Spider sense

So I was reading Punisher Confederacy of Dunces, a Garth Ennis multi issue story

Daredevil, Wolverine and Spider-Man are trying to take the Punisher in alive to lock him in jail. He is obviously opposed but doesn’t want to kill them because he doesn’t kill superheroes or innocents

He gives them the slip earlier with just some trickery and losing them in a public place where they can’t afford to risk the damage. But he sets up this plan to take them down

While someone storytimed this a few days ago, some people felt Spider-Man’s spider sense was out of character to justify this. I wasn’t sure. Wanted to see what you guys thought. Read this fight section and let me know if it works or Ennis is just jerking off the punisher while mocking the heroes completely.

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  1. 3 months ago

    Wolverine ironically feels like he should be the easiest to take out for punisher specifically because he never needs to worry about accidentally killing him. Also wolverine is technically just trying to arrest Frank, not kill him so he should hold back

    • 3 months ago
      • 3 months ago

        But this is what I’m saying

        It was Ennis' hate-boner for capes, especially in regards to the landmine "booby-trap" he set up for Spider-Man

        its a garth ennis story
        super hero clumsy and moronic and punisher smart and strong 🙂

        The bombs are fake. So surely Spider-Man’s spider sense wouldn’t go off? They don’t go off for fake plastic knives do they?

        • 3 months ago

          it doesnt matter what spider-mans spider sense should do in this story because garth ennis doesnt care

        • 3 months ago

          I like how easily Daredevil takes him down. Frank knows if Spider-Man or Daredevil actually got into a fist fight with him he is fricked

          Earlier DD throat punched wolverine and took him down in like a second

          • 3 months ago

            it doesnt matter what spider-mans spider sense should do in this story because garth ennis doesnt care

            Right. If you don’t understand the question then it’s fine. No need to post

            Would Spider-Man’s spider sense go off for fake attacks? Prop weapons?

            If you can’t think about that specific question and just wanna cry about Ennis then there’s plenty other places to do it

            • 3 months ago
              • 3 months ago

                Ennis forgets superheroes have super-powers half the time, but yes, in this situation, his spider sense shouldn't and didn't go off, and Spider-Man's usually clever enough to call out an opponent's bluff in a situation like that, but again, Garth Ennis story, so capes all have to be utterly incompetent.

                Thanks. This is what I was wondering.

                If Spider-Man’s spidersense DIDN’T go off. (Which it looks like it didn’t. The usual spidersense graphic indication is lines or bolts all around his head. Not just in his eyes showing he’s looking at something)

                Then wouldn’t Peter also realise he’s not actually in danger? It’s not like they make landmines that fool spidersense

                Or would he second guess himself because he is dealing with a mass murderer, can see what looks like land mines and wouldn’t risk it?

              • 3 months ago

                I like how they had Frank see DD as the most dangerous one to him. Wonder why he saw Spider-Man as comparatively less of a threat.

                I guess because he knows DD can hear him no matter where he goes and knows what he’s doing, and doesn’t mind doing shit like paralysing Frank if it came to it, whereas Spidey is much nicer

              • 3 months ago
              • 3 months ago

                Ironically I think him knowing Daredevil won’t just let him fall is how he beats him. He doesn’t just grab on to daredevil. DD tries to stop him outright falling off the multi story building

              • 3 months ago
              • 3 months ago

                Problem is it's really fuzzy on exactly what sets off the spider sense or not, and exactly what the frick those things are. Are they real explosives without the shrapnel? Are they not armed or wired properly? Is it reall, but he's bluffing?

                Some dude who REALLY wants to kill spiderman, but has a fake sword? Can you bluff the spider sense by showing killing intent?

                >Then wouldn’t Peter also realise he’s not actually in danger? It’s not like they make landmines that fool spidersense
                Can they? How the frick does spider sense detect inanimate objects? I know that sometimes they talk about literally seeing the future.

                I didn't have a problem with this issue, but thinking that the spider sense got nerfed isn't a crazy read either. But if you do that, there's all sorts of times when it should fire but doesn't.

                As I understand it spidersense is like you said. Near supernatural in terms of just predicting danger from a certain direction. His other powers just allow him to react quickly as well.

                The fact he can’t get a spidersense reaction from stuff like Venom which bonded with him. Shows it’s not just heightened senses. Otherwise he’d still hear and subconsciously detect venom like other villains

                As for accuracy I feel that would be an interesting thing for a villain to do. Not sure if they played with it in a comic before, a villain having a fake bomb while also planning to actually do something to throw Spider-Man off into thinking the bomb is the threat and not the robot inside it or some shit

              • 3 months ago

                Also Wolverine heals pretty slow in this comic but I feel like the variation on how fast wolverine heals is pretty huge in general. Regardless everyone knows he can’t die.

