So. Did Dindu actually win there or Sheev was just pretending?

Did Dindu actually win there or Sheev was just pretending?

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  1. 6 months ago

    Mace's weakness is Windows.

  2. 6 months ago

    his name is sneed

  3. 6 months ago

    >Mace Windu
    >gets thrown out of the window
    >Quai Gon Jinn
    >gone in first movie
    >Kit Fisto
    I am not doing that one.

  4. 6 months ago

    I think Lucas himself said Sheev let him win in order to tempt Anakin

    • 6 months ago

      I remember seeing someone post a Lucas quote saying that Windu did win and disappointed replies calling him a hack.

    • 6 months ago

      bullshit, Samuel Jackson told Lucas he wanted to win so he would look like a badass

  5. 6 months ago

    He was obviously pretending anon
    Also he didn't get disfigured by the force lighting, it revealed a previous deformity

    • 6 months ago


      I think Lucas himself said Sheev let him win in order to tempt Anakin

      palpatine purposely lost the fight but the face deforming was legit, the revealing bullshit was just eu.

  6. 6 months ago

    I don't know.

  7. 6 months ago

    Yeah he was pretending to get his face melted by force lightning, moron.

    • 6 months ago

      No, the lightning undid a dark side spell called mask. This is in the script.
      No one else has ever taken the lightning and been deformed by it.

      • 6 months ago

        >No, the lightning undid a dark side spell called mask. This is in the script.
        Well then I'm glad a talented, seasoned director such as George Lucas was able to convey this on the scene so as to leave no doubt about what happened.

        • 6 months ago

          Spielberg took over the second half of directing the film at George’s request and got rid of a lot of exposition art dialogue. This is a well known secret in Hollywood, next time you watch Revenge of the Sith you can literally pinpoint the moment Spielberg takes over. George’s final scene was Windu telling Anakin to stay put. Everything in the film changes from that moment on from the dialogue to the acting to the angles to the transitions, it’s kind of surprising more people have not noticed this.

      • 6 months ago

        I have a feeling you are right, and that's George's intent. We can see it clearly in the fact that when Anakin grows strong quickly under the Dark Side of the Force, his eyes turn yellow just like Palpatine has them all the time in his true form. The novelization agrees with you, and a man getting such intense burning and deformation from lightning would be in agony; the guy was just in ecstasy instead.

      • 6 months ago

        So why didn't he recast the spell afterwards?

        • 6 months ago

          What’s the point? The mask was literally taken off. It’s a not so subtle allegory to a politician “pulling off the mask” and going full dictator.

        • 6 months ago

          He didn't need to pretend anymore.

  8. 6 months ago

    It's actually really deep and symbolic, you wouldn't understand.

  9. 6 months ago

    When did you realize it heckin rhymes with the scene at the end of ROTJ where Vader saves Luke from the force lightning and tosses away the emperor?

    • 6 months ago


      • 6 months ago

        It just rhymes.

  10. 6 months ago

    If by "duel" you mean the lightsaber battle, then sure.

    But According to the novelization:

    Sidious thinks lightsabers are nothing, but a joke and only uses them to mock his enemies. During his battle with Windu, Sidious purposely held back and restricted himself to only using a lightsaber. Sidious could have used the dark side to rip apart the building and throw it at Windu. Or blast him with lightning.

    During the last moments of the battle, Sidious loses his lightsaber but unleashes his full power at Windu with lightning. The lightning is so unbelievably intense that Windu panics. He realizes he's totally outmatched when it comes to force power and he can't beat Sidious. Windu tries to block with his lightsaber but the lightning is so intense that it pushes the saber backwards towards Windu'a face and nearly burns him. Windu actually cries for Anakin to help him, and says he can't hold out.

    Sidious's battle with Yoda is epic. He takes Yoda seriously from the start and doesn't play with him like Windu. Yoda goes full force against Sidious. Both unleashing all they got. Sidious summons a tornado of dark side energy. A pure torrent of hatred and lightning. Yoda is like a bright green ball of light side energy weaving around all the destruction and striking at Sidious. Sidious mocks Yoda and says he's he going to kill him. They both nearly destroy the Senate building in their battle.

