Star Trek

Is it just me, or does Lower Decks avoid references to Discovery? They make lots of lighthearted jokes about TAS, and give Voyager a surprising amount of respect, but almost nothing about the mushroom ship. Weird.

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  1. 3 months ago

    Discovery isn't that good is why

    • 3 months ago

      Yeah, but worse than TAS and frickin' Voyager? I admit, I haven't really watched it, but for it to be so bad that even Lower Decks can't find a way to say something nice about it is... certainly something.

      • 3 months ago

        >worse than TAS and frickin' Voyager?

        I mean considering you are trying to shit on Voyager and TAS kinda shows you have shit taste but yes Discovery is one of the single worst Trek shows to have ever existed next to Picard

      • 3 months ago

        >Yeah, but worse than TAS and frickin' Voyager?

        Yes, absolutely. Discovery strips away everything about Star Trek besides its iconography. Discovery is just a worse Mass Effect 3.

        • 3 months ago

          >Discovery is just a worse Mass Effect 3.
          Okay, now I know you're exaggerating.

        • 3 months ago

          I still say Discovery's 4th season is good Trek. Alien threat, finding a way to communicate, butthole know it all causing problems,finding a peaceful solution. Good stuff.

          • 3 months ago

            Anything involving Saru is pretty good, but the constant focus on flat terrible characters and giant threats really diminishes the Trek-aspect

      • 3 months ago

        Yes. Easily.
        It's even worse than Enterprise.

        • 3 months ago

          Enterprise is fricking gold and cinematic kino compared to Discovery and Picard.

          • 3 months ago

            We didn't know what we had until we lost it

            >captcha: ST8GG

      • 3 months ago

        I will die on the hill that Voyeger is half of a good show.
        And the other half is more boring and weird then outright shit. I'd go as far to say that Season 1 of TNG is worse then Voyger at its worst.

        • 3 months ago

          Justice for Tuvix

          • 3 months ago

            Tuvix is probably one of the most interesting and complicated moral quandaries Star Trek ever tackled. Like either way you go about it it’s a fricked up choice

        • 3 months ago

          Voyager was so bad that they had to introduce a aryan goddess in a skintight suit to save the show.

          • 3 months ago

            It's weird how much she looks like my grandmother when Granny was young. It's especially strange because my people, Italians, are generally stereotyped as being swarthy. My dad, his mother and I are the darkest ones in my family and that's because THAT grandmother is Asian so my dad is half brown and I'm quarter.

            • 3 months ago

              There's strong ethnic variation between Northern Italy and Southern Italy, there's a reason it wasn't a united nation until the 1870s.

              • 3 months ago

                I'm aware but I'm from Southern Italy lmao
                >Granny is originally from the North, tho. Her parents were from Gorizia and moved South to Naples.

        • 3 months ago

          >I'd go as far to say that Season 1 of TNG is worse then Voyger at its worst.

          You are correct, It's was consistently an okay episode of Trek. No measure of a man or Darmok but also no code of honour or Justice.

          Yeah, but worse than TAS and frickin' Voyager? I admit, I haven't really watched it, but for it to be so bad that even Lower Decks can't find a way to say something nice about it is... certainly something.

          >Yeah, but worse than TAS and frickin' Voyager?

          Discovery doesn't feel like Trek half the time just a generic Sci-Fi show. TAS was a shitty cartoon from the 70's like every other cartoon from the 70's not made by Hanna-Barbera. TAS doesn't even get any references other then a deep cut throw away ones like giant Spock skeleton and the TAS aliens. Voyager on the other hand was on syndication for a decade and despite DS9 having slightly higher ratings most people that watched one watched the other. So if you're gonna references one may as well references the other.

          • 3 months ago

            >Discovery doesn't feel like Trek
            Know why? The others have done hopefulness and playfulness to them. Dis is quite the opposite of that.

            • 3 months ago

              DIS tried to course correct that, but it was too late. And every time they do, they step on their own foot and do something stupid like have the stupid resource eater go and eat half the solar system.

      • 3 months ago

        Yes anon, every Star Trek has been worst than the last with this new generation of it

      • 3 months ago

        The problem with Discovery is that it deliberately fricked with the continuity in ways that make it hard to coexist with the rest of the franchise in a coherent narrative. Enterprise did this too, but Discovery just outright said "frick it" almost like it was originally written as a totally unrelated show which was then retooled into a Star Trek spinoff during development.

        • 3 months ago

          I haven't really watched it, but from some of the clips I've seen, it's laughable that it's apparently meant to be pre-TOS. Top secret black ops shit is one thing, but replicators just straight up didn't exist at the time.

          Mariner specifically teases Boimler about it though. And mentions Pike/Enterprise by name, and Boimler gets pissy saying they're not supposed to talk about it.

          Speaking of Those Old Scientists, I fricking love the "everyone talks really slow in this era" bit.

          • 3 months ago

            They don't have replicator in Discovery either.

            • 3 months ago

              What? Yes they do. In season 1 we literally see the inside of a uniform from the subatomic up as it gets made for Michael. Also, the mess hall has food replicators.

              • 3 months ago

                >Also, the mess hall has food replicators.
                Food synthesisers, like in TOS.

              • 3 months ago

                >In season 1 we literally see the inside of a uniform from the subatomic up as it gets made for Michael.
                One could argue that clothes aren't food and they could already synthesise simpler objects at this point, but not food yet.

                After all, food synthesiser is just teleportation of matter in a cubicle, but ordered in a different way from the basic ingredient it was made of. I suppose the reason they couldn't get Food Replicator at first was because it was too complex to replicate in a sufficiently close way until they got enough calculation power for the mess.

                I couldn't find the scene you are talking about. any chance you have it?

              • 3 months ago

                It's from season one, I want to say episode 3 or 4 or something. But it's in the beginning sequence, when Michael first gets her own uniform aboard Discovery on her first day. It does a deep zoom out as the thing is being materialized, then has her pick it up.

          • 3 months ago

            >Speaking of Those Old Scientists, I fricking love the "everyone talks really slow in this era" bit.
            That crossover had the best "cartoon to live-action" transition and vice-versa I've ever seen. Jack Quaid and Tawny Newsome absolutely nailed their characters' mannerisms in person. Wish they had Tendi and Rutherford cross over too.

            I really wish people would stop pretending Star Trek is anything but enjoyable pulp-y sci-fi. Yes, it has plenty of genuinely compelling insightful stories, but at the end of the day, it's just a space opera. It helped popularize the genre in the mainstream, certainly, but it's not some untouchable sacred cow. I just don't get why people get so goony about it. The most famous aliens from this franchise are literally space elves. Let's maybe chill the frick out.

            Frick off. Just because it's pulp sci-fi doesn't mean that it can't be contemplative.

            I'll say this for JJ, at least he was willing to say "frick it, new continuity" to do his own thing even if it did come with blowing up Romulus. Discover thinks its shit don't smell, and still insists that it's all in the original continuity.

            I just hope they retcon or reverse the Romulus stuff someday. Damned shame we never got to see their culture explored in a meaningful way in a Trek show.

            • 3 months ago

              I feel like we almost got that in Season 5 of Enterprise, if the whispers that it would have had the start of the Earth-Romulan war came true.

              At the very least, there should be more in universe suspicion about how bad shit keeps happening to the home worlds of species that oppose the Federation. The Praxis explosion AND then the Romulan supernova? Pretty sketchy.

              • 3 months ago

                >I feel like we almost got that in Season 5 of Enterprise, if the whispers that it would have had the start of the Earth-Romulan war came true.

                Yeah I guess Picard did it but frick that show, it fricking sucked and so did the Romulan stuff. It's like they browsed Wikipedia, saw that Romulans were kinda like dark elves and just ran with that. So uninspired and so fricking stupid.

              • 3 months ago

                Hey, at least we got the Babel episodes which showed the first glimmers of the Federation, complete with the Romulans accidentally and ironically inciting it. I wouldn't trade those for anything.

          • 3 months ago

            blame janeway. the time incident basically retcon a whole era in star trek, to the point khan was born later and humnans were inventing shit that was supposed to be a century away

        • 3 months ago

          >The problem with Discovery is that it deliberately fricked with the continuity in ways that make it hard to coexist with the rest of the franchise in a coherent narrative
          Actually, it can work out if you assume that Discovery exist in a continuity where the Temporal Cold War and Sphere Builders from Enterprise didn't happen, which make sense, as they initially exist in a continuity where all lives get extinguished soon after, the events never get to the point where all the Time Travel bullshit from Enterprise can happen.

          It's only once they change the future at the end of season 2 that a future with live and thus with time Travellers can happen and this is how Crewman Daniel and all of his little future friends can happen and mes the time line.

          It even explain why the Klingon look so different, as it is in the last season of Enterprise that we get the events that lead to the Klingons losing their front ridges for a while.

          • 3 months ago

            >as it is in the last season of Enterprise that we get the events that lead to the Klingons losing their front ridges for a while.
            They really should've just ignored that. Even the most pedantic, nitpicky butthole Trekkie imaginable wasn't actually demanding a story explaining why klingons look different. The makeup was different. That's it. Frankly, More Tribbles More Trouble should've had Dorn in the old style klingon makeup. Just stab that bullshit in the chest.

            • 3 months ago

              Except it was a good set of episodes regardless, (and possibly the best look at Klingon society and its atrophy outside of warriors and politicians) so I didn't mind it. The Borg episode was more of an issue, but not a big one

        • 3 months ago

          I'll say this for JJ, at least he was willing to say "frick it, new continuity" to do his own thing even if it did come with blowing up Romulus. Discover thinks its shit don't smell, and still insists that it's all in the original continuity.

          • 3 months ago

            >and still insists that it's all in the original continuity.

            >The problem with Discovery is that it deliberately fricked with the continuity in ways that make it hard to coexist with the rest of the franchise in a coherent narrative
            Actually, it can work out if you assume that Discovery exist in a continuity where the Temporal Cold War and Sphere Builders from Enterprise didn't happen, which make sense, as they initially exist in a continuity where all lives get extinguished soon after, the events never get to the point where all the Time Travel bullshit from Enterprise can happen.

            It's only once they change the future at the end of season 2 that a future with live and thus with time Travellers can happen and this is how Crewman Daniel and all of his little future friends can happen and mes the time line.

            It even explain why the Klingon look so different, as it is in the last season of Enterprise that we get the events that lead to the Klingons losing their front ridges for a while.

            • 3 months ago

              I did, and that's my point. Great headcanon, but the show and producers specifically kibosh it.

              • 3 months ago

                >Great headcanon
                They go as far as saying in the early episodes of Discovery that Archer only make contact with the Klingons Once. And it's not like there was production miscommunication, the first episode of Disco started production way after the last season of Enterprise had aired and directly contradict that statement.

                They don't spell it out, but that much indicate this isn't just an headcanon. Disco is clearly set in the Timeline Daniels remember, but not the one we see in Enterprise.

      • 3 months ago

        >but worse than TAS and frickin' Voyager?

    • 3 months ago


      >the shitpost-y parody series is the only piece of Trek media to flesh out orion culture
      What the actual frick.

      Honestly for as much as I have issues with LD, I don't mind this at all and I like what they've done with Orions.

      >Trek & Morty
      I shan't be watching your pozzed anti-Trek slop

      Verification not required.

      What's stupid is that doing an adult animated Trek comedy thing would've worked, even with this art style. But just going full R&M with it was always a stupid mistake. This show would've been a thousand times better if they toned that shit down and wrote it closer to traditional Trek, with more contemplative stories and a more mature sense of humor.

      regardless of whether you like it or not, it's the only Star Trek show of the current era that doesn't actively hate Star Trek

      Why do people say this when Strange New Worlds exists? It's by far the most classic Trek show airing right now. Also, all LD has is just soulless references to older shows.

      • 3 months ago

        >Honestly for as much as I have issues with LD, I don't mind this at all and I like what they've done with Orions.
        As D'Vana herself described it, it's more like their civilization is hyper-capitalist rather than everyone being yo ho style pirates. They're kinda similar to the ferengi, but unlike "exploitative traders", orions are more "make you an offer you can't refuse". Actually, their matriarchal society further sets them up as a foil to the ferengi. Never realized that until now.

        • 3 months ago

          >As D'Vana herself described it, it's more like their civilization is hyper-capitalist rather than everyone being yo ho style pirates. They're kinda similar to the ferengi, but unlike "exploitative traders", orions are more "make you an offer you can't refuse". Actually, their matriarchal society further sets them up as a foil to the ferengi. Never realized that until now.
          See, this is what I like about LD. When it does cool Trek stuff and expands the lore, I actually like it and think it's good. But it does everything else mentioned itt way more than it does being a traditional Trek thing.

          • 3 months ago

            For every good expansion of lore it has completely nonsensical horseshit like a Pakled home planet

    • 3 months ago

      Not enough cat lady

  2. 3 months ago

    I can't stand Discovery, but there are pretty good reasons why it hasn't been referenced. Everything following Burnham reigniting the war with the Klingons is black-ops classified stuff. The USS Discovery is a covert experimental ship and then they get launched into the future. Section 31 and the Mirror Universe also haven't really been a part of Lower Decks yet, so there's not a lot of information leakage points.

    I'm more worried about the progression of time in Lower Decks. It's getting dangerously close to the events of Picard Season 1 and the synth-revolution/terror attacks.

    • 3 months ago

      >I'm more worried about the progression of time in Lower Decks. It's getting dangerously close to the events of Picard Season 1 and the synth-revolution/terror attacks.
      Yeah, I was thinking about that too. At a certain point, LD might have to do a timeskip or something, cause our main characters are ranking up more and more, and some of them will probably get their own command soon. It's going to be increasingly difficult to keep them from having some kind of role in the main action.

    • 3 months ago

      Google says Picard starts in 2399 and LD is 2381 so we have a good buffer between the two.

    • 3 months ago

      >the Mirror Universe also haven't really been a part of Lower Decks yet

      Getting transported to the Mirror Universe on a Terran Empire ship was one of the scenarios in those holodeck testing pods.

      • 3 months ago

        >Mariner tummy

        They've also avoided referencing things specific to SNW (the crossover counted as a SNW episode), so it's probably more a "avoid referencing the newer stuff so they don't accidentally look bad in hindsight" mandate.

        Probably. It's frustrating, but understandable.

      • 3 months ago

        That's not actually the mirror universe though. Secret information about Discovery and Empress Georgiou's escapades aren't going to leak into public knowledge for random personnel from a holotraining program.

        • 3 months ago

          I never watched Discovery so I don't know what you're referring to, just pointing out that Lower Decks did reference the Mirror Universe as part of a training exercise created by an NCO, so it's not like information of the Terran Empire was highly classified.

          • 3 months ago

            The Terran Empire had been known about since TOS. My point is that the information available in the training program isn't going to contain anything related to Discovery since everything they did was classified by starfleet or never known by starfleet. The Section 31 movie might change that if it ever gets made. Lower Decks is surprisingly good at keeping continuity more or less correct.

            • 3 months ago

              Known to the audience, and known to Starfleet, but it's not common knowledge in universe. In the first DS9 episode that did Mirror Universe shenanigans, Kira didn't even know who Kirk was, let alone about the parallel universe. When Kira asked Bashir what the hell was going on, he was all "oh yeah, I read about this in the Academy".

              • 3 months ago

                >Kira didn't even know who Kirk was
                Why would she know about some foreign space captain who died long before she was born?

              • 3 months ago

                I kinda get where anon is coming from but I think they are forgetting that Kira spent her life fighting an occupation on her world so not much time for reading and isn't even a member of starfleet so she wouldn't have any reason to read about their history.

    • 3 months ago

      >but there are pretty good reasons why it hasn't been referenced. Everything following Burnham reigniting the war with the Klingons is black-ops classified stuff. The USS Discovery is a covert experimental ship and then they get launched into the future. Section 31 and the Mirror Universe also haven't really been a part of Lower Decks yet, so there's not a lot of information leakage points.
      Basically this.

      Next season with teleporter-clone Boilmer being now part of Section 31 might actually result in Discovery getting references, though.

    • 3 months ago

      >Everything following Burnham reigniting the war with the Klingons is black-ops classified stuff.
      No, it's because there's nothing funny or beloved or iconic or remotely interesting about STD to reference. Lower Decks knows it's audience and it's people who go

      • 3 months ago

        Don't forget the X (formerly Twitter) queer activists.

    • 3 months ago

      >It's getting dangerously close to the events of Picard Season 1
      Lower Decks is set only a few years after the end of the Dominion war, Picard is set like 40 years after the end of Next Gen

      • 3 months ago

        Lower Decks is set in 2380, Picard S1 is set in 2399, but the Romulan supernova and the attack on Mars are in 2385. If Lower Decks abides by 1 season = 1 year it's almost there.

