Staggering losses for IDW

What went wrong?

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  1. 8 months ago

    >Borrow an IP about transforming robots locked in an everlasting conflict
    >The robots have pronouns and can give birth
    I wonder why?

    • 8 months ago

      >the robots had forced femininization

    • 8 months ago

      When women in their late 30s get involved in the writing process, they want to make it about themselves and their issues because they inherently self insert.
      Lo and behold, most writers on these boards are women. Not even just women, but formerly fanfiction writers filtered through Harry Potter fanfics in the 2000s and then writing workshops in the Obama era.

      You remember those old fanfic methods to creating characters, right? Big info dump character sheets to round out characters, with pronouns and details galore? Despite the fact the best writing advance to creating 3D characters has always been putting them in actual stories and just letting them react, instead of trying to workshop them to death before ever putting pen to paper. That's part of it all.

    • 8 months ago

      >The robots have pronouns
      You mean like they always did since the very beginning?
      >and can give birth
      Never happened in IDW. It did happen in Marvel, in 1994.

      • 8 months ago

        you're very aware by pronouns mean the deliberate use of or the forced they/them crap you disingenuois homosexual

        • 8 months ago

          You know what OP means, homosexual.

          Yes and...?

          • 8 months ago

            Nobody wants to play along with your psychosis, not in real life and not in fiction.

        • 8 months ago

          Not him, where did that happen in IDW? You are talking about the Paramount cartoon.

        • 8 months ago

          IDW didn't have that either.

      • 8 months ago

        You know what OP means, homosexual.

  2. 8 months ago

    Making nothing but crap tends to have that effect.

  3. 8 months ago


    • 8 months ago

      Does this mean my silly, quirky, queer-coded sonic comics will end soon?

      • 8 months ago

        Check again in December.

        I love Ninja Turtles, Transformers, GI Joe, Sonic the Hedgehog, Ghostbusters, etc.

        In theory.

        Problem is, all of these comic are ugly as sin, bare very little resemblance to the things about those IP that I like, and the writing is usually cringey fan fiction drivel.

        So I don't buy.

        At least the Ghostbusters one was decent enough. Hell, they made the Fembusters workable.

  4. 8 months ago

    At this point I dont even care, IDW has been on metaphorical fire since 13 years ago. And somehow is still floating for some reason.
    At this point I'm just tired of hearing it over and over, again and again.

  5. 8 months ago

    > clear demographic divisions, gives each demographic what they want, very little forced stuff or at least it's more Nipshit that doesn't pertain to globohomo
    >demographics largely still written by appropriate gender
    >even when women write shonen, they understand shonen and don't make everything so homosexual
    > dominating sales at levels never before seen

    > desperately trying to homogenize all demographics, want everything to be safe edgy and wholesome edgy
    > written and drawn by Californian women and fairies
    > "Everything is political" so social and political issues must always be brought up no matter what
    >sales sucked under by dry quicksand of Globoshlomo

    It's unthinkable now, but I would not be surprised if the American and Canadian animation/comic book industries completely went under within 5 years. Like maybe AIslop will be the final straw that kills it, and the Nips take over our illustrative industry entirely.

    • 8 months ago

      Horrifying part is that I've had some of those ~~*types*~~ tell me that Japan NEEDS to follow America's model and stop segregating manga by age and gender to have more "inclusive" stories.
      I retort "And watch their sales plummet 98% overnight?" and this chick gets all angry and saying that comics are only selling poorly because all the chuds are reading manga.

      Like b***h, you think if you take away manga, they'll just magically start reading the exact comics they were refusing to read in the first place? And let me back the frick up, you're saying most potential comic book readers are chuds? So why wouldn't you appeal to them in the first place instead of trying to sell Taco Bell to Mexicans??

      • 8 months ago

        She is a racist, and cultural imperialist.

        >desperately trying to homogenize all demographics
        i think this is the thing that disgusts me the most, you see Japan catering to all kind of people with tons of different genres and diverse demographics because ultimately their only objective apart from making money, is entertain, their love for the medium is the main force that drives them to write and draw.

        meanwhile in America you can clearly see that writers hate with passion certain part of the audience based on their genre race and sexual preference like neo racists, and want to alienate. currently Americans only write for one demographic that is themselves and their group of friends in a very self-centered egoistical way and they would expel and black list from the industry anyone who doesn't agree with their vision, they even admit constantly how republicans aren't allowed to get in the entertainment industry.
        Nowadays if you are a straight white man you are not really allowed to enjoy anything in America entertainment.

