So let me guess, two hours of Earth Alliance warships, mobile armours and suits exploding

So let me guess, two hours of Earth Alliance warships, mobile armours and suits exploding

Nothing Ever Happens Shirt $21.68

Black Rifle Cuck Company, Conservative Humor Shirt $21.68

Nothing Ever Happens Shirt $21.68

  1. 9 months ago

    1:25 of the EA getting wrecked, 0:30 of flashbacks, and 0:05 of Shinn and Luna getting engaged to capitalize on people liking the voice actors.

    • 9 months ago

      You forgot one minute of Meyrin being a mother to Athrun's kid and one minute of Cagalli implicitly shagging Sho Ta Flaga. That 5 minutes of Shinn and Luna will also be a double-date with Murrue and Mwu as they get to know each other.

      No, they will reveal the Kira clones. and that the real Kira really died against Athrun.

      >Athrungays this desperate to make Aegis v. Strike a win for them.
      Cope and seethe. The overrated midwit you worship is at least smart enough to realize that fight wasn't a win for him.

      • 9 months ago

        >The overrated midwit you worship
        You have to remind them that he gets dunked on by Kira twice in CQC twice despite claims that assram is some melee god in CE (only IJ is specialized towards close range). Embarrassing.

        • 9 months ago

          Shinn's more the melee guy.
          Athrun is more all around while Kira is ranged god.

          • 9 months ago

            >Shinn's more the melee guy
            >gets absolutely demolished by athrun in the most humiliating way possible that his soul leaves his body for a brief moment
            c'mon man. If anything, he's a super all rounder.

          • 9 months ago

            >while Kira is ranged god

            • 9 months ago

              >kira primarily uses single beam saber or dual wields
              >athrun uses single beam saber or uses halberd
              >shinn uses unga bunga AS sword
              I do like that they appreciate that they prefer different styles of close range combat

            • 9 months ago

              Why is Saviour pushed back? It's literally shield bashing Freedom.

              On the recovery, why is Saviour moving in slow motion while Freedom moves at normal speed?

              • 9 months ago

                CE operates largely on what Fukuda wants to happen in any given moment, with little regard for internal consistency.

          • 9 months ago

            >while Kira is ranged god

            >kira primarily uses single beam saber or dual wields
            >athrun uses single beam saber or uses halberd
            >shinn uses unga bunga AS sword
            I do like that they appreciate that they prefer different styles of close range combat

            Its not that Kira's a "ranged God", its that ranged-oriented machines are simply more efficient at chewing through endless legions of nameless grunts than melee-oriented machines. Against named opponents and enemy gundams (Chaos, Saviour, Impulse) he's more than willing to pull out his sabers.
            Arguably, Kira is more of a "melee God" than Athrun or Shinn. Have either of them ever done anything as impressive as gif related? Nope.

            • 9 months ago

              Kira's also a ranged god as his disabling still pulls off crazy precise or otherwise weird angle shots that nobody else can really replicate. The closest is Shinn reflecting a shot off his shield to hit Freedom at an angle he couldn't block but that loses points for not actually doing anything beyond minor superficial damage

              • 9 months ago

                >also a ranged god
                He's just a God at MS combat. Best in his universe, by any honest analysis.
                You've got all the precise beamspamming he does, even while moving at times.
                You've got him cutting beams Jedi-style.
                You've got all that re-used stock footage of the Freedom/Strike Freedom effortlessly weaving through an endless barrage of enemy fire directed at him.
                But much of this is due to his genemods. He was born great, but it wasn't until he was in a mobile suit wienerpit that said greatness had the chance to shine.
                Ironic considering I my choice for 2nd place: Rau Le Creuset. A Natural, yet ZAFT's Supreme Ace in the first war, who I am convinced could (in the Providence no less) handily slaughter either Athrun (IJ) or Shinn (Destiny) and laugh the whole damn time.

              • 9 months ago

                I don't know about Rau. Rau's hard to gauge because he almost never had a fight in Seed he didn't already have a massive advantage in MS wise and the one time he didn't he was dropped in about 2 seconds before he could even get a shot off.

              • 9 months ago

                His capabilities in the Providence tells us everything we need to know. He was full ‘mask off’ at that point and anyone who wasn’t Kira got ran down by him.

              • 9 months ago

                Wasn't Kira submissive in 90% of the fight with Rau until Flay's death enraged him to the point that he finally did something?

              • 9 months ago

                No it's more that he was still using the Meteor and that was a poor match against Providence because it was just a bigger slower target for all his DRAGOONs and could shoot down all his extra missiles with them. Once Kira got out of it and could actually maneuver properly is when he started being able to fight back against Rau

              • 9 months ago

                >in 90% of the fight
                Dishonest exaggeration. It was more like 25% fighting in the METEOR, Flay dies, remaining 75% is Freedom v. Providence themselves.

                Providence is the most powerful Gundam that was ever deployed in Seed so again, he has a massive advantage there. Of course he can crush everyone with a Nuclear Gundam with wireless weapons that have more beam guns put together than anything else. You think Strike vs Providence was remotely any kind of fair fight?

                >Providence is the most powerful Gundam that was ever deployed in Seed so again, he has a massive advantage there.
                And Kira was piloting the Freedom, the 2nd most powerful gundam. Whereas the Providence has DRAGOONs the Freedom has an arsenal of ranged weapons to counter it. Whereas the Providence has this giant bulky backpack and limited mobility (due to having its specs changed at basically the last minute and being the Zeong of CE gundam) the Freedom has its HiMAT system, so that evens the fight a lot.
                >Strike vs Providence was remotely any kind of fair fight?
                It wasn't, but thats not the focal point when judging Rau's overall skill.
                Mwu and Rau never had a fair fight between them, yet despite that I think its quite obvious Rau was the better pilot. When Mwu gets the Akatsuki in Destiny his performance is okay, but nothing phenomenal like Rau's.
                >by late Destiny he’s flying right down a Destroy team’s line of fire to punch them in the wienerpit
                Against Kira in Destiny he dodged Kira's DRAGOON swarm but got tagged by the SF's railguns. Now imagine what happens if we replace the SF and its 8 single-gun DRAGOONs with Providence and its DRAGOONs that have 2-9 guns each.
                >Rau would mindbreak him in thirty seconds
                This is the same reason why Athrun would lose to Rau. Badly, I may add.

              • 9 months ago

                Past the mindbreak stuff wouldn't the Justice fair slightly better than the Freedom since its meant to be the most manoeuvrable of the 5 nuclear powered MS's against the Providence?

              • 9 months ago

                >wouldn't the Justice fair slightly better than the Freedom
                The Providence's loadout is a straight-up hard counter to the (Infinite) Justice's.
                >since its meant to be the most manoeuvrable
                Source for this claim?

              • 9 months ago

                He's exaggerating with the most manoeuvrable. The closest thing is the MG manual calling it "overwhelming" but still complements the Freedom on the same page.

                The Providence is not a hard counter to the Justice. The Justice is only really missing the rail guns (even then I'm baffled as to why they had an effect on the Dragoons coated in PS) & they were barely used against the Providence in the end.

              • 9 months ago

                >The Providence is not a hard counter to the Justice.
                Main novelty/strength of the Justice is the FATUM. Problem with using the FATUM against the Providence is you'd never want to launch it because its a large target and would be easy for DRAGOONs to surround and take out. The loss of it would greatly weaken the main body whereas the loss of 1 DRAGOON doesn't hurt the Providence very much as their engines do not add to the main body's maneuverability while mounted.
                So instead you'd keep the FATUM attached all the time, but even then the ranged capabilities of the Justice are not a good fit. 3 beam guns between the rifle and FATUM as well as 2 near-useless boomerangs are not going to cut it.
                >even then I'm baffled as to why they had an effect on the Dragoons coated in PS
                Railguns worked because PSA consumes power and the DRAGOONs size limits battery capacity, which would be stretched between maintaining said PS, powering its thrusters, firing its beam guns and keeping radio sync with the other DRAGOONs/main body. They're designed to be small and evade enemy fire rather than soaking it directly, so the railguns would easily deplete their power on impact and cause the PSA to fail.
                >they were barely used against the Providence in the end.
                Its not the Freedom's railguns specifically that are advantageous against the Providence, its that Full Burst lets you light-up a whole area with multiple large-diameter projectiles. This means you can just fire in the vague direction of the Providence's DRAGOONs and hopefully land a hit on 1-2 of them.
                By contrast, when using regular green beams (which is all the Justice has), you need to be more precise and accurate since the projectile is smaller in diameter. When you also consider that the Justice has fewer ranged guns with a more limited firing range (FATUM guns just go up and down, Freedom wing canons/railguns have some sideways movement) you see why the Justice's armaments are no-good against the Providence.

