So is he an accelerationist?

So is he an accelerationist?

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  1. 10 months ago

    He's just a psycho that wants to kill everyone

    • 10 months ago

      Yeah, but it seems like all Rau really did was speed up things that were already going on in the CE timeline.
      Both sides were already genocidal, the EA fricking nuked the plants.
      I feel like that alone sets a precedent for SEED's timeline being genocidal as hell.

      • 10 months ago

        Seriously, It seems like 99% of everyone outside of Orb is fricking insane. Must be some side effect of N-Jammers

        • 10 months ago

          Fukuda just plays it up for entertainment, but you definitely can see that in reality where lots of former intelligence agents are radical as all frick like Lazerpig on Youtube.

          If SEED was done Fukuda's way the designs would have been a lot more super robot with rocket fists and the like, but Sunrise didn't let him.

          • 10 months ago

            SEED's theme of radicalization is some fertile ground for more exploration. It would be interesting to a see a story set in CE that hones in on that part of the world and allegorizes more modern issues regarding the internet and how that's played a role into it.

            • 10 months ago

              >uuuh I am a gigantic homosexual uuuh uuuh
              great post anon wow
              shouldn't you be on reddit rn?

              • 10 months ago
            • 10 months ago

              The entirety of 00 S2 is Ribbon's new world order using media to trick everyone
              I am not sure what more you want
              Oh wait you just want it to about owning white people

              • 10 months ago
          • 10 months ago

            >Fukuda just plays it up for entertainment, but you definitely can see that in reality where lots of former intelligence agents are radical as all frick like Lazerpig on Youtube.
            There's nothing particularly radical wanting the destruction of the Russian state.

            • 10 months ago

              Yeah that's just the moderate position.

  2. 10 months ago

    haven't heard that in a while
    funny how all of them fricked off since things actually accelerated quite a bit since 2019

    • 10 months ago

      I used to think it was a perspective that could hold weight, but now I don't know.
      It seems like in reality, or at least in the current era, rapid changes don't cause everything to just collapse. Instead people get acclimated to it, like that famous boiling frogs experiment.
      But then I imagine an accelerationist's response to that would be "nuh uh things just haven't progressed far enough yet" but I feel like that's just pushing the goalpost further.

      • 10 months ago

        Accellerationism is just a way for neofash to brainwash incels. That one dude in NZ who did a mass killing thought his actions would inspire others to rise up, now he’s in a prison cell hoping that the “revolution” his mass murder would inspire would come save him. Anyone who actually read his rant rightfully thinks he is a lunatic

        • 10 months ago

          >That one dude in NZ who did a mass killing thought his actions would inspire others to rise up
          That is both false and not what the purpose of accelerationism is.
          >Anyone who actually read his rant rightfully thinks he is a lunatic
          Not you, I'm guessing.

        • 10 months ago

          I thought the guy is an ecoterrorist. He is literally Char

      • 10 months ago

        >"nuh uh things just haven't progressed far enough yet"
        I like to call it "Oh shit, things can and are getting worse".

        • 10 months ago

          >I like to call it "Oh shit, things can and are getting worse".
          what you're saying is also a cope from accelerationists/doomers when the thing they thought would happen didn't happen BUT IT WILL ONE DAY TRUST ME

      • 10 months ago

        I think accelerationists are less about letting things go to shit so that it can get better and more about letting things go to shit so that the people they hate get to suffer too. On the actual topic, Rau is more of a nihilist being that doesn't even view himself as human which gives him the right to pass judgment on humanity. Though the show doesn't give too much context, I think the deciding point in Rau's life was when he met Mu as a kid and a young Mu just had a distant, confused look at meeting this stranger that looked like him. My interpretation is that that was what confirmed Rau's belief that he wasn't really a part of humanity as he burns down the mantion and kills Al quickly afterwards.

        • 10 months ago

          The Mwu-Rau relationship really would've been cool to see depicted in a more fleshed out way.
          It would've made a good episode. You slowly see kid Rau show psychopathic tendencies and alienate himself from Mwu until he burns the house down.

