Star Wars is so dead it's unreal.

Star Wars is so dead it's unreal. Has a fandom ever been as mindbroken and apathetic to shitty product after shitty product like with this IP?

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  1. 7 months ago

    What's pictured isn't even star wars. period.

    • 7 months ago

      It's canon, sweetie. Cope.

      • 7 months ago

        That's what we used to say about the EU twenty years ago, anon.

      • 7 months ago

        It's disney cannon and that doesn't count sweetie, cope.

    • 7 months ago

      agreed. Im a Star Wars conservative extremist. Only the OT and Andor are halal.

      • 7 months ago

        I'm more personally extreme. Only Star Wars (1977) is legitimate, and everything else is a cash grab that sullies the story of the original film.
        >b-but Empire!!

      • 7 months ago

        for me it's Andor and andor 2

    • 7 months ago

      FPBP. Disney couldn’t even make anything that could compare to pic related, let alone the actual movies

      • 7 months ago

        >what we could have gotten
        AI will unlock everything for us. Hollywood is finished.

        • 7 months ago

          I do think AI in 10 years will be insane. The Entire EU will be adapted and will look better than Disney Star Wars.

  2. 7 months ago

    Even as a Rebels enjoyer I have to say that Ahsoka was pretty weak.

    • 7 months ago

      Baylon and Shin were good, Anakin was good, arrival of Thrawn was good. Everything else sucked. Please make it animated again so we don't get stiff saber fighting and walking and talking. The orbital bombardment was beyond bad.

      • 7 months ago

        >Baylon and Shin were good
        Baylan was literally irrelevant and Shin kept jobbing.

      • 7 months ago

        >Baylon and Shin were good,
        Lol, lmao. They didn't do shit what do mean by them being good? You wanting to coom to Shin? Cartoontrannies really have the lowest of standards

      • 7 months ago

        >everything except the main character is good

    • 7 months ago

      The problem is that something like 40% of Ashoka's runtime is just a very slowly paced recap of the finale of Rebels for everyone who didn't watch it. Reintroducing characters and concepts that are not actually relevant to the story at hand (like the tunnels of time) but just making sure that the audience knows that Filoni's official fanfiction exists if they are too adult to have watched his cartoons.

    • 7 months ago

      >Rebels enjoyer

    • 7 months ago

      >Even as a Rebels enjoyer
      oh im laughin

  3. 7 months ago

    Any more Ani-kino after episode 5?
    All the characters from the cartoons are so fricking one dimensional and the actress playing Ahsoka fights like a granny.

    • 7 months ago

      Yeah, there are a couple more pointless cameos that add nothing to the "plot" of this thing.

      The writing was fricking atrocious. Mando S3 tier.

      • 7 months ago

        were they any cool though?

        • 7 months ago

          Sadly, no. They were very tame and lame, literally just because.

  4. 7 months ago

    Don't know much about star wars, but that was
    fairly fun show

  5. 7 months ago

    I tried to get into the High Republic and it was pretty mid-level on the EU quality scale, I made it past the second Claudia Gray novel where she for some reason decided to fricking spam Geode gags every five pages, but the non-binary Jedi master finally did me in

    • 7 months ago

      Non binary characters make any segment they’re in a complete fricking chore to read, even if one takes the insanity out of the equation.
      I’ve read books where it nominally makes sense, such as describing bizarre aliens or cyborgs who have completely left humanity behind, and they still can’t overcome the fact that the English language was not built with these concepts in mind.

      • 7 months ago

        there are languages where the words for sex and gender are the same, try explaining it to these dudes. Even if these wanted to make commie propaganda they are doing a shit job at it as it's not getting to people, well except maybe zoomers who don't know any better

        • 7 months ago

          The problem they’re facing is that zoomers simply don’t read, not that I blame them; the publishers are so pathetically corrupt that legacy authors not aimed at their demographic are the only ones working on merit, and reading self published is like playing Russian roulette.
          Pretty much the only NuEU authors that sell are the old guard like Zahn and Luceno, while everyone else is lucky to get more than 10k for an opening book at most.

          I suppose audio book sales might be better, but I’ve heard enough bad books to know just how much a good narrator can hard carry them, and even then those were ones that were mostly bad on technical issues rather than not wanting to tell an entertaining story.

          • 7 months ago

            They can go to a library and read old books if they want to. I don't think reading is the issue here. They are being fed bs from an early age and the standard is poor. Even more so when compared to Europe, which is also on a downward spiral. I'm done, this is getting into a /misc/tier rant and I am done with that shit. I decided to have a life and do something for myself... and at least we have the old stuff around, though from a naive fanboy in the mid-early 00's that finally got a star wars t shift for the 2014 release... well I am totally indifferent. A little bit of nostalgia here and there and somewhat good stuff that come out from time to time until shit hits the fan and things go woke.

            I mean I could be going old since oldgays hated the sequels when they came out and they were okay... But they still had something, something that is missing from current media as a whole.

      • 7 months ago

        >I’ve read books where it nominally makes sense, such as describing bizarre aliens or cyborgs who have completely left humanity behind, and they still can’t overcome the fact that the English language was not built with these concepts in mind.
        It's stupid even in those cases. Like you have a cyborg described as "they" (instead of simply "it"), and it makes reaching all the sections that include them a chore. You never know when a sentence is describing the cyborg doing something, or the cyborg's group that it's a part of doing something, or if the cyborg is alone or part of a group, etc. Well, you can figure it out from context, but it still adds unnecessary ambiguity. Never mind how immersion breaking it is to have characters who would *never* put up with something as farcical as using they/them pronouns for a character constantly repeating them with a straight face. And nobody ever expresses these obvious linguistic confusions within the context of the text, like one character will say that "they" are coming, and nobody will reasonable ask if it's more than one person coming etc.
        It's just really fricking awful, I wish these morons would stop deliberately making their writing worse to own the chuds. There are cases where the singular they makes sense, but it's not in these cases.

        • 7 months ago

          I guarantee that people who somewhat racist and prejudice, but not /misc/ level, can write better stories than them.

      • 7 months ago

        there are languages where the words for sex and gender are the same, try explaining it to these dudes. Even if these wanted to make commie propaganda they are doing a shit job at it as it's not getting to people, well except maybe zoomers who don't know any better

        >I’ve read books where it nominally makes sense, such as describing bizarre aliens or cyborgs who have completely left humanity behind, and they still can’t overcome the fact that the English language was not built with these concepts in mind.
        It's stupid even in those cases. Like you have a cyborg described as "they" (instead of simply "it"), and it makes reaching all the sections that include them a chore. You never know when a sentence is describing the cyborg doing something, or the cyborg's group that it's a part of doing something, or if the cyborg is alone or part of a group, etc. Well, you can figure it out from context, but it still adds unnecessary ambiguity. Never mind how immersion breaking it is to have characters who would *never* put up with something as farcical as using they/them pronouns for a character constantly repeating them with a straight face. And nobody ever expresses these obvious linguistic confusions within the context of the text, like one character will say that "they" are coming, and nobody will reasonable ask if it's more than one person coming etc.
        It's just really fricking awful, I wish these morons would stop deliberately making their writing worse to own the chuds. There are cases where the singular they makes sense, but it's not in these cases.

        It just works, but only because they're asexual rock-people, but even then the unradicalized fan translators realized it's still better to use the gender neutral "he" than to use "they/them"

        • 7 months ago

          >it's still better to use the gender neutral "he" than to use "they/them"

          Because the rocks use gendered pronouns for each other and often change the gender of the pronoun for no clear reason. They could have been written to use non-gendered pronouns (japanese has more of these and they sound more natural), but they weren't. Simple as.