              • 9 months ago

                While most of Justice's and IJ's weapons would be relatively useless against Providence's Dragoon's Kira did most of his damage with his basic rifle and sabers anyway (he only took out two Dragoons with Freedom's other weapons) which Justice has exact copies of. So it would have a chance at the very least. We see in Destiny from Athrun's brief engagement against Legend that he can dodge and block dragoon fire decently well.

              • 9 months ago

                >So it would have a chance at the very least.
                There's always a chance; MS fights are never a "rock paper scissors" matchup where we can pre-emptively determine that one will always beat another.
                Doesn't refute my argument that the Providence hard counters the Justice.
                >We see in Destiny from Athrun's brief engagement against Legend
                You're clearly reaching. See webm related. Said brief exchange consisted of him first dodging two small DRAGOONs which fired at the same locations from similar angles. Then 1-2 seconds later he moves and dodges another small DRAGOON. That's a very weak representation of the kind of firepower the Providence/Legend/SF are able to bring to the table. Therefore, the claim
                >he can dodge and block dragoon fire decently well.
                Is not substantiated.

              • 9 months ago

                By contrast, see webm related that takes places a few moments later (after the OP plays). The Legend dispatches multiple DRAGOONs to shoot at the Strike Freedom simultaneously from different angles. While Kira does use his shield to block some of the shots like Athrun he doesn't stay in the same place and focuses on evading the beams rather than blocking them. Its a stronger display of the kind of firepower the Legend can bring to the table thus requiring a stronger display of skill on Kira's part.

              • 9 months ago

                Oh, and lets not forget that the Legend has FEWER DRAGOONs with FEWER beam guns than the Providence as its design trades a bulky frame for greater mobility and the ability to bypass EA positron reflectors (the beam spikes on Legend's large DRAGOONs).
                I mean, just look at the exchange that took place between Rau and Mwu. Rau hammers Mwu harder than Rey hammered Athrun (and yes, you guys can make fun of that line) and in return Mwu puts on a more impressive display dodging than Athrun does - in the Aile Strike of all things and still loses his rifle.

              • 9 months ago

                And then we have the coup de grace where Rau just overwhelms and picks Mwu apart. While I said before that "there's a chance", since there's always a chance, any honest brainstorming analysis of a hypothetical "Athrun vs. Rau" matchup will conclude with webm related as the most likely course of events.

              • 9 months ago

                Pretty sure Rau intentionally spared Nwu there too.

              • 9 months ago

                Less sparing and more toying with his enemy. A quick clean kill would be unsatisfying for Rau, he'd rather torture Mwu a bit and make him sweat.

                Like when Rau attacks the escape launch that Flay is on. It's a bit silly that the Providence intentionally very slowly lines up a beam rifle shot that Kira barely manages to deflect at the last moment by stretching his shield in front. And then it turns out that Rau positioned a DRAGOON at an obtuse angle to fire at Flay just right when Kira though he saved her, for maximum frickery. Rau could have easily just fired faster or used a bunch of DRAGOONs, but that was almost timed for maximum cruelty.

              • 9 months ago

                >The Providence is not a hard counter to the Justice.
                Main novelty/strength of the Justice is the FATUM. Problem with using the FATUM against the Providence is you'd never want to launch it because its a large target and would be easy for DRAGOONs to surround and take out. The loss of it would greatly weaken the main body whereas the loss of 1 DRAGOON doesn't hurt the Providence very much as their engines do not add to the main body's maneuverability while mounted.
                So instead you'd keep the FATUM attached all the time, but even then the ranged capabilities of the Justice are not a good fit. 3 beam guns between the rifle and FATUM as well as 2 near-useless boomerangs are not going to cut it.
                >even then I'm baffled as to why they had an effect on the Dragoons coated in PS
                Railguns worked because PSA consumes power and the DRAGOONs size limits battery capacity, which would be stretched between maintaining said PS, powering its thrusters, firing its beam guns and keeping radio sync with the other DRAGOONs/main body. They're designed to be small and evade enemy fire rather than soaking it directly, so the railguns would easily deplete their power on impact and cause the PSA to fail.
                >they were barely used against the Providence in the end.
                Its not the Freedom's railguns specifically that are advantageous against the Providence, its that Full Burst lets you light-up a whole area with multiple large-diameter projectiles. This means you can just fire in the vague direction of the Providence's DRAGOONs and hopefully land a hit on 1-2 of them.
                By contrast, when using regular green beams (which is all the Justice has), you need to be more precise and accurate since the projectile is smaller in diameter. When you also consider that the Justice has fewer ranged guns with a more limited firing range (FATUM guns just go up and down, Freedom wing canons/railguns have some sideways movement) you see why the Justice's armaments are no-good against the Providence.

                Oh, no. It's you again.

                GO AWAY
                FRICK OFF

              • 9 months ago

                Take your meds.

              • 9 months ago

                You are the insane person who tries to make heads or tails of the "lore" (to use that idiotic term) and technology in SEED, when it makes zero goddamn sense.
                >Why can the Freedom's railguns critically damage Abyss?
                >Why does Destroy seem to have the ability to bend beams?
                >Why does Destiny run out of power while at Orb?
                Et cetera

                Try and explain this one:


                . Diving is not a cloaking system.

              • 9 months ago

                A lot of anons do that, anon. People would rather come up some contrived technical excuse than simply accept that Fukuda will always prioritize some narrative and “rule-of-cool” over technical considerations.
                So again, take your meds.

              • 9 months ago

                Providence is the most powerful Gundam that was ever deployed in Seed so again, he has a massive advantage there. Of course he can crush everyone with a Nuclear Gundam with wireless weapons that have more beam guns put together than anything else. You think Strike vs Providence was remotely any kind of fair fight?

              • 9 months ago

                >You think Strike vs Providence was remotely any kind of fair fight?

                Mwu never has a fair fight with Rau. In their first battle Rau has an MS while Mwu still is in a mobile armor and Rau almost exclusively uses tricks that a humanoid shape can do that a fighter can not like cling to debris as cover to shoot behind, stomp on his gunbarrels and attack from behind with the sword when Mwu's only weapon left was forward facing and slicing it off in the delay it took to swing it around. In Mendel Mwu has the Launcher Strike because he wasn't expecting Rau to show up so he's at a massive disadvantage trying to hit the all around more agile Guaiz with the Launcher's slow firing weapons. If he had Aile then they would have been evenly matched.

                And finally in their final Strike vs Providence there's no way he can compete with all that firepower and Rau just sends more and more dragoon fire his way until he launches everything and makes a net of beam fire so tight it's impossible for Mwu to evade no matter what he does.

              • 9 months ago

                >Rau just sends more and more dragoon fire his way until he launches everything and makes a net of beam fire so tight it's impossible for Mwu to evade no matter what he does.
                Actually, there's this depiction from the novel version that Kira and Mu has similar dodging abilities, it just that the Strike's low specs can't keep up to Mu's reaction.

              • 9 months ago

                A literal dying man who can go against the ultimate coordinator with magic eyes is worth mentioning.

              • 9 months ago

                Shinn’s strength is fast reaction time, and by late Destiny he’s flying right down a Destroy team’s line of fire to punch them in the wienerpit. His skills and Destiny’s specs make him a good match against Rau.

