So what happened here Carolbros?

The Marvels
>part of the highest grossing movie franchise in history
>features Carol Danvers, the purported main character of the current phase
>heavy marketing including trailers straight up using footage of Iron Man and Captain America
>fresh on Rotten Tomatoes
Lifetime domestic gross: 84.5 million dollars
Lifetime worldwide gross: 205.8 million dollars

Aquaman 2
>part of one of the biggest movie franchise failures in history
>main character has no cinematic future
>practically zero marketing, not even a red carpet premiere
>disaster reviews on Rotten Tomatoes
Current domestic gross: 87.5 million dollars
Current worldwide gross: 261.1 million dollars

Homeless People Are Sexy Shirt $21.68

UFOs Are A Psyop Shirt $21.68

Homeless People Are Sexy Shirt $21.68

  1. 5 months ago

    unlike with DCEU, the MCU will continue

    • 5 months ago

      That makes The Marvels look worse because people know the MCU will continue and not the DCEU, and yet they still rather would go watch Aquaman 2

      • 5 months ago

        >yet they still rather would go watch Aquaman 2
        only barely, Aquaman 2 is still a huge flop coming off a billion dollar predecessor

        • 5 months ago

          Yeah, but everyone who was following rumors knew Aquaman 2 was gonna flop, and it was obvious WB knew it too (the cutback on marketing for starters). Hell, I'm pretty sure people were thinking Aquaman 2 was going to be a flop before rumors of The Marvels having production problems were surfacing. The surprise here is Aquaman 2 doing better than The Marvels in both domestic and international. I thought it was gonna be like Aquaman 2 doing worse than The Marvels in domestic.

  2. 5 months ago

    Aquaman 2 is probably going to break even when all's said and done.

    • 5 months ago

      Not with all those reshoots it's not.

    • 5 months ago

      Yeah, just barely. Embarrassing

  3. 5 months ago

    The economy is fricked and people aren't spending their decreasing discretionary income on a company that grooms kids into gays and trannies and sucks black criminals' dicks?

  4. 5 months ago

    Disney bought the tickets for Captain Marvel but now they don't have money

    • 5 months ago

      Nobody knows what "the Marvels" are.

      Completely forgot Jude Law was in that.

    • 5 months ago

      Sorta see your point but it's undermined by the fact it's two diffrent articles written by two diffrent people.
      If it's one person being a hypocrite then yeah, it's homosexualry.

      • 5 months ago
        • 5 months ago

          That's just your typical shill journalism (which is 75% of all journalism).
          Shilling is always homosexualry, no arguments there.

          • 5 months ago

            True, modern journalism is addicted to moronic clickbait headlines like this, "something bad....but that's a good thing" is one of the ones they really overuse, as are headlines about some famous person "breaks their silence" when they're asked to comment on something, like journalists don't actually know what breaking your silence even means, because 99% of the time the people in question weren't previously refusing to talk about the issue.

        • 5 months ago

          Star Wars homies are another breed.

          • 5 months ago

            And that's a good thing.

        • 5 months ago

          >the fruit awakens

    • 5 months ago

      That a lot of mental gymnastics

  5. 5 months ago

    If Deadpool 3 underperforms then I'm calling it for the current capeshit landscape, and I think it's more likely than people believe.

    • 5 months ago

      >I think it's more likely than people believe.
      They've shot themselves in the foot by making it another multiverse movie built around memberberries nostalgia cameos instead of just making a movie where Deadpool and Wolverine team up to fight some bad guy. I wouldn't be surprised if it does underperform, and it'll still likely be the high water mark for anything X-Men related in the MCU.