              • 3 months ago

                >Then wouldn’t Peter also realise he’s not actually in danger? It’s not like they make landmines that fool spidersense
                Normally he would, but again, it's a writing issue. Ennis writes Punisher as King Shit of Frick Mountain and capes as dumb screw-ups, so Peter is made extra stupid here so Punisher looks better in comparison. Peter is smart enough to realize his spider sense didnt go off and put two and two together.
                As for holding back, Punisher is far from the first mass murderer Spider-Man has fought, so that wouldn't be an issue. They had enough history together at that point for Peter to know he could web Frank up before Frank could get a shot in, if he was really out for blood.

                Thanks. Yeah I think Peter not putting 2 and 2 together is the weakest part here. At this point in his career he shouldn’t be panicking enough to not think either. Let alone running off on his own when DD explicitly said to stick together

              • 3 months ago

                Also wonder if his spider sense went off to know daredevil was actually gonna kick him so he might as well move anyway lol

              • 3 months ago


              • 3 months ago

                spidey sense has been beaten before with misdirection

                peter thinks he's in danger, so he just ignores the sense warning him of danger because he already is consciously aware. if he focuses he can probably figure it out but he was in fight mode there with frank, as wolverine just got blown up with a bazooka kek. it's not out of character

              • 3 months ago

                Recall any specific comics or moments his spidersense got beaten with misdirection? Would like to read those stories

              • 3 months ago

                I can't think of the specifc comics, but Mysterio has done it LOTS of times.

              • 3 months ago

                Death of Jean DeWolff when Spider-Man and Daredevil fight.

              • 3 months ago

                Death of Jean DeWolff when Spider-Man and Daredevil fight.

                Forgot pic. It's also explicit here though that it only works because Peter is pissed off and not thinking straight

              • 3 months ago

                That wouldn't work on a clear-headed Peter, yeah. But this was written when Spider-man was treated as an adult man by Marvel. Now he's treated like a neurotic teenager.

              • 3 months ago

                >ow some dude punched my head haha that hurts almost as much as that time someone used my head to crush bricks into dust

              • 3 months ago

                What if 58. Punisher vs Spider man.

              • 3 months ago

                Forgot pic. It's also explicit here though that it only works because Peter is pissed off and not thinking straight


                Seems like other than the unexplained sci fi gas grenades from green goblin. Best way to throw off Spider-Man’s spidersense would perhaps be some kind of airborne drug that heightens his fear and/or anger. So he can’t focus as well

                Guess in a way that’s how Mysterio works since he would see shit coming his way and mentally be afraid even though his spidersense may not react

              • 3 months ago

                tony did it during civil war to create false positive scenarios to throw off peter

                it's a common way to get around precogs, is to play into their game and embrace the danger but to overload/misdirect their reliance on it, because why wouldn't you rely on that kind of clairvoyance

                it's why as others said, mysterio matches up
                great vs peter

              • 3 months ago

                Then you have pages like this. A bunch of false positives = a bunch of actual positives to the spider-sense and it's been shown that he can use his spider-sense to guide him through an avalanche of danger by taking the paths with least resistance.

                Tony and Peter were really tight though so I'm guessing he made each false positive hold the same amount of threat, locking the spider-sense in a constant loop. Really clever. Would still like to think a spider-sense trained up to the nth degree like Assassin wouldn't fall for that since he could see weeks into the future in advance.

              • 3 months ago

                Weirdly enough, the what if where the punisher killed Spider-Man did actually have him taking spider sense into account by planting a bomb into a dummy that looked like Doc Ock. So when his spider sense went off, he thought it was a super villain setting it off so the bomb would catch him off guard.

              • 3 months ago

                In Punisher Kills The Marvel Universe he sets an electrical trap that Spidey gets driven into by Venom, weakening him enough to be finished off with a gunshot. That always seemed sensible to me, with Spidey having enough trouble dealing with Venom not setting off his spidey sense and then getting confused about suddenly having it go crazy when they enter the trapped sewer, not having enough time to make Venom pause the fight.

              • 3 months ago

                That comic had plenty of other moronic deaths.

              • 3 months ago

                DD is a LOT more motivated. Spiderman is always holding back a lot more. Plus they have a rougher history.