                But none of that matters because Rau would mindbreak him in thirty seconds and shoot him down while he was confused.

            • 9 months ago

              >catches destiny's antiship sword like a katana and fricks with him with his railguns as a "i could've fricked you up" message
              >outfights the aegis in the strike with 1 beam saber while they had 4
              >tears the savior apart and somehow leaves athrun perfectly unharmed
              >has been kicking other mobile suits around throughout seed and destiny
              mad man

            • 9 months ago

              Athrun is better at range. He 360 no scopes people without looking when he piloted a Zaku.

  2. 9 months ago

    No, they will reveal the Kira clones. and that the real Kira really died against Athrun.

  3. 9 months ago

    2 minutes of my wife Agnes being cute then abruptly blowing up like every other SEED character with her voice actor

    • 9 months ago

      On the contrary, everyone in the cast will die except her

    • 9 months ago

      I love her..

  4. 9 months ago

    Cosmic Era is so hilariously biased against the EA.

    • 9 months ago

      All they did was nuke one PLANT, ZAFT responded with causing a major energy crisis that undoubtedly killed WAY more people.

      • 9 months ago

        Not the PLANTs fault the EA's main power technology is deeply coupled to the same technology used to create colony-destroying WMDs.

  5. 9 months ago

    SEED was A New Hope mixed with 0079, Destiny was AotC/RotS mixed with Zeta, so Freedom will be sequel trilogy mixed with CCA.

  6. 9 months ago

    >Kira fires thirteen beam cannons at Mt Rushmore
    >Cagalli and the DOM pilots shoot the Boulder Dam
    >Athrun ignites the Hollywood sign
    >The Archangel activates a Cyclops system in Manhattan
    >Shinn cuts Big Ben in half with an anti-ship sword
    >Lacus walks into the White House and sits in the Oval Office
    >Andy wearing sunglasses sits at a table in Vegas and gets a Full House, a SEED-esque orchestral rendition of House of the Rising Sun plays, while a thousand BuCues launch missile barrages into Area 51

    • 9 months ago

      cuts Big Ben in half with an anti-ship sword
      >Shinn runs the Statue of Liberty through with an anti-ship sword.

  7. 9 months ago

    You forgot the competitive racism

  8. 9 months ago

    Idk anything about SEED but did a lot of people hate it back when it came out? Did people hate 00 too?

  9. 9 months ago

    Who the FRICK is this?

    • 9 months ago

      Rey bros we are so back?

    • 9 months ago

      >Prayer (hinted)
      >Probably That new kid in Freedom named Mashima (pic related)
      >Guy at the start of the trailer


      • 9 months ago

        Prayer and Orb shota are Mwu clones.

    • 9 months ago

      they can't let go of the flaga clones, can they?

      • 9 months ago

        I think it's more that they want to get the whole original cast back if they can and want to throw Seki in there somewhere.

    • 9 months ago

      Plot twist: it's the actual Al Da Flaga.

      • 9 months ago

        That would be kino
        Need Mu to settle whatever dumb shit going on his father

      • 9 months ago

        now that's an idea

  10. 9 months ago

    We still need a clone of Mwu's mother

  11. 9 months ago

    I hope you rike it anon.

    • 9 months ago

      >Hey let's blow up everywhere from Moscow to Berlin with the Destroy Gundams
      >Because we're fricking anglos, that's why
      >Atlantic Federation frick yeah

    • 9 months ago

      I don't mind Destroy gundam being defeated, but this was the dumbest way of doing it.

      • 9 months ago

        the one that Rey and Luna beat is dumber IMO. They slash the armor of the MA mode causing it to fall from air and explode.

    • 9 months ago

      Maybe I'm too late to know it, but seems like the Arondight can extend its beam blade onto its solid bladed tip?

      • 9 months ago

        Yeah, Impulse's Excalibur can also do that.

        • 9 months ago

          Yes, I learned about the Excaliburs being capable of doing the same due to the Gunpla, though I don't know the Arondight can also do it until I pause the clip before it penetrates Sting's Destroy's armor.

    • 9 months ago

      Wait a sec, the Destroy's helmet is open on the back.
      It doesn't offer any protection to its pilot, so it's just for interfacing with the systems.

      • 9 months ago

        The Destroy's are nigh impossible to take down to begin win and since the wienerpit is right behind the main weapon system if the Destroy does somehow get overloaded and blow up they'd be killed by the main cannons exploding in their face anyway. So pilot survival in the case of suit loss was not really something the Destroy was expected to handle

  12. 9 months ago

    That's best case scenario. Worst case it's half that with Lacus and Kira looking out at sunsets saying vague stupid shit about the future while looking saintly and Cagali crying in a corner impotently.

    • 9 months ago

      This time, Cagalli will be a depressed single mother taking care of a child that isn't hers

      • 9 months ago

        Athrun must be glad he escaped when he could.

    • 9 months ago

      This time, Cagalli will be a depressed single mother taking care of a child that isn't hers

      >Lacus, I know you're about to start ovulating. I know that this is the ideal moment to give you my SEED, but it doesn't matter. Because at this moment, Cagalli is crying her heart out.

  13. 9 months ago

    You will see the AF remnants get wrecked again & you will like it.

    • 9 months ago
      • 9 months ago
        • 9 months ago
          • 9 months ago
    • 9 months ago

      no casualties!?

      • 9 months ago

        What do you mean?

  14. 9 months ago

    So which side is gonna steal the other side's Gundam's first? Or will the antagonist steal the Strike Freedom and Infinite Justice to justify Kira and Athrun getting shiny new variants?

  15. 9 months ago

    Can't believe that Mercushit and IBS ruined Gundam so much that I am hyped up for SEED's return of all things.

    • 9 months ago

      You could just not be hyped at all, traitor

    • 9 months ago

      Hi Duel!

    • 9 months ago

      A crackpot theory: The Witch was only greenlit to hype up the SEED film and get a new generation of waifugays on board.

      • 9 months ago

        All part of the plan

  16. 9 months ago

    I'm watching the OG Destiny, how different are the fights in the Remastered version?

  17. 9 months ago

    I like melee Kira.

  18. 9 months ago
    • 9 months ago

      no no no
      what is this? they look horrendous

      • 9 months ago

        Dunno, found it on some Chinese forum. Whether it’s legit or not is anyone’s guess

    • 9 months ago


      • 9 months ago

        Left says: Seed Movie
        No idea what right said as the translation tools spat out a bunch of nonsense but best I can gather is ‘Final Machine something something something’

    • 9 months ago

      Dunno, found it on some Chinese forum. Whether it’s legit or not is anyone’s guess

      it can't be the one in the movie. we got a glimpse of the wing of kira's new machine and it doesn't match either one of those abominations.

      • 9 months ago

        It does vaguely match the one on the left. The tips of the wings are the same color and for all we know they could separate and spread out as the Freedom’s do. I suppose we’ll see as it’s been about a month since the second trailer was released so we’ll probably get suit reveals pretty soon, if not by the end of the month

        • 9 months ago

          I'm going to be coping for the rest of time if it's confirmed. Those palette placements look absolute ass. Nothing can match the original freedom look.

        • 9 months ago

          I'm going to be coping for the rest of time if it's confirmed. Those palette placements look absolute ass. Nothing can match the original freedom look.

          Eh, those are just Okawara art, so long as it follows Akutsu's proportions.

          Though I kinda doubt it, given that the "Final suit" has the SF's gold, but not on the Joints. Though I kinda dig the first suit. The Blue/Red Color scheme is cool.

          If this is true though, It kinda confirms my suspicion that now that they are publicly doing these interventions, Compass machines need to be regulated to post-war standards under a treaty.

          • 9 months ago

            so what you're speculating is that they get two suits each? one is for COMPASS jobs while the other is for the finale when things get down?
            >Though I kinda doubt it, given that the "Final suit" has the SF's gold, but not on the Joints
            I do see a speck of gold on it's elbow joint. I don't see how they're going to use the PS frame if they aren't nuclear powered. If the one on the right is the final suit, that makes sense since it's going all out at that point.
            They also mentioned in the interview that the new freedom will have "feathers". I'm not sure if the right's dragoon looking pieces is what he's talking about.