    • 7 months ago

      It took me a month to finish the first book. I didn't even enjoy it. And then I had to read like 2 or 3 children/literal kindergarten books to get the story in order. Screw that. Ironically mouse wars is harder to get into than the EU. With the Disney stuff, you have to watch TCW, plus all the live action shows as they play into each other. In the EU you could jump wherever you wanted. It's just not convenient or even fun, to dig through mountains of shit just to reach a speck of goodness, and then another mountain of crap.

      • 7 months ago

        what I don't get is I thought Disney scrapped the EU so why the frick is Thrawn in the new show. like are these fricking idiots so bankrupt of ideas that they are now picking about the EU that they just threw into the trash a few years earlier.

        >made for kids
        Perhaps that is the problem. This notion that it should only be for kids while at least half of its current fanbase are full grown adults is creating this disconnect with nu-Star Wars. This franchise should've grown up with the millennial generation it reeled in with the prequels at the turn of the millennium. It's Disney, so sure, make some stuff for the little kids, but we need grittier, more thought-provoking SW content and they shouldn't be afraid to provide shock value with stuff like this [...]

        Like if Sabine is getting stabbed straight through her body with a lightsaber, she needs to die or at the very least experience some sort of permanent consequence that she is forced to contend with for the remainder of her arc. Her recovering from this immediately and then continuing to be a girlboss mando-Jedi is so forced and lame.

        smartest thing they could do is make a show set in the old republic era. they could introduce characters and actully killl them off. make it like Andor but darker doubt they have the balls to do that though. Disney's biggest frick up was shutting down lucas arts who used to draw kids into the series now days kids are into capeshit not star wars

        • 7 months ago

          I was that kid who became extremely drawn to the entirety of SW thanks to the KOTOR games and the old republic comics from Dark Horse. I'm (unfortunately) now a life long SW fan because of that era in the EU and because of those games in particular

          • 7 months ago

            I got really into star wars through episode 1 but was getting out of it until KOTOR came out. I think where the series took a nose dive is with these shit tv shows there's simply a lack of star wars in a star wars series. why are they so afraid of having space battles.

        • 7 months ago

          >what I don't get is I thought Disney scrapped the EU so why the frick is Thrawn in the new show.

          Basically they didn't want to be beholden to any of the non-film 'canon' that decades of novels and games and comics had established, because as far as they were concerned no one cared about that. However, they are still free to draw upon its 'greatest hits' collection as inspiration for whatever they want to make, its just not cannon until or unless its onscreen now.

          Which honestly is a decision I can understand, because trying to cater to the lore nerds for Star Wars would be a pretty insane task. There's just too much of it, spread out over too many mediums. Disney doesn't even stick to the source material for Marvel movies, and those are at least direct and easy to track down sources.

          • 7 months ago

            Star Wars Legends books sold 10x what Disney Star Wars books sell.

            Heir to the Empire sold between 15-20 million copies

            A typical High Republic book sells about 20k copies

            The idea that nobody cares about the original Thrawn Trilogy is complete horseshit

            • 7 months ago

              The original Thrawn trilogy was the first real star wars content in close to a decade and had a massive marketing campaign because they were a primer to get people invested in Star Wars again leading into the Hasbro toy line and the prequels, which were only in the earliest conceptual stages, but George knew he was definitely going to make them at that point

              It's not comparable.

              • 7 months ago

                >Thrawn trilogy was the first real star wars content in close to a decade and had a massive marketing campaign

                Lol. Disney spent 100x (maybe 1000x or more) on the High Republic publishing initiative than Lucas paid Zahn to write Heir. It’s not even remotely close

              • 7 months ago

                What was also special about Thrawn's triology was that it was announced as an official sequel to Episode VI. So they didn't have to worry about connecting any future events. There was no guarantee that legacy characters would survive or not, and this raised the stakes. The series was so well received that they made a direct continuation in the Dark Empire comics. Apart from the other books that Zahn wrote showing Thrawn's past events.

                Disney could have gone this route with the Rey triology, but it was so poorly received in the end that they ended up limiting themselves to stories between Episode III and IV and between VI and VII. The problem is that you greatly limit the direction of the stories. No matter how threatening Thrawn is in the animations or in live action, nothing he does will have major consequences because we have already seen that he had no influence from the time of Episode VII onwards. He's just the villain of the week and nothing more

              • 7 months ago

                >No matter how threatening Thrawn is in the animations or in live action, nothing he does will have major consequences because we have already seen that he had no influence from the time of Episode VII onwards

                Its funny you think that. I fricking garauntee you, before this is over Thrawn will give a big nazi rally speech to a crowd of cheering imperial remnant forces, talking about his grand plans of rebuilding the empire, and he will say the words "And, as my First Order " followed by whatever his actual plan is. Retroactively making the First Order something founded by Thrawn and now it has his name attached to it even if he dies 10 minutes later.

              • 7 months ago

                >Disney could have gone this route with the Rey triology, but it was so poorly received in the end that they ended up limiting themselves to stories between Episode III and IV and between VI and VII. The problem is that you greatly limit the direction of the stories.

                Rey Palpatine is the problem with Star Wars. As long as the franchise stays tied to her it will continue to sink, deeper and deeper into the abyss of its own making.

                It’s time to let her go. For the good of the brand, it’s time to let her go.

            • 7 months ago

              >A typical High Republic book sells about 20k copies
              They actually can't even sell 10K copies anymore.

      • 7 months ago

        I skipped the young readers books and the comics (the Drengir just die off between books lol) and listened to the audiobooks while doing other stuff, all the Random House narrators are good. Listened through the NJO done by Talking Books before I got started on the High Republic and boy was that a rollercoaster of narrator quality

  6. 7 months ago

    Filoni is a hack fraud still making children's shows where no one is in danger, villains are """hilariously""" incompetent and the whole story is "these set pieces we call characters must be in certain positions when the show ends".

    Second season of Andor will be the last thing I'll torrent. I'm sure Filoni is pushing for his mandoverse characters to do a cameo so he could borrow some credibilty.

    • 7 months ago


      • 7 months ago

        >ON PROGRAM

  7. 7 months ago

    Apart from the turbo woke anti-european shit and that things are done effortlessly by the protagonists, without any struggle that gives them credibility.. I mean at ep 2 their ship got blasted through hard and was still in one place and reparis were done without doing anything, but the bad guys die from 1 hit..
    Credibility is totally gone, and IMDB doesn't even show ratings on age groups and gender anymore.
    Not to mention they keep recycling the prequels still..
    I stopped at ep 2, not going to waste any more time. Thanks Disney, thanks George you greedy frick.Trey and Matt were right all along

  8. 7 months ago

    Anything made by Disney in the last 10 years is guaranteed to be garbage. They now ruin everything they touch. Even their theme parks. What the frick happened to that company?

    • 7 months ago

      Environmental Social Governance... thanks Larry Fink. Now they've decided to tone it down, but it's really a bunch of shitheads who lost touch with reality, I can't even blame the israelites for this as the ordinary israelite is being israeliteed himself

  9. 7 months ago

    Filoni has a really bad habit of focusing on anything and everything except the most interesting parts of whatever it is he does.

