Sorry Quasimodo I don't won't to frick an ugly deformed human like yourself maybe if you had a normal back and was a little taller I might gi...

Sorry Quasimodo I don't won't to frick an ugly deformed human like yourself maybe if you had a normal back and was a little taller I might give you the time of day. Anyhow I have found a blonde chad knight with superior genes whos gonna breed and start a family with me, you can watch in a closet if you want to though

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  1. 2 months ago

    I still have never seen this one

    • 2 months ago

      why not

    • 2 months ago

      Bells of Notre Dame and Hellfire are fricking banger musical numbers. Rest of the movie is pretty meh (as in "pretty" and "meh")

      Women don't like you because you are moronic anon, not because you are ugly

      Why not both

      • 2 months ago

        Hellfire IMHO is overrated. It's not bad, but the sheer disconnect of a dramatic disney song about an old priest singing about how his dick is turning into a fricking jackhammer because of a tight, teenage gypsy and begging god and Mary to stop letting him get horny over her is hard to overstate.

        • 2 months ago

          >it's bad because it's in a Disney movie
          Anon... I don't even need to insult you, that's how bad this post is.

          • 2 months ago

            I'm a little sleep deprived but even with that it's painfully clear that isn't what was being said on account of
            >It's not bad,

  2. 2 months ago

    She and Quasimodo were just friendly with each other. There was no flirty banter that she likes in a relationship, which she did get from Pheobus. Quasimodo latched onto her and believed that friendliness was romantic love because he didn't have much experience with relationships with women, which isn't his fault, it's Frollo's.

    • 2 months ago

      She fell for Phoebus purely because of his looks, not a aingle thing about “flirty banter”. The book couldn’t be any more clear about this, she is a shallow prostitute and quasi is ugly

      • 2 months ago

        Women don't like you because you are moronic anon, not because you are ugly

      • 2 months ago

        This discussion is based on the Disney movie, not the book. The book would be a Cinemaphile discussion and is already pretty different from the movie.

    • 2 months ago

      >Quasimodo latched onto her and believed that friendliness was romantic love because he didn't have much experience with relationships with women
      that IS romantic love
      being nice + good looks
      what else do you want? Do you want your future partner to not be nice?

      • 2 months ago

        It isn't romantic love, but it can and often is a part of it. But it's also friendship. What people find attractive is relative and often depends on individual's personality. Quasimodo was attracted to Esmeralda's motherly side due to his own lack of a mother figure in his life. Esmeralda liked the side of Pheobus that could push back against her own sassiness in a way that made them feel like equals. They had better natural chemistry, while Quasimodo and Esmeralda were more onesided in that respect. Quasimodo needs to find someone who he has two way chemistry with. He prefers a kind and motherly presence in a partner, and he provides a sensitive gentle soul. So he needs to find a woman who has that motherly side to her and craves a more artistic gentle individual like him.

        • 2 months ago

          >It isn't romantic love, but it can and often is a part of it. But it's also friendship.
          guy and female friendship can only exist if one of them is not attractive to the other, otherwise it will lead to romantic attraction. Romantic feelings are really really really not that complicated "I like them plus they look hot" is all it takes. Whether they are compatible to each other is another thing, but couples only find that out after a few dates.(unless it is something as obvious as "I hate dogs/I love dogs, I have three")
          Quasi is in love with Esma because she triggers both requirements, but to Esma Quasi is only one of the two.

        • 2 months ago

          No, Esmerelda liked Phoebus after barely knowing him for 15 seconds because he was pretty.
          God I fricking hate you moralising condescending morons. There was no deep love of his personality or “chemistry” that won Esmerelda over, it’s that Phoebus was pretty and she’s a shallow prostitute, based on a book where she is also a shallow prostitute

          • 2 months ago

            You sound bent out of shape anon, how many girls denied you sex

          • 2 months ago

            >if she doesn't want to frick a deformed moron she's a shallow prostitute
            You seem to take this very personally

            Hellfire IMHO is overrated. It's not bad, but the sheer disconnect of a dramatic disney song about an old priest singing about how his dick is turning into a fricking jackhammer because of a tight, teenage gypsy and begging god and Mary to stop letting him get horny over her is hard to overstate.

            Lust is a perfectly good subject matter for a dramatic song, especially in a religious context

            • 2 months ago

              Right I got cut off and posted early, but what I was trying to say the song's not bad and it's not that the subject is bad, just that I think a huge part of why it secured its original reputation and continued from there was from the sheer fricking shock of "Disney did a song about what?" that kind of memed it from being like a B+ to maybe A kinda song to just being endlessly gushed about as the best thing Disney ever. did

  3. 2 months ago

    I mean, he is ugly. Can you blame her?