            You forgot the new strike freedom.
            Also Shinn is piloting the Justice

            >still uses SF's fin

            • 9 months ago

              >First part takes place in Earth, under Gravity, so the first suits are suited for that
              >Second part is when the gloves go off, Lacus realizes that the people they're working for are frauds, so she had the two successor units for the Freedom and Justice prepared just in case.

    • 9 months ago

      You forgot the new strike freedom.
      Also Shinn is piloting the Justice

      • 9 months ago

        Did you just resketch this? It's cool. Kinda sold on the color scheme. Matches Kira's flight suit to a tee.

        • 9 months ago

          Rumor has it that IS the design art but I’m not sold tbdesu, it looks too much like a fan sketch to be legit. Either that of whoever they got to refine Okawara’s design is shit at drawing

      • 9 months ago

        >also Shinn is piloting the Justice
        Who’s the idiot now, Athrun?

        • 9 months ago

          Still you.

          • 9 months ago

            Shinn will be the one dishing out leg breaking kicks from now on. Learn your place, Zalatrash

            • 9 months ago

              Would be hilarious to see Shinn in Justice ngl. Presumably he would go spinny spinny spinny through the beamspam and then knee enemies in the face sensors.

              • 9 months ago

                >Shinn gets put in a machine that lets him use the shins to destroy suits
                Bravo Fukuda

              • 9 months ago

                >now you have truly become Shin Asskick

            • 9 months ago

              Lost to a half dead Athrun lol. Can't wait for Athrun to trash you in the Arch Destiny of all things lol.

            • 9 months ago

              Lost to a half dead Athrun lol. Can't wait for Athrun to trash you in the Arch Destiny of all things lol.

              >Shinn kicking peoples arms off in the Justice
              >Athrun wrecking Destroy's with the Destiny with 2 Excaliburs to replace the Ardonite.
              Could be kino.

        • 9 months ago

          >shinn gets rekt in the first suit
          >Athrun gets off dino duty and pilots the ACTUAL Justice for the finale

      • 9 months ago

        Something about Shinn piloting Athrun’s Justice just feels wrong. I’m hoping he gets a new Destiny.

        • 9 months ago

          Isn’t there an interview says Shinn will ride an unexpected unit bcoz that could be mean he’s riding a suit that already existed from seed or destiny.

          So i have low expectation that he’ll get a new suit

      • 9 months ago

        Old Freedom design retains title as the best Freedom.

        • 9 months ago


        • 9 months ago

          We haven't seen actual In-anime art of the Freedom Kai (assuming it's the actual name), but I like it better than the fricking abomination in the right side

          • 9 months ago

            OG Freedom V-Fin or it's still shit.

      • 9 months ago

        Our boy wacky must be spewing his design wasn't used.

        • 9 months ago


    • 9 months ago

      You forgot the new strike freedom.
      Also Shinn is piloting the Justice

      These are terrible designs tbh

    • 9 months ago

      I can't tell if the red leg in the trailer is the same as the Justice on the left.

      • 9 months ago

        Good chance that might be a Zaku Warrior. The neon pink makes me think it’s Agnes’ machine

        • 9 months ago

          That Pinkish color's always been Lunamaria's custom color. I'm personally thinking that Agnes will be riding the GYAN based off her pilot suit colors, and that Luna's getting the GELGOOG, in which case I await what ludicrous acronym awaits those two suits.

          • 9 months ago



          • 9 months ago

            >did not put Luna in a Destiny Impulse
            What's wrong with them!?

      • 9 months ago

        I just want my bro Mwu ride a gundam that isn’t a hand-me-down.

    • 9 months ago

      Dunno if its real, but they does look pretty close to Okawara's lineart style.

      • 9 months ago

        >Okawara's lineart style
        True, but his style is pretty soulless (overused term, but I think it fits here), which would be easy to replicate.

        • 9 months ago

          Yeah. Even if these designs end up being real, it'll take at least either their CG models, some illustrations or shots from the film for me to really like them. Its always been the case with how Satoshi Shigeta's mechanical animation direction really elevates SEED's designs for me.

    • 9 months ago

      jesus, what a hack. At least the freedom on the left tries to look different than the standard freedom as the colors make it visually distinct. the right one is another freedom that looks like a side upgrade to the strike freedom to which the strike freeom already was. strike freedom was okay despite the lack of a visual change because it added a bunch of shit (it's still shit), but this is just fricking lazy.

    • 9 months ago

      How many goddamn Gundams are going to be in this movie? Assuming Shinn gets two as well and the antagonist gets one + maybe Mwu there’s going to be something like 10 Gundams all running around

      • 9 months ago

        The red one is Shinn's

      • 9 months ago

        you're going to need to add the guaranteed providence variant to that list. I just wished they add more new grunt suits and strong non-gundam MS.

    • 9 months ago

      Wasn't the new Freedom supposed to have angel wings and feathers?

      • 9 months ago

        i think it was just transformable and had "feathers".

        • 9 months ago

          Do either of those look like they transform? I could see the gold one having an Eclipse style transformation. Feels like it'd be shoehorned in though.

          • 9 months ago

            You just know that Fukuda is going to shove something like that in to make Freedom seem relevant and more powerful than it actually is. Like when they decided to give Strike Freedom's DRAGOONs beam tips because 00 and AGE had melee bits. "Angel wings and feathers" is probably going to be Freedom's answer to Trans-Am and FX Burst Mode. You just know that 00 Gundams and FX have been living rent free in Fukuda's head.

            • 9 months ago

              Except the Spike dragoons existed pre-00

              • 9 months ago

                IIRC Freedom didn’t have them until the remaster and it’s model rehashes.

              • 9 months ago

                No, Spike Dragoons were on the Legend. The first mention of the Super Dragoons having beam tips is on the PG SF.

              • 9 months ago

                That’s what I meant.
                Originally, only the Legend had spike DRAGOONs, whereas Strike Freedom’s DRAGOONs were very plain and just had 1 beam cannon each.

              • 9 months ago

                Beam Sabers coming out of DRAGOON's still existed way before 00 and AGE. Technically they stole the idea from Legend if we want to go down that route.

              • 9 months ago

                Stole the idea how? Melee orientated bits way exist before Providence was a thing.

              • 9 months ago

                >Melee orientated bits way exist before Providence was a thing.

                Such as Funnel Missiles? Because they function like a regular missile to deal damage? Also, a G-Bit that goes melee to the enemy?

              • 9 months ago

                >Such as Funnel Missiles? Because they function like a regular missile to deal damage?
                >explosives count as melee combat
                dude what

                >Also, a G-Bit that goes melee to the enemy?
                The G-Bits technically didn't have melee weapons, unless you count punching or kicking. The GX-Bits did have large beam sabres though. Still, that's not really melee oriented as it is just multipurpose.

              • 9 months ago

                >>Such as Funnel Missiles? Because they function like a regular missile to deal damage?
                count as melee combat
                >dude what

                See the later GN Sword Bits, Scissor Bits, and C-Funnels in how a melee bit/funnel does its work. They go close to their targets, right? Which are also the Funnel Missiles does to deal damage.

              • 9 months ago

                Exploding next to a target is not the same thing as a melee attack. You might as well classify beams and projectiles as melee then because they also both require going close to their targets to deal damage.

              • 9 months ago

                The Funnel Missiles still counts as Funnels due to them being guidable like their namesakes, hence their name. The Missile part of its name is because they function like one, going close to their targets to damage them. This is different to the regular bits/funnels which are equipped with a ranged beam weapon and shoots their targets from a distance.

              • 9 months ago

                Such as, because while I'm only a little sure Legend was the first in general I'm damn near sure it was the first animated with melee remote weapons. I'm less so if we take into account mangas and such.

    • 9 months ago

      That design looks like something I've seen in EXA's manga.