      • 5 months ago

        My case against it is this
        >Instead of an action director they tapped Shawn Levy who's a hack comedy director.
        >Reynolds smarm has gone out of fashion
        >The first two movies topped out at $750M and that was during the peak of capeshit, look at the sequel box office fall off since then.
        >Logan did only $620M, and bringing Wolverine back after that just feels lame.
        >The whole movie is some meta bullshit about Disney buying 20th Century Fox, audiences won't get this because they don't follow studio news.
        >It features streaming show shit (the TVA from Loki) so people who didn't watch the show will be confused.

        This movie only exists for a vanishing demographic of reddit users who want to see Wolverine in the classic comic book costume, regular moviegoers never cared about that.

        • 5 months ago

          >>It features streaming show shit (the TVA from Loki) so people who didn't watch the show will be confused.

          You just know there's going to be a meta gag about this.

          >You'd know who the TVA are if you had seen Loki on Disney+. But you couldn't even tune in for Ms. Marvel.

          • 5 months ago

            I also just know there's going to be a meta gag about the strike, like in the middle of a scene they have to down tools and Deadpool is hanging around his apartment until he gets the call to go back to work or something.

            • 5 months ago

              >Crew goes on strike
              >Deadpool lays on the couch watching Disney+ for months
              >Strike is called off.
              >Deadpool's gut is now poking out of his costume after putting on weight

  6. 5 months ago

    Nice new Carolthread

    • 5 months ago

      Post more of these thick Carols, please.

      • 5 months ago
        • 5 months ago
        • 5 months ago

          These are very cute, thank you.

        • 5 months ago

          this should be a sitcom or a webcomic.
          odd couple workaholic Carol and burnout Paige living in the big city.

          • 5 months ago

            Don't encourage them, anon. You know that's not her name.

            • 5 months ago

              she needs a real name if she wants that movie.

              • 5 months ago

                She already had a real name. Karen Starr. Which is so much better than the moronic new name.

    • 5 months ago

      >still trying to be aloof and superior
      Caroltrannies just can't cope

  7. 5 months ago

    It took too long for people to get sick of comic book movies but also neither movie is that great and the MCUs real issue is that it now has no direction.

  8. 5 months ago

    i need you guys to understand something
    if these people cared about money, they wouldn't have made this stuff in the first place. they would have kept making the stuff that makes money. this is a deliberate sabotage.

  9. 5 months ago

    Aquaman was an entertaining movie.
    Jason Momoa is hot. Even women watched this movie because of that.
    Guys love watching big muscular man doing action stuff.

    Captain Marvel was ok at best.
    Brie Larson in the movie isn't attractive for neither men nor women.
    It made a lot of money because it was sandwiched between two biggest Avengers movies (Antman and the Wasp doesn't really count) and it was advertised as must-see to understand Endgame.

    The Marvels was initially a sequel to Captain Marvel, probably the most underwhelming movie in the entire Infinity Saga
    Then it turned out that it's also a sequel to Wandavision (because of Monica), Ms. Marvel (because of Kamala) and Secret Invasion (because of Fury).
    Barely anyone cared for Monica.
    Barely anyone watched Ms. Marvel.
    Barely anyone liked Secret Invasion.
    So barely anyone went to see The Marvels.

    Keeping up with MCU was easy when you had 2-3 movies a year.
    Phase One was 6 movies.
    Phase Two was 6 movies.
    Phase Three was 11 movies.
    Phase Four was 7 movies and 8 Disney+ series.
    People simply tapped out.

    • 5 months ago

      It's much simpler than that.

      >Audiences love to see hot sexy people do cool things
      >Audiences are not too into smug grim faced 5/10 at best people be buttholes
      Hollywood perfectly understood this like...a century ago until about 10 years ago. We had 90 good years of knowing damn well what people want to see on screen.

  10. 5 months ago

    The cape fad finally got oversaturated and people have stopped caring

  11. 5 months ago

    it's incredible how carol manages to ruin every single event she is in. even outside of comics

  12. 5 months ago

    NO ONE has EVER like Carol Danvers. She is sales poison AND ALWAYS HAS BEEN.

    Let it go and move on.