              • 3 months ago

                >Then wouldn’t Peter also realise he’s not actually in danger? It’s not like they make landmines that fool spidersense
                Normally he would, but again, it's a writing issue. Ennis writes Punisher as King Shit of Frick Mountain and capes as dumb screw-ups, so Peter is made extra stupid here so Punisher looks better in comparison. Peter is smart enough to realize his spider sense didnt go off and put two and two together.
                As for holding back, Punisher is far from the first mass murderer Spider-Man has fought, so that wouldn't be an issue. They had enough history together at that point for Peter to know he could web Frank up before Frank could get a shot in, if he was really out for blood.

              • 3 months ago

                I would expect it to slow him down for a minute or two. He's still going to be shocked by the fact that he's (seemingly) about to be blown up the second he moves, but once that wears off he's going to wonder why he didn't get a warning before stepping on it and from there it wouldn't be long before he figures it out.

            • 3 months ago

              But this is what I’m saying[...]

              The bombs are fake. So surely Spider-Man’s spider sense wouldn’t go off? They don’t go off for fake plastic knives do they?

              Even if he had a reasonable suspicion they were fake. Would Spider-Man really wanna risks blowing up the entire building that possible has some innocent people in it?

              • 3 months ago

                No, but Spider-Man also knows Frank's methods well enough at this point to know he wouldn't risk innocent lives either.

              • 3 months ago

                Pretty sure Frank has accidentally killed innocent people at this point in the main marvel universe. Undercover cops mainly but still

              • 3 months ago

                Frank's usually portrayed as careful enough to make sure there aren't any undercover cops at the scene before he starts Franking exactly to avoid situations like that. And even then, an undercover cop getting caught in the crossfire of a massive shoot-out is a completely different beast to Frank willingly and knowlingly letting an entire building's worth of innocents hinge on whether or not Spider-Man will react the way he predicts he will.

              • 3 months ago

                No way for Frank to be 100% sure a hobo didn’t decide to sleep in the building somewhere.

        • 3 months ago

          Ennis forgets superheroes have super-powers half the time, but yes, in this situation, his spider sense shouldn't and didn't go off, and Spider-Man's usually clever enough to call out an opponent's bluff in a situation like that, but again, Garth Ennis story, so capes all have to be utterly incompetent.

          • 3 months ago

            Hasn't he used his spider-sense to identify Mysterio like a bajillion times in similar situations (i.e. surrounded by fakes)

        • 3 months ago

          Problem is it's really fuzzy on exactly what sets off the spider sense or not, and exactly what the frick those things are. Are they real explosives without the shrapnel? Are they not armed or wired properly? Is it reall, but he's bluffing?

          Some dude who REALLY wants to kill spiderman, but has a fake sword? Can you bluff the spider sense by showing killing intent?

          Thanks. This is what I was wondering.

          If Spider-Man’s spidersense DIDN’T go off. (Which it looks like it didn’t. The usual spidersense graphic indication is lines or bolts all around his head. Not just in his eyes showing he’s looking at something)

          Then wouldn’t Peter also realise he’s not actually in danger? It’s not like they make landmines that fool spidersense

          Or would he second guess himself because he is dealing with a mass murderer, can see what looks like land mines and wouldn’t risk it?

          >Then wouldn’t Peter also realise he’s not actually in danger? It’s not like they make landmines that fool spidersense
          Can they? How the frick does spider sense detect inanimate objects? I know that sometimes they talk about literally seeing the future.

          I didn't have a problem with this issue, but thinking that the spider sense got nerfed isn't a crazy read either. But if you do that, there's all sorts of times when it should fire but doesn't.

          • 3 months ago

            Both Spider-man and Daredevil seem to acknowledge they are real bombs. Just not armed in some way.

            Daredevil for sure would know if they were just boxes of scrap metal with a label on them rather than legit mines. He just said he was sure they weren’t armed to blow based on who Frank was.

        • 3 months ago

          Also Wolverine heals pretty slow in this comic but I feel like the variation on how fast wolverine heals is pretty huge in general. Regardless everyone knows he can’t die.

          Looking closer at this, my read is that his spider sense IS going off, but not nearly as much as you'd expect if he's surrounded by functioning fricking bombs.

          Also, his spider sense isn't perfect. That's well established.

          As I understand it spidersense is like you said. Near supernatural in terms of just predicting danger from a certain direction. His other powers just allow him to react quickly as well.

          The fact he can’t get a spidersense reaction from stuff like Venom which bonded with him. Shows it’s not just heightened senses. Otherwise he’d still hear and subconsciously detect venom like other villains

          As for accuracy I feel that would be an interesting thing for a villain to do. Not sure if they played with it in a comic before, a villain having a fake bomb while also planning to actually do something to throw Spider-Man off into thinking the bomb is the threat and not the robot inside it or some shit

          I think it's just a reasonable play to make the matchup work. I mean Spidey takes shots and faces real danger from people with a lot lower power level than the punisher all the time.

