Star Wars dying

Another epic inevitable fail, which is just sad. I used to love this character so much, she became eye level with Vader for me. Now, I wince everytime I see Rosario's cosplay.

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  1. 9 months ago

    Good, a 70's fantasy film for children shouldn't have much cultural relevancy in 2023. Come up with new things.

    • 9 months ago

      >Come up with new things.
      Star Wars is such an weird setting when it comes to producing films. After the first films people made up so much extra non-canon stuff, books, rpgs, video games, etc. The setting was kept alive and the characters and creatures and costumes were all kept alive in pop culture.
      Then the prequels were made and it was this weird thing where they were making films based on what people loved about how Star Wars was portrayed in the fandom, not how the original films were. They had to have lightsaber fights constantly because everyone fricking loved those and they became iconic in our pop culture - but the original films didn't really use lightsabers that much. People loved the Jedi and their cool force powers, so they had to have them do all kinds of shit, but in the original films the powers weren't use that often.
      I think that was also the reason for why SW7 was so close to 4 in overall plot. They knew people loved that kind of thing, they couldn't make it an SW film without jedi and lightsabers and stormtroopers and the empire, because that's what the setting has been boiled down to. They could have made a film with a droid in the main role, but people would have hated that because "that's not what Star Wars is about". And what Star Wars is about has been decided from 83 to 99 by fans making up their own shit. Now the creators have to follow suit.

      • 9 months ago

        >I think that was also the reason for why SW7 was so close to 4 in overall plot. They knew people loved that kind of thing, they couldn't make it an SW film without jedi and lightsabers and stormtroopers and the empire, because that's what the setting has been boiled down to.
        yes and no, it's really more than JJ Abrams is a hack that doesn't have a genuine creative bone in his body. he's like the prototypical israeli nepo success story, both of his parents were producers. i think Kathleen Kennedy and the other LF/Disney execs also went for it because of how bad the prequels were, they basically went all in on a nostalgia bait film not (only) out of laziness but to prove to the fanbase that this wasn't going to be another weird series of movies created and acted by robots like the prequels.

        They could've even snuck their woke shit in there, as long as it was good. Everybody wanted to see Kylo and her hook up. She could've turned to the dark side and maybe had a kid with him and then THAT kid could've been "the one" or some shit. I mean who in the frick said that it was mandatory for the sequels to be another trilogy? There are Roman numerals the follow the number IX. They could've just kept on fricking going. Shit, that's what I THOUGHT they were going to do. I mean why not?

        it's interesting how many problems you solve with the story of the prequels if you just reverse Ben and Rey's roles. Ben should have been the protagonist of the sequels and Rey should have been Kylo Rey.

        > One last note; and since they fricked up so bad already why not just go nuts creatively and introduce a mirror universe or some shit.
        That’s most likely going to happen once whoever buys Disney cleans house.
        >The sequel trilogy and Mandoverse actually take place in Universe B. In Universe A Luke, Han, and Leila all die surrounded by their loved ones at 92 years old.

        >just two more weeks until KK is fired!
        seriously though i have no reason to watch or get invested in anything SW related because of how catastrophically fricking bad TLJ was. it destroys the entire franchise. you would need to majorly retcon it.

        • 9 months ago

          I have to give props to a friend of mine, he's a normie, but I remember him texting me after TLJ when I was still in disbelief and the bargaining stage in my own head from the shock of seeing it and saying "Well I just watched star wars die for good".
          I should have listened to him right then and there and said rip in peace and never given it another inkling of hope it could be saved.

          • 9 months ago

            Kek that was me too. I loved, and still stand by, force awakens. It was a fun movie and make me hope again. Then Rogue 1 came out and I was even more pumped. Then TLJ happened. I forced a smile and laughs as much as I could but walking out of the theater I knew something was wrong. Upon reflection I realized how bad it was. Then seeing Solo and the trailers for RoS, I knew I was done with Star Wars.

    • 9 months ago

      >Come up with new things.
      Usually it's the hackiest of hacks demanding others come up with new things

    • 9 months ago

      >Come up with new things
      Can't. Culture is stagnated. Nothing is new, nothing is original. The closest to Original we can get is Warhammer style genre blender or multiverse bullshit.

    • 9 months ago

      Modern American media culture:
      >WW2 movies
      >the 70s and 80s
      >remakes with social justice themes
      >movies designed to fail so Hollywood can save money on taxes

      American culture is dead. The creativity died out.

    • 9 months ago

      Star Wars gays are cancerous man children, they are responsible for the man children epidemic we are currently experiencing. They and Harry Potter fans should all be removed from the planet. Most cancerous homosexuals I have ever seen.

      • 9 months ago

        >they are responsible for the man children epidemic we are currently experiencing.
        Single mothers made them this way, not star wars. Star wars is just a manifestation of their ailment. If star wars didn't exist, they'd latch onto something else instead.

    • 9 months ago

      they very easily could be doing something fantastic and original with the IP
      they've deliberately dropped the ball so hard it's quite literally over

    • 9 months ago

      no u

    • 9 months ago

      >they hated him because he told the truth

  2. 9 months ago

    She should do one of those Dogfart gloryholes where she sucks off white dicks in full makeup. That would get me to sit my white ass in the theater seat, shut up, and listen to what Ahsoka has to say.

  3. 9 months ago

    >too lazy to make the head tentacles attach properly
    >just cover it with a headband lol
    these alien costumes are sub Babylon 5 tier. Or if they just think head tentacles are ugly, they should have picked a different main character

    • 9 months ago

      20 years ago Star Wars put more effort into a background character.

      • 9 months ago

        That doesn't look much better, looks like her head is made of paper mache and someone quickly rubbed a tube of cheap orange paint on her face

        • 9 months ago

          Difference is that one is just a glorified extra. Ahsoka is in focus and the titular character. Ahsoka has the same amount of effort, if not less, than a character barely seen.

          • 9 months ago

            Difference is that because she is a glorified extra and does nothing but standing and sitting in the background for about 60 seconds across the two films she can wear this giant ass headpiece. Now show me her fighting, running, jumping, etc. You won't.

            • 9 months ago

              >Now show me her fighting, running, jumping, etc. You won't


        • 9 months ago

          Get your eyes checked, that facepaint is scarlet red.

        • 9 months ago

          im an artist and i can objectively confirm that looks way better than yidsney shit. try again, homo

      • 9 months ago

        Why is the makeup rubbed off from her lips.

      • 9 months ago

        Right? Like they can’t even age the character right, her head pieces should be waaaay larger.

        • 9 months ago

          who ever said this ahsoka didn't jump through time so that she is younger later in the timeline?

          • 9 months ago

            The same people that put a bunch of Snokes in a pickle jar, you absolute Clodpoll. Shaak Ti Is 40. Ashoka in the show is 47.

            • 9 months ago

              this ahsoka is from ten+ years earlier in the timeline after she decided to jump ahead using the world between time or whatever its fricking called 🙂

              • 9 months ago

                does this show even mention the last cartoon had her time travelling and fighting Vader lol

              • 9 months ago

                >does this piece of canon media even reference a past piece of canon media it is a direct sequel to and already references the hell out of?
                anon don't you know about the mustafar rumors

              • 9 months ago

                seeing as KK dumped the entirety of the previous EU i could see them picking and choosing what parts of TCW and Rebels to keep canon, especially with all the weird shit those shows had

                and no i don't watch this slop so i don't really keep up outside of what gets posted on here

              • 9 months ago

                ahsoka is made by the same fricking person that did tcw and rebels. this is already basically another season of rebels with the locations, characters, and plot lines already being revisited from rebels in just three episodes so far
                filoni won't decanonize his own works, but will happily overwrite some very minor things he didn't write as seen in mandalorian.

