So if Mutants lose to humans every single time...

Why did they think trying a tenth time would be a good idea?

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  1. 5 months ago

    They like any excuse to resort to racial violence. It’s their thing, which is why they have to be stomped out like the festering infection they are.

  2. 5 months ago

    Mutants won , which is why Omega Sentinel was sent back in time to the present.

  3. 5 months ago
    • 5 months ago

      I'm surprised they didn't bring back Bastion to fight the mutants.

      • 5 months ago

        Sure as hell would have been better than dragging Omega Sentinel’s character through the mud with her friends not even seeming to remotely care that her humanity has been taken over by her sentinel programming

  4. 5 months ago

    I have a better question. How the frick human survive as a faction when facing enemies which have demi-goddly abilities. I could understand if the Mutants have only mutations which makes them look like they have appearence differences, but these mother frickers can control black holes, lift up entire bridges to toss at you and who knows what other super powers.
    How does your avarage joe manage to fight somebody who has the ability to turn you into a potato on a whim?

    • 5 months ago

      Mutant infighting is even worse than human infighting.

    • 5 months ago


      Mutants ARE humans.
      That was the original story.
      Then years of retcon sent it the other way.
      Now we're not humans.
      But my nature is still somehow human.
      A lot of us look human.
      A lot of humans in my universe have powers.
      Some stranger than mine.
      My genes are literally evolved human genes.
      But no I'm not human.
      Humans are lessers.
      We have the divine right to make the Irish extinct.

      >A lot of humans in my universe have powers.

    • 5 months ago

      Humans have Tony Stark and other genius buttholes on their side. And Super Soldier serum doesn't make you a moron mutant.

      • 5 months ago

        We can have Tony Stark level Mutants(Mister Sinister)
        But we shall never have litteral walking
        human gods(Magneto).
        So can somebody explain to me how an litteral human+ race still fails everytime?

        • 5 months ago


          • 5 months ago

            Those are single numbers and even then they are not humans to begin with.

        • 5 months ago

          Sinister isn't a mutant. He took from Apocalypse's centuries of metahuman research and genetically modified himself.
          He's basically a low-level Herbert Wyndham (High Evolutionary).

    • 5 months ago

      mutants are stupid and walking disasters. they trust individuals who betray and flip constantly, and can't keep a relationship for more than 5 minutes.

    • 5 months ago

      Humanity doesn't. They create machines to kill mutants and the machines will genocide humanity after the mutants are genocided.

      • 5 months ago

        That is an other deep moronity which we are not to focus on. But how do the Humans race even survived to the place where they can make the genocide bots?
        I mean we Have Appocalyps who was alive in a era where humans did not kill them self only because they did not have enough sticks to do so.

    • 5 months ago

      Because at the end of the day, the heavy hitter non-mutants are significantly more powerful and more durable than the heavy hitter mutant glass cannon. Mutants have several reality manipulators but reality manipulators ain't worth shit in the grand scheme of things.

      • 5 months ago

        Ok Which pure Human is a heavier hitter then Magneto or Apocalypse.

        • 5 months ago

          NTA, but off the top of my head, Sentry, Nova, and Molecule Man.

          • 5 months ago

            >Pure Human.
            Sentry-As far as I know he is too busy overdosing.
            Nova-The Litteral Space cop....who got hiw power from Alliens.
            Molecule man-Another extraterrestrial.
            Just more proof that if human race was without the plot armor they would eat shit every time which makes it humourus how the mutants are oppressed by bunch of nobodies .

    • 5 months ago

      VTM scenario. Humanity outnumbers the other factions. An united humanity can simply squish anything sort of cosmic entities. MU Earth isn't a post scarcity society because people living in it are morons and it would not sell comic books. If regular humans like Doctor Doom and other resident genius can produce tech that is literally magical in it's function, imagine the whole planet geared to crush their enemies?

      • 5 months ago

        But here is the lil bit that irks me. Intelligence is not human only trait, so Doc Doom has nothing on mutants because we can get a Doc Doom intelligence equivalent with mutant powers.

      • 5 months ago

        That only usually happens because writers tend to disregard the technology and capabilities of fictional alien civilizations in favor of the Earthlings. Sort of like how the writers disregard the technology and capabilities of non-American characters/nations in favor of America.

