So why is this guy considered a military genius? He seems kinda dumb to me.

So why is this guy considered a military genius? He seems kinda dumb to me.

The Kind of Tired That Sleep Won’t Fix Shirt $21.68

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The Kind of Tired That Sleep Won’t Fix Shirt $21.68

  1. 8 months ago

    It's a holdover character from the EU books where he subverts expectations by being an imperial officer who wins occasionally by accurately predicting his opponents moves. The problem he presents writers is he can't be shown winning *too* much, or the good guys would just be btfo'd and the story would be over. But he also can't be shown to win too rarely, or he'd just be another jobber. The nuWars writers try to thread that needle by having characters view him with awe and have him act very smug when he loses.

    • 8 months ago

      In what way did Thrawn lose in season one? His goal was to return to the original galaxy to enact his grand plan. He didn't lose anybody of value because he just needs the nightsisters in general, Morgan specifically isn't needed. He also doesn't care if Ezra escaped, as long as Ahsoka didn't, which isn't the best motivation but he just wanted to strand her since his greatest fear is MUH VADER PART TWO

      • 8 months ago

        >In what way did Thrawn lose in season one?
        >He lost Morgan
        >He lost a lot of troopers
        >He brought Ezra back
        Every single one of his moves were utterly moronic.

        • 8 months ago

          Also remember this isn't actually "season 1" for him, Rebels is canon and the entire being trapped in an unknown galaxy is kind of his biggest L in the first place, too

          • 8 months ago

            Oh yeah, he lost to children and whales.

          • 8 months ago

            To bad he didn’t try and kill Ezra those ten years in exile, completely destroying the surface of the planet should’ve done it

          • 8 months ago

            >Rebels is canon and the entire being trapped in an unknown galaxy is kind of his biggest L in the first place, too
            Not to mention, he only lost there because of bullshit Force magic. If he WASN'T fighting OP space wizards, the Rebels would all be fricking dead, and everyone knows this. He knows this, too, which is why all of his attacks were about buying time by sending out miniscule amounts of troops in order to stall them, knowing they likely wouldn't really be beaten.

      • 8 months ago

        He wanted to eliminate 3 people and he had a star destroyer to do it. Failing is utterly embarrassing.

        • 8 months ago

          No dumbass he wanted her gone, he didn't give a shit about Ezra and Sabine. And by the end he succeeded, Ahsoka is stuck in another galaxy

    • 8 months ago

      ok but did you know that teen girl thrawns are called skywalkers no relation
      you can learn more about this in the thrawn book that takes place on the galactic star cruiser hotel

      • 8 months ago

        That hotel closed down

    • 8 months ago

      >The problem he presents writers is
      That he's supposed to be smarter than a liberal arts writer who works for disney to pay rent.

      • 8 months ago

        Exactly this. Writing intelligent characters is hard. That's why most "brilliant" characters simply show their brilliance by accurately predicting the plot.

        • 8 months ago

          Because the writers can say he's a genius but are not capable of thinking like a genius to imagine what he might do when writing their scripts.

          Can you guys give an example of a genius character who was written properly. I'm genuinely curious.

          • 8 months ago

            protagonist of the Mentalist show

          • 8 months ago

            L from Death Note, when he tricks Light/Kira with the tv broadcast thing

          • 8 months ago

            Lelouch from Code Geass

          • 8 months ago

            Kaiji is a good example of a smart character, he's not always smart in everything but he does make genuinely intelligent observations and plans

          • 8 months ago

            >Can you guys give an example of a genius character who was written properly. I'm genuinely curious.
            Anton Nighurr

          • 8 months ago

            Death note has some and game of thrones has some in the early seasons/books.

          • 8 months ago

            Luthen Rael from Andor to give you a star-wars specific one.

          • 8 months ago

            Scorpius from Farscape.

          • 8 months ago

            Protagonist and antagonist of Death Note, the first half of it anyway.

            • 8 months ago

              L sacrificing himself and letting N and M take over is symbolic victory because Kira has no friends or allies, just people he will betray eventually or the gods of death who will kill him. So L washing Kiras feet was actually the most gigabrain move.

          • 8 months ago

            >Half the replies are anime
            You guys are such little homosexuals

            • 8 months ago

              That's what one gets for clicking a Star Wars thread

          • 8 months ago

            C. Auguste Dupin, Smerdyakov, Ozymandias, Dr. Breen, Misato and Griffith before Guts abandoned him and went full moron.

            For movies you would have to go for biopics like Zodiac and Oppenheimer.

          • 8 months ago

            I honestly cannot think of even one.

            There are villains I like, though that's mostly due to the actor being great and the writing not calling for someone intelligent in the way we're talking about.

          • 8 months ago

            ”people” unironically answering this with fricking Death Note, lmao this fricking board never disappoints

    • 8 months ago


      It's the problem of stormtroopers taken to a whole new level - they're supposed to be a terribly oppresive force of nazi-esque soldiers who have the galaxy under their boot, but they're only allowed to kill random redshirts, and drop like flies whenever they encounrer the heroes. Thrawn is that problem writ large.

      • 8 months ago

        just don't write the mcs in moronic action scenes and make them solve the problem in a different way???

    • 8 months ago

      LOGH deals with this problem perfectly. You have two sides, and within each of those sides you have the moronic generals and then a competent main character. Each of the main characters defeats the morons on the opposite side.

      • 8 months ago

        Let's just watch LOGH again.

        • 8 months ago

          I will now. Sounds kino.

      • 8 months ago

        >and within each of those sides you have the moronic generals and then a competent main character.

        japs are lame, no creativity

    • 8 months ago


    • 8 months ago

      >The problem he presents writers is he can't be shown winning *too* much, or the good guys would just be btfo'd and the story would be over.
      Didn't Stop Rian 'week three' Johnson

      • 8 months ago

        fricking israelite.

  2. 8 months ago

    All according to keikaku
    All according to keikaku
    now the pieces are all lined up
    I thank you my adversary, I learned so much from this, you'll not get me next time

    • 8 months ago

      he won, stay mad

    • 8 months ago

      He won every single battle, though. He might not have killed them, but he stayed focused on his goal, and beat his foes by buying time.

      • 8 months ago

        >but he stayed focused on his goal, and beat his foes by buying time.
        If Thrawn and Witches knew they were getting rescued, why didn't they load their cargo ahead of time? That way they could just leave immediately when their rescue came.

        • 8 months ago

          You just answered you own question.

        • 8 months ago

          busy setting a mine field that cant kill the whales the mines were setup to destroy. all keikaku.

    • 8 months ago

      Just dock in space or dock while loading in those crates instead of after. Send more than two tie fighters. Blow up the spire while they are inside it.

      • 8 months ago

        We don't even know what the frick the cargo was. Maybe it was worth sacrificing some troops. Let Filoni cook.

        • 8 months ago

          looked like coffins. they all in on this zombie nonsense and linking with the moronic night sisters video game shit.

          • 8 months ago

            Hes about to Edo Tensei all the OG sith. I bet thats how theyre going to explain Palpatine returning.

        • 8 months ago

          >let Filoni cook
          He's had eight episodes to cook and he has squandered them. There is a very clear pacing problem with this show, it feels like nothing really happened and we're just seeing more mystery boxes set up.

          Another thing is that Disney and Star Wars are not in a position to waste time on a buildup season, any writer doing stuff for them right now has to assume every season or movie could be the last one.

  3. 8 months ago

    Blame Disney

    Thrawn was a kino character pre-Disney, read "Heir to the Empire" (aka Thrawn trilogy) to know how he's supposed to be.

    • 8 months ago

      Filoni and his writers are CW tier young adult quality and can't believably write a "strategic genius" character like Thrawn.

    • 8 months ago

      It’s a shame too because the actor is kino, even with the wig and the gut. We’ll be able to get a proper Thrawn trilogy adaptation when AI gets better. Imagine dropping a pdf file of Heir to the Empire into a prompt and getting a 10 episode show. They’ll have to severely limit it’s availability or Hollywood and all of these homosexuals are done.

    • 8 months ago

      He was never all that impressive, when the tactical genius has to resort to magic anti-Force lizards to turn off Jedi powers you know the writer wasn't all that good.

  4. 8 months ago

    >Send 1 janitor to Ahsoka

    • 8 months ago

      >claims to understand how dangerous Ashoka is
      >sends his forces piecemeal at her
      A janitor would be just as useful as two TIE fighters, probably more so since he could get her to slip on a wet floor

      • 8 months ago

        A wet floor that she made with her pusy

        • 8 months ago

          >snailtrails everywhere

      • 8 months ago

        Does he ever use those lizards to shut off her Force powers?

        • 8 months ago

          They haven't introduced them into nu-canon yet. Maybe that's what's in the crates.

  5. 8 months ago

    >didn't mention his art asspulls once
    What's the point?

  6. 8 months ago

    Smart character written by dumb people

  7. 8 months ago


  8. 8 months ago

    I mean when you really think about it, and I mean REALLY think about it hard.
    I won...

