So if "ambiguously brown Narnia" is a bankrupt idea, how do you improve on it without losing the essence of the premise?

So if "ambiguously brown Narnia" is a bankrupt idea, how do you improve on it without losing the essence of the premise?

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  1. 4 months ago

    It's already an inherently bankrupt idea, with or without the "ambiguous brown" part.

    • 4 months ago

      I don't know if I'd say the brown part is what's important there as much as the "dark lord versus portal kid" dynamic.
      So how do you modify that part of it without losing the essence?

    • 4 months ago

      You say that now, but if they just added a bunch of %insert your favorite fantasy race% with big boobs and quirky personalities lusting after a male protagonist you'd eat that shit up and call it kino.

  2. 4 months ago

    Well any fantasy story can be well written, if you know what you are doing. The fact the main character is an ambiguously brown girl doesn't really change that. The main problem with "Instantly Forgettable!" is that it's as the name suggests, instantly forgettable. The characters and the world they inhabit don't do anything to stand out against countless other fantasy stories being told in both storytelling and art.

    • 4 months ago

      >The main problem with "Instantly Forgettable!" is that it's as the name suggests, instantly forgettable.

      What is instantly forgettable?

      • 4 months ago

        The hypothetically fantasy cartoon in the OP image meant to parody generic forgettable cartoons made in the past decade or so. It's not real, but it supposedly represents a trend. Personally I think the specific Isekai protag vs evil shadowy demon lord guy is far more of a japanese anime trope than a western cartoon one, at least when it comes to producing a lot of instantly forgettable fantasy slop (just a lot less brown girls and more plain anime boys). The prominent western isekai with brown girl protagonists are amphibia and owl house, and they very distinctly are not instantly forgettable because people still remember and talk about these shows after they've ended.

        • 4 months ago

          What hypothetically fantasy cartoon?

          Wait, what were we talking about? Who are you? Who am I? How do I ty

          • 4 months ago

            grandpa get off the internet

        • 4 months ago

          >The main problem with "Instantly Forgettable!" is that it's as the name suggests, instantly forgettable.

          What is instantly forgettable?

          It's also taking the piss out of that #BetterCartoon Twitter hashtag where everything was a low effort attempt at copying the formula.

  3. 4 months ago

    Slap some big breasts on the ambiguously brown girl.

  4. 4 months ago

    People need to understand that pics like the ones in OP are made out of an *observation*, they're not generalized statements saying "any show that has any aspect of this, is henceforth bad forever and ever', it's just saying "hey, notice how much of stuff like this there is? yeah, kinda getting sick of it..."
    You don't improve on it because it's inherently a style of media that's creatively bankrupt, you 'improve' on it by making something good... And if it happens to have aspects of the aforementioned thing, so be it... Those aspects alone don't make it bad, it's just an observation saying "hey, things that look like this tend to be bad"

    • 4 months ago

      What would your game plan be to improve the basic idea, then?

      • 4 months ago

        Dammit anon, learn reading comprehension
        This isn't a premise, it's a collection of details that present themselves in bad media, it's not the origin, it's the symptom. The solution is to make good media.

        • 4 months ago

          Okay, then take this average and spin it into minimum viable product using as few moves as possible.

          Lord Shadowman did nothing wrong, those villagers were going to pay the same amount of taxes to the king. They were just fricking lazy.

          I thought the episode where he set up a wet doublet contest was pretty good.

    • 4 months ago

      >Those aspects alone don't make it bad
      Directly - no, they wouldn't. Within modern creators' context - they would.
      >middle schooler
      Would be created ugly and insufferable 9 times out of 10.
      >cause she reads books
      Nerd "representation", which either would go "gurl gamer" or Mary Sue.
      >adopted brother
      Who would clearly be whiny comedy relief made white only to reverse white superiority for the sake of propaganda.
      Overused on its own, in the worst variant it would be "we solve psychological problems" and other world would only be a metaphor for irl problems.
      >against dark overlord
      Who would be made into anything, that represents some old values, or made into hatesink strawman of current race/political/homosexualry/whatever-else-would-this-show-contain propaganda. Not that dark overlord is a bad thing on its own, it just wouldn't be executed properly.

  5. 4 months ago

    Lord Shadowman did nothing wrong, those villagers were going to pay the same amount of taxes to the king. They were just fricking lazy.

  6. 4 months ago


    • 4 months ago


  7. 4 months ago

    I actually don't know many cartoons with this premise

    • 4 months ago

      Just Owl House and Amphibia really, maybe Infinity train and Star Vs if you include non brown girl protagonists. But all those "western Isekai" were popular and memorable. All the actually instantly forgettable brown girl cartoons aren't about travelling to a new fantasy world to fight evil.
      I'm thinking maybe this pic was made back when stuff like Owl House was new and they expected it to be instantly forgotten after it finished airing, but no it managed to have an active and dedicated fanbase.

      • 4 months ago

        Why the butthurt if it's just 2-4 shows at best? It's like mocking Evil Superman as a creatively bankrupt idea when your only frame of reference is Invincible and The Boys

  8. 4 months ago

    Everyone keeps trying to push this meme but in all these years theres really only been 2 examples
    >Owl House
    and even that's a stretch

  9. 4 months ago

    You can't, because what people are complaining about is the "ambiguously brown" part. If Luz had been Irish, nobody would have had a problem with the show other than a general grumbling about satanism.

    • 4 months ago

      Hell, if Luz had been a boy, the show would've been hailed as the savior of Western animation here.

      • 4 months ago

        It's literally just the culture war shit, there's absolutely nothing about actual quality. Or rather there is one thing about actual quality, and it's one that almost everyone in the fandom agrees on, which is that Raine is a non-existent character with no interesting traits or cool moments at all, and it's funny how basically everyone on any side of the culture war agrees about that

  10. 4 months ago

    Chalk Zone did the trope best.

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