        Take the Kree for example. They possess technology capable of producing Spider-man to Captain Marvel-class super soldiers, faster than light travel, stargates, weaponry ranging from energy and matter manipulation from a single device to weaponry capable of wiping out solar systems. For a intergalactic militant species like the Kree, they would had genetically engineered their entire race or at least their military if written competently. Use their solar system busting weaponry to take out the opposition. But nope, they are just reduced to aliens in jumpsuits and space guns.

    • 5 months ago


      • 5 months ago

        And before them?
        Remember that Appocalypse is apperently ancient.
        How the frick a bunch of doods with sticks match up to Appocalypse.

        • 5 months ago

          Fire bro.

          • 5 months ago

            Aren't you the most adorable little shit....

        • 5 months ago

          Back them he could just get big and stronger than a regular man, an army could overpower him. Adn even after he bonded with celestial tech. It's simply a matter of numbers.

          • 5 months ago

            Nah, he just has the historical tendency to run off in mid-battle cuz I DONT CARE ABOUT THESE homieS ANYWAY.

    • 5 months ago

      The entire story shtick is just nonsense when there are super heroes besides mutants. Isn't it that supers are the real superior life form and mutants are just a sub type of super?

      Geeze that really makes shows off the nazi roots of super heroes.

    • 5 months ago

      They make robots which then go on to kill humans and mutants.

    • 5 months ago

      Normal humans are adapted to be naturally more dangerous than mutants, we literally live in the dangerous neighborhood of the universe.

    • 5 months ago

      Unironically most mutants are moronic

  5. 5 months ago

    Mutants ARE humans.
    That was the original story.
    Then years of retcon sent it the other way.
    Now we're not humans.
    But my nature is still somehow human.
    A lot of us look human.
    A lot of humans in my universe have powers.
    Some stranger than mine.
    My genes are literally evolved human genes.
    But no I'm not human.
    Humans are lessers.
    We have the divine right to make the Irish extinct.

    • 5 months ago


  6. 5 months ago

    The concept of "mutant" in the current day in the current MU is bullshit. Ah frick it, from day 1 it was bullshit.

    • 5 months ago

      The concept of "mutant" originally was an excuse to give people super powers without the need of a backstory. Not BS, just lazy.

  7. 5 months ago

    >My eyes exploded and blew up a chemical factory
    >He touched my bare poosay and went skellyton
    >Gots a skin condition n weaponized fartz, society hates me
    >I didn't mean to
    >New daddy, groom me new daddy
    God these writers are SICK

  8. 5 months ago

    Moira was a race-traitor and the tenth timeline was actually some bizarre keikaku to "cure" the mutants so they could co-exist with humans

  9. 5 months ago

    >space travel is a thing
    >Magneto once had not one but two island sized space stations capable of housing a large population for a long time
    >plenty of empty space for colonization in Solar system alone
    >mutants, that now are basically racial supremacists, that want to be apart from "humans" kept entagled in Earth matters even if they always lose
    >they only consider marginally to move to another planet
    Sigh, with the level of tech that MU have such disputes for land would be meaningless.

    • 5 months ago

      >beast tries to stop a race war and cure terrigen mists
      >beast says mutants should start their own planet
      >storm assaults him and the x-men falsely imprison him
      >they start a mutant planet where storm spends most of her time, not beast

      not to mention O.R.C.H.I.S. high tech being wasted on being anti-mutants. it's like they're more powerful yet stupider than H.Y.D.R.A.

  10. 5 months ago
    • 5 months ago

      As of Rise of the Power of X in my ass, that plan has failed.

    • 5 months ago

      I really wished they played more into this. They went on and on about being the new gods of humanity then nothing came of it and everything sort of just crumbled like a sand castle.

  11. 5 months ago

    The distinction between humans with powers and mutants seems arbitrary. At best, the former should be in their own "post-human" class instead of being counted among humans

    • 5 months ago

      You would think but no.

    • 5 months ago

      They're called mutates. They just aren't idiots that have decided they're a separate race.

      • 5 months ago

        See, but then the term "mutate" would have to be better defined in context. Why couldn't Hulk, Spidey or the F4 be considered mutates?
        And if you have destructive powers, but you don't have this played up mutant gene, am I supposed to not consider you just as much of a possible threat to humanity as mutants? What with how much Manhattan gets blown up and warped out every single year books are printed by absurdly meta characters, I need to make mutants seem more of a special focus than the rest of the MU?