        Japanese creators really won't police each other trying to prevent works that they don't like from being published. Imagine someone like say Kubo or Toriyama going batshit crazy at some nobodys like Waid did in that whole Antartic thing.

        • 8 months ago

          Waid on the whole Antarctic Thing:
          >The Publisher's statements under oath obliterate Plaintiff's claims against me. That's the truth that the Plaintiff doesn't want you to hear. We know he doesn't want you to hear that because last week, the Plaintiff circulated carefully selected excerpts from the Publisher's deposition in an apparent attempt to manipulate public opinion. In other words, as my lawyers explained to the Court, "Plaintiff cherry-picks from [Publisher's] testimony to support his arguments and then 𝗮stonishingly ignores his testimony AP decided against publishing Plaintiff's book because of Plaintiff's own conduct—not anything to do with Waid."

          >Let that sink in. As the Plaintiff well knew but chose not to reveal, the actual deposition makes it clear what I have been saying since May of 2018, that I in no way caused a Publisher to pull his support from the Plaintiff or cancel their contract–an executed contract, by the way, that no one has yet produced into evidence because the Publisher admitted under oath that it w𝗮s never signed.

          • 8 months ago

            He’s a disingenuous douchebag.

      • 8 months ago

        >Horrifying part is that I've had some of those ~~*types*~~ tell me that Japan NEEDS to follow America's model and stop segregating manga by age and gender to have more "inclusive" stories.

        > HomeAnime
        Pokemon Concept Artist Keiko Moritsugu Wants Anime to End Fan Service, Says Industry Needs to be More Like Disney and Marvel

        > Keiko Moritsugu, a Pokemon concept artist and character designer as well as CG artist for Doraemon, took to Twitter to criticize the Anime industry and it’s willingness to service fans. She went on to condemn the sexy fan service seen in much of Anime.

        > She also stated that she wished the industry would evolve like Disney and Marvel by “interweaving” social issues within their products.

        • 8 months ago

          A person who would unironically think Marvel and Disney are doing well right now is entirely delusional about how badly things are going for them. Disney's fricking imploding and Marvel comics and the MCU have never been in a worse state, in part because of "social issues" writing.

          • 8 months ago

            Didn't Disney put all their money towards their Parks recently?
            We might live in a time where Disney is strictly an amusement park and nothing more.

    • 8 months ago

      Horrifying part is that I've had some of those ~~*types*~~ tell me that Japan NEEDS to follow America's model and stop segregating manga by age and gender to have more "inclusive" stories.
      I retort "And watch their sales plummet 98% overnight?" and this chick gets all angry and saying that comics are only selling poorly because all the chuds are reading manga.

      Like b***h, you think if you take away manga, they'll just magically start reading the exact comics they were refusing to read in the first place? And let me back the frick up, you're saying most potential comic book readers are chuds? So why wouldn't you appeal to them in the first place instead of trying to sell Taco Bell to Mexicans??

      You do realise that Nipshit is feminised to hell and back, right?
      Even the artstyle can't draw men.
      There's a reason so many trannies like Japshit.

      And why you want something that's been recycling the last 30+ years of content with all that comes from rot and incest... do you really want a comic industry propped up by bad artists, otaku writers, 3 genres and FOTM variations? How's the latest e-girl slice-of-life, girl meets boy in soap bubble land and Dragonball shonen? Is there a manga that isn't set in a school yet?

      • 8 months ago

        Meanwhile, in Schlomerica....

        • 8 months ago

          This “comic” never even came out lol. Youre malding over a boogeyman that doesnt exist. Get better trolling material

          • 8 months ago

            >This “comic” never even came out lol
            Because of the backlash. Meanwhile Marvel killed almost all of their heroes and replaced them with women and minorities.

            • 8 months ago

              because of the rona

              • 8 months ago

                This comic is from 2015, anon. Before Trump was even elected. Imagine killing all of your marketable heroes at the peak of the MCU's hype and replacing them with boring ripoffs. They deserved to lose money.