  19. 9 months ago

    SEED Movies when

  20. 9 months ago

    Will METEOR return?

  21. 9 months ago

    I was hoping we'd get the real type colouring for Freedom & Justice.

  22. 9 months ago

    >Shinn painted Athrun's justice in his own colours and fricked Lunamaria silly inside its wienerpit
    Certainly a bit of an odd scenario I won't lie

    • 9 months ago

      He’s just trying to overpower the scent of Meyrin with her sister’s love juices

  23. 9 months ago

    >The new Freedom and Justice are not nuclear powered as limited by the treaty.(Confirmed)

    >Shinn pilots the new Justice, Athrun pilots the new Infinite Justice Variant.(Confirmed)

    >The enemy is also a super coordinator like Kira. Kira will be in a pinch dealing with him.(Confirmed)

    >Athrun is on some diplomatic/spy duty which limits his time as a ms pilot in the movie.(Confirmed)

    >Cosmic Era Gyan(Confirmed) piloted by Lunamaria.

    >There will be a scene of Shinn rushing in to save Kira from danger.

    >Destiny gundam will still make its appearance.

    >There is a plot reason as to why the new Infinite Justice is equipped with this shabby looking backpack. The actual backpack designed for it will likely be delivered to Athrun by Shinn.

    >Shinn and Lunamaria having twins by the end.

    • 9 months ago

      Where’s this info coming from?

      • 9 months ago

        Reddit via Weibo via some Chinese guy just making things up.

    • 9 months ago

      >Athrun's delivery boy
      >Carrying Kira
      >Gyan wife
      >the sheer power of his Arondight forces Gyan wife to bear twins

      If this is true I think overall it is a winn for Shinn

    • 9 months ago

      >twins with Luna
      Big if true

      • 9 months ago

        >Baby has Athrun face
        It’s fricking over

        • 9 months ago

          Nah the real mindfrick would be if it had Rau face

          • 9 months ago

            >Name the girl Stella for obvious reasons.
            >Name the boy Shigure as the kanji (シグレ・ランゲツ) has the same first character as Shinn (シン・アスカ) yet the pronounciation "She-gur-ray" can be shortened to the nickname "Rey".

    • 9 months ago

      Era Gyan(Confirmed) piloted by Lunamaria
      Couldn’t hit the front side of a barn using a Gunner ZAKU so instead she gets a fencing machine?
      Lemme guess, epilogue will show their house and in the background is an intricate vase holding one of Shinn’s mementos of Stella?

      • 9 months ago

        Le Steding!

    • 9 months ago

      >Shinn seeding Luna
      eat shit kiracucks. your god is sterile

      • 9 months ago

        THAT’S MY BOY

      • 9 months ago

        The disadvantages of an n-jammer mobile suit
        The Yamato family israeliteels and are microwaved harder than a cyclops system victim

      • 9 months ago

        Coordinators are supposedly sterile if the Coordinator attempt to breed with an incompatible Coordinator.

        • 9 months ago

          It depends on how many generations down they are, no? Also, isn't Kira indistinguishable from a natural? I mean he has all the intended traits but none of the drawbacks of the womb. To nature, wouldn't that might make it look like he won the genetic lottery instead of a patchwork baby. He should be fertile anyways since he's first gen.

          • 9 months ago

            Doesnt matter if Kira is fertile if Lacus isn't.

            • 9 months ago

              That's what Agnes is for.

      • 9 months ago

        Kira isn’t sterile.
        Lacus is barren.

    • 9 months ago

      >Destiny gundam will still make its appearance.
      I do wonder if it is the same Destiny from the show or a new variant. I would be interested in seeing Shinn piloting it again where he learns his lesson from Destiny and stops doing WOL + Sword spam

      • 9 months ago

        There's so many Destiny silhouette parts running around in the sidestories that they could probably build a couple of Destiny Gundam-alikes no problem.

        • 9 months ago

          Anyways, was there just one Destiny produced or was a couple more produced for that proposed team of Destiny Gundams?

          • 9 months ago

            Supposedly a second Destiny was constructed for Heine but never got to be deployed.

  24. 9 months ago

    Durandal implanted his genes into Shinn's testicles and Luna's testicles
    The Destiny plan will live on

    • 9 months ago

      >and Luna's testicles
      Honeymoon surprise, Shinn!

  25. 9 months ago

    >The enemy is also a super coordinator like Kira. Kira will be in a pinch dealing with him.(Confirmed)
    Patrick Zala's final frick you to the Earth?

  26. 9 months ago

    Just leaving this here.

    • 9 months ago

      >Freedom Kai (temp name)?

    • 9 months ago

      >Freedom Kai
      >Justice Kai

    • 9 months ago

      Things are getting interesting

    • 9 months ago

      Fukada is that you?

    • 9 months ago

      >Freedom Kai and Justice Kai (tentative name)
      the new SEED FREEDOM product A&B that listed there is probably Shinn and Mu's MS

      • 9 months ago

        That or it could be the upgraded SF/IJ.

    • 9 months ago

      What’s the Ver Ka at the top?

      • 9 months ago


    • 9 months ago

      HG Granzon!!

  27. 9 months ago

    >Shinn as a parent
    The memes write themselves.

    • 9 months ago

      They’ll be the Max and Milia of Gundam.

    • 9 months ago
      • 9 months ago

        >Shinn as a parent
        The memes write themselves.

        We could get new ones from the film
        Maybe this future isn't so bad after all

      • 9 months ago

        This one has always been my fave
        >Speed was in his heart all along: Kira Knew

      • 9 months ago
        • 9 months ago
  28. 9 months ago

    The biggest gap between Kira and Lacus having kids isn't genetic fertility, it's physical contact. Several years and they have only cheek kissed a couple of times and maybe held hands a few times. It is fundamentally impossible for genetic information to travel between two separate beds

  29. 9 months ago

    >The scene where Sven swoops down in the Solar Stargazer and defeats the Neo-Destroy by himself
    Wow I certainly wasn't expecting that

    • 9 months ago

      >Stargazer will become relevant.
      Keep dreaming.

    • 9 months ago

      >Stargazer will become relevant.
      Keep dreaming.

      This would ruin the ending of Stargazer. Hell, the manga showing they survived already did damage.

  30. 9 months ago

    I think Meyrins new design is an improvement of the twintails.

    • 9 months ago

      >improvement of the twintails.
      I strongly disagree.

  31. 9 months ago

    So does Andrew Waltfield just sort of live with Murrue as her personal coffee servant now or does he double team her with Mwu

    • 9 months ago

      Mwu should have stayed dead and these two should have banged relentlessly.

      • 9 months ago

        murrue's too pure, she rejected him long before mwutwo came back into her life

    • 9 months ago

      Mwu should have stayed dead and these two should have banged relentlessly.

      murrue's too pure, she rejected him long before mwutwo came back into her life

      >Shinn Asuka, DOB 9/1/CE 57
      >Lunamaria Hawke, DOB 7/26/CE 56
      >SEED Freedom, CE 75

      Abe would be so proud of Gundam teen pregnancy.

      If Shinn actually did sire twins then that would mean he is canonically the most fertile Gundam protagonist. Even more impressive considering it's coord-coord.

      Doesnt matter if Kira is fertile if Lacus isn't.

      Is sex the only thing you people think of?

      • 9 months ago

        /m/ is full of virgin basement dwellers, so of course.

      • 9 months ago

        The suits are too ugly to talk about.

        • 9 months ago

          eh, the Kai's are interesting. The final battle suits are very disappointing, but those are still Okawara lineart and these will be very different once they're on-screen.

          • 9 months ago

            >the new SF and IJ are just the same units with new shit slapped onto their backs
            If this turns out to be true, then it's a real disappointment.

            • 9 months ago

              Considering that I'm saying that the Freedom and Justice Kai are great, and fits the bill of "sidegrade in order to appease the people saying that Lacus and her merry men have banned weapons running around"

              • 9 months ago

                The kais are great in comparison to the final battle suits. They look distinct compared to their original, especially the freedom. the final battle suits on the other hand look like actual sidegrades to SF and IJ more than anything. I sure hope these aren't the final designs for the movie. Then again, with the right proportions aka no okawara art, it could be tolerable.