        • 5 months ago

          >Why couldn't Hulk, Spidey or the F4 be considered mutates?
          They are. Anyone mutated by outside forces are mutates. Hulks even have their own sub category of Gamma Mutates.

          • 5 months ago

            I thought in canon there was recent specifics about how the gamma energy used for Hulking up is more magical in origin?

            • 5 months ago

              It links Gamma Mutates to some hell dimension, but the Gamma energy that mutates them is still scientific.

        • 5 months ago

          Mr. Fantastic, Spider-Man, and Captain America don't make it a platform to replace humanity and call them outmoded, so they tend to be judged on an individual basis, Mr. Fantastic seen as almost an eccentric Wonka-like entity that aspiring geniuses look up to but others look on with varying levels of wariness or wonder, Spider-Man has mixed reception leaning on mostly admiration by most citizens, with some still seeing him as some kind of weirdo, while Captain America is almost universally liked and respected few detractors.

          Mutants are lumped in the same boat because they make it a fashion to circle the wagons and take up for each other regardless of the individual, whether that's someone like Colossus or Magneto, so everybody else sees this and also puts them all in the same cart.

          • 5 months ago

            They really need to stop rubbing shoulders with villains and letting them onto their teams and into their homes.

            • 5 months ago

              >That's their problem, not ours.
              Aaaand there's the X-Verse in a nutshell.

              Btw, Emma the queen C U N T is almost just as bad as Mags. If I'm not mistaken this was around the time of Dark Reign?

              • 5 months ago

                Its funny how many people ignore that she's a child abuser, one of the biggest manufacturers of Sentinels, and sees no problem with taking away people's autonomy.

              • 5 months ago

                Glad Selene years later reminded her of all the shit she did to those kids and face the sins of her past
                Still, writers have had a problem with making her truly redeemable to this day, and frankly, I never thought she made that well of a "good guy". She was more interesting as Jean and Kitty's foil, and the more evil version of Xavier.

                Nor did she have any problem creating Sentinels for herself with Shaw when the opportunity arised to steal Trask's tech. Killed members of her own family for power. Psychologically rode Scott's wiener at a time when Scott was grieving and missed pussy, and at the same time was banging Namor. Claimed Chuck's chair as incidents arose. She's more a manip chessplayer than anything.

              • 5 months ago

                It was one thing when she was off in the Massachusetts school or some secondary/tertiary member. But that whole era where she was basically just acting like prom queen of the mutants....

              • 5 months ago

                It was one thing when she was off in the Massachusetts school or some secondary/tertiary member. But that whole era where she was basically just acting like prom queen of the mutants....

                I have a question and forgive me if I couldnt bother to look up
                Who's idea was it to write her into the team?
                X-Men didnt seem to walk the gray line so much until she came in
                Then you started seeing kill squads, extremist schoolteaching n shit

              • 5 months ago

                Well you've always had X-force being kind of extreme but they were initially seen as being outside the main x-squads.

              • 5 months ago

                Morrison and NXM 2001.

                It was one thing when she was off in the Massachusetts school or some secondary/tertiary member. But that whole era where she was basically just acting like prom queen of the mutants....

                My theory is Morrison inserted her in because he wanted to frick her. So he wrote himself as Scott to have a new sexpot and bang her brains out.
                Also turned Hank into a kitty cat. What a homosexual.

              • 5 months ago

                Blame for Emma goes straight to Scott Lobdell. With Grant Morrison, Brian Wood, and Matt Fraction making shit worse.

                Lobdell pitched Emma being redeemed in the 90s because Bob Harras at the time had declared that Magneto had to be evil again and felt Emma would fill the void left by Magneto being bad again redeemed villain-wise.

                For what it's worth, Lobdell's Emma was legit traumatized by the Hellions being murdered and her near death experience and tried to be a good person. But Gen X was an Excalibur-type book of sorts, rarely if ever crossing over with the main X-Books. So Emma never really interacted with the X-Men proper for the life of Gen X's original run.

                Then two things happened

                Lobdell came back for a brief run and killed off Colossus to resolve the Legacy Virus storyline. Which fricked up Morrison's run as he planned on having Colossus be part of his team.