  9. 8 months ago

    Kek, now imagine Disney adapting him.

    • 8 months ago

      Can't be worse than what Filoni did to Bane.

      • 8 months ago

        OMG le shredder in star warts

      • 8 months ago

        Wtf was that from? Tcw?

        • 8 months ago

          Yeah it was in TCW, his ghost appeared to Yoda iirc

      • 8 months ago

        I'll never understand the Rule of Two. All it takes for the Sith to go extinct is for master and apprentice to be both in the wrong place on the wrong time.

        • 8 months ago

          Well its not a problem because you can just teleport into a clone of yourself and its all good

        • 8 months ago

          The Sith are prescient wizards, not average joes who might get struck by a car any time.

        • 8 months ago

          There's no risk of that happening, because the Sith never really follow the rule all that closely. The Sith apprentice will inevitable start training one or more of their own apprentices secretly in preparation to overthrow their master, while the Sith lord usually has some "dark acolytes" or "assassins" hanging around who are basically spare apprentices in case something bad happens to their main apprentice.

        • 8 months ago

          If that happens, it proves that they were weak. That's the whole point, survival of the fittest and so forth. The Rule isn't proven in and of itself just because Bane thought it was a cool idea, it's more of a challenge for the Sith themselves to grow out of their constant losing streak.

        • 8 months ago

          It's why the traditional Sith were better. Based tentacled aristocrats. Frick the Grotthu. And Naga Sadow's homosexualy progressive bullshit.

        • 8 months ago

          its just a mistranslation from the original sith
          originally it was "rule of too many"
          worked pretty good with the sith empire and all
          then some fricker messed it up when copying it

        • 8 months ago

          What I never understood about the Rule of Two is just how the hell is it enforced. It's a big ass galaxy, like really fricking big. How were Vader and Palps absolutely sure that they were the only two followers of the Sith doctrine in the entire universe? Who's to say there's not another Sith pair planning their own shit somewhere in the outer rims or whatever. Seriously, the concept of the rule of 2 is just too moronic to work on a universe-scale setting like SW

          • 8 months ago

            I was just thinking this, could be cool to have a totally seperate 2 siths working on their own scheme, knowing of and avoiding detection from palpy and vader. Maybe they could even be non human sith, have some not shit aliens for once.

            • 8 months ago

              >Maybe they could even be non human sith, have some not shit aliens for once.
              The games have really fricked this up steadily for years, no limitations of human actors, can do literally anything...and they just do humanoid #298345 anyway

              So sad

          • 8 months ago

            It doesn't really matter even if they are. The Rule of Two is more about the struggle between the master and apprentice. The existence of other independent pairs doesn't affect that.

        • 8 months ago

          Rule of Two isn't a big deal and can easily be dismissed by any Sith practitioner. It was really on enforced because it was convenient for the Sith Lord at the time and was broken on a whim whenever they felt like it.

          • 8 months ago

            Dont the inquisitors basically brake that rule?

            • 8 months ago

              Nope since never meant to become proper siths. Just trained force using assasins

              • 8 months ago

                Teaching anyone about the Dark Side even a little is 100% Sith. They violate the rule, Sith don't care about the rule, it's not a serious thing. They made it up, they can unmake it whenever.

              • 8 months ago

                >Teaching anyone about the Dark Side even a little is 100% Sith.

              • 8 months ago

                We've seen the Dark Side's avatar in The Son. The Dark Side is the Sith's domain. It is their teaching that it is the true nature of the Force. A Sith telling others to use the Dark Side? That is a Sith spreading Sith teachings.

                Rule of Two isn't a big deal, it's not sacred. It was a convenient tool that allowed them to stay hidden and that was it. There's surely plenty of Sith that disagreed with it.

              • 8 months ago

                >Rule of Two isn't a big deal, it's not sacred. It was a convenient tool that allowed them to stay hidden and that was it. There's surely plenty of Sith that disagreed with it.
                Wasn't it also because the Sith tend to get emotional and greedy, so they just start attacking themselves, leaving them open for others to just finish the last standing? Bane thought about this as he was the only Sith surviving the genocide and then he found Rain aka Darth Zannah and decided to live by that rule.

              • 8 months ago

                Yeah whenever they were on the cusp of victory they'd start attacking each other and ruin things there about.

                Still just a rule made up by a dude. Can be broken by a dude. And again plenty of temples, relics and phantasm whatnots out there in the galaxy raising people to be Sith regardless of some dude and his rule.

              • 8 months ago

                >That is a Sith spreading Sith teachings.

              • 8 months ago

                You have Vader trying to take Luke on as his apprentice to kill Palpatine right in Empire Strikes Back. The Sith don't actually observe the rule, it's just a convenient prop. Only one that actually cared was probably Bane and he was a crazy person.

        • 8 months ago

          It's like that Jet Li movie where he has to fight himself from another timeline, whose killing off other timeline Jet Lis to concentrate their Jet Li chi into the remaining Jet Lis. The theory was that Sith were too crab barrel-y by nature, and Jedi strength was spread thin among many.

      • 8 months ago

        Why does he wear the mask?

      • 8 months ago

        I always hated the old Bane look. It was like he was an edgy Sigma cosplayer.

      • 8 months ago


    • 8 months ago

      In order to do Krayt they need to acknowledge the old Dark Horse clone wars material which can't coexist with the 3D cartoon.
      Plus Tuskens are dindu nuffin good boys now so Disney would never portay someone raised by le noble savages going bad.

      • 8 months ago

        >pictured: Kenobi but kino

        • 8 months ago

          Man, those comics were great. One of the things I miss most with the sale to Disney. They were everything that Star Wars should have been.

  10. 8 months ago

    He's literally just blue elon musk, both in looks and how people think he's a genius when he's just another african moron.

  11. 8 months ago

    >this soviet counteroffensive is all part of my plan, steiner will bring us victory

  12. 8 months ago

    Don't let anons gaslight you about this character: even Zahn's version is written like the kind of smart guy a teenager might imagine. Thrawn has his moments, but the biggest meme about him is his apparent ability to deduce a people's military strategy just by studying its art - a process that we are never, ever walked through and are expected to take for granted.

    • 8 months ago

      >Tactical genius
      >Holed up in a giant fortress.
      >Doesn't lock the front door
      >Doesn't close any of the numerous interior doors leading up to his ship

      What did Filoni mean by this?

      Star wars doesn't have a single smart character. Palpatine is the worst manipulator on the planet. He comes across as so stereotypically evil and telegraphs all his manipulation tactics. Tarkin is an arrogant moron and Vader is legit double digit IQ who only wins through tard strength hurrrr dark side. In the EU I guess Kreia is supposedly smart but just comes across as a middle schooler who read Camus and Nietzsche. Maybe Plageius or Bane but idk enough about them

      • 8 months ago

        Revan pre-ToR was a genius

        • 8 months ago

          Any examples of this? I don't know enough about Revan. He just seems like an old republic version of Anakin to me

          • 8 months ago

            It's too complicated to summarize Revan, but he used everything at his disposal, from the dark side to the light side, selective assassinations in order to weaken ideologies or even massacring an entire planet with his less loyal followers and his most bloodthirsty enemies

          • 8 months ago

            A prime example was how he setup his coup of the Republic military. Throughout the war he singled out Jedi and commanders who were both receptive to having loyalty to him, or who were diehards for the Jedi/Republic. As the war went on he commissioned a superweapon that could essentially generate a gravitational field great enough to crush a planet, and as the war neared it's end he sorted his forces such that the Republic loyalists were executing the major invasion on Mandalore's greatest remaining force, while he himself pretended to be held up by a screening fleet catching him by "surprise".

            So in that last battle it looks like the Republic's divided forces might lose, so the general in command is forced to give the order to fire the weapon, which devistates both the Mandalorians and the Republic. Now throughout the war Revan had intentionally worn down and pushed the Jedi into more and more extreme situations in order to bring them closer to the Dark Side, so for those Jedi present there who weren't explicitly loyal to him and who survived the bomb, the sudden traumatic impact of feeling all that death simultaneously through the Force either killed them outright, or shattered their minds and turned them to the Dark Side.

            Tl;dr Revan manipulated the outcome of a battle to completely clean house in his forces, either killing every Jedi that had joined the war or converting them to his cause, while appearing completely innocent of any wrongdoing himself.

            • 8 months ago

              I think that's why Revan is so loved, the guy was really a genius.

      • 8 months ago

        >for however long he was exiled
        >he never managed to kill one guy on a planet that appears to be inhabited by no one other than hermit crab gypsies and sandpeople-on-plains
        >he has a star destroyer and some kind of undead army with functioning tie fighters and troop transports
        >he didn't carpet bomb entire acres over and over knowing ezra had no chance to retaliate
        The whole other galaxy thing in general confuses me. Why is ezra such a big deal? If he's such a big deal, why couldn't they cast someone with blue eyes instead of the distracting as frick contacts. I'm getting tired of every other character in new stuff wearing colored contacts. It's just so lazy.