  10. 7 months ago

    There was good stuff in the show. Baylon, Shin, Abeloth mystery, Thrawn, Anakin, Ezra (the actor is great, the writing for him is shit) Morgan Ellsbeth. But some of the overall writing and directing was pretty bad.

    Corporate Star Wars just doesn’t work. All these self imposed rules about who can be what, how many of this you need, etc makes every product predictable and dumb.

    Look, the Ahsoka show wasn’t nearly as bad as the Sequel Trilogy or the Resistance cartoon or some of Disney’s other LOL products. It had some good moments. But it’s certainly not going to drive people to the theaters to see Filoni’s movie. They need bigger names and better stories

  11. 7 months ago

    Every western IP whose primary demographic is (was) male nerds is rotting right now. Warcraft, Marvel and DC comics, Star Wars, Star Trek - anything that's actually getting made is complete garbage.
    The problem is the women and gays in the writing room and this isn't misogyny or homophobia. I'm saying that it's the specific women and gays in the writing rooms. There were excellent female authors in the 80s and 90s writing for comic books. I'm sure there have been fantastic gay screenwriters.
    These companies need to stop hiring bottom of the barrel fat women off of twitter and get some people with brains.

    • 7 months ago

      It’s not women’s fault. Female writers kept Star Trek alive for decades in the 60s and 70s when the brand was completely off TV. The only reason that Star Trek is still alive today is because of those women.

      Marcia Lucas saved Star Wars.

      The problem is ideological.

      • 7 months ago

        Yeah that's what I said. It's the specific women and gays who are in the writer's room right now. They have hired fat tumblrinas and effete gays instead of men and women with grit.
        Some of my favorite pieces of media were authored by women but studios hire talentless hacks who suck the right dicks.

      • 7 months ago

        It's critical mass. You can have up to like 10% women and it's fine. And when they conform to male standards. When they reach 50% or start creating "women's groups" to push their neurosies internally it's over.

        • 7 months ago

          There’s also the competency problem.
          A core of competent workers can handle the majority being utter morons if left alone, but once they’re sabotaged, or if they have too many idiots to cover for, it all comes crashing down.
          It’s happening in practically every industry now, and once a vital one royally shits the bed things will get interesting.

      • 7 months ago

        It is women's fault- Kathleen Kennedy and Harvey Weinstein's former assistant Leslie Hedlund. They are directly to blame

      • 7 months ago

        they were anomalies, women overall are a net detriment to the creative direction of these boy centric franchises. women shouldn't be running these things, time has proven them to be mostly incompetent with sensibilities that don't appeal to boys or men.

        • 7 months ago

          Even if you don't want to say all women, I can say for a fact that a middle aged schoolmarmy Karen type like Kathleen Kennedy has no business being any higher than a middle manager on an HR team. Disastrous direction

      • 7 months ago

        Also relevant.

        • 7 months ago

          I miss mommy Ree so much it's urneal

      • 7 months ago

        >Marcia Lucas saved Star Wars.
        already debunked into oblivion which is where you need to be kicked you pussy worshiping homosexual

        • 7 months ago

          >pussy worshipping homosexual

          That’s a new one.

          Poverty and virginity have been hard on you. Best of luck

          • 7 months ago

            I'm rich and swimming in c**t, while you keep believing shitty lies like how Marcia was da troo mastamind of da staa war

            • 7 months ago

              you're broke, worship pussy you can never have, and use your spare time to feign superiority over anonymous Cinemaphile users. homosexual.

              • 7 months ago

                *makes huge withdrawals from my massive bank account while NOT watching nuwars*
                feels good not being a pussy worshipper like you, lol!

              • 7 months ago

                That’s not the same guy you were originally arguing with. I’m him. And just a heads up for future reference… people don’t keep their money in bank accounts.

    • 7 months ago

      they employ them because the parent companies are handed targets to reach - 30%troony, 30% feminist, 30% mystery meat, 30% moron by 2020.
      that fulfills their market capital venture competitor rival junket - keeping them in the game because an 'analyst' has told them that is what keeps them afloat.
      same reason why they donate a certain amount to whichever charity has been chosen, or recycle something - it is part of essential brand marketing toward investors or stock owners.
      they don't care very much about what they are selling as long as it sells. it's just numbers in a computer at higher levels.
      especially in asia.
      don't grow attached to things that have any money behind them, because they will become warped eventually.
      warcraft 1 was the best - look at the shift at that time from serious and more realistic colour palette to the gaudy mess in 2.

    • 7 months ago

      Its hilarious how much you have missed the point because you were distracted by the smokescreen.
      These IPs don't suck because they got too close to someone with a vegana, they suck because they are IPs. They are not movies made by creative people, they are not stories being written by someone who has a story to tell. They are THINGS that someone else came up with decades before you were born, which a big corporation paid good money for, and now they want to make a return on their investment.

      DC does not publish new superman comics because it has superman stories to tell. It publishes them because that is the brand. Hell, most of the money they make isn't even from people who *read the comics*, its selling variant covers and special #1 editions to collectors who buy them in bulk in stick them in a vault to juggle a speculative market.

      The sequel trilogy was not made because Disney had a story they wanted to tell, they made episodes 7-9 because they had *bought themselves a Star Wars* and they were damn well going to make money off it. They had no plan, that much is blatantly obvious, they just figures that because it was an established IP they could just shit out whatever and the money would roll in regardless. And, critical reception aside, they were not entirely wrong about that.

      Blaming the low quality of this shit on the writers, female or otherwise, is missing the point. The bad movie is the bullet that hit you, and the writers are the trigger on the gun, but it was big media companies gobbling up old IP to turn them into cash cows that aimed the gun at you in the first place and pulled that trigger, and kept pulling it. Complaining about the writers in the situation is like saying that you'd be okay with Disney pissing on your face as long as the taste was sweeter.

      • 7 months ago

        >They had no plan, that much is blatantly obvious, they just figures that because it was an established IP they could just shit out whatever and the money would roll in regardless. And, critical reception aside, they were not entirely wrong about that.

        The Disney Trilogy made less than the OT, and was about on par with the PT in terms of box office. However, when you factor in that the PT cost MUCH less than the ST to make, and that the PT sold about 5x the merch that the ST did, you realize that the ST was by far the least lucrative.

        Also, the draw for the ST were the OT characters and the overall Star Wars brand, not the ST characters

      • 7 months ago

        this explains why people keep consuming the media even though it's shit, not why it's shit. unless your argument is literally some lame debatebro rhetoric like "all IP movies are automatic 0/10s regardless of their quality" because defining it like that's the only think you can think of to try to save face

        I do agree that they are shit because they are IPs though. the best of the nu-SW was mandalore s01 and andor, the latter of which felt an awful lot like the script for a generic sci-fi slapped with a SW coat of paint.
        but that these movies are worse than they would be if they weren't IPs doesn't magically erase shit like "the force is female" or all the other obviously politics driven nonsense they've shovelled into it.
        maybe there exists a timeline where they didn't do that and the movies were just as shit, and where the people in our timeline blame the movies being shit on the woke stuff, because that's easy to articulate, the people in that timeline would blame it on other things instead. but we won't ever know and I doubt it. like, they didn't make the hateful decision of making luke a shitty loser no a whim. they did that for woke reasons, and many people pointed it out as an example of why the movies are shit. if luke was the expected way instead then people would probably have liked the movie more.

        like, imagine if they made pic related but instead of the twist being that he was a normal guy who grew into a myth, the twist was that he was a massive wienerhead who ran around terrifying children and shitting down their chimneys. and how they decided to do this because santa claus is part of the patriarchy. it would've been an awful movie precisely because of the specific way in which they sought to "subvert expectations".