          • 3 months ago

            If I was Green Goblin I’d definitely try and use that spidersense to sneak attack him wirh a false threat

            • 3 months ago

              Goblin has used anti spider sense gas grenades as well.

              • 3 months ago

                What does that even mean lol. I would prefer some psychological tactic where he sends a perfectly safe robot with some dangerous shit underneath the ground he wouldn’t notice as a result or something than sci fi gas grenades that get rid of his spidersense with SCIENCE

              • 3 months ago

                It's comics. They don't have to explain SHIT. Also, some people simply do not set off the spider sense at all.

        • 3 months ago

          Spider sense work when the author need it to work.

        • 3 months ago

          Why didnt he web Frank to the wall until DD could get there?

          • 3 months ago

            Because the triggers are sensitive enough moving your body in general is a bad idea due to weight distribution changing

            It isn’t one big pedal. It’s a pedal on a very small spherical hinge. Once it’s down in a position, any movement whatsoever will set it off. Including you moving your arms up

            • 3 months ago

              if thats the case it should of blown up the room the moment he jumped in the window

      • 3 months ago

        >blew his wiener and balls off
        Damn Frank

        • 3 months ago

          Punisher knows wolverine heals everything and he can’t kill him, and also knows Wolverine is actually super dangerous up close, since Logan is a character who legit wouldn’t mind killing Frank unlike a lot of supes. so there’s been a bunch of times Frank had to cheap shot him to stay alive. Shot his face off. Shot his balls off. Enough to hurt him to he can GTFO while he’s healing and isn’t in peak performance

      • 3 months ago

        classic Ennis

      • 3 months ago

        >Wolverine going into shock and screaming help like a little b***h calling for his momma after having his lungs incinerated
        yeah, nah, that's already moronic even if you want Frank to win, way before you get to the Spider-Man stuff

        • 3 months ago

          Thats the joke because Ennis thinks Wolverine is lame and stupid, for whatever reason.

          • 3 months ago

            To be fair, a hairy smelly canadian manlet whose superpowers is "daggers pop out of my knuckles" sounds exactly edgelordy enough to be an Ennis invention, so maybe he's just angry he didn't think of it first

            • 3 months ago

              To me it's the Weapons X stuff that makes him sound like an Ennis character. If he'd gotten his hands on Wolverine instead of Punisher we would have been given a decade worth of flashback stories about Wolverine being a badass military dude doing wet ops work with a gun and his healing factor, before having his ass beaten so hard by some SAS dudes that he has to get the adamantium upgrade to get on their level.

        • 3 months ago

          Wolverine still feels pain and goes into shock dude.

          • 3 months ago

            So have him collapse and pass out from having all his internals destroyed. Or just incinerate him and show a black blob slowly healing. Don't have him screaming for help with no lungs just because you want him to look weak because it just looks stupid. If anything he should be so used to getting blown up at this point that he'd just grunt and wave Spider-Man and DD away, wanting them to deal with Frank instead. Like a soldier getting shot by a sniper and waving away his team away because he knows they'll be shot too if they rush to his aid.

          • 3 months ago

            So have him collapse and pass out from having all his internals destroyed. Or just incinerate him and show a black blob slowly healing. Don't have him screaming for help with no lungs just because you want him to look weak because it just looks stupid. If anything he should be so used to getting blown up at this point that he'd just grunt and wave Spider-Man and DD away, wanting them to deal with Frank instead. Like a soldier getting shot by a sniper and waving away his team away because he knows they'll be shot too if they rush to his aid.

            Surprised that amount of pain and shock doesn't send Logan into a berserker rage. Like it should in any other scenario.

            • 3 months ago

              How is berserker rage gonna help him when he’s missing all the muscles from his abdomen to his knees?

              He can’t walk on adamantium bones alone

            • 3 months ago

              How is berserker rage gonna help him when he’s missing all the muscles from his abdomen to his knees?

              He can’t walk on adamantium bones alone

              >gets really angry
              >just kind of uselessly flops around spitting and cursing
              Would have been far better than having him scream like a ninny.

      • 3 months ago

        If that was enough to blow off his flesh, wouldn't that been more than enough to blow him apart into actual pieces? It's not like they're magnetically locked together, his flesh and ligaments are still only as soft as a regular human's.