        • 10 months ago

          >I think accelerationists are less about letting things go to shit so that it can get better and more about letting things go to shit so that the people they hate get to suffer too.
          They're the second, but they claim to be the first. Mostly you saw accelerationists in 2015 and 2019 who imagined that there would be a great mass awakening of people on their side once things got bad enough, but it turned out in both cases that no, most people aren't really interested in violent revolution or civil war and all making life shittier for them does is make life shittier.

          Was never a fan of this shot in HD. The original 2002 version of SEED never showed Rau's face and that was obviously an intentional choice. If they wanted to show his face back then, they would have.

          I think the shot works because it adds some more context to understanding Rau. He's not scarred, he's not old-looking, he's a perfectly handsome man by Hiraiface standards. The only thing that makes it so that Rau wants to cover his face is who his face belongs to. He wears the mask so that he doesn't have to see Al Da Flaga any time he looks in the mirror. It's a really clever reason for him to wear the mask, probably the best in all of Gundam.

          • 10 months ago

            >The only thing that makes it so that Rau wants to cover his face is who his face belongs to. He wears the mask so that he doesn't have to see Al Da Flaga any time he looks in the mirror.
            I love how SEED will have amazing bits of writing like this sandwiched between the shallow bits.

            • 10 months ago

              It's pretty rare for anything to be entirely valueless. Even Destiny has, uh... well the Exuss is kind of cool.

              • 9 months ago

                Destiny at least has a good (enough?) OST as well

                Rau was just a psychopath who wanted the world to die because of his daddy issues and short lifespan. His rant about how he alone was allowed to judge humanity is just Al Da Flaga's ego manifesting in him because being the clone of one butthole does not give him that.

                If anyone is an accelerationist it's Durandal since he at worst organized the whole war to break the status quo by force and give him an excuse to eliminate all the major players to bring in the Destiny plan, and at best new about LOGOS and Destroy and all that shit ahead of time but just let it all play out rather than nip it in the bud before it got going again because he presumably wanted the war so he could have an excuse to kill off Djbril and Lacus and take over.

                Can't forget that he essentially left the PLANT Supreme Council to die by Requiem if it wasn't for Yzak finding the cyclinder and managed to cause the beam to go off course.

              • 9 months ago

                Meer is good as a tragic character, they just botched the execution.

        • 9 months ago

          >I think accelerationists are less about letting things go to shit so that it can get better and more about letting things go to shit so that the people they hate get to suffer too
          One and the same

    • 10 months ago

      I used to think it was a perspective that could hold weight, but now I don't know.
      It seems like in reality, or at least in the current era, rapid changes don't cause everything to just collapse. Instead people get acclimated to it, like that famous boiling frogs experiment.
      But then I imagine an accelerationist's response to that would be "nuh uh things just haven't progressed far enough yet" but I feel like that's just pushing the goalpost further.

      it just comes across like arrogant speculation to me
      like people are coping that "le collpase of society" hasn't happened yet to rationalize their doomer tendencies so they latch onto anything so they can go "See! It's happening any day now!"

    • 10 months ago

      They won, a decent portion of americans believe civil war is coming

      • 10 months ago

        Civil War is coming just like Real Communism is being practiced

      • 10 months ago

        that's been a sentiment people have had literally since after the actual Civil War ended
        to actually believe it'll happen is childish wish-fulfillment from people that never actually paid attention to the world until the coof happened

      • 9 months ago

        There’s a book called “Confederates in the Attic” all about American gravy seal milotaku Civil War cosplayers. They don’t think it’s coming, they think they’re preparing for what happens after halftime

      • 9 months ago

        No, accelerationists try to intensify social/economic conditions to suit their own needs and set their own parties up for success in the chaos. Rau is a damaged, mentally ill individual from a broken family that just wants to kill people because he doesn't value human life.

        So long as netflix, starbucks and walmart exist (they will outlive us all), there will be no american civil war. You could drop a bomb on Richmond tomorrow and prove the feds did it, and nothing will happen because the next season of The Crown and Big Mouth are coming out this year. Bread and circuses.