        • 7 months ago

          >this explains why people keep consuming the media even though it's shit, not why it's shit

          The two are related. Its possible for an IP film to be good, but its an unlikely accident because the creative process surrounding an IP is so skewed that its production only makes sense inside of the executive bubble and it immediately falls apart when exposed to reality. Its a problem that occurs in basically all media, regardless of format, when you have a publisher that owns the IP they are publishing.

          In a normal workflow, you have some guys that want to make a thing. They have an idea, they get a team together, they seek financing and go on to try and make the thing they have envisioned. The publisher here serves an important role as the platform that allows the creation to reach its audience, and it makes some money doing doing so, but the creation is still largely the brainchild of people who are invested in making something specific and who want it to be good because its their baby.

          When the publisher OWNS the IP in question, everything gets turned on its head. The goal is not to make a good product. The quality of the product is assumed to be a static thing, unable to be changed, it was locked in when they paid for it. Instead of trying to find properties and stories that are good enough to sell, they have a brand that they have already decided is 'proven', its just a matter of selling it. Is it not popular enough in its current form? As long as the name and aesthetic is the same, you can change it as much as you want to make it *sell better*. You own this IP, so you have to split less of the profits, it behooves you to find a way to sell this thing you already own rather than seeking out something new to make, no matter how tortured you have to make the final product.

          It doesn't matter how badly received the last 3 Batman movies were, WB will *make more Batman*, simply because they own it. Quality never enters into the discussion.

          • 7 months ago

            There's also the legal matters of owning an IP and publishing to factor in, namely that if you want to keep it and keep your trademark, you have to show that it's being used. And you have to make sure nobody else uses it, either, or you risk losing control on the grounds that you didn't defend it.

            • 7 months ago

              I don't think they need to pump out content that often to keep it. It doesn't really matter anyway because they allow anyone to write a good show. Large media companies aren't going to let you write what you want anything you wrote is owned by them. Kinda embarrassing when we see others on this board or elsewhere who are either ignorant as hell, are young, or are NEETs who have never worked before. They have a child's view of what working for a large company is like.

              • 7 months ago

                *they won't allow

          • 7 months ago

            Owning the IP also makes companies act like idiots. WB never would have been so diehard about propping up the syndervese DC movies if it was something that they did not own. They were blinded by dollar signs and kept chasing the dream even though everyone else in the room knows that its dead.

      • 7 months ago

        It was the Cult of Woke that killed Lucasfilm

        • 7 months ago

          Star Wars went to shit long before Disney. PT was trash and 90% of EU sucked dick.

          Star Trek was shit since Voyager.

          But morons kept throwing money at it because it had the logo they liked.

      • 7 months ago

        George gave them a plan, but they threw it out because it doubled down on Midichlorians and required cartoon homework by having Darth Maul be the main villain.

    • 7 months ago

      Feminism and wokeism are ideologies designed to subvert and destroy everything good

    • 7 months ago

      DC tried making a solid film with Joker (2019) and it was one of the most profitable movies of the century and the most culturally relevant film of the late 2010s, but since it was on the wrong side of the spectrum, politically speaking, they haven't tried again ever since

      • 7 months ago

        Accidental as the reasoning may be, but it was still a good choice not to exploit it.
        Chances are it would crash and burn almost immediately if they tried

    • 7 months ago

      Warhammer is going this way with Guilliman wank and the gay Primaris helmets.

    • 7 months ago

      Did I mention ESG and how it affects hiring ?
      For stuff like this to happen someone at the top made the wrong decision, hiring people for being different rather than being fit for the job.

  12. 7 months ago

    I liked the show

    • 7 months ago

      Do not sully Apu with your terrible opinions

    • 7 months ago

      Yeah me too

  13. 7 months ago

    i only half assedly watch and can affirm that the ST, rebels, andor, kenobi, boba fat, and asshoka were complete shit.

  14. 7 months ago

    Recast Han Solo as Jensen Ackles.

    • 7 months ago

      You joke, but legitimately it’s time to look at recasting the Big Three. They are the main characters of Star Wars. You can’t tell this story without them

      • 7 months ago

        I don't joke. I'd cast Ackles. He wouldn't be a perfect fit if you're going for a 1:1 with Ford's Han. But he's a solid actor with a good look, very high charisma and fits the "thief with a heart of gold" archetype perfectly. He's also good at comedy without diminishing his cool-guy image. I'd recast Leia as Millie Bobby Brown. She's a moronic ass-eating prostitute, but that's not far off Fischer. She has the look and she's a fine actress. Luke is a harder one. Plenty of people that have the look, dunno about the rest.

      • 7 months ago

        >it’s time to look at recasting the Big Three
        Disney will never ever use them again for a story, well maybe Leia but for sure not the guys
        SW is a fricking zombie until Disney finally lets go of it, if it ever does

        • 7 months ago

          Even left-leaning pro-corporate sites and channels have turned against Disney Star Wars. Many mainstream media organizations now openly refer to the Sequel Trilogy as bad and criticize Disney’s attempt to tie everything to that dumpster fire. Disney Lucasfilm have nowhere to turn now.

      • 7 months ago

        They WANT Luke out of their way. They WANT anyone especially their Disney creation to replace him. You will get nothing and you will love it.

        • 7 months ago

          Lol. Lucasfilm is dying. It’s been flop after flop after flop.

          - Galactic Starcruiser flopped
          - Dial of Destiny flopped
          - High Republic mega-flopped
          - Willow flopped
          - Andor flopped
          - Mando S3 flopped
          - Merch sales are down 70+%
          - Ashoka underperformed

          The idea that they can continue to bury Luke is bullshit.

        • 7 months ago

          Personally I’m glad of the fact that their seething hatred of his character utterly neutered their attempts to suborn him.
          Any writer with a brain grasps that a well liked character gracefully passing the torch will make the character being shilled more endearing to the audience, and if they’d had the restraint to do that without a spiteful character assassination disney might have retained a cadre of white knights rather than circling the drain.
          That sole decision is why the ST era is an irradiated narrative wasteland that they have been cucked out of exploiting,

      • 7 months ago

        Star Wars by Balenciaga?

      • 7 months ago

        >recasting the Big Three
        They need to release one last film that actually does justice to these characters. Use old Hamill and old Ford. Use unused footage of Carrie and cgi if necessary.
        Then pass the torch onto good new characters. If they can't write good characters (which disney has proven time and time again that they can't), going back to Luke, Leia and Han won't fix anything. They'll just ruin those characters even worse than the st already did.

        • 7 months ago

          They already tried doing that with the sequel trilogy. The ship has sailed.

        • 7 months ago

          Star Wars has already tried hundreds of times through books, comics, animated shows, live action shows, animated shorts, movies, games, etc. to create characters that rival the Big 3, and they’ve failed every single time.

          Lucasfilm needs to clean house. Bring in a new CEO, bring in a new Creative Director, new writers, new blood. They need to rebuild around the Big 3 in their prime, but slowly and methodically introduce high quality layered characters around them such that the torch can be properly passed to a new generation that people actually give a frick about.