              • 9 months ago

                That’s absolutely not true, and you know it.

              • 9 months ago

                What the frick really?

              • 9 months ago


            • 9 months ago

              >Ashoka in the show is 47.
              don't care cast a hot 18 year old or frick off

      • 9 months ago

        Objectively looks shittier, but it is a background character. Her tentacles look like they're made out of cake

      • 9 months ago

        Why has her noodles not grown as she aged like in ?
        Are these writers really this obvious to character development?
        Don't answer.

        • 9 months ago

          Do you think other Tortuga make fun of her small noodles behind her back?

      • 9 months ago

        The chains around the eyes just look like she's been scalped or is wearing flesh pads over her eyes & forehead.

    • 9 months ago

      >>too lazy to make the head tentacles attach properly
      >>just cover it with a headband lol
      So like nearly every Twi'lek that's been on screen since the OT?

      • 9 months ago

        but the headband doesnt attempt to cover here?

  4. 9 months ago

    it's dead.

  5. 9 months ago

    I knew this thing was going to be a piece of shit because it was never meant to be anything outside of the cartoon... Another classic example of a story that's already been TOLD. That's not to say that they can't make good Star Wars stuff, but the only route they're going to be able to take is to go waaay back into the past or do what Star Trek did and build new stories within your own universe, with new characters and original storylines that aren't tied to fricking Anakin/Vader.

    I don't know why they haven't made Dash Rendar canon. They could do so much with that character, but fricking Disney almost seems to be purposely destroying their own shit and I just don't get it at all. I mean, just the fact that they built Galaxy's Edge around the sequels....and the sequels alone was fricking moronic as shit and there was no need for it. Why not build LITERAL Mos Eisley cantina, and Hoth, the fricking Ewok planet...I mean so many possibilities, and they could've just made it so you have to get on a "ship" to land at all of those locations so it wouldn't seem awkward for them to just be right next to each other. I mean just imagine a snow machine and having a snowball fight on "Hoth." That shit would've been amazing.

    One last note; and since they fricked up so bad already why not just go nuts creatively and introduce a mirror universe or some shit. Sure youtube frickheads will accuse them of ripping of Star Trek, but who even cares at this point?

    • 9 months ago

      >She's actually pretty dolled up
      And yet they did everything they could to dress her down and make her homely.

    • 9 months ago

      >muh not han solo

    • 9 months ago

      damn, would turn my back on galactic democracy for she

    • 9 months ago

      They could've even snuck their woke shit in there, as long as it was good. Everybody wanted to see Kylo and her hook up. She could've turned to the dark side and maybe had a kid with him and then THAT kid could've been "the one" or some shit. I mean who in the frick said that it was mandatory for the sequels to be another trilogy? There are Roman numerals the follow the number IX. They could've just kept on fricking going. Shit, that's what I THOUGHT they were going to do. I mean why not?

      • 9 months ago

        They absolutely could have made the characters work and made it interesting by having them hook up, Kylo redeemed, and then Rey falling to the Palpatine legacy and becoming the new Sith lord.
        I would have enjoyed a Ben Solo led trilogy to follow where he has to go out and redeem himself while this new Palpatine is gaining power and influence and ultimately try to stop her.
        Literally no one at Disney would ever be able to do that though.

        • 9 months ago

          They fricked up. Their next move seems to be:
          >pushing forward with a Rey vs Darth Vader trilogy
          >Going back in time to the founding of the old republic
          >Remaking episode 4-6 (God I hope not).

          • 9 months ago

            Disney has to survive 2023 first, and the way it's going they might not.
            A lot of fire sales could be happening soon including Lucasfilm. None of that rey movie shit or the acolyte is ever going to see the light of day.

          • 9 months ago

            >Rey vs Vader
            How is that even going to work? Isn't homeboy dead already?

            • 9 months ago


            • 9 months ago

              Multiverse was introduced in Rebels

        • 9 months ago

          pretty sure that'd be heresy to a lot of the creatives at disney, i wonder if filoni got pushback on shin hati as it is

          • 9 months ago

            Shin will absolutely have a change of heart and become besties with Sabine by the end.
            I know it would be heresy, they can't write a woman as flawed. Filoni is trying on an absurd level to give Sabine and Ahsoka glaring flaws to address this very issue, but in the end I predict those flaws will amount to nothing and it all gets wrapped up with a neat little bow with shin and sabine painting each others toenails.
            Make Ahsoka and Sabines relationship ultimately fail disastrously and Sabine turn to the dark side despite her best efforts and you would have maybe an interesting idea.

    • 9 months ago

      > One last note; and since they fricked up so bad already why not just go nuts creatively and introduce a mirror universe or some shit.
      That’s most likely going to happen once whoever buys Disney cleans house.
      >The sequel trilogy and Mandoverse actually take place in Universe B. In Universe A Luke, Han, and Leila all die surrounded by their loved ones at 92 years old.

    • 9 months ago

      The thing you have to realize is Star Wars is still tripping on the corpse of Darth Vader.
      They don't have a villain that works, they know they don't, and so they have to keep on digging him up with diminishing returns.
      And the other problem is there is literally not a writer left in Hollywood that isn't a braindead woke wanker with zero life experience and no interesting stories to tell. And worse than that, their values are so antithetical to human life they are immediately repulsive to anyone who views their work.

      • 9 months ago

        >They don't have a villain that works
        Again, no originality. What if they fell hopelessly in love but they didn't change their beliefs in the force, thus creating a "grey" relationship which could've led to numerous adventures...maybe THAT'S the "balance" the Jedi were talking about. They b***hed out and went with the "safe bet" and they got what they deserved.

        • 9 months ago

          I don't like the whole grey Jedi fantasy some have.
          But they could have made things interesting if you know they had an actual plan for where they were going, and good writers. But they didn't.
          See my other comment

          They absolutely could have made the characters work and made it interesting by having them hook up, Kylo redeemed, and then Rey falling to the Palpatine legacy and becoming the new Sith lord.
          I would have enjoyed a Ben Solo led trilogy to follow where he has to go out and redeem himself while this new Palpatine is gaining power and influence and ultimately try to stop her.
          Literally no one at Disney would ever be able to do that though.

          for details.

        • 9 months ago

          Rian Johnson was clearly trying to push the sequel trilogy in that direction with the lead up to Kylo's "frick it all, let's just go figure out our own shit" speech. You could practically hear the Disney executives storming onto the set and demanding the direction be fixed when Rey just rejects him without hesitation and everything returns to the status quo instantly.

        • 9 months ago

          >muh grey Jedi
          This again. You morons have no self awareness and don't realize how much you're hated for this shit. Just frick off.

          • 9 months ago

            Go cry into your Ahsoka pillow, Dave.

      • 9 months ago

        >And the other problem is there is literally not a writer left in Hollywood that isn't a braindead woke wanker with zero life experience and no interesting stories to tell. And worse than that, their values are so antithetical to human life they are immediately repulsive to anyone who views their work.

        Random, but it is just like SNL. In early 2000s, you could tell that all the writers just lived in the new york bubble. granted its a diverse city with lots of stuff, but half of the sketches were about 'le quirky NY person'. and thats how its been ever since.

      • 9 months ago

        >Star Wars is still tripping on the corpse of Darth Vader.

        There's mountains of reference material in the EU, more than sufficient to spin many good stories. They just consciously choose to abjure it while simultaneously bowdlerizing the setups that lead nowhere. Even at the 11th hour there were ways to finesse Rise of Skywalker in interesting and even canon friendly ways. Then again they chose Abrams because they can't meaningfully distinguish bimboficated scifi treatment of the new Star Treks from what they had in their own brand.

