Sonic Prime realization

So I originally liked how Sonic as portrayed here. Reminded me of his 90's arrogant, reckless, and goofy self, even if he was kinda very stupid at times. It worked. But then... it
sank in for me...

>Sonic Destroys the Universe due to recklessness.

>Shadow then beats the snot of him for doing that. Perfectly fine. But then Shadow proceeds to help him and even show genuine care for him.

>So why does Shadow land some hits on Sonic before the prism breaks in episode one?

Theory: Sonic had just did another really stupid thing before his major frick up and Shadow was getting tired of his shit. There is no context but with how Shadow was written in this show as a whole, I'm inclined that there was a good reason for their first fight.

>When the universe shatters, and when Sonic realizes what he has done, he is devastated, and becomes desperate, and commits acts out of desperation. This is normal. Only to an extent...

>Sonic doesn't care about Nine or any of the other alternate versions of the people of the alternate versions of Mobius.

Let me explain...

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  1. 3 months ago

    It starts with Nine. Even before Sonic realized that he had actually fricked up the Universe and it was a much more complicated matter than just simply hopping into a portal back home he doesn't have much interest in really knowing or trying to be a real friend to Nine, which is a suffering, alternate version of Tails who was always alone and never had anyone who had his back. At the very least, Sonic should've tried to connect more with Nine, and try to be the Sonic that was never there around him. But he doesn't do that. Sure, he just wants to go home, but it's just so weird how he isn't feeling bad about how this version of Tails grew up. He instead just gets buddy-buddy with him so that he can get help with his goals. Everything he says to Nine just feels like a product of a facade to use him to an end. In the end, Sonic only sees him as a version of Tails who went to Hot Topic and will do (or should do) his bidding.

    When it comes down to prism being needed to restore the Mobius Prime, Sonic doesn't think for a second what would have happened to the other worlds and everyone in them if he put the prism back together, even though it was well established the new worlds were a result of the prism shattering...

    • 3 months ago

      And throughout his journeys in the other worlds, he does the same thing again, and charms everyone into allying with him, to get the prism shards, and he isn't fully transparent (at least initially) with what he planned to do with them. And if charming wasn't enough, he helped them with some problems. But this is means to an end as Sonic still does not care about these worlds and does not think about what will happen to them when it comes to his end goal. He specifically says over and over that his priority is only Green Hill.

      At the end, when it comes down to him versus Nine, Sonic doesn't bother to really listen to Nine's story and WHY he wants to Grim as his home. He doesn't bother to try to understand Nine's intentions and why he is the way he is. Nine is alone, hurt, and messed up because of how he grew up and never had anyone to be with him. It's why he simply just makes Robots to be his friends the Grim, because he doesn't even know what a true friendship is like. He simply creates robots who will only do his bidding. A byproduct of his upbringing and possibly how how was treated in earlier parts of life. And it mirrors how Sonic has been treating him too.

      Sonic tries to charm Nine again into seeing things his way by saying shit like "Nine I'm your friend, you don't need to do this, we can bring back Green Hill blah blah" like why the frick is he talking like Nine comes from there? He just acts like Nine is just a piece of Tails and nothing more. He doesn't bother to offer to talk things over for a solution that doesn't just help both of them, but for everyone else too. Nine is mad scientist who figure out the prism and the shatter space continued to exist after the finale anyway so who's to say it couldn't be done?

      • 3 months ago

        When sweet-talking doesn't work, Sonic starts to strongarm him into giving the shards back. And then he gets the entire multiverse on his side. Of course Nine is gonna react the way he did. Remember how he has grown up, and take into consideration that this blue hedgehog who claimed to be his friend, is now against him and then rallies the entire multiverse. against him.

        Sonic literally also sees his allies as a means to an end. He doesn't even fully inform them of his intentions until much later on, other than "Nine bad". True, Nine took things too far and endangered all existence but we can at least understand where he is coming from. And he still, once again, only has Green Hill on his mind. There was no talk about what would happen to the other worlds until the very end of the show, where it seems like the other worlds would at least still exist.

        But when he goes back, he is sent back in time to before the original catastrophe happens (Hah, Genesys wave reference) and therefore... everything he did in the Shatterspace didn't happen. He didn't get to help anyone with any of their problems. Not that he really seem to care about those worlds and their problems. But wait, he really didn't. You know why? He doesn't come to this realization at all or doesn't bother to ponder about what happened to the others. Just back to him relaxing on the beach like nothing happened. Frick everyone else. That's how little he cares...