              • 8 months ago


              • 8 months ago

                This comic came out in November 11, 2015. Just a year later Iron Man died in civil war 2.

            • 8 months ago

              >Captain Falcon
              Captain America still exists
              >Iron Man
              Iron Man
              Entire premise is that there's multiple of them, Sam hasn't been featured in awhile and Dick was gone for years before he was created and is arguably more interesting than him since Dick came back.
              Coexists alongside the original character

              Find newer bait moron.

        • 8 months ago


        • 8 months ago

          I'd read the gritty underground comix style parody. Someone with talent pull an Air Pirates.

      • 8 months ago

        >You do realise that Nipshit is feminised to hell and back, right?

        Correct. This is why I stopped caring about Japanese media. Even Mario by Nintendo is the story of a beta loser simp who saves a woman who REJECTS him. Thank you Mario Odyssey for destroying Mario. And I guess Nintendo is embracing more feminism with that new Peach Showtime game and Super Princess Peach as well while we're at it. The point is Japan has been Feminism trash as early as Tezuka's Princess Knight manga. The only thing you are seeing now is more of the same on a grander scale.

        And Japan much like the American entertainment industry needs to die. I hope they die for their feminism and diversity bullshit. And before you say when has Japan done diversity? The ending of the famous manga Naruto is all the ninja countries learn to be more diverse and multicultural. One Piece also has plenty of multiculturalism undertones and that one is the most iconic manga series right now. And even Pokemon has been doing plenty of multiculturalism shit for years now. The director of Pokemon XY got inspired by New York being multicultural in real life that from Pokemon XY and onward they would do more which is why the London region of Pokemon has a lot of shit skins.

        To summarize Japan IS equally as woke as the United States. It's the same trash you are all complaining about all the time.

        • 8 months ago

          >The ending of the famous manga Naruto is all the ninja countries learn to be more diverse and multicultural
          You say this like its a bad thing

      • 8 months ago

        It's okay to cope, anon.
        Things will get better one day.

      • 8 months ago

        >Is there a manga that isn't set in a school yet?

    • 8 months ago

      >desperately trying to homogenize all demographics
      i think this is the thing that disgusts me the most, you see Japan catering to all kind of people with tons of different genres and diverse demographics because ultimately their only objective apart from making money, is entertain, their love for the medium is the main force that drives them to write and draw.

      meanwhile in America you can clearly see that writers hate with passion certain part of the audience based on their genre race and sexual preference like neo racists, and want to alienate. currently Americans only write for one demographic that is themselves and their group of friends in a very self-centered egoistical way and they would expel and black list from the industry anyone who doesn't agree with their vision, they even admit constantly how republicans aren't allowed to get in the entertainment industry.
      Nowadays if you are a straight white man you are not really allowed to enjoy anything in America entertainment.

      • 8 months ago

        Examplw: current hawkgirl run

      • 8 months ago

        >Nowadays if you are a straight white man you are not really allowed to enjoy anything in America entertainment.
        And they're smug about it too, which I think is the biggest reason why they're scared of AI art.
        They've never given a shit about the "soul" of art before until it was possible for chuds to start making their own shit again.

        • 8 months ago

          serious question: why do chuds need AI to make art?

          • 8 months ago

            They really don't. Chuds and trads are just as good as art as leftoids and troons because actual artistic skill has no political affiliation.

            What does have an affiliation is:

            >desperately trying to homogenize all demographics
            i think this is the thing that disgusts me the most, you see Japan catering to all kind of people with tons of different genres and diverse demographics because ultimately their only objective apart from making money, is entertain, their love for the medium is the main force that drives them to write and draw.

            meanwhile in America you can clearly see that writers hate with passion certain part of the audience based on their genre race and sexual preference like neo racists, and want to alienate. currently Americans only write for one demographic that is themselves and their group of friends in a very self-centered egoistical way and they would expel and black list from the industry anyone who doesn't agree with their vision, they even admit constantly how republicans aren't allowed to get in the entertainment industry.
            Nowadays if you are a straight white man you are not really allowed to enjoy anything in America entertainment.

            > they even admit constantly how republicans aren't allowed to get in the entertainment industry.

