Small Suicide Squad Leaks

>The delay was to remove a lot of GASS elements from the game due to negative backlash from the gameplay reveal and fears that it wouldn't hold players past launch week like Avengers. However, higher-ups at WB want to double down on Games as a Service, so basically, all the work done to strip that was for nothing
>Batman is considered one of the first superheroes now, after Arkham Knight he was more brutal and used Scarecrows toxins to really push fear into criminals, this would cause villians like Penguin to leave for Metropolis
>Superman,Wonderwoman, Flash and Green Lantern pop up as superheroes between the events of City and Knight
>Superman and Wonderwoman start the league to help humanity
>Superman meets with Batman whose convinced to come out of shadows and be a more hopeful symbol
>Various Logs around the map reveal how Batman doesn't like how commercialized the league is starting to become thinking that selling toys and having holidays around them muddies the message there trying to push.
>After Arkham City, Waller and ARGUS buy Arkham Island and use it as base for there operations around Metropolis and Gotham
>Braniac has invaded Metropolis after Lex Luthor caught his attention.
>Braniac is able to mind control the population and corrupt them into monsters this doesn't happen to the league because there already much more powerful then the strongest husks
>Braniac is looking for Luthor, which is why, despite having taken control of Metropolis he hasn't moved on to other cities and has all his forces there.
>The Squad has no idea of what was going on in Metropolis until they get there because they've all been imprisoned for years.
>Deadshot story is that the deadshot we've fought for years in the past games is actually his brother, who he had to kill until Jon Stewert captured him, it's why he's to cagey about talking about the other deadshot.

I'll answer questions that don't spoil the plot

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  1. 6 months ago

    I support trans rights btw

  2. 6 months ago

    >I'll answer questions that don't spoil the plot
    How did you manage to beat the captcha when you're too stupid to spell a simple 4 letter acronym?

    • 6 months ago

      cause I was typing in secret on my phone LOL

      • 6 months ago

        Oh, it's a shitposting thread. Go back Wrong board

        • 6 months ago

          I don't know what to tell you anon but almost everyone uses a phone to go online when they aren't home. Get your head out of your ass and live in modern times

          • 6 months ago

            Zoomzoom pls. You're not supposed to wear "terminally online" as a badge of honor. No, you don't actually NEED to shitpost 24/7 no matter where you are.

  3. 6 months ago

    >I'll answer questions that don't spoil the plot
    Why? What's stopping you from spoiling the plot? Do you even know the plot? Or are you just talking out of your ass?

  4. 6 months ago

    How the frick did Luthor die?

    • 6 months ago

      he doesn't part of the plot is trying to find him and save him from braniac.

      • 6 months ago

        Okay then why does Brainiac want Luthor?

        • 6 months ago

          Brainiac doesn't know to miniaturize cities, and Luthor is one of the only people who knows how to work with Palmers tech

          • 6 months ago

            How does each member die? Please tell the Harley and Batman part was misunderstood.

          • 6 months ago

            >Luthor is one of the only people who knows how to work with Palmers tech
            And not Ray Palmer himself because...?

            • 6 months ago

              He's probably dead.

              • 6 months ago

                you type like a troony

  5. 6 months ago

    How is the original Deadshot the brother of this new Deadshot?

  6. 6 months ago

    >WB execs see hundreds of examples of GAAS slop bomb and die
    >"Better get our cut of this lucrative market!"
    Someone unironically needs to start gunning down boardrooms in Elder Scrolls Online. They survive purely because their daddies made enough to moron-proof their lives.

  7. 6 months ago

    How hard is it to make a good capeshit game? They could probably still be shitting out Arkham games if they didn't frick around with live service shit and do that abortion called Gotham Knights.

  8. 6 months ago

    So it's Arkhamverse? Didn't Bruce die at the end of Knight

  9. 6 months ago

    How many "leaks" have we had already? Feels like WB is intentionally flooding to confuse people. Also is no one going to point out how they refuse to actually show Brainiac?

  10. 6 months ago

    >>The delay was to remove a lot of GASS elements from the game

  11. 6 months ago

    >The other deadshot is his brother
    So he's half white then

  12. 6 months ago

    what GaaS elements did they remove
    what GaaS elements did they replace them with

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