    Yoda realizes that even at full power and holding nothing back that he doesnt have enough juice to take out Sidious. Yoda arrogantly entered the battle thinking he would defeat Sidious and rescue the Jedi all by himself. He can't do it. His power alone isn't enough to kill Sidious.

    Sidious' plan was masterful. Yoda realizes far too late that he separated all the Jedi and murdered them so they couldn't be unified. Especially the Council members. Yoda is alone. He can't win alone. So he retreats.

    • 6 months ago

      This is what low IQ autism looks like

      • 6 months ago

        t. low iq autist

    • 6 months ago

      Sheev is kinda OP. Like too OP to die like did eventually.

    • 6 months ago

      this is why you cant have 20 different people working on a franchise you have massively clashing ideas
      windu is supposed to have this SUPER SPECIAL lightsaber form that instantly counters ANY dark side user and according to the "biggest star wars fans" even anakin frickin skywalker the BEST lightsaber duelist in the jedi would lose to windu if he tapped into the darkside while fighting him
      but somehow windu loses to palp when palp uses the dark side??
      there is NO consistency in starwars

    • 6 months ago

      I'm glad they toned it down in the movie.
      Mentally ill old fart blobs would have shit and piss their pants screaming that's not his Jedi supposed to fight.

    • 6 months ago

      the novelizations aren't canon because they are based on earlier drafts of the scripts

      the sequel books are different since they were all written after the films were and have shit added to them that didn't previously exist

    • 6 months ago

      >thinks lightsabers are worthless
      >still styles on the best swordsman in the jedi order anyway
      Why is Sheev so great?

    • 6 months ago

      Why the frick would you think the tie in merchandise books are more canon than the movies?

    • 6 months ago

      >Sidious thinks lightsabers are nothing, but a joke
      >I must apologise for my lightsabers, they are oddly shaped. I have purposefully built them strange, as a joke.

    • 6 months ago

      >no wudu hide mention

  11. 6 months ago

    >"im weak!"
    >*Anakin helps*
    Dunno OP, it was very obscure and complicated scene to understand.

  12. 6 months ago

    according to Lucas, Palpatine was just pretending to be defeated in order to force Anakin to defend him
    Samuel L Jackson is turbo defensive about his roles though so he always talks shit about how Windu totally defeated him and he'd never have lost if it wasn't for that meddling white boy

    • 6 months ago

      This, plus Lucas kind of plays coy to keep Jackson happy i think.

  13. 6 months ago

    obviously palaptine had everything going according to plan but i'll suggest that there is just a smidgen of doubt right at the end when mace raises his sabre to smite palapine

  14. 6 months ago

    Why Lucas never addressed the corruption of the Jedi? Why he never named and truly depicted it in clear way?
    Here we have a guy attempting against the life of a political leader, without judgment, without nothing but his own suspicions. No one of the jedi order questioned this course of action. In no moment the movie said that the jedi were evil or corrupt for doing that, but this is the true, how come a religious order claims this authority for itself? How they talk about good, the jedi code, and more, if they literally try to kill a person like this?

    This could be a great theme, why Lucas didn't explore it? Why Anakin had to be fooled into falling for the dark side with a bullshit way to prevent his wife death, instead of the powerful theme of seeing his best and only friend being attacked by the jedi without real cause?
    This movie could have been so good. How we are supposed to see Luke and a supposed reconstruction of the jedi order as a good thing if they had so much hubris in the clone wars?

    • 6 months ago

      The Jedi order had to be destroyed and re-born in truth as an authentic religion, born out of supernatural revelation.

    • 6 months ago

      >Why Lucas never

      I can't deal with this. Why Windu didn't take Palpatine to court or something? Why he didn't try to deal with him in a legal way?
      How come being a sith instantly makes someone a criminal, or even a target for execution? What is the problem if Palpatine is a sith, can't a sith become supreme chancellor?
      My god, this makes me so butthurt. So the jedi simply go on killing anyone they have a suspicion of being a sith and this is ok? Aren't they just a religious order supporting the republic in Coruscant? This would be like jesuits murdering the holy roman emperor or the king of France because he is a protestant.