  3. 3 months ago

    >the shitpost-y parody series is the only piece of Trek media to flesh out orion culture
    What the actual frick.

    • 3 months ago

      Honestly as adorbs as Tendi is, I really found it jarring the way she was all 'not all orions are dicks!' when basically all of them are.

      • 3 months ago

        In her culture sometimes that dickishness is friendly!

      • 3 months ago

        Well yeah, that's part of the joke. The lady doth protest too much. The alien cast member being some form of cultural outsider is a classic Star Trek bit.

        Voyager was so bad that they had to introduce a aryan goddess in a skintight suit to save the show.

        And then they brought her back for Picard, and she managed to steal the show a second time.

  4. 3 months ago

    That just shows its based

    • 3 months ago

      It is that, most certainly.

  5. 3 months ago

    They've also avoided referencing things specific to SNW (the crossover counted as a SNW episode), so it's probably more a "avoid referencing the newer stuff so they don't accidentally look bad in hindsight" mandate.

    • 3 months ago

      Mariner specifically teases Boimler about it though. And mentions Pike/Enterprise by name, and Boimler gets pissy saying they're not supposed to talk about it.

  6. 3 months ago

    >Trek & Morty
    I shan't be watching your pozzed anti-Trek slop

    Verification not required.

    • 3 months ago

      This proves you've never watched it.

      • 3 months ago

        Shan't fall for your tricks shill no way no how

    • 3 months ago

      regardless of whether you like it or not, it's the only Star Trek show of the current era that doesn't actively hate Star Trek

      • 3 months ago

        >doesn't actively hate
        Smug contempt is not much better.

        • 3 months ago

          >smug contempt
          You keep telling on yourself as being a humorless c**t.

        • 3 months ago

          >Smug contempt
          There isn't smug contempt for it either.
          Why do you hate so much a show you have never watched?

          • 3 months ago

            >Why do you hate so much a show you have never watched?
            Oh, I'm all caught up. I really love that the last two finales were all about just blowing up the bad guys to smithereens and endless explosions and fleet battles and villains being villains for the sake of being villains.
            That's really what a Star Trek animated comedy should be doing. That's what a Star Trek show should be doing. God forbid they actually do something smart!

            It's honestly amazing how the show that made fun of Star Trek movies in its first season now tries to be a shitty Star Trek action movie in its every season finale.
            Are we done pretending that this show is not just Discovery: The Animated Series? I mean, all the elements are here. The shitty "I love science" lines, the LGBT crap, endless action and explosions, cameos from legacy characters.

            • 3 months ago

              why are you salty that the show acknowledges that gays exist?

            • 3 months ago

              >Oh, I'm all caught up. I really love that the last two finales were all about just blowing up the bad guys to smithereens and endless explosions and fleet battles and villains being villains for the sake of being villains.
              So you haven't watched it, got it.

              • 3 months ago

                Noooooo, that seems pretty spot on. The heroes were doing their damndest to be heroes and go "You don't have to do this!" and the villains were just shitty people going "BUT I WANT POWER!"
                Shitty selfish dickheads make for satisfying villains, and defeating them is a good way to cap off a season.

              • 3 months ago

                >Noooooo, that seems pretty spot on
                It fail to describe how the show actually is so blatantly that I am considering it bait.

              • 3 months ago

                The overall post might be, but that's an accurate summary of the villains in the last two finales. You picked the part he was pretty right about to quote.

                But "we defeated a shitty person" is a decent cap for a season. And yeah, our last two season-end villains were more satisfying takedowns than we got in the worse movies like Nemesis. Give me Not-Paris seething and going "I never should have worked with a Ferengi" as his final words vs. the turd that was Generations' villain.

              • 3 months ago

                Nick Locarno's Explosion Death >>>>> Soran's Explosion Death.
                Honestly this is the perfect example of how Lower Decks differed from the shitty Trek Movies.
                Soran was "outsmarted" and returned to his rocket only to do the typical "realizing too late" shit and get blown up.
                Locarno died because he was spitefully slapping away ever hand outstretched to him by people wanting to give him a chance to surrender peacefully, and then he died because he'd made shitty alliances then drove away his allies, so he didn't know about things like how to disarm a Ferengi bomb.
                One's just typical action movie shite, the other is explicitly Trek from the way the heroes TRIED to help him to the Trek cultural elements that resulted in his downfall.

              • 3 months ago

                How am I wrong? Every finale since S3 has been about blowing the bad guys up.

              • 3 months ago

                >Every finale since S3 has been about blowing the bad guys up.
                Most season final in most trek show is about blowing up the bad guys. You fail to make a point is this is all you can complain about.

                also, one of the season final of Lower Decks is not blowing up the villain, but saving a space ship.

              • 3 months ago

                >Most season final in most trek show is about blowing up the bad guys
                Incorrect. But we all know you watch NuTrek exclusively so why would you know.

              • 3 months ago

                Anon, I've watched you futilely defend this show with broken english for years now and not once have you ever posted a convincing argument. Just lots of ad hom and whining with a souson of equivocation

              • 3 months ago

                He's actually getting more and more agitated as years go on, so maybe when this shit finally goes the way of the dodo, he'll go full "DO NOT REDEEM".

              • 3 months ago

                >you futilely defend this show
                the only futility come from you coming up with the most generic complain you have made in an attempt to complain about a show you have clearly not watched.

              • 3 months ago

                stop copies me.

              • 3 months ago

                He's actually getting more and more agitated as years go on, so maybe when this shit finally goes the way of the dodo, he'll go full "DO NOT REDEEM".

                Stop replying to yourself, anon.

              • 3 months ago

                swing and a miss

              • 3 months ago

                You're not gonna get an actual answer out of him. He's purposefully derailing the decision away from the actual grievance.

              • 3 months ago

                must be paid by the reply
                hey, here's another Rupee for you, brother.

              • 3 months ago

                >He's purposefully derailing the decision away from the actual grievance.
                You have failed to make an actual grievance.

                Complaining that a Star Trek show has space explosion is the stupidest complain anyone could make.

              • 3 months ago

                >Complaining that a Star Trek show has space explosion is the stupidest complain anyone could make.
                No, I don't think so! Star Trek is about solving great space mysteries and not lazy space explosions.

              • 3 months ago

                >and not lazy space explosions.
                Lazy space explosion being represented by a shacking setand waving actors has been one of the core-tenet of Star Trek since the beginning.

                One doesn't forbid the other. You are just an hack spamming bullshit.

              • 3 months ago

                I know this may come as a surprise, but before Kurtzman got his hands on it in 2009, Star Trek wasn't all about blowing shit up.

                >And yet, it completely fails to utilize its medium in a creative way
                So you have never watched the show, got it.

                Look mate, this is fun and all, but if you're gonna just cover your eyes and ears and pretend you don't know how to read while sounding like a broken record, I don't think there's much use in replying to you anymore.

              • 3 months ago

                >Star Trek wasn't all about blowing shit up.
                And it still isn't about it. You arguing in bad faith won't make you magically right. Complaining that Trek has space explosion defacto make you lose the argument.

                >but if you're gonna just cover your eyes
                You are the one complaining about things that have always been part of trek and trying to use that as a demonstration that a specific trek show is bad. You are the one who is completely missing the mark, there.

              • 3 months ago

                >And it still isn't about it.
                Well, the last two season finales of this lovely show most certainly were just about vanquishing your enemies with PHASER FIRE.
                >AI taking our jerbz? how do we handle this conundrum?
                Sike, let's just make the AI literally Skynet, and blow it the frick up. Who cares if Star Trek was generally much smarter about artificial intelligence in the past? Who needs nuance in a Star Trek show?
                >a memberberry character is building his own fleet and has some secret evil masterplan because he's jaded or something
                Yeah, let's just blow him up.

              • 3 months ago

                Anon, there are multiple episodes where they handle AI being dicks in Lower Decks, that AI only got blown up because it refused to surrender and outright tried to ram the Cerritos. The rest of the time they arrest them and send them off to evil AI prison for therapy.

              • 3 months ago

                Seriously, they're weirdly committed to that particular running gag.

                >And it still isn't about it.
                Well, the last two season finales of this lovely show most certainly were just about vanquishing your enemies with PHASER FIRE.
                >AI taking our jerbz? how do we handle this conundrum?
                Sike, let's just make the AI literally Skynet, and blow it the frick up. Who cares if Star Trek was generally much smarter about artificial intelligence in the past? Who needs nuance in a Star Trek show?
                >a memberberry character is building his own fleet and has some secret evil masterplan because he's jaded or something
                Yeah, let's just blow him up.

                >Yeah, let's just blow him up.
                Mariner tried to convince Lacarno to surrender multiple times. Hell, the only reason Tom Paris exists is that even Robert Ducan Mc'Neil though the character was an irredeemable piece of shit. That and royalties, but still.

              • 3 months ago

                Honestly I think it works, its cute to see evil ai's reforming and wanting to just work on a garden or something. Seems like a really Starfleet thing to do when you look at how they generally operate.

              • 3 months ago

                >most certainly were just about vanquishing your enemies with PHASER FIRE.
                >just about
                Thank you for once again outing yourself as not having watched the show.
                >Sike, let's just make the AI literally Skynet
                That final came out way before all the tlak about AI art, anon, you really are full of shit. Not to mention, that same season had Boilmer defending the Doctor from Voyager. You really sucks at this, anon.
                >Yeah, let's just blow him up.
                So once, again, you out yourself as not having watched the show, or worse, not having enough braincell to figure anything that isn't action sequence.

              • 3 months ago

                Don't reply to the pajeet

              • 3 months ago

                Anon, there are multiple episodes where they handle AI being dicks in Lower Decks, that AI only got blown up because it refused to surrender and outright tried to ram the Cerritos. The rest of the time they arrest them and send them off to evil AI prison for therapy.

                Even Badgy (or part of it) ends up reaching godhood while the other half actually reform.

              • 3 months ago

                >the ultra violent palestinian murdering robot becomes god
                McMahan doing work for Netanyahu

              • 3 months ago

                how is Badgy Palestinian?

              • 3 months ago

                no no, not a murdering palestinian robot
                a palestinian-murdering robot
                a robot that murders palestinians

              • 3 months ago

                Ah, okay. I get it, now.

              • 3 months ago

                Don't reply to the pajeet

                Stop replying to yourself. It won't stop you being currently owned, there.

              • 3 months ago

                must be paid by the reply
                hey, here's another Rupee for you, brother.

                stop replying to yourself.
                >must be paid by the reply
                And you are back to you moronic useless defence of "if he likes the show he must be a shill".

                It will never be a valid counter-point to make.

              • 3 months ago

                >Most season final in most trek show is about blowing up the bad guys
                TAS season 1: The Enterprise does some medical experiments to cure Kirk's brother's planet of a giant amoeba infestation killing the populace.
                TAS Season 2: Mother fricking Gary Seven. The goal of this episode was thr exact opposite of blowing up the bad guys.
                TAS Season 3: A crazy FTM pro-troony swaps bodies with Kirk in an attempt to take over command of the Enterprise while also killing Kirk.
                TNG season 1: Closing tense diplomatic relations with a Romulan warbird.
                TNG season 2: Riker gets over a mind virus during a clip show.
                TNG season 3: Picard becomes Locutus of Borg, the mission to rescue him from the Borg is botched, and the season ends on a cliffhanger that isn't resolved until season 4.
                TNG Season 4: Another cliffhanger ending. This one about the inciting of a Klingon civil war over the ascension of Gowron as chancellor of the Klingon High Council, and Worf resigning to fight at Gowron's side.
                TNG Season 5: Another cliffhanger. The Enterprise goes back in time and hang out with Gainen and Mark Twain after a report from Starfleet suggests timey whimey alien shenanigans.
                TNG Season 6: Lore infiltrates The Borg and then tries to, and temporarily succeeds in, converting Data into a willing ally against the federation.
                TNG Season 7: More time travel shit where Q laughs at Picard for almost destroying humanity before it even starts as Picard slides through three points in time trying to crack the secret of a space time anomaly.

                Not a single season TNG finale was "Blow up the bad guys" across the first two series alone. Closest you got was season 3 of TNG, and that didn't really happen until the season 4 premiere. I'm sure we'd only find a small number if we went through the other series as well.

              • 3 months ago

                nta but why did you conveniently ignore how they tried to blow picard up when he was a borg during the season finale only for them to be all 'too bad we knew you were gonna do that' with the season opener?

              • 3 months ago

                Because blowing up the bad guy ultimately failed, and Picard wasn't a traditional bad guy.
                The blowing up the bad guy part of the episode was the tail end as a cliffhanger. The other 40 minutes of the episode had nothing to do with that at all and that's not what the entire episode was about.

              • 3 months ago

                Seems like mental gymastics to justify how the season ended with trying to blow up the bad guy which you hated and suddenly it doesn't count cause its tng

              • 3 months ago

                >Closing tense diplomatic relations with a Romulan warbird
                You omitted the best part: the 20th century humans. Romulans get defeated by a Wall Street shark calling their bluff.
                I love "The Neutral Zone".

            • 3 months ago

              >Oh, I'm all caught up. I really love that the last two finales were all about just blowing up the bad guys to smithereens and endless explosions and fleet battles and villains being villains for the sake of being villains.
              >That's really what a Star Trek animated comedy should be doing. That's what a Star Trek show should be doing. God forbid they actually do something smart!
              >It's honestly amazing how the show that made fun of Star Trek movies in its first season now tries to be a shitty Star Trek action movie in its every season finale.
              Thank you. Someone gets it. Even PRO kinda did this too, although it was much smarter about it.

              I fricking hate anti-woke idiots as much as the next smart, sensible person but Kurtzman era Trek, even if it's better than what it used to be, still on the whole isn't great. There's still way too many big space battles, still too much, "Ships warp in at the last minute to save the day," bullshit, too much action in general.

              This is why I think, while SNW and PRO are good, modern Trek at its core, STILL feels like it's ashamed of being Trek, because even those shows default to this shit at times.

              >Are we done pretending that this show is not just Discovery: The Animated Series? I mean, all the elements are here. The shitty "I love science" lines, the LGBT crap, endless action and explosions, cameos from legacy characters.
              Thank you for articulating further what I hate about this current era. Feels like the writers don't really like Trek at all and just use this to disguise their disinterest in the franchise and as a shield against the hardcore fans.

              • 3 months ago

                >Thank you for articulating further what I hate about this current era
                By saying something that factually false?
                >Feels like the writers don't really like Trek
                So you haven't watched the show, got it.

              • 3 months ago

                >Even PRO kinda did this too
                Not exactly. The villains' scheme in Prodigy relies on the Starfleet rescue deus ex machina, which is quite clever. Much more clever than anything in this abortion.
                But of course that's why PRO got cancelled and this will go on for ten more seasons.

              • 3 months ago

                >But of course that's why PRO got cancelled and this will go on for ten more seasons.
                Still wild to me that PRO actually did pretty well, all things considered, and they still cancelled it.

                Really hope Netflix steps up and keeps the show going until at least a fifth season.

      • 3 months ago

        >doesn't actively hate Star Trek
        How so? Because it crams several Trek memberberries into each episode?
        Take away all the references, and you're left with a generic 2010s adult animated sitcom.

        • 3 months ago

          Because it doesn't spend its entire runtime shitting on the series that came before it. Nostalgiabaiting references don't make for good writing, but at least it's not malicious.


          Honestly for as much as I have issues with LD, I don't mind this at all and I like what they've done with Orions.

          What's stupid is that doing an adult animated Trek comedy thing would've worked, even with this art style. But just going full R&M with it was always a stupid mistake. This show would've been a thousand times better if they toned that shit down and wrote it closer to traditional Trek, with more contemplative stories and a more mature sense of humor.

          Why do people say this when Strange New Worlds exists? It's by far the most classic Trek show airing right now. Also, all LD has is just soulless references to older shows.

          >Why do people say this when Strange New Worlds exists?
          Because I frequently forget that it does, too much connection to Discovery for my liking

          • 3 months ago

            >shitting on the series that came before it
            It's dishonestly leeching off them. Is that really better?

            • 3 months ago

              unfortunately yes, that's the state the franchise is in at the moment

  7. 3 months ago

    She’s the Toph of lower decks, admit it. Shows up out of now where and immediately becomes the best character.

    • 3 months ago

      Three-way tie for me. I couldn't possibly choose.

      • 3 months ago

        The vussy is the only logical choice, anon.

      • 3 months ago

        Kill (With sex)

        • 3 months ago

          T'lyn, Mariner, Tendi in that order

          • 3 months ago

            Replace Mariner with Ensign Barnes.
            It's barely even murder if the symbiont survives, right?

