Shinzo Abe would've loved this series

Shinzo Abe would've loved this series

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  1. 9 months ago

    I love this series

    • 9 months ago

      Go frick yourself

    • 9 months ago


      Go frick yourself

      Frick them yourself, coward

  2. 9 months ago

    Yes this guy is crazy about this. This guy gets shot every day, multiple times, for literally no fricking reason. I have read 5 Infinite Jest cakes so you have to take me seriously.

  3. 9 months ago

    i'm blind, what does it say? don't be blind?

  4. 9 months ago

    This was so much better than Shin Kamen Rider, it's not even funny.

    • 9 months ago


      • 9 months ago

        At least you get people acting in a realistic way unlike Shin where everyone in the world is an autist like Anno and we're supposed to buy any of them is showing any emotion when they clearly are not and it's impossibleto give a shit about anything going on. Goddammit I hate that movie and people who dare to compare it to Ishinomori's manga are dumb fricks.

        • 9 months ago

          Newsflash: Most of the world IS autistic. Neurotypical people are the minority now sweetie.

          • 9 months ago

            Would explain why the world is so shitty right now. Maybe a sign we should just end as a species and stop having babies. Japan is already in the verge of extinction anyway.

        • 9 months ago

          I mean, the people from Shocker are all set up as broken people, and Ruriko got changed into some kind of artificial human.

          Ichimonji at least was pretty different from the other main cast members.

          • 9 months ago

            Taki and Tobei act the exact same way and they're not from Shocker. And I must disagree with

            I think they are both good for different reasons
            They can't necessarily be compared directly since one is a show/miniseries and the other is a film, but there are some obvious strengths for each
            Shin Kamen Rider, being a film has much better direction and choreography. The best part of Shin Kamen Rider is the visual approach.
            However, as anon mentioned, the writing is not so good. It's very clearly Anno writing the dialogue as they all speak like different brick-walls talking to each other. The pacing is good though.
            Black Sun, on the other hand, is a very good melodrama, especially considering it's both a tv show and a kamen rider show, but the pacing is pretty bad. There are some questionably directed chase scenes in it too. It DOES have an amazing first Henshin scene for Black Sun.
            They both have a lot of those melodramatic "anime-lines" which makes me wonder where that kind of thing originally came from.

            . The pacing is terrible. It has so much info dump and it only gets worse as it goes on. Also, I don't give a frick about whatever pseudoscience mumbo jumbo Prana is, the movie didn't need any of that crap. Black Sun criticism is valid, but I would take the poorly choreographed fight scenes over the cgi fest of Shin worst moments, like Hongo fighting Hayaro and then the Shocker Riders.

            • 9 months ago

              >The pacing is terrible. It has so much info dump and it only gets worse as it goes on
              I won't deny the pacing in the second act is bad, but the third act is definitely better. Overall, it is certainly superior to Black Sun.
              >Also, I don't give a frick about whatever pseudoscience mumbo jumbo Prana is, the movie didn't need any of that crap
              Your subjective feelings aren't relevant to the quality of either show.
              >Black Sun criticism is valid, but I would take the poorly choreographed fight scenes over the cgi fest of Shin worst moments, like Hongo fighting Hayaro and then the Shocker Riders.
              Again what you want is irrelevant; that is a subjective metric and not a proper indicator of quality.
              I would say only the riders vs shocker riders fight is genuinely worse than anything in Black Sun, and even in such a case it is only worse than Black Sun's best fight scene, which is either Black Sun Vs Shadow Moon or Bilgenia vs the kill squad.

              • 9 months ago

                >Your subjective feelings aren't relevant to the quality of either show.
                And yet, the movie gives you nothing to work with. That's just bad storytelling. No one would understand whatever the frick that was without checking Wikipedia or some shit.

                >Taki and Tobei act the exact same way and they're not from Shocker.
                In that case I thought it was more about their position as government agents the cast didn't really fully trust until near the ending. They definitely didn't have the odd mannerisms and such that you saw with Hongo or the Shocker crew.