        • 3 months ago

          [Final Points]

          Sonic not taking other worlds and people into consideration out of sheer desperation and a frick ton of guilt would've been fine at first but at some point it should've been thrown at him that this wasn't all about him and his own world, and that he needed to treat the other worlds and other versions of his friends as their OWN PEOPLE. Not just carbon copy reskins of his friends that should follow his lead without question. Again, Nine is a super smart scientist for crying out loud, just like Tails. Sonic and him could've worked something out that would have guaranteed that everyone got what they wanted. Well, everyone except for the Eggmen that is. But no, it was only Sonic's way or the highway, never mind the rights of uncountable people from the different shatterspaces.

          I hate this version of Sonic and how manipulative, unthoughtful, and selfish he is. This even trumps Sonic's worst moments in fricking Archie. At least there, Sonic would admit his fricking mistakes and wouldn't doom an entire multiverse because of his own desires. I don't get how nobody is talking about this. It's just appalling. How did this get greenlit? This show was a crash course on how to be professional manipulator while making everyone believe that you are the hero.

          /co/, discuss.

          • 3 months ago

            From Sonic's point of view, none of those worlds were worth it, because all those worlds had a terrible mistake, they didn't have a Sonic and we all know that without a Sonic the world will eventually be destroyed, Sonic just wanted to save them the suffering and kill them quickly and painlessly.

            • 3 months ago

              Then that’s just Sonic’s ego being cranked to a level that goes beyond the worst of Archie Sonic’s ego and makes this all way worse. Someone should slap Prime Sonic for *this*!

              I doubt that he thought it this way though. Even if he did, he didn’t even get to kill them quickly and painlessly, they are left to suffer in the end and not a single thought is given. Though I’d imagine that not all of the worlds would remain hopelessly lost. If any of them managed to remember what happened then they would definitely be pissed the frick off. Would make for an interesting plot line.

              Why was Prime Shadow the stern voice of reason while IDW Shadow is depicted as a moron for being pragmatic and gets shit on constantly?

              Because for some reason, in projects that don’t have much care/oversight in them, that’s where Shadow continues to shine post SA2. Archie, 06, and now Prime are *prime* examples.

              • 3 months ago

                Dude, all the universes were garbage before Sonic arrived and they would surely go back to being garbage when he left.

                The only way to solve it was to unite all the universes or for all the universes to kill each other to see who would get Sonic.

              • 3 months ago

                So that makes disregarding these worlds and its people perfectly okay? Fine, so maybe simply not helping them is more understandable but seeing it as a “mercy kill” because is something that so out of character that even the worst version of Archie Sonic would beat the shit out of him. And normal Sonic from Fleetway would at least give him a what the frick stare. That’s how grossly out of character this is. And keep in mind, all of these people from these worlds helped him and put their existences on the line. And what do they get in return in the end? Nothing. Not even a thought. This version of Sonic completely tops all other jerk versions of himself and all other jerk moments.

                Sonic fandom consistently making the most autistic thread on Cinemaphile

                Yes I’m autistic, guilty as charged.

  2. 3 months ago

    I'm not reading all that, and the only good thing about Prime is that they finally wrote Shadow right for the first time in almost two decades. They missed Rusty Rose being in a relationship with Metal Sonic, they missed the Rouge booba, and they included Big for some moronic (no pun intended) reason.

    • 3 months ago

      Also, fine, I'm tarding out with all these paragraphs but how has no one else picked this apart yet? I'm a tard but there's way bigger tards that love Sonic stuff. I would've expected at least a video essay or tumblr post or something. This turns this mid show into a very interesting case of a hero actually being a manipulative butthole.

  3. 3 months ago

    I wouldn't call Prime Sonic manipulative. He was fairly open about the fact that he just wanted Green Hill back. I don't think he tried to hide that fact or trick the other characters into helping him out.
    I don't mind him being selfish and unthoughtful, either. I think it's in-character enough for him to have these kinds of flaws.
    However, he was oddly dumb and oblivious. He didn't seem to get that the duplicates of his friends were not exact copies of his friends, and they might have goals that did not match with his goals. Since his goal was to undo the accident that created their worlds, it would've been important for him to think about the full implications of what he was doing.

    • 3 months ago

      >However, he was oddly dumb and oblivious.
      Yeah in Sonic X he seemed more like Bugs Bunny type character with some suaveness in him. In Sonic Prime & the live action movie Prime is copying from he seems like Bart Simpson, really stupid.