      • 3 months ago

        >Endless primal sex

  8. 3 months ago

    Discovery is shit and everyone hates it.

    • 3 months ago

      >Personally, I think Discovery is brilliant.
      >When you have somebody online telling you in the same breath that your animation style is something they’ve seen before but they also are draping themselves in anime and love anime. Everybody’s kind of an armchair animation expert.
      >All these people think there’s a guy in like a green-brimmed visor sitting at CBS and being like “You know how we can make money? Let’s make it The Simpson or the Rick and Morty but put them in a Star Trek.”
      >No, it’s actually the opposite. CBS does not want to frick with Star Trek. They know what Star Trek fans like, you know. It has to have a really good reason why it’s that way.
      >I don’t think anyone wants to watch made to order TV. That’s why we’re fighting AI.
      >I’m flattered by Rick and Morty comparisons because Rick and Morty is fricking awesome.
      >We’re already making a good animated comedic nineties era Star Trek show. It never came to my mind that I should also challenge the audience into a new style of animation that they’ve never seen before.
      >I super don’t care. People are gonna complain no matter what on the internet, people are gonna be upset. Guess they’re just shitting on everything.
      >These people on the internet think they know what’s going. Keep track of fricking animated ranking pips, you pieces of shit. You know how fricking hard it is?
      >We’re making this show for me. The second the show makes me love it that’s when it’s ready for everyone else to see. I hate to tell you this but I’m not making this show for you, I’m making this show for me.

      >Trek & Morty
      I shan't be watching your pozzed anti-Trek slop

      Verification not required.


      • 3 months ago

        Shan't fall for your tricks shill no way no how

        >Trek & Morty
        I shan't be watching your pozzed anti-Trek slop

        Verification not required.

        >>Trek & Morty


        Honestly for as much as I have issues with LD, I don't mind this at all and I like what they've done with Orions.

        What's stupid is that doing an adult animated Trek comedy thing would've worked, even with this art style. But just going full R&M with it was always a stupid mistake. This show would've been a thousand times better if they toned that shit down and wrote it closer to traditional Trek, with more contemplative stories and a more mature sense of humor.

        Why do people say this when Strange New Worlds exists? It's by far the most classic Trek show airing right now. Also, all LD has is just soulless references to older shows.

        >But just going full R&M with it was always a stupid mistake.
        Thank you for proving you have never watched the show. If the only reason for not watching it is that "it's like Rick and Morty" than you have no reason at all.

        One of the most loving Trek show there is.

        • 3 months ago

          >Thank you for proving you have never watched the show. If the only reason for not watching it is that "it's like Rick and Morty" than you have no reason at all.
          I've seen everything except for most of the new season.

          I don't know what to tell you. To its credit, it does get better after the first season, but even a lot of the third season felt more like a generic adult animated comedy where they use profanity (which I love to use btw) as a crutch for also just not being funny.

          I don't hate the show but it's also just really underwhelming. Best modern Trek shows are SNW and PRO by far.

          >One of the most loving Trek show there is.
          Why? Because they keep making references to old Trek stuff despite it contributing nothing to the plot?

          Because it doesn't spend its entire runtime shitting on the series that came before it. Nostalgiabaiting references don't make for good writing, but at least it's not malicious.

          >Why do people say this when Strange New Worlds exists?
          Because I frequently forget that it does, too much connection to Discovery for my liking

          >Because I frequently forget that it does, too much connection to Discovery for my liking
          Have you actually seen it? It basically has frick all to do with Discovery except for a reference in the first episode iirc.

          • 3 months ago

            >but even a lot of the third season felt more like a generic adult animated comedy where they use profanity (which I love to use btw) as a crutch for also just not being funny.
            Doesn't change my point. it's still not rick and Morty at all. You need more than that to qualify something as R&M.

            >Why? Because they keep making references to old Trek stuff despite it contributing nothing to the plot?
            They have their own actual plot and it's not because they make references in itself, but because they put the previous shows in positive light.

            • 3 months ago

              >Doesn't change my point. it's still not rick and Morty at all. You need more than that to qualify something as R&M.
              Even if it's not just R&M, it's still a mediocre at best show that almost feels like it's actively trying to NOT be Trek, but not to the point where people start complaining. Because when they reach that point, they start throwing in the Trek references and writing a little bit more in line with the classic shows.

              >but because they put the previous shows in positive light.
              Do we really need them to do that though? Shouldn't the shows stand up on their own?

          • 3 months ago

            >Have you actually seen it? It basically has frick all to do with Discovery except for a reference in the first episode iirc.
            Nope, because I never got around to checking it out because CBS completely burned out my ability to give a shit about Star Trek after several seasons of shows that were dogshit television in general, made it clear the writers hated Star Trek on principle, and recycled the same god damned plot about evil AI killing everyone back to back.

            SNW might be great, I don't know because I don't care enough to find out anymore.

            • 3 months ago

              That sucks, anon. It really is a good show that is actually trying to do new stuff with the franchise, while harkening back to what made it good in the first place. It's not perfect but it does feel like a worthy successor to TOS and TNG.

      • 3 months ago

        >When you have somebody online telling you in the same breath that your animation style is something they’ve seen before but they also are draping themselves in anime and love anime.
        All anime is the same, amirite fellow *real* animation experts?
        >“You know how we can make money? Let’s make it The Simpson or the Rick and Morty but put them in a Star Trek.”
        That's literally exactly what the show is. They chose an easy, watered down, low-turnaround art style that copies what's already popular and used an established IP to bolster their odds of getting people to watch.
        >CBS does not want to frick with Star Trek. They know what Star Trek fans like, you know.
        Lmao no they fricking don't. They spent the last decade proving they have no idea what to do with Trek.
        >I’m flattered by Rick and Morty comparisons because Rick and Morty is fricking awesome.
        What a homosexual.
        >[everything else] I'm not seething! I'm not mad! You're mad! I know better than you! Sh-shut up! There's something in my eye! Animation is hard even though I don't actually work on the animation! This show isn't for you anyways!
        lol homosexual couldn't even keep his shit straight and went straight into uncontrollable seething and malding.

        • 3 months ago

          >All anime is the same, amirite fellow *real* animation experts?
          I work in the industry and I can tell you that there is an unspoken contempt for anime here. Even in places like CalArts where it's looked down upon for some reason despite all the younger students loving it. So this really shouldn't be surprising.

          • 3 months ago

            It's because of that.

        • 3 months ago

          The number of people here responding to obvious bait and sarcasm as though it's serious legit is not a surprise, but I feel like it should be.

          • 3 months ago

            Oh, the quotes are real. It's impressive that you can shit on this show by simply bringing up what happened in it and what the writers said.
            That's how BAD it is.

            • 3 months ago

              >greentext is real, because I said so
              To the extent that it has ANY relation to reality (which, let's be really fricking clear here, only 3 lines remotely approach being a direct quote as opposed to your memehard editorializing), the guy needs to A: keep his job, which means not biting the hand that feeds him, and B: back his subordinates, regardless of what you personally think of the work. I don't have to like him to understand why he has to defend the indefensible and understand that you're a bitter loser who has never had to keep a dozen plates spinning and placate 100 people, 10 of whom can fire you and have peons to deliver anything unfavorable you say about them. I know you'll never accept that other people have different experiences and responsibilities, but thankfully you're not the only one reading here.

              • 3 months ago

                >only 3 lines remotely approach being a direct quote as opposed to your memehard editorializing
                They're ALL direct quotes, you coping homosexual.

              • 3 months ago

                No they aren't and you're too comfortable lying your ass off.

              • 3 months ago

                Get fricked, you pathetic sycophant.

              • 3 months ago

                >It's not real
                >but if it were here's a bunch of excuses why he has to say the gay shit he said
                Good lord, is that you Mike? Please say it is, because there's no reason to be so pathetic on behalf of that homosexual.

              • 3 months ago

                Stop shilling your shit on Cinemaphile and bragging about it on Twitter, you talentless homosexual. It's gonna cost you your job.

              • 3 months ago

                >I don't have to like him to understand
                I feel sorry for you, surrounded by shills every day.

              • 3 months ago

                >Sep 3, 2016

              • 3 months ago

                Never forget: you're here forever.
                And so is he. No one stops using Cinemaphile.

          • 3 months ago

            From the horse's mouth, Black person.

            • 3 months ago

              >I was only pretending to be moronic.
              Let the group home minder know it's almost your bedtime.

              • 3 months ago

                Do you actually not know what that phrase means? I figured you'd embarassed yourself enough already.

              • 3 months ago

                it's Cinemaphile talk, brah

              • 3 months ago

                >if I pretend to be smug, that means I won!

              • 3 months ago

                Holy shit, you're so desperate to be contrarian to people who enjoy a thing and attack the phantoms in your minds that you two are eating each other now. Screencapping for the memories.

              • 3 months ago

                >Screencapping for the memories
                Good. You're going to look back at this period of your life and think to yourself, "why did I sacrifice my dignity and spent hours defending a mediocre adult cartoon about a black dyke dabbing on Star Trek ideals online during that period of my life?"

              • 3 months ago

                I only popped in about 30 minutes ago while watching Jeopardy, dude. You, or people like you, have apparently been at this all day. ONE of us definitely has an issue with their time management, and it's probably not the one who likes things. Peace!

              • 3 months ago

                >I only popped in about 30 minutes ago
                The IP count didn't change for hours, but nice try.

              • 3 months ago

                I said this a few hours ago.

                It's engineer syndrome. Notice Scotty and Geordi are easily the least talked about members of their respective crews. DS9 made O'Brien work as the relatable everyman constantly suffering through bullshit, Voyager shunted the engineer aside for a half Klingon with Klingon issues, and Enterprise made Tucker the Bones of the cast. But Rutherford is again an engineer whose primary interest is doing engineer things. Otherwise, he's the closest thing the cast has to a straight man (in the humor sense).

                Then I went back to weeding.

              • 3 months ago

                >been at this all day
                yeah, let's get this gay fricking thread over with, holy shit

              • 3 months ago

                >I'M NOT MAD UR MAD
                Keep it coming. Maybe making this thread all about what a moronic homosexual you are will make you feel better.

              • 3 months ago

                >gets exposed as a desperate liar homosexual trying to defend his guru's good honour
                >immediately pivots
                I hate Cinemaphilemblr shills like you wouldn't believe.

  9. 3 months ago

    Will they ever cameo Ben Sisko?
    He was right up there with Picard in the top-tier starfleet officers, but he gets no acknowledgement.
    Is it because he went off into a wormhole or whatever? Modern writers don't want to acknowledge the religious stuff? What is it?

    • 3 months ago

      >Is it because he went off into a wormhole or whatever?
      Yes. The Deep Space Nine episode directly alluded to this. Kira keeps Ben's baseball on her desk. She's still waiting for her captain.

    • 3 months ago

      >Will they ever cameo Ben Sisko?
      Avery Brooks is done with Star Trek for behind the scenes reasons no one goes into, so probably not.

  10. 3 months ago


    >Mariner coomposter is McMahan
    Holy penis what a scoop

  11. 3 months ago

    >frickkk we have a new STD season coming up and our stock ain't doing so good
    >quick! spam that alt-right site with our garbage to farm engagement on Parrot Analytics
    >just don't make it too obvious teehee
    I eagerly await the day this company will finally go under and I won't have to see their garbage and its lazy dishonest shilling on this board ever again.

  12. 3 months ago

    The over dramatic internet mouth breathers that think anyone who likes something they don't is a network shill are simultaneously the funniest & most pathetic people on this website. Amazing.

    • 3 months ago

      You would be more believable if the crap you were trying to shill wasn't putrid irredeemable garbage that shits all over Star Trek and its legacy.

      • 3 months ago

        Make fun of isn't shitting on. The deep dives into show lore shows the creators know and love the show.

        • 3 months ago

          >the creators know and love
          They certainly know how to use Memory Alpha, alright. Out of the NuTrek bunch, this show is the most offensive in just how outright anti-Star Trek it is. It takes some real malice to completely misunderstand the point of the franchise and to twist into something grotesque and vulgar.
          Discovery and Picard don't even try to be Star Trek so I'll give them a pass. But this shit is a straight-up deconstruction of everything Star Trek stood for. It's Anti-Star Trek.

          • 3 months ago

            >this is the least Star Trek Star Trek since the less-Star Trek Star Treks aren't Star Trek enough to Star Trek even ironically
            So it *is* Star Trek then

            • 3 months ago

              It's deeply mean-spirited but pretends to be wholesome.
              It's aggressively unintelligent but is also smug as shit.
              It goes to extreme lengths to look like old Star Trek despite having absolutely nothing in common with its award-winning writing.
              It pretends to celebrate Starfleet despite shitting all over Roddenberry's ideals.

              Lower Decks is what you get if you give Star Trek to someone who knows everything about it and hates it because he thinks he's smarter. It feeds on your nostalgia and leeches on Star Trek's storied legacy to prop itself up.
              It's a parasite of a show that has nothing to offer if you strip away everything it inherited from a generation of better and more creative writers.

              • 3 months ago

                I don't want to match this guy's intensity but he's right. Lower Decks is pseud as frick and quite mean while pretending to be smart and reverent.

              • 3 months ago

                It's deeply mean-spirited but pretends to be wholesome.
                It's aggressively unintelligent but is also smug as shit.
                It goes to extreme lengths to look like old Star Trek despite having absolutely nothing in common with its award-winning writing.
                It pretends to celebrate Starfleet despite shitting all over Roddenberry's ideals.

                Lower Decks is what you get if you give Star Trek to someone who knows everything about it and hates it because he thinks he's smarter. It feeds on your nostalgia and leeches on Star Trek's storied legacy to prop itself up.
                It's a parasite of a show that has nothing to offer if you strip away everything it inherited from a generation of better and more creative writers.

                McMahan doesn't hate Trek or think he's smarter than it, his problem is far simpler and more common:
                He only ever liked it as a soap for losers.
                He was never interested in philosophy or science or exploration, he was interested in wondering if Riker and Troi will smooch.

              • 3 months ago

                Call it what you will: Star Trek is a JOKE to him. He looks at TOS and thinks it's silly because aliens wear shitty rubber masks. He cannot treat it seriously so all the amazing stories by the likes of DC Fontana just go over his head.
                Star Trek is this cheesy thing from the sixties to him. He might like it, but for all the wrong reasons. But if he actually liked Star Trek, he wouldn't feel the need to make it more "mature" for adult audiences with all the gratuitous gore and swearing and jokes about incestuous rape and jerking off toddlers.

              • 3 months ago

                I think he loves Trek, he just loves all of the most surface-level and juvenile aspects. He's the kind of guy that loved Picard blowing up a dude's head or Riker in the movies being a moronic thug.

                The writers pissing all over Star Trek seems more like a combination of them not caring about Trek and McMahan being a lazy frick that would rather go "haha funny sex ape" than think about exercising editorial control to maintain tone.

            • 3 months ago

              He was technically correct.
              Picard was leading the borg in that battle and knew everything about the federation and their ships.

              • 3 months ago

                That's why Mariner say "Yeahn duh!" when he talk about it.

            • 3 months ago

              I think this is one of my favorite Trek pictures.

              It's deeply mean-spirited but pretends to be wholesome.
              It's aggressively unintelligent but is also smug as shit.
              It goes to extreme lengths to look like old Star Trek despite having absolutely nothing in common with its award-winning writing.
              It pretends to celebrate Starfleet despite shitting all over Roddenberry's ideals.

              Lower Decks is what you get if you give Star Trek to someone who knows everything about it and hates it because he thinks he's smarter. It feeds on your nostalgia and leeches on Star Trek's storied legacy to prop itself up.
              It's a parasite of a show that has nothing to offer if you strip away everything it inherited from a generation of better and more creative writers.

              >It's deeply mean-spirited
              Is it though? If you're talking about its relationship with Trek Lore it's at most gently ribbing, often aiming at things that the fandom more or less already agreed was a bit daft, like Paris turning into an iguana.
              If you're talking about crew interactions, maybe some of the early stuff had mean spirited elements but it's softened up a lot now that the writers have found their stride. Boimler is a lot less of a butt-monkey these days and we get shit like scenes saying "he would absolutely be able to curbstomp a solo rescue mission on a Borg ship."

              • 3 months ago

                Plus it's well established that Boims has the makings of a great captain one day and T'lyn gets moist for him.

              • 3 months ago

                >Is it though?
                NTA but the way the show handled all this lesbian shit (and how it crapped all over preexisting character dynamics) was beyond mean-spirited.

