remember 70s toku too ;)", leading to some jarring moments where it switches one to another pretty quick, and a general feeling that the latter half of the film was directed differently to the fast, especially in regards to the fight scenes which started quite high quality and viscerally violent at the start with a lot of small cuts and big almost goofy but quite fun blood effects but by the end was a lot more what I'd expect from typical toku.
    Overall I didn't really feel like watching it was a complete waste, but it was so all over the place I can't particular say I enjoyed it beyond appreciating ideas and concepts that went into it.

    • 10 months ago

      >directed differently to the fast
      *First, sorry

    • 10 months ago

      >the film wants to be a visceral reimagining of the original
      Not true in the slightest.

      • 10 months ago

        that's kind of what I mean, it starts out with elements of that but loses them before they can cement clearly

  33. 10 months ago

    It was better than Black Sun.

    • 10 months ago

      That’s not hard to do.

  34. 10 months ago

    Best Kamen Rider suits, with how Hongo had to manually wear helmet and stuff, and design wise the best looking Rider.
    I couldn't careless about anything else aside from that, anything that's good from the movie is an added bonus to me.
    But I do feel it's too much CG's and the second part after Ruriko's death is kinda meh, oh and a lot scene were cut and I didn't like the fact they had to do that..

    • 10 months ago

      >a lot scene were cut
      Maybe they'll add them in the bluray?

    • 10 months ago

      Is this from a Netflix adaptation?
      It would have explain the black

      • 10 months ago

        >Netflix opts to make a movie of their own for Kamen Rider Black
        >Only choose it because of it's title, making "assumptions" about the lead
        >Disappointed when they find out he's not

  35. 10 months ago

    This is Anno's KR? sounds like shit.
    imo Amazons was still the best KR remake.

    • 10 months ago

      Amazons wasn't a remake.

  36. 10 months ago

    Yes they did

  37. 10 months ago

    It suffers from trying to cram as much as possible into such a short time frame. Too much info dumping not enough character development. Main villain isn't even the main villain of the movie and is in only one scene.

    really a shame because both shin godzilla and shin ultraman were good and managed to pull off everything despite the short time budget.

  38. 10 months ago
  39. 9 months ago

    I really liked Shin Godzilla and Shin Ultraman but not Shin Kamen Rider.

  40. 9 months ago

    Saw it in theaters. It was pretty good. Audience was filled with Rider fans.

  41. 9 months ago

    It was mid, as the kids say.

  42. 9 months ago
  43. 9 months ago

    It peaked with wasp and I still hate Annos shitty iphone shots

  44. 9 months ago

    The CG is kinda weird

  45. 9 months ago
  46. 9 months ago

    >turned it off after an hour

    n-nani kore

  47. 9 months ago

    After this, 3.0 and 3.0+1.0 i legitimately think Anno has lost the plot.

    Shin Godzilla must have been a fluke, and Evangelion + EoE must have been more of a team effort than previously let on because holy shit did this movie suck.
    You cant just play the whole movie off as "intentional cheese" when the movie clearly crosses over that point when trying to tell its actual story.
    The movie is ugly as frick, you expect it from the shows with their budgets but for a movie with Anno at the helm whats the excuse? Its intentionally shitty? You could have done it practical and had that excuse and kept it faithful but you went CGI and made it look like Battride War.
    Pacing and Editing are hilariously fricked, the first hour of the movie are a complete blur with how much information they just throw at the fricking wall. The first half an hour was nuts with how cramped it was in terms of both stilted exposition and editing that made it seem like shots were just cut because they needed a 2 hour runtime.

    I don't know how this happened, the dude has said multiple times that his favorite series by far was 555, it would have been better to just do something with that honestly.

    • 9 months ago

      The cognitive dissonance here is funny.

      • 9 months ago

        The Dunning-Kruger here is funny.

    • 9 months ago

      While I don’t disagree with anything you said about the movie, Anno never once stated his favorite series was 555. He never said his favorite Sentai was Hurricanger either. It’s just those were the shows airing at the time that manga by his wife was made. He was a fan, but I don’t think he ever considered any of those his favorite.

      • 9 months ago

        You might be right and i may be misremembering, but out of all the series to reference in Shin Godzilla the fact that Smart Brain got the reference near the end of the film you'd think it holds a bit more weight than the others.

    • 9 months ago

      >After this, 3.0 and 3.0+1.0 i legitimately think Anno has lost the plot.
      Those movies did what they were supposed to (make people stop caring about evangelion). They were carefully designed to nullify everything the fans cared about. In a way, they are masterfully done

      • 9 months ago

        The fans loved them though, it even started a new generation of fans.

      • 9 months ago

        >they made people stop caring about evangelion intentionally
        You’re giving the man too much credit, while you can make an argument that 3.0+1.0 did that so he can leave the franchise behind, 3.0 was just a fricking mess of a movie and even if you do it intentionally you still made a shit movie.

        • 9 months ago

          >3.0 was just a fricking mess of a movie
          How is it "a mess"?

  48. 9 months ago

    This had an incredibly disappointing final fight. It didn't help that the lighting was so poor I couldn't see shit.
    The final villain keeps doing his stupid jazz hands attack until he runs out of mana, and they still can't defeat him anyway without a suicide attack.
    Like, what the frick was that? He did his dumb ballet moves at them and threw them around, and then he ran out of gas?
    What kind of fricking plan was that?

  49. 9 months ago

    I was very disappointed. The first 20 minutes is what I expected the movie to be, but it went insane.
    There was no reason to cover 7 or 8 kaijin in a movie. Keep it to 2, maybe 3. The mandatory Spiderman fight, maybe the usual Batman fight, then a final boss.
    Keep it simple, Kamen Rider is a simple concept. It gets bonkers if you take into account the 90 episodes of isolated plots. Why would you try to bring any of that into a movie?
    Did we really need a subplot of a Butterfly rider that sends people to the shadow realm? That's so fricking moronic.
    As bad as The First is, it got one thing right, show Kamen Rider fighting, make him kill a few kaijin and then make him -and maybe Ichimonji- invade Shocker and do some damage.

    It's so frustrating to like Showa Kamen Rider.

  50. 9 months ago

    It was kino. Court dismissed.

    • 9 months ago

      It was indeed.

  51. 9 months ago

    I enjoyed it fine enough. The story wasn't very well put together, it had good themes but didn't know how to develop those in a way that made them stand out. But it was a genuinely enjoyable movie that had solid action, good pacing, and the only annoying character gets shot to death off-screen.

  52. 9 months ago

    One of the most bland protagonist I ever watched in KR. I'm glad he was dead

  53. 9 months ago

    The action scenes were good, but my god, too much fricking talking, not even character development, those parts are okay, but mostly a bunch of your typical pseud Anno nonsense about society, spirituality, human instrumentality and other assorted nonsense. It just goes on and on, a movie like this doesn't need to be 2 fricking hours long and if somebody edited out all that nonsense you could probably get it down to about 1 hour and it would be a fast paced much better experience.

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