        >ezra builds a lightsaber
        Woulda been cooler if he chose not to use weapons at all and dove headfirst into force magic and snooty quips

        >we're massively underselling the revelation that they are capable of intergalactic travel
        >and they use it for exile
        >intergalactic travel
        >there isn't a faction of people that revere the space whales and ride them between galaxies on a routine basis
        >thrawn didn't just assume rulership of the new galaxy and start a new empire

        >falls to the floor, farts and shits his pants
        >"everything is going according to my plan"
        Why is this blueBlack person like this? is he a homosexual or something?

        >wins Battle of Taanab
        >ambushes the Imperials on Cloud City
        >wins Battle of Endor
        >wins Battle of Exegol

        Lando is by far the best tactician in the whole series.

        • 8 months ago

          Funny you should mention that.

  13. 8 months ago

    >Tells the nightsister about jedis' plot armor
    >Still gets beat by plot armor

    He wasn't going to kill any of the protags. He can only win once he starts to fight generic New Alliance fleets and armies.

    • 8 months ago

      Nah he is gonna lose to Hera constantly

  14. 8 months ago

    Yeah why didn't he just kill all of the protagonists lmao

    • 8 months ago

      he knows they are immortal truck lesbian mary sue power dykes that cant be killed so best he can do is escape, that's as much a victory as disney israelites/morons/feminists will let him have

  15. 8 months ago

    Because the script said so.

    Also it's a show for 8 year olds but grown ass men are watching it.

    • 8 months ago

      Yeah, here they are.
      Pretty fricking sad.

      • 8 months ago

        How embarassing. You can tell they either don't give a shit or have no fricking taste whatsoever.

      • 8 months ago

        thx for the daily (over) dose of cringe anon

      • 8 months ago

        one post isn't enough. Goddamn are these people literall morons... Who Allowed them to be seen and heard? Should be shot on the spot.

  16. 8 months ago

    Because the writers can say he's a genius but are not capable of thinking like a genius to imagine what he might do when writing their scripts.

    • 8 months ago

      this a dumb person can't write a smart person. It's like asking someone blind from birth to describe what colors are. picrel describes it perfectly

  17. 8 months ago

    Because everyone else is either an upper-class twit who has raised through the ranks thanks to nepotism and political favour, or it is a naïve, all-heart-no-brain, rebel scumbag who only survives thanks to plot armor.

  18. 8 months ago

    It's OK for Thrawn to lose battles. So long they are acceptable loses as part of an overall strategy that brings him closer to victory it's OK.

  19. 8 months ago

    In the EU he was Julius Caesar tier.

    • 8 months ago

      The dead guy?

      • 8 months ago

        Yeah the guy who won a lot and then died and was remembered a lot.

        • 8 months ago


    • 8 months ago

      Sidenote: as a yuropoor i always read that as European Union and it makes for some funny posts in Slop Wars threads

  20. 8 months ago

    Did they make him digitally blue?

  21. 8 months ago

    >Tactical genius
    >Holed up in a giant fortress.
    >Doesn't lock the front door
    >Doesn't close any of the numerous interior doors leading up to his ship

    What did Filoni mean by this?

  22. 8 months ago

    >for however long he was exiled
    >he never managed to kill one guy on a planet that appears to be inhabited by no one other than hermit crab gypsies and sandpeople-on-plains
    >he has a star destroyer and some kind of undead army with functioning tie fighters and troop transports
    >he didn't carpet bomb entire acres over and over knowing ezra had no chance to retaliate
    The whole other galaxy thing in general confuses me. Why is ezra such a big deal? If he's such a big deal, why couldn't they cast someone with blue eyes instead of the distracting as frick contacts. I'm getting tired of every other character in new stuff wearing colored contacts. It's just so lazy.

    >ezra builds a lightsaber
    Woulda been cooler if he chose not to use weapons at all and dove headfirst into force magic and snooty quips

    >we're massively underselling the revelation that they are capable of intergalactic travel
    >and they use it for exile
    >intergalactic travel
    >there isn't a faction of people that revere the space whales and ride them between galaxies on a routine basis
    >thrawn didn't just assume rulership of the new galaxy and start a new empire

    • 8 months ago

      >the revelation that they are capable of intergalactic travel

      • 8 months ago

        I thought all the other galaxies were just backdrop they could see. Not places they could travel to. Like the falcon isn't going to andromeda galaxy, it's going a few dozen stars to the galactic 'west'.

        >picrel is the only character I have a mild interest in anymore

      • 8 months ago

        That could easily be some kind of protostar, would be more thematically appropriate too.

        >wins Battle of Taanab
        >ambushes the Imperials on Cloud City
        >wins Battle of Endor
        >wins Battle of Exegol

        Lando is by far the best tactician in the whole series.

        Winning Smile, it it works every time.

        Here's a freebie:

        > Thrawn conducts a false flag attack against both the Republic and the Trandoshans (or whoever, doesn't really matter), drawing both of them into a war
        > Meanwhile he publicly outs Leia as the daughter of Darth Vader, sewing mistrust in her among worlds that were particularly affected by Vader's shenanigans
        > He does this discreetly by passing that info onto members of the extended Organa family who weren't blowed up on Alderaan, who claim that Leia can't be trusted and want to usurp her for the ancestral throne of a New Alderaan colony (really they just resent her cause she's adopted)
        > He starts a massive disinformation campaign that suggests Palpatine was just a puppet manipulated by Vader as a figurehead (helped by the fact that Palpatine became Emperor and went off the deep end right around the time Vader first appeared. Also this doubles as a take that! to drumpf fans with undertones of russian disinformation or whatever hollywood soys like)
        > with the new republic fleet engaged with the Trandos (you will never be a real lizard), Thrawn meets up with Gus Fring's remnant forces and together they occupy Coruscant as part of a restorationist movement for the True Republic
        > this leads to a recreation of the based EU liberation of coruscant arc that DisneyWars stupidly decanonized with the battle of jakku

        Might not be the best idea but I'm also not an overpaid hollywood writer

        Political scheming has never been Thrawn's thing, he's a military man through and through. The issue is that he has nothing to work with in Disney canon without either giving him ridiculous plot armour or making it so that the Remnants somehow had a massive fleet the whole time, which makes the NR look even more incompetant.

        looks fricking awful
        costume designer should be shot

        The costume is fine, it's just that the actor has really bad posture.


        Can you guys give an example of a genius character who was written properly. I'm genuinely curious.

        Pic related from Legend of the Galactic Heroes.

        • 8 months ago

          That's not a galaxy, disgusting. It's classy a proto star forming with an accretion disc. Notice how the start is lighting up the dust? Galaxies don't do that.

          >Together they stand at the large window of the medical center looking out on the Rebel Star Cruiser and a dense, luminous galaxy swirling in space.
          nobody cares what your gay story group says, the shooting script says it is a galaxy

          • 8 months ago

            That's not a galaxy, disgusting. It's classy a proto star forming with an accretion disc. Notice how the start is lighting up the dust? Galaxies don't do that.

            if thats another galaxy then how are there stars in the background?

      • 8 months ago

        That's not a galaxy, disgusting. It's classy a proto star forming with an accretion disc. Notice how the start is lighting up the dust? Galaxies don't do that.

    • 8 months ago

      >If he's such a big deal, why couldn't they cast someone with blue eyes instead of the distracting as frick contacts.
      But then they'd have to say Ezra found space magic in that new galaxy that turned him European.

    • 8 months ago

      I think it's pretty easy for Ezra to have survived on that planet and it's not at all hard to believe.

      What I find hard to believe is how there's super special sacred Force McGuffin that has been there all along and Ezra never felt it, discovered it or had it call out to him or anything...

      But Baylan will find it of course. He'll find it in like 3 hours when Ezra was there for 11 fricking years.

      Dont the inquisitors basically brake that rule?

      Supposedly they don't teach them anything "Sith" but that's not true so yes. They just make up technicalities to try and say it's okay. Just like how they say THE SITH ARE DEFINITELY 100% GONE FOR GOOD FOREVER...JUST IGNORE ALL THE ARTIFACTS, TEMPLES AND SPIRITS AND SHIT LAYING AROUND THAT CAN TEACH NEW SITH THEY JUST UH...WON'T EVER BE FIND...EVER...NOPE...NEVER...

    • 8 months ago

      didn't just assume rulership of the new galaxy and start a new empire
      rulership of what? the hill people?

  23. 8 months ago

    >falls to the floor, farts and shits his pants
    >"everything is going according to my plan"
    Why is this blueBlack person like this? is he a homosexual or something?

  24. 8 months ago

    I wonder if Cinemaphile can write a better story for Thrawn where he is actually cunning, effective and dangerous? In not even memeing or being a contrariant, I think collectively a bunch of morons on a an uzbeki fingerpainting imageboard could probably btfo Disney. The criteria is:

    > Can't copy-paste wholesale from EU (self imposed challenge, that's what Disney would do and it's cheating)
    > can't be another "I lost but actually that's a GOOD thing!" scenario (Filonism)
    > Can't contradict the sequels (sorry, Disney is never decanonizing them)

    > Upon returning to the Galaxy, Thrawn...