              • 3 months ago

                >NTA but the way the show handled all this lesbian shit (and how it crapped all over preexisting character dynamics) was beyond mean-spirited.
                You're going to have to be more specific. It's Cinemaphile, I can't tell if you're saying that having lesbians exist is mean spririted, or having the relationship fail was mean spirited.

              • 3 months ago

                Using lesbians to sink a straight character pairing out of sheer spite and then gaslighting the fandom into thinking that they didn't spend 20 episodes setting the straight character pairing up is mean-spirited.

              • 3 months ago

                I KNOW! It was super bullshit when they derailed Mariner/Ransom. You can't just have a girl cross her legs and bit her lip and then pretend that didn't happen! At least it seems back on course in season 4.

              • 3 months ago

                They're talking about the crew of the show being aggressively anti Boimler+Mariner
                The only people that actually liked the show was female shippers self-inserting into Mariner that liked Boimler, and they went out of their way to shit on those people as hard as humanly possible.

                >they're out to get me because muh ship didn't sail!
                this reminds me when naru/saku shippers had a collective aneurysm

              • 3 months ago

                The difference is that Boimler/Mariner was an intention bait and switch.

              • 3 months ago

                or you just mistook friendship for romance, socially moronic people do that all the time, i did in the past but i learned

              • 3 months ago

                >or you just mistook friendship
                Look, this argument is seriously getting tired, and whenever someone tries to gaslight people about what happened in the first two seasons, I'm starting to suspect they have an ulterior motive.
                Are we really pretending that the show didn't do the whole "not my girlfriend" routine which is totally not romantic set up in most stories ever written.

              • 3 months ago

                >I'm starting to suspect an ulterior motive

                It's hilarious that Paramount pays their board seeding partner by post count and time on the catalog, they can just shitpost and start pointless fights to get paid and it doesn't promote the show in any capacity

                They only need to catch one poster at a time to keep the thread bumped

              • 3 months ago

                >I haven't been paying attention
                The showrunner openly derided the shippers.
                I don't care about shipping, the show sucks ass regardless of who bangs who, but the people that did like the show liked it specifically for that ship.
                That's the real reason these threads went from a low-but-reasonable number of posters to sub-50. The fanbase was a bunch of teenage girls on AO3 that the show actively antagonized.

              • 3 months ago

                if i had a show and there were psychotically devoted shippers like you i would mock them too, just accept that boims isn't going to put his baby batter in mariner

              • 3 months ago

                >I can't read

              • 3 months ago

                >i can't get over muh ship
                super neato

              • 3 months ago


              • 3 months ago

                Oh, you're just sperging out because your ship didn't happen.
                Yeah, no. That wasn't mean-spirited, Boimler is living a good life and so is Mariner. Sorry your ship didn't happen, but it's not a personal attack on your.

              • 3 months ago

                It's not my ship. This was the plan until the writers' room got changed.

              • 3 months ago

                They're talking about the crew of the show being aggressively anti Boimler+Mariner
                The only people that actually liked the show was female shippers self-inserting into Mariner that liked Boimler, and they went out of their way to shit on those people as hard as humanly possible.

              • 3 months ago

                Anon, please don't be unreasonable. your ship not sailing is not "aggressively anti-ship." Katara ending up with Aang was not aggressively anti-Zutara.
                Your ship didn't work out. Sorry, but it happens, and it's not meanspirited for two characters to just stay good friends that like one another but don't like-like one another.

              • 3 months ago

                Lower Decks went out of its way to dunk on those specific shippers in particular, so nah, you don't really have a point there.

              • 3 months ago
              • 3 months ago

                >went out of its way to dunk on those specific shippers in particular

                Did it though?

                >aggressively anti-ship
                They explicitly shat on it in interviews. They conjured up a lesbian relationship to sink it. They manufactured a shipping war where shippers of the NOTP ship would risk being accused of homophobia by lesbian shippers feeling righteous. They removed most interactions between the shipped characters from the show (didn't get a single episode together in S4). They told the social media guys to antagonize the NOTP shippers. They told the mobile game devs to stop putting NOTP content in their game.
                This is mean-spirited as frick. Don't be dishonest.

                >They explicitly shat on it in interviews.
                Did they though?

              • 3 months ago

                If you're really inclined to find out just go through the old threads on the archive or read interviews from that season

              • 3 months ago

                I'm not required to do your homework for you, anon.

              • 3 months ago

                that's not how that comeback works

              • 3 months ago

                >aggressively anti-ship
                They explicitly shat on it in interviews. They conjured up a lesbian relationship to sink it. They manufactured a shipping war where shippers of the NOTP ship would risk being accused of homophobia by lesbian shippers feeling righteous. They removed most interactions between the shipped characters from the show (didn't get a single episode together in S4). They told the social media guys to antagonize the NOTP shippers. They told the mobile game devs to stop putting NOTP content in their game.
                This is mean-spirited as frick. Don't be dishonest.

              • 3 months ago

                I am not up on my shipping lingo, does anybody know what NOTP means?

              • 3 months ago

                I think it's a combination of "No" and "OTP" (one true pairing)
                A No-TP

              • 3 months ago

                >does anybody know what NOTP means
                OTP means One True Pairing. NOTP is the opposite of that. It basically means that M/B is the writers' most hated pairing.


              • 3 months ago

                >does anybody know what NOTP means
                OTP means One True Pairing. NOTP is the opposite of that. It basically means that M/B is the writers' most hated pairing.

              • 3 months ago

                >They told the mobile game devs to stop putting NOTP content in their game
                Sometimes I forget how much Mariner/Boimler shit there is in that gotcha game

              • 3 months ago

                >aggressively anti-ship
                They explicitly shat on it in interviews. They conjured up a lesbian relationship to sink it. They manufactured a shipping war where shippers of the NOTP ship would risk being accused of homophobia by lesbian shippers feeling righteous. They removed most interactions between the shipped characters from the show (didn't get a single episode together in S4). They told the social media guys to antagonize the NOTP shippers. They told the mobile game devs to stop putting NOTP content in their game.
                This is mean-spirited as frick. Don't be dishonest.

                Didn't that come out during season 3? Or is this one of the things I'm misremembering since time has lost all meaning?

              • 3 months ago

                There is and I'm surprised that they haven't removed it considering how the official version is that these two weren't meant to be shipped.

                Didn't that come out during season 3? Or is this one of the things I'm misremembering since time has lost all meaning?

                Before S3, I believe.

                The bottom line is that anyone claiming that Boimler/Mariner is some delusion is full of shit.

              • 3 months ago
              • 3 months ago

                You know, I'm surprised that Paramount let Gwyn/Dal happen.

              • 3 months ago

                Everyone knows it was meant to happen until it wasn't. It's not a big mystery. What's dishonest is everyone on the show pretending that they didn't change the plans and gaslighting the frick out of the fandom.

              • 3 months ago

                I'm more bothered by dishonest fricks ITT gaslighting people about shipping on an ancient Mongolian basket weaving.

          • 3 months ago

            No. Mariner is anti-Starfleet at the beginning and they finally revealed why (good deep dive reason) but Biomler and the rest a hardcore Starfleet and Star Trek characters. It's a comedy so everything going Enterprise-D right isn't funny. If you're too hardcore to accept any criticism or fun being poked, that's you. Don't blame the show for your point of view.

            >They certainly know how to use Memory Alpha, alright.
            If they don't know the show, how do they look things up?

            • 3 months ago

              >to accept any criticism
              Criticism is welcome if you actually understand the source material. That's what DS9 was all about: intelligent writers who understood Star Trek challenging it.
              This parasitic cartoon pretends to understand Star Trek and criticizes its own warped perception of it. And that's because the writer is a smug shit-eating midwit who cannot understand the simple fricking ideas of a science-fiction show made for teenagers.

            • 3 months ago

              I wouldn't say Mariner is anti-Starfleet. She's pretty damn loyal. She only left that one time when everyone turned on her (REALLY hope that gets properly addressed in season 5, cause that is not something you brush off). But yeah, the answer to "Why are you like this." is very satisfying.

              >If you're too hardcore to accept any criticism or fun being poked, that's you. Don't blame the show for your point of view.
              I don't, CAN'T understand that attitude. I love taking the piss out of things I love. I could crack jokes about Metroid all frickin' day , and I still deeply care about it. Some people take media they like way too seriously.

              • 3 months ago

                Cuck ape and momcest and badgey murdering space palestinians is less "taking the piss" and more "pissing on"

              • 3 months ago

                >cuck ape
                bonobos do just sit and watch others frick and jerk off irl anon

              • 3 months ago

                And what's the point of putting that in Star Trek again?

              • 3 months ago

                anon, it's a setting where they encounter a world filled with aliens who act like 1930s gangsters, strange shit happens in space

              • 3 months ago

                Okay, give me some more of that strange shit instead of vulgar lowest common denominator sex jokes, you gigantic moron.

              • 3 months ago

                its had weird shit since the start anon

              • 3 months ago

                This is actually way funnier than anything in Lower Dykes.

              • 3 months ago

                I beg to differ but I know that you are still wetting yourself over a romance that happened seasons ago and lasted like three episodes

              • 3 months ago

                The obsession with lumpy lesbians that's infested American cartoons for like a decade is so lame.

              • 3 months ago

                It's not an obsession. Media corporations have diversity quotas if they want to get their ESG gibs.
                This show is just the symptom of the problem.

              • 3 months ago

                this anon seems like the kind of guy who freaks out on a plane if he finds out that the pilot is someone who is darker than mayo

              • 3 months ago

                >strawmanning this hard
                Paramount isn't sending their best.

              • 3 months ago

                yep, definitely one of those guys who thinks that any darkie in a position of authority or power is just a 'diversity hire' but is too pussy to admit to it

              • 3 months ago

                >if someone like something, it must be shill.
                Go eat shit. this is why it's impossible to talk about anything here.

              • 3 months ago

                Anon there's a reason lower decks threads never break 40 IP's and it's not people complaining about shills

              • 3 months ago

                >Anon there's a reason lower decks threads never break 40 IP
                It's because it lost viewership after it ceased to come out on amazon Prime and doesn't air on television.

              • 3 months ago

                It's because people don't watch it
                Because people don't like it

              • 3 months ago

                enough people seem to like it for it to be greenlit for a fifth season

              • 3 months ago

                >It's because people don't watch it
                As a consequence of it no longer being available on amazon Prime nor it airing on television, yes, that was my point.

                Do you know how little Paramount+ is doing, compared tot he other streaming service?

                Lower Decks actually had quite the popular threads when new season was still becoming available on Amazon Prime.

              • 3 months ago

                If people here wanted to watch it they'd watch it, if not through torrents than through one of a hundred sketchy stream sites.
                People here don't like or care about the show.

              • 3 months ago


                Don't know if you are jesting, but it seems it's actually becoming a lost art indeed.

                But beyond that, people will only pirate the shows they actively want to watch. Lower Decks has basically lost all of its casual watchers.

                >people will only pirate the shows they actively want to watch. Lower Decks has basically lost all of its casual watchers.

                >Why do you hate so much a show you have never watched?
                Oh, I'm all caught up. I really love that the last two finales were all about just blowing up the bad guys to smithereens and endless explosions and fleet battles and villains being villains for the sake of being villains.
                That's really what a Star Trek animated comedy should be doing. That's what a Star Trek show should be doing. God forbid they actually do something smart!

                It's honestly amazing how the show that made fun of Star Trek movies in its first season now tries to be a shitty Star Trek action movie in its every season finale.
                Are we done pretending that this show is not just Discovery: The Animated Series? I mean, all the elements are here. The shitty "I love science" lines, the LGBT crap, endless action and explosions, cameos from legacy characters.

                >Oh, I'm all caught up. I really love that the last two finales were all about just blowing up the bad guys to smithereens and endless explosions and fleet battles and villains being villains for the sake of being villains.
                >That's really what a Star Trek animated comedy should be doing. That's what a Star Trek show should be doing. God forbid they actually do something smart!
                >It's honestly amazing how the show that made fun of Star Trek movies in its first season now tries to be a shitty Star Trek action movie in its every season finale.
                Thank you. Someone gets it. Even PRO kinda did this too, although it was much smarter about it.

                I fricking hate anti-woke idiots as much as the next smart, sensible person but Kurtzman era Trek, even if it's better than what it used to be, still on the whole isn't great. There's still way too many big space battles, still too much, "Ships warp in at the last minute to save the day," bullshit, too much action in general.

                This is why I think, while SNW and PRO are good, modern Trek at its core, STILL feels like it's ashamed of being Trek, because even those shows default to this shit at times.

                >Are we done pretending that this show is not just Discovery: The Animated Series? I mean, all the elements are here. The shitty "I love science" lines, the LGBT crap, endless action and explosions, cameos from legacy characters.
                Thank you for articulating further what I hate about this current era. Feels like the writers don't really like Trek at all and just use this to disguise their disinterest in the franchise and as a shield against the hardcore fans.

                >Thank you. Someone gets it.
                Anon, stop replying to yourself, you are just making yourself more pathetic.

              • 3 months ago

                >yes, people stopped watching it because they didn't like it enough to do so
                I accept your concession

              • 3 months ago

                "not liking it" and "not liking it enough to pirate it" are two different things, anon.

              • 3 months ago

                You keep telling yourself that

              • 3 months ago

                It's fact, anon.

              • 3 months ago

                >Anon, stop replying to yourself, you are just making yourself more pathetic.

                >Thank you for articulating further what I hate about this current era
                By saying something that factually false?
                >Feels like the writers don't really like Trek
                So you haven't watched the show, got it.

                >By saying something that factually false?
                How is that false when every episode in the show does EXACTLY what this anon is describing? Tendi and Rutherford are constantly talking about how much they're science nerds, the LGBT 'crap' is actually completely fine though, I'll give you (and modern Trek) that, it constantly relies on action sequences, and there are constant cameos of older characters. Like what the frick am I supposed to say?

              • 3 months ago

                >How is that false when every episode in the show does EXACTLY what this anon is describing?
                Because it actually doesn't. Anyone who has watched the show know he is stripping it down of what it actually does.

              • 3 months ago

                >here are these things the show keeps doing
                >nuh-uh, you clearly haven't even WATCHED the show
                >but I have
                >no u HAV'NT
                God you're so fricking stupid.

              • 3 months ago

                >>here are these things the show keeps doing
                You mean "I will purposely ingore all the other things the show actually do while trying to present as a bad thing the action sequences ALL OF THE TREK SHOWS actually do"?

                Because pretending it's just that is blatant bad faith.

              • 3 months ago

                >You mean "I will purposely ingore all the other things the show actually do while trying to present as a bad thing the action sequences ALL OF THE TREK SHOWS actually do"?
                What does the show """ACTUALLY""" do then? Go ahead and enlighten us, anon.

                As for the action sequences, most Trek shows don't end every season finale with a big, bombastic battle, and even when they do, it's not simply just a battle either.

              • 3 months ago

                >What does the show """ACTUALLY""" do then?
                NTA but Lower Decks' formula boils down to
                >let's reference the old stuff episode
                >let's do lazy LGBTQ rep episode
                >let's do an adult animated sitcom episode
                >let's do a bad action movie (and double down on references)

              • 3 months ago

                So you haven't watched it, got it.

                swing and a miss

                Anyone can edit a screencap, anon. It's cute you took the time to do it.

              • 3 months ago

                >What does the show """ACTUALLY""" do then? Go ahead and enlighten us, anon.
                I don't need to. You are the one stating that it is bad while making the most generic complain possible, making it transparent you have',t actually watched it or, at the very least, are arguing in bad faith, purposely omitting anything that might contradict your narrative.

              • 3 months ago

                >As for the action sequences, most Trek shows don't end every season finale with a big, bombastic battle, and even when they do, it's not simply just a battle either.
                I get the feeling it's not going to matter if I point out that LD is a cartoon that's less limited by budget than a live-action show, because you'll just find a way to whine about that too.

              • 3 months ago

                >that LD is a cartoon that's less limited by budget than a live-action show
                And yet, it completely fails to utilize its medium in a creative way and resorts to just phasers blowing shit up. TAS did some wild stuff because it was animated.
                This abortion refuses to.

              • 3 months ago

                See, you found a way to whine about that. This is just getting sad now.

              • 3 months ago

                Reminder that even PRO does this by having the main crew be a bunch of aliens.

              • 3 months ago

                >And yet, it completely fails to utilize its medium in a creative way
                So you have never watched the show, got it.

              • 3 months ago

                >People here don't like or care about the show.
                This won't stop Paramount from advertising here, though. They're dedicating more resources to making it seem like their shows are popular than actually making good shows that would be popular.
                >inb4 conspiracy theory
                Cinemaphile was literally listed in their marketing report for 2023.

