
>Someday? Someday my dream will come? One night you will wake up and discover it never happened. It's all turned around on you. It never will. Suddenly you are old. Didn't happen, and it never will, because you were never going to do it anyway. You'll push it into memory and then zone out in your barco lounger, being hypnotized by daytime TV for the rest of your life.

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  1. 4 weeks ago

    >great fricking character in an absolutely trash movie
    can you post more examples like this?

    • 4 weeks ago

      If a character that exists within the movie is great, why don't you think the movie itself is? You won't like every single part of any movie you find good.

    • 4 weeks ago

      >an absolutely trash movie
      Prove this without crying about the ending.

      • 4 weeks ago

        If a character that exists within the movie is great, why don't you think the movie itself is? You won't like every single part of any movie you find good.

        It's too on the nose. Especially the way the MC is written. I get it, he's supposed to be weak and whiny and have le heckin transformation, but even with such a clear structure, they go for the most obvious approach and even then it has no real direction. His gay little speech before the car crash makes me cringe.
        It's one of those movies that has the right foundation to be great, but it simply had nothing to say.
        The ending is actually one of the stronger parts. I really liked Vincent's "tears in the rain" moment.

        • 4 weeks ago

          Mann just didn't take the subject matter themes seriously and to heart. This kind of movie and premise would've been a classic under a more subdued and low-key director who's not known for bombastic, stylistic action. A hitman making a deadend loser reconsider his life is a kino recipe but then you had to cast a ghetto bunny as the lead instead of some Paul Dano scrawny type. Cruise is good but I would've preferred a character actor. Cut out the moronic girl love story and keep the movie low budget and low-key with long car ride scenes where they debate. In Europe, this kind of premise would've been done justice. In America, it has to be dumbed down and distilled with only that speech making the cut somehow.

        • 4 weeks ago

          >His gay little speech
          has the same meaning as say, the one in No Country For Old Men when the bowl cut guy decides to kill the main character's wife. Nothing wrong with it, Jamal says what everyone should already know: Vincent is not above the rest of humanity. He just thinks he is.

        • 4 weeks ago

          >It's too on the nose
          What qualifies as "just enough on the nose"

          Mann just didn't take the subject matter themes seriously and to heart. This kind of movie and premise would've been a classic under a more subdued and low-key director who's not known for bombastic, stylistic action. A hitman making a deadend loser reconsider his life is a kino recipe but then you had to cast a ghetto bunny as the lead instead of some Paul Dano scrawny type. Cruise is good but I would've preferred a character actor. Cut out the moronic girl love story and keep the movie low budget and low-key with long car ride scenes where they debate. In Europe, this kind of premise would've been done justice. In America, it has to be dumbed down and distilled with only that speech making the cut somehow.

          >low-key director who's not known for bombastic, stylistic action
          That's exactly who Mann is though
          his only truly bombastic movie is Heat.
          Mann's style is everywhere outside of his combat/gunfight/action scenes, which are always extremely raw.
          You're talking out of your ass lmfao

          I like the ending. Foxx takes Cruise's advice and finds his balls. Cruise effectively saves him.

          I agree. It's thematically consistent

          • 4 weeks ago

            >That's exactly who Mann is though
            >his only truly bombastic movie is Heat.
            >Mann's style is everywhere outside of his combat/gunfight/action scenes, which are always extremely raw.
            >You're talking out of your ass lmfao
            Mann is still style over substance most of the time not just in action scenes and this movie suffered from it. The dialogue was too stylized and choppy and it detracted from making you relate to the characters as they all spoke like caricatures.

            • 4 weeks ago

              >Mann is still style over substance most of the time
              Talking out of your ass is still talking out of your ass even if you add "most of the time" to the end of your sentence

              • 4 weeks ago

                bro, miami vice

            • 4 weeks ago

              Style is substance.

          • 4 weeks ago

            >What qualifies as "just enough on the nose"
            The newer Safdie brothers films. Nightcrawler...
            Actually, most of the "literally me" films got it dialed in pretty well.

            • 4 weeks ago

              nice trips, also
              >Safdie brothers
              Has anyone watched The King(2019)?
              I've heard good things, but haven't gotten around to it.

