"Spider-Man" director Jon Watts says practical swinging effects don't work

>"It doesn’t look good when someone is just swinging on a rope. You think you’re gonna go in there, you’re like, 'We’re gonna do it all practical. We’re gonna get a stuntman. We’re gonna be swinging around.' It’s boring. It looks dumb. It looks like a monkey swinging on a vine when you put someone on just a rope. Don’t waste your time."


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  1. 4 weeks ago

    Thanks, OP. Will remember it next time I do a Spider-man movie

  2. 4 weeks ago

    Absolute hack

  3. 4 weeks ago

    o rly?

    • 4 weeks ago

      That's a dummy. Really, they made a torso and head of Spider-man for her to hold on to, then shot in front of greenscreen. It's anything but real swinging, though without relying on CGI.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Her hair is blowing in the wrong direction

      • 4 weeks ago

        I bet that her hair smells nice.

    • 4 weeks ago


  4. 4 weeks ago

    >hack declares practical effects "too hard", gives up

    • 4 weeks ago

      It's not the practical effect of it, it's the human body. It would take some extreme contortioning from someone both swinging (supporting their weight while holding a line) and midair both, and done in immediate succession. You could stitch them together digitally, shots of someone doing each individually, but it would be insane to try to shoot if you even could get someone of the right shape and size and insane flexibility and skill to make the shots possible at all. Then to do it all safely, it's not worth the effort, time, money, other resources...

      • 4 weeks ago


  5. 4 weeks ago

    has he seen his own movies. the cgi is terrible.

  6. 4 weeks ago

    Sony CGI is fricking embarassing

  7. 4 weeks ago

    I mean, Sspider-Man's made up powers and webbing are literally impossible to recreate IRL.

    His physiology makes him a better acrobat and contortionist than any non-mutant/mutate. Add in superhuman refle es, superstrength, crazy enhanced speed, the Spider Sense, and maleable web fluid that's as strong as steel, ya throw CG at it.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Did you know that they didn't get a real acid-spitting, chest-bursting xenomorph for Alien? It's all fake.

  8. 4 weeks ago

    You could probably figure something out

  9. 4 weeks ago

    More like
    >it's easier and cheaper to film movies in a green screened room and underpay a bunch of Indians to put special effects together than to actually put thought and effort into using practical effects. This way we can blow all the money we saved on drug parties and underage dicky.

    I hate Hollywood so much.

  10. 4 weeks ago

    His movies were soulless schlock and he's a ultimate studio journeyman director, but he is right about the web slinging. Raimi came to the same conclusion, they did with with CGI. Marc Webb made a big deal out of doing more practical web slinging in The Amazing Spider-Man and they shot bunch of stuff practically, but ultimately almost none of that ended in the film because it just didn't look fast and nimble enough.

  11. 4 weeks ago

    Someone post that embarrassing shot of a shitty CGI model jumping from the car. Because that doesn't look dumb AT ALL.

  12. 4 weeks ago

    Does anyone remember that weird Spider-Man musical in which a bunch of people got seriously injured doing stunts?

  13. 4 weeks ago

    why don't they just use their robot

  14. 4 weeks ago

    Spider-Man is THE WORST superhero

  15. 4 weeks ago

    >It’s boring. It looks dumb. It looks like a monkey swinging on a vine when you put someone on just a rope
    that's why you use animatronic dummies which can be safely launched at high speeds

    like disney themselves use in the parks

    • 4 weeks ago

      damn that's actually pretty cool

  16. 4 weeks ago

    his movie is boring and looks dumb so he should stick to that aesthetic

  17. 4 weeks ago

    Ironic. His movies have zero memorable swinging scenes. This dude is the vanilla ice cream of directors, couldn’t make an interesting shot without marvels approval.

  18. 4 weeks ago

    Adding some spring rigging to the top of that rope would go a long way towards the stunt men/acrobats being able to make that drop out and pull up motion look pretty fricking natural.

  19. 4 weeks ago

    why did he try to make web swinging practical instead of normal things? is he stupid?

    • 4 weeks ago

      the unefited shot at :01 looks like an actual comic spiderman

  20. 4 weeks ago

    yeah it is hard to translate the actual speed of spider-man swinging he is not just swinging from a rope it is a high tensioned wire that he is flinging himself through with his increased strength on top of doing acrobatics and as much as some people want practical effects there are limits to what you can and can't do espcially within a budget and safety

  21. 4 weeks ago

    What about when he's standing still or walking they still fricking cgi over Holland even when he's not wearing a mocap suit lmao

  22. 4 weeks ago

    Eh, Raimi used cgi for the swinging a lot of the time, too. Difference is the cinematography, really. With Raimi it looked stylish and kinetic and no other director has been able to mimick it

  23. 4 weeks ago
    • 4 weeks ago

      Pretty cool

    • 4 weeks ago


  24. 4 weeks ago

    Still the best.


    • 4 weeks ago

      none of this is practical

      this is practical and well done.

    • 4 weeks ago

      >looks like absolute shit

      • 4 weeks ago

        have a nice day

        • 4 weeks ago

          no u

  25. 4 weeks ago

    Making everything in CGI is fricking pointless, at that point you might as well be playing a computer game.

  26. 4 weeks ago

    >"Don't use real sets or props. It's boring. It looks dumb. Don't waste your time"

    • 4 weeks ago

      This can't be real. It's like those edits where they put a bunch of morphsuit dudes in practical effects shots, right?

      • 4 weeks ago

        It would be too much work to decide what gun he should be holding or where he should be sitting before shooting.

        • 4 weeks ago

          Absolutely insane. How can they even make movies this way?

          • 4 weeks ago

            The story and script are often the last things to be completed before the real magic happens in the editing room.

  27. 4 weeks ago

    >It doesn’t look good when someone is just swinging on a rope.
    This homie never seen a troony gif before.

  28. 4 weeks ago

    They always get the physics spot on with CGI. It must be handled by huge computers simulating real world gravity and weights and everything. Nothing to worry about. Always looks flawless.
    Unless it's some jeet in his mothers basement doing it for a fiver.

  29. 4 weeks ago

    For web swinging he's not wrong. Spiderman's web stretches in a way that would be dangerous to swing on. Furthermore Spiderman himself has superhuman agility to do flips and even just hold himself in a non natural pose. Add in the fact he swings hundreds of times in a movie and it's just not viable to do it practically. Practical effects should be saved for things like a character walking around and talking with their suit on instead of just green screening it on.

  30. 4 weeks ago

    It's always made me wonder how James Cameron intended to make his Spider-Man movie in the 90s.
    Part of me thinks the entire Harrier sequence at the end of True Lies was a proof of concept to see if he could do aerial combat around skyscrapers.

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