              • 3 months ago

                It's a shame we can't count on Cinemaphile of all places to know basic piracy.

              • 3 months ago

                Don't know if you are jesting, but it seems it's actually becoming a lost art indeed.

                But beyond that, people will only pirate the shows they actively want to watch. Lower Decks has basically lost all of its casual watchers.

              • 3 months ago

                The OS and TNG episode where everyone gets drunk and all the girls get super horny and want to do nothing but frick.
                The DS9 episode where Lwaxana Troi gets an alien flu that causes everyone to start cucking each other.

              • 3 months ago

                Oh I forgot the best DS9 episode:
                The episode where Kira goes to the evil mirror universe where her evil version wants to frick herself. Really, really badly.

              • 3 months ago

                >get super horny and want to do nothing but frick
                I can tell you've never actually watched the original TOS episode, moron.
                The Naked Time is funny because everyone acts FUNNY. It's not just sex shit because that's lazy. The Irish guy starts singing, Spock gets all emotional and weird, Sulu starts running around with a sword, Kirk barely manages to keep it all under control. All hilarious stuff.
                Again, Lower Decks completely misses the point and reduces something that was really funny into something lazy and unfunny.

              • 3 months ago

                I surely did enjoy Sulu running around with a sword. Wish we got more time with him and Uhura and the like in the TOS era.

              • 3 months ago

                >She's pretty damn loyal.
                True, but she did have the "Starfleet's way is the dumb way to do it, my way it better" attitude. I like that half the time she was right and the other half her way was horribly wrong.

              • 3 months ago

                Agreed. Nuance is fun. When she eventually becomes a captain, she's going to be one of those people who heavily promotes reform, specifically in regards to overly strict regulations. The rub will be when she gains experience in command and realize the particulars of how and why things became that way. And then the show will have some fun with her attempts to balance these two perspectives.

          • 3 months ago

            >LD is hated because it tries not to destroy community and stay within its bounds
            >Cape shit is hated because the editors sleep and just rewrite every year complete with OCs

            The duality of man.

    • 3 months ago

      Mariner a cute. She's basically Lina Inverse in space, and it's great.

      But anon, I am the center of the universe. Anyone who expresses enjoyment of something I don't MUST be doing it solely to antagonize me specifically. Obviously.

  13. 3 months ago

    >still no T'Lyn nude scene

    • 3 months ago

      Yet. Remember, they've foreshadowed her eventual pon farr episode. My money's on it tying into Tendi's plot. The showrunners know full what pic related means lore-wise.

  14. 3 months ago

    I think they did kind of reference by having Section 31 have its own badge, which is something that was only previously done in Discovery

  15. 3 months ago

    >the only time an alien culture gets any attention is if that species has main cast rep
    Can we please address the Jen thing and bump her up so we can learn more about andorians?

    • 3 months ago

      >A sexy blue alien woman will never ask you to suckle her antenna.

    • 3 months ago

      Aye, very much this. I was indifferent to the relationship, but it would be nice to have an Andorian Federation Officer written by competent writers so we can learn more about them. The last time it was handled remotely well was Enterprise, and that came with all the baggage of Enterprise and its immediate-aftermath-of-9/11 attempts at cultural relevance.

    • 3 months ago

      I miss her bros.

      • 3 months ago

        That's a standard emotion for Trills. Those spots lead to heaven for sure.

  16. 3 months ago

    Lower decks is almost as bad as discovery, the people making the show didn't want to make the few viewers it has to walk away from it by making them think of STD.

    • 3 months ago

      In many ways, it's much worse. At least STD is almost over. This piece of shit is so resilient to cancellation that it makes you wonder if the fat frick knows where the skeletons are buried. It's beyond me how you can just keep failing upwards your whole career.

      • 3 months ago

        I'll bite How is Lower Decks worse than a show that not only compare klingons to Trump supporters, but said that making a black woman president will automatically put the world on the path of faster than light space travel?

        • 3 months ago

          Are you arguing it's less woke? Because we both know it isn't.

          • 3 months ago

            Stamets and Culber are just there in Discovery. They're just part of the story about the Spore Drive shit. Their sexuality is irrelevant.
            LD just stops everything and tells you that "Mariner is now gay!" multiple times. There's no story there, just pandering to people who didn't give a shit about the show in the first place.

            • 3 months ago

              mariner is bi, is this that freak who is still pissed that mariner/boims is not happening?

              • 3 months ago

                >is bi but only sapphic on screen
                You just described every single modern cartoon female protagonist.

              • 3 months ago

                She clearly has the hots for Jack Ransom, are you socially moronic?

                Well yeah, that's part of the joke. The lady doth protest too much. The alien cast member being some form of cultural outsider is a classic Star Trek bit.

                And then they brought her back for Picard, and she managed to steal the show a second time.

                true enough, she's like worf in that regard only without the jobbing

              • 3 months ago

                Pan, actually. She's a poster girl for humanity's "boldly coming" attitude.

              • 3 months ago

                seems more like a trysexual than anything else but hey I would get weird with it if I was in space too

          • 3 months ago

            >LD fans are dipshit Trump-suckers and racists
            Yeah that tracks

            Well when did Lower decks praise women of color, demonize men for liking women, or bash anything that wasn't pro commie? Don't get me wrong Lower decks sucks, STD just sucks more.

            • 3 months ago

              >praise women of color, demonize men for liking women, or bash anything that wasn't pro commie
              All the time. Maybe if you actually stopped stroking your dick to CalArts characters and started paying attention to the writing, you'd notice it.

              • 3 months ago

                I mean I can see where you get that point of view if you only watch the first couple episodes but there are plenty of episodes where Mariner gets her shit kicked in and characters like Boimler and Ransom get goat moments. It’s still NuTrek and basically crap but at least call it out for the right reasons

              • 3 months ago

                >Boimler and Ransom get goat moments.

                I haven't seen an episode where Boimler didn't get treated like crap in any season.

              • 3 months ago

                The guy outwitted an evil supercomputer on a deserted planet with a busted shuttle and a paranoid Mariner.

              • 3 months ago

                He was also the reason why people signed up for starfleet at the booth for once.

              • 3 months ago

                And how soon after beating the evil supercomputer did Mariner and the other started treating him like crap again?

              • 3 months ago

                is this some self insert guy who hates it when they character they self insert as is the butt of a joke?

              • 3 months ago

                The SNW crossover, if that counts. Otherwise yes he's always getting shat on, but I will say one of my favorite moments was when he just goes apeshit at the recruitment drive.


                People give LD a lot of shit saying that it's mean spirited and hates trek and is just le funny plebbit show, but I disagree. It's trek, and loves the franchise enough to make fun of it in a positive way.

              • 3 months ago

                >trek, and loves the franchise enough to make fun of it in a positive way
                Subscribe to Paramount+ now!

              • 3 months ago

                You really can"t handle people enjoying this show, can you?

                Just fricking pirate it or demands new seasons are broadcasted on TV, but cut that shit out.

              • 3 months ago

                >You really can"t handle people enjoying this show, can you?
                Well, I wouldn't exactly call you lot people.

              • 3 months ago

                Without your argument boiling down to, "Stop liking what I don't like!" Please explain to me how LD is not Star Trek and should not be enjoyed by others.

              • 3 months ago

                >anyone liking something I don't like is an NPC
                Great critical thinking, there.

              • 3 months ago

                This anon thinks that trek has to be taken seriously at all times and is for smart people.

              • 3 months ago

                I have not and will not sub to that shit. Just because I have something positive to say doesn't mean I'm a fricking shill. I think P+ can go take 30 red hot dildos up the ass for delaying PROD s2 and trying to delete it from existence. They even got the fricking Doctor back as a guest lead, and he was about to get shelved. Frick them. I hate netflix too but thank frick they got S2, now they just need to release it.

              • 3 months ago

                I honestly don't either care either way about Paramount. They could win the streaming wars for all I care. I just want Michael McMahan to lose and return to the tollbooth where he belongs.

              • 3 months ago

                >I just want Michael McMahan to lose
                Why would you want that when he is doing a very enjoyable Star Trek show?

              • 3 months ago

                The Doctor is one of my favorite characters, along with Seven. Even if they tried doing her dirty in PIC, I still love her. I'm also biased because I love Stargate and Robert Picardo was in that, too.

              • 3 months ago

                >they tried doing her dirty in PIC
                Even if that were the case, they failed. Seven is the best part of that show, easily. Again, she somehow managed to steal the show twice. Fricking Paramount, where the hell is Legacies?

              • 3 months ago

                Oh I fully agree. I fricking LOVED Seven in PIC. She carried the show. And honestly they could have done a lot worse. I'm legitimately glad they killed off her & Chakotay's relationship and burned it with a torch, even if it meant all the forced drama bullshit in PIC with whatshername.

              • 3 months ago

                >It's trek, and loves the franchise enough to make fun of it in a positive way.

                First off hello Mr. shill. second It's clear in almost every episode of Lower decks that it's made by people who don't like star trek, I mean why else would they have the only character on Lower Decks who acts like an stark trek character gets treated like their name is Meg Griffin?

        • 3 months ago

          >LD fans are dipshit Trump-suckers and racists
          Yeah that tracks

          • 3 months ago

            you think they'd be less eager to praise it for its hamfisted and dishonest homosexualry if that were the case

  17. 3 months ago

    Will Lower Decks die soon?

  18. 3 months ago

    I dont watch lower decks, or strange new worlds, but I still think it was cool they did a crossover episode with the LD voice actors playing their live action selves.

    I just cant get into nutrek because they try to make everything full of jokes and comedy all the time. Discovery was just awful all around, and Strange New Worlds tries its best, but every character is trying to be a snarky comedian all the time and its not what I want from a scifi show about space exploration and politics.

    Picard was just shit unfortunatley, and Lower Decks seems like the best of nutrek.

    • 3 months ago

      The LD episode of strange new worlds was surreal, because Tawny Newsome and Jack Quaid are both very charismatic and likeable when you can actually see them emoting. The same performances with the botox-faced animation are grating and obnoxious.

      • 3 months ago

        >The same performances with the botox-faced animation are grating and obnoxious.
        No, this is a writing issue too. Lower Decks is written by a bunch of smug SNL rejects who want to make their own BoJack Horseman.

    • 3 months ago

      What's wrong with humor? This is especially confusing regarding Lower Decks, which is explicitly a comedy.

      >Lower Decks seems like the best of nutrek.
      I think it is.

      • 3 months ago

        >This is especially confusing regarding Lower Decks, which is explicitly a comedy.

        I dont mind comedy in something like lower decks because its made to be a comedy from the start. I dont like comedy in the other new series because its so forced and out of place there.

    • 3 months ago

      >a scifi show about space exploration and politics.
      Trek hasn't been that in a very long time

      • 3 months ago

        It'll be a long time before it is again because nuance is dead, deep thinking on the future is gone, and everyone is sick of politics because they instantly think its an attack on them.

        Comedy and simple action is probably safest a show can do without triggering someone.

    • 3 months ago

      A pretty fair and balanced take, anon.

  19. 3 months ago

    >all this whining about how Lower Decks is bad Trek
    >absolutely none of the shitposters can actually articulate why
    >almost like they're just here to b***h about a show they haven't seen

    • 3 months ago

      >can actually articulate why
      I don't like repeating myself, but fine.
      >It's deeply mean-spirited but pretends to be wholesome.
      >It's aggressively unintelligent but is also smug as shit.
      >It goes to extreme lengths to look like old Star Trek despite having absolutely nothing in common with its award-winning writing.
      >It pretends to celebrate Starfleet despite shitting all over Roddenberry's ideals.
      >It's a parasite of a show that has nothing to offer if you strip away everything it inherited from a generation of better and more creative writers.

      • 3 months ago

        >all this whining about how Lower Decks is bad Trek
        >absolutely none of the shitposters can actually articulate why
        >almost like they're just here to b***h about a show they haven't seen

        The violence and mean spirit are the major deal breakers for me.
        Never thought I'd see an episode of Star Trek taking swings at the disabled

      • 3 months ago

        ... You're on Cinemaphile. Please rectify that if you think playful jabs at a franchise's lore and history is "mean-spirited". Fricking hell.

        The violence and mean spirit are the major deal breakers for me.
        Never thought I'd see an episode of Star Trek taking swings at the disabled

        Okay, now I know for certain you're full of shit. Frick off.

        • 3 months ago

          >playful jabs
          Everything about the writing is mean-spirited because it's written by people who only know one way to write, it's not about your silly references to past (better) material.

          • 3 months ago

            More like it's written by people who hate Star Trek and Star Trek fans.

        • 3 months ago

          >Star Trek should have the general decorum of Cinemaphile
          Do a backflip into a meat processor

  20. 3 months ago

    >get told LD is the closest thing to old Trek, a love letter to fans
    >watch a random episode
    >The A plot is the head engineer's mother repeatedly trying to rape him/get him raped on a ship that functions as a Renn fair

    • 3 months ago

      it was less rape and more trying to get him to end his eternal no nut november because of a weird custom they have, and its not like a world full of larpers is the strangest alien cultre in trek

    • 3 months ago

      LD is not really close to old Trek but in that episodes defense Trek is not at all new with weird sex episodes.

  21. 3 months ago

    >does Lower Decks avoid references to Discovery?
    but that's a good thing
    STD is shit.

  22. 3 months ago

    It's not just you, and it's a good thing. Lower Decks is written out of love for Trek.
    Discovery is unlovable, probably because it WASN'T written out of love for Trek. It was assembled for consumption.

    • 3 months ago

      >Lower Decks is written out of love for Trek
      Do you ever get tired of repeating the same marketing spiel all over again? Even when it's obviously untrue?

      • 3 months ago

        I am sorry that we don't see eye to eye on this, Anon, but it's not "marketing spiel" it's my honest opinion, and I think it's supported by the show's focus on little touches that old fans love, and the way it revisits interesting ideas from the old shows. Sorry you didn't like it. I hope you find something that you do enjoy as much as I enjoy this.

        • 3 months ago

          I am sorry you can't see this show for what it is: a generic woke adult animated sitcom with a TNG coat of paint.

  23. 3 months ago

    The art style is unappealing and the "Hey remember [Trek episode]!" humor just makes me wanna watch real Star Trek instead.

  24. 3 months ago

    Mods do your fricking job!

  25. 3 months ago

    Discovery isn't referenced in any series because all information about it is classified, it remains wholly unknown in the wider Star Trek universe we know already and it literally disappeared in a way that, unlike Voyager, there's no coming back from.
    It would be weirder if it actually /did/ get referenced.

  26. 3 months ago

    I am doing a Lower Decks rp with a friend online and we have been doing it on the regular for months and it's still kickass. Not a bad way to enjoy the show until the new season drops.

  27. 3 months ago

    So maybe you people can help me out. Why is the main character of Discovery called Michael Burnham? Michael is a boy’s name but the character is a girl. Whenever I read about the show this always confuses me.

    • 3 months ago

      it happens, one time I met a lady named Peter

    • 3 months ago

      The show was created by what's his face... the guy who made Hannibal, Dead Like Me, Wonderfalls and Pushing Daisies. He likes naming female characters with male names as a hallmark of his work. George from DLM, Jay from Wf, Freddy from Hannibal, Chuck from PD etc.
      No deeper reason.

      • 3 months ago

        Ah, thank you. I don’t watch much film and don’t know director trivia so this was lost on me.

        • 3 months ago

          No worries. I genuinely enjoy Bryan Fuller's work (the guy I was talking about), so I know a few things about him. Pushing Daisies is by far my favourite whodunnit show. It's unique in a number of ways. It's narrated like a kid's storybook. It's about a pie maker in a Technicolor world inhabited by people and organizations with names as ridiculous as Charles Charles, The Darling Mermaid Darlings and The Boutique Travel Travel Boutique (owned by DeeDee Duffield). He has the unexplained power to bring people back from the dead but only for a minute so he goes around solving murders by bringing dead folks back long enough to ask them who killed them and collect the reward money.
          It also had occasional musical numbers owing to the fact that Kristen Chenoweth and Ellen Green were in the cast.
          He also did American Gods, I just remembered. He likes reusing the same actors over and over so when I mentioned Chenoweth, I was reminded that she played Oester in AG.
          You might know one of his works since it's a banner here: The Amazing Screw On Head.

  28. 3 months ago

    I'm not dignifying that with a direct response.

    ... I just wanted to talk about a show I like. Should've known better, I guess. This IS Cinemaphile after all, and liking things might as well be against the rules at this point.

    • 3 months ago

      >This IS Cinemaphile after all, and liking things might as well be against the rules at this point.
      Or maybe you should stop being a contrarian asshat and start watching stuff that is actually good.

