So I got around to reading the depressing and so she's just crazy now and is going around with this little boy doing what it's such a strang...

So I got around to reading the depressing and so she's just crazy now and is going around with this little boy doing what it's such a strange ending. I mean they don't even have parents they're just clones or something it's kind of disappointing

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  1. 12 months ago

    Their motivation is fuzzy and it seems like they're just going to keep trying to kill Sonic and Eggman. Personally I think it would be more interesting if they tried to bring others down to their level, be it new or returning characters.

  2. 12 months ago

    I feel like Whisper should have Surge's place, it would make more sense, something like "Sonic, my friends died because of you, just because you refused to kill Eggman"

    It also feels weird that they never tell us about Surge's past, how did he get there? who was? Why did she end up at Starlight's door?

    • 12 months ago

      Several things need to happen for that 'Whisper tried to kill Sonic' storyline to work.>First whisper needs to have proven to herself that she can take Eggman down on her own.
      >Second, she needs to lose someone else after Sonic or Sonic's methods let someone go. It doesn't have to be Eggman that does it, it could be any stooge or even a zeti, just have them dead to rights but given a slap on the wrist and someone died for it.
      >Third, she goes solo first, mostly cause she feels that she will lose it if she works with the restoration. Sonic stops her from killing an bad dude punisher style and she now sees Sonic as a threat.

      Finally have some consequences for Sonic's altruism and niavity.

      • 12 months ago

        more than half of those things are already done.

        • 12 months ago

          Funny how that is. People want to see these characters pushed organically to new extremes, all they need to to let it happen.

      • 12 months ago

        Sonic isn't even supposed to be naive nor have a no-killing rule. He's tried killing Eggman for real loads of times.

    • 12 months ago

      >so she's just crazy now

      >It also feels weird that they never tell us about Surge's past
      Why would you throw that out just as she's introduced?

    • 12 months ago

      Whisper’s just a trainwreck of a character. She’s supposedly some hardened badass super soldier but we never actually see her doing anything particularly impressive or gritty, all we see on panel is her blowing up a couple of badniks. This mediocre display is enough to impress Silver for some reason even though he has done way more impressive things, basically everyone in the cast has done more impressive things. Silver fanboying over her is very reminiscent of Itchy and Scratchy fawning over Poochie.
      Her character took a further nose-dive during and after Metal Virus when she keeps crying over and over way too frequently. There’s nothing wrong with a character crying but they took it way too far with Whisper. You can tell Flynn was trying to write a scene like the ending to Rambo one where Stallone breaks down but since Whisper never came off as a badass her crying just makes her seem like a baby. Her lame crybaby shit ruined Tangle too her used to be a fun character and is now just queerbait for twitter ass-pats.

  3. 12 months ago

    They found out the truth behind their existence too soon.

    • 12 months ago

      >They found out the truth behind their existence too soon.
      I think the most ridiculous thing was that, they discover their origin and... nothing, they don't even question their desire to beat sonic.

      • 12 months ago

        >they don't even question their desire to beat sonic
        They technically did, but they physically can't actually disagree with their compulsions because their minds are programmed to specifically want that even if it doesn't make sense.

        • 12 months ago

          That was a later retcon by Evan. Surge initially under Ian had a legitimate cause to hate Sonic for defending Starline and Tinker and leading to her creation. Then when the writers switched Evan had her spare Eggman for no reason and waff about for two issues in the first one seemingly still implying Sonic is in the wrong and int he 2nd saying she has to defend herself from Sonic/Eggman hunting her down before using that as a cop-out in the final issue. It's just a load of rubbish attached to a character whose origins were already too convoluted from conception.

          Imagine trying to make Surge a game character. Eggman: "Oh look it's my former gay frenemy Starline's secret project where he got a random mobian and brainwashed them with his hypnotising glove which is a thing he has into hating sonic oh and also she can't decide what her motivation is". Fricking unbelievable anyone pitched this

          • 12 months ago

            >That was a later retcon by Evan.
            Anon, this isn't the Archie Dark Ages. Ian and Evan work closely together and collaborate on storylines. If one does something, it's because the other approved it.

            • 12 months ago

              Then they both have zero idea what they're doing. They introduced an important and defining character trait then completely dropped it the next issue because either they didn't wanna work with it or plain didn't have any idea how to work with it.
              It's like if the bloody Punisher decided in his 2nd issue he doesn't care about killing criminals anymore.

              • 12 months ago

                They didn't drop anything. Surge's reasons in 50 are just her trying to legitimize the hatred she's compelled to feel for Sonic. You're trying to separate the two when they're not.