                It's rumored that Brian Wood (who wrote the last couple of issues of Gen X) suggested Morrison use Emma Frost in the roster spot now open and Morrison, not wanting a third telepath on the team, decided to go "frick it" and give Emma a brand new diamond form power.

                Adding to this, Morrison didn't want to acknowledge Gen X so he basically undid Emma's entire character arc from the 90s so he could "redo" her redemption arc. Meaning Emma was now a c**t that survived the deaths of another group of students and rather than retrospectively look at her life choices and repent/change her ways, Emma doubled down on being a c**t but was now Xavier's c**t working for him. He also deaged her and rewrote her backstory and handwaved most of her really bad behavior as being the result of a previously unseen and vaguely defined drug addiction Emma had while in the Hellfire Club.

                Then Fraction basically started the trend of writing Emma as a didn't do nutting corrupted by Sebastian Shaw, who now takes the blame for all of the bad shit Emma did.

              • 5 months ago

                Fraction retconned Emma as having never been involved in the Hellfire Club manufacturing Sentinels and made that 100% Shaw's bag. To the point that Fraction retconned the Master Mold/Sentinel factory Cassandra Nova hijacked to genocide Genosha as being built by Shaw.

              • 5 months ago

                And this company wants me to read these books? The way I see it the X-Men I used to admire are beyond repair.

              • 5 months ago

                I can't even look at the new books. At this point I'm just gonna collect the comics I grew up on in either omnibus, epic or whatever else format and pretend it ended.

              • 5 months ago

                I started at #1 I hard stopped at Onslaught saga and '96 and no I'm not kidding. That's more than enough golden years for me.

                Some minis and one-shots features I never got around to I collect, but that's it. I did the same with Avengers, Spidey, etc.

              • 5 months ago

                I went up a bit after onslaught, roughly to the twelve business is were i kind of lost steam and started focusing more on other books. I especially got heavy into busiek's Avengers and getting backwards into more DC stuff.

              • 5 months ago

                >was banging Namor
                Bruh what fr?

              • 5 months ago

                This was during when Stu Moore inserted Namor into the X-Men and not only was Emma sleeping around Scott's back but it was implied that Emma/Namor had been bed knockers for years before the relationship with Scott. So Scott is the eternal cuck.

              • 5 months ago

                When Namor joined the X-Men, there was an Annual that retconned that Emma was fricking Namor in a bid to get him involved in the Hellfire Club after Selene joined the group. It also featured the critical research failure of having Selene being written like Tessa (with Shaw yelling and browbeating Selene silent like she was Tessa) and Norman Osborn, then presumed dead and running around Europe trying to recruit Judas Travelers to serve him as a flunky, up and about in NYC attending Hellfire Club wienertail parties.

                Also, Gillen had Emma have a psychic affair with Namor during AvX, effectively cheating on Scott the same way she cheated with Scott behind Jean's back.

              • 5 months ago

                >Norman Osborn, then presumed dead and running around Europe trying to recruit Judas Travelers


              • 5 months ago

                After resurrecting Norman/retconning his death, Spider-Man editorial had to explain why he didn't do anything to kill Hobgoblin when the original was running around. The answer given was that Norman discovered the existence of a powerful illusion casting/reality warping mutant (IE Judas Travelers) and basically was so taken with the idea of having a mutant with those powers under his control (especially since Travelers had a nervous breakdown and ripe for manipulation), that he basically abandoned his plans to straight up hunt down and murder Hobgoblin.

              • 5 months ago

                That b***h I recall was walking around getting drunk and introducing people to someone called Jumbo Carnation
                She long worn out her welcome in X-Books with these writers shoehorning her into everything and I have to wonder if she just doesn't use mental illusions of everybody just to not have kicked her ass out the team long ago

            • 5 months ago

              >That's their problem, not ours.
              What kind of logic is that? You're making the problem worse because humanity is in the clear to classify every single one of you as a potential threat, so instead of groups like the Purifiers or any other anti-mutant groups being the ones primarily antagonizing you, you now have nearly all of humanity against you because you hitched your wagon to people like Emma and Magneto.

              • 5 months ago

                The anti-mutant government plot-controlled by Bastion must mean all of humanity is anti-mutant, btw.
                These comics are not written for people who generally think things through, are they?