        • 9 months ago

          >consciously choose
          the executives who feel the need to justify their existence by taking creative control(meaning utterly ruining) of any star wars series that gets any traction with audiences don't know anything about the EU and don't want to know, either.

      • 9 months ago

        They should have just made a Darth Vader series about him going around fricking up on the run Jedi & rebelling planets

    • 9 months ago

      >One last note; and since they fricked up so bad already why not just go nuts creatively and introduce a mirror universe or some shit.
      Agreed. They really fricked up with the latest trilogy.
      What they should have done was set the films 25-30 years in the future, enough time to have new characters be born but still able to use some of the older ones.
      Then just make a universe that could be used for whatever story you want to tell.
      The empire is nearly gone, but they still control some systems. The rebels became the New Alliance and are trying to recreate the senate, but many don't want to join or will only join if they get more power. Some of the people who worked for the empire turned to banditry or mercenary work, others simply deserted and went home or into hiding. Criminal syndicates are taking advantage of the lack of control and are making moves. People with force powers are showing up here and there, some want to recreate the jedi order, others prefer to be independent. Some systems revere people with force powers, some insist on training them, some fear them and kill them on sight.
      There, a universe open for whatever story you want to tell. Want to do a classic rebel against empire? You can! Maybe some empire scientists invented a new weapon or they're expanding into a peaceful system and someone has to fight them. Want to make a story about a force user learning to be a jedi? Sure, go nuts.
      Instead they keep treading water, reusing the same timeline over and over again.

      • 9 months ago

        I could not agree more with that whole thing you wrote. That's it. That could've been the whole thing and it would've been kino. I'm telling you man, they fricked this up on purpose and I don't why.

        And don't even get me started on how badly they dropped the ball on this one. Qi'ra training to be a sith lord should've been explored further. That last scene went absolutely nowhere.

    • 9 months ago

      >I mean, just the fact that they built Galaxy's Edge around the sequels....and the sequels alone was fricking moronic as shit and there was no need for it. Why not build LITERAL Mos Eisley cantina, and Hoth, the fricking Ewok planet...I mean so many possibilities
      because then all the executives that pushed Rey and Kylo Ren and BB8 would have to admit those characters failed and aren't as interesting as the original characters and movies, and those executives would rather see the theme parks close down and Disney go bankrupt than eat a little crow and admit they were wrong about something

    • 9 months ago

      >One last note; and since they fricked up so bad already why not just go nuts creatively and introduce a mirror universe or some shit
      Alternate universes is literally the final deathknell for a franchise's creativity being taken seriously.

    • 9 months ago

      The thing is, Star Wars stories can be just about anything and still work. They can be about Vader, they can have nothing to do with him. They can be space westerns like the good parts of Mando, they can be political revolutionary crap, they can be space adventures, the Star Wars setting is so broad it can be just about fricking anything and as long as they say blaster instead of laser gun and a droid is beeping it fits just fine. The problem with Star Wars is it's nominally under the control of Disney executives. Their taste is shit, their ideas are shit, their politics are shit, they are shit, everything they touch turns to shit. Star Wars is great and can be great, as long as the executives don't care about it, but the very second any Star Wars story becomes popular, Kathleen Kennedy and pals will descend on it with their shitty fingers and smear their feces all over it.

    • 9 months ago

      >but fricking Disney almost seems to be purposely destroying their own shit and I just don't get it at all
      none of us do, they've been at it for years

    • 9 months ago

      >but fricking Disney almost seems to be purposely destroying their own shit and I just don't get it at all
      none of us do, they've been at it for years

      They drink their own kool aid.

    • 9 months ago

      The M.O. is Leatherface Fan Service: wear the skinsuit of IPs and use the built in 'garanteed' fanbase/audience to justify barebones development and shunting in XYZ flavor of the month softcore political allegory agitprop. Suits if they did due diligence wouldn't stand for it, nor the bigger stakeholders. Sequels not involving the original creators don't get the cachet of having them aboard -- it's an unnecessary risk and Kennedy never should have been allowed to stray so far off the reservation that she reneged on developing Lucas' story treatments to conclude the saga. The Prequels made bank thanks to careful preparation with the Shadows of the Empire multimedia campaign lasting years-- Eiger looking for quick turnaround money got what he paid for, and it radically under performed in contrast. Should've never canned the Tron 2 follow up and done due diligence. Oh well, Nemesis is nipping Disney's heels now finally at least.

    • 9 months ago

      I want to see a bigger luke trilogy or a luuke trilogy.

  6. 9 months ago

    That’s not Mark Hamill’s real Twitter account though.

    • 9 months ago

      how do you get a blue checkmark with a parody account? although this is from 3 years ago

  7. 9 months ago

    This show is ass

    • 9 months ago

      >This is an acceptable but for white "people"

      • 9 months ago

        Its not the size of the dumper - rather the shapely contours and idea that comes across.

    • 9 months ago


    • 9 months ago

      is this supposed to be flattering? is this the "female gaze"?

      • 9 months ago

        Femcel writers honestly think this is all it takes to provoke male lust

    • 9 months ago


    • 9 months ago

      Fricking coomers. Regular ass in unflattering work pants and you're drooling. Pathetic

      • 9 months ago

        these are shills, unironically marketers paid to post here

        • 9 months ago

          This. If you ever see one of these threads about a new Star Wars show and how dead they usually are, you'll see so many desperate shills trying to keep it alive by posting some of the most desperate excuses for sex appeal you can imagine.

          • 9 months ago

            >plap sexo
            which series is she from?

            • 9 months ago

              Glup Shitto: The Animated Series

  8. 9 months ago

    if you think current star wars is bad, wait until they reboot the whole thing after turning it into marvel with their multiverse macguffin. they are deluded enough to think people will watch a reimagining version of the OT, obviously with a ~~*modern twist*~~, emasculating luke even more.

    • 9 months ago

      i think they're going the route of well every time we use the characters and setting the fans yell at us so we're gonna make our own Star Wars - which is what they basically should have done anyway. the problem is the writers and Kennedy especially can't help but shit on legacy male characters. they'll find some way to shoehorn a time travel/alternate universe Luke that gets jobbed by a diverse female lead.

      I have to give props to a friend of mine, he's a normie, but I remember him texting me after TLJ when I was still in disbelief and the bargaining stage in my own head from the shock of seeing it and saying "Well I just watched star wars die for good".
      I should have listened to him right then and there and said rip in peace and never given it another inkling of hope it could be saved.

      i never saw episode IX and i never will lol

      • 9 months ago

        I didn't watch 9 for i think two or three years till i was bored one day and just played it on vlc at the computer to hate watch, I didn't deem it worthy of even putting on my home theater.
        I wish I hadn't, you made the right call, it doesn't even deserve a hate watch.

        • 9 months ago

          i refuse to hate watch anymore because it still gives these companies and their products free exposure and advertising. it's why i've grown to dislike guys like bowelstrek and Critical Drinker and Quartering and all those guys that just dedicate themselves to hatewatching 'woke' stuff and giving it free advertising. it creates culture war stuff that markets the film for the companies, they don't care how much you hate it or prove it's bad, normies will still consume the slop.

          • 9 months ago

            >hate watch
            I never understood this. I could never watch an entire episode of any of these things. Like Disneywars, Euphoria, shit like that, never seen one second of any of it other than webms posted here which is more than enough. I’d just be bored and pissed off if I forced myself to do that, like, I don’t understand how watching this stuff is a “temptation” that you have to “hatewatch” it, that’s like 10 hours or just this show in the OP alone, how in God’s name. I can scarcely finish an entire Mystery Science Theater episode just because after 30 or 40 minutes even when the guys are cracking funny jokes the film is just too boring and shitty. Now imagine that without the soul of the crappy 70s B movies they make fun of, CG and pozz the hell out of it and remove the funny commentary. Like frick it I’m done ranting but
            tl;dr I can’t comprehend “hatewatchers.”