    • 8 months ago

      >Upon returning to the Galaxy, Thrawn...
      You spoiled it in the first sentence, assuming Rebels happened and he was already BTFO.

      • 8 months ago

        The prompt is from the end of Ahsoka. At the end of Rebels he was kidnapped and presumably raped by whales, now he's back, he has one star destroyer, three witches, some tie fighters several hundred zombie troopers. What does he do now?

        • 8 months ago

          >and presumably raped by whales
          Blue buck status?

          • 8 months ago

            Thoroughly fattened

        • 8 months ago

          >The prompt is from the end of Ahsoka.
          It's probably too late by then. Frankly there is no way to make him effective while keeping to DU without resorting to complete asspulls. For example there's no real Imperial Remnant for him to organize and unite, he doesn't even have any real personal forces. Ideally he should exploit the divisions within the New Republic and existing Imperial sympathizers within the system, but the issue is that Thrawn is a military commander first and foremost, not a political conniver who succeeds through interpersonal manipulation.

          There are ways, for example

          Here's a freebie:

          > Thrawn conducts a false flag attack against both the Republic and the Trandoshans (or whoever, doesn't really matter), drawing both of them into a war
          > Meanwhile he publicly outs Leia as the daughter of Darth Vader, sewing mistrust in her among worlds that were particularly affected by Vader's shenanigans
          > He does this discreetly by passing that info onto members of the extended Organa family who weren't blowed up on Alderaan, who claim that Leia can't be trusted and want to usurp her for the ancestral throne of a New Alderaan colony (really they just resent her cause she's adopted)
          > He starts a massive disinformation campaign that suggests Palpatine was just a puppet manipulated by Vader as a figurehead (helped by the fact that Palpatine became Emperor and went off the deep end right around the time Vader first appeared. Also this doubles as a take that! to drumpf fans with undertones of russian disinformation or whatever hollywood soys like)
          > with the new republic fleet engaged with the Trandos (you will never be a real lizard), Thrawn meets up with Gus Fring's remnant forces and together they occupy Coruscant as part of a restorationist movement for the True Republic
          > this leads to a recreation of the based EU liberation of coruscant arc that DisneyWars stupidly decanonized with the battle of jakku

          Might not be the best idea but I'm also not an overpaid hollywood writer

          has great ideas which actually tie into things we already know, but notice that in this circumstance Thrawn himself does almost nothing, he merely plays other parties against each other until occupying an untenable position. This is dangerous or effective, sure, but it's not true to the character or frankly all that interesting in terms of the genre this is going for (In a show like Andor it would be good, but look at the Coruscant episodes of Mando S3 for how this would play out under Filoni.)

    • 8 months ago

      It's not hard to write a cunning villian. It's all about the introduction.

      Take a beloved protagonist. Determine what they're best at. Have their strength subverted multiple times in series. Shine a light of hope on their predicament. Have villian smash the hope by personally subverting the protagonist's strength. Villian utterly dismantles the protag.

      And have this done no later than the first third of whatever you're writing. And the hero either dies so the rest of the cast can grow, or the hero is permanently maimed/scarred/traumatized for the next two acts.

      • 8 months ago

        That is how Zahn did Thrawn (sort of). It opens with him trashing a New Republic force, telling the force to go frick itself and getting a cloned Jedi to work for him.

    • 8 months ago

      >I wonder if Cinemaphile can write a better story fo

      No, you just have the anti-woke crowd and this is a Disney show and the you have the people that hate Filoni ... all they can do is attempt at criticize but creating is a lot harder, the end result would worst that we got because in the end the problem is this, Star Wars is for people in their teen years and the crowd above arent so they are going to make something for then, that is something like Andor that fricking isnt Star Wars.

    • 8 months ago

      Here's a freebie:

      > Thrawn conducts a false flag attack against both the Republic and the Trandoshans (or whoever, doesn't really matter), drawing both of them into a war
      > Meanwhile he publicly outs Leia as the daughter of Darth Vader, sewing mistrust in her among worlds that were particularly affected by Vader's shenanigans
      > He does this discreetly by passing that info onto members of the extended Organa family who weren't blowed up on Alderaan, who claim that Leia can't be trusted and want to usurp her for the ancestral throne of a New Alderaan colony (really they just resent her cause she's adopted)
      > He starts a massive disinformation campaign that suggests Palpatine was just a puppet manipulated by Vader as a figurehead (helped by the fact that Palpatine became Emperor and went off the deep end right around the time Vader first appeared. Also this doubles as a take that! to drumpf fans with undertones of russian disinformation or whatever hollywood soys like)
      > with the new republic fleet engaged with the Trandos (you will never be a real lizard), Thrawn meets up with Gus Fring's remnant forces and together they occupy Coruscant as part of a restorationist movement for the True Republic
      > this leads to a recreation of the based EU liberation of coruscant arc that DisneyWars stupidly decanonized with the battle of jakku

      Might not be the best idea but I'm also not an overpaid hollywood writer

      • 8 months ago

        >corrupt politicians or generate blackmail material by capturing black market in outer rim
        >literally shunt Maul back in from Solo as the Joruus C'Baoth stand in
        >you can now bowdlerize George's Darth Talon sequel treatments all at the same time

        • 8 months ago

          Introducing Mauul is a based idea, but what about Bigger Maul?

    • 8 months ago

      > Thrawn accidentally runs into a race of beautiful blonde gigantic woman lets call them Predator X.
      > Predator X begin to destroy and consume Thrawn's entire armada
      > through the skin of his teeth he is spared because he shows no fear
      > Thrawn learns Predator X behave like wolves, if you show weakness they will destroy you. The undead army and nightsisters using magic, was weakness to the eyes of Predator X, which is how they were attracted to his army
      > Thrawn is left with nothing again, but must now ally with Predator X and somehow convince them to invade the Galaxy because they use the force, which he believes will trigger Predator X into invading the jedi.
      there give me a movie on that

    • 8 months ago

      >> can't be another "I lost but actually that's a GOOD thing!" scenario (Filonism)
      That was just something Filoni picked up from Greg Weisman, who created the archetype.

      • 8 months ago

        I didn't notice that with Gargoyles, probably because I was too young, but when I watched the first season of Young Justice that was pretty much the ending of every episode. Not saying the other seasons weren't like that, I just stopped watching.

    • 8 months ago

      Upon returning to the Galaxy, Thrawn activates Imperial secret agents that were in hiding, and uses them to build a new intelligence network. He starts contacting every Imperial remnant force and warlord he can. He tells them he is there to restore the Empire, and inspires them to get more aggressive against the New Republic, but tells them not to reveal his presence yet.
      He acts as a sort of consultant, shaping up the Imperial forces as he visits them personally. Sometimes, he takes direct command to win a significant engagement against an enemy, inspiring Imperial forces, but allowing the other leaders to take the credit to the outside galaxy. He carefully observes which leaders are competent and which are useless politicians and glory-seekers. He shuffles forces around between remnants, under the guise of spreading knowledge and unity between the fragmented forces more efficiently, in preparation of a grand re-unification that will take the New Republic by surprise.
      The New Republic doesn't see a threat at first. The same senators who didn't even want Hera to investigate the possibility of Thrawn's return redouble their skepticism when apparently he comes back, but doesn't appear to be anywhere. All Imperial activity appears to be just remnant activity like Moff Gideon. Eventually, of course, they do finally figure out that Thrawn is there, preparing for something big.
      Thrawn uses his sources to figure out when the New Republic is finally going to act, then he gives the order for the Imperial remnants to muster into a grand fleet. But it turns out that he had sorted and ordered the most useless imperials to one location to engage the New Republic fleet, while he ordered the better forces with him. He takes that fleet and performs a sneak attack on Corsuscant.

      • 8 months ago

        He doesn't take the planet, though, because he knows he can't hold it with his current forces. He embarks on a crusade against the rest of the galaxy. The New Republic fleet is crippled by the attack on the unified remnant. The troublesome aspects of the remnant are dealt a crippling blow themselves. The New Republic becomes overprotective of Coruscant, and fails to provide protection for the systems that Thrawn takes. Systems start to resent the New Republic for their helplessness, and even start to welcome Thrawn.
        Thrawn's forces are still limited however. He aggressively invests in Moff Gideon's technocratic research powerhouse. He forges a new version of the Empire that focuses more on quality firepower than on sheer quantity, something he has wanted to do since his TIE Defender project. He institutes new forced conscription policies to fill in the manpower gaps.
        Despite his victories, Thrawn realizes that he is not politically capable of running the show. The heroes and Jedi of the New Republic rally the morale of the people at every turn, even when their victories are strategically inconsequential. Thrawn admits the need for a figurehead, for heroes, and for force-users. From files retrieved during his brief plunder of Coruscant, he learns of the Emperor's incomplete secret cloning program. He enlists dark side cultists and Gideon's scientists to help him create a new Palpatine-like figurehead to be the non-military face of the Empire.
        However, this clone eventually betrays Thrawn, subverting his authority at a critical moment, which gives the New Republic heroes an opportunity to end Thrawn once and for all.