          • 7 months ago

            >and they’ve failed every single time
            Not true. Fans love Kyle Katarn (even though he was a gary-stu) because the games he was in were fun to play.
            They also loved Mara Jade and Jacen Solo.
            Obviously characters in spin-off media won't be as popular as characters from the main entries so it's an unfair comparison but the proof is there that the fans will happily accept new characters.
            >Lucasfilm needs to clean house
            >They need to rebuild around the Big 3 in their prime
            Garbage idea.
            The OT has finished. It doesn't need to keep being revisited. The fans from then have grown up and want to see these characters having grown and matured. Not the same stories retold again and again.

            • 7 months ago

              Hypercompetency doesn’t make someone a Mary Sue just because the vast majority of them happen to possess that trait.

            • 7 months ago

              >Not true. Fans love Kyle Katarn (even though he was a gary-stu) because the games he was in were fun to play. They also loved Mara Jade and Jacen Solo.
              >Obviously characters in spin-off media won't be as popular as characters from the main entries so it's an unfair comparison

              Yeah, I was talking about Disney Lucasfilm, not the EU. Mara, Kyle, Jaina were all great characters that were popular. Not as popular as the Big 3, but pretty popular nonetheless.

              I’d be fine with Jaina taking over the franchise after Leia, Han, Luke ride off into the sunset. But, Star Wars needs to build to Jaina again. And that requires work

            • 7 months ago

              >The OT has finished. It doesn't need to keep being revisited. The fans from then have grown up and want to see these characters having grown andmatured.Not the same stories retold again and again.

              Who the frick wants to revisit the OT? Leia and Luke were teenagers during the OT. When I say their “prime”, I mean their 30s-50s, (10+ years past the OT) not their teen years. I mean during New Republic Era. These are the stories people want. Then introduce the next generation alongside them and pass the torch properly

              • 7 months ago

                >New Republic

                That angle never made any sense either. The logical conclusion of a vast and decentralized empire getting taken down by a comparatively small rabble of rebels with no serious political structure is simply fracture. The galaxy would split up into competing solar system or planetary states.

              • 7 months ago

                In Legends that's basically what happened, it took 10 years or so for the New Republic to start being a serious contender for running most of the old Empire. And that was by using their military strength, often led by the usual faces (Han, Leia, Luke, Wedge, Lando, Ackbar, etc.) to crush Imperial warlords who tried to stop them, one after the other as the Empire itself slowly disintegrated into those competing solar systems.

                The Legends New Republic had a powerful, centralised military and knew how to carry a big stick when it had to.

              • 7 months ago

                And this is exactly what Disney should do. Show us the NR and the big names in their prime battling actual compelling villains

              • 7 months ago

                But Legends already did that, is the problem. And they don't want to pay royalties.

              • 7 months ago

                Disney is willing to lose $10+ billion dollars in order to avoid paying $7 million in royalties

                Laugh out fricking loud

              • 7 months ago

                They don't HAVE to pay royalties. They own everything. You think George let EU writers own their characters? lmao

              • 7 months ago

                They also ultimately folded in on themselves.

              • 7 months ago

                It was still 20x more compelling than what we’re getting now.

                Disney Star Wars is garbage. Why are we getting 12 hours of Force Sensitive Sabine instead of Luke Fricking Skywalker of Mara Jade, or Kyle Katarn?? Who is this shit for?

          • 7 months ago

            >bring in a new Creative Director, new writers, new blood
            No. Well, yes, they need new, but they don't just need new. They need GOOD new. New writers won't matter if they're shit, they need new writers who are GOOD.

            But that would also require Lucasfilm/Disney to pay out money to get those good people, and it would also require them to let those good people do their thing without imposing anything on them (because part of what has fricked Disney is executive imposition). And on top of all that, they need to find good people, new people, who are willing to take on the herculean task of drinking from the poisoned chalice that is Lucasfilm.

            Because I think one of the reasons Kennedy is still there at this point is that nobody else is willing to take it. Why would they? They have no incentive to.

    • 7 months ago

      I'd watch this.

      Therefore it will not happen.

  15. 7 months ago

    It's so dead there are new shows every year and constant thread on this board about them.

    • 7 months ago

      By the way when is Rian's movie coming out, Reykek?

    • 7 months ago

      >never practiced or used the force
      >just becomes the ultimate force user after being put in a metal chair
      god I hate this fricking woman

    • 7 months ago

      100% of the threads on here are PT/OT/EU fans criticizing the frick out of Disney Star Wars and meme shitposting. Disney is losing money on Lucasfilm, but most of these shows were greenlit and funded years ago. How many new shows have been green lit in the last couple years? Literally zero.

    • 7 months ago

      Rey is an embarrassingly bad character.

      • 7 months ago

        Why does she have two navels?

        • 7 months ago

          Fat damage

    • 7 months ago

      Let me know when those new movies actually hit theatres champ.

    • 7 months ago

      >there are new shows every year
      Because all of them were planned years ago after the success of the 1st season of Mando, but since Boba, their viewership is dropping hard.
      The only SW projects left are Acolyte and Skeleton Crew, the rest is in limbo.
      They didn't even confirm a Mando S4 or Ahsoka S2, they don't know what to do anymore, except KK who wants to bring back fricking Rey now, lmao

      • 7 months ago

        >The only SW projects left are Acolyte and Skeleton Crew, the rest is in limbo.
        The Bad Batch Season 3
        Tales of the Jedi Season 2
        Andor Season 2

        • 7 months ago

          I'm talking about actual new projects, Andor S2 was planned at the same time than S1, it was in Gilroy's contract that it was a show in 2 seasons. Bad Batch and Tales of Jedi are just your usual animated shows made by the Clone Wars/Rebels studio, so they will always work on something.

        • 7 months ago

          Andor has already been shot and was always planned as 2 seasons from the top.

          Bad Batch S3 was in the pipeline for a while.

          No new projects have been announced. Nor should they. Nelson Peltz needs to clean house. Lucasfilm is a financial black hole. It should either be shut down, sold, or revamped with a new team.

          But they simply cannot continue on with Sabine Wars anymore. It’s done

          • 7 months ago

            And that's a good thing. Star Wars should continue in animation and ONE prestige live-action project at a time, instead of all that garbage slop they churn out every 6 months.

          • 7 months ago

            It's funny, they are exactly doing what the Marvel branch did and failing for the exact same reason:
            >let's do TON of shows
            >let's introduce our next big villain in a tv show
            No one watched Quantumania and no one will watch the next Filoni movie too.

            • 7 months ago

              did he get his shirt from the goodwill or something?

            • 7 months ago

              marvel was the worst thing to happen to cinema, and its the worst thing to happen to star wars

              • 7 months ago

                Marvel had some very good movies.

                Iron Man 1, All 3 Captain America movies, the Raimi Spider-Man trilogy, Ant Man 1 were all very good.

                But, they are scraping the bottom of the barrel now. The only A List brand they had left was Guardians of the Galaxy and that’s ending.

              • 7 months ago

                i just really don't like how Filoni has copied that marvel style. It worked ok in Marvel to have a connected universe where the heroes show up in in eachothers movies.... but its not original anymore and it's cheap when star wars does it.

              • 7 months ago

                >i just really don't like how Filoni has copied that marvel style.
                He started doing that when the guy who kickstarted marvel came in.

              • 7 months ago

                Favreau did Iron Man 1 and first couple seasons of Mandalorian. Because of that , I give him a pass on other stuff.

                Favreau is a legit talent

              • 7 months ago

                Only because Trump mind raped every israelite in Hollywood and entertainment in general, they’ve been nearly incapable of making anything decent since. Gaming, movies, tv… they went all in on their troony/Black person/feminism tikun olam israelite homosexualry, and what we’re getting now is proof of how worthless these people really are.