  2. 3 months ago

    It was Ennis' hate-boner for capes, especially in regards to the landmine "booby-trap" he set up for Spider-Man

  3. 3 months ago

    its a garth ennis story
    super hero clumsy and moronic and punisher smart and strong 🙂

  4. 3 months ago

    how is it out of character?

    his confidence was shot when he saw the explosives. he was psyched out even more specifically because his spider sense didn't pick up on it because in his mind he believed they were real and he made a fatal mistake. punisher just faked spider man out better than mysterio because spider-man wasn't expecting trickery. as soon as mysterio shows up spider man knows not to trust his eyes, and punisher is not mysterio

    • 3 months ago

      He shouldn't have believed they're real, that's the point

      • 3 months ago

        they're not a danger as long as his foot is on it though. how does his spider sense pick up on spider man's own actions? the precognition doesn't meta narrate on spider man's own decisions

        • 3 months ago

          Assuming they were real:
          It should've gone off before he put his foot down
          It would've gone off if he went to lift it
          >the precognition doesn't meta narrate on spider man's own decisions
          It does because he knows he has it and trusts it

        • 3 months ago

          Actually it kinda does. It can sense potential danger or ill intent from somebody. Like Peter at multiple points has stood in a crowd and felt like somebody's ill intent or desire to harm, he can literally feel it radiate off them even if he can't find them. He could straight up feel that Punisher doesn't actually want to kill him in that scene and that he isn't really in danger. The easier way to ensure Peter's compliance would be Punisher setting up bombs on criminals and forcing Peter to disarm them to distract him while he has to save somebody's life leaving him further occupied and unable to deal with punisher. Like you can make this scene work, you just have to not make Spidey look like a tard given Ennis hates most capes.

          I call bullshit Peter is fast enough to avoid ANY damage in a room like this. Surrounded by mines full of pinball shrapnel if they went off the second he moved

          He could move for the window and plan shit out and maybe web the bombs up to dull the blast but he would still get caught in it if they were real

          unironically like dude could straight up punch through a ceiling or two if he really has to, it would probably hurt like hell but Peter is straight up strong and durable enough to knock down a wall or two by launching himself upward to escape the worst of the blast. and getting the frick out of dodge. You're thinking like a normalgay anon and not using weirdo superpower logic.

          • 3 months ago

            > you just have to not make Spidey look like a tard
            Why? He is a tard. Sold his unborn daughter to the devil tarded.

          • 3 months ago

            He couldn’t jump like that without the right leverage to prepare, which he certainly isn’t getting with one foot stuck in a hole

            • 3 months ago

              why not slam his other foot through the ground then to equalize his footing.? Peter on average can comfortably exert 10 tons of force and more under pressure. A wrecking ball approximately weighs a half ton to six tons. I do not doubt Peter could tear apart wood, drywall and plaster by using himself as a fricking human cannon ball and punching through walls to avoid the worst of the shrapnel either by moving horizontally and busting through the brick work and swinging downward or moving vertically and rolling out of the way of any incoming shrapnel from the hole he's created.

              haha, no. Spidey is quick, but he's not remotely fast enough to beat an electric trigger signal OR the blastwave of high explosives. Electrical signals move at nearly the speed of light, and a claymore's blast velocity is about 1200 m/s. No fricking chance.

              sorry, meant that for [...]

              Three words, he fights Electro.
              WE'VE SEEN HIM DODGE LIGHTINING ON MULTIPLE OCCASIONS. It isn't exactly like a secret he's one of Spidey's biggest enemies. Peter has always had a stupid amount of speed even if he was never a speedster his reaction times are damn near extraordinary given he regularly dodges
              And has outraced a fricking missile and led it back to the launcher. Like yes, homie can dodge the claymore. Don't doubt Peter Parker, he may not be Goku but bro genuinely can put up a hell of a fight so it always annoys me when like people have a bunch of normals kill him when dude does some seriously crazy shit.

              • 3 months ago

                >why not slam his other foot through the ground then to equalize his footing.?

                Because there’s a sensitive trigger right next to it?

              • 3 months ago

                Peter dodges those by predicting where they will go

                How exactly is he gonna dodge a million metal bearings blasted all around him?

              • 3 months ago

                by leaving the area? Like once again, the point isn't oh yeah he can tank it. It's he could just get out of the area in time by leaping away either out of the window or once again through the ceiling. Like youre neglecting the fact that dude can react fast enough to dodge the shot or attack ro so on, even if I gave you a warning that you were gonna get struck by lightning there's a pretty fricking good chance you aren't gonna dodge it in time lmao.

                >why not slam his other foot through the ground then to equalize his footing.?

                Because there’s a sensitive trigger right next to it?