    • 3 months ago

      >I don't mind him being selfish and unthoughtful, either. I think it's in-character enough for him to have these kinds of flaws.
      However, he was oddly dumb and oblivious. He didn't seem to get that the duplicates of his friends were not exact copies of his friends, and they might have goals that did not match with his goals. Since his goal was to undo the accident that created their worlds, it would've been important for him to think about the full implications of what he was doing.

      Yes, I agree, this is why I more or less stated. Except the problem is, he never gets to realize this and realize that these are all different people with their own lives that also matter, and that his world isn’t the only one that matters. With his mistake, he created these worlds, and perhaps only by just simply not thinking about it, he more or less marches towards forsaking them and eventually he does due to the time rewind. Sonic here is very unthoughtful to an incredibly stupid degree which leads to endless trillions being affected. It comes off so weird because not once is made to stop and think about ANYTHING that he is doing.

      At the very least, he felt very manipulative and backhanded towards Nine in their interactions. He only saw Nine as just simply another Tails, treated him like one, then got surprised when he didn’t comply. Again, he didn’t even bother to realize that this was a truly different person who had a fricked up life, and didn’t bother to try to really get to know him. Maybe he didn’t fully mean to be manipulative. But through his idea of Nine simply just being a piece of Tails, he made his expectations, and expected Nine to just go along with it.

      This show takes good character flaws from Sonic, and cranks it up to 11. Like I can sort of understand Shadow not really caring about the other worlds but at some point this blue idiot should’ve come to terms with what he was playing with here.

  4. 3 months ago

    Why was Shadow literally right about everything?

    • 3 months ago

      Because prime sonic is written like a moronic child who can’t pick up on stuff normal sonic would

  5. 3 months ago
  6. 3 months ago

    Why was Prime Shadow the stern voice of reason while IDW Shadow is depicted as a moron for being pragmatic and gets shit on constantly?

    • 3 months ago

      I’ll explain further from last night. Shadow from Prime isn’t an egotistical douchebag, and only fights when given a good reason. And is capable of showing genuine care and loyalty.

      IDW Shadow is that same stupid Vegeta Shadow who is an egotistical douchebag, and sees others as beneath him. And his ego gets him fricked over.

    • 3 months ago

      theory that makes the most sense to me is sega is not that uptight about shadow as idw stuff makes it out to be but both ian and stanley write him way too soft and overemotional and they go to much in other direction when sega makes them correct that
      one exaple would be when shadow wanted to kill tinker ian complained he had to cut out majority of shadows dialoge, nevermind the fact shadow was never talktive in the games
      if you read archie or evan's webcomic shadow was way softer than he was in games, hell rouge could be more cruel than him in pre-reboot archie

  7. 3 months ago

    I ain't reading all of that. Post Rouge the bat instead

    • 3 months ago


  8. 3 months ago

    To me it feels like one giant shame parade for the needlemouse

    • 3 months ago

      A shame parade that got turned into a hero’s one, unfortunately.

  9. 3 months ago

    Sonic fandom consistently making the most autistic thread on Cinemaphile

    • 3 months ago

      I keep thinking this is Elias

      • 3 months ago

        It’s the hair

    • 3 months ago

      That goes to steven universe and power level gays.

      • 3 months ago

        And possible /dbz/ anons

  10. 3 months ago

    I thought the series was boring.

    • 3 months ago

      It’s still boring but my mind is now kinda blown with how Sonic acts in this show. At best, he is grossly and unforgivably incompetent. At worst, he is a sociopathic manipulator.

    • 3 months ago

      It had a lot of really good ideas but was painfully underdeveloped. most of the characters have a single idea they just keep repeating. everyone is immediately dismissive of everyone else's plans for flat tension, and they kept doing build up scene to dramatic reveals without remember to have an actual twist come with it.

      • 3 months ago

        It was so underdeveloped that the fricked up world with Robotropo- I mean… New Yolk City was the most interesting world.

  11. 3 months ago

    >06 and Prime gives us the best versions of Shadow after years of edgy mischaracterization
    >both stories are completely pointless and retcon themselves by the end
    Is Shadow cursed or something?

    • 3 months ago

      Don’t forget Archie too. I guess he really is cursed.

    • 3 months ago

      Shadow is only ever good when he exits stage left at the end. Retcon endings replicate this effect without impacting the franchise.

  12. 3 months ago

    It was basically the ps5 ratchet and clank game but with sonic characters and entire worlds populated by like 5 people each
    But hey Nine was hot as frick, I'd tie him down for a bit of correction

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