            • 7 months ago

              Filoni is a paper tiger.

              The job of Ashoka (the series) should have been to introduce an incredibly powerful, charismatic, unstoppably evil, big bad in Thrawn. Say what you want about Ant-Man 3, but Kang felt threatening, he felt dark, he felt evil as frick (probably because Jonathan Majors is a woman beating monster irl).

              Filoni made Thrawn a jobber. A little mid-tier bureaucratic jobber. How is anyone meant to be fearful of that guy? Why should anyone buy a ticket to watch Sabine and Ashoka girl boss Thrawn???

              • 7 months ago

                imagine if we got three seasons of mando where time passed after each one, where we see Grogu growing up, and then in Assoka we see Thrawn introduced just as you said.... and then we get a movie series around that. Jesus christ they fricked up so bad.

              • 7 months ago

                >Kang felt threatening
                After getting beat by ants? After being killed by a secondary hero?
                They ruined him, showing an army of monkeys jobbers at the end doesn't change that fact.
                Thrawn is like his Rebels version, the usual "I lost but I won", you can expect more from him with Filoni behind.

              • 7 months ago

                He shouldn’t have lost. But before he lost, he did feel threatening. Thrawn doesn’t feel threatening at all. And I love EU Thrawn, and thought that he was very well cast.

                Look, Filoni can’t write. He’s a cartoon guy. Let him stay there. Bring in Tony Gilroy. Bring in Vince Gilligan. Bring in Matthew Vaughn.

                Kennedy has to fricking go. Super Sabine just feels like her kind of bullshit idea.

  16. 7 months ago

    wtf i thought people talking about ahsoka were just talking about asuka

    • 7 months ago

      kys tranime homosexual

      • 7 months ago

        go back

  17. 7 months ago

    i'll always find the modern state of star wars to be amusing. in the space of 10 years, disney transformed star wars from a movie and toy based money-printing empire into a collection of shitty spinoff tv shows, and the upcoming films either feature shitty characters from the new trilogy, feature characters from the shitty shows, or have been cancelled. all they had to do was not frick up and then they fricked up as hard as possible

    • 7 months ago

      Star Wars is ultimately a limited concept, because you always have to come back to "Lightside/Darkside" and lightsabres, and all that. Star Trek is comparatively richer in terms of official lore, since you there are a small handful of species whose cultures you can more thoroughly explore. Think about how much lore we have on Klingon culture.

      • 7 months ago

        >because you always have to come back to "Lightside/Darkside" and lightsabres, and all that
        This was their mistake.

        RLM said it best - lightsaber fights are not about lightsabers.

        It's a shame what we could have had - a splintered galaxy with multiple factions, each with their own motivations and force users... Luke/Leia/Han see off the new heroes in style on a fun adventure to bring peace across the galaxy...

        But look what we got instead - HYPERSPACE RAMMING!!

        Star Wars is dead to me and JarJar killed it

      • 7 months ago

        nah Kotor is amazing and made by passionated people

        the problem with star wars is the moronic leader ship trying to transform something made by males for males to appeal woman for some reason

  18. 7 months ago

    >there are people who watched the entire Ahsoka series
    I don't think disney can do literally anything to make me care at this point. The franchise isn't worth paying attention to until news is announced that it's been sold to literally anyone else (even wb, I'd love to see them try and frick it up worse than disney)
    I've got Dunc (which is too niche for wb to frick up yet), Foundation and Rebel Moon coming. I'm not missing star wars.

    • 7 months ago


    • 7 months ago


  19. 7 months ago

    If I recall correctly, aren’t those tendrils on her head really, really sensitive? Tons of nerve endings and whatnot. Wouldn’t that be the equivalent to holding a searing plasma blade right next to your dickhead?

    • 7 months ago


  20. 7 months ago

    She fights like shit. You can tell so bad when she's up against Hayden. And that 'fight' between the two middle aged women was horrendous. The little girl who played young ahsoka actually made it look believable.

  21. 7 months ago

    Filoni and KK murdered star wars.

  22. 7 months ago

    star wars was turned into some weird mid 40s executive single woman power movement. It's fricking weird. I get that sabine is cringe, but the way the general throws her power around going "um ackchually I'm a general" like it's supposed to be a good thing she can do that is one of the more embarrassing power fantasies ever put to film. It's just not good to see a writer's mental health on full display, but that's what disney commission in both star wars and marvel.

  23. 7 months ago

    Filoni is a hack, Mando was decent despite him not because of him

  24. 7 months ago

    Gotta keep the money flowing in. Gotta keep the infrastructure working. PROGRESS (TM). MONEY. Success is measured in dollars. No dollars, no success. Keep it coming. Money. More. Money.

    • 7 months ago

      funny because it's literally pure capitalism yet average Cinemaphile poster will defend capitalism to the last breath if it means owning da "libruls"

      • 7 months ago

        Is this "capitalism fan" in the room with us right now? Is he waving his "go capitalism" flag?

        • 7 months ago

          I wasn't strawmanning towards YOU in particular

          • 7 months ago

            You realize it's possible to support a free market, while not supporting everything that happens within it, at the same time? That's the essence of the competition part. You invented a false dichotomy. They are free to destroy a beloved IP, and we are free to say they're being idiots about it. This isn't smart "capitalism" at all, they're milking the cow dry rather than setting up a farm that will produce for decades.

      • 7 months ago

        >funny because it's literally pure capitalism yet average Cinemaphile poster will defend capitalism to the last breath if it means owning the other capitalists.

      • 7 months ago

        sorry, what am I supposed to be upset about? disney making shitty tv shows? who cares.

      • 7 months ago

        >it's pure capitalism
        >hire leftoids
        >they tank your company

        I guess it works as intended.

        • 7 months ago

          >hire leftoids
          >they suck
          >Still make bank because you own IP (capital) and everything associated with it
          yep capitalism working as itended

          • 7 months ago

            It wouldn't matter if they hired good writers.

            • 7 months ago

              Have you considered that the writers are good, but they are being asked to write something that was a bad idea from the outset? With a show like Ashoka, the executives would have decided what had to happen before a single writer was assigned to the project, all the writers would have been allowed to contribute was scene direction and dialog.
              In that kind of environment executives wants writers that will do what they are told, not rock the boat. Writers with integrity wouldn't pass the interview.

              • 7 months ago

                >all the writers would have been allowed to contribute was scene direction and dialog.

                And they catastrophically failed at that.
                Dialog was below AI levels.

          • 7 months ago

            >still make bank?


      • 7 months ago

        Government backed ESG is not pure capitalism. If anything it's backdoor communism.

    • 7 months ago

      funny because it's literally pure capitalism yet average Cinemaphile poster will defend capitalism to the last breath if it means owning da "libruls"

      You realize it's possible to support a free market, while not supporting everything that happens within it, at the same time? That's the essence of the competition part. You invented a false dichotomy. They are free to destroy a beloved IP, and we are free to say they're being idiots about it. This isn't smart "capitalism" at all, they're milking the cow dry rather than setting up a farm that will produce for decades.

      But Disney Star Wars isn’t profitable. They crashed and burned on the big screen. And now their streaming numbers are crashing too.