                Okay, actually fair point you have me there if he shifts his weight that would trigger it prematurely. I still think it would be better than sitting like a moron and waiting to get blown up but I can see the logic in it. But I'd rather him be doing something rather than nothing and going AIIEEEEEE PRESSURE PLATE PLEASE DONT BLOW ME UP.
                Actually come to think of it how the frick did punisher rig a floor that collapses when you set foot on it once place but not the other. Like it only collapsed on one foot. Did Vietnam teach Frank fricking carpentry skills were he can create the perfect shitty plyboard floor?

              • 3 months ago

                He's also caught bullets with his webs in the past.

                Peter dodges those by predicting where they will go

                How exactly is he gonna dodge a million metal bearings blasted all around him?

                No, he doesn't. Spider-sense doesn't tell him where something will be, it semi-hijacks his reflexes and makes him move. His other powers give him the speed to keep up with the required movement. But it never tells him that threat A will be at point B and to not be there. That's one of the reasons why the spider-sense is too vague for a younger Spider-Man, because he didn't know what the frick it wanted from him 3-quarters of the time. If it told him where the threat was or would be he'd never have a problem with guys like Mysterio, Chameleon, or Kraven, who rely on direction and misdirection.

              • 3 months ago

                Spider sense definitely tells him where stuff will be

                How else do you think he consistently web swings to begin with? Do you think he looks at the exact thing he is going to shoot with web, and mentally calculates its strength to hold his weight without breaking?

              • 3 months ago

                ...Alright, good point.You're right, I think... I still think his speed is what gets him out of the way because spider-sense or not, without the speed he wouldn't be able to do it.
                Spider-sense is quasi precognition that hijacks his body by sensing in the future where X will happen. I guess that is telling him where it will be. Damn near divination at that point. Shit.

                It doesn't outright communicate with him where something is though. Not usually. That's why he's so helpless without it. It still jerks his body in times of extreme need because it pretty much knows 'this idiot barely listens to me, I have to get in the drivers seat here'. However, more experienced Spideys always have those moments of going zen and listening to their spider-senses to guide them.

            • 3 months ago

              Spidey is a superpowered brick. He's not Hulk-tier brick, but when he gets thrown through walls and buildings and such he doesn't break. He has super strength and durability that surpasses that. He can crash through a building on his own with ease, he just prefers finesse over mess.

        • 3 months ago

          >. how does his spider sense pick up on spider man's own actions
          How do you think he's able to websling so easily? Because his spider-sense guides him to the perfect targets to shoot his webs, areas that can support weight and force and areas not occupied by people trying to shoot or slice the web. And yes, the precognition literally meta narrates on his actions during the moments when he actually listens to it.

          The issue here is you have an experienced Spider-Man, not a kid, who has years of experience listening to his spider-sense and knowing to trust it. Years of combat and fighting and superhero experience. And shit like this happens. This is why I can't fricking stand Ennis.

  5. 3 months ago

    Unironically, Peter is fast enough and has a good enough jump to avoid a claymore or a mine's detonation. Like the issue is Mysterio usually drugs Peter during his fights or dulls his Spider-Sense via his mist. Frank just kinda bluffs Spidey and Ennis just thinks Peter is dumb enough to stand still.

    • 3 months ago

      I call bullshit Peter is fast enough to avoid ANY damage in a room like this. Surrounded by mines full of pinball shrapnel if they went off the second he moved

      He could move for the window and plan shit out and maybe web the bombs up to dull the blast but he would still get caught in it if they were real

      • 3 months ago

        haha, no. Spidey is quick, but he's not remotely fast enough to beat an electric trigger signal OR the blastwave of high explosives. Electrical signals move at nearly the speed of light, and a claymore's blast velocity is about 1200 m/s. No fricking chance.

      • 3 months ago

        haha, no. Spidey is quick, but he's not remotely fast enough to beat an electric trigger signal OR the blastwave of high explosives. Electrical signals move at nearly the speed of light, and a claymore's blast velocity is about 1200 m/s. No fricking chance.

        sorry, meant that for

        Unironically, Peter is fast enough and has a good enough jump to avoid a claymore or a mine's detonation. Like the issue is Mysterio usually drugs Peter during his fights or dulls his Spider-Sense via his mist. Frank just kinda bluffs Spidey and Ennis just thinks Peter is dumb enough to stand still.

      • 3 months ago

        >I call bullshit Peter is fast enough to avoid ANY damage in a room like this.
        What's stopping him from webbing the shit out of the mines so that even if they do go off most of the damage would be reduced? he could even fire a webline outside and yank himself out at terminal velocity after filling the majority of the room with webs.