  13. 5 months ago

    what happened to this?
    I don't even remember it coming out, why was this hated?

    • 5 months ago

      It came out in like December.
      I haven't seen it but if it's like the first one it's probably hated because its shit.

    • 5 months ago

      >Why was this hated.
      Black Manta didn't kill the baby

  14. 5 months ago

    Wow, it's really sad to see that the
    >First Superhero movie with a female lead
    ever made is doing this badly.

    I hope the next First Superhero movie with a female lead does better.

  15. 5 months ago

    >Carol is so shit she tanks the MCU
    On the bright side, no more Marvelslop for a while

    • 5 months ago

      She actually gave the MCU a lethal stab with the first Captain Marvel movie which people tend to overlook because Endgame came out right after, but it was clear audiences didn't want Brie Larson as the next RDJ and nobody gives enough of a frick about Carol no matter how hard she gets shilled.

      They had TWO female characters audiences actually liked (Black Widow, Scarlet Witch) and they actively fricked over both of them in favor of Carol.

      • 5 months ago

        Nah Carol's movie made a billion and had tons of repeat business she's great and is the new face of the MCU.

        • 5 months ago

          The billion dollar movie was 5 years ago (with very specific circumstances) its not relevant today

          Carol's latest movie flopped just like her comics

        • 5 months ago

          seethe Feige she has killed your multibillion dollar franchise

      • 5 months ago

        IMO Black Widow was a shit character as well, in many ways she helped to lay groundwork for all the shitty female characters that came after.
        Just a generic spy movie mary sue with "muh dark past". Her personality was boring, her fight scenes were all terrible and devoid of any tension, relying heavily on "muh girl power".
        I would much rather have had Antman over a generic glowie that only made it due to obsession witj Ultimate-sque "realism" at the time and even then Hawkeye was a more interesting "normal person among gods" character at least because archery and trick arrows are more interesting for a superhero character to have than being a generic girl with guns and martial arts, which is why the movies took every chance they could to shit on him

  16. 5 months ago

    >be Disney
    >in talks with Fox for decades about acquisition
    >Captain Marvel due for release in a few months
    >get close to striking a deal to acquire Fox
    >deal will mostly be paid in shares in Disney stock
    >deal will finalize after Captain Marvel release
    >can't have Captain Marvel bomb, which would reduce Disney's stock value
    >movie is projected to not do too well, especially in China
    >can't bomb
    >send employees to buy out entire Captain Marvel showings around the nation
    >YouTube changes algorithm
    >RT redesign
    >RT stops accepting reviews below threshold
    >Metacritic drops user scores
    >"Journalists" in a tizzy
    >Twitter in a tizzy
    >Half empty theaters
    >insanely low critic and user scores (the ones they let be posted)
    >Hollywood accounting
    >Prelude to the biggest movie ever
    >Captain Marvel becomes 6th most profitable release in movie history
    >but numerous reports of empty or near empty "sold out" showings for Captain Marvel
    >Fox thinks these numbers are legit, finalizes the deal
    >movie tanks in China
    >Disney shares drop slightly
    >Fox gets fricked over
    >The Mouse gets away with it?

    It's not just the Disney/Fox merger, they also had to top WB/DC's Wonder Woman which did 821 mill worldwide. Anything less than a billion would have been seen as a failure and would have made the Fox buyout more expensive while the stockholders were nervous because at the time Robert Downey Jr., Chris Evans and, at the time, Chris Hemsworth were leaving the MCU, so they were hyping Captain Marvel as "THE NEW FACE OF THE MCU WHO WILL CARRY THIS FRANCHISE FOR THE NEXT TEN YEARS" but now know what a horribly unlikeable c**t Larson is so they had to put her with two diversity co-stars because the fricking b***h can't carry a movie on her own while using them to shield the movie from criticism by claiming that if you don't like it it's because you're not only sexist but also now racist!!!FACT!!!

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