      • 9 months ago

        Blame SEED for being the horniest Gundam series

      • 9 months ago

        I also thought about the likelihood of another Tolle or Nicol flashback in the film

        • 9 months ago

          You know, Fukuda could attempt to be a writer an do a flashback to the characters in a scene we (the audience) have not seen.
          For instance, a new scene with the Heliopolis kids, or the red coats sharing something while in the Academy. Anything other than seeing the same fricking cuts over and over because you are a terrible director.

          Expand on this, for instance:
          >Shiratori: [...] For Sai, Kira was more like a brother than a friend, and he trusted him a lot.
          With apologies to Shiratori, but I didn't feel that at all in the show. The only thing Sai had to him was the pseudo-relationship with Fllay, but there wasn't a lot between him and Kira, much less that sort of super-close friendship.

      • 9 months ago

        b***h you complain a lot

        • 9 months ago

          Man that woman was a mess, i'm surprised by how rarely she gets brought up in gundam women moment discussions

          • 9 months ago

            The funniest part is where she decides to drag Rey down with her for… some reason. The guy finally realised his worth in life and she immediately tells him to kill himself

            • 9 months ago

              somewhere within that mess you could tell that it's supposed to be a touching moment between people who could have been a family, but i just couldn't stop laughing

              • 9 months ago

                All of Destiny could have been avoided if Rau found Rey a little earlier. Gil and Talia adopt Rey, Talia never breaks up with Gil, no second war.

          • 9 months ago

            The funniest part is where she decides to drag Rey down with her for… some reason. The guy finally realised his worth in life and she immediately tells him to kill himself

            She knows Durandal did all this because he was asspained about their breakup, and seppukus with him because she feels responsible for it.

            Rey had a head wound and was having a breakdown and wouldn't have made it out of Messiah, even with Kira and Athrun helping him. She's not telling him to kill himself, she's trying to make his inevitable death easier on him.

            • 9 months ago

              Head injuries mean nothing in CE and can be walked off, and it's not like the plot didn't already bend around Athrun and Kira. The only point to Rey being on Messiah was so that Kira could make him do a 180 and shoot Durandal in order for none of the blood to be on Kira's hands

            • 9 months ago

              Head injuries mean nothing in CE and can be walked off, and it's not like the plot didn't already bend around Athrun and Kira. The only point to Rey being on Messiah was so that Kira could make him do a 180 and shoot Durandal in order for none of the blood to be on Kira's hands

              Also Rey would have just painfully deteriorated like Rau did over the next few years and there seemingly was no way to fix it if Durandal the biggest gene expert in CE couldn't fix Rau. Kira might have just chosen to let him die happy rather than save him for a few more years of misery.

              • 9 months ago

                >Kira might have just chosen to let him die happy rather than save him for a few more years of misery.
                Oh, so NOW killing people is okay for Kira? Especially after the entire SF vs Legend fight came down to Kira using Talk no Just to convince Rey to live.

              • 9 months ago

                Technically it's not killing if Rey wanted to stay there. If Rey really wanted to escape with them he would have. Or is Kira supposed to drag him out against his will to a life of pain and misery

          • 9 months ago

            >i'm surprised by how rarely she gets brought up in gundam women moment discussions
            Because it's so terrible it doesn't deserve mention. At least Tomino's women are conflicted. Talia just goes "im gonna kill myself next to gil despite having a son". And now the poor kid has to be raised by Arthur, PLANT's resident village idiot.

            • 9 months ago

              You never had a dick so good that you abandon your child for?

        • 9 months ago

          Those neon fuchsia nipples.
          Why? It looks worse than censorship.

  32. 9 months ago

    >Shinn Asuka, DOB 9/1/CE 57
    >Lunamaria Hawke, DOB 7/26/CE 56
    >SEED Freedom, CE 75

    Abe would be so proud of Gundam teen pregnancy.

    • 9 months ago

      If Shinn actually did sire twins then that would mean he is canonically the most fertile Gundam protagonist. Even more impressive considering it's coord-coord.

  33. 9 months ago

    Is that Lacus?

    • 9 months ago

      It's obviously Meer

  34. 9 months ago

    Lipstick Cagalli is starting to grow on me
    It's like she's slowly turning into a tired office lady

    • 9 months ago

      Compare that to picrel. Murrue wore lipstick in GS but it was just a simple, thin line on her lower lip. Looked fine, and did not distract from more prominant features: Mainly the expression her eyes are conveying.
      Eyes are generally very important in Hirai anime, because only important characters get drawn with big, expressive eyes, while nobodies get drawn with lazy black dots
      Now look at the abomination in the SEED Freedom trailer. Eyes drawn smaller, lipstick drawn thicker. Overall, she's got a dumb blank expression but more importantly the lip job is now the most front-and-center feature on her face.
      Cagalli in the picture you posted looks more like the GS artstyle than GSF. The color of her lipstick isn't as deep of a red so it produces less of a jarring contrast and doesn't distract from her eyes as much.

      • 9 months ago

        Left legitimately looks like a bimbo TF version of right. The frick is with the character design for this movie?

  35. 9 months ago

    Recap of the spoilers? Are there any design leaks?

    • 9 months ago


      >The new Freedom and Justice are not nuclear powered as limited by the treaty.(Confirmed)

      >Shinn pilots the new Justice, Athrun pilots the new Infinite Justice Variant.(Confirmed)

      >The enemy is also a super coordinator like Kira. Kira will be in a pinch dealing with him.(Confirmed)

      >Athrun is on some diplomatic/spy duty which limits his time as a ms pilot in the movie.(Confirmed)

      >Cosmic Era Gyan(Confirmed) piloted by Lunamaria.

      >There will be a scene of Shinn rushing in to save Kira from danger.

      >Destiny gundam will still make its appearance.

      >There is a plot reason as to why the new Infinite Justice is equipped with this shabby looking backpack. The actual backpack designed for it will likely be delivered to Athrun by Shinn.

      >Shinn and Lunamaria having twins by the end.

  36. 9 months ago
    >Providence was symbolism to Sunrise being the big bad boss

    • 9 months ago

      Fukuda constantly straddles the line between being utterly embarrassing and hideously based

  37. 9 months ago

    What will the new EA trio pilot in the movie?

    There has to be one this time right?

    • 9 months ago

      I doubt we'll see Druggie Team Mk.3, anon. Between the battles at Heaven's Base and Daedalus Shinn/Rey/Luna probably killed off all remaining viable Extendeds.
      If I were writing the story, I'd make it so that the three DOM Pilots, who in Destiny literally appeared out of thin fricking air to assist Lacus, were actually double agents working for the blonde e-girl villain from the trailer. Then of course its only after they get new machines that they stab Compass in the back.

      • 9 months ago

        I hope the angry e-girl is Azrael’s kid even though the blondes and fur suggest Scandinavia.

        • 9 months ago

          I think she’s a genderswapped Flaga clone

    • 9 months ago

      It's quite a shame that Trans-Phase Armor isn't more popular. Could had some laminated armor or anti-beam coating on the outer armor and the Phase Shift Armor underneath it.

      • 9 months ago

        Trans Phase Armor was just a stop gap to get more weapon energy for the energy hogging GAT-X series. By Destiny, Deutrion energy pretty much makes that a mostly non factor.

        • 9 months ago

          PSA and VPSA doesnt protect against beam damage which is what majority of the mobile suits in the Destiny era are equipped with. With Trans-Phase Armor, you can at least have either a Laminated Armor or anti-beam coating on the outer armor which provides protection against beam damage. And a PSA or VPSA underneath to provide protection against physical damage and ballistics if the outer armor is breached.

          • 9 months ago

            >And a PSA or VPSA underneath to provide protection against physical damage and ballistics if the outer armor is breached.
            Freedom's railguns blasted the Abyss' legs, so your argument is invalid.