        • 5 months ago

          Mr. Fantastic, Spider-Man, and Captain America don't make it a platform to replace humanity and call them outmoded, so they tend to be judged on an individual basis, Mr. Fantastic seen as almost an eccentric Wonka-like entity that aspiring geniuses look up to but others look on with varying levels of wariness or wonder, Spider-Man has mixed reception leaning on mostly admiration by most citizens, with some still seeing him as some kind of weirdo, while Captain America is almost universally liked and respected few detractors.

          Mutants are lumped in the same boat because they make it a fashion to circle the wagons and take up for each other regardless of the individual, whether that's someone like Colossus or Magneto, so everybody else sees this and also puts them all in the same cart.

          Mutants = super powered freaks - reason and accountability. Anyone else gets powers and it's HOW DO I LIVE UP TO MY RESPONSIBILITY TO SOCIETY! Mutants get their powers and it's all ME! ME! ME! ME!

          • 5 months ago

            >Anyone else gets powers and it's HOW DO I LIVE UP TO MY RESPONSIBILITY TO SOCIETY!
            This, and the ones that eschew that tend to be rightfully considered supervillains or at least highly distrusted.

            Anyone got that scan where a guy has mutants over as guests and he politely asks them to not use their powers, but they just straight up give him the middle finger and tell him that it's practically their birthright to use them whenever they want? That's the contrast we're working with.

            • 5 months ago

              The funny thing is that he didn't even like force them to wear any of the countless devices that suppress mutant powers just to enforce his point, just politely asks them to not use them while they were his guests. Granted, he was never this much of a knobhead about mutants or "the hunt" before, but Tini Howard does what she does...

        • 5 months ago

          Spidey got told to GTFO at Xavier's School because he wasn't born a mutant, so he is definitely a mutate and it has affected him on-page.

          • 5 months ago

            Has he ever asked to be an X-Man though? They typically go to him

          • 5 months ago

            So they're really just a bunch of clannish clubhouse homosexuals that let people down when they really need help understanding their own powers and how it effects mutated genes.
            Peter for sure has helped their shady asses more than once on-panel, and the thanks he gets is to be asked to go away.

  12. 5 months ago

    Imagine being a non-powered human in a universe where at any time I could be written a red shirt death. Where on the news you hear how a super-strong butthole snapped and shit has hit the fan once again and the amount of trauma a normal human must have to live with. You're lower on the food chain. You are prey among predators.

    • 5 months ago

      I would get pretty sick of the shit real quick.

    • 5 months ago

      Imagine being a normal dude and just got fire. You go home and find an eviction notice. Then a fight between supers breaks out down the street. Your wall explodes and the last thing you see is some mutant's ass flying straight at your face. Then a skeleton laughs at you for dying in such a way.

      • 5 months ago

        This is also how the normal dude gets grotesque and feral powers leading to our hero having to beat him up throw him in jail or kill him then Mr. hero goes back home and b***hes how terrible his own life is.

    • 5 months ago

      Move out of New York and you've upped your survival rate exponentially.

  13. 5 months ago

    We need a story where the potential futures/timelines fight each other. Days of Future Past vs. 2099 vs. Kang vs. Immortus vs. Sins of Sinister vs. King Loki vs. Immortal Hulk Bad Future vs. Age of Ultron vs. Age of Apocalypse vs. MC2 vs. Earth X.

    • 5 months ago

      Reminds me a bit of Convergence

  14. 5 months ago

    >whips out her thick, futa wiener
    now suck

  15. 5 months ago

    >Why did they think trying a tenth time would be a good idea?
    Same reason some other people make the same threads every single time, thinking it'll take off this time for sure.

  16. 5 months ago

    Hello.... any supremacists with a cure? I'd like to stop being a disembodied brain in a tube now please?

    • 5 months ago

      Orchis had a cure, and even offered it (sorta) on a voluntary basis in the stead of deporting those b***hes back to Mutie Liberia
      AFAIK we didn't see anybody take the cure willingly and just move on with their lives, even though many of them suffer from hideous deformities

      • 5 months ago

        Man even Whedon got that shit right. Whedon. Fricking hell.

  17. 5 months ago

    I thought they lost to robots. I also thought Moira was lying as she was a pro human self hating mugga.