              • 4 weeks ago

                I've avoided this movie because I hate this zoomerhomosexual, but he was quite good in Dune. Maybe I'll watch it

              • 4 weeks ago

                Why do you hate him? He's a good actor. And he's still fairly young, many male character actors weren't nearly as good at it when they were his age.

              • 4 weeks ago

                I've avoided this movie because I hate this zoomerhomosexual, but he was quite good in Dune. Maybe I'll watch it

                I liked it. Robert Pattinson as a smarmy frenchman is pretty fun.

            • 4 weeks ago

              How so? and how do you know this?

              bro, miami vice

              Forgot to mention that the use of "style over substance" as if this is a talking point in itself is also talking out of your ass

              Novels or even comics. I might be on Cinemaphile but rest assured film is the least creative medium there is. Mediums that are of a sole creative voice are always better than multi-million slop. Movies are the midwit's medium.

              you're a projecting midwit lmfao

              • 4 weeks ago

                >How so? and how do you know this?
                The dialogue stand out as the most obvious one. The way characters interact with each other has a lot more nuance in those movies. Also the ones I've listed have a lot more breathing room when it comes to pacing and cinematography. There are fairly long shots where the nothing is said and you can read whats happening on the characters face. It invites you to put the details together yourself instead of spoonfeeding you. Which for a movie with le heckin nihilism themes is definitely the better direction as opposed to all the action scenes.

              • 4 weeks ago

                qualify that
                >a lot more breathing room when it comes to pacing and cinematography.
                wtf does this even mean
                >There are fairly long shots where the nothing is said and you can read whats happening on the characters face. It invites you to put the details together yourself instead of spoonfeeding you.
                Why is this necessarily good or bad

                style over substance is that shitty over the top
                >miami vice, public enemies and blackhat
                dont know what happened to michael mann but heat doesnt have that
                collateral kind of has that

                >over the top
                explain how any of those are over the top and/or bad for that reason

              • 4 weeks ago

                a weird unnatural quickness

              • 4 weeks ago

                Why are any of those qualities necessarily bad?

              • 4 weeks ago

                for him they are and that's about it
                why are they considered bad, that's a different matter

              • 4 weeks ago

                lost of story/plot

              • 4 weeks ago

                yeah that sounds like it is not based in objectivity
                you see, objectively, michael mann is the MANN

              • 4 weeks ago
              • 4 weeks ago

                if you need gifs to say what you want to say, of what worth are your sayings

              • 4 weeks ago

                was going to say COOL IT SLICK but thought a gif was funnier

              • 4 weeks ago

                now if you keep posting gifs, how do you expect to keep this... conversation

              • 4 weeks ago

                a guy told me one time, "dont let yourself get attached to a shitpost you're not willing to walk out on in 3 previous replies if you feel the sneed around the corner"

              • 4 weeks ago

                did you join the IRC? became a janny? no
                i make one off-topic shitpost and you report it

              • 4 weeks ago

                >lost of story/plot
                That doesn't matter tho

                for him they are and that's about it
                why are they considered bad, that's a different matter

                So there's no actually reason.

                >qualify that

                Synonyms of nuance
                : a subtle distinction or variation

                : a subtle quality : nicety

                : sensibility to, awareness of, or ability to express delicate shadings (as of meaning, feeling, or value)
                >wtf does this even mean

                Synonyms of pace
                : rate of movement
                the runner's pace
                especially : an established rate of locomotion
                : rate of progress
                specifically : parallel rate of growth or development
                : an example to be emulated
                specifically : first place in a competition
                three strokes off the pace —
                : rate of performance or delivery : tempo
                a steady pace
                on pace to set a record
                especially : speed
                serves with great pace
                a pace bowler in cricket
                : rhythmic animation
                : a manner of walking : tread

                : step sense 2a(1)
                : any of various units of distance based on the length of a human step
                paces plural : an exhibition or test of skills or capacities

                : gait
                especially : a fast 2-beat gait (as of the horse) in which the legs move in lateral pairs and support the animal alternately on the right and left legs
                : the art or science of motion-picture photography
                >Why is this necessarily good or bad
                because I said so

                Not an argument.
                I win.