      • 8 months ago

        Your whole story hinges on the fact that Ezra doesn't talk to the senate, if he does the new rupublic would be on full alert and any known imperial activity would be quickly snuffed out. Any senate member who doubts and disregards Thrawn's return as nothing more than Ezra's delusions should immediately be detained and questioned for suspicions of being a spy. There's just no way anyone would doubt his return when Ezra is right front of their face telling them

        • 8 months ago

          Half the plot of this season already hinged on one Senator being an intransigent douchebag. He seriously questioned the existence of Jedi, Dark Jedi, space whales, and a massive hyperspace ring, as if it was all crazy, despite a bunch of witnesses and sensor data proving all of it. They're even downplaying the threat of Imperial Remnants, not zealously snuffing out any Imperial activity.
          The "douchebag politician who refuses to accept evidence of a looming crisis because it would be politically inconvenient" is a trope, I admit, but it works. It's easy to write a politician character that has an incentive to turn a blind eye to an inconvenient threat.
          >"We can't mobilize the entire armed forces on the word of one man. You're not even a real Jedi, you weren't trained by the Jedi Order."
          You know what, I bet out of everything I've written, this part is actually what makes it into the next season (Which is not flattering to my pitch, I admit). It will be Ezra and Hera trying to convince people to stop Thrawn before it's too late and they won't listen, even though it won't actually make any sense.

          But to actually plot doctor the thing. Just speed up Thrawn's secrecy timeline. Or Thrawn fakes his own death or something. The New Republic would already be trying to stamp out Imperial Remnants, but they don't have the power to do so universally, or else they already would have done so. They especially couldn't manage if activity ticks up significantly everywhere at once.

    • 8 months ago

      Hard mode, rewrite the last three episodes of the series with similar set pieces (no crazy budget increase). Bonus: Baylan and Shin aren't useless

    • 8 months ago

      >Ahsoka and friends find Thrawn by the end of the first episode
      >Thrawn has established a small empire in the new galaxy
      >Ezra is his chief enforcer, and has maybe 5-6 force sensitive apprentices
      >Ahsoka confronts him about it
      >tells how the new galaxy was torn by war, slavery, genocide
      >outside of the few systems ruled by thrawn its a wasteland
      >Thrawn brought order, Ezra helped
      >Thrawn and Ezra are basically best friends, like soldiers say Thrawn only smiles when he's around
      >Thrawn doesn't try to hurt Ahsoka, he's been fighting 10 years and ruling for 5, he doesn't give a shit about her anymore
      >New Republic strikeforce follows Ahsoka looking for Thrawn, they open fire on locals immediately after finding out they work for him
      >Thrawn crushes them, interrogates survivors
      >he and Ezra have a long talk about the state of the old galaxy
      >Thrawn gears up and invades, Ezra leads his soldiers
      >Ahsoka tries to convince Ezra to stop, he's conflicted but stays with thrawn
      >Thrawn is wrecking the republic and imperial warlords
      >he's growing colder, more calculating, more brutal
      >finally above coruscant
      >is going to deploy a Macguffin to destroy the capital with the whole senate
      >a few million civilians and Sabine will die too
      >Ezra fights off one last attack by Ahsoka, narrowly defeating her and saving Thrawns life
      >Ezra says they've won, but after everything Thrawn is a bitter and angry man, will deploy the weapon as an example
      >tears in his eyes, Ezra strikes down Thrawn

    • 8 months ago

      there really is no way to do it well that also meshes up with the moronic set up of the sequel trilogy.
      you cannot have thrawn be a truly existential threat to the new republic because the new republic in the sequels is utterly complacent to the idea that the empire can not possibly pose a threat which leads to them getting sucker punched.
      you cant sucker punch someone twice.

      • 8 months ago

        I enjoy the cope when you remind them that all these fricking post-rotj shows lead nowhere because of the sequels.
        >d-d-dave will retcon the sequels! just wait!

  25. 8 months ago

    so it literally is a musk analogue?

  26. 8 months ago

    Lars also played a guy who was supposed to be super smart on Sherlock, but was actually a dipshit because writing is hard.

  27. 8 months ago

    >wins Battle of Taanab
    >ambushes the Imperials on Cloud City
    >wins Battle of Endor
    >wins Battle of Exegol

    Lando is by far the best tactician in the whole series.

    • 8 months ago


  28. 8 months ago

    I dont understand why baddies dont like...unleash orbital bombardments on places they know jedi to be. I know the answer is probably blah blah plot armor blah blah but still

    • 8 months ago

      cause that's like actually evil and stuff duh

  29. 8 months ago
    • 8 months ago

      What's the deal with nuwars and horses?

      • 8 months ago

        It's another vaush situation.

    • 8 months ago

      Why isn't Ezra on the reigns considering that he literally controls animals.

    • 8 months ago

      >Shoot 1 laser on each side she can veer towards

    • 8 months ago

      I hate that shit so much, no tension at all

    • 8 months ago

      >canons that are used for orbital bombardment
      >targeting a small area
      >ship is at most 2km above the ground
      >enemy ship doesnt get hit by a single blast
      >enemy ground units dont get hit by a single blast
      >no shockwaves at all for some reason
      i just dont get how you can decide yeh this is a scene we should make.

      • 8 months ago

        really is bizzare seeing them just be fine and even jumping through the fire of a few blasts, butr I guess they just used the force to dispell all the shockwaves

        >Maybe they could even be non human sith, have some not shit aliens for once.
        The games have really fricked this up steadily for years, no limitations of human actors, can do literally anything...and they just do humanoid #298345 anyway

        So sad

        Rich Evans was right when he said Star Wars has been creativily bankrupt since 1983

        • 8 months ago

          I'm gonna miss Rich when his horrible diet does him in, the world will dim that day

      • 8 months ago

        They did this shit too in Rebels.
        Same ship too lmao. Guess the Empire gave Thrawn the budget low-power turbolasers because he's an alien.

      • 8 months ago

        They might be on low yield after 11 years without proper upkeep.

        • 8 months ago

          >low yield
          are we looking at the same explosions anon?
          and the same fireballs
          and the same craters

          • 8 months ago

            Low yield compared to what they're supposed to be. I doubt that ship is meant to last 11 years without a proper maintenance facility.

            • 8 months ago

              >Low yield compared to what they're supposed to be.
              ok sure
              but everyone in this clip should be red mist.

        • 8 months ago

          Ah yes, thrawn was always notorious for slipping on things like regular weapon maintenance.

      • 8 months ago

        >very clearly heading for the one entrance to the citadel
        >dont fire at the obvious target

    • 8 months ago

      Just realized those wolf horse things are probably dead if they were still inside the tower when Thrawn blew it up.

      • 8 months ago

        Somebody will ask Filoni if the heckin doggos survived and he'll say yes.

    • 8 months ago

      How can people watch and enjoy this slop?
      Nothing clever ever happens, everything just proceeds through sheer plot armor and idiocy.
      Oh my god they have a Galactic ManOWar with planet razing nuclear artillery, and all we have is a horse.
      >Just run at it and they'0ll miss every shot.
      Oh not they have a battallion of trained soldiers all shooting their rifles at us.
      >Just waggle your sword and they'll miss every shot, walking into and impaling themselves on your sword.

      No stakes, no tension, nothing matters.
      Just completely nonsensical how you could watch this and feel anything but boredom and embarrassment for whoever wrote and directed it.

    • 8 months ago

      Are they trying to miss on purpose? Is ashoka using a special power to cloud their aim or deflect the shots?

  30. 8 months ago

    Even in the Thrawn Trilogy, Thrawn loses every major plot battle. Even the original trilogy gave the bad guys a W in Empire Strikes Back.

    • 8 months ago

      Uhm it’s a kids show, we can’t show the epic women losing

  31. 8 months ago

    >can communicate with Thrawn in another galaxy
    >give him all the data on the war
    >he's safe from attack and can direct it remotely

    >bring him to the main galaxy, now as a direct target
    >oh but he has undead soldiers now

    Biggest convoluted rubbish plot since the last disney plot.

  32. 8 months ago

    Thrawn is just an ultra competent imperial officer. He isn't supposed to win against our overpowered main characters. The point of stranding Ahsoka and Sabine was so that we can watch Thrawn ravage the New Republic next season while they struggle to find a way back.

    • 8 months ago

      I bet they will also bring back everyone to stop Thrawn. Luke, Mando, Grogo, Boba Fett, and Bo-Katan

      • 8 months ago

        All of them except for luke, he doesnt get to play hero anymore

      • 8 months ago

        you forgot mummy.