          • 9 months ago

            I don't anymore either because I finally got to the point where I value my time too much to waste hatewatching crap.

          • 9 months ago

            Trash media and infotainment has to be starved of oxygen. Won't die on the vine unless there's too few people to run interference for their botting and AstroTurf campaigns. None of it's subtle or hard to parse well beforehand.

      • 9 months ago

        >We didn't give you Han Luke Leia on screen together one last time

        That wax doll Leia reanimating in space was fricking hilariously ghoulish.

    • 9 months ago

      There will be no more disney wars. Their parent company doesn’t even have the money to pay for their Hulu buyout and all their movies and shows are hemorrhaging money.

  9. 9 months ago

    Why are chuddies so insistent on trying to pretend Ahsoka is a failure? 14 million views and it beat Netflix. You lost, chuds.

    • 9 months ago

      the funniest thing about this is those are just Disney's self-reported numbers, when you go to a neutral arbiter it had less views than Mando S3 lol

      • 9 months ago

        Yeah but those "neutral arbiters" are about as reliable as you and me are. They're as reliable as the "celebrity biography" pages. They're just guesswork meant to get you visiting their site for the ad revenue.

        • 9 months ago

          >I defend Disney, a company that outspokenly supports and advocates for the sexialization and castration of children, online for free and also believe everything they say
          lol but why?

          • 9 months ago

            Because those sites use analytics from places like Samba TV. That same Samba TV also claims 1.5 million people watched She-Hulk in its premier, and 1.8 million watched Rings of Power, 3.8 million watched Mortal Kombat.

            It's just total guesswork from them. You can only trust official number released by the source.

          • 9 months ago


            • 9 months ago

              What do you mean source? Ever hear of the Don’t Say Gay bill? Huge legal battle in Florida that Disney got their wiener cage in a bunch over. I just don’t get what you mean. Source for leftists defending Disney? (this thread, the news, etc.) Source for Disney advocating for trans kids? (Ummmmmm…… they’re twitter? Their public statements? Lol take your pick?)

        • 9 months ago

          i mean i'd still trust them over Disney who got caught repeatedly buying out theaters for their own movies (TLJ, Captain Marvel)

          • 9 months ago

            >buying out theaters for their own movies
            This cope is just sad.

            • 9 months ago

              Dude we were testing in threads for weeks. Theaters would be “sold out” and an anon would be in there and send timestamps of empty theaters. Lmao I thought you troons were just pretending but have you really deluded yourself into believing these corporate pieces of garbage will be anything but forgotten a week after they come out? no one watches this shit lol

              • 9 months ago

                >Dude we were testing in threads for weeks. Theaters would be “sold out” and an anon would be in there and send timestamps of empty theaters.

        • 9 months ago

          there is inherent monetary value in the truth

    • 9 months ago

      >disney says 14 million
      >reliable third party tracker which has never been wrong or even disputed before says 1.4 million
      I know who I believe little mouseBlack person

      • 9 months ago

        Either way how is having all those views a good thing? This is utter garbage. Why is Ashoka played by a guy?
        yet another bizarre flex from the left

        • 9 months ago

          In Solo why wasn't Han played by a goy?

    • 9 months ago

      Ashoka is a decent series, best of the bunch so far but its also probably the most dedicated remaining spaceshit fanbase.

    • 9 months ago

      >disney says 14 million
      >reliable third party tracker which has never been wrong or even disputed before says 1.4 million
      I know who I believe little mouseBlack person

      Either way how is having all those views a good thing? This is utter garbage. Why is Ashoka played by a guy?
      yet another bizarre flex from the left

      I dont suspect disney is lying over the numbers, the original 1.2 million or whatever it was, was from a specific set of data thats gained from smart tv's or something, of which not everyone owns (or watches disney+ on)

      however, consider that disney had to come out and give us the actual numbers as damage control, as a measly number thats lower than any other star wars show for their supposed new MAIN character looks bad

      • 9 months ago

        14 million viewers is not a measly number

        • 9 months ago

          no, but according to the smart tv data, it was lower than every other star wars show bar mando S1 in the same tomeframe since release

          so sure, it got 14 million
          looks shit when kenobi probably got 30 mil plus

          • 9 months ago

            The smart tv data is based on the imaginary "only 1.4 million views" figure though.

            • 9 months ago

              Samba TV’s 1.4 million views might hold for just the US while Disney+ counted everyone in the whole world that watched the show for a minimum of 5 seconds.

          • 9 months ago

            what constitutes a "view" to Disney though? obviously the bar is extremely low if they're reporting 14 mil but the third party is reporting 1.4 mil. seems like anyone that had the episode autoplay when they scrolled over it was counted as a viewer.

    • 9 months ago

      more people watch a fricking linus tech tips video than Yidsney's flagship goy wars series

      • 9 months ago

        That's because Linus forces his female employees to watch his videos 10,000 times each or he rapes them.

        • 9 months ago
    • 9 months ago

      A 30 second Skibidi Toilet video on Youtube gets 20 million views in a single day.

      • 9 months ago

        Too bad Ahsoka episodes aren't 30 seconds long and available for free on Youtube. The actual trailer for Ahsoka got nearly 9 million views. Chuds are fooling themselves thinking this only got 1.4 million views on premier.

        • 9 months ago

          Star Wars' time is over. Skibidi Toilet is now.

    • 9 months ago

      Still doesn't have shit on the actual king of streaming.

      Sensing a little tension amongst the rats...

    • 9 months ago

      >1 million people in a week
      Look I get choice shattered TV consumption trends but that would get you canned on any network in 10 minutes.

    • 9 months ago

      I'm not watching it for Ahsooka but for Shin, the real star of the show.

      • 9 months ago


      • 9 months ago

        >MFW she dies next episode

        • 9 months ago

          It's sadly so predictable that Sabine Wren will defeat her in the series. Oh well, i probably stop watching when that happens.

    • 9 months ago

      People on this website are dishonest morons.
      >verification not required

      • 9 months ago

        have a nice day homosexual loser. Can you really blame your parents for not loving you as a child?

  10. 9 months ago

    SO MUCH could have been fixed by simply making Ashoka's female sidekick a male and cutting that ridiculous green b***h out completely.

    "Look at me I'm a sassy GENERAL with less acting range than a potato who knows better than her superiors and will go outside the rules to get things done!"

    It's all so tiresome.

    • 9 months ago

      Wow you watched this crap enough to talk about it in detail this much? Nothing could have fixed this even if they “cut the green b***h” whatever that means. It still would have been a large, chunky splatter of moose diarrhea in the hot sun. It’s not like the writers and producers set out to make a great film and they just fumbled it and made an oopsie, these products are just assembly line corporate crap designed specifically to make people mad, flop, and collect federal bailouts. How is anyone sitting here and genuinely critiquing this stuff like it’s genuine or the writers gave more than a rat’s festering ass about it?

  11. 9 months ago

    he knows about cal kestis though, too bad they will never make him the face of sw

    • 9 months ago

      While I like the games this dude is involved in...I'll never be able to see anything but him being gay and getting pounded all the time on shameless. Off-putting.

  12. 9 months ago

    >Another epic inevitable fail, which is just sad. I used to love this character so much, she became eye level with Vader for me. Now, I wince everytime I see Rosario's cosplay.
    Its actually a decent series. Ashoka is a loved character

    • 9 months ago

      >buying out theaters for their own movies
      This cope is just sad.