            It's not about what AI can do now, but what it will do in the very near future. Just heard about DALL-E 3. Prompt engineering is dead, it can get the image perfectly right on the first try.

            Fast forward a year or two and we're now in a world of AI-generated cartoons that look better than anything a studio can put out.

            That's what the troons are so paranoid of: the ability of people to circumvent their big wymyn's club studio system to create studio-quality productions, so they're trying to kill it while it's still struggling to draw hands

            • 8 months ago

              serious question: why do chuds need AI to make art?

              This isn't even some big conspiracy. Hollywood has always been an exclusive club, whether it was owned by Whites or israelites. They didn't want the "wrong" people being able to make movies or TV shows and they've never hid that fact.

              • 8 months ago

                Hollywood was built by israelites.
                Hollywood's always been owned by israelites. There was never a point where gentiles owned Hollywood.

          • 8 months ago

            Try drawing.

          • 8 months ago

            My favorite part is how it makes ~~*them*~~ seethe.

            BTW look into an abandoned OpenAI project called Jukebox. If people were still working on it and it was progressing at the same rate AI image generation has been I can garauntee we'd have fully AI music by now just as good as anything made, and I don't mean that vocal replacemen shit. Mysteriously Jukebox faded away and no further work was done on it. Guessing ~~*they*~~ were afraid that it would frick over their satanic music cabal

          • 8 months ago

            creating art requires a passion for creativity and genuine respect for your medium of choice.
            chuds are too busy thinking about interracial cuck porn to cultivate these traits.

        • 8 months ago

          why are libs hellbent on ruining franchises they dont even like?

          • 8 months ago

            Literally just to make chuds seethe.

            • 8 months ago

              >"We're going to throw away our trust-fund baby money and tank entire industries just to make the Chuds seethe. Oh, hello fellow Black ally, I -ACK!!"

            • 8 months ago

              and when they have nothing left? when everything is deconstructed?

              • 8 months ago

                They move on to the next host, that's how cancer works.

          • 8 months ago

            They see it as “breaking your toys”. Destroying everything you love and enjoy is just what they do

            • 8 months ago

              Yeah, pretty much, they think they're fighting Nazis or some shit while sucking the dicks of the Wall Street Banks they were shitting on back in 2009. The Corporations were smart to appeal to the morons with the false pride shit.

          • 8 months ago

            Evil cannot create, only destroy.

          • 8 months ago

            Because they want everyone else to be as miserable as they are.

          • 8 months ago

            Because they’re intent on manufacturing conservatives and I don’t give a fricks.
            >t. Can’t go along to get along

          • 8 months ago

            It's gotten pretty bad in Fanart and Fanfiction as well.
            Some people just cannot accept their headcanon isn't canon and harass people who think the opposite, even the creators.

            • 8 months ago

              I can't find that pic.

          • 8 months ago

            >Nowadays if you are a straight white man you are not really allowed to enjoy anything in America entertainment.
            And they're smug about it too, which I think is the biggest reason why they're scared of AI art.
            They've never given a shit about the "soul" of art before until it was possible for chuds to start making their own shit again.


            Horrifying part is that I've had some of those ~~*types*~~ tell me that Japan NEEDS to follow America's model and stop segregating manga by age and gender to have more "inclusive" stories.
            I retort "And watch their sales plummet 98% overnight?" and this chick gets all angry and saying that comics are only selling poorly because all the chuds are reading manga.

            Like b***h, you think if you take away manga, they'll just magically start reading the exact comics they were refusing to read in the first place? And let me back the frick up, you're saying most potential comic book readers are chuds? So why wouldn't you appeal to them in the first place instead of trying to sell Taco Bell to Mexicans??

            Actual statistical data shows that Leftists and SJWs worn in a zero sum way.

            Which means that more than conservatives and rightists, they can't allow any opposition to exist. They also uave psychological needs around the idea of taking things away from others.

            • 8 months ago

              Yes their entire motivation is spite and envy, they dont really want to create anything or "uplift" anyone, its all about owning the chuds. A complete parasitic existence, if they ever win theyd proceed to start attacking each other until nothing is left, they dont hate the nazis, they hate themselves for their brains know they are out of alignment with nature

            • 8 months ago

              That explains why Azure Lane gets a lot of backlash from Twitter types despite having Genshin Impact cater to thrm already.