        • 9 months ago

          >So long as netflix, starbucks and walmart exist
          I'm surprised how many people don't seem to realize this.
          Americans are way too pampered and satisfied for any civil conflict to happen here.

          • 9 months ago

            what are you talking about
            literally everyone but larpers realize that civil war will never come

            • 9 months ago

              we are in the minority, and /m/ is one of the more down to earth boards. Someone has to attempt to get these terminally online freaks to see reality, even if it's a futile attempt.

              • 9 months ago

                >we are in the minority
                no we are not, unironically go outside and touch grass

              • 9 months ago

                I realize I phrased my post poorly. What I meant to say is, the majority of all people are not moronic enough to think a civil war in the US is coming.
                However, the majority of Cinemaphile thinks a civil war in the US is coming. /m/ is generally not one of those boards that thinks a war is coming, because we don't have half the brain rot of boards like Cinemaphile and /misc/. /m/ is in the minority on Cinemaphile for being not moronic.

              • 9 months ago

                have a nice day

              • 9 months ago

                no u homosexual

    • 9 months ago

      None of that is actual accelerationism you stupid fricking election tourist homosexuals. Just cause some homosexual shooter copt the term doesn't mean that's what it is.

      None of what anything Rau or what you think is Accelerationism is actual Nick Landian Accelerationism aka the one that coined the term

      • 9 months ago


        • 9 months ago

          gg no re

          • 9 months ago

            next you're going to tell me how transformers are ackchyually voltage converters between circuits and not sentient non-carbon beings from the planet cybertron

  3. 10 months ago

    Kino shading

  4. 10 months ago

    No, he doesn't want collapse and reform. Rau just wanted omnicide.

  5. 10 months ago

    No, Rau simply wanted to kill everyone because he thought Humanity truly had no future.

  6. 10 months ago

    Ultimately everything with Rau is he feels the need to give his life meaning, and if you're the guy that doomed humanity then quite frankly that's a lot of meaning.

  7. 10 months ago

    He's responsible for giving us the THANK YOU INTERNET image, all is forgiven

    • 10 months ago
  8. 10 months ago

    Was never a fan of this shot in HD. The original 2002 version of SEED never showed Rau's face and that was obviously an intentional choice. If they wanted to show his face back then, they would have.

    • 10 months ago

      >The original 2002 version of SEED never showed Rau's face
      I think it may have been added in the Special Editions actually, because I'm pretty sure Destiny showed his face.
      I was confused as hell when I watched the SEED remaster though because I could've sworn Rau's face was never shown.

  9. 10 months ago


  10. 9 months ago

    Rau was just a psychopath who wanted the world to die because of his daddy issues and short lifespan. His rant about how he alone was allowed to judge humanity is just Al Da Flaga's ego manifesting in him because being the clone of one butthole does not give him that.

    If anyone is an accelerationist it's Durandal since he at worst organized the whole war to break the status quo by force and give him an excuse to eliminate all the major players to bring in the Destiny plan, and at best new about LOGOS and Destroy and all that shit ahead of time but just let it all play out rather than nip it in the bud before it got going again because he presumably wanted the war so he could have an excuse to kill off Djbril and Lacus and take over.

  11. 9 months ago

    The people of Afghanistan fought off the Russians in the 80s using bolt action rifles. The North Vietnamese fought off the Americans with crappy resources. The difference between the people of Afghanistan and Vietnam fighting for their freedom, and Americans fighting for their freedom, is that no American is really going to fight for their freedom. Our population is so domesticated that they would never fight for anything. They don't even fight for their ability to fight. They register their guns so that when the crackdowns happen, the police know where to knock. When the police come for their guns, they'll give them up. Only a small contingent of Americans will form Islamic-esque ghetto no-go zone communities that police won't try going into to confiscate guns.

  12. 9 months ago

    He's >Random selected political label<

    • 9 months ago

      Rau was a feminist?

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