      >Why Windu didn't

      >how long until someone says that mace bounced off of 20 space cars and safely made it to the bottom
      You just guessed what will the next star wars show be about

      >what will the next

      What is it with moronic ESLs not being able to figure out the proper order of words? Mexicans get the FRICK out of my thread.

  15. 6 months ago

    watch the RLM reviews

    • 6 months ago

      why would i watch someone who didn't understand the film and viewed it through a biased lens?

      Why Lucas never addressed the corruption of the Jedi? Why he never named and truly depicted it in clear way?
      Here we have a guy attempting against the life of a political leader, without judgment, without nothing but his own suspicions. No one of the jedi order questioned this course of action. In no moment the movie said that the jedi were evil or corrupt for doing that, but this is the true, how come a religious order claims this authority for itself? How they talk about good, the jedi code, and more, if they literally try to kill a person like this?

      This could be a great theme, why Lucas didn't explore it? Why Anakin had to be fooled into falling for the dark side with a bullshit way to prevent his wife death, instead of the powerful theme of seeing his best and only friend being attacked by the jedi without real cause?
      This movie could have been so good. How we are supposed to see Luke and a supposed reconstruction of the jedi order as a good thing if they had so much hubris in the clone wars?

      confirmed filtered by attack of the clones. anakin's entire arc in the film is his growing up being stuck adhering to the jedi code when its flaws are very obvious, yet they stick to it like glue because they know no better. at the end he realizes his happiness is more important to him than some homosexual ruleset. that is why he is fooled by sheev. sheev planted the dream of padme's death into his head and gave him false hope in exchange for his servitude.

      also pay attention to any scene mace windu is in, he's a perfect representation throughout all three films of the failing of the order. the single most important scene of the prequel trilogy is in clones when mace and yoda sit down together

      • 6 months ago

        >anakin's entire arc in the film is his growing up being stuck adhering to the jedi code when its flaws are very obvious

        Then why lucas out of nowhere came with this bullshit reason of Anakin wanting to save Padme from death, as his reason to turn to the dark side? Why Lucas didn't depict the jed as corrupted in a clear way?

        • 6 months ago

          >Why Lucas didn't depict the jed as corrupted in a clear way?
          Good morning

        • 6 months ago

          try rereading my post again, esl. anakin's arc in attack of the clones is about his growing up in an undesirable situation. that choice to defy the council is what leads to his quick seduction, as well as sheev promising him everything he wants i already wrote this holy frick you are moronic.

      • 6 months ago

        That's a great scene. I'm tempted to rewatch them now but I think that's actually a terrible idea.

        • 6 months ago

          your loss, zoomie. fact is a shitton of world-building and setup is done through dialogue and people just can't handle listening because they are moronic.

  16. 6 months ago

    I can't deal with this. Why Windu didn't take Palpatine to court or something? Why he didn't try to deal with him in a legal way?
    How come being a sith instantly makes someone a criminal, or even a target for execution? What is the problem if Palpatine is a sith, can't a sith become supreme chancellor?
    My god, this makes me so butthurt. So the jedi simply go on killing anyone they have a suspicion of being a sith and this is ok? Aren't they just a religious order supporting the republic in Coruscant? This would be like jesuits murdering the holy roman emperor or the king of France because he is a protestant.

    • 6 months ago

      Palpatine actually said the n-word and that's why the law rightfully went out the window.

    • 6 months ago

      Did you miss the part where the Council learned that the Chancellor is the same person as the Sith figure behind the war and all the plans against the Jedi to that point?

      • 6 months ago

        That council meeting isn't a legal court. They can't take independent action like this, unless they are extremely corrupted and consider themselves above the law. They literally tried to murder to leader of the republic.

        • 6 months ago

          Even ordinary citizens are justified to kill a tyrant.

        • 6 months ago

          They literally tried to arrest him before he went apeshit, what the frick are you talking about?
          >the Senate will decide your fate
          You've been filtered by a movie for kids.

          • 6 months ago

            They had no authority or legal basis to arrest him. He was in his office when a bunch of thugs entered and threatened him.

            • 6 months ago

              they more or less used citizens' arrest as justification with the "in the name of the galactic senate of the republic" bit. of course they had to succeed for it to be pulled off.

            • 6 months ago

              Honest question, are you a Black person planning to defend yourself on the court once you're charged?