      • 3 months ago

        >having a different opinion from you
        I don't even have to make a Borg joke.

        This show is way too niche even for Cinemaphile
        I hate it but if you don't and want to discuss it I recommend reddit and AO3
        They'll talk about anything

        No, this isn't your fricking safe space that only exists for the shit you like. Go get a blog you whiny piece of shit.

        • 3 months ago

          >"Cinemaphile won't be nice to me about my shit show!"
          >so go somewhere else homosexual

          • 3 months ago

            Anon, it's silly to pretend that anything about this thread is organic. It's exactly 8AM on the West Coast, for crying out loud. The shift in Carmichael, California just started.

            • 3 months ago

              >Keeps track of time in California
              >is so committed to this bit that he's willing to claim that Californians clock in to work at 8am on a Sunday

              • 3 months ago

                Why wouldn't Paramount have a weekend shift for part-time workers again?

            • 3 months ago

              >8AM on the West Coast
              Of Australia? Cuz in Caliwali, it's nearly noon.

          • 3 months ago

            And you know what, by that same token, I don't have to be nice to you about your outrageously obnoxious bullshit. You're not a Star Trek fan. You're an elitist secondary who pretends to care about a franchise because the only way you can get anything close to enjoyment out of your pathetic excuse of a lie is gatekeeping media on forums. If you actually did watch any old school Trek, you would fricking hate it for being "woke" or whatever. Go die in a fricking fire.

            • 3 months ago


              • 3 months ago

                Also, Uhura exists. Martin Luther King himself visited the set to convince Nichelle Nichols to not give up after being pressured by the network to leave in the wake of Southerners b***hing about the mere presence of a black woman in the show.

              • 3 months ago

                lol whoops i posted the wrong link i was confused by your post

                there we are, i meant to post that

              • 3 months ago

                Ah, I see.

                Wife material

                She really is.

            • 3 months ago

              >ok...w-well...I don't have to be nice to you!
              No one cares you fricking homosexual
              If you don't like it here go somewhere else

          • 3 months ago

            >out my shit show!
            What shit show?

    • 3 months ago

      This show is way too niche even for Cinemaphile
      I hate it but if you don't and want to discuss it I recommend reddit and AO3
      They'll talk about anything

      • 3 months ago

        AO3 is actually decent because it's one of the last places on the internet where the [NOT CORPORATE APPROVED CHARACTER PAIRING FROM AN ANIMATED STAR TREK SHOW] is actually allowed and not instantly shot down by a bunch of Paramount trolls

    • 3 months ago

      This show is way too niche even for Cinemaphile
      I hate it but if you don't and want to discuss it I recommend reddit and AO3
      They'll talk about anything

      We've often had very good Lower Decks threads
      This thread just happened to get made when (1) there wasn't much to discuss, and (2) someone that really hates it had nothing better to do than post in the thread.

      • 3 months ago

        >We've often had very good Lower Decks threads
        As someone who has posted in nearly every LD thread: no we haven't.

        • 3 months ago

          Well I've enjoyed several of them. Much more than Cinemaphile Trek threads.

          • 3 months ago

            Cinemaphile is a fricking cesspool, anything is better than attempting to discuss a show there

          • 3 months ago

            I wish we just had straight up Trek threads here instead of just discussing LD. Even PRO doesn't get much discussion here despite being the better show.

            • 3 months ago

              This comics and cartoons. Go to /tv and discuss the live action.

      • 3 months ago

        Also, Lower Decks was more talked about when the episodes were also released on amazon Prime.

        • 3 months ago

          Well yes. But The Streaming Wars are just one of the Great Evils of our time that we have to suffer through.

    • 3 months ago
  29. 3 months ago

    have some fanart of the best grumpy catian there is ever was and ever will be

    • 3 months ago
      • 3 months ago

        good thing m'ress isn't a grumpy catian

    • 3 months ago

      I will always hate how lazy this design is
      They just took a stock human body and threw a stock cat head on top
      They didn't even bother to make her digitigrade

      • 3 months ago

        >I will always hate how lazy this design is
        Is there anything in Lower Standards that's not lazy?

      • 3 months ago

        Seconded, the initial art designs were the biggest problem with the show.
        They even forgot her tail and had to come up with some "uh... it mostly got cut off?" stuff later.
        They had the ability to have some REALLY alien-looking crew because this is animated and they actually made their cat-girl look less alien instead. Yeeesh.

  30. 3 months ago

    ah hell one more

  31. 3 months ago

    I just think Mariner is cute and want to see her do silly star trek things while being cute

    • 3 months ago


  32. 3 months ago

    >people are shitting on the show?
    >better false flag and pretend like the only reason you could possibly hate this piece of shit is if you're a hardcore racist!
    It's all so tiresome.

    • 3 months ago

      While I agree it's stupid, honestly anti-wokies and other idiots have no one but themselves to blame when Discovery came out and they all immediately went to being racist as shit and hating on Michael for being a black woman and not a terribly written character. I don't want to go that route myself but you can at least see why people are like this.

      Shame STD sucks, btw. Sonequa Martin-Green is a freaking cutie.

      • 3 months ago

        And it was so stunning and brave to make her the first black lead in Star Trek ever.


        • 3 months ago

          Also they did a "first female captain in star trek" thing when the first season came out of STD.
          None of the people who worked on STD actually watched any previous star trek, because they obviously never heard about Kathryn "a good borg is a dead borg" Janeway

  33. 3 months ago

    The anon who wants to sniff Mariner's chair here yet? I wanna see them flail and scream about lesbians

  34. 3 months ago

    Wife material

  35. 3 months ago

    Lower Decks: taking potshots at the disabled, making someone being Ace/Aro the butt of a cavalcade of jokes, and finding humor in the brutal slaughter of palestinian analogues.

    • 3 months ago

      That one guy keeps having a conniption every time someone compares the series to Rick and Morty but even Harmon wouldn't go this far, be THIS tasteless.

    • 3 months ago

      >making someone being Ace/Aro the butt of a cavalcade of jokes
      You mean, having everyone on the ship working to have his life-choice respected and the evil plan of his mother foiled?


      PRetty sure Bajorans are stand-in for israeli people.

  36. 3 months ago

    Stop seething and post cute Mariners

  37. 3 months ago

    Who are the space palestinians that anon keeps mentioning?

    • 3 months ago


      • 3 months ago

        huh, i always thought that they were space holocaust survivors

        • 3 months ago

          A little of column A, a little of column B
          There are more victims of genocide than just the israelites
          Also the Ferengi are the designated space israelites

          >making someone being Ace/Aro the butt of a cavalcade of jokes
          You mean, having everyone on the ship working to have his life-choice respected and the evil plan of his mother foiled?

          PRetty sure Bajorans are stand-in for israeli people.

          >I don't understand that Lower Decks is a fiction written by people, and that jokes are made by those people not actual things that happened
          Why is this so common with zoomers
          Every gag in that episode is "haha isn't it so funny this guy is being offered sex but doesn't want it what's wrong with him lol"

          • 3 months ago

            >Why is this so common with zoomers
            Leave zoomers out of this. This show is dipshit millennials being unfunny.

          • 3 months ago

            >>I don't understand that Lower Decks is a fiction written by people, and that jokes are made by those people not actual things that happened
            Nothing in my post you are quoting there imply such thing, anon. Try again.

            >Also the Ferengi are the designated space israelites
            No, the Bajorans are the designated Space israelites
            Ferengis are Yankees trader:

          • 3 months ago

            >Why is this so common with zoomers
            Twitter has done MASSIVE harm. It's performative morality done for a crowd because they're constantly keeping an eye on one another, and after a while they can't turn it off

        • 3 months ago

          Star Trek has several space israelites.

      • 3 months ago

        Bajorans are just designated formerly oppressed people stand ins. Or religious people stand ins.

  38. 3 months ago

    I note no-one really talks about the cyborg engineer dude. I guess he's just the least interesting person?

    • 3 months ago

      He's not the viewer proxy (Boimler) or a cute girl, so yeah, he's kinda irrelevant to the fandom. Except for shipping with Tendi.

    • 3 months ago

      They did nothing with him at all because he's boring as shit, then tried to make him cool with an alternate personality and black ops stuff that failed miserably.

      • 3 months ago

        >that failed miserably.
        So you haven't watched the show, got it.

    • 3 months ago

      Eh. Rutherford's okay. I like him well enough and I thought his plots were serviceable, but I tend to think of him more as Tendi's love interest.

    • 3 months ago

      They would have to completely reboot his personality (which they have a narrative device to do).

      • 3 months ago

        They already tried that and nobody bit
        I want to know why McMahan thought a character built around a human having a Vulcan prosthetic was so fricking hilarious to begin with because that is literally the only character he has and they do nothing with it

        • 3 months ago

          >They already tried that and nobody bit
          Backstory is not personality. Rutherford doesn't have a personality. He doesn't have any long-term goals driving his decisions. He doesn't have any internal conflict whatsoever. He's a non-character.

          The writers think "more backstory = interesting character". Tendi suffers from the exact same problem. They just continue piling on backstory and refuse to give characters anything important to do.

          Mariner and Boimler are more interesting because they have wildly opposing views on things and now the show refuses to do anything with them because the writers are being spiteful that people ship them or something. The last two seasons were heavily focused on Mariner and her backstory while character dynamics that made the show interesting in the first place are completely tossed aside because McMahan has a fricking hard-on for BACKSTORIES because it fills out a Memory Alpha page.

          It's beyond me how this man spawned two fifty-episode shows and then managed to completely sabotage everything that worked about them in the first place. And he still gets work.

          • 3 months ago

            All McMahan ever did was ride channel 101 staff coattails.

          • 3 months ago

            You're a sad lonely guy, riddled with darkness aren't you. 🙁

            • 3 months ago

              Oh, don't be quick to judge me! After all, I am forced to share this world with the likes of you while also having to watch the creative potential of my favourite science-fiction IP being squandered by shit-eating hacks who got way too fricking lucky in life (while also lacking the proper life experiences to even appreciate it).
              Don't mistake this for jealousy though; money and fame mean nothing to me. But storytelling... I certainly care about it a lot. This is my burden.

    • 3 months ago

      He's just a generally good guy so he doesn't really set people off the way other characters do.

    • 3 months ago

      It's engineer syndrome. Notice Scotty and Geordi are easily the least talked about members of their respective crews. DS9 made O'Brien work as the relatable everyman constantly suffering through bullshit, Voyager shunted the engineer aside for a half Klingon with Klingon issues, and Enterprise made Tucker the Bones of the cast. But Rutherford is again an engineer whose primary interest is doing engineer things. Otherwise, he's the closest thing the cast has to a straight man (in the humor sense).

      • 3 months ago

        The problem is that many people (wrongly) confuse being nice and easy going has having no personality.

        It's like people refuse to recognised someone has personality unless they are some amount of butthole.

        • 3 months ago

          I mean out of all the cast I'd hang out with Rutherford.

          Of in the holodeck.

          I look good in a white suit and false beard darn it.

        • 3 months ago

          It's less that being nice is the same as having no personality and more that writers make being agreeable their only trait.

          Geordi was a pretty milquetoast guy but he had wants and flaws and opinions.

      • 3 months ago

        >and Enterprise made Tucker the Bones of the cast

        I'm bitter they ended up pairing T'pol with him and then changing course they killed him off. Let my waifu have a happy ending dammit.

        • 3 months ago

          >and then changing course they killed him off.
          That didn't happen, there are no books, it ended on the xenophobe terrorists plot, and you can't convince me otherwise.

  39. 3 months ago

    Everything Trek since the end of DS9 has sucked a literal mountain of ass.

    • 3 months ago

      Voyager had some good episodes
      But generally yes

  40. 3 months ago
  41. 3 months ago

    Reminder that Cetacean Ops is a thing in this show, and while it is a joke, it's treated with genuine respect.

  42. 3 months ago

    We've seen Boimler's and Rutherford's new room. Are we going to see Mariner and Tendi's?

  43. 3 months ago

    >a star trek comedy
    This is something that would need surgical precision to pull off and even then may still not work. It was a bad idea from the start.

    • 3 months ago

      >This is something that would need surgical precision to pull off and even then may still not work.
      And yet, they did. Watch the show.

      • 3 months ago

        the show just ain't funny

        • 3 months ago

          I think it is.

          >as it is in the last season of Enterprise that we get the events that lead to the Klingons losing their front ridges for a while.
          They really should've just ignored that. Even the most pedantic, nitpicky butthole Trekkie imaginable wasn't actually demanding a story explaining why klingons look different. The makeup was different. That's it. Frankly, More Tribbles More Trouble should've had Dorn in the old style klingon makeup. Just stab that bullshit in the chest.

          >They really should've just ignored that.
          Maybe, but that's at least one thing you can't blame on Discovery.

  44. 3 months ago

    Because DISC is technically top level classified and from literally everyone else's perspective save for Pike's ENT crew, Discovery was just a protoype ship that blew up during the klingon war.

    They had to force retcon it so that it's in the future now, otherwise "wHy DiDn'T eVeRyOnE hAvE a SpOrEdRiVe????" gays wouldn't shut up.

  45. 3 months ago

    I really wish people would stop pretending Star Trek is anything but enjoyable pulp-y sci-fi. Yes, it has plenty of genuinely compelling insightful stories, but at the end of the day, it's just a space opera. It helped popularize the genre in the mainstream, certainly, but it's not some untouchable sacred cow. I just don't get why people get so goony about it. The most famous aliens from this franchise are literally space elves. Let's maybe chill the frick out.

    • 3 months ago

      >it's just a space opera
      Star Wars is a space opera. Star Trek is science fiction.

      • 3 months ago

        Star Trek is a space opera in the original sense, in that it is a space version of a "horse opera" AKA an episodic western.

    • 3 months ago

      Fans of Star Trek liked what it brought to the table that other shows didn't, and now that those elements have been stripped away those people are left to watch as the aesthetics of what they loved are slapped onto things they hate.

      It's not rocket science.

    • 3 months ago

      ToS was psychological horror though disguised as a "western"-style scifi..

  46. 3 months ago

    Not sure if this is a hot take or not, but I actually really like the Steamrunner. It holds the same appeal as the Defiant for me, the compressed design makes it look much sturdier and more suited for combat and maneuvering.

    • 3 months ago

      Agreed. I know it's the classic design and I do like it, but the Enterprise-style of having massive nacelles attached by thin struts (and not sharing the same lines of thrust) always bothered me at a low level.

  47. 3 months ago

    Will anyone actually remember this once it finally fricking dies?

  48. 3 months ago
  49. 3 months ago

    I've always known Cinemaphile is the gayest board, but defending some obese millennial hack is a new low.

    • 3 months ago

      >Cinemaphilemblr now earnestly defending lazy gay shit
      Things somehow got even more embarrassing since .

  50. 3 months ago

    Looks like Paramount won't let this thread die so let's just get it over with it. I have better things to do on a fricking Sunday than tells shills to frick off with their gay shit.

    • 3 months ago

      >have better things to do on a fricking Sunday
      No you don't.

  51. 3 months ago

    All those words and you people barely talk about the only character that matters

    • 3 months ago

      >posting fanart from 4 years ago made by the show's own staff
      Imagine making a show so bad that even furries don't care.

    • 3 months ago

      I want it, but I don't want the scratches.

  52. 3 months ago

    >wake up on Sunday
    >feel good
    >see Upper Decker thread in the catalog
    >day instantly ruined

    • 3 months ago

      I'm looking forward to what will be the last LD thread ever.

      • 3 months ago

        I genuinely hoped we wouldn't get any this year but I guess that's not gonna happen until this the show is dead and buried

        • 3 months ago

          >until this the show is dead and buried
          If The Animation Guild goes on strike it might just happen. The downie knows where the skeletons are buried so as long as Paramount is afloat they'll keep pumping this shit out.

          • 3 months ago

            Production is underway,, suck it buttholes!

        • 3 months ago

          I'm genuinely surprised that it survived that lesbian stunt and then S3 which had the lowest viewership in all of four seasons.

          • 3 months ago

            The downie has been under a two-year contract since 2021. It was always going to get more than three seasons.

          • 3 months ago

            >lesbian stunt
            holy shit is anon still salty over a romance that lasted three episodes?

            • 3 months ago

              >every single cartoon made after 2015 has dykes
              >never gays, just dykes
              >anon doesn't mind it because he's a brainless coomer and every cartoon is a gooning sesh to him
              get help

              • 3 months ago

                Why are you so salty over the fact that there are gays and lesbos in cartoons? I can only imagine you pissing yourself if you see a couple of gays holding hands in the park but that would imply you ever touching grass.