        • 3 months ago

          Well I call bullshit on that picture. I’ve seen people cut through his webbing with a simple knife or shoot through it. I guess the quality of how webbing declined over the years

          • 3 months ago

            That one's explainable. Spidey has different versions of his web formula meant for different situations, some meant for producing extremely tight roping used to swing across the city and wrangle extremely tough foes, some used for more widespread thin netting for more quick-fix solutions, some even used as just a straight up spreadable paste to keep structures from falling apart. And while he made the original stuff with shit you can find in a high school chemistry lab, there's times the story has made him such a poorgay he's had to make substitutions with things like toothpaste that naturally degrade its effectiveness.

          • 3 months ago

            >I’ve seen people cut through his webbing with a simple knife or shoot through it. I guess the quality of how writing declined over the years


        • 3 months ago

          homie wtf are you doing homie just sell that shit homie this would revolutionize a few idustries

          • 3 months ago

            He tried, it didn't. no interest since it dissolves after an hour.

  6. 3 months ago

    Why couldn't he just web the plate down?

    • 3 months ago

      They’re pretty sensitive triggers. The webs have give, they aren’t iron tight. Good chance it would just go off anyway if he webbed around it and took his foot off

      • 3 months ago

        Then why not empty some webs on the claymores?

        • 3 months ago

          >empties web cartridges and weighs slightly less
          >trigger moves a little

  7. 3 months ago

    I don't know how to word this properly because it's not really "OP" like telepathy or something but certain powers used by experienced people should mitigate a lot of troubles. And enhanced senses should do that. You're talking about Spider-Man but there are issues of Wolverine when he smells the oil used to polish swords coming down the hall, he smells the gunpowder in bullets. Between him and Daredevil alone they should be able to pinpoint Frank and have sufficient knowledge of whatever the frick he's up to. Why doesn't this shit work like that in this case, because Ennis doesn't it to. There's thousands of bullshit reasons why writers nurf or negate powers to make their imagined scenario easier to write.

    For this, with Spider-Man specifically, I don't know. most of the time for comparison I think his power doesn't kick in until , the punch is thrown the bullet is fired...danger is "imminent". Of course you have the times where he walking around his house reading a paper or book and using his power so he doesn't stub his toe on furniture as well but those are fairly rare. You have alternate versions who have focused more on the spider sense and trained it to the point of precognition. But mainly I still think for the sake of drama Spider-Man mainly works on a level of immediate encroaching danger and you could argue that the mines don't present any danger until you pick your foot up from the trigger device. So maybe, but I have seen other comics where his spider sense has made him aware of just the possibility of danger. But as far as Ennis doing something uniquely egregious in terms of this particular power, II can't really say that. It has wavered in both extremes, again at the writers convenience.

  8. 3 months ago

    >let me know if it works or Ennis is just jerking off the punisher while mocking the heroes completely
    Knowing Ennis, I don't even have to read the comic to know the answer to that.

  9. 3 months ago

    who gives a frick it was a comedy

    • 3 months ago

      A lot of the fun of comics is talking about possibilities and questioning canon and timelines etc

      Just look at the letters page on comics back in tne day

      • 3 months ago

        sure it can be fun but when people argue that spider-man should be able to outjump an explosion it gets even dumber than the low effort scenario the writer made up

        • 3 months ago

          That's the thing. If spider man had solved the problem with cleverness, or reflexes, or shit, like some combination of webbing, leaping shielding grabbing shit with his webs, that would be fine too. But there's really nothing wrong with this particular scenario the way Ennis wrote it and it's drawn. Peter's not at peak performance here, but he's NOWHERE near bottom performance either.

          >blew his wiener and balls off
          Damn Frank

          He does it more than once in that series.

          What we've learned today is that Ennis is a hack

          You JUST learned this?

    • 3 months ago

      That's the same excuse people gave your youtube e-celebs

  10. 3 months ago

    What we've learned today is that Ennis is a hack

  11. 3 months ago

    ennis is a moron

  12. 3 months ago

    >While someone storytimed this a few days ago, some people felt Spider-Man’s spider sense was out of character to justify this. I wasn’t sure.
    Ennis was using bullshit logic all the way back when Frank and DD first met in his run, in the rooftop gun scene, where Frank famously tells Daredevil he can either shoot him or the criminal Frank is about to shoot, only to reveal DD's gun was never loaded.

    Except DD can tell when people lie.

    I'm not too peeved about this even as a DDgay though, as it's clearly a scene meant first and foremost to confront a non-killing superhero with a situation where he'd be forced to kill, and Ennis would've done this one way or another. So it's petty to nitpick lore that would get in the way of this, though he COULD'VE paid more attention to it.

    I know that scene got adapted into the Netflix series but I haven't seen it past S1, I wonder if they too forgot about DD being able to detect lies.