              • 12 months ago

                They completely dropped the plotline of her being angry about Sonic never killing and wanting vengeance against Eggman. Surge never even mentions it ever again after that issue purely because Sonic doesn't actually have any rational rebut against it, so they have to make Surge switch her role to just being loco without a reason because if she brought that very rational motive up again Sonic would look even worse for it. The literal next issue (under Evan) she even spares Eggman just because it'd be inconvenient for the plot if she killed the only real villain of the book exactly like she said she was gonna do just before.
                They dropped it completely and it was legitimate from the start, her reasons and actions at all points afterwards are completely unrelated to it because for the fact it was dropped.

              • 12 months ago

                >Then they both have zero idea what they're doing.
                Welcome to IDW Sonic. Enjoy your stay.

                Whisper’s just a trainwreck of a character. She’s supposedly some hardened badass super soldier but we never actually see her doing anything particularly impressive or gritty, all we see on panel is her blowing up a couple of badniks. This mediocre display is enough to impress Silver for some reason even though he has done way more impressive things, basically everyone in the cast has done more impressive things. Silver fanboying over her is very reminiscent of Itchy and Scratchy fawning over Poochie.
                Her character took a further nose-dive during and after Metal Virus when she keeps crying over and over way too frequently. There’s nothing wrong with a character crying but they took it way too far with Whisper. You can tell Flynn was trying to write a scene like the ending to Rambo one where Stallone breaks down but since Whisper never came off as a badass her crying just makes her seem like a baby. Her lame crybaby shit ruined Tangle too her used to be a fun character and is now just queerbait for twitter ass-pats.

                Ian just wanted his MGS references. Diamond Cutters are literally just MGS1 Foxhound (even with matching roles) with their name being a Diamond Dogs reference. It's Evan who keeps shipping her with Silver because she's a disgusting fujoshi and has a record of trying to self-insert into characters (in this case Whisper) and put them in close proximity to Silver whenever possible. The last time she pulled this off (Gold from Archie), she made Gold gay as a method of damage control.

  4. 12 months ago

    I want Tails to keep trying to lure Kit over to the good guys. Like he feels responsible for someone with his DNA running around out there, someone with all his knowledge and none of his morals

    • 12 months ago

      Kit's just a normal person who got brainwashed and given cybernetic implants, did you not catch up? Kit's actually older than Tails is.

      • 12 months ago

        Holy shit, source? I remember they were brainwashed but I swear platypussy spliced their DNA while he was at it.

        • 12 months ago

          pulling from a few sources here.
          Starline did gene-edit them a little but they were regular people before that who got brainwashed, not clones and not testtube-grown.
          Apparently Tails' dna was just to help Kit use multiple limbs and he didn't get Tails' intelligence from it, but he's mildly smart.
          And Evan even says he's older than Tails is, about Amy's age.
          Not that it matters anyway since Kit's so fricking boring. His only damn motivation is "I'm Surge's partner I'm gonna do whatever Surge is doing (even though she never knows what she wants and we never even work together)"
          He's effectively a non-character, it's exactly how boring Ian must see Tails as.

          • 12 months ago

            Huh. weird. But, regardless, I felt that Tails's relationship with him, as sidekicks, and more importantly as individuals could be further expanded on. Tails secretly trying to rehabilitate someone in whom he sees a lot of his old self in, that "little buddy" who thinks he has nothing going for him besides being attached at the hip to someone with a strong personality. Hell, Tails might even make a contraption that can counter the brainwashing.

            I guess that's wishful thinking, tho. IDW seems preoccupied with the whole Diamond cutters thing.

  5. 12 months ago

    My wife and our little boy. I love them dearly.

  6. 12 months ago

    personally i think surge should be berated, beat up, humiliated, and left a sticky mess

  7. 12 months ago

    I don't think surge will stay a villain long. She's to much of a jobber and set up to much of a crybaby butthole. I talked about this with my bro as we read it he was more forgiving of her until the arc was over. he kept believing she'd be a good antag and would eventually nut up. Sadly it never happened she really is this Schrodinger antagonist, she goes from overconfident punk butthole ready to fight then 10 secs later she goes into woe is me, why is everyone bullying me and i ain't do nothing wrong vibes.

    She had character whiplash only made worse by the fact she didn't have a canon backstory. She keeps bringing up not having a family but it got retconned that they are tank born and are actually random kidnapped kids. I really still rather them over tangle and whisper but really it's like reading a torture porn comic. She really is just ryona and abuse bait, she really exist to make sonic look bad. I'd rather they go full archie and have sonic be a schizo and beat and humiliate her until she reachs her breaking point and have us want sonic to get beaten by her when she go berserk

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