      • 9 months ago

        Not a decent beard gene between them

      • 9 months ago

        Where's my man Butts?

  13. 9 months ago

    >excluded from the Aftermath trilogy
    >Heir to the Empire given to Ahsoka
    >New Jedi Order given to Rey
    >hides on an island for twenty years and dies like a b***h

    Uhh, Lukebros? What the FRICK is our response

    • 9 months ago

      to stop watching this emasculating girlboss trash, women want Star Wars so bad fine, run it into the ground you stupid c**ts.

      • 9 months ago

        Star Wars is beyond saving, and must be allowed to die.

        • 9 months ago

          >shipping wiki star wars


          • 9 months ago

            Any Lebba enjoyers?

            • 9 months ago

              I’m one

        • 9 months ago

          The first tier isn't sh it though. When a creator takes from a variety of sources and inspirations and synthesizes them into a unique format it's often quite good. The soul is in how they balance the blend themselves, how they re-interpret varied ideas and synergize them. The problem comes when successive itinerations are incestuous and simply do self-referential navel gazing. Not "I'm going to draw inspirations from myriad references and combine them into a unique and harmonized product" but "I'm going to refer to star wars episode 4-6 and that's it".

          I bet if we had a star wars product that say, combined:
          >Global war on terror insurgency/doorkicking shit
          >Hong Kong 80s-90s gun-fu
          >The Black Company fantasy novel about mercenaries or something
          It could be at least potentially interesting.

        • 9 months ago

          Disney shows should be placed under games/novels because they are mostly regurgitation of ideas done before

        • 9 months ago

          There were games and novels pre-disney that were great. You should organize it by era (OT, Prequels, Disney) not by medium.

        • 9 months ago

          >implying the fricking sequels and 3D cartoons are better than most Star Wars games

    • 9 months ago

      Bro he showed up for twenty minutes in BF2, don't you remember?

  14. 9 months ago

    They should've put my wife in Andor and made her the face of Star Wars

    • 9 months ago

      Ysanne Isard ironically feels like Kathleen herself

      • 9 months ago

        tfw no KK mommy gf to dress like an imperial officer and dom me

    • 9 months ago

      >kid Isard brags to an Inquisitor that her dad runs the ISB
      >Inquisitor says her dad is a b***h and has no idea what even goes on in the building
      >Isard takes this so personally that she later demolishes the old building and moves ISB headquarters to a Super Star Destroyer hidden inside Coruscant
      I love this woman.

  15. 9 months ago

    >it’s gonna die guys
    >2 more weeks
    you vermin contribute absolutely nothing

  16. 9 months ago

    They Black personfied my first waifu bros...

    • 9 months ago

      >those lips
      >that nose
      >the tribal clothing
      she was always black-coded, anon.

      • 9 months ago

        She most-certainly was not. She was voiced by a White woman and had white facial structure/mannerisms. If anything you could maybe get away with casting her as Latina or something

        • 9 months ago

          Dave created her and he cast whatsherface as the actress, so canonically she's black now, sorry anon.

          • 9 months ago

            Dave can suck my wiener I literally don't care. She was my first waifu when I was a moronic preteen and I will never forgive them for desecrating her

            • 9 months ago

              I have never seen Clone Wars because I was 27 when it came out. I could be your dad. Have you ever done a DNA test?

              • 9 months ago

                I have not done a DNA test but it is possible.


                Regardless, the time travel shit is fricking stupid and Rebels is hot shit

        • 9 months ago

          >She most-certainly was not. She was voiced by a White woman and had white facial structure/mannerisms. If anything you could maybe get away with casting her as Latina or something

          Yeah, I saw her as another ambiguously brown girl - latina or indian.

          • 9 months ago


            • 9 months ago

              >ethnic not too ethnic
              >well developed body
              >big hairy bush

              Literally the best combo. I saw some pics of ethnic Hawaian women with well developed pubes and it just made me rock hard. White b***hes do so little to me.

  17. 9 months ago

    I spent so much time on Cinemaphile I got sucked into the whole completely negative outlook and never even realized it. Coming here though finally made me see the light. The whole site is just filled with extremely jaded, politics-obsessed (probably americans) people that will hate on literally anything that doesn't conform to their extremely specific and narrow views and likes. Seriously, try to find some fun in life that doesn't come from reading Mein Kampf. I used to think the whole claim that Cinemaphile is just sjw on the opposite spectrum is bullshit, but it's unironically true. Just as moronic and obsessed as all the homosexuals you hate.

  18. 9 months ago

    Honestly I have no fricking clue who this character is. I couldn't work up the enthusiasm to watch Kenobi or Boba, so original additions like this or Andor are dead in the water (for oldgays like me)

    • 9 months ago

      This shit has been going gone down hill for years, so who gives a shit about the new token Black.

      • 9 months ago

        Sorry, wrong image

      • 9 months ago

        Sorry, wrong image

        • 9 months ago

          Please separate Mandalorian season 1 from the 2 shitgarbage ones

          • 9 months ago


        • 9 months ago

          i am inclined to agree

        • 9 months ago

          from what I've sen, I agree. What does the ROTJ/ROTS/Clone Wars face convey?

      • 9 months ago

        pretty close, except Andor is a basedface, and Attack of the Clones and The Force Awakens are desiccated cancer zombies
        I cannot judge The Clone Wars or Rebels, I'm sure I will never watch them
        Frankly a number of these things need something even lower than cancer zombie

  19. 9 months ago

    I can't wait until they ruin Revan. Probably already have with the Malachor retcons.

    • 9 months ago

      personally I can't wait until they ruin Kyle Katarn, they'll have to since they killed off their clone of him in the same movie where he was introduced

      • 9 months ago

        Kyle Katarn is like 5 seperate characters now

      • 9 months ago

        I don't even know what you're referencing.

        • 9 months ago

          Andor is the Katarn clone, he's even wearing basically the same outfit by the end of Rogue One

          • 9 months ago

            But he doesn't have the force and he's not helping Luke train new Jedi. Who cares if they give the most boring parts of Katarn to some latino side character whose already dead?

            • 9 months ago

              Katarn was a murderous rebel spy long before he was a Jedi and really for him the force was just a way to enhance his stormtrooper slaughtering

            • 9 months ago

              John Boyega in Sequels is basically black Kyle Katarn
              >Disillusioned rebel ex-stormtrooper
              >Joins the quest to blow up a Planet Killer and find the map that leads to some important place concerning the Jedi
              >Has an asian girlfriend

              • 9 months ago

                He got a black horse gf in the last movie

              • 9 months ago

                >Kyle Katarn but with more WOOOOO YEAHH IM BLACKKK MOTHAFRICKA
                Literally everything "celebrating diversity" is modern minstrel show

          • 9 months ago

            Like Anon said, there are like five or six Kyle clones. Andor was the spy clone. Syril is the Imperial clone. Kanan is the Jedi clone. That dude in the one shot of Skeleton Crew is his clone in appearance. Cal can wear his clothes.

    • 9 months ago

      Before they reach this low Disney will make SW unprofitable and sell franchise to bong and another galaxy where Thrawn ended up will be Milky Way

  20. 9 months ago

    Unironically the only decent show they've made that feels like Star Wars.

    • 9 months ago

      >only two interesting characters in the entire show
      >have like 5 sentences each

    • 9 months ago

      she cute

      • 9 months ago

        Very much so...

        • 9 months ago
          • 9 months ago


          • 9 months ago

            advice for getting autistic space gf?

          • 9 months ago

            why is her character evil, because she's a pretty white girl?