  33. 8 months ago

    >Have extremely interesting concept of a Jedi and an entire star destroyer of stormtroopers and their Grand Admiral all exiled on a distant planet together for over a decade
    >Maybe the Jedi and Admiral fought for awhile but came to a truce and went their separate ways? Maybe they realized that their odds for survival were slim and worked together for a short time, eventually got over their differences?
    >No they just somehow avoided each other the entire time and nothing happened whatsoever
    Disney is so anti-kino, I hate it so much

    • 8 months ago

      Seriously what the frick. I was so sure he and Ezra would be working together. It's been like ten years, maybe by now Thrawn doesn't even care about the Empire and instead wants to focus his efforts on the Grysk or whatever and Ezra agrees with him. Maybe him and the crew have been surviving all this time and are camped out in the remains of their Star Destroyer. Maybe Ezra has some cute TIE pilot GF. Maybe Thrawn was introduced to a whole new galaxy's problems and for ten years has been building an empire with tons of new species and technology out there.

      But no. They're just on a fricking empty plains planet in the middle of nowhere space. It being another galaxy doesn't matter and he and Ezra somehow have just avoided each other the whole time. And Thrawn got fat eating the corpses of his crew or some shit.

      • 8 months ago

        >Thrawn's troops are all patched together and fricked up
        >what were they doing for 10 years
        >literally nothing

        Okay then...

      • 8 months ago

        >Thrawn's troops are all patched together and fricked up
        >what were they doing for 10 years
        >literally nothing

        Okay then...

        Literally the worst thing they could have possibly done. So many super interesting concepts, infinite possibilities and stories to the point where you could set a show during this period, but no they just didn't do anything the whole time and Ezra was like an hour drive away from their main base living with nomads and not doing anything. Fricking moronic. I hate Disney

        • 8 months ago

          >can't find Ezra for 10 years
          >literally living in the only colony of sentient beings in a 1 mile radius
          >Sabine finds him in 2 minutes

      • 8 months ago

        >Thrawn's troops are all patched together and fricked up
        >what were they doing for 10 years
        >literally nothing

        Okay then...

        >get thrown into another galaxy with your mortal enemy
        >stuck there for 10 years
        >decide "frick it" and do absolutely nothing for 10 years
        >thrawn gets fat and turns his men into zombies even though there's almost nothing to actually fight
        So fricking stupid.

        • 8 months ago

          Lol he had a Star Destroyer He wanst stuck on the planet, he was stuck on the galaxy. He might have gone on a bunch of adventures on other planets or some shit.

          • 8 months ago

            Ezra was definitely deep on some snail pussy.

      • 8 months ago

        Even if that were the retconned case it belies the problem with this shit: everything of exposition consequence and interest happens off screen. That finale just made it status quo ante. Great. These buttholes swapped galaxies. Fricking whales maan space wiccans weedlmao.

  34. 8 months ago

    Where's my boy during all this shit, if he and his wife died so that their adopted orphan girl can do an Ellie and be another strong woman I'm gonna blow a gasket.

    • 8 months ago

      >Knock off Force Unleashed for redditors.

  35. 8 months ago

    The entire thing was a bit stupid.

    >have star destroyer
    >have 2 "dark jedi"
    >have four nightsisters
    >have a number of troops

    As soon as the hyperring showed up he should've simply connected to it and fricked off.
    Instead the entire tension comes from him "loading supplies".
    What fricking supplies? He literally just showed up in a star destroyer already. What supplies is he "loading" that are even remotely relevant to delay shit.

    Instead he managed to lose a number of troops, one nightsister (who mind you was valuable enough that it was HER plan that even allowed him to return at all) and the two "dark jedi" are MIA.

    Also if I were him I'd kill myself right away.
    Two TIE fighters can't hit a stationary target and his star destroyer can't fricking hit a target moving in a straight line. Might as well just give up on the whole galaxy ruling angle if you can't even do that.

    Not to mention that the only reason Ezra was even mobilized is because he let Sabine go for no reason. It was a tactical AND strategic advantage to keep her imprisoned permanently.
    And why even allow the dark jedi to roam around if they're obeying his orders anyway. Just order them to be his personal guard instead of allowing them to go soulsearching.

    • 8 months ago

      I think Skoll only agreed to the partnership to get access to the planet. Otherwise you are right.

  36. 8 months ago

    Bets on the contents of the boxes he spent several episodes loading on to his ship? I wanted it to be something interesting but after that last episode all I can think of is "zombies." Will his return be just a zombie outbreak with laser guns?

    • 8 months ago

      They're Nightsister corpses. Why the hell they weren't already loaded into his ship, I don't know.

    • 8 months ago

      Turns out it's just boxes.

  37. 8 months ago

    They know the product is going in the shitter. They also know they know they fricked up by not following the EU cannon. Bringing him in is their desperation move.

  38. 8 months ago

    Yang Wenli could beat him easy.

  39. 8 months ago

    looks fricking awful
    costume designer should be shot

  40. 8 months ago

    >No, Mr. Jedi, I don't think I will allow you to board. You are flying an imperial shuttle and using expired credentials. Good day.
    What was Baylon Skrull's alternative plan? How can anybody take him seriously when this was his primary plan? or the New Republic, for that matter.
    I mean what the frick? Can writers write ONE (1) show that's not entirely comprised of characters acting like morons on both sides?

    • 8 months ago
      • 8 months ago


        >can't find Ezra for 10 years
        >literally living in the only colony of sentient beings in a 1 mile radius
        >Sabine finds him in 2 minutes

        This plot was written by the writers that were on strike demanding more money

    • 8 months ago

      That was a Jedi shuttle, not an imperial shuttle. It's from the Republic days.

      • 8 months ago

        Yeah, and then it became affiliated with the Galactic Empire, so technically it could be either.
        Do we ever see the New Republic using them and does this model reflect that? I don't personally know. It just looks like the standard version the Empire uses during the OT. Does it look like a 25-30 year old version from the last days of the Republic that these "Jedi" escaped on during Order 66 and have been utilizing since? Not really, and if that is the context, why would they have waited 5 or so years ABY to contact the New Republic?
        The scene doesn't make sense. Baylan is a moron. The Captain is a moron. The hallway scene is copy-pasted from Rogue One, but infinitely worse. The New Republic outfits look like they belong on Sesame Street. The prisoner b***h is annoying. Ahsoka herself is fricking sleep-inducing. Her posse of ugly prostitutes are even worse than the prisoner. The entire first episode apart from the scene in question is
        >Wait a minute, that card
        The show is somehow lower effort than Kenobi. Star Wars is dead, bury it.

        • 8 months ago

          >Do we ever see the New Republic using them and does this model reflect that?
          I don't think we ever see New Republic shuttlecraft at all, Ahsoka is the first time we ever really see them getting new ships.
          >The New Republic outfits look like they belong on Sesame Street
          They've looked like that since RotJ, they were always kinda frumpy but protagonists get personal outfit priveleges by default so they aren't saddled with it. Of course pilots aren't subject to this, but that isn't an issue because their suits are actually cool.

          I didn't notice that with Gargoyles, probably because I was too young, but when I watched the first season of Young Justice that was pretty much the ending of every episode. Not saying the other seasons weren't like that, I just stopped watching.

          I watched everything up to around three quarters into season 4, he was still pulling that shit all the way to the end.

          • 8 months ago

            >Ahsoka is the first time we ever really see them getting new ships.

  41. 8 months ago

    The entire tone of it is anemic as if the people writing this have never even heard of an action movie.

    >we arrive at the distant galaxy
    >Thrawn slowly shows up
    >his master plan is to load boxes for 2-3 episodes while wasting resources and lucking out by Ashoka not landing on his ass and slicing him in two right away
    >"it's perfectly fine that I just lost 90% of my troops by sending them to deal with some primitives 10 miles away that posed no threat and didn't even care I was here"
    >two tie fighters can't hit a stationary target

    What should've happened is them finding Thrawn in a middle of some life-or-death struggled with the inhabitants of this galaxy where he managed to outplay them the whole time but he's on his last legs and the hyper-ring showing up is a fortunate turn of events in the nick of time to allow him to barely get the frick out of there.

    Maybe Ashoka and crew strike a deal with the faction Thrawn was fighting that allows them to one-up him showing that jedi are good at making allies, even there.

    But no, everyone just kind of stands around shrugging until the boxes are loaded.

  42. 8 months ago

    Why does he look like Musk? I don't watch the show so I thought you guys were memeing with edited pics.
    Is it a blatant stand-in or just an actor lookalike?

  43. 8 months ago

    I agree with the critical mass in that Ahsoka would have been a pretty good series if not for Filoni's OC (Rebels) and Expanded Universe homosexualry (Thrawn)

  44. 8 months ago

    What is his connection to the witches?

    • 8 months ago

      He sexed them up

    • 8 months ago

      Who knows. They live on the same planet he was on and they teamed up.
      Bad guys must team up with bad guys.

    • 8 months ago

      He's afraid of the Force, he's portrayed as a military genius and tactician that can predict about anyone, even entire planets and use their own predictable strategies and beliefs against them but with the Force he's always in the dark.
      That's why he took the witches as an ally in that journey since they too deal with the Force anyway it's all fricked up in the Dinsey canon and makes no sense, it cannot be coherently linked together.

