So, what movies was he a skrull in?

So, what movies was he a skrull in?

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  1. 6 months ago

    Anything past Civil War:
    Infinity War
    Appearance in Falcon and Winter Soldier

    • 6 months ago

      So my favorite moment wasn’t even him? God damnit

    • 6 months ago

      none of them

      all they said was "a long time"

      but Secret Invasion takes place in 2025 so it's 6 years after Infinity War

      and even Falcon and Winter Soldier is 2023, so there's no reason to assume that he was a Skrull for any of his prior appearances unless you're moronic and think being held captive for 2 years is not "a long time"

  2. 6 months ago

    Real question is

    Can he actually carry Armour wars? He's always been just Tony's "straight guy" who keeps him at check, not "THE Guy"

    MCU needs unironic advices from Vince McMahon

    • 6 months ago

      >Can he actually carry Armour wars?
      No. Not because he's a bad actor, but because Rhodey is narratively in a bad spot to carry a series. It'll be all about "ABLOO BLOO, AND ALIEN KIDNAPPED ME AND STOLE MY LIFE, AND I LOST EVERYTHING AND EVERYONE!!" instead of just Rhodey suiting up to tear shit up.

    • 6 months ago

      >MCU needs unironic advices from Vince McMahon
      Been saying this for a while now, and few "get" it. Getting characters over should be lesson 1.

    • 6 months ago

      Vinny Mac does the MCU:
      >T'Challa's orphaned son to be revealed as Ramonda's baby. When people complain he argues to make him Shuri's son instead.
      >Mysterio returns and accuses Peter of causing May's death and fondling her while she lay dying. Plays him a video of Mysterio-as-Spider-Man molesting May's corpse for a ridiculously long amount of time.
      >The High Evolutionary shows up on Earth and is kind to Quill. They make up, and start hanging out. Wyndham makes Peter dinner. Serves him Rocket stew with Groot garnish.
      Can we not?

  3. 6 months ago

    Every Cheadle appearance, Howard was the real one

    • 6 months ago

      >Skrull was so bad at his job he couldn't even get the face or voice right
      >No one even noticed
      >They liked him more, even let him be a superhero
      Rhodey's gonna be pissed when he gets back.

    • 6 months ago


  4. 6 months ago

    armor wars, 2022

    • 6 months ago

      >Blade, Ironheart, and Armor Wars all no shows

      • 6 months ago

        Wonder Man too.
        Remember that Simon was going to be black.

  5. 6 months ago

    He wasn't a skrull in any movies. Not canonically. Secret Invasion's director WISHES he was a skrull since Civil War, but that's not actually true. Stop crying about headcanons

    • 6 months ago

      In a way that's unfortunate since it could have been a good out for the whole paralysis thing.

      But then again, yeah it'd have been awful for the Rhodey that went through all that to have been a fake one.

      • 6 months ago

        The problem is that this story isn't really a good fit for live action. Secret Invasion as a comic was one thing, because it was an event building around decades of character development and hundreds of appearances. The movie versions of these characters are significantly more limited in screen time, and the only way to make a twist like this matter would be by retconning a massive amount of it.

        • 6 months ago

          Secret Invasion would’ve mattered more as a pre-Infinity War storyline.

        • 6 months ago

          >Secret Invasion as a comic was one thing, because it was an event building around decades of character development and hundreds of appearances.

          no it wasn't

          it was a shitty miniseries with bloated tie-ins that very often didn't make any sense and deliberately interrupted the stories those other titles were already telling, which is the opposite of building on development

          you're not "building on" anything just because you whip out the Marvel Handbook and start drawing arbitrary links between cherry-picked characters and moments, what you're doing is trying to shortcut your way to a memorable story so you can have your miniseries full of art abominations to sell to morons who lap up events

          • 6 months ago

            >it was a shitty miniseries with bloated tie-ins that very often didn't make any sense and deliberately interrupted the stories those other titles were already telling
            Are you that guy from yesterday who was angry about Gang War?

            Reminder that event tie-in minis are usually irrelevant bloat that exist just to milk more money out of completists, but aren't "interrupting" anything, while ongoing books aren't normally forced to participate in events like this, they do it because they're hoping to get a sales boost out of it. And most ongoing Marvel books aren't telling one single ongoing story, so them just having an arc where the hero is fighting Skrull invaders isn't really getting in the way of some ongoing narrative that doesn't really exist, the villain of the month is just Skrulls this time.

            But the main Secret Invasion book was heavily built around the (entirely false) tease that a lot of classic Marvel heroes who were dead or wrecked in the present day were all actually alive and well, and just had been captured by the Skrulls. You can't really pull off the same trick in the MCU unless you can get all those actors back at once, and you'd be teasing the audience with something they'd like to see, then not delivering it, which won't go over well.

  6. 6 months ago

    I like the idea maybe all of Tony's walking tools barely worked and Skrull-Rhodey was going "going great, I'm walking!" Tony then tried to take them public and kept running into folks who couldn't get the stuff to work and never asked why Rhodey didn't have any problems.

  7. 6 months ago

    What they claim:
    During Civil War

    After Endgame, because no one wants their proposed retcon

    • 6 months ago

      >What they claim:
      >During Civil War

      "They" claim nothing, it was left purposefully ambiguous so they could make whichever version fans responded better to official.

      • 6 months ago

        He's wearing a hospital gown, his legs are fricky, and he says something about "how long have I been here"? They're trying to make it look like it's been since then. It is ambiguous, but they're trying to make it look like that.

        • 6 months ago

          Protip: if you break your spine you're going to go back to hospital a lot for the rest of your life, magic walking suit or not.

  8. 6 months ago

    Since BadSkrullMan's plan of replacing people started AFTER he was tasked to gather all the DNA from the Endgame battlefield, Rhodie can only have been replaced after Endgame.

    He was probably only the skrull during FATWS and Secret Invasion.

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