            • 9 months ago

              Because she kills people.

              • 9 months ago

                so do the "good guys", why does that matter?

              • 9 months ago

                jedis kill people too

              • 9 months ago

                They show later a

                so do the "good guys", why does that matter?

                ll those people lived.

              • 9 months ago

                Is this show actually worth watching? I was very disappointed by Andor since everyone here spoke of it so highly

              • 9 months ago

                >draws lightsaber for a surprise attack
                >wastes a couple seconds posing before following through
                Top direction there

        • 9 months ago

          What rip did you download? Mine is blurrier than that.

          • 9 months ago

            The one from NTb.

            • 9 months ago

              Isn't that one HDR, though? Looks all washed out, but your screenshots are clean.

              • 9 months ago

                Why the frick would you download HDR? Of course it will be washed out on SDR displays.

              • 9 months ago

                Yeah, it's just that your screenshots were so much sharper that I figured you were doing them from 4K, but the only 4K rips I was able to find were HDR.

            • 9 months ago

              Isn't that one HDR, though? Looks all washed out, but your screenshots are clean.

              Nvm, you're doing ss from 1080p, only noticed now.

            • 9 months ago

              Downloaded NTb and it's same shit as the rutracker one with some some blur and washing out. Did you do color correction on your screenshots or something?
              Found 4K without HDR elsewhere, though, and that shit's razor sharp and with nice colors.

            • 9 months ago

              Because she kills people.

              old guy will betray her and she'll be all like
              >wtf I thought we were friends
              and he'll be like
              >nah sith are just evil so we have no friends, just like republicans
              and then she'll cry and become a good guy

              • 9 months ago

                Won't happen, not in the show anyway.

              • 9 months ago

                If anything, she'll become even more evil. Skoll means "One Who Mocks" or "Treachery", whereas Hati means "One Who Hates" or "Enemy". She has no idea about Baylan's true goal, and it's likely that it will go against hers (and Thrawn's) and she ends up going against him alongside Thrawn. Skoll was the one chasing Sun in the mythology (Light Side?), whereas Hati was chasing Moon (Dark Side?). I think it's possible Baylan will try to use World Between World to somehow undo Order 66, whereas Shin just wants power.

              • 9 months ago

                nah, she's turning on the old guy due to manipulation by the chink witch

              • 9 months ago

                I don't think so, she hates Elsbeth ever since she learned she's a Nighsister. The Nighsisters are supposed to come from the galaxy Thrawn is currently, and the same goes for Shin. I believe Shin has had a bad history with them, and wants power to get revenge, or at least be above them in hierarchy, so that she's safe from their schemes.

          • 9 months ago

            Very much so...

            Unironically the only decent show they've made that feels like Star Wars.

            I hope she gets her own spin-off, I honestly hate the orange alien girl, I hope she turns out to be a side character in her own show like Boba Fett.

            • 9 months ago

              Doesn't seem very likely. She's probably been with Baylan all the time before the show, and there won't be enough time for any spin-off stuff after it. I'm pretty sure she will be killed in the Heir to the Empire movie. Considering what her actress said about her, Ahsoka leaks (including ending) and the Norse mythology that connects her name, I (thankfully) don't see a redemption arc for her as likely, but that means she'll most likely die. The only different outcomes I can see is her somehow becoming one of the Knights of Ren, or going back to her galaxy (the one Thrawn will come from) and doing some stuff there.

    • 9 months ago

      First we had the mcu turning everyone into the same quirky wisecracking comic relief and now star wars turns everyone into the stoic strong archetype.
      Disney is cancer and this show stills sucks banta dick.

    • 9 months ago

      Frick off Andor was kino
      she cute tho

    • 9 months ago

      I seriously fricking doubt that.

      Frick off Andor was kino
      she cute tho

      >Frick off Andor was kino
      No it wasn't it was shit, you were just desperate to have Star Wars again

      • 9 months ago

        >you were just desperate to have Star Wars again
        What? It's not like we've had a shortage of Star Wars shit. Between Boba Fett, Mando and Obi Wan it's been nonstop, and it's all been mid to completely forgettable. Andor is the best Star Wars thing since Empire and I sincerely pity plebs who don't appreciate it.

        • 9 months ago

          >Andor is the best Star Wars thing since Empire
          lol ok bro

    • 9 months ago

      too bad they still don't know how to write TV shows without stretching a single movie's plot 10 times longer than it should be, so what you end up with is a bored meandering story that forgets its own purpose

    • 9 months ago

      i havent been paying attention to star wars for years but she looks like darth zannah

  21. 9 months ago

    Star Wars Rebels original ending.

  22. 9 months ago

    Didn't she die in Rebels in a duel against Vader. Is this another prequel?

    • 9 months ago

      Filoni had her fall into a wormhole and time travel five minutes into the future after Vader got bored and left.

      • 9 months ago

        Bravo Filoni

      • 9 months ago

        Ahsoka's survival destroys the universe.
        >Ahsoka lives against Vader
        >Therefore Vader fails to go on to hunt down the Lothal rebels, which in turn makes the Rebellion much more successful
        >In particular Thrawn is yeeted into another galaxy
        >Meaning there is no Thrawn trilogy, the New Republic isn't challenged and doesn't need to consolidate against him
        >Luke also fails to meet his future wife and doesn't get the idea of rebuilding the Jedi until much later
        >Han and Leia also fail to have a celebratory frick, meaning Jacen and Jaina are exchanged for that mutant spermazoid Ben
        Ahsoka is the root of all this.

  23. 9 months ago

    $10 says most people think she's a twilek.

    • 9 months ago

      Wait.. she is not a stupid fricking twilek?

      • 9 months ago

        she's a twilek of color aka a twiBlack person


        • 9 months ago

          I thought that was her family name or something.

    • 9 months ago

      Wait.. she is not a stupid fricking twilek?

      she's a twilek of color aka a twiBlack person

  24. 9 months ago

    I have never watched Star Wars in my life. The only reason I know who Luke and the others are is because of how much it gets referenced elsewhere. Am I missing anything?

    • 9 months ago

      Depends on how much you get assblasted about things. The only thing I really regred watching was Rise of the Skywalker. I never thought it'd be possible for me to go to cinema to watch a Star Wars movie and think "When does it finally end", but alas.
      The rest ranged from bearable to very enjoyable. Probably helps that I just enjoy the setting in general, though I'm sad how it's mostly wasted on banal good vs evil (and moronic redemption arcs) constantly instead of something more nuanced.

    • 9 months ago


    • 9 months ago

      OT was a phenomenon at the time thanks to the VFX which innovated on screen with each film. It's worth a watch if just for the film history context, but a comfy campy space adventure otherwise. Prequels did the same for CGI and blue screen heavy sets but may not be tolerable if you're not invested in the OT story already.

    • 9 months ago

      No, you aren't missing out on anything, also, if you aren't a child you probably wont like it.

    • 9 months ago

      Just play KOTOR I and II

  25. 9 months ago

    I only watched the prequels and I'm satisfied enough with it

  26. 9 months ago

    it's just a woman in makeup with a bad hair piece

  27. 9 months ago


  28. 9 months ago

    They got "fans" to write Star Wars.

    It's just another proof that fans of a franchise are too stupid to know why they like a franchise in the first place.
    Dave Felloni was the worst thing to happen to Star Wars

    • 9 months ago

      Johnson hates Star Wars and made it his own little Freudian psychodrama puppet show, Abrams is a 'fan' of money and a hitman for Spielberg -- if he had any actual 'fan' cachet he'd have insisted on developing Lucas' story, not insisting on his own rehash bowdlerization.

  29. 9 months ago

    based Mark Hamill?

