Space Warrior Baldios

A now mostly forgotten avant-garde work, or just some depressive mess?
One thing to be sure, the OST is still a masterpiece. Which one is your favorite?


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  1. 9 months ago

    Also opinion on Baldios design?

    • 9 months ago

      i know that some episodes got partly animated and some got storyboarded. i hope those get released one day

      very toyetic, but slighlty too busy

      >Gattler melts the polar ice caps. The Blue Fixer team have to sit and watch as Earth flooded and billions die. The End
      Extended ending:
      >Earth is revealed to be S1 in the past. Humanity is trapped in an endless time loop where the planet will always be irradiated beyond repair and Marin and Gattler will always go back in time. A majority of the secondary cast are killed before the show just stops.
      >Gattler nukes the earth and turns it into a barren wasteland. Tsukikage dies in a suicide attack. Gattler is shot by Aphrodia who then shoots herself. She slowly dies in Marin’s arms without telling him her feelings as the two return to the destroyed earth
      Intended TV ending:
      >Aphrodia is killed protecting the Blue Fixer base (again without telling Marin her feelings). Raita dies trying to disarm a nuke but Gattler just launches some more anyway meaning his death was completely in vain. Gattler heads off to places unknown and is revealed to have taken control of the earth in the even further past and become an emperor. Marin heads to Earth, wounded and hallucinates all those who have perished before its implied he dies himself.


      there was one character from earth that loooked suspiciously similar to gattler... maybe his intended ancestor?

      • 9 months ago

        >there was one character from earth that loooked suspiciously similar to gattler
        You mean Gaius Julius Caesar? Gattler is just a pormanteau of Gaius and Hitler.

    • 9 months ago

      A lot better than the original concept and its fanged crotch.

    • 9 months ago

      It's like Gundam + Daitarn 3 + Zambot 3
      I like it, but I hate that black mustache line on the face

    • 9 months ago

      I'm always amazed at the brazen Gundam face.

      I think where the design shines is clearly they came up with a cool way to make two different vehicles become identical legs (or the other way around) and focused on that as the main gimmick.

      • 9 months ago

        This guy also looked at the old CM's Corporation Brave Gokin and the Moderoid if you want to see how modern designers attempted to give Baldios some articulation while remaining true to the gattai sequence.

      • 9 months ago

        GoShogun had one too

        • 9 months ago

          Goshogun has the mouth vents but the rest of the face is more of a generic Samurai motif. Baldios manages to have the vents, the chin, and an inexplicable set of antenna below the main head crest. Plus the chest design is reminiscent of the Earth Federation's crest.

    • 9 months ago

      I love it, gives me a real Samurai feel.

  2. 9 months ago

    >show has to be canceled early on
    >staff decide to kill fricking everyone

    released during the same year as Ideon too

    • 9 months ago

      Well I’m the later released episodes this isn’t the case but in what they originally had planned the villain just outright wins, the main character encounters a statue of him and just walks off or flys off to parts unknown I still love that idea from another thread where the final MOTW is just a heavily modified baldios from the future, the main characters are clueless about it and never find out but to the viewer it’s obvious

    • 9 months ago
      Kuro Hazama

      The show was cancelled yes, but the staff never intended it to end like that, Its a long story but basically somebody came up with a story arc and that was the beginning, they were just forced to end the broadcast there even though they had a couple more completed episodes

      >Gattler melts the polar ice caps. The Blue Fixer team have to sit and watch as Earth flooded and billions die. The End
      Extended ending:
      >Earth is revealed to be S1 in the past. Humanity is trapped in an endless time loop where the planet will always be irradiated beyond repair and Marin and Gattler will always go back in time. A majority of the secondary cast are killed before the show just stops.
      >Gattler nukes the earth and turns it into a barren wasteland. Tsukikage dies in a suicide attack. Gattler is shot by Aphrodia who then shoots herself. She slowly dies in Marin’s arms without telling him her feelings as the two return to the destroyed earth
      Intended TV ending:
      >Aphrodia is killed protecting the Blue Fixer base (again without telling Marin her feelings). Raita dies trying to disarm a nuke but Gattler just launches some more anyway meaning his death was completely in vain. Gattler heads off to places unknown and is revealed to have taken control of the earth in the even further past and become an emperor. Marin heads to Earth, wounded and hallucinates all those who have perished before its implied he dies himself.


      thats kind of incorrect, Aphrodia was gonna die because Blacks kills her in her rescue after escaping the base, she though gattler wouldnt get her killed her for some reason, depending on the script or storyboards drafts either she dies after telling Marin on the beach that she forgives him or the she will never forgive him, Gattler generally ends up the same as the movie and the end is just Marin wandering the earth instead of getting into the shelters because he rejects the tragic loop they are all in

      i know that some episodes got partly animated and some got storyboarded. i hope those get released one day

      very toyetic, but slighlty too busy
      there was one character from earth that loooked suspiciously similar to gattler... maybe his intended ancestor?