  38. 9 months ago

    Assuming the leak is true who is going to be this "Second ultimate coordinator"? Are they related to another character? Were Cagalli and Kira actually triplets? Is it just some guy?

    • 9 months ago

      Considering that Canard Exists, and isn't really related to Cagalli, I'd say that He's likely Durandal's last trump card, seeing as Durandal is a geneticist, I'd say he also had dabbled in the UC project. My best guess is that the antagonist "Is a better version of Kira"

      • 9 months ago

        Regarding canard, who was that man with the shades that found him? It seems like he's aware of the super coordinator project. Is he a short haired durandal? If he's not, maybe he could have a hand in this movie.

        • 9 months ago

          It's heavily implied that Durandal was the one who was luring Canard into killing Kira.

    • 9 months ago

      An unholy amalgamation of Kira and Rau that doesn't have cellular degeneration.

    • 9 months ago

      Arik Otamay, pilot of the Slavery Gundam

    • 9 months ago

      >Arik Ötamay
      Put some diacritics and it sounds like a Turkish name.

      Considering that Canard Exists, and isn't really related to Cagalli, I'd say that He's likely Durandal's last trump card, seeing as Durandal is a geneticist, I'd say he also had dabbled in the UC project. My best guess is that the antagonist "Is a better version of Kira"

      Regarding canard, who was that man with the shades that found him? It seems like he's aware of the super coordinator project. Is he a short haired durandal? If he's not, maybe he could have a hand in this movie.

      It's heavily implied that Durandal was the one who was luring Canard into killing Kira.

      Astray isn't canon, you dumb-dumbs. Tokita/Chiba did whatever they wanted with the setting to the point of non-recognition. And, in any case, Princess of the Sky would directly contradict the movie.

      • 9 months ago

        It probably is Turkish.

  39. 9 months ago

    You think they'll reference anything from Eclipse?

  40. 9 months ago

    >there are people that are going to be okay and happy with waiting 20 years for a strike freedom that is unchanged except for the new wings
    I'm a homosexual, but this doesn't seem right. Wouldn't people want a completely new suit? I mean strike freedom still exists, so whether or not the new suit looks different doesn't affect it in the least. Did bandai make too many strike freedom gunpla and want to sell them off with the new wing additions or something? how can they even look at this and say it's okay?

    Having looked at the line arts side by side, they're the exact same suit excluding the wings. I can't find the reasoning unless this is completely not real.

    • 9 months ago

      You want them to ruin it even further?

      • 9 months ago

        I don't know shit about kamenrider, but if you're fine with lazy slop then there something is wrong with you. Strike Freedom is still there and untouched. Give us something new.

        • 9 months ago

          >there are people that are going to be okay and happy with waiting 20 years for a strike freedom that is unchanged except for the new wings
          I'm a homosexual, but this doesn't seem right. Wouldn't people want a completely new suit? I mean strike freedom still exists, so whether or not the new suit looks different doesn't affect it in the least. Did bandai make too many strike freedom gunpla and want to sell them off with the new wing additions or something? how can they even look at this and say it's okay?

          Having looked at the line arts side by side, they're the exact same suit excluding the wings. I can't find the reasoning unless this is completely not real.

          I think the point Anon is making is that Strike Freedom is already a broken, overdesigned mess:
          >gold shit everywhere = "powerful"
          >remote weapons
          >wings of light
          >shitload of handheld and mounted guns: beam sabers, railguns, chest cannon, rifles that can combine into a single cannon
          How much more powerful can it conceivably be, design-wise?

          Tomino was in that same conundrum after CCA and had to shrink the mobile suits for F91/Victory.

          • 9 months ago

            I actually kind of want the "Kai" concept. The suits seem to be watered down to comply to an agreement, while the other photos on the left are bad, considering that they're just the SF and IJ having new backpacks.

            • 9 months ago

              >on the left.
              I meant right, goddamit

          • 9 months ago

            Just go a different route.
            tell okawara to figure that out. He definitely had enough time to conjure something up. in regards to the equipment, the only he should keep is the remote weapons since they've been leaning into that since destiny with his not!newtype awareness. other then that, this is just laziness. He had the opportunity to change freedom's colours for the battery powered version but decided to leave strike freedom's unchanged? I just think they know they can get away with this and SEEDgays will eat this shit up and buy the exact same fricking kit for a marked up price. the new wings feel like a side grade upgrade you'll get in a side material.

            • 9 months ago

              here's the thing, Okawara's lineart for SEED always looks stupid.

              It's the in-movie look that will define it. Also, I'm pretty sure that the new Freedom's wings will unfold into something with massive Blue WoL to offset the lack of it.

              • 9 months ago

                Just go a different route.
                tell okawara to figure that out. He definitely had enough time to conjure something up. in regards to the equipment, the only he should keep is the remote weapons since they've been leaning into that since destiny with his not!newtype awareness. other then that, this is just laziness. He had the opportunity to change freedom's colours for the battery powered version but decided to leave strike freedom's unchanged? I just think they know they can get away with this and SEEDgays will eat this shit up and buy the exact same fricking kit for a marked up price. the new wings feel like a side grade upgrade you'll get in a side material.

                >New SF backpack upgrade give it V2 beam wings with Quantaburst tier bullshit

              • 9 months ago

                it's the visual equivalent of the 00 to 00 raiser transition when it should've been 00 raiser to 00 quanta equivalent instead. Drop the excessive weapons and focus on a gimmick like what 00 quanta did or something. At a quick glance when looking at the exia, 00 gundam, and 00 quanta, you know they're developmentally related and piloted by the same person, but they're complete different suits. They can just keep the "freedom" name. But hey, I didn't work on this movie. This is just something that's been done before and it works. We'll see how it turns out in the movie when it comes out.

              • 9 months ago

                But if the Kai is correct, it fits the 00R -> R2 aesthetic. Something that looks like the combination of his first and second Freedom.

              • 9 months ago

                I don't really have a problem with the devolved kais. It's mainly the unchanged strike freedom with new wings that's giving off the 00 gundam to 00 raiser vibes. If the complaints are the excessive weapon, drop them. 00 quanta did this easily with the bits forming different configurations.

            • 9 months ago

              here's the thing, Okawara's lineart for SEED always looks stupid.

              It's the in-movie look that will define it. Also, I'm pretty sure that the new Freedom's wings will unfold into something with massive Blue WoL to offset the lack of it.

              Oh, so now Lacus decides to comply with an international treaty. She should've surrendered the Freedom the first time around, but decided to keep it instead.

              • 9 months ago

                Lacus wasn't an active military force inbetween seasons the first time.

              • 9 months ago

                That gives her even less of an excuse, unless you want to argue she was enforcing her Second Amendment rights in a foreign country.

              • 9 months ago

                They were working in the shadows during SEED and Destiny.

              • 9 months ago

                There's no laws against private MS ownership. Especially if it's just sitting there gathering dust.

              • 9 months ago

                Weren't she and Cagalli pumping Terminal full of money during that time?

              • 9 months ago

                Supposedly, but Terminal didn't actually seem to be doing...well much of anything then. They certainly weren't doing any spying and giving them any information given how clueless they are about everything going on.

          • 9 months ago

            New Freedom's beam spam without METEOR is now capable of destroying a colony a la Wing Zero's TBR and X/DX' Satellite Cannons

            • 9 months ago

              more like, the new freedom now shoots shots on par with the GENESIS that could wipe the surface of the earth out

              • 9 months ago

                And New Freedom's Wings of the Skies can now function like the Moonlight Butterfly.

              • 9 months ago

                yes, and the signature lacus dust that freedom gives off as exhaust now function as photon torpedoes.

    • 9 months ago

      I mean one of the many many things about Destiny that people b***hed about is that for all it's hype SF and IJ were introduced very late in the show and didn't get the do much that wasn't having halfassed retraced stock footage fights, to the point where IJ didn't even use one of it's weapons until the remaster.

