Should she have been the main character?

Should she have been the main character? The opening with her being a musician, family drama, fighting vulture and teaming up with the Spider society were quite interesting and I wanted to see more of it. Gwen dying in every universe being a canon event would have been traumatic and a great way for her to become disillusioned with Spider society. Interrupting the movie when it was getting interesting to give us black Peter seems like such a waste of the Spidervese concept, Miles was a great fish out of water to get us into it but isn't needed anymore when there are more interesting stories to tell

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  1. 12 months ago

    I don't care, both Miles and Gwen are equally bad.

    • 12 months ago

      You only hate Gwen because she's a troon

      • 12 months ago

        Her cannon hides something more than meets the eye

    • 12 months ago

      it shouldve been mayday from the beginning frick miles and gwen

  2. 12 months ago

    Technically you could consider her the MC of this movie. Since her personal plot started at the beginning but was resolved at the end of the movie. Plus her as narrator.

    But overall Miles is the MC of the trilogy.

  3. 12 months ago

    She has a concise character arc that by contrast shows how repetitive Miles' was in the movie. The film is visually great, but has serious structure problems.

  4. 12 months ago

    For the health of any plot it should never be acknowledged but it really must be weird to know there's a multiverse of your dead bestie (and potential lover?) that has claim to the power you've had. Especially walking around as the teen-crush of all those grown ass spider-men who lost you. Spider-verse tried to not overlap too many main peters so you don't really get that feeling but wow you'd have to know you're a cosmically assigned spinoff character when you're like maybe one of ten Yous in a multiverse chuck full of Peters.

  5. 12 months ago

    Yes. She should have been the protag. Spider-verse movies should rotate the spotlight with a different Spidey having the protagonism each movie.

    • 12 months ago

      The mutliverse is a shitty idea hijacked by a shittier mc.

      We don't need the memeverse. We need old school WHAT IFS. Focus on the characters and what makes them unique not 5 seconds camoes and meta story plots.

      Frick miles. Frick the spider verse. And frick me for thinking this crap was salvageable. I LITERALLY predicted thay they'll do an evil Spiderman team vs good Spiderman team the day the first movie dropped.

      And screenshot this. The next movie will end by miles sacrificing something deer to him. Maybe his powers. Maybe his dad. But it'll all be uno reversed and he'll live happy ever after with no consequences.

    • 12 months ago


      For the health of any plot it should never be acknowledged but it really must be weird to know there's a multiverse of your dead bestie (and potential lover?) that has claim to the power you've had. Especially walking around as the teen-crush of all those grown ass spider-men who lost you. Spider-verse tried to not overlap too many main peters so you don't really get that feeling but wow you'd have to know you're a cosmically assigned spinoff character when you're like maybe one of ten Yous in a multiverse chuck full of Peters.

      for this reason i think she works better as a 'you don't belong as the spiderman' character. sure miles isn't supposed to be spider man, but gwen stacy is supposed to be dead.

      • 12 months ago

        Eh, it falters in the face of all the other non-pete spiders. I like that it's miles here because his spider was displaced. It's pretty weird the movie goes as far as having her note that Spider-Man and Gwen always fall for each other and end badly though, especially with the very strict canon alignment Miguel lays out. Shouldn't this mean (well regardless) that there's a Gwen for this Miles from his own universe? Or was she already in his Peter's past? Plus what would that mean Gwen has her own Gwen or does her having a Peter free her of that?

        • 12 months ago

          we don't really know anything about 42 universe. Personally I'm holding out hope there's a young, dorky Peter there to befriend our Miles and there's ship art of it and it's not a 'they all dead off camera' situation.

  6. 12 months ago

    Boys wouldn’t want to watch a Spidey movie with a girl as the lead. That’s why you need to partner her up with a dude to get them interested.

  7. 12 months ago

    Honestly, this movie was kind of a mess, especially compared to the first one. My kids legit turned to me at one point and said "I'm bored" and I couldn't help but agree. I was REALLY let down by this movie. Was it good? Yeah, I liked it. Was it as good as the first? No. And it ends with "to be continued"?? I THINK they wrote a movie, cut it in half to make it two, and dragged out everything to extend it. 2 hours and 20 minutes was way too fricking long.

    • 12 months ago

      It's entertaining but the story stinks

    • 12 months ago

      You took your kids to watch a 2 hours meta commentary on a cartoon character. Wtf were you expecting?

      • 12 months ago

        They loved the first one and they were 5 years younger. Its not a stretch to think they would enjoy the sequel as much. This one just has terrible pacing.

  8. 12 months ago

    Oddly enough, I saw a lot of people complain about the opening because they thought Gwen’s part was too long.

  9. 12 months ago

    I hope she's in the third spider-man game

  10. 12 months ago

    In Across she kind of is.

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