              • 8 months ago

                I know a bit about Genshin Impact (it's gacha shit action game) and nothing about Azure Lane...

              • 8 months ago

                They're both Gatcha shit, but all you need to know is that Azure leans heavily more pn tye fanservice side, and that pisses off Twitter, even though they already have Genshin Impact that caters more to them.

                Plus, the CEO of Azure Lane is a woman.

              • 8 months ago

                Ah, the totally pro-sexuality puritans of Twitter, of course.
                >Plus, the CEO of Azure Lane is a woman.
                I think Japan also produces a lot of rape hentai manga. Written by women. I always found that interesting. The more extreme women-dominating genre was dominated by women. Makes me wonder about other genres too. Like if vanilla mostly by men?

        • 8 months ago

          how is this person NOT bigtiddygothegg or whatever her name is

        • 8 months ago

          Daily reminder that I will kill her one day for shitting on based Heretech.
          I fricking hate how every woman in the industry is "gay" or "trans". Literally 0 content if you part of the 99% that want cool male characters debating or punching each other because you aren't into women. This is why everybody switches to manga instead. In the old days female characters were shoved into every story because it's what the male author was into, now women write and you get even more female characters shoved into every story because every female writer and artist pretends to be a lesbian for some reason.

      • 8 months ago

        American creatives have made it clear that they're only willing to make certain things for certain people, then they get pissy when people turn elsewhere for things they want.

      • 8 months ago

        Because they lost all series I was buying or was somewhat interested in? I don't care about TMNT comics or Sanic (maybe the games, but it doesn't work as comic IMO so I never read it).

        Most comics were already shit long before the wokes came. Just a different type of shit. Americans can inherently not make series that don't center around them. Japan can actually make a SF or fantasy without anything Japan involved.

    • 8 months ago

      Especially the “ >desperately trying to homogenize all demographics”

    • 8 months ago

      This. There's only so much gay shot the average reader can tolerate.

    • 8 months ago

      Thank you for not posting anime. This is the correct way to discuss in Cinemaphile. I don't think ai can do anything. Piracy is rampant for years in all the world.

      • 8 months ago

        >Piracy is rampant for years in all the world.
        Not like it matters outside of America as far as comics are concerned.

    • 8 months ago

      >demographics largely still written by appropriate gender
      What do you mean "by appropriate gender"? Lots of popular manga aiming to the male audience are written by women, including Demon Slayer.

      • 8 months ago

        He means they're written with a specific gender (and age) in mind you moron.
        When a woman writes a shounen property, she's generally writing it for boys, not mid-20s womanchildren.

  6. 8 months ago

    >open video
    >see two bloated, pallid, repulsive faces
    >close video

    • 8 months ago

      yeah that thumbnail is pretty disappointing

  7. 8 months ago

    Comcis could replicate manag exactly and they still wouldn't sell becuase the readerbase doesn't exist in the numbers required to sustain them.

  8. 8 months ago

    Watch how Sega will completely discard all the IDW characters. I’m expecting them to patch Tangle’s name out of Frontiers.

  9. 8 months ago

    It turns out that 30-40 year old women and trannies don't buy comic books.

  10. 8 months ago

    >anon posts shitty new warriors
    >schizo keeps going on about waid avengers

    • 8 months ago

      Waid Avengers is worth talking about. ANAD Marvel basically killed the entire brand.

  11. 8 months ago

    oh no
    what happened to they/them?

  12. 8 months ago

    A new TMNT comic delay from November to 2024 March? This is not a good sign...

  13. 8 months ago
  14. 8 months ago

    I love Ninja Turtles, Transformers, GI Joe, Sonic the Hedgehog, Ghostbusters, etc.

    In theory.

    Problem is, all of these comic are ugly as sin, bare very little resemblance to the things about those IP that I like, and the writing is usually cringey fan fiction drivel.

    So I don't buy.

  15. 8 months ago

    is anything IDW puts out actually worth reading?

    • 8 months ago

      The sad thing is, yes. Ghostbusters was great. TMNT had an amazing 50 issues followed by another 50 good issues before becoming some of the worst schlock ever. Even their Pone comic was good. Anytime I hear about shit going on with IDW outside of the direct content of their comics though, it just sounds like a disaster.