  45. 8 months ago

    In Disney Princess Star Wars he's dumb.

  46. 8 months ago

    How the frick did Ezra sneak onto the star destroyer that had the fricking night sisters on it, steal a TIE fighter without being noticed, and escape? The night sisters could detect the Force in Sabine, who was a Force moron, but they couldn't detect that motherfricker? Star destroyer personnel just abandoned the entire ship and all sensors stopped working so he could steal a TIE fighter? This is the worst writing since fricking Obi-Wan.

    • 8 months ago

      He used the dark side technique of hiding himself in the Force.

      • 8 months ago

        ashoka was anakins side piece obscured from us, the viewers, by the dork side

      • 8 months ago

        The sisters probably noticed but Thrawn didn't give a shit and let him go. He probably got a ship when Thrawn sent out scout ships to check out Dathomir, Ezra saw his chance to so he stole a ship and booked it.

        Or it could be bad writing

        Bad writing. The worst. Filoni should be shot.

        • 8 months ago

          Everything in Disney is bad writing, it cannot be connected and it only has some emotionally manipulative moments and invitations to persuade you to forget everything inconsistent before that and give it another shot at it, don't forget the nostalgia bait for some people.

    • 8 months ago

      The sisters probably noticed but Thrawn didn't give a shit and let him go. He probably got a ship when Thrawn sent out scout ships to check out Dathomir, Ezra saw his chance to so he stole a ship and booked it.

      Or it could be bad writing

    • 8 months ago

      I can hope next season starts where this one left off, and have the ship he came in be rigged with an explosive, killing or maiming Ezra and Hera when it explodes.
      That'd give Thrawn some of the smart guy points back.

  47. 8 months ago

    Why does he look like a Blue Elon Musk?

  48. 8 months ago

    excuse me while icarve a sculpture of myself out of a mountain with my lightsabre

  49. 8 months ago

    >i am going to le lose
    >sir the battle hasn't even started yet
    >trust me, I le plan everything out

    • 8 months ago

      wow you're some sort of geriatric reddit tourist?

      • 8 months ago

        you le have to go le back

        • 8 months ago

          >instantly projects because he's afraid now that he's been found out
          lurk 10 more years

  50. 8 months ago

    >Had Ezra in the palm of his hand for 10 years
    >Does nothing with it

    I just don't understand. Maybe it's because I didn't watch Rebels, but he's so fricking dumb. THIS is the character EUgays were hyped up for decades?

    • 8 months ago

      >THIS is the character EUgays were hyped up for decades?

    • 8 months ago

      >THIS is the character EUgays were hyped up for decades?
      Yep. His only skill in the books was knowing things before they happened due to plot armor. He had an okay background but yep. He's lame as frick like the EU.

      • 8 months ago

        wow you wasted your eyeballs on this

        • 8 months ago

          Nah, I typed with my eyes closed because the truth was too blinding. 🙂

          • 8 months ago

            no i mean like did you read a bunch of novels written for the equivalent of menopausal supermarket shoppers, probably by the same authors?

            • 8 months ago

              That explains the SW EU yep

    • 8 months ago

      You act like EUchads were considering watching this ripoff garbage. The only people that hyped up Thrawn were Disney marketers.

      • 8 months ago

        TV Thrawn is the same as EU Thrawn.

        • 8 months ago

          Wrong. No, I won't elaborate.

    • 8 months ago

      >THIS is the character EUgays were hyped up for decades?
      Nope it's Filoni's interpretation, where everything and everyone stuck in stasis/limbo untill protagonists arrives.
      Original Thrawn actually used his exile to fund Imperial Enclave in the unknown regions which eventually became backbone of the Imperial Remnants.

  51. 8 months ago

    >He seems kinda dumb to me.
    the whole show was written dumb, so thats why

  52. 8 months ago

    >monkey is dancing on my le puppet strings
    keep going

  53. 8 months ago

    Disney won't rest until they revive all your favorite characters and assassinate their character before your very eyes.

    • 8 months ago

      It's like a bunch of desert people with decision power isn't the best idea.

  54. 8 months ago

    star wars sucks

  55. 8 months ago

    >studio behind this is literally called golem creations

    yidsney goyslop to dumb down and socially condition the populace

  56. 8 months ago

    I say this in all sincerity, as a man who has never had sex in his entire 29 years of life... HAVE SEX!

  57. 8 months ago

    how do you show don't tell that Thrawn is competent in a series where the main characters don't even lose anymore?

  58. 8 months ago

    reeeee read the books reeeee

    • 8 months ago


    • 8 months ago

      bookgay seethe

  59. 8 months ago

    Every time I see this guy all I can think is "Data but blue"

  60. 8 months ago

    >wasting Thrawn on this Ahsoka garbage
    What a dumb decision

    • 8 months ago

      Thrawn should've been the main villain of the sequel trilogy.

      A capable imperial remnant leader who attempts to revive the Empire by triggering one (or many) contingency plans, which then culminates in Palpatine getting revived through cloning but ultimately thwarted by the next generation of jedi (lead by Luke).

      Instead they fricked it up so now they're trying to do just that in the shows. But it's all to janky now to save.

      • 8 months ago

        >all to janky now to save.
        If anyone can do it, its Filioni. I'm still in awe of the degree to which his shows redeemed the PT.
        But I'm out of hopium for SW. Too much shit. Maybe after the AI singularity.

        • 8 months ago

          The PT was better before Filoni.

          • 8 months ago

            The PT is still fricking shit though?

      • 8 months ago

        >which then culminates in Palpatine getting revived through cloning

        Stop trying to make this dogshit plan work

        • 8 months ago

          there's is no point in the sequel trilogy at all unless it's a mop up operation to get rid of the empire finally

          the EU got it right there

      • 8 months ago

        Do Dark Empire but with Darth Plagueis

  61. 8 months ago

    Because Dave Filoni is angry that Zahn had the gall to write a smart imperial and "fixed" it

  62. 8 months ago
  63. 8 months ago

    >Instead of leaving immediately, I will send wave after wave of my own men to their deaths pointlessly, hoping that their dead bodies will form some sort of obstruction to prevent the Jedi from reaching me.

  64. 8 months ago

    He fricked up in Rebels by underestimating jedi and fricks up here because he overestimated them and wasted departure time poking the bear and giving them every opportunity to board the ship. Stranding Ahsoka will do frick all since Luke Skywalker is waiting for him, but I guess Morgan didn't bother to tell him bout that.

    • 8 months ago

      Implying Luke will ever do anything in this shit.

  65. 8 months ago

    He is written as what stupid people think smart people are.
    >my objective is x
    >you have prevented me from achieving x but that was my plan all along because now im going to y
    >you have beat me to y but i knew you would therefore i win

  66. 8 months ago

    Because a character can only be as smart as the writers, and we all know the inelegance of the average Hollywood writer.
    The only other ways is to make the character appear smart by saying obvious shit that the moronic characters don't know. Or by giving them information that they shouldn't have.

  67. 8 months ago

    What this show has revealed to me is that there are people that think Rebels was actually good. Are they the people that grew up with it or some shit? because at the time this happened.
    >rebels gets announced
    >looked cheap as frick
    >tcw fans annoyed that tcw got cancelled for it and wrote it off as kiddie garbage
    >anyone over the age of 13 wrote it off as kiddie garbage
    It was on Disney XD for god sake.

  68. 8 months ago

    The military should rely more on military science, simulations and scientific management and less on the whims of some genius

  69. 8 months ago

    to be a corrupt senator, flying the night skyline of Coruscant in my open airspeeder, Smalltown Boy playing, Shin Hati leaning over and giving me a blowjob for a couple of RP82 Fiend Fighters or something...

  70. 8 months ago

    You think Filoni can write? If he's married to this thing?

    • 8 months ago

      It takes imagination to find that frickable.

  71. 8 months ago

    This show is a fricking crime. First literally nothing happens, They build no characters at all. Then throw memeber berries at you
    I just cant. This is lierally upsets me
    And the fact that the fricking normie audience goes batshit crazy over it is insulting

    • 8 months ago

      >And the fact that the fricking normie audience goes batshit crazy over it is insulting
      This is what's baffling me about it.
      Am I a fricking alien?

      • 8 months ago

        do normies watch any of these shows? there was a tiny bit of buzz over mando that fell off, seems to be mostly nerds watching them now

        • 8 months ago

          Well I checked out reddit/twitter to see what they are saying about it. Overwhelming "omg it was so good dave did it again!" and "if you hate it you hate fun!" tier shit.

  72. 8 months ago

    >After much contemplation I have decided there can only be 9 Sith...
    >Now it's 7...kill each other.
    >Three, commence.
    >It's eleven now.
    >Four is better.
    >10, yes, it's definitely 10...

    Checks out.

  73. 8 months ago

    "Dispatch a ham sandwich to slow down Ashoka Tano, she is most likely hungry and the sandwich should buy us time to finish loading the ship"

  74. 8 months ago

    Lets break it down.