    • 5 months ago

      Why have to butcher Moira's character for a convoluted timestream arc? Why couldn't they just leave her dead and better off so?

      • 5 months ago

        I would've been okay with it if they did something more interesting with her. All the build up and multiple lives just to be a generic evil racist b***h out smarted by losers like Mystique and Destiny.

        • 5 months ago

          For most of her existence she was the most pro-mutant human in the MU and nothing like a racist, but now she's racist? This is what I mean.

          • 5 months ago

            Her son was a mutant. Her son whom she loved more than anything and was broken when he died. It's like the current crop of writers only know how to assassinate characters

          • 5 months ago

            No, she saw no hope of mutants peacefully co-existing with humans so she went blackpill and reasoned mutants were better off not existing.

            • 5 months ago

              they do keep on doing stupid shit.

      • 5 months ago

        Two reasons:

        1. Moria contracting the legacy virus was never fricking explained outside of vagueries about "the virus mutating to infect humans" except Moria was the only human to catch it

        2. Claremont killed Moira out of spite of being kicked off the main X-Books and this fricked up Grant Morrison's plans for the X-Books, so a lot of X-Men editors still hold a grudge against Claremont for doing so and want Moria back.

        • 5 months ago

          >so a lot of X-Men editors still hold a grudge against Claremont for doing so and want Moria back.
          I don't see how turning her into a raging lunatic robot is any better.

    • 5 months ago

      Mutants won against the robots and Omega Sentinel was sent back in time to prevent that from happening.

      • 5 months ago

        Which didn't seem to work or the writer simply DGAS about that continuity. And what a waste of a character she is.

        • 5 months ago

          Another thing is, why is there still Sentinels being allowed to be a thing when they have been proven to be just as destructive to human civilizations as mutant ones?

          • 5 months ago

            Marvel civilians don't care as long as mutants get screwed over.

          • 5 months ago

            Literally the Hellfire Club's fault. Emma and Shaw were still making them as recently as the 90s, which given the sliding timeline was something like four or five years ago in-universe.

  18. 5 months ago

    Moira was basically told by evil lezbo Destiny that she either had to live a quiet unfulfilled life not doing science and wait until she got killed in the inevitable mutant genocide or fight the futile fight to enslave humanity and die regardless.

    In the bulk of the timelines, Moira either sided with Xavier, Magneto, or Apocalypse individually as she could never get Xavier and Magneto to stay on the same page for long let along get them and Apocalypse into alliance.

    And even in the timeline where they win (the tenth timeline) they only do so by default when the Children of the Vault basically genocide most of the planet and wipe out most of the regular heroes, leaving the X-Men last super powered being standing; meaning they were able to enslave earth and then the stars.

    • 5 months ago

      The Children of the Vault are such shit characters like those Sinister clones were. Had to job out and nerf other characters to make them seen like bigger threats than they actually were.

  19. 5 months ago

    I never got why the whole human vs mutant war is even happening. Mutants are birthed from humans and it has been established that if they were let be, very soon the majority of the population would be mutants because most humans have the gene recessively.
    It's not a different race replacing humanity, just humanity evolving. There is literally no reason for war or any point for it.

    • 5 months ago

      I think the main reason is the govts cannot control all the supers running around. It is a genetic lottery for power, but one bullied nerd could kill off a state. It would not be a peaceful evolution. It would destroy all of the infrastructure they currently have.

      • 5 months ago

        As if the state and infrastructure worked in the first place. Superheroes might as well be the government.

    • 5 months ago

      Problem is that they basically stretched the whole thing if mutant culture so far that now they view themselves as a different species and deem themselves as separate from humans. It took until we were almost at Fall of X for anyone to even point out that both humans and mutants are still human

  20. 5 months ago

    that's just another way of saying mutants lose to the writers every single time

  21. 5 months ago

    This was retroactively their first ethnostate plan ever

  22. 5 months ago

    Still find it hilarious how the mutants sabotage every single attempted at a cure. Imagine if we found a way to cure cancer but the 5% of people who had survived without the cure kill everyone involved and delete all research wich was ever made so cancer wont be removed from the human population.