              • 4 weeks ago

                >qualify that

                Synonyms of nuance
                : a subtle distinction or variation

                : a subtle quality : nicety

                : sensibility to, awareness of, or ability to express delicate shadings (as of meaning, feeling, or value)
                >wtf does this even mean

                Synonyms of pace
                : rate of movement
                the runner's pace
                especially : an established rate of locomotion
                : rate of progress
                specifically : parallel rate of growth or development
                : an example to be emulated
                specifically : first place in a competition
                three strokes off the pace —
                : rate of performance or delivery : tempo
                a steady pace
                on pace to set a record
                especially : speed
                serves with great pace
                a pace bowler in cricket
                : rhythmic animation
                : a manner of walking : tread

                : step sense 2a(1)
                : any of various units of distance based on the length of a human step
                paces plural : an exhibition or test of skills or capacities

                : gait
                especially : a fast 2-beat gait (as of the horse) in which the legs move in lateral pairs and support the animal alternately on the right and left legs
                : the art or science of motion-picture photography
                >Why is this necessarily good or bad
                because I said so

              • 4 weeks ago

                style over substance is that shitty over the top
                >miami vice, public enemies and blackhat
                dont know what happened to michael mann but heat doesnt have that
                collateral kind of has that

    • 4 weeks ago

      >an absolutely trash movie
      Prove this without crying about the ending.

      I like the ending. Foxx takes Cruise's advice and finds his balls. Cruise effectively saves him.

    • 4 weeks ago

      You're trash.

  2. 4 weeks ago

    >hey Jamal, do ya like jazz? I bet you do
    >I bet the jungle rhythms appeal to your primitive urges
    >take me to see some jazz
    it was uncalled for

  3. 4 weeks ago

    I never had a dream and life disappointed me anyway

    My only desire now is to be obliterated to non existence

  4. 4 weeks ago

    I pursued my dream Tom but this whole world is a scam and I don’t believe you mentioned that

    • 4 weeks ago

      Funny thing you only get popular if the slavemasters can use you. Otherwise you’re a toy.

      • 4 weeks ago

        Exactly which is why i became disillusioned in my dream of making movies

        • 4 weeks ago

          getting into the film industry is moronic. get into another actually creative field.

          • 4 weeks ago

            >another actually creative field
            Like what?

            • 4 weeks ago

              Novels or even comics. I might be on Cinemaphile but rest assured film is the least creative medium there is. Mediums that are of a sole creative voice are always better than multi-million slop. Movies are the midwit's medium.

              • 4 weeks ago

                comics are horrible. western comics are straight up dying as we speak

              • 4 weeks ago

                doesn't change the artistic validity of the medium.a re you going into creative mediums for the money and attention? frick off and don't bother then. you just couldn't hack sports or anything else and latched on to the least likely avenue to get you that attention and money you want. like a woman..

                How so? and how do you know this?
                Forgot to mention that the use of "style over substance" as if this is a talking point in itself is also talking out of your ass
                you're a projecting midwit lmfao

                >no argument
                >lmfao like it's 2014
                frick off

              • 4 weeks ago

                >gets called out
                >instantly starts coping
                You'd have to present an argument to begin with for anyone to controvert it, midwit.

              • 4 weeks ago

                >western comics
                >artistic validity

                LMAO ok now i know you're trolling

              • 4 weeks ago

                by your logic no medium has artistic validity if it's going through a rough patch commercially?

  5. 4 weeks ago

    >Someday? Someday my dream will come? One night you will wake up and discover it never happened. It's all turned around on you. It never will. Suddenly you are old. Didn't happen, and it never will, because you were never going to do it anyway. You'll push it into memory and then zone out in your gamer chair, being hypnotized by Cinemaphile shitposts for the rest of your life. All it ever took was closing the tab and walking away from the screen. Don't talk to me about normalgayging.

  6. 4 weeks ago

    I thought it was just ok

  7. 4 weeks ago

    Jack from MacGyver is doing a good job in this movie

  8. 4 weeks ago

    Hey can one of you guys go bag a coyote and set it loose on the road right when we are about to drive pass the intersection? don't tell tom about it thanks

  9. 4 weeks ago

    >getting filtered by based Collateral

  10. 4 weeks ago

    Mann's best film is Ferrari, starring Sarah Gadon.

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