      Same problem. Kathleen Kennedy and Rey Palpatine

  25. 7 months ago

    The clone wars and all the other animated shit killed star wars. I tried to watch it but it's just dogshit. They double and tripled down on the filoni trash like it was gold. Andor was good purely because of the thx prison escape stuff. The rest of it was average. Mandalorian was OK because of the novelty but it wore off quickly.

    • 7 months ago

      Watch Genndy's Clone Wars.
      Far superior. Relatively brief. Acts as the perfect filler connecting AotC and RotS.
      It's basically ep2.5

    • 7 months ago

      I keep seeing people be more critical of the cgi cartoon. I take it things were similar back then.

  26. 7 months ago

    I liked what they did with Anakin.
    Showing how he had been hardened by the Clone Wars makes his eventual transformation into Vader more understandable.
    It's something Lucas should have done with the prequels. Instead of just skipping to the end of the war.

    • 7 months ago

      >emotionally unstable, ridiculously powerful, arrogant PTSD maniac Anakin
      >the Council that doesn't trust him decides they will give him a frickbait padawan during an active war
      All the TCW shit is fanficy as hell.

      • 7 months ago

        They thought being responsible for a padawan would help temper some of those qualities, like when you give a kid a puppy and tell them they have to feed and clean up after them.

      • 7 months ago

        They thought being responsible for a padawan would help temper some of those qualities, like when you give a kid a puppy and tell them they have to feed and clean up after them.

        Ahsoka was actually a honeytrap to get him to stop being so obsessed with Padme, but they didn't know he'd married her.

  27. 7 months ago

    RWBY is still a thing in case you didn't know

    • 7 months ago

      Right wing bath yards?

  28. 7 months ago


  29. 7 months ago

    >6+ hours of content
    >basically equivalent to a full trilogy
    >only thing that happens in the series is "somehow Thrawn returned"

    • 7 months ago

      >put "somehow Palpatine returned" as a quick line at the start of the film to establish the stakes
      >fans complain and get mad
      >spend 6 hours explaining Thrawn's return in intimate detail
      >fans complain and get mad
      There's just no winning

      • 7 months ago

        The first is contrived and bullshit, the second is boring to watch. If the Ashoka show was paced better, and literally anything of consequence happened before they want to the other galaxy OR they went to the other galaxy by episode 2, there would be much less complaining.

      • 7 months ago

        Palpatine's return was explained in a cinematic experience in the game Fortnite

      • 7 months ago

        Are you disabled?

      • 7 months ago

        >intimate detail
        >a c**t betrays galaxy in exchange for a guy who sacrificed himself to prevent exactly what she did

        Very intimate lol.

      • 7 months ago

        >Corporate leftist loves corporate Star Wars and thinks “Somehow, Palpatine returned,” is brilliant, and is angry at fans for not loving it the way “he” does


        >Corporate Leftist loved Ashoka and was glad it took 19 episodes for Supreme Captain Thrawn to leave Pantagonia with the evil Golden Girls and feels that the fans are bad and corporations are good


        • 7 months ago

          The hell is a corporate lefitist? The right cuts taxes on corporations every chance they get to boost the wealthy, but we are supposed to believe that corpos are bleeding heart liberals because they disingenously post a pride rainbow on twitter once a year to self-advertise?

          • 7 months ago

            Go upstairs, and look in your Mom’s mirror

            • 7 months ago

              Okay, yeah, the ghost is there. It mouths silent screams and demands vengeance on the love that betrayed her. What of it?
              I doubt the mirror ghost has strong views on corporate business practice, we're pretty sure she died in the 1800s.

          • 7 months ago

            >The hell is a corporate lefitist?
            A boogeyman for /misc/tards who need to filter everything through their binary worldview.

            • 7 months ago

              I hate /misc/, and I’m not right wing. A corporate leftist is someone who is basically a Neoliberal 2.0. Someone who is either ignorant of, or directly in support of, Wall Street and Corporate America’s tight relationship with the Democratic Party.

              Also, a Corporate Leftist is the type to accuse someone who doesn’t like Disney Star Wars of being a “Chud”

              • 7 months ago

                >Also, a Corporate Leftist is the type to accuse someone who doesn’t like Disney Star Wars of being a “Chud”

                I have never seen anyone do this except in a clear mocking tone that is making fun of said leftists. I think this is one of those things that people made up to be angry about and the meme spread even though its making fun of a thing that never actually happened.

              • 7 months ago

                >everything online is a poe
                if that was true then explain the things happening outside my window all the time

              • 7 months ago


                >I’m not right wing

                >The hell is a corporate lefitist?
                A boogeyman for /misc/tards who need to filter everything through their binary worldview.

                It’s happened twice in this thread. If you criticize Disney Star Wars, you’re a “Chud” to these losers

              • 7 months ago

                >you're a chud for criticising star wars
                >not obviously right wing for using the term corporate leftist to create a way to blame leftism for valuing capitalism over all else
                This is a terrible strawman and you're such a disingenuous moron

              • 7 months ago

                Why would a right wing person need to qualify their dislike of leftism through a “corporate leftist” lens? They hate leftism in all it’s variants

              • 7 months ago

                >not obviously right wing for using the term corporate leftist to create a way to blame leftism for valuing capitalism over all else

                >blame leftism for valuing capitalism above all else

                >all else

                You’ve created a hilarious series of straw men there. None of what you implied is correct.

              • 7 months ago

                >I’m not right wing

              • 7 months ago

                You’re so fricking stupid it’s unbelievable

          • 7 months ago

            >The hell is a corporate lefitist?
            >disingenously post

            Apparently that's you, comrade.

          • 7 months ago

            Honestly, if leftists were smart enough to realize they're spending their life defending corporations online, there wouldn't be any leftists.

          • 7 months ago

            >cnn talking points

      • 7 months ago

        >>put "somehow Palpatine returned" as a quick line at the start of the film to establish the stakes
        >>fans complain and get mad
        6 hours explaining Thrawn's return in intimate detail
        >>fans complain and get mad
        >There's just no winning

        That's because both examples are from Dislop dogshit Wars.
        Have you not been paying attention dumbfrick?

    • 7 months ago

      Why should I give a shit about Thrawn anyway? How is he any different from Gus in Mandalorian? Just another Imperial 4D Chessmaster who acts super reserved and calm even when getting btfo. Especially after they revealed apparently Vader is somehow powerful enough to rip fricking ships out of the sky, how is tactical blue man supposed to contend with that?

  30. 7 months ago

    Baylan and Shin should've been the main characters, and Sabine shouldn't have cut her hair. Baylan and Shin were the most redeeming parts of the show, and Sabine is a better, more interesting, non-mary sue version of Rey.

    Episode 8 was really fricking bad and made no sense with Thrawn and everyone else magically becoming moronic, and Filoni should feel bad for writing it. Holy frick if your two tie fighters confirm they hit the enemy ship and then die why don't you send another two in to confirm the ship is downed and have them destroy the wreckage in case the damage is minimal? What are you saving your resources for? Twiddling your thumbs while you wait to leave the planet?

  31. 7 months ago

    why does the green one always wear hotpants on its head? does it have private parts there?

  32. 7 months ago


    • 7 months ago

      >think you're getting a boring show about a minor sidekick from the madefortv spinoff kids cartoon who had no lasting impact on any of the main characters and was never mentioned in any of the films
      >actually getting a boring show about a minor sidekick from the spinoff of the spinoff of the kids cartoon who never interacted with any characters from the films in the first place

    • 7 months ago

      As if Millions of Sois suddenly cried out in orgasm.