    • 8 months ago

      I liked the Kill Lock among others.

      People always blame woke shit for never reading anything but whenever I read a series with no woke shit there is literally nobody else reading it. Not IDW but never saw once and future threads either. Unless people consider it woke because of one brown woman and a grandma MC.

      >outrage peddler
      Sorry if they haven't read Kill Shakespeare, Locke and Key, or Breath of Shadows than they literally have no idea what their talking about. IDW Publishing is the only place where unique content like that can even be published. Screeds about gender, pronouns, and culture war nonsense are just there to grab clicks from the YouTube algorithm. These people don't usually care to even research what they talk about. It's like when ItsAGundam made an entire rant video on "muh western comics" and included pregnant Joker, never once realizing it was shitpost made to emulate the most shitpost era of comics: the silver age era.

      Chuds simply can't handle that even tr/a/nime has progressed and they're left in the past as old conservative, reactionary fossils.

      This. I am not a social media shitter so Cinemaphile is literally the only place I see talking about trans shit all day.

      • 8 months ago

        >People always blame woke shit for never reading anything but whenever I read a series with no woke shit there is literally nobody else reading it.
        That's because the audience that used to exist for non-capeshit comics has already largely moved on to other mediums, and the few that haven't rarely post on Cinemaphile.

        • 8 months ago

          This is true actually. It was like this for me. I only associated US comics with capeshit and awful infodump-instead-of-show (capeshit) comics from the 80s and only started to buy some of them maybe 5 years ago since I consider most recent manga crap and because I realised that there were alternative comics that weren't super hero centered. It's impossible to get others into it though, unless they coincidentally made experiences as I.

  16. 8 months ago

    >What went wrong?
    coloring usagi. I mean, what were they thinking!?

    • 8 months ago

      They were thinking that nobody(besides people like you and I) gaf about B&W comics.

    • 8 months ago

      Mirage colors looked good.

  17. 8 months ago

    I guess hiring a cumdumpster work girlfriend as an editor doesn't make money.

  18. 8 months ago
  19. 8 months ago

    does failing company hire freelancers to write their IP burning goyslop? I have a drug habit to feed.

  20. 8 months ago

    I don't care, stop shilling your israeliteTube channel here, moron.

    • 8 months ago

      >specifically opens thread and fills out captcha just to tell people he doesn't care.
      ngl crazy anon

      I want IDW gays to suffer so bad and I hope Ian Flynn to never get a job in the industry again.

      • 8 months ago

        More like

        >specifically opens thread and fills out captcha to call out morons who shill youtube channels

        And again, moron.

        • 8 months ago

          I didn't give you permission to reply to my post.

          • 8 months ago

            Well sucks to be you, moron.

  21. 8 months ago

    >Having lots of popular IPs
    >Still bleeding money
    How do they do that!

    • 8 months ago

      The comics they actually put out are shit.

    • 8 months ago

      Licenseshitters don't buy comics unless there's actual overlap with people who buy comics to begin with
      If every IDW Sonic had a pull list and bought the comic a month the series would be topping charts

  22. 8 months ago

    Theyve been dying for years and they are still here
    Also Op is literally shilling his youtube channel

  23. 8 months ago

    Heather Antos would probably hate me, but I like some of the comics she edits and would do anything to take her out to dinner. That being said I think she makes things difficult on herself engaging in shit flinging with people who quite literally cannot effect her life if she just ignores them.

  24. 8 months ago

    >outrage peddler
    Sorry if they haven't read Kill Shakespeare, Locke and Key, or Breath of Shadows than they literally have no idea what their talking about. IDW Publishing is the only place where unique content like that can even be published. Screeds about gender, pronouns, and culture war nonsense are just there to grab clicks from the YouTube algorithm. These people don't usually care to even research what they talk about. It's like when ItsAGundam made an entire rant video on "muh western comics" and included pregnant Joker, never once realizing it was shitpost made to emulate the most shitpost era of comics: the silver age era.

    Chuds simply can't handle that even tr/a/nime has progressed and they're left in the past as old conservative, reactionary fossils.