    • 3 months ago

      Daredevil in the Netflix show had already been shot in the head by Punisher. Which made him lose his hearing entirely for a while. Then knocked unconscious by a fall before waking up.

      Him not being able to tell something as detailed as a heartbeat is forgivable. He definitely loses his abilities easier in the show.

    • 3 months ago

      Daredevil in the Netflix show had already been shot in the head by Punisher. Which made him lose his hearing entirely for a while. Then knocked unconscious by a fall before waking up.

      Him not being able to tell something as detailed as a heartbeat is forgivable. He definitely loses his abilities easier in the show.

      That scene ended up being one of the best episodes of the show, and handled it a lot better than the comic. The gun is actually loaded, because Frank is genuinely willing to die to prove his point, but Matt pulls a third option and uses the shot to break the chains.

  13. 3 months ago

    Are you surprised that a man with a burning hatred for superheroes has a street level guy kick them around like tin cans?

    • 3 months ago

      He doesn’t though, daredevil rocks his shit. And he’s the weakest

  14. 3 months ago

    Spidey's spider-sense is able to detect even someone planning on being a danger or a harm... to other people entirely. He can tell when his loved ones are in danger even when he's not around them. He was nerfed for this and Ennis is a POS who hates heroes.

    • 3 months ago

      That’s not him nerfing it, shit like him “sensing his loved ones are in danger when he’s not even around them” is writers buffing it to out of character levels

      • 3 months ago

        How is it out of character levels when he can also sense danger being aimed at people that are not his loved ones? Spider-sense has always been defined as what Peter views as danger or a threat. If he thinks it would be a threat, in any capacity, it pings his radar. It's why people he trusts like his loved ones and other heroes don't trigger it.

        It also has an EXTREMELY buffed 'out of character' level to begin with, being able to sense his 'self' in the form of his clones or symbiotes, who don't trigger it for that same reason, but can differentiate between them and the effect they have on the world around them, which if it poses a threat to him, will then be picked up by the spider-sense.

        • 3 months ago

          >Spider-sense has always been defined as what Peter views as danger or a threat
          More than half the time it's used to alert him to danger he was not observing at all, so his personal perception doesn't seem to be a factor.

          • 3 months ago

            His personal perception of what danger is seems to be the deciding factor. But even beyond that, a threatening or harmful notion or presence is an instinctual thing, and the Spider-sense seems to jack in to all the requisite synapses for him to make it work in its whacky scope.

            For instance. He can use it to win at poker and blackjack and roulette easily. But he won't be using it to win at video games because he doesn't see losing at them to be a threat. He sees being attacked as being a threat, even by normal humans who would injure themselves just by hitting him before they so much as scratched him because he has a preconceived perception that being hit=bad based on his own experiences.

            But at the same time the spider-sense was never a help when he didn't know how to drive. I don't know why.

  15. 3 months ago

    Garth Ennis more like Fart Penis

  16. 3 months ago

    Shit like this makes me hate Punisher, but at the same time I love Goblin Slayer who is essentially the Punisher of his setting and would totally forgive it if he was getting one up over the more powerful characters there.
    Differences is the powerful characters there are arrogant asswipes and GS is one of the nicest dudes around. More often than not though, Frank is an butthole.

    • 3 months ago

      Other thing is Goblin Slayer's had to eat shit or been rendered useless plenty of times, while Frank usually only eats shit if it's a joke scenario or to make a point

      • 3 months ago

        Punisher has stupid plot armor. But he's eaten shit plenty of times and died a few times. I mean remember how Frankencastle started?

      • 3 months ago

        >Goblin Slayer's had to eat shit or been rendered useless plenty of times
        My autistically but justifiably genocidal boy deserves fanwank at the expense of other characters too, man ;-;

        >Goblin Slayer
        I heard something really bad about this series but I don't remember what

        Worst thing is that the combat pacing and urgency eventually tumbles off a cliff. It starts strong and is peak "FRICK YEAH" in both the LN and Manga, but after it's a light comedy/slice of life with moments of brutality, either against goblins, or showing just how easy it is to die in a world based off of an RNG tabletop campaign. So, the lulls really do detract away from the highs sometimes.

        Personally, the worst for me is the disservice GS gets from his peers. But that eventually gets resolved to a certain degree too. In that regard he's more like Spidey than Frank.

    • 3 months ago

      >Goblin Slayer
      I heard something really bad about this series but I don't remember what

      • 3 months ago

        It'd either be the rape, cause goblins do a lot of raping, or how memelords love to overhype Goblin Slayer as Batgod levels of monster slaying when he's a dude that is stupidly autistic about goblin hunting and bad at talking to people.

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