    • 5 months ago

      I just electrically burst emp once in a while (Surge) or have trouble getting my skin close to people (Rogue) or sneeze and wipe out a neighborhood (Siryn) or can no longer play the piano due to having paws (Beast) or I randomly blow shit up not being careful (Cyke, Gambit, Jubes, Boom Boom), but there's nothing wrong with meeeee!

      • 5 months ago

        Then there's Polaris who killed a plane full of people, and her own parents, when she was four.

    • 5 months ago

      >Imagine if we found a way to cure cancer but the 5% of people who had survived without the cure kill everyone involved and delete all research wich was ever made so cancer wont be removed from the human population.
      I've seen deaf people like this, saying attempts to cure hearing loss would be erasure of their culture, of their identity.
      Also remember reading an article ages ago talking about how Downs' Syndrome individuals added to the unique tapestry of society.. or some flowery crap.

    • 5 months ago

      It makes sense when you consider those 5% can shoot cancer rays themselves, so frick the dudes who are slowly dying in utter agony. At least, that's what the message the X-men seem to be promoting is, "frick you got mine".

      • 5 months ago

        Fun fact, in terms of hypocrisy: Xavier went on a tangent in Hellions about how "all mutants powers are a gift" but then point blank refusing to resurrect Orphan Maker (who has a vaguely defined power that can legit destroy all life on Earth that requires hi m living life in faceless full body armor and being mindfricked into having the mind of a child so he can't comprehend the power he has/force him to use guns instead to kill people) once he found out what kind of power he had.

        Ironically, NO ONE thought about having Forge whip up his power negation device to depower Orphan Maker so that he can live life without being trapped in his armor and then have Jean or Emma or even Betsy telepathically undo the years of psychological abuse done to him by Nanny to fix him into being a productive member of society.

        • 5 months ago

          Only an X-Book writer would come up with some ridiculously sadistic backstory of torture like this. What a hopelessly moronic verse.

    • 5 months ago

      A cure? Are you moronic? You're actually moronic, huh? That's like wanting a cure for having a brain. Brains kill people too. They also save people. And you can't trust everyone with theirs and it's not even their own fault...just like you. But I suppose I can vote for a 9mm "cure" for you to be applied ASAP...

      • 5 months ago

        >turn 14, UH OH X GENE ACTIVATED
        >become a living booger
        >like an actual booger, crusty skin constantly oozing mucus from underneath and everything hurts because pieces of you are constantly cracking off as you dry
        >"YOU SHOULD BE THANKFUL FOR THIS GIFT" says a blonde Stacy mutie that got the ability to fly and fire plasma f
        >"YEAH, NOTHING IS WRONG WITH YOU" says Chad mutie that can fly and is functionally immortal
        Nah, frick off. The X-books trying to write off a cure for someone's detrimental condition as something sinister has only reinforced this stupid ass idea that disabilities aren't disabilities and don't ruin the quality of life for people, and that individuals who want to pursue solutions to mitigate them are in the wrong and should be shamed, like saying that being born with an astigmatism is something to be cherished, rather than corrected with laser eye surgery, it's fricking moronic, and the fandom is moronic for thinking this dumb shit is empowering.

        • 5 months ago
          • 5 months ago

            The movie doesn't even condemn Rogue. She takes the cure and Logan accepts her decision

  23. 5 months ago

    While deaf people can be straight up psychotic in their cliquishness and hate for anyone getting anything done to restore/salvage their hearing, the down syndrome shit is a bit more complicated.

    Downs Syndrome used to be somewhat common and over time a movement came to be when it was found that if you got to a kid with Downs Syndrome early enough, you could through regimented treatment, get a good chunk of them to be productive members of society. Or at the very least, self-sufficient enough to live on their own and have meaningful lives.

    Then fricking Roe Vs Wade happened. And medical testing on fetuses got to the point that doctors could find out if you had a downs syndrome kid.

    This led to a literal genocide of Downs Syndromes kids as far as women rushing to kill their unborn children rather than get stuck with a "defective" kid that would require it's parents to dedicate a good amount of money and time on their behalf in the long, hard process to make them be able to function in society. Hence leading to the backlash, with Sarah Palin of all people (who has a Downs Syndrome kid) pointing out that you had spoiled, selfish women and the abortion industry straight up engaging in eugenics; with women killing their unborn kids for the crime of being born "defective".