    • 8 months ago

      Chuds are just right wing SJWs, though it's not like Left wing SJWs left, as evidenced by the Azure Lane incident.

      Stop pretending the outrage is only one way.

    • 8 months ago

      >Kill Shakespeare
      I liked this. Maybe I should give Locke and Key a chance after all. It was honestly mostly the name that annoyed me, it sounds stupid.

    • 8 months ago

      >IDW Publishing is the only place where unique content like that can even be published
      not for long troony lmao. dilate

  25. 8 months ago

    I can't even think of anything of worth made by IDW, so good riddance.

  26. 8 months ago

    Unpopular opinion but I largely love their Transformers and even bought the series I enjoyed, but they made it impossible for anybody to love the never-ending continuity as a whole. I loved the Furman stories but hated AHM so much I dropped it. Then I came back years later, for the Wreckers stories and MtmtE which I enjoyed a lot again, together with a bunch of specials and many of the spotlights. But then LL came and shat on MtmtE. I still enjoyed it somewhat though, thanks to some plotlines and the old characters that were still part of the story (and despite the shitty fembots) and later got into TAAO which was also awesome but then I had to force myself to finish exRiD thanks to its horribly paced latter half. I can still accept that though, since it might be a me-problem.
    But then the cross-over mayhem, event bullshit and Camien crap started that made the continuity 100% unreadable for everybody, regardless of whether you are a G1 gay, a boomer, a gay gay, a horny woman, an edgelord or a comedy gay. ESPECIALLY if you were a fan of some of the earlier comics since the latter Barber stuff shits all over it and every new or old character you might like (see moronic Shockwave retcon and the billion bot kills).

    Never finished it, I started to skip more and more bad cross-over mini comics till I couldn't really follow anymore and gave up when Optimus was the last character left a TF fan might care about. Rest was shitty humans, cross-over dudes from series I don't read and Camien fembot OCs that are here to bully a passive Optimus. Prowl and Needlenose were the saving grace for being buttholes that did what hey want, but I dropped when they stopped appearing.

  27. 8 months ago

    >ITT: Seething chuds mad that their big robot fighting comic got ruined
    Stay mad.

    • 8 months ago

      >seething chuds mad, so they stop buying the comic
      >"stay mad"
      >comic flops as a result, paycheck stops coming in, chuds instead enjoy manga

      I don't get the point of this. You don't actually win anything, you just make sure the other guy loses, except he doesn't really lose because Japan's right there and you can't do a damn thing about it?

      • 8 months ago

        It's "winning" if you're not actually a fan. Of course, this means you're not much of an ally, since you'll gladly watch your friends die just to own your enemies.

  28. 8 months ago

    I know people blame Transformers downfall on gayshit but the actual issue is Hasbro started to get involved and aligned the toylines and comics and quality tanked INSTANTLY. The comics started to abandon their unique worldbuilding to use Hasbro's aligned continuity shit and nothing was the same since. Also MTMTE was getting really self indulgent and up its own ass with a lot of the mysteries having really weak conclusions. MTMTE didn't downgrade in quality because characters were gay, it downgraded because long running mystery after long running mystery had weak conclusions.

    • 8 months ago

      Yeah it was too fricking much. It reminds me of kids and amateurs that tell you about their own epic story and throw everything into it they ever considered cool without rhyme or reason and believe that it would work. A story needs proper context, sensible development and concrete goals, not an amalgamation of everything someone might associate with transformers.
      >MTMTE didn't downgrade in quality because characters were gay, it downgraded because long running mystery after long running mystery had weak conclusions.
      This honestly. My biggest fricking problem was how villains were always rewritten into generic psychos at some point to avoid conflicts and deserved moral debates. I accept Pharma, but everybody else turned into some sort of Pharma later with Getaway being the biggest offender. Getaway's complaints were legit and sound and something that should have led to a more complex conflict. Instead, he also mutated into a crazy shizo all of a sudden and the wrongdoings of the MCs were never addressed anymore.
      Personally I liked Mederi for reasons that would take too long to explain, but the disappointing showdowns with every antagonist they had and the bias involving Drift soured the later series for me. I generally think that Drift was the worst character of the whole series and never understood why he got so popular to begin with.

  29. 8 months ago

    i don't care, stop shilling your moron channel

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