    He just lost a a battle against 3 jedi*, a droid and a unarmed shuttle.

    At start of battle he had
    - 2 bad jedi mercenaries
    - 4 witches
    - A star destroyer
    - Bandits
    - one of the jedi was his prisoner
    - another was in the wilderness somewhere completely oblivious to coming battle
    - he knew the third was coming.

    * its complicated

  75. 8 months ago

    What kind of mind fricked moron watches this garbage?

  76. 8 months ago

    Can someone explain to me how the FRICK Ezra managed to get off his star destroyer? wouldn't someone in the command center have alerted Thrawn to a vessel leaving the ship for no reason? and if Thrawn is the last true threat to the new republic, why didn't Ezra just keep his storm trooper disguise on, wait for an opportunity to be near Thrawn and just shoot him in the head, take one for the team and save the galaxy. And what the frick was Baylan's grand plan that he kept talking about? he didn't do shit.

  77. 8 months ago

    "Sir, a Jedi Master is in our ship!"

    "I have learnt to never underestimate Jedi...send Ke Vin, our second best janitor to stop the Jedi, he will suffice."

    • 8 months ago

      Wait, Ezra is a master? I thought he was just a padawan scrub that couldn't even beat inquisitors.

  78. 8 months ago

    Baylan and his sex slave are far more interesting than the actual main cast, but even if they had more focus, it would be slop anyway

    • 8 months ago

      more daughterfu than sex slave tbh, think hes keeping to the jedi chaste thing (his loss). Yeah funny how the 2 that had like what 6 lines of dialogue were the most interesting characters.
      Also I wish Thrawn wasn't in his old uniform, 10 years in another galaxy would be cool to see him go native, new style of dress, different mannerisms a bit more intense and not just aloof and cold every fricking scene. I was half expecting him to be depserate to leave and to fear the good guys stopping him 'I won't die in this galaxy' type attidue, but nope you could have changed the plot that thrawn was in the same galaxy but his FTL drive was dead and no one knew where he was so was trapped that way and its the EXACT same plot.

  79. 8 months ago

    >send 2 tie fighters
    Why not send fricking 10 and go for the overkill? I thought this guy made sure of his shit.
    I get they wanted to shoehorn pajeet into getting back, but what does that even add?
    Could've just left him stranded there and brought Shin along on his ship instead, she's just basically doing jack shit on the planet now anyway.

  80. 8 months ago

    Written by morons.

  81. 8 months ago

    A character can never be smarter than the writer that made him.

  82. 8 months ago

    >surprised when a competent characters are written by incompetent writers

  83. 8 months ago

    EU books portray him as an underdog winning despite the small odds because he analyses the situation. Disney Canon just has writers smell their own farts hoping the hype of the books will be enough to make him look iconic. A thing that brought tension to Thrawn was whether he actually predicted the moves of the heroes or not but that's completely missing now. Not even good banted with his underlings to be found anywhere and how he sees success in the empire. Frick Filoni and cartoontrannies.

  84. 8 months ago

    Acting in this show suck. I hate their plastic fake eyes.

    • 8 months ago

      I don’t know why the frick anyone thought those stupid as frick contacts would be less distracting than the character just having different colored eyes than in some cartoon nobody even watched

      • 8 months ago

        I don't get why they did it. Why isn't Sabine literally fricking yellow then if they are all "well it was like that in the cartoon!"?
        Why not just give Ezra regular human blue eyes.

  85. 8 months ago

    Filoni is moronic, he wrote the episodes but how in the last episode.

    >The storm troppes don't shot at Ahsoka in the last battle
    > Why didn't Thrawn just destroy Ahsoka ship in the end, his Star destroyer would lose to a single ship ? he didn't foresee that they'll still comeback as always ? He said it himself that he won't take the jedi lightly again.
    > When Ezra jumped to the star destroyer, the door was guarded by one storm strooper ? Reallly ? he could infiltrate from there when it's the main entrance ?

    I have many others gripes with the writing but I won't bother to put more, if Filoni can't write around things like that, he can't write a smart character, no amount of "as expected" "acceptable" dialogue will change that.

  86. 8 months ago

    Very basic. Coup de main - because plot armor - is typical of Jedi. Putting whom they're after as far as frick away from the base as possible > keeping Sabine or Ezra in your area of operations. One better with wildcards like Baylan & Shin that have killed Ahsoka, at least for a time (also not reliable, being mercenaries). Space for time. They tell about being short on numbers after taking casualties while stranded, but they don't really show it apart from countermanding Morgan's objections about deployments.

    Nothing he did wasn't irrational, but the demure and sedate delivery doesn't quite sell it when the situation is this dire -- now or never to leave the shithole. More urgency and severity and impatience isn't incongruous with Thrawn being dangerous. Him getting increasingly snappy the closer they come would have helped ... the layout of the fort/temple break in wasn't used by the Death Troopers in a way that conferred any advantage (canalize them at the narrow stairwells + volume of fire).

    Basically Filoni's Rian Johnson-as-fangirl with a lot less technical capability; he's good for 15 minutes of sustained and tight story, as in Tales of the Jedi. That's it. He's a puerile hack story board artist whose support in writing and directing has bottomed out entirely now since Clone Wars under George. If he weren't, he would SHOW Thrawn hasn't been idle the past decade in exile with:

    -- learning the Peridean language(s) of the raiders (show us the damn art)
    -- getting in good with them enough to call on natives to form a war band and form picket patrols around the temple/fortress (Shin falls into role of de facto field commander for Thrawn set up for that last shot of the series)
    -- Crab People's intel becomes relevant to infiltrate said skirmishers/patrols

    All necessary to demonstrate Thrawn could unite the Imperial Warlords and wage guerilla warfare against the New Republic. Show what he can do on a planetary scale, audience infers the rest.

  87. 8 months ago

    >First season
    >we need to pull some bullshit out of our ass to go to this galaxy to defeat thrawn and find ezra!
    >Second season
    >we need to pull some bullshit out of our ass to go back to the main galaxy to defeat thrawn and find ezra!

  88. 8 months ago

    Grand Admiral Thrawn, we have located where the Jedi are. Their ship is flying low, following the natives
    >Excellent, send two TIE Fighters to buy us time
    Sir... we have more fighters. Dozens of them. We can exterminate them easily
    >Only two will suffice

    Sir, they shot down both fighters. But now their ship is incapacitated
    >Excellent, let's prepare for a ground attack
    Sir... their ship is disabled, but not destroyed. Wouldn't it be better to send other fighters for this?
    >I don't see why we should worry about that

    Sir, the Jedi are riding across the open field straight to the base entrance!
    >Excellent, have Chimera fire randomly in the area
    Sir... please... we have cannons that can easily aim
    >That's exactly what they would expect. Random hellfire on them

    Sir, the Jedi have easily bypassed the artillery and are entering the gate!
    >Excellent, send a platoon of troopers to wait for them
    The zombie troopers, right?
    >No, normal troopers. And after they die, the Great Mothers will resurrect them
    >... Sir... We are transporting thousands of coffins of dead troopers so far. If you're already counting on the battalion being killed, why not send in the zombies first and benefit from the surprise effect? In any case, we were going to leave the platoon behind to escape
    >You understand nothing about the Art of War. Do this and you won't need to leave the staircase access doors locked. And keep Morgan ready to sacrifice himself for us because this plan will go wrong. Also, when we leave, just leave two troopers in charge of the hangar. And if they see two Jedi trying to jump into the ship, let them watch until the last minute. And if a fighter leaves Chimera after we jump to our galaxy, there's no need to go after it.

    • 8 months ago

      the other thing thats hilarious is the tie fighters are some of the most maneuvarable ships in the universe despite morons making all empire stuff canonfodder trash. they are literally terrors of the sky and like sending an f15 vs a prop plane in universe. with these 2 tie fighters, that ship stood no chance. it was literally floating on ground not even really moving and they had free shot on it and multiple passes to strafe it. they hit it once right in a stablizer and nothing else. not the engines, not the wings, nothing that would destroy a ship with no shields or maneuverability or anything. they hit the only part that would not disable the ship tha twasnt moving or expecting to be attacked.

      they are the most incompetent fighter pilots ever and it even hitting the ship was a fluke is the only conclusion. they couldnt even finish it off despite it not being able to fricking fly and got destroyed by it basically flying 2 ft off the ground straight at them when they are faster and more maneuvarable and not disabled by the first flyby.

      • 8 months ago

        >Gets shot
        >Two mid-air collisions
        >Shuttle gets patched up in half an hour

  89. 8 months ago

    Is there are any fan-made creation tables for Remnants/Rebels Cell etc?

  90. 8 months ago

    Those three hagrid b***hes just summoned a flaming samurai sword out of thin air. Imagine what they could do with your dick. My homie is streets ahead.

  91. 8 months ago

    Why does he look like data from Star Trek

  92. 8 months ago


    >have a nice day, Disney shill
    >the books where he distances himself from Disney bullshit are worse than the books that inspired the Disney bullshit
    Stop projecting, Disney shill.

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