So what was Anarkys true identity?

So what was Anarky’s true identity?

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  1. 10 months ago

    The Joker

    • 10 months ago

      's son

      • 10 months ago

        ‘s wife.

  2. 10 months ago

    In the comics, it's Lonnie Machin.

    In the show? No idea. Maybe they weren't going to do a secret identity with him and was supposed to be mysterious. Maybe he was meant to be a pre-acid bath Joker. I know originally in his episode, he was meant to be a teen who almost seemed like the show's version of Robin until the reveal that he's unhinged and violent. We'll never know since the show was canned before they did more with him.

    I do find it curious that Red Arrow in this pic sort of looks like him but it's probably just a similar design.

    • 10 months ago

      Why the frick is nightwing a woman?

      • 10 months ago

        Its Katana.

      • 10 months ago

        It's Katana
        weren't expecting that were you!?

        • 10 months ago

          Wrong year.

        • 10 months ago

          Meh, the show was already an Elseworlds take on Batman, even moreso than the typical Batman cartoon. I wouldn't have minded Tatsu Nightwing and Babs Robin. My only objection is Cyborg being crammed in there, but that sketch was from 2012, when DC was cramming him everywhere.

    • 10 months ago

      >Maybe he was meant to be a pre-acid bath Joker.
      That was always my thought. Not just because he was VERY Joker-like, but because he really feels like a Joker origin story. He's a relatively small-time criminal with dangerous wits and a fair for the theatrical who insists he's Batman's archnemesis, but comes across as too immature to really pull it off.

      They just called him "Anarky" instead of "Red Hood" to try to hide where his character was going.

  3. 10 months ago

    Anyone else find him weird in this show? I remember being annoyed by his debut episode because he kept saving those two goons who kept eating shit constantly.

    • 10 months ago

      I always thought he wanted to upgrade those two from vandals to dangerous villains for shits and giggles. He basically does the same thing to Harvey Dent later on. I think he feels weird because they made him more immature to match their original plans. He feels better written in later episodes, where they get a better handle on the character.

  4. 10 months ago

    Peter Parker

  5. 10 months ago

    Red X's dad.

  6. 10 months ago

    This show deserved more love. It tried to actually do something new with all the Batman stuff and the final arc with Dent turning into Two-Face was great.

    >Two is a partnership Three is a liability
    >Still gets his ass kicked by Anarky

    • 10 months ago

      I wish they did more interesting stuff with the villains instead of turning them into carbon copies of the more popular villains they were avoiding using for the show.
      >Anarky was just Diet Joker
      >Humpty Dumpty is just Fat Riddler
      >Magpie was just Catwoman with crippling ADHD

      • 10 months ago

        Anarky was pretty distinct from Joker, he was just obsessed with becoming a foil to Bruce so he autistically spied on everything to turn their plans into his plans. Even in his intro with the vandals he didn't have any good reason or greater plan around constantly freeing them from prison he just wanted to use them to declare himself as a rival.

        • 10 months ago

          Like half of the Joker's plans don't have a good reason or greater plan beyond fricking with Batman.

          • 10 months ago

            Did somebody say "Batman fricks"?

        • 10 months ago

          He's just a Heath Ledger Joker pastiche doing the same "agent of chaos" routine, right down to him "creating" Two-Face.
          It would have been more interesting if they had actually followed the comic version more closely and made him more of an anti-hero who also wants to save Gotham through more brutal and radical means.

    • 10 months ago

      I always found it amusing it was Dent who betrayed Anarky rather than the other way around. Anarky just wanted bros to do evil with.

      I wish they did more interesting stuff with the villains instead of turning them into carbon copies of the more popular villains they were avoiding using for the show.
      >Anarky was just Diet Joker
      >Humpty Dumpty is just Fat Riddler
      >Magpie was just Catwoman with crippling ADHD

      He's just a Heath Ledger Joker pastiche doing the same "agent of chaos" routine, right down to him "creating" Two-Face.
      It would have been more interesting if they had actually followed the comic version more closely and made him more of an anti-hero who also wants to save Gotham through more brutal and radical means.

      I always found this point kind of reductive because it only takes a broad archetype or gimmick and makes it sound like the villains were direct copies. Humpty's theme is more about the childishness of revenge and the puzzles fit more into his motif as a vindictive manchild who likes to play games, rather than Riddler's inferiority complex that drives him to prove himself smarter than Batman or anyone that threatens his intellect. Mapgie was Batman if he let his darker persona take over him instead of balancing it out. She THINKS she's like Catwoman, but she's completely delusional. She doesn't even steal shit in her first appearances and in her second, she only goes on a theft spree to attract Batman's attention. Anarky creates crime purely to oppose Batman and is essentially close to his Moriarty. The Ledger inspiration was really from his first appearance and afterwards the similarities are barely there. Even his dynamic with Dent is different because he doesn't make him do anything Dent wouldn't have done anyway. He's more of an enabler, at most.

    • 10 months ago

      I didn't like Slade being the main bad guy of latter half of the show

      • 10 months ago

        I feel like he was supposed to be Hush until something changed. The revenge motivation and parts of his scheme fit Tommy better.

        • 10 months ago

          Two-Face's design was literally Hush and I feel like that's the character model they were going to use before switching to Deathstroke

          • 10 months ago

            Other than the mismatching eyes, I could see it. And if they were still using Two-Face along Hush, it could even be another nod to the original story.

    • 10 months ago

      I didn't really watch it when it aired, but hearing about how abruptly it was cancelled just sounds sad. It was impressive as the only batman media which self-restrained from using the joker yet again.

      • 10 months ago

        I'm sure it would've gotten to Joker eventually, but they probably would've done something unique with him like they did with Ra's, Two-Face, or Man-Bat. It's still a good amount of self-restraint compared to today's Batman projects that feel the need to shove Joker and especially Harley Quinn everywhere. Now that I think about it, I'm surprised Young Justice went through four seasons and companion comics without a shred of Harley.

  7. 10 months ago

    They said it was Alfred in an interview adapting a storyline of Alfred making all the villains up to help him cope.

  8. 10 months ago

    Lonnie Machin. Use Google ffs.

  9. 10 months ago

    This show was fricking vomit inducing and it was so clear they only picked C-list villains because WB wouldn't let them have A-listers thanks to the embargo.
    >get Professor Pyg
    >everyone hyped for crazy mutilator
    >he's just Poison Ivy, but animals instead of plants

    • 10 months ago

      >he's just Poison Ivy, but animals instead of plants

      Not really.

  10. 10 months ago

    >So what was Anarky’s true identity?

  11. 10 months ago

    Awful take on the character and design, the mask should emotionless, shame this is first time we saw him in animation.

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