So, uh... What was her deal?

So, uh... What was her deal?

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  1. 4 months ago

    The symbolism goes pretty deep with this one

    • 4 months ago

      >The symbolism goes pretty deep with this one
      please explain.

  2. 4 months ago

    she was obsessed with the killer but knew he was guilty and wanted him to get caught

  3. 4 months ago

    she's a rich pro model/pro online poker player super hacker fighting crime anon the movie made that perfectly clear, were you even watching? She also liked to cosplay and intrude on other people's lives so basically a troon power fantasy.

  4. 4 months ago

    She wants to be the Lady of Shallot, as evidenced by her username and desktop background. The lady of Shallot was cursed to her tower and unable to look outside (her apartment). She could only look outside using a mirror (the internet, for example when she downloaded images of herself from her modelling photoshoot for the online store). Lady of Shallot sees Lancelot (Ludovic) and wants to meet him, so the lady of Shallot leaves her tower. Ludovic is also Lancelot as Lancelot was known to have a fit of madness when around maidens (the murders). Another clue there is when Kelly-Anne destroys her chatbot as the chatbot is named Guinevere, who was Lancelot's lover. Lady of Shallot dies when when she leaves her tower and this happens when Kelly-Anne is dragged out of the courtroom with a wig. This is all the basic symbolism, but it doesn't really explain the last few scenes or anything with Clementine.

    • 4 months ago

      pretty good actually, thanks for that

    • 4 months ago

      This is all true, but we (me and some anons) had a nice discussion about other aspects of her personality. For example, she is not moralistic at all so this

      she was obsessed with the killer but knew he was guilty and wanted him to get caught

      is simply not true, while this

      she's a rich pro model/pro online poker player super hacker fighting crime anon the movie made that perfectly clear, were you even watching? She also liked to cosplay and intrude on other people's lives so basically a troon power fantasy.

      confuses somewhat clumsy plot elements that have no bearing on what the movie focuses on, and that is the heroine's disposition.

      She is a person who has fallen apart from the world, combing the dark recesses of the Internet for some inscrutable purpose. I use this term because there really isn't no particular rhyme nor reason to her quest other than to simply find out. She accepts the "frick around" part and that is likely what will eventually befall her. But that isn't the point. She takes a selfie after breaking and entering because she wants to see what it looks like, what it feels like. She makes the killer (who is a complete non-person) notice her not because she's a fan but because she wants to recreate a certain stimuli, engage in a performance that ultimately threatens her livelihood.

      Since all the technical elements of the movie are rather clumsy - bitcoin poker auction, didigetpwned website etc., it's up to the actress to deliver the best performance in horror since Fire Walk With Me. The tone of the movie - which she managed to set - is that of slow burning, subdued, potent desperation. She is trying to stay away from the mundane by becoming an outcast, without expecting reward or engaging in a crusade. She covets knowledge, and it seems the only realm she is interested in involves finding out about the most vile transgressions possible. Regardless of the topic of the movie being pure sensationalism posing as serious topic to consider.

      But she isn't the Lady of Shallot, as she survives. Going along with Arthurian symbolism, there's the concept of Wyrd, which is personal fate. I think the lawyers use the word fate or similar a couple times, so this inst a stretch. Usually, prophets and scries and what not can only see the future, but cannot change it. One symbolic scrying activity is weaving and you could say that K-A weaves the darkweb shit. But back to seeing fate vs having an effect on fate, its pretty clear K-A can change fate (the trial was going to take months as experts try to piece together the case with the missing 3rd video, which K-A obtains and allows the trial to end almost immediately). Very few characters can change fate. One in expanded Arthurian legend is the three weird sisters from macbeth, which are in turn representations of the Moirai from greek mythology

      I think this is a narrative dead end in regards to this movie. I think the tryhard plot is pushed aside by the power of her personality (both real and fictional) and the fun sidekick relationship developing towards the middle point.

      • 4 months ago

        >Since all the technical elements of the movie are rather clumsy - bitcoin poker auction

        LOL I thought she was just playing poker on her second screen to raise some funds last minute on some unrelated darkweb casino. Only your post made me notice the poker players are the same as the auction participants.

        >best performance
        She was pretty great, shame the script didn't give her a more interesting arc.

        >She is trying to stay away from the mundane by becoming an outcast, without expecting reward or engaging in a crusade. She covets knowledge, and it seems the only realm she is interested in involves finding out about the most vile transgressions possible.
        Basically she's a chantard but more capable, beautiful enough to be paid for it and actually female. Super deep. Lets put on our programming socks.

      • 4 months ago

        In the symbolism that I'm suggesting, the Moirai don't at out of justice or any motivation really, thats just what they do they spin fate. So one aspect of her is the thrill seeking and wanting to be something (choosing to be the persona of the lady of Shallot) but at the end of the day she's just one of the 3 fates (all three of which are kinda detached from the world), no morality or anything

      • 4 months ago

        I do think people are trying far too hard to read into these Lady of shallot or whatever name references from the poker game etc. beyond surface level meaning they don’t help.

        From me it was clear

        >main character is genuinely fascinated with the killer and his murders, she even has the full murder videos that aren’t publicly available and knows how to talk to the right people to bid for the final one
        >the contrast between her and the other girl who truly believes the killer is innocent but immediately realises he isn’t after she shows her the video
        >attending court in uniform with braces etc, a has a few purposes. One to provoke some kind of response so she is 100% certain he is him. The other so she can quite literally get off on the whole thing. Same reason she took a picture of herself in the victims bed

        Main character wasn’t a murderer but clearly has major sexual attraction to such things. The part where we genuinely see her scared from the dudes in a van who were (maybe?) from the dark web bidding place show she isn’t actually fully into that world. If she was she wouldn’t be afraid to begin with

        • 4 months ago

          She is fascinated with the process of finding out, she could not care less about the killer, and neither does the movie. Also I don't think there's anything sexual about her courtroom performance, it's more of a boundary-overstep. I did not see any hints of anything sexual in her relationship with the darkweb.