          • 6 months ago

            but he was the senate

    • 6 months ago

      >So the jedi simply go on killing anyone they have a suspicion of being a sith and this is ok? Aren't they just a religious order supporting the republic in Coruscant?
      There were a TON of criticisms used against the jedi (and mainly the jedi order/council) by the sith. Jedi council power-abuse and moronicness is probably the main reason Anakin turns to the dark side, save for fear.

    • 6 months ago

      > How come being a sith instantly makes someone a criminal
      Sith did a lot of crazy shit to the galaxy in the past.
      Nihilus deathstarred planets by himself, for instance.

      • 6 months ago

        Where in the movies is Nihilus mentioned?

        • 6 months ago

          His mask is on a statue in TROS

      • 6 months ago

        Not to mention the countless death they caused. But tbf most of the galaxy can't tell the differences between a Jedi, Dark Jedi or Sith

    • 6 months ago

      >He must stand trial!
      >He's in control of the Senate and the courts! He's too dangerous to be left alive.
      It's literally in the movie.

  17. 6 months ago

    My guess is that Sheev set it up knowing Anakin would come in and look like Dindu was the bad guy about to kill an innocent helpless beaurocrat.
    He could've force lightning'd at anytime.

  18. 6 months ago

    how long until someone says that mace bounced off of 20 space cars and safely made it to the bottom

    • 6 months ago

      I'm surprised this hasn't been done yet in clone Wars or any other piece of sw media.

    • 6 months ago

      >how long until someone says that mace bounced off of 20 space cars and safely made it to the bottom
      You just guessed what will the next star wars show be about

  19. 6 months ago

    Most likely pretending, but it was probably still close.

  20. 6 months ago

    Yes, in Hollywood, the black man cannot lose to the white guy without cheating involved.

  21. 6 months ago

    Windu won, but McDiarmid's scenery chewing makes it seem otherwise. ROTS is bad.

  22. 6 months ago

    Windu won but Palpatine knew that would happen which is why he orchestrated Anakin to be there

    • 6 months ago

      All according to Keikaku

  23. 6 months ago

    Windu won the sword fight but Sheev could've won with the force but he was faking for Anakin.

  24. 6 months ago

    In the book they were like
    >Maybe we should bring Anakin, Sidious is probably strong as frick
    And Mace just says no
    Then of course everyone gets one shorted except Mace

  25. 6 months ago

    >muh moovies iz da only canon
    Ray is canon to you too homie?

  26. 6 months ago

    EU homosexuals on full display.

  27. 6 months ago

    You know how in the New Testament Jesus shows up and is all like “don’t worry guys, I got the devil!” And then he gets force lightninged and thrown out of a window only for everyone left alive to realize that the devil is a woman? Many such cases.

  28. 6 months ago

    yes. good is stronger than evil.

  29. 6 months ago

    almost two decades later and the prequels are still filtering people. bravo george, hopefully one day people will recognize your genius.

  30. 6 months ago

    Mace was the better saber duelist but Palpatine was the better force user by far.

    Force trumps little baby sabers so if Palpatine had wanted to kill Mace he would have from the start without ever needing a lightsaber.

  31. 6 months ago

    Sheev was pretending and there's more evidence to support it than to contradict it.
    >inb4 muh external material
    yeah, if GL didn't write it I don't want to hear it. you're comparing comic book characters from different writers if you do that and so it's pointless.
    >Sheev 1v4 solos all but 1 jedi master in a matter of seconds
    >has a difficult time taking down the last one when its just a 1v1?
    >loses his weapon right as Anakin walks in the door
    ask yourself
    >whos the one jedi in that group of 4 that Anakin does NOT get along with?
    >who's the one who survived long enough to be seen at the right moment holding a blade to his defenseless throat?
    Papa palpatine even makes faces and hams up his performance during the fight because he IS PERFORMING
    We also know how strong Windu is and he is comparable to Obiwan in strength (see AotC).
    >Obiwan got toyed with and immediately defeated by Dooku on Geonosis
    >Obiwan got ragdolled again above Coruscant by Dooku
    >Yoda flat tells him he is not strong enough to even fight Sidious let alone win

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