    • 9 months ago

      There's only two things he tweets about, Star Wars, and Trump. Can't imagine being as big a loser and failed an actor as Mark Hamill.

      • 9 months ago

        oh. actually I know remember his Joker trump recordings. not based

  30. 9 months ago

    Not dying, its corpse is just starting to reek palpably enough for the dullest minds of the general audience to catch on years too late, "Walking Dead IN SPACE"

  31. 9 months ago


    • 9 months ago

      this is how I feel about all these characters pulled from a moronic cartoon for children
      I've never watched any of it and it looks stupid and I simply don't care and never will

      • 9 months ago

        who is thrawn
        who is ezra
        whos the green b***h
        whos that sulking tween that acts like a 14yo girl
        who are those generals
        space whales?
        and most importantly: why should i care

        • 9 months ago

          you shouldn't
          Thrawn was pretty big in the EU and even in some of the old Star Wars games like Tie Fighter.

          in the EU Thrawn is a tactical genius and not your run of the mill imperial. he's actually a threat. however Filioni basically reduces him to a Scooby Doo villain. Space Whales is Fillioni's excuse as to why Thrawn isn't seen at Endor.

          Originally the explanation for Thrawn's absence in the movies is because the Empire is huge and he was hunting Admiral Harkov's traitor fleet and finally stopping Grand Admiral Zaarin's coup, destroying his fleeting and killing him around the time of Endor.

  32. 9 months ago

    Another 'uhhhhhh achhtually' thread. Star Wars has always been campy. You just grew up and became bitter. Watch real movies you incels.

  33. 9 months ago

    This character should've died before episode 4. Keeping her around this long is stupid and a waste.

  34. 9 months ago

    Men would pay attention to Ahsoka if they made her a decade younger, attractive, with clothing that showed off her body. That's it. That's all it would take. Sex sells, that's why there are no bras in space. Also, it would help if she retained a little bit of her youthful personality from The Clone Wars. As opposed to no personality whatsoever.

    • 9 months ago

      I love AI so much

    • 9 months ago

      this, obviously
      but the middle aged women who run modern american media corps would never allow it

    • 9 months ago

      It is just tired.

    • 9 months ago

      Rosario Dawson was cute, but yeah, she's like 90 years old now. Just say her race ages slower or some shit. And her and MEW just look awful, and I suspect the makeup is too literal and does them no justice. Make her like 25, Latina, and everyone would be happy.

      this is how I feel about all these characters pulled from a moronic cartoon for children
      I've never watched any of it and it looks stupid and I simply don't care and never will

      The best way to use her is as a side-character, likely in the sequels. Hell, they should have been about Ashoka finding luke or some shit. You could erase Rey entirely.

      • 9 months ago

        >You could erase Rey entirely.
        no because Kathleen Kennedy has to self-insert into every franchise she touches

    • 9 months ago

      Don't forget straight. Ahsoka was "available" to Anakin and vice-versa. They could be vulnerable with one another. Friendship that can roll over into a romantic relationship without either needing much justification since their experiences have molded their feelings for one another.

      It's the EASIEST setup in the fricking world. Introducing lesbian characters doesn't thrill men, because men don't like lesbians like that. Men like seeing hot women do sexy shit to one another before inevitably bringing in the man who's been patiently watching. That's the "dudes love lesbians!" endgame. On their own its not interesting. Its not "fresh". It's either girls who were raped moronic and now fear men or women who were never attractive in a conventional feminine way and so they gave up trying because they couldn't lower their standard or self-improve so they fall for each other. Men have NOTHING to look for in Ahsoka so of course it's fricking failing. Who the hell wants more of Star Wars: The L Word? Get the stupid fricking dyke b***hes making these decisions out of the picture, man. Homos don't know what the frick straight men want to look at. Or they do but they don't how how to go about it because they don't have the balls, the testosterone, the literal genetic equipment to task risks and intuit this shit.

      Dave Filoni is making millions to play with his fricking toy waifus and he can't do anything compelling with them because they're only there in this incarnation as a fetish. And if they're not naked, showing lots of skin or actively fricking on screen men will NEVER care about lesbian protagonists. Men don't look at that shit and want to "be" the girl, only deranged stupid ass homosexuals do and they're no where near the majority. So stop pandering.

    • 9 months ago

      not really. MEW is always a hottie even in green but her character is so wooden, it makes all her scenes boring. you'd get more out of watching it on mute.

      I don't blame the actors, it's a shitty and lifeless script with bad directing. you cannot polish that turd

  35. 9 months ago

    What of the current Disney Star Wars canon would/should be saved in a potential Disney or Lucasfilm buyout?

    For me
    Original trilogy
    Prequel trilogy

    Clone Wars
    Rogue One

    the rest

    What say you anons?

    • 9 months ago

      Canon isn't real, at most it's a legal construct for fanboys to argue about. People who care about what is or isn't canon, instead of what is or isn't a good story, are cancer.

      • 9 months ago

        Ok I’ll rephrase. What previously released Star Wars material should whoever buys Lucasfilm use and acknowledge in order to make the best new stuff in the future?

        • 9 months ago

          Whoever buys it should treat it like James Bond or Godzilla. Reuse characters whenever you want however you like, caring only that it is remains coherent in the context of that single movie and disregarding continuity with other movies. Give the writers license to tell any good story without having to dance around keeping it consistent with all the others.

    • 9 months ago

      I would add Mando S1&2 + Fallen Order

    • 9 months ago

      I like Solo. It's not necessary viewing or anything, but I'd appreciate it not being directly contradicted because I think it's a bit of fun and has some nice worldbuilding.
      I think that's literally it for disneywars. I guess Rogue One just because I don't want anymore content in that time period so just let it be. R1 is good enough that it doesn't need to be erased.
      I'd get rid of TCW in favour of Genndywars as well obviously.
      In fact, scrap literally anything that Ahsoka is in

    • 9 months ago

      everything pre Disney
      >remove everything post Disney

      simple as

  36. 9 months ago

    My boomer dad still loves the OT, he saw all 3 movies in theaters as a kid. He thought the prequels were weird and shitty, and thought 7 was alright, never even bothered with 8 & 9. He doesn't even know what Disney+ is or any of the Mando/Rebels/Clone Wars crap is, but he was telling me about some commercial he saw on FX in which "they're giving that orange chick from Jabba's Palace a TV show or a movie or sumthin'. What the frick?"

    God bless you, old man. Frick Star Wars, frick all this wookiepedia lore garbage, frick anything made after ROTJ.

    • 9 months ago

      ROTJ is a Disney-tier movie, nostalgiagay

      • 9 months ago

        It's the worst of the OT, (still, Jabba is great, Luke/Vader/Emperor is the best thing the whole franchise, even Ewoks have been iconic for 4 decades now).
        But the based boomers have it right in that they collectively lump ANH, ESB, and ROTJ together as "Star Wars".
        Those 3 movies, that's what Star Wars is. That's where it should have ended, forever. Everything after ROTJ is just autistic cartoon crap, or soulless nostalgia crap.

        • 9 months ago

          >But the based boomers have it right in that they collectively lump ANH, ESB, and ROTJ together as "Star Wars".
          no star wars is the first movie

  37. 9 months ago

    just wait for the vader/anakin cameo, people are gonna coom over that

  38. 9 months ago

    At this point we are multiple spin-offs deep into star wars, why was their priority to not make something new? instead everything is set in the same time period with the same characters, of the 3 new star wars films announced only 1 could be classed as "new".
    If they aren't going to do anything new why should anyone bother, its not like star wars is the only sci-fi film franchise right now, there's Dune and Avatar.
    Also they seem to be struggling with attracting talent, 5 years ago it seemed like every major writer or director was in line for a star wars film, now, bar Mangold, its no names, I wouldn't be surprised if dealing with Star Wars fans and the studio control wards them off.
    Either way, Frick Star Wars fans, grow up and watch films for adults.