          In the symbolism that I'm suggesting, the Moirai don't at out of justice or any motivation really, thats just what they do they spin fate. So one aspect of her is the thrill seeking and wanting to be something (choosing to be the persona of the lady of Shallot) but at the end of the day she's just one of the 3 fates (all three of which are kinda detached from the world), no morality or anything

          She does possess some empathy though.

          • 4 months ago

            In the Fates symbolism I would argue she doesn't except with clementine (being another of the Fates). With regards to others and like ending ludovic, I would say one could argue that's just what she does (and this time around she wanted to have some fun with her usual job)

          • 4 months ago

            >I did not see any hints of anything sexual in her relationship with the darkweb.
            Her feverish anticipation while bidding on the video, rapturous expression while watching it, and post-coital slump afterwards read as sexual to me.

            • 4 months ago

              That's just thrill, I see no sexual element to it. Only hint of sexuality comes from the deepweb auctioneer.

              • 4 months ago

                If it isn't sexual in the text of the movie it's definitely sexual in the subtext, like in the Lady of Shalott's fascination with Lancelot.

              • 4 months ago

                Killer is a non-person, it's literally the point of the movie, a complete loser nobody.

                This is someone who is completely enthralled with the extreme she pushed herself into, not the rabid fangirl or a pervert getting off. This is pure rabid fever.

        • 4 months ago

          >from the dudes in a van who were (maybe?) from the dark web bidding place
          Could also just be a Canadian cyber police party van.

          • 4 months ago

            Do they really wear black masks and shit?

    • 4 months ago

      Clementine is a person completely unphased by irony (looks more like a manga character in how outrageously simplistic her motivations are) and therefore unable to grasp anyone who does not have a clear motivation - she must be a rabid fan or a frothing accuser. She projects this simple moral premise onto a person who is not sociopathic enough not to appease her, but who nonetheless disturbs her as soon as she finds out that the guilt of the man was actually always rather obvious. She follows the case to find justice, whereas the protagonist gets involved to explore her own inner purpose and even observe herself from the outside.

  5. 4 months ago

    But she isn't the Lady of Shallot, as she survives. Going along with Arthurian symbolism, there's the concept of Wyrd, which is personal fate. I think the lawyers use the word fate or similar a couple times, so this inst a stretch. Usually, prophets and scries and what not can only see the future, but cannot change it. One symbolic scrying activity is weaving and you could say that K-A weaves the darkweb shit. But back to seeing fate vs having an effect on fate, its pretty clear K-A can change fate (the trial was going to take months as experts try to piece together the case with the missing 3rd video, which K-A obtains and allows the trial to end almost immediately). Very few characters can change fate. One in expanded Arthurian legend is the three weird sisters from macbeth, which are in turn representations of the Moirai from greek mythology

  6. 4 months ago

    The Moirai are developed more than the three weird sisters so we'll use those. They are beings more powerful than gods as they shape fates, but they don't really care about the world its just kinda what they do. They are represented as 3 sisters preparing thread. The first one Clotho spins the thread of fate, the second Lachesis measures the threads and finally atropos cuts the threads. Using this, K-A is Atropos as she ends Ludovic, she is also very obsessed with death (not being disturbed when watching the 3rd snuff film) and also she mentioned she like ending noobs in poker (in a sit and go table that she plays online, making a player run out of chips is not a necessary part of the game as in tournament poker so its a specific detail about ending things). Then For the second Moirai, we have Lachesis, who measures. Clementine is very obsessed with measuring. She wants Ludovic to be innocent till proving guilty (when she cringily defends him on the tv show in the middle) additionally she blames poker for being a game of chance and not skill, which k-a counters. Then lastly, The mother of the 3rd girl is probably clotho being a mother, which explains why K-A goes through weird hoops to get the usb key with the third video specifically to the mother and not the authorities or some other anonymous drop

    • 4 months ago

      She goes to the house to take a picture, usb drop is just a sidequest. It's about thrill seeking, not justice - the trial was always just a formality.

  7. 4 months ago

    She got wet and came in her panties while wearing a schoolgirl uniform in the courtroom of the serial killer who raped and tortured teenage girls to death

    Do women really do this?

  8. 4 months ago

    I just wanted to add regarding the USB drop - it is a perfect summary of the protagonist, who commits a terrifying transgression (imagine the girl's parents watching that) but also simultaneously providing catharsis. And both of these aspects are simply incorporated into her incessant need to peer into the abyss.

  9. 4 months ago

    I liked the movie because I once thought Internet was full of mysterious wondrous horrible things and not just a simplistic globohomosexual tool of mass oppression.

  10. 4 months ago

    I know I keep going back to the fates, but I could also argue that the fates are often represented as young women who are not connected with the world, so they have an undeveloped sexuality, like discovering for the first time. I saw that kind of aspect to K-A's fascination with death and all that stuff, like its a naive sexuality and fascination

    • 4 months ago

      The protagonist is an outcast by choice, the other one is just a smalltown girl with tons of normalgay contacts and a temporary fixation. In fact the protag is very socially adept, but cannot find satisfaction in the mundane arrangements.

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