    • 5 months ago

      What's wrong with eugenics? You don't have to be spoiled or selfish to not want your life to revolve around raising a kid with the d syndrome

  24. 5 months ago

    The emperor was always right.

    • 5 months ago

      Of course, he is God.

  25. 5 months ago

    The reason for this is simple: X-fans and writers. They want their group of characters to be the most special, most awesome, coolest people in the entire universe but also be a persecuted and hated minority so they can self-insert and feel better about themselves. That's why despite the amount of mutants with insane powers and their alliances with space empires and magical realms they still lose, so X-gays can roleplay as an opressed group.

    • 5 months ago

      I'd also like to add how funny it is that X-gays never have a response for this type of post:

      >turn 14, UH OH X GENE ACTIVATED
      >become a living booger
      >like an actual booger, crusty skin constantly oozing mucus from underneath and everything hurts because pieces of you are constantly cracking off as you dry
      >"YOU SHOULD BE THANKFUL FOR THIS GIFT" says a blonde Stacy mutie that got the ability to fly and fire plasma f
      >"YEAH, NOTHING IS WRONG WITH YOU" says Chad mutie that can fly and is functionally immortal
      Nah, frick off. The X-books trying to write off a cure for someone's detrimental condition as something sinister has only reinforced this stupid ass idea that disabilities aren't disabilities and don't ruin the quality of life for people, and that individuals who want to pursue solutions to mitigate them are in the wrong and should be shamed, like saying that being born with an astigmatism is something to be cherished, rather than corrected with laser eye surgery, it's fricking moronic, and the fandom is moronic for thinking this dumb shit is empowering.

      Fun fact, in terms of hypocrisy: Xavier went on a tangent in Hellions about how "all mutants powers are a gift" but then point blank refusing to resurrect Orphan Maker (who has a vaguely defined power that can legit destroy all life on Earth that requires hi m living life in faceless full body armor and being mindfricked into having the mind of a child so he can't comprehend the power he has/force him to use guns instead to kill people) once he found out what kind of power he had.

      Ironically, NO ONE thought about having Forge whip up his power negation device to depower Orphan Maker so that he can live life without being trapped in his armor and then have Jean or Emma or even Betsy telepathically undo the years of psychological abuse done to him by Nanny to fix him into being a productive member of society.

      Because there is none, mutants are by far the worst form of bigotry symbolism I've ever seen, since, unlike blacks and gays, there are logical reasons one should fear mutants (an example being in x-statix and the kid who could basically rewrite reality) and also unlike them a cure would be a godsend to most of the mutant population, or for the safety of the rest of the world (see any mutant that isn't a living god)

      • 5 months ago

        >unlike blacks and gays, there are logical reasons one should fear mutants
        Swing and a miss

      • 5 months ago

        >and also unlike them a cure would be a godsend to most of the mutant population, or for the safety of the rest of the world
        Wasn't that a big plot point in the terminal days of Ultimate X-Men? A cure was developed, and any mutant who didn't take it would be exiled to a reservation. But it like 99.9% of mutants took the cure willingly. And then the remaining mutants split into two cliques that fricked up each other's new nation.

        • 5 months ago

          Essentially. Granted, it was all the US's fault to begin with since mutants in Ultimates are the descendants of the government's failed attempts to recreate the Super Soldier formula, so Steve Rogers basically gave the mutants reparations via a chance at a normal life or sovereignty over themselves with the government's explicit protection.

          And you can thank Jean for starting that mutant civil war, too.

  26. 5 months ago

    Sinister was right, 10 tries is nothing.

    • 5 months ago

      Why did they think trying a tenth time would be a good idea?

      Soooo how does Moira know that she can only die/reboot 10 times? What if its more/less?

  27. 5 months ago

    >Moira has 10 lives
    >Does nothing on the first one
    >Never gets stomped into paste by a Sentinel
    >Never has anti-mutie protesters come and shoot her to death
    >Just dies of old age surrounded by her loved ones
    >Doesn't even fully realize what mutants are at all
    Maybe she's the problem instead of everyone else.

    • 5 months ago

      The rotpox team going back in time and doing to her what she wanted to do to them would be a funny and appropriate way of ending things.

      • 5 months ago

        They did claim to want to go and kill her, but frankly deactivating her mutant gene is about the only way to properly reconcile everything back with the original continuity before all this even started

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