      Maybe this is their attempt to fix that by having the original units mostly stick around barring some backpack changes so they can get more action.

  41. 9 months ago
  42. 9 months ago


  43. 9 months ago

    So I'm guessing these designs from Reddit are fake AF.

    >There's upgrades of Season 1 Freedom/Justice AND Season 2 Freedom/Justice happening simultaneously for something
    >They're not even "upgrades" as much as they're just P-Bandai recolors of existing 20-year-old designs. As lead hero units. In a major theatrical movie.
    >The same bullshit source is yacking something about how Shinn pilots the recolored G1 Justice for the first half of the movie before he gets his own Destiny upgrade

    • 9 months ago

      Upgraded designs based off the season 1 Gundam's aren't too out of there. Seed was more popular than Destiny and that's the same kind of thing Code Geass's film did with most stuff being based off season 1 because people liked it more.

      The SF IJ new backpacks are a little harder to swallow, but it's not too out there honestly.

    • 9 months ago

      The story bears are probably fake but I’m 90% convinced the suit designs are legit. As silly as it sounds them looking weird actually makes them feel more legit. Like if a leaker is going to make a fake design for a new Infinite Justice you’d think they’d give it a cool looking backpack compared to whatever the frick is going on there. Plus there was actually a fake Destiny design making the rounds which was just a shitty recolour before that got proven fake.

      • 9 months ago

        I'm actually on-board with a Freedom/Justice Kai. because it actually blends in with the settings of what's currently shown in trailers:
        >GiNN's returning
        >Daggers, and Destroy Gundams
        Having a tech-limitation is a nice thing, especially for SEED.

    • 9 months ago

      I want the rumors to be true. Imagine the new era of breeding, preggo, and MILF Luna porn.

    • 9 months ago

      MS designs looks gay and fake

      The Freedom design even looks like the a budget Strike from Gundam build

      • 9 months ago

        The new SF backpack reminds me of Vilkiss. Which fits if it's supposed to transform.
        The gold bits could be the "feather funnels" they mentioned in that interview about the new designs.

  44. 9 months ago

    Lacus seriously being presented as an ~innocent pacifist~ during GSD while she casually rolls out her obviously-treaty-violating nuclear Super Suit was always fricking idiotic from the moment it happened in the show.

    It happens at a point in the show where the other faction with working nukes are the EA psychos, and it only gives ZAFT total justification for rolling out their own nuclear deuterium suits in the last third of the show.

    The entire thing reeks of "The writers weren't even considering the implications of what Lacus & co. were doing in the context of the show's setting because they only cared about their fanfic characters looking cool" (Just like 99% of the show's other problems)

    The fact there apparently IS a battery-powered Freedom in the new movie makes that plot point in GSD even stupider, because why didn't Lacus's crew just do that in the first place?

    Moving on.

    • 9 months ago

      >why didn't Lacus's crew just do that in the first place?

      Given that their arsenal for the first half of Destiny is just what they were able to Salvage from the end of Seed she probably didn't have access to any production facilities yet.

    • 9 months ago

      I still have no clue where she gets meteors from

    • 9 months ago

      Clearly the writers see a difference between Kira taking out Freedom again for superheroics in trying to stop Orb and Minerva from attacking each other and EA and Zaft using their various weapons of mass destruction for actual mass destruction and trying to conquer. People disagree, but that's the stance the writers took. Presumably they're doubling back now because they realized the audience felt differently that what Fukuda originally intended. Which seems to be a theme with alot of seeming plot points of this movie, Lacus not being chairwoman but a council member, there being people that seemed to have actually wanted the Destiny Plan that weren't Durandal's stooges, Kira losing his patience with the world, etc.

      • 9 months ago

        >Lacus not being chairwoman but a council member, there being people that seemed to have actually wanted the Destiny Plan that weren't Durandal's stooges
        I don't know where you are getting all of this from.

        • 9 months ago

          Anon, the trailer, did you actually watch it?

          • 9 months ago

            Where are the Destiny Plan supporters?

            It's in the trailer? Well the Destiny plan stuff seems implied in the trailer, but the Lacus not being the Chairwoman is definitely true from it.

            I don't think she's in the council either. At least Final Plus has her actually in a diplomatic post between PLANT and Orb (I'll not comment on the blatant conflict of interest here, but sure...)
            At least she isn't wearing a council uniform while on that meeting.

            • 9 months ago

              I know this is Seed we’re talking about and logic isn’t an option but why is it that Lacus is always present at political talks and in high up places of authority? Does she actually understand how they work? I’m aware her papa was a chairman but that doesn’t automatically mean she’s a genius too. And I’m aware coordinators are smarter and better than everyone else but if that was the case then any schmuck could’ve picked up the mantle and taken her place. Why the hell do they trust a pop star to mediate talks between a bunch of psychotic trigger happy maniacs?

              • 9 months ago

                Lacus did get political training and was being raised to be Siegel's political heir. Her pop star career was mostly something she was doing when she was young before she'd be expected to join the political world. Even then alot of her career there was going to political events and making speeches, not singing. AA picks her up when she was coming back from attending a Junius Seven memorial event and her ship was attacked.

              • 9 months ago


              • 9 months ago

                You're on the 3rd series of a franchise whose genre has Macross and that thing has done worse, do not lecture anyone about realistic politics.

              • 9 months ago

                I'm more confused why Lacus has so much power and popularity with the people on earth during Destiny that Durandal even decide to use her impostor. To most Naturals she should only be known as a pop star right? Unless her speech during Jachin Due was broadcasted to the world.

              • 9 months ago

                I'm more confused why Lacus has so much power and popularity with the people on earth during Destiny that Durandal even decide to use her impostor. To most Naturals she should only be known as a pop star right? Unless her speech during Jachin Due was broadcasted to the world.

                Politically, the two biggest sides in ZAFT were the Zala faction and Clyne faction. Lacus is a political figure along with being a pop star and Patrick Zala having her father assassinated only managed to martyr him. Both sides at least know that the Zala faction nearly death lasered everyone and that the Clyne faction preaches co-existence. They're seen as moderates instead of extremists rather than the genocidal Zalas.

              • 9 months ago

                So was Durandal part of one of those two factions, or did he just fill the power vacuum left after Partick died, and Lacus and Athrun had fricked off to Orb?

              • 9 months ago

                I don't remember which side if any. He was a geneticist that eventually got more power. The Coordinator sterility problem had two answers from either side
                >More genetic research until we have a solution
                >Natural pussy is the cure, get some Naturals on that dick
                So I'm leaning Zala but IDK. Possibly just filling the vacuum.

                I don't really know too much about what policies Lacus has besides the usual Clyne faction stuff. Maybe she doesn't and is just an influential figurehead.

              • 9 months ago

                What is Lacus’s tax policy?

              • 9 months ago

                Tax cuts for every time for every unprotected sex you have with Naturals. Better start nutting inside some Naturals as you save up for that new car or house,

              • 9 months ago

                Does the policy apply retroactively? Kira would be getting some pretty good tax cuts that way.

              • 9 months ago

                A slight deduction for Flay not getting pregnant but otherwise he'd get a tax cut if he wasn't technically Orb jurisdiction rather than ZAFT.

            • 9 months ago

              Final Plus also really heavily implies she’s on the council too, with her walking to the table while everyone bows to her

        • 9 months ago

          It's in the trailer? Well the Destiny plan stuff seems implied in the trailer, but the Lacus not being the Chairwoman is definitely true from it.

  45. 9 months ago

    You'd have to be pretty messed up to not think Lacus-sama is always right

    • 9 months ago

      Is the Clyne faction correct that Naturals and Coordinators should breed?

  46. 9 months ago

    >Gundam Conference happens
    >They still use the stock ZAFT White Kira and Strike Freedom.

    Just show the effing suits already.

  47. 9 months ago

    Shinn thread just expired.


    Tomorrow, this will too.

    • 9 months ago

      Ponytail Shinn and long hair Luna are cursed.

  48. 9 months ago

    WTF man.
    The new justice looks like shit.

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