      None were ever animated, only written and some had storyboard drafts made, there are both stills from cells and some colour storyboards but those were all fake ones made after the fact by the staff to show to the fans after cancellation, perhaps hoping they would campaign for the episodes to be made ala ideon, which it kind of did, even though they couldnt fit the 5 unmade episodes, the movie largely is just a finalized version of some of those episodes which had just drafts and were in a flux of changes from script to storyboards, the only real change was instead of killing Aphrodia in the beach they literally handwaved it with an impossible explosion just so she can be in the last confrontation and last scene

      The real pity I think is that they never tried making the episodes about the last battle in space and the one where Raita dies.

    • 9 months ago

      They always intended on that ending. It was written by the same writer as Minky Momo which ended with her getting run over by a truck, and even that was toned down from the original ending he planned which was for the US and USSR to go into a full out nuclear war wiping out mankind.

      I'm not even kidding, source interview:

      • 9 months ago

        Also same writer as the Pokémon original seasons, by the way,

      • 9 months ago
        Kuro Hazama

        This isnt really accurate at all.

        Takashi Shudo wasnt THE writer on the show, he was a guest writer but he arguably made the best episodes, including the David episode, Shudo, explained that the whole thing with the tidal wave was because npbody on the creative team cared about the plothole about how S1 and the earth werent inmediately acknowledged as being the same planet, Shudo was writing Hajimete manga monogatari at the time, a show with a big aim at children, so he disliked the notion of Baldios irresponsibly ignoring scientific logic at that level so he pitched them on the spot the WHOLE idea of making two planets disappear and for a big catastrophe to happen on earth, he wrote all those episodes and the episode where the planet is two planets are destroyed and the one where Raita dies.

        He never expected the show to say the end on that episode(32), he explicitly said it, that was the first part of a multi episode arc.

        Akiyoshi Sakai was the main writer, and not only he had pretty bad episodes, he couldnt solve the main twist of his own show by himself, and at the time they made the movie of course they just did the episodes he wrote that were never made and we never got the ones Shudo wrote. So it was never the intention for the show to end in that moment.

      • 9 months ago
        Kuro Hazama

        I wrote about this thing in a lot of detail before, so I just have a reaction to this kind of absolute hearsay
        first thats not an interview, so its not a real source considering its just a sensationalistic article. second my source aside form reading and seeing the scripts and storyboards comes from Takashi Shudo himself

        theres more columns there where he retells his opinion about that production and how he had to navigate never getting into the main writers territory with the characters, but his reaction to the end of the broadcast was of shock. It was never the intended ending without at least getting to finish Marin and Aphrodia´s story, not to mention the fact there were three more episodes completely produced and that only in one of those the plot twist gets actually revealed for the first time in the whole show.

      • 9 months ago

        That was just a sensational article, it was never intended to end that way

  3. 9 months ago

    >Gattler melts the polar ice caps. The Blue Fixer team have to sit and watch as Earth flooded and billions die. The End
    Extended ending:
    >Earth is revealed to be S1 in the past. Humanity is trapped in an endless time loop where the planet will always be irradiated beyond repair and Marin and Gattler will always go back in time. A majority of the secondary cast are killed before the show just stops.
    >Gattler nukes the earth and turns it into a barren wasteland. Tsukikage dies in a suicide attack. Gattler is shot by Aphrodia who then shoots herself. She slowly dies in Marin’s arms without telling him her feelings as the two return to the destroyed earth
    Intended TV ending:
    >Aphrodia is killed protecting the Blue Fixer base (again without telling Marin her feelings). Raita dies trying to disarm a nuke but Gattler just launches some more anyway meaning his death was completely in vain. Gattler heads off to places unknown and is revealed to have taken control of the earth in the even further past and become an emperor. Marin heads to Earth, wounded and hallucinates all those who have perished before its implied he dies himself.