              • 3 months ago

                >Why are you so salty over the fact that there are gays and lesbos in cartoons?
                Who's salty? If you're gonna pander to the gays, at least try telling a story instead of just forcibly inserting lame sitcom relationship drama into a science fiction show.

              • 3 months ago

                Yet you are already prepared to vomit the attosecond you find out they are queers so it doesn't matter if someone wrote fricking Shakespeare tier stuff you will still cry and shit your pants.

              • 3 months ago

                You need to go back.

              • 3 months ago

                To the future?

            • 3 months ago

              >lasted three episodes
              The question you should be asking what kind of amazing Star Trek sci-fi stories were told by interrupting the show to bring us lesbian relationship drama? Hmm?

              • 3 months ago

                >relationship drama has never been in trek!

              • 3 months ago

                Yes, Star Trek used to tell romantic stories. What Star Trek didn't do was hijack the show and scream "SEE THIS? THE MAIN CHARACTER IS GAY NOW! PLEASE CLAP!"

              • 3 months ago

                Nah son, the episode where Keiko first appeared was boring as shit and the episode where lwaxana simps for odo was laaame, quit pretending like LD is the only bad relationship episode.

              • 3 months ago

                Seriously. I'm not the biggest fan of LD but romance was handled like shit in plenty of old Trek episodes. Remember Chakotay/Seven?

              • 3 months ago

                Ye, plenty of shitty relationship episodes to go around in Trek across the franchise.

              • 3 months ago

                Remember Worf/Deanna?

                >Remember Chakotay/Seven?
                Do I have to? I'd rather remember Harry/Seven. Fricking cringe, but at least it was organic.

                They did Harry fricking dirty in that show. I was rooting for him to end up with Seven, too.

                It's unpopular but I also liked Tuvok/Seven.

              • 3 months ago

                >Remember Chakotay/Seven?
                Do I have to? I'd rather remember Harry/Seven. Fricking cringe, but at least it was organic.

              • 3 months ago

                Every relationship on Voyager was fricking awful.

              • 3 months ago

                Romantic, sure. Casually and Professionally, I liked Janeway/Seven, Janeway/Chakotay, Janeway/Tuvok, Tuvok/Neelix, and Doctor/... anyone really, Picardo could have chemistry with xenon.

              • 3 months ago

                I wouldn't disagree at all actually. Tuvok and Neelix ended up being my favorite part about that show. But yeah, the romance is fricking garbage.

              • 3 months ago

                They were a good spin on the classic comedy "tall straight man and short wise guy" comedy duo, not least because Neelix defaulted to cheery rather than angry.

              • 3 months ago

                I liked Tom/B'elanna myself, though I have a thing with ships that have a fiery woman or where they don't get along at first. I know it's a big, corny cliche though.

                Romantic, sure. Casually and Professionally, I liked Janeway/Seven, Janeway/Chakotay, Janeway/Tuvok, Tuvok/Neelix, and Doctor/... anyone really, Picardo could have chemistry with xenon.

                I honestly think that VOY has a great cast in a mediocre show. Everyone is great and has great chemistry with each other (except for Kes, frick Kes), but they have to deal with shitty Voyager writing.

              • 3 months ago

                I'm pretty sure Kes jump started my fetish for pixie cuts but yeah, in retrospect she was a real nothingburger of a character.

              • 3 months ago

                >by interrupting the show
                You really have no fricking idea what you're talking about.

            • 3 months ago

              I fully expect to see it in threads 10 years from now. It started as nothing, played out as nothing (except keeping Mariner off of DS9, that sucked), and ended as nothing, but they'll keep moaning about it like it was full on NTR.

              It's funny, they claim to hate the show, but clearly self insert as Boims to the point of being offended on his behalf because of their romantic fantasies.

              >every single cartoon made after 2015 has dykes
              >never gays, just dykes
              >anon doesn't mind it because he's a brainless coomer and every cartoon is a gooning sesh to him
              get help

              There were multiple dudes sucking face in the orgy simulation, and a dude was sent on the seduction mission for Billups.

              Also, I like the show, but the animation style doesn't remotely get me going. Not even Swain could make them arousing.

            • 3 months ago

              >romance that lasted three episodes
              Enough to ruin these threads forever

              • 3 months ago

                It ruined the show, too. The threads being bad is just the result of that.

              • 3 months ago

                We get it anon, Boims was your self insert and you really wanted him to sniff Mariner's chair, but it isn't going to happen.

              • 3 months ago

                Do I really have to self-insert as anyone to consider the derailing of a wholesome male/female pairing with great chemistry just to tick diversity boxes an act of cultural vandalism?
                I like love stories, I like characters with good chemistry, and the show just took a steaming dump on it all. And it did for no good reason other than to pander to people who don't even like Star Trek.

              • 3 months ago

                >cultural vandalism
                anon, your ship didn't sail it happens, I have ships that don't sail but I accept it and don't act like it's some black mark against the series. Secondly why are you whining about diversity in fricking Star Trek of all things? Star Trek has been about diversity since TOS you weirdo.

              • 3 months ago

                >and don't act like it's some black mark against the series
                But it is. Relationships, like any other aspect of the show, are down to writers' choice. And in this case, the show made the worst fricking writing decisions in all of Star Trek. In almost 60 years of Star Trek, there hasn't been a character relationship so utterly neutered and derailed. And we know that most of the original writers' room left after S2, so there's that.
                >Secondly why are you whining about diversity in fricking Star Trek of all things?
                Only when it gets in the way of something else. This show weaponized LGBTQ rep to destroy a straight pairing.
                >Star Trek has been about diversity since TOS you weirdo
                Is that so? I thought Star Trek was about space mysteries and moral conflicts.

              • 3 months ago

                >anon thinks that mariner/that andorian chick is the worst relationship in the series
                clearly anon hasn't watched trek
                >wahhhhh muh ship!
                sometimes your ship doesn't sail, when your balls drop and you get older and watch more media this will happen again
                >trek was never about diversity!
                have you even watched any trek at all or do you just skip to relationship moments? Like does anon know about uhura and how much of a shitstorm that caused back in the day?

              • 3 months ago

                >clearly anon hasn't watched trek
                I've watched most of it and I can tell you that it very much is. It's comparable to Troi randomly getting together with Wolf, but even that was better.
                In all of Star Trek, I've never seen a relationship so out of character and damaging to the story.

              • 3 months ago

                anon's judgement is really clouded since their ship with their self insert didn't sail it seems, like does anybody here honestly think that fricking chakotay/seven was better?

              • 3 months ago

                Who's my self-insert, again? Enlighten me, dipshit.

              • 3 months ago

                Boims, you seem insanely intent on him railing Mariner when we all know that T'lyn is getting that human dick inside of her when her pon farr hits.

              • 3 months ago

                You're making an assumption that I'm a man self-inserting as a man. In other case, I could be a woman or a manself-inserting as Mariner, I suppose.
                Look, I know calling someone a self-inserter is very convenient for you, but rest assured, my grievances with this show for the path it has taken are unmotivated by such selfish desires.
                But hell, why would self-inserting as the show's main male character be a bad thing? I'm sure a generation self-inserted as Kirk or Spock.

                No one wants to see their heroes get KEKED.

              • 3 months ago

                >I'm sure a generation self-inserted as Kirk or Spock.
                A generation inserted Kirk into Spock, yes.

              • 3 months ago

                oh no your desires are really selfish, if you were Q you would put mariner and boims in a box and be all 'NOW KISS DAMMIT!' when they clearly don't want to

              • 3 months ago

                Mariner and Boims are a bunch of names on a sheet of paper. Whatever they do is decided by the writers' whims.
                If I were Q, I would simply oust the current management and put myself in charge of the franchise, cancel all the current garbage, and start making good Star Trek again.

              • 3 months ago

                yeah and your idea of good star trek would just be boimler and mariner fricking

              • 3 months ago

                >boimler and mariner fricking
                Well, it's the price you would have to pay to get intelligent writing in Star Trek again that actually tries telling interesting science fiction stories instead of rehashing old things over and over again. I'm sure it's a dealbreaker for you, and you'll settle for the current slop instead 🙂

              • 3 months ago

                >i have a high iq and am also an amazing writer
                we all know that it would be literally 'boimler and mariner smooch before they plough through all their problems no sweat because if boims stubs his toe it's mean spirited' if you were in charge with your psychotic devotion to mariner/boims

              • 3 months ago

                Oh please, you really think I would take away Boimler's sheer butt monkey appeal? Making this silly little man suffer is just good television!

              • 3 months ago

                Hell, even diversity of communications. Some people here really need the path to Kamata in spring.

              • 3 months ago

                >sometimes your ship doesn't sail
                Alright, I still think that's a moronic writing choice and the writer is a moron and I will continue calling him a moron. Have a good one, sir!

              • 3 months ago

                >here hasn't been a character relationship so utterly neutered and derailed.
                Boimler & Mariner? They were never a couple, ship, or a possibility.

                The standard in tv/movies is the main characters get together. It's just expected. When it doesn't happen, people get pissed. That's what we got here. The evil lesbians didn't derail anything, it never saw going to happen. Accept it and move on.

              • 3 months ago

                >Boimler & Mariner? They were never a couple, ship, or a possibility.
                Yes, we know, that's the corporate-approved opinion to have. That's not what actually happened, and we both know this. No amount of lying about it will change the shit you already produced. Unless you're going to back to those first few seasons and just remove it and pretend it was never there.

              • 3 months ago

                >Star Trek has been about diversity since TOS you weirdo.

              • 3 months ago

                Yes anon, if you used half a brain you would know that back when TOS first came out it was seen as diverse as frick to the point where southern states wanted it censored because there was a darkie that wasn't a maid.

              • 3 months ago

                Anon please dwell on what the word "about" means.

              • 3 months ago

                It's a means of transportation, isn't it?

              • 3 months ago

                yes anon, I am sorry but trek has been about diversity what with not just different humans but also aliens coming together to go out there to explore and do science shit

            • 3 months ago

              So... what was the point again aside from pandering to Twitter weirdos?

              • 3 months ago

                And/orian screentime.

              • 3 months ago

                People trying to write a romance episode but did it poorly? You going to pretend like this is unprecedented with Trek?

              • 3 months ago

                >People trying to write a romance episode but did it poorly?
                Romance? What romance? The show completely skips over all the romantic stuff.
                No, it was just about ticking boxes for diversity quotas, and you know it.

              • 3 months ago

                Anon it was just done poorly, fricking Keiko's introduction to the series was her marrying O'Brian, you going to whine about that cause it was ticking a box about miscegenation?

  53. 3 months ago


  54. 3 months ago

    >dyke hating
    >dyke apologism
    The same thread. Over and over again.

  55. 3 months ago

    I'm just tired of millennial writers thinking lesbians are the best thing ever

    • 3 months ago

      Did you notice that all lesbian relationships in western cartoons are the exact same archetype?

      • 3 months ago

        butchxfemme and usually one is "bisexual"

  56. 3 months ago

    It's hilarious that Paramount pays their board seeding partner by post count and time on the catalog, they can just shitpost and start pointless fights to get paid and it doesn't promote the show in any capacity

    • 3 months ago

      >doesn't promote the show in any capacity
      Shhh, don't tell them that bragging about male characters getting cucked by lesbians won't sell their show.

    • 3 months ago

      It is hilarious. Now take your bleach injection like a good little troll.

    • 3 months ago

      STD is coming back in about a month and they are desperately trying to get the boards talking about NuTrek again

      • 3 months ago

        Paramount is such a joke that even SNL takes potshots at them.
        Fricking SNL.

        • 3 months ago

          Is there anyone who isn't making fun of Paramount? The company is in utter chaos. They've got a few months left.

          • 3 months ago

            I wonder if they'll actually merge with WB

            DC and Star Trek under the same roof, along with CN, Hanna-Barbera, LotR, Harry Potter, GoT, and a few others could be very interesting.

            Could have Trek characters in Multiversus, for one

            • 3 months ago

              >I wonder if they'll actually merge with WB
              I hope so. Putting Zaslav in charge is the only way to get rid of Kurtzman and his goon squad.

              • 3 months ago

                >I hope so. Putting Zaslav in charge is the only way to get rid of Kurtzman and his goon squad.
                I think his Trek era has gotten better as it has gone on but I wouldn't mind this. Just keep most of the people in charge of SNW, Prodigy, and I guess LD, and then put someone else, like maybe Seth MacFarlane, in charge. Then obviously go in a different direction.

                >Paramount sells Trek to WB
                >Zaslav immediately writes off the entire property for a big tax break and no one is allowed to make any more Star Trek
                The best future we can hope for

                Don't give the Zas any more ideas, anon.

              • 3 months ago

                Paramount pitched it out into space, didn't even acknowledge its existence in a tribute to Trek animation. The second season got picked up by Netflix, but after that it's dead.

              • 3 months ago

                >Paramount pitched it out into space, didn't even acknowledge its existence in a tribute to Trek animation. The second season got picked up by Netflix, but after that it's dead.
                That's insane considering it's literally probably the second best modern show after SNW. This is coming from someone who was initially kinda 'eh' over it but it's actually legitimately good, even if it does fall into some of the pitfalls of Kurtzman Trek sometimes.

                >Just keep most of the people in charge of SNW, Prodigy, and I guess LD
                I have varying opinions on those shows, but I do believe that the best course of action would be to just nuke everything and start from scratch with a completely new team.

                I see where you're coming from, but SNW should definitely be allowed to finish imo. It's just that good. I'd say do that but let SNW run its course. Maybe do a crossover with the JJ-verse as a movie as its big finale to both or some shit.

              • 3 months ago

                >It's just that good
                Good or not, it's not actual canon Trek. TOS and SNW just cannot coexist in the same universe.
                It's time to take a broom start sweeping because Kurtzman Trek left a mess.

              • 3 months ago

                This is where I say "that's why they killed it" but really I think there was something about the financial structure. Like, they had an option to pick up the next season for X amount of money, but decided the viewership wasn't there and cut ties instead. It's pretty telling that the production company even had the possibility of selling a Paramount IP to Netflix at this point. And I do think that's the structure, Paramount was out of the picture once they didn't pick up the season.

                >Janeway of all people saying this
                fricking lol

                They clearly did some edits for the holoprogram.

              • 3 months ago

                You want to know why Prodigy was killed? It's because Kurtzman and his friends spent the last 7 years turning Star Trek into an adult franchise.
                Do you really think something like Prodigy had any right to exist when the franchise had completely turned its back on family audiences with shows like STD, LD, and PIC? You may like these shows but they're responsible for the damaging the brand's viability as a four quadrant mass pleaser.
                And it's sad, because Star Trek was only second to Star Wars once. People like to say Disney ruined Star Wars, but at least it didn't completely change the demographics of the fanbase.

              • 3 months ago

                >Just keep most of the people in charge of SNW, Prodigy, and I guess LD
                I have varying opinions on those shows, but I do believe that the best course of action would be to just nuke everything and start from scratch with a completely new team.

              • 3 months ago

                Just let Trek die. At this point it's long past unsalvageable. The best trek show in the last thirty years has been Orville and it wasn't very good at all, it just understood the absolute basics of depicting a utopian future.

                There will never be a good Star Trek ever again. The absolute best we can hope for is that the franchise dies and people with love for the old shows like McFarlane make a new age-of-sail styled space property.

              • 3 months ago
              • 3 months ago

                >Janeway of all people saying this
                fricking lol

              • 3 months ago

                >Just let Trek die. At this point it's long past unsalvageable. The best trek show in the last thirty years has been Orville and it wasn't very good at all, it just understood the absolute basics of depicting a utopian future.
                The Orville was great, except for some of S2. I do agree that until SNW, it was easily the best modern day Trek though.

                >There will never be a good Star Trek ever again. The absolute best we can hope for is that the franchise dies and people with love for the old shows like McFarlane make a new age-of-sail styled space property.
                I get why people say this but idk, people have said the same thing about literally every other big, longrunning property, like DC, Marvel, Star Wars, Doctor Who, Godzilla, and so on. Trek has indeed been in kind of a lull for like, 20 years, but it's not like they can't bounce back. Hell if anything, the past 2-3 years have been the best the series has been in that same time frame.

                >It's just that good
                Good or not, it's not actual canon Trek. TOS and SNW just cannot coexist in the same universe.
                It's time to take a broom start sweeping because Kurtzman Trek left a mess.

                SNW is pretty obviously meant as a sort of soft reboot and it's not like Trek has never done that before. It's very much like Marvel or DC where they subtly retcon shit all the time. Canon doesn't actually matter THAT much, it's the storytelling. Which drives me mad that they won't just forget what JJ did to the universe, since there was loads of potential with the Romulans.