  4. 2 months ago

    The gargoyles are the worst part of this movie, its clear they just wanted to ape the 4th wall breaks of Alladin.

    • 2 months ago

      It's better if you think of them as hallucinations that Quasimodo made up to entertain himself because he was lonely and had nobody else but Frollo to speak to.

      • 2 months ago

        That was the director's justification, but the reason they were in the movie was for commercial interests. Something to fulfill the "funny mascot" niche of marketing.

        It's a shame, because had Disney not made so many compromises for the kids, the film could have been a masterpiece, and the first animated musical for mature audiences they had ever made. It's not an impossible task to make a mature animated musical, Prince of Egypt was like that. (Yes, it's a family film, but it doesn't feel compromised in tone the same way Hunchback was, despite the source material.) From what I've heard the stage musical was closer to the book, and probably what the movie should have been like in the first place.

  5. 2 months ago

    In the modern year he could just lift and goblinmaxx then find some freaky hoe on social media thats into that.

  6. 2 months ago

    People were so upset by this that they made a direct-to-video sequel where he gets a girlfriend.

    • 2 months ago

      Not just any girlfriend, Jennifer Love Hewitt who is technically in league with the inferior villain of the sequel

  7. 2 months ago

    The best part of this movie was Frollo was right about the gypises. They were thieves and con artists. Esma just had a nice rack and face.

  8. 2 months ago

    there is nothing wrong with not falling for a guy you aren't attracted to

  9. 2 months ago

    >you can watch in a closet if you want to though
    Funny but she is nicer than 99% of real women.

    • 2 months ago

      She’s only performatively nice on the outside. She could never bring herself to actually love someone ugly.

      • 2 months ago

        No woman can unless they have a fetish for them. The issue is they pretend they can while shit on men for liking attractive women.

  10. 2 months ago

    All animals spurn the ugly, defective, the meek, the lame when it comes to breeding. Humans are the only animals that begrudgingly attempt to diverge from this, however its only an exception with money or power. Harvey Weinstein is a troglodyte but hes rich and powerful so he can frick whatever he wants. Quasi might be nice but he works for nothing, ringing bells in an old church and has gypsy origin. If you're ugly outwardly you are dealt a raw, unfortunate hand but nature itself has spurned you.

    • 2 months ago

      Ok. But in that case if they refuse to spurn their baser instincts and love Quasi anyway, then Frollo is right and always was right that noone can love Quasi but him.

      • 2 months ago

        There is not a single lifeform on the planet that exists now or has existed that will ever willingly copulate with their undesirables. If a Tyrannosaurus is born week with a limb hes not lasting long and will be devoured by a predator. Chimps kill the weak and undesirables, lions chase off the gangly, pathetic males who die alone and so on. Nature does not like weak, ugly, stupid, pitiful things. It doesn't. God himself doesn't.

        • 2 months ago

          Quasi is far stronger than the average man though. He’s only spurned because he doesn’t match the cultural standard of beauty, not because he’s diseased.

          • 2 months ago

            >He’s only spurned because he doesn’t match the cultural standard of beauty, not because he’s diseased.
            Deformities almost always come with a ton of health complications, tho. Deformed people don't usually live very long. (Plus he was mentally disabled int the books too.)

    • 2 months ago

      >All animals
      We're not animals, moron. We're above those lower life-forms. We are better than them. Comparing their inferior habits to ours is an insult. They exist to be pets or eaten by us.

  11. 2 months ago

    Honestly a pretty good deal all things considered.

  12. 2 months ago

    As an ugly man I appreciate this for being a mature and realistic ending over a intentionally Disneyfied "I LOVE YOU DESPITE BEING UGLY BECAUSE EVERYONE LOVES BELOW THE SURFACE!!!" If I had only watched Notre Dame as a child and not Wall-E I might have been more of a realist who could accept the fact that I will never find love instead of crying myself to sleep every night because Wall E was such a good movie it tricked me into thinking a filthy ugly trash urchin like me could ever find an Eve.

    • 2 months ago

      Wall-E was never ugly like Quasi, he's unconventionally attractive, like how ugly models are or people like Adam Driver. He's also older than Eve and makes her laugh and that's all he needed to win her over

      • 2 months ago

        Oh sorry I'm not a robot or robot fricker, I can't read robot faces as well, child me certainly couldn't. Point being we needed more realistic messages about the ugly good hearted guy not getting the girl.

  13. 2 months ago

    He gets a cuter GF anyways.

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