    • 9 months ago

      Technically, Gattler doesn't nuke the earth but one of his associate does as he betrays him.
      He tries to cope when talking to Marin but he seems as horrified as everyone when he's alone.

      Even at the end, he stop his bravado as he says farewell to Marin.

  4. 9 months ago

    >A now mostly forgotten avant-garde work
    I wouldn't say it's forgotten, it got a blu-ray for the series and movie.

    • 9 months ago

      I got those blu rays. I already know its super dark. Don't spoil anything more. With that i'm out of itt.

  5. 9 months ago

    Where's that anon that was adapting the planned ending into a full script?

    • 9 months ago

      I assume this is the one you're looking for:

    • 9 months ago

      Hi that was me. As stupid as it sounds I got locked out of my account and forgot the password so it’s just stuck now. I actually do want to go back and rewrite it because I found a few Japanese fansites that have storyboards of the unmade episodes and very rough drafts for scripts, so if I ever get the chance I want to go back and try and adapt what was originally intended for the ending instead of doing my own thing, but we’ll see. It’s been a long while since I finished Baldios so I’ll probably have to rewatch the show to make sure all the background details are fresh in my memory, considering it’s obscure enough to not have a dedicated wiki or English language info dispensary

      • 9 months ago

        Here’s some sites that actually have episode descriptions and even mocked up screenshots.宇宙戦士バルディオス
        It’s all very different from what I and some of the other anons intended (if the guy who suggested that the destroyed Baldios from the past/future is used as the final mech is lurking here I want to say thanks because that was an awesome idea and I’ve seen other Baldios threads were people brought that up so it clearly stuck with a lot of people). I think most of the ideas we came up with were actually going to be used anyway in both the unmade scripts and the movie. Aphrodia dies though in this version Gattler straight up comes onto her before she runs away from the S1 base, there’s a massive space battle like seen in the movie though Gattler is the only one to survive the attack and retreats to an Asteroid belt, Raita dies trying to disarm a nuke but his death is ultimately pointless and Marin confronts Gattler before he fricks off to places unknown while Marin roams the earth, rejecting the cycle of Earth becoming S1. There’s even episode titles I dug up on JP Wikipedia and some fan sites
        >35: Flowers for Aphrodia Pt. 1
        >36: Flowers for Aphrodia Pt. 2
        >37: The Last Day of the Subspace Fortress
        >38: Save Tomorrow, Raita!!
        >39: Takeoff into Eternity
        I’ve got a lot of love for Baldios and it’s really nice to know that it has such a dedicated cult following, especially here. It’ll always be one of my fave /m/ shows

        • 9 months ago

          >Gattler melts the polar ice caps. The Blue Fixer team have to sit and watch as Earth flooded and billions die. The End
          Extended ending:
          >Earth is revealed to be S1 in the past. Humanity is trapped in an endless time loop where the planet will always be irradiated beyond repair and Marin and Gattler will always go back in time. A majority of the secondary cast are killed before the show just stops.
          >Gattler nukes the earth and turns it into a barren wasteland. Tsukikage dies in a suicide attack. Gattler is shot by Aphrodia who then shoots herself. She slowly dies in Marin’s arms without telling him her feelings as the two return to the destroyed earth
          Intended TV ending:
          >Aphrodia is killed protecting the Blue Fixer base (again without telling Marin her feelings). Raita dies trying to disarm a nuke but Gattler just launches some more anyway meaning his death was completely in vain. Gattler heads off to places unknown and is revealed to have taken control of the earth in the even further past and become an emperor. Marin heads to Earth, wounded and hallucinates all those who have perished before its implied he dies himself.


          Baldios: Director's Cut when??

        • 9 months ago

          >I’ve got a lot of love for Baldios and it’s really nice to know that it has such a dedicated cult following, especially here. It’ll always be one of my fave /m/ shows
          For the eng side of the fandom it is mind blowing that this series has such a cult fandom to begin with. Really happy to see it.

  6. 9 months ago

    Aphrodia or Jemmy?

    • 9 months ago

      Jemmy, by far

    • 9 months ago

      Easily Jamie

    • 9 months ago

      I don't like war crinimals

  7. 9 months ago

    The English version of the movie theme is beautiful.


  8. 9 months ago

    >not banging your hot teacher before certain death

  9. 9 months ago

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