    • 9 months ago

      >why was their priority to not make something new? instead everything is set in the same time period with the same characters
      Everyone who says this is a fricking moron.

      The reality is Disney Star Wars fails because they completely refuse to use the main characters of Star Wars. Ahsoka Tano? Andor? Djin Djarin? LITERALLY FRICKING WHO?!?

      Rule 1 of advertising is fricking name appeal.

      • 9 months ago

        Star Wars is such a broad and universally appealing setting that it doesn't matter. You could make stories about the side adventures of Luke Skywalker, you could make stories about the grittier adventures of a mandalorian bounty hunter, you could fricking make a cheers style sitcom about an outer rim cantina owner, it all works and fits because the SW setting is a galaxy wide fantasy world defined only by a handful of common elements and an understanding that the specifics of the sci-fi tech and the new age mysticism don't matter even a little bit.
        The problem is Disney executives, and the fact that everything they do and every creative choice they impose on productions just makes things worse. Every casting decision they meddle with to meet diversity quotas, every story they want rewritten in to a paper thin modern day political allegory, every overall plot that they shoehorn characters in to and redirect in to a launching point for a new spin off because that's what you do with le cinematic universes. That's the problem, Disney is trash.

        • 9 months ago

          You can make those stories. But you can't make those stories put to the screen ad expect to gain mass appeal and money.

          • 9 months ago

            I think you can expect that, if what you make isn't complete garbage. Everyone on the planet was absolutely done with Star Wars until the Mandalorian season 1 came out, and it wasn't like the rest of the Disney trash, and suddenly everyone who walked out of rise of skywalker was buying baby yoda dolls. But then the executives smelled money and came in and ruined it. So you can make something that appeals to people, and people are out there wanting it, but if you ever do see any success it'll just get destroyed by executives who could write a 5,000 word essay about the patriarchy but couldn't find their ass with both hands

      • 9 months ago

        They had ONE JOB, recast Luke & co and to simply readapt the Heir to the Empire trilogy.
        But their hate for the white male protagonist cursed them.
        Now they want to adapt it, but they are going for no names from cartoon shows, thinking that the fans will come back to them when most of them don't fricking know those characters, lmao.
        The only thing they see, it's another show filled with female characters instead of the characters they know and love.

      • 9 months ago

        the reason why star wars failed is because of the rehashing of the skywalker saga and its orbit. rogue one, solo, obi-wan... all pandering to morons like you
        the only thing good coming from disney was the first season of mandalorian and then they ruined it too you literal piece of cancer

        • 9 months ago
        • 9 months ago

          it isn't because they rehashed it. it's because they rehashed it to replace or demean beloved characters with new Disney ones that aren't liked.
          Disney isn't just shoehorning their characters, they're making it a point to destroyed the beloved ones in the process

    • 9 months ago

      >Also they seem to be struggling with attracting talent

      Because they fired every other director and tanked the franchise reputation

  39. 9 months ago

    What a joker

  40. 9 months ago

    the sad thing is Disney could have milked Star Wars fan boys forever if they hadn't insulted and alienated the fan base.
    they had a wealth of EU material to work with and some of the older video games.

    Filioni basically ass raped Thrawn in Rebels with Space Whales. the franchise is dead and nobody care anymore

  41. 9 months ago

    these new star wars shows are all over-designed to hell and back

    every character is now wearing shoulder pads, chest plates, and gauntlets - which are all over-designed and looks like plastic

  42. 9 months ago

    It's funny how many times Star Wars has "died" in the past five years, but here we are and it's still alive and well.

    • 9 months ago

      >it's still alive and well.

      Eh, hype has died. Disney thought it'd be a cash cow like Marvel and ran both of them into the ground by just pumping out more and more content. They get lost in a sea of noise on D+.

      • 9 months ago

        The franchise doesn’t have the demographics to be a big franchise.
        If you look at the demographic break down, the audience is overwhelmingly male, overwhelming in western countries, compare that to avatar which has broad appeal everywhere.

        • 9 months ago

          >The franchise doesn’t have the demographics to be a big franchise.

          And older. The youngest fans grew up on the Prequels and the animated shows, but little kids and teens do NOT care. It's a millennial-Gen-X-series.

          Rosario Dawson is a charisma black hole.
          Many of Hollywood's problems are based on poor scripts written by people who have no ability to entertain their audiences and no understanding of the source material but their casting choices are also appalling.

          >Many of Hollywood's problems are based on poor scripts written by people who have no ability to entertain their audiences and no understanding of the source material

          Like they're not even properly taught how to write, only criticize everything that came before. SO they can write long winded video essays on some feminist analysis of Lord of the Rings, but fail to write anything similarily engaging. We're not educating, training, or bringing up the next generation of writers at all. You see any good writer in the past, and they came up through some kind of system where they were writing short stories, and they cut their teeth on very cut-throat systems where they had to produce or be let out. The best writers came to the top (and many were women!). We odn't have any system like that anymore, and corporations just hire uni grad idiots, who rise through the ranks until they now are writing.

          >Rosario Dawson is a charisma black hole.

          She's just too old, and her past fame was her being young/cute. Also noses keep growing as they age so I wonder if her Nog Nose is more noticeable now than before?

    • 9 months ago

      >still alive and well.
      and with strange aeons even death may die

    • 9 months ago

      Rome didn't die overnight. It slowly fell apart until one day you forget about it.

    • 9 months ago

      It's alive and well because it's still being talked about on Cinemaphile? Black person, normal people do not give a shit about Star Wars anymore at all. Have any of your friends been talking about the hot new Star Wars goyslop? Because mine haven't

      • 9 months ago

        You're not talking about Ahsoka around the water cooler? NGMI

  43. 9 months ago

    Rosario Dawson is a charisma black hole.
    Many of Hollywood's problems are based on poor scripts written by people who have no ability to entertain their audiences and no understanding of the source material but their casting choices are also appalling.

  44. 9 months ago

    They should’ve picked a cute white girl. Maybe an Indian girl as well. Normies will say they love diversity but they will not actually want to watch this show or care about the diverse characters

  45. 9 months ago


    • 9 months ago

      He's just the designated jobber for Ahsoka, any Starkiller enjoyer should find it disgraceful.

      • 9 months ago

        I haven't watch this show, is he in?

        • 9 months ago

          no you moron

          • 9 months ago


    • 9 months ago

      I haven't watch this show, is he in?

      Oh he's in

  46. 9 months ago

    she looks so frickin ugly wtf

  47. 9 months ago
  48. 9 months ago

    I never saw that extra Star Wars shit but its clear as day that Ahsoka was there for boys like to me to like. She showed tummy, I assumed she did some cool things but ultimately was like a "will they or won't they" in capacity. Otherwise there's no reason for her to exist. Star Wars is male power fantasy no matter what anyone says at the end of the day. Having a girl character independent of the male unless she's a teritary/side character makes no sense as boys won't give a shit about the introduction of a character that the main character character, who exists to be immersed into, doesn't hook up with. Or, you know, give a little tease. There aren't and NEVER WILL BE enough girls to actively make a profitable girl-centered Star Wars product because what chicks want to see contrasts heavily with what makes Star Wars exciting to watch in the first place and the plot is too liberally abused and mishandled to make anyone give a fricking shit about it.

    Star Wars should have ended 20 years ago. Doesn't mean it had to be drug through the dirt and shat on and disrespected all the while.

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