                They're still monotone and show no emotion at any given moment. That explanation is way too convenient, especially when the movie shows nothing about how an average bystander would act in this world. Tobei didn't need to be an agent, that was kinda stupid.

              • 9 months ago

                >the movie gives you nothing to work with. That's just bad storytelling
                The information you are provided with concerning the narrative is entirely irrelevant to the quality of the work. Plot details are irrelevant to the dramatic writing and acting as well.
                On top of that, both works are very cryptic (until the end) concerning the exact details of the plot elements within
                >No one would understand whatever the frick that was without checking Wikipedia or some shit.
                This isn't true either way

              • 9 months ago

                >The information you are provided with concerning the narrative is entirely irrelevant to the quality of the work. Plot details are irrelevant to the dramatic writing and acting as well.
                >On top of that, both works are very cryptic (until the end) concerning the exact details of the plot elements within
                Your subjective feelings aren't relevant to the quality of either show.
                >This isn't true either way
                Again what you say is irrelevant; that is a subjective metric and not a proper indicator of an objective fact.

              • 9 months ago

                Holy SEETHE
                I can't believe I dunked on you THIS hard
                you can't even understand the difference between objective and subjective.

              • 9 months ago

                And I don’t care. A shitty movie is still a shitty movie and I will keep repeating it if only to piss off pretentious morons who like to defend shitty movies. Thank you.

              • 9 months ago

                >I don't care I'm just going to stay in the echo chamber I've created inside my own head
                Learn how to have a rational conversation and you'll enjoy life more

              • 9 months ago

                >I'm right because I said so

                Woke shit named after a neo nazi symbol. What was Toei thinking?

                >morons are still calling Black Sun woke even though it's actively calling out woke slactivists as being part of the problem
                lol lmao

            • 9 months ago

              >Taki and Tobei act the exact same way and they're not from Shocker.
              In that case I thought it was more about their position as government agents the cast didn't really fully trust until near the ending. They definitely didn't have the odd mannerisms and such that you saw with Hongo or the Shocker crew.

        • 9 months ago

          You are the autist here.

          • 9 months ago

            Even fans of this piece of shit movie would admit no one acts like a human being. An opinion like yours is irrelevant to me.

        • 9 months ago

          >Shin where everyone in the world is an autist like Anno
          It's realistic then

        • 9 months ago

          You seriously think Black Sun had people acting realistically? What planet do you live on?

      • 9 months ago

        the wall hurt me harder than hurt you anon

    • 9 months ago

      At least you get people acting in a realistic way unlike Shin where everyone in the world is an autist like Anno and we're supposed to buy any of them is showing any emotion when they clearly are not and it's impossibleto give a shit about anything going on. Goddammit I hate that movie and people who dare to compare it to Ishinomori's manga are dumb fricks.

      I think they are both good for different reasons
      They can't necessarily be compared directly since one is a show/miniseries and the other is a film, but there are some obvious strengths for each
      Shin Kamen Rider, being a film has much better direction and choreography. The best part of Shin Kamen Rider is the visual approach.
      However, as anon mentioned, the writing is not so good. It's very clearly Anno writing the dialogue as they all speak like different brick-walls talking to each other. The pacing is good though.
      Black Sun, on the other hand, is a very good melodrama, especially considering it's both a tv show and a kamen rider show, but the pacing is pretty bad. There are some questionably directed chase scenes in it too. It DOES have an amazing first Henshin scene for Black Sun.
      They both have a lot of those melodramatic "anime-lines" which makes me wonder where that kind of thing originally came from.

  5. 9 months ago

    Woke shit named after a neo nazi symbol. What was Toei thinking?

  6. 9 months ago

    Black Sun is the mature adult series everyone wanted. It's literally the perfect show

  7. 9 months ago

    Amazons is the mature adult series everyone wanted. It's literally the perfect show

  8. 9 months ago

    Okay. Write a plot for Kamen Rider Black Sun RX.

  9. 9 months ago

    I did.

  10. 9 months ago


    >Who banned bikini from Jap anime in 2022 summer.

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