So its canon in Arkhamverse now that Deathstroke not only can beat brainiac, but he can beat two.

So it’s canon in Arkhamverse now that Deathstroke not only can beat brainiac, but he can beat two.

Meanwhile the Justice League can’t even beat one. That’s some awful awful writing.

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  1. 2 months ago

    Post that one panel from The Eltingville Club. You know the one.

  2. 2 months ago

    Deathstroke beat the Justice League before, and the Arkhamverse is way weaker than most. They don't even have a Hal Jordan.

  3. 2 months ago

    Why isn't Deathstroke more hated for being a pedophile?
    >inb4 he's le based dickychad XD
    Ok sure but normies don't see pedo characters like that. Yet Deathstroke gets a pass all the time.
    >inb4 normies just don't know it
    Come on, normie news sites love to dig up shit like this from the comics for easy shocking clickbait. For all intents and purposes, Deathstroke's reputation should have been completely destroyed by that fact and he should've been tossed to the bin of history, yet somehow that never happened. Why?

    • 2 months ago

      Terra was like sixteen in the comic and she was pursuing. And she was a huge b***h too. Age of consent being sixteen is also pretty common too. Plus, Deathstroke is otherwise depicted as being uninterested in most other media that has him and Terra being around each other.

    • 2 months ago

      >Why isn't Deathstroke more hated for being a pedophile?
      That is a GOOD question. I mean we see the complete flipout with the Piskor thing.

    • 2 months ago

      >>inb4 he’s le based dickychad xd
      In general, so long as it is completely consensual— no coercion at all— and the intentions of the individuals are good, there is nothing morally wrong with it whatsoever.
      The law denies the intrinsic autonomy of the individual.
      The fact that so many don’t take their supposed “laws” to their logical conclusion and force countries that have lower age limits to change theirs, proves that most of these “believers” are mindless drones

    • 2 months ago

      >Why isn't Deathstroke more hated for being a pedophile?

      Compared to Hal Jordan who had a girlfriend aged 14 in space years, Slade's not that bad.

      Gunn has acknowledged that WB let too many bad DC products get made and devalue the brand.

      What are some of those products, Death Battle episodes not withstanding?

      • 2 months ago

        >Compared to Hal Jordan who had a girlfriend aged 14 in space years, Slade's not that bad.
        Huh? Space aliens age at different rates, AND she had explicitly used the ring to age herself up, which muddies the issue further. How is that worse than fricking a human child aging at a normal rate in a normal human body?

      • 2 months ago

        >death battle out of nowhere
        Uh oh, benpedos projecting again!

    • 2 months ago

      Calm down cuck boy, Stacy's like Terra prefer older chads instead of little green boys.

  4. 2 months ago


  5. 2 months ago

    This shit bombed so hard and is so widely hated that it will be scrubbed from history in a few months time.

    • 2 months ago

      >This shit bombed so hard
      The comics are a billion times worse so those aren't canon either.

  6. 2 months ago

    People hate Gunn but this is exactly what’s going to be prevented when be takes over. He talked about how the history of the IP was fricked and they just gave these characters away to just anyone.

    • 2 months ago

      Gunn has acknowledged that WB let too many bad DC products get made and devalue the brand.

    • 2 months ago

      Gunn has acknowledged that WB let too many bad DC products get made and devalue the brand.

      Gunn will devalue the brand worse than this shitty game.

      • 2 months ago

        He's going have the all Justice League members shot in the head?

  7. 2 months ago

    >make an effort in killing the Justice League heroes in brutal and cold ways
    >actually they’re not the real Justice League, those were clones and the real ones can be saved
    It’s a Rise of Skywalker situation where they try to backpedal but satisfy nobody. It’s a lazy retcon no matter what side you’re on in the game. And 2025? By that point there’ll be at least 5 other live service games people will talk about positively or negatively

    • 2 months ago

      There was a number of Calendars around the map with randoms dates circled on them that people deciphered as "HE WILL RETURN" with a Bat symbol on it. I figure bringing everyone back was always the plan, but a risky move like that requires the game's narrative to be good from the start to get people to see it through. If there really is more Conroy dialogue, I hope they do release it somehow, just so his last role wasn't evil but insultingly moronic Batman.

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