              • 3 months ago

                >people have said the same thing about literally every other big, longrunning property, like DC, Marvel, Star Wars, Doctor Who, Godzilla, and so on
                and they've been right about each and every one of those

              • 3 months ago

                >Just let Trek die. At this point it's long past unsalvageable. The best trek show in the last thirty years has been Orville and it wasn't very good at all, it just understood the absolute basics of depicting a utopian future.
                The Orville was great, except for some of S2. I do agree that until SNW, it was easily the best modern day Trek though.

                >There will never be a good Star Trek ever again. The absolute best we can hope for is that the franchise dies and people with love for the old shows like McFarlane make a new age-of-sail styled space property.
                I get why people say this but idk, people have said the same thing about literally every other big, longrunning property, like DC, Marvel, Star Wars, Doctor Who, Godzilla, and so on. Trek has indeed been in kind of a lull for like, 20 years, but it's not like they can't bounce back. Hell if anything, the past 2-3 years have been the best the series has been in that same time frame.

                SNW is pretty obviously meant as a sort of soft reboot and it's not like Trek has never done that before. It's very much like Marvel or DC where they subtly retcon shit all the time. Canon doesn't actually matter THAT much, it's the storytelling. Which drives me mad that they won't just forget what JJ did to the universe, since there was loads of potential with the Romulans.

                Whoa, wait, what's wrong with Godzilla?

              • 3 months ago

                I didn't say that there was anything wrong with it, per se, I'm just saying that hardcore fans of big franchises have always done this, "Just let it die!" bullshit whenever one is in a bad state.

                You want to know why Prodigy was killed? It's because Kurtzman and his friends spent the last 7 years turning Star Trek into an adult franchise.
                Do you really think something like Prodigy had any right to exist when the franchise had completely turned its back on family audiences with shows like STD, LD, and PIC? You may like these shows but they're responsible for the damaging the brand's viability as a four quadrant mass pleaser.
                And it's sad, because Star Trek was only second to Star Wars once. People like to say Disney ruined Star Wars, but at least it didn't completely change the demographics of the fanbase.

                Honestly people b***h about Star Wars all the time, but if anything, I feel like it's actually in a pretty decent state, and the future is looking bright.

                Star Trek is basically riding on SNW and who the frick even knows what the future of the franchise looks like when Paramount may go under soon.

                I love TNG, I really do, but Trek has always been at least half soap-opera and a huge chunk of its fanbase saw it as nothing but that.
                Women didn't watch TOS because they loved futurism and space exploration, they watched it because they either wanted to frick Spock or wanted to watch Kirk and Spock frick each other.

                Daily reminder that the first slash fics were Kirk/Spock. Yes, really.

              • 3 months ago

                >and the future is looking bright
                We'll see. Filoni's behind the wheel now but I don't really trust him. Like, he's got some interesting ideas and parts of Ahsoka felt right, but he's also not George Lucas.

              • 3 months ago

                I didn't say that there was anything wrong with it, per se, I'm just saying that hardcore fans of big franchises have always done this, "Just let it die!" bullshit whenever one is in a bad state.

                Honestly people b***h about Star Wars all the time, but if anything, I feel like it's actually in a pretty decent state, and the future is looking bright.

                Star Trek is basically riding on SNW and who the frick even knows what the future of the franchise looks like when Paramount may go under soon.

                Daily reminder that the first slash fics were Kirk/Spock. Yes, really.

                Star Wars experienced about five seconds of possible cultural resurgence with Mandalorian and then immediately squandered it.
                It's dead, Jim.

            • 3 months ago

              >Paramount sells Trek to WB
              >Zaslav immediately writes off the entire property for a big tax break and no one is allowed to make any more Star Trek
              The best future we can hope for

              • 3 months ago

                I've accepted that Star Trek should end when they greenlit that stupid Starfleet Academy show.

              • 3 months ago

                I like the idea of this but doing it in the 32nd century sounds idiotic and pointless, plus it's still modern era Trek. The shows have gotten better but ehhhh.

                >DC and Star Trek under the same roof
                I'd say "sweet, they can cross over with both major companies" but then I remembered they already did that with Green Lantern.
                Although an AU of "what if all the major DC characters were in Starfleet" might be a neat mini-series.

                >Although an AU of "what if all the major DC characters were in Starfleet" might be a neat mini-series.
                This would be fun as all hell. Would love to see Kal-El as captain or even chief engineer or some shit, since his father was a scientist and a lot of versions are super intelligent and all. I'd love to see him working with his hands and being excited for it instead of getting into a big brawl, for once.

                It'd be great to see how all the Lanterns would fit together on a starship. And of course, Batman would make for a great captain too.

              • 3 months ago

                >I like the idea of
                You like the idea of a high school drama set against a Star Trek backdrop? Really? Because that's what they're describing it as: a show about Starfleet cadets dealing with their crushes.

              • 3 months ago

                Anon a majority of people still on-board with Trek see it as a soap opera that's vaguely science-flavored. Shit, that's how McMahan sees it, too. The futurism and politics and philosophy was never the draw for them.

              • 3 months ago

                >majority of people still on-board with Trek
                People who are still onboard with Trek will consume just about anything, so I don't think that's really relevant.
                If you want to make new Star Trek fans, you need to go back to making actual Star Trek. If you want Star Trek to die with this crop of fans, by all means, go ahead and make your Star Trek-flavoured soaps.

              • 3 months ago

                I don't disagree, but you need to understand that the Star Trek name is completely tainted by this mentality. It's all that's left and it will inevitably drag down any attempt to right the ship.
                There's nothing to be done but blow it all up. I'm tired of seeing this corpse get paraded around.

              • 3 months ago

                I don't disagree, but you need to understand that the Star Trek name is completely tainted by this mentality. It's all that's left and it will inevitably drag down any attempt to right the ship.
                There's nothing to be done but blow it all up. I'm tired of seeing this corpse get paraded around.

                Star Trek didn't become a soap opera until the first two JJ movies had tumblr husbandos yelling at each other. Even Voyager and Enterprise didn't go that far most of the time.

              • 3 months ago

                I love TNG, I really do, but Trek has always been at least half soap-opera and a huge chunk of its fanbase saw it as nothing but that.
                Women didn't watch TOS because they loved futurism and space exploration, they watched it because they either wanted to frick Spock or wanted to watch Kirk and Spock frick each other.

              • 3 months ago

                Don't get me wrong, I'm always amused by a handful of TOS fujos inventing the slashfic, but that doesn't change the content of the shows themselves. Nobody actually recommends episodes with heavy relationship drama as iconic Trek, it's always the stuff that gets into philosophical or political issues.

              • 3 months ago

                >a handful
                you sweet summer child

              • 3 months ago

                Not enough to make Gene give a shit about them, considering he explicitly forbade soap opera drama, and the two biggest relationships in TNG with the most tension behind them were aggressively platonic until the series finale and movies.

              • 3 months ago

                Gene forbade intercrew conflict
                I don't think you know what soap opera drama is because literally anything involving Troi was exactly that.

              • 3 months ago

                That's not true.

                She could also tell us things that only an autist wouldn't have figured out like "they're hiding something."

              • 3 months ago

                Gene forbade intercrew conflict
                I don't think you know what soap opera drama is because literally anything involving Troi was exactly that.

                you guys are nuts

                she also made sure the ship had a steady supply of Lycra

              • 3 months ago
              • 3 months ago

                Lwaxana maybe, but Deana mostly just got hit with the Jean Grey Bat of Uselessness.
                I think you have a really broad and inaccurate definition of "soap opera" yourself. Character-centric plots are not automatically soap opera.

                that's not how that comeback works

                Proof has always been on the one making the claim, anon. Show your work, no credit for partial answers.

              • 3 months ago

                >I don't think you know what soap opera drama is
                >well I think your definition is too broad!
                It's an incredibly broad genre
                You're pretty gormless

              • 3 months ago

                Man, I'm on your side, weeping for lost ships is dumb, but they were also definitely teasing Mariner/Boims for most of the first two seasons, until they decided to do the pairing with Jennifer for a bit while denying that there were every any plans for M/B. No one's obligated to crawl through the archives to prove what was common knowledge. Frankly, stop engaging with the guy, it just makes you look bad.

                Everyone knows it was meant to happen until it wasn't. It's not a big mystery. What's dishonest is everyone on the show pretending that they didn't change the plans and gaslighting the frick out of the fandom.

                And you, go cry into a bowl of ice cream or something. I don't care that they changed plans. Mariner and Boimler never stopped doing interesting stuff, and even if it won't get romantic it's still fun. Don't let meta shit get in the way of enjoying what does happen, like how well Janeway and Seven played off of each other even though behind the scenes Kate Mulgrew was seething over the hot neophyte actress.

              • 3 months ago

                >never stopped doing interesting stuff
                I think they interacted once in the all of S4.

              • 3 months ago

                There's less, mostly because ALL the main four are doing more stuff with different cast herds since they aren't in the same hall with the same shift anymore, and the addition of T'Lin. But that's season 4. There was no dropoff in season 3 from season 2, even though that's the season with the spooky scary leeeeeesbians.

                >they decided
                McMahan decided. Half of the original writers' room left after S2 and by S4 all of them.
                This show just cannot keep its writers.


              • 3 months ago

                >There was no dropoff in season 3 from season 2
                But there was. And the drop-off continued into Season 4.

              • 3 months ago

                You'll have to support that, because I don't see it .Season 3 had them do the recruitment booth, crawl through the ship with Tendi, the holodeck thing where Boimlers clone allegedly died and Mariner was a b***h, and a few more ensemble episodes where they bounced off each other.

              • 3 months ago

                >they decided
                McMahan decided. Half of the original writers' room left after S2 and by S4 all of them.
                This show just cannot keep its writers.

              • 3 months ago

                >And you, go cry into a bowl of ice cream or something
                No. That's not what Captain Kirk taught me.
                I don't believe in a no win scenario.

              • 3 months ago

                >watches friend die

              • 3 months ago

                Yeah, and then he resurrected him.
                Kirk won, and so will I.

              • 3 months ago

                In the worst movie of the entire series.

                Your ship can still sail in fanfiction. You won!

              • 3 months ago

                I don't deal with fan fiction.
                The number one obstacle is McMahan. Take away his toys and he's powerless.

              • 3 months ago

                That's a weirdass stance, take him away and you don't have the characters to b***h about at all.

              • 3 months ago

                Star Trek will go on without him, and so will the characters. That's the way this story goes.

              • 3 months ago

                In fanfiction

              • 3 months ago

                Paramount owns the characters. They'll go on in canon material without him, whether he likes it or not.
                Now you might ask, "but anon, how do you know some other writer will make the characters smooch?" I don't know, but I'll take a non-zero chance over nothing. And most importantly, McMahan will lose, which is more important to me than winning.

              • 3 months ago

                >caring this much about some guy because he cancelled your ship

              • 3 months ago

                I'm a petty b***h.

              • 3 months ago

                Nah, you just want me to keep posting Prodigy screencaps

              • 3 months ago

                Go on. I like Prodigy.

              • 3 months ago

                It does really well at space shots, even if they're a bit color corrected.

              • 3 months ago

                Admittedly that doesn't sound great. But I do like the idea of doing a Star Trek cadet thing with young characters who come from all backgrounds and learn about how to operate in Starfleet. Hell if anything, PRO S2 is probably going to end up doing just that, which makes that show kinda redundant.

                You know what I would like, if there was also members of the other races who were their own version of the JL tier heroes. Like imagine some super Klingon or Ferengi running around.

                >Like imagine some super Klingon or Ferengi running around.
                I've always wanted to see this. I could see Super Klingons ending up like some General Zod or Saiyan type shit, where the eugenics and 'only the strongest shall survive' type shit really comes out. God I'd love it.

                This is where I say "that's why they killed it" but really I think there was something about the financial structure. Like, they had an option to pick up the next season for X amount of money, but decided the viewership wasn't there and cut ties instead. It's pretty telling that the production company even had the possibility of selling a Paramount IP to Netflix at this point. And I do think that's the structure, Paramount was out of the picture once they didn't pick up the season.

                They clearly did some edits for the holoprogram.

                >This is where I say "that's why they killed it" but really I think there was something about the financial structure. Like, they had an option to pick up the next season for X amount of money, but decided the viewership wasn't there and cut ties instead. It's pretty telling that the production company even had the possibility of selling a Paramount IP to Netflix at this point. And I do think that's the structure, Paramount was out of the picture once they didn't pick up the season.
                I wonder if someone actually competent will pick up Star Trek. And some of their other IPs like Scream. Or stuff like MTV and Nickelodeon for that matter.

              • 3 months ago

                >PRO S2 is probably going to end up doing just that, which makes that show kinda redundant
                Here's your answer why it got the axe.

              • 3 months ago
              • 3 months ago

                >I wonder if someone actually competent will pick up Star Trek
                There's no one. You simply cannot make good Star Trek in the current media landscape. Let it rest for six years and then try again.

              • 3 months ago

                You know what I would like, if there was also members of the other races who were their own version of the JL tier heroes. Like imagine some super Klingon or Ferengi running around.

            • 3 months ago

              >DC and Star Trek under the same roof
              I'd say "sweet, they can cross over with both major companies" but then I remembered they already did that with Green Lantern.
              Although an AU of "what if all the major DC characters were in Starfleet" might be a neat mini-series.

      • 3 months ago

        >STD is coming back
        The really should have thought about the initials for the show more.

  57. 3 months ago

    here we go with the unwarranted self importance, all companies keep an eye on tonnes of websites to figure out trends but to pretend like they have a vested interest in the Cinemaphile posters specifically is moronic

  58. 3 months ago

    The show was clearly leading towards a Mariner led polycule, and I can't believe they cucked it with the monogamous Jennifer stuff.

  59. 3 months ago

    >58 unique posters
    >500 posts

    • 3 months ago

      Season 5 isn't even coming out yet

    • 3 months ago

      Like I said, they get paid for post count and time on the catalog not unique posters or any kind of engagement/impact
      The incentive is just to argue with randos until bump limit

      • 3 months ago

        Here's a little schizo shipper secret. If the thread is shitting on Boimler/Mariner shipping, it's not organic because shills follow a script. This is the best way to tell, believe it or not.

      • 3 months ago

        >58 unique posters
        >500 posts

        Notice how the highly opinionated pajeets just disappear at bump limit

    • 3 months ago

      An organic thread would have around 100-110 unique posters

      • 3 months ago

        These threads didn't have that many posters since Mariner started munching carpet. There are 50 fans of this show on this board here, tops.

        • 3 months ago

          and that's a good thing, Cinemaphile hates pretty much everything

        • 3 months ago

          Yeah I've noticed. Cinemaphile sure is bigoted, because no one cared about this show before, kek.

    • 3 months ago

      You should take the amount of times each anon changes their IP over 12 hours into the account. Phonegays can do it even 3/4 times.

      • 3 months ago

        about ten people provided 99% of the posts ITT.

        Notice how the highly opinionated pajeets just disappear at bump limit

        It really couldn't be any more obvious

  60. 3 months ago

    It blows my mind how the power of pure seethe manages to push these threads to bump limit every time with literally no OC or images, just arguing over if the show is good.

    • 3 months ago

      I can't help it, I got nothing better to do on a sunday

    • 3 months ago

      It's really not hard to bait people into arguments, and if that's all you're trying to do getting a thread to bump limit is easy.
      To reiterate: notice how the baitposters immediately disappeared the instant the thread hit 500 posts

      • 3 months ago

        They disappeared a couple hours before, aside from the guy triggered by lesbians, though who knows if that's organic or not.

  61. 3 months ago

    >muh shills
    So talk about Prodigy. Has a release date been announced yet?

    • 3 months ago

      The vibe I'm getting is that Netflix just doesn't give a crap. They don't advertise it. Paramount likely sold it to them at a loss and under a clause that they'll do all the marketing for it instead of Netflix.

  62. 3 months ago







    • 3 months ago

      Decoy thread by someone who gets off on arguments, do not enter, we're not doing generals.

      • 3 months ago

        Make a Prodigy thread. I'm tired of seeing those ugly bugeyed CalArts stick figures.

        • 3 months ago

          Prodigy is shit.

          • 3 months ago

            Better than your CalArts garbage.

        • 3 months ago

          Better than your CalArts garbage.


          now frick off

      • 3 months ago

        You couldn't figure out how to put a title on your post?

        Make a Prodigy thread. I'm tired of seeing those ugly bugeyed CalArts stick figures.

        have a nice day

        You will never improve Cinemaphile

    • 3 months ago

      You couldn't figure out how to put a title on your post?

    • 3 months ago

      have a nice day

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