    • 7 months ago

      destorys disneys own canon cartoons
      Star wars rebels
      She was part of an active rebel cell for years lead by jedi Knight who was actively looking for a pandowan and eventually found 1 and trained him with Sabine president, Did teh jefi knight not in years of fighting flying witrh her not notice that she was force sensitive

      • 7 months ago

        It’s all so fricking stupid

      • 7 months ago

        Yeah, there is no fricking way that Sabine being able to use the force makes any sense whatsoever. Its a creatively bankrupt decision that really only seems to be in the story at all because Filoni doesn't know what to do if he can't include a storyline about a mentor-student jedi relationship.

        I get wanting Ashoka to have a padawan of her own, but making that padawan Sabine is *fricking stupid*.

      • 7 months ago

        >guys guys, we have a cool idea!
        >Grogu will be a Jedi AND a mandalorian!
        >turn a mandalorian into a jedi in the next show
        This shit is so funny, they really didn't need to make her a Jedi, if you remove that whole shit, it change absolutely nothing to the story of the show.

    • 7 months ago
    • 7 months ago

      About time. They've been teasing it since the very beginning of rebels.

      • 7 months ago

        Frick off shill

  33. 7 months ago

    >shitty product
    >you are making a thread about it
    why do you care? are you moronic?

  34. 7 months ago


  35. 7 months ago

    The best character in the show was this guy.
    He was complex. A disillusioned former jedi whose motives were mysterious.
    But then the actor went and died before he could do anything interesting.

    • 7 months ago

      He has 10 minutes of plot. Then fricks off mid season to do nothing.

      • 7 months ago

        >He was complex
        He was nothingburger. Cool looking and charismatic though. In the Thrawn books he was an insane jedi master who was ideological foil to directionless Luke Skywalker.
        Of course Disney wastes him.


        He didn't actually do anything because his goal is clearly some mystery on the planet they're saving for Season 2.
        But his ideology is interesting. He's not a member of any faction. He's not dark side or light. He's an independent force chasing something else.
        It's refreshing to see.

        • 7 months ago

          >thinking there'll be a Season 2

          • 7 months ago

            They are committed to this train, anon. We already know this builds up to a movie that brings in mando and everyone else in this slice of the timeline. There is no escape.

    • 7 months ago

      >He was complex
      He was nothingburger. Cool looking and charismatic though. In the Thrawn books he was an insane jedi master who was ideological foil to directionless Luke Skywalker.
      Of course Disney wastes him.

    • 7 months ago


  36. 7 months ago

    Dumping this here.

    • 7 months ago

      Wow there's a trip down memory lane. I used to post on their forums like 15 years ago give or take. Christ that's weird.
      I completely forgot that they existed.

  37. 7 months ago

    There's not been a single piece of good start wars media since KOTOR 2. I give Jedi Acadamy some points for being an absolute blast to play but it could be a space laser sword game with zero start wars connection and lose nothing.

    • 7 months ago

      Based and true. I'm a zoomer and I fully agree with you

    • 7 months ago

      The vast majority of Star Wars games have terrible stories at worst and disposable but stupid stories at best. Jedi Academy isn't any different from the other Dark Forces/Jedi Knight games in that regard.

  38. 7 months ago

    If you're still watching mouseslop star wars you're a dumb homosexual and you deserve to suffer.

  39. 7 months ago

    >create show about titular character
    >show is actually about another titular character and the journey to find them and then they become the main.

  40. 7 months ago

    >tfw we will never get to see george's autistic kino vision for a sequel trilogy with darth icky
    I'm still mad. I blame RLM, they're responsible.

    • 7 months ago

      How is it RLM's fault?

  41. 7 months ago

    from my understanding, Stevenson was the only decent thing about that gay ass series and he fricking died lmao

  42. 7 months ago

    If you're keeping up with these moronic web shows you're no better than a Marvel homosexual.

  43. 7 months ago

    I just don't get how its this hard for a multi billion dollar corporation to frick up this badly time and time again. other then Andor the it all just seems like cheap kids shows made by clueless morons. I get that star wars is supposed to be made for kids but how is only marketing to one demographic that's apathetic to star wars now days sustainable.

    • 7 months ago

      >made for kids
      Perhaps that is the problem. This notion that it should only be for kids while at least half of its current fanbase are full grown adults is creating this disconnect with nu-Star Wars. This franchise should've grown up with the millennial generation it reeled in with the prequels at the turn of the millennium. It's Disney, so sure, make some stuff for the little kids, but we need grittier, more thought-provoking SW content and they shouldn't be afraid to provide shock value with stuff like this

      Like if Sabine is getting stabbed straight through her body with a lightsaber, she needs to die or at the very least experience some sort of permanent consequence that she is forced to contend with for the remainder of her arc. Her recovering from this immediately and then continuing to be a girlboss mando-Jedi is so forced and lame.

      • 7 months ago

        It's really a Disney problem. SW survived for 40 years on non-movie material, enjoyed by people all over the world. Now it's deader than it's ever been. Disney focuses exclusively on very young children, and mental children.

  44. 7 months ago


    Literal bot post.
    Tune it up so the deranged ramblings sound like a legit schizo’s, rather than utterly disconnected.

  45. 7 months ago

    Everyone on Cinemaphile is 10 but me

  46. 7 months ago

    The only thing thats been entertaining about this show is watching Grizzys Shill videos on Youtube watching them seal clapping and reacting to the keys being jangled.

  47. 7 months ago

    I watch for she

  48. 7 months ago


    Frick kuntleen , frick woke homosexual disney , frick woke/feminism/homosexual/israelite propaganda. I fricking hope disney and the rest of israelitewood burn to the mother fricking ground. I hate how the woke leftist ideology has decimated everything I ever grew up with and enjoyed. You woke wiener sucking homosexuals can keep the rotten corpses of once great franchises.

    • 7 months ago

      >Dont give into hate.... that leads to the dark side.

  49. 7 months ago

    Was this anon right?
    (Not me - i'm rereading Thrawn og trilogy and was wondering what else is worthwhile)

    • 7 months ago

      I'm not sure why he even bothered to mention Outcast and Academy. The KOTOR games I can sort of understand (even if they're still Cinemaphileerminshit at their core) but the Jedi Knight games have terrible stories.

      • 7 months ago

        but Kyle Katarn is the ultimate male escapist mary sue character, which is all star wars is to a lot of people - pretending they're the biggest, toughest kid on the playground who can murder all of their bullies with a lightsaber

        • 7 months ago

          what's your problem, dude?

          • 7 months ago

            I'm sick and tired of star wars fans eating shit and pretending it's actually good just because it's indulgent, hollow positive reinforcement.

      • 7 months ago

        The JK games have fine stories. Not everything needs to break ground. It's an entertaining plot with a solid character arc for Kyle and even Jaden in each game. Does Sherlock Holmes have shit stories because it follows a simple formula?

        • 7 months ago

          >The JK games have fine stories.
          >"I became a Jedi in a half hour because I just did okay and let's get super powerful by bathing in magic Force juice."
          >fine stories
          The issue isn't simplicity. They're fine by the standards of video games, I'll give you that.

          • 7 months ago

            He was already a Jedi before Outcast, he just went back to the VoTJ to rejuvenate his connection to the Force.

            • 7 months ago

              >He was already a Jedi before Outcast
              Yes, in Jedi Knight, where he becomes a Jedi in 30 minutes because he found a lightsaber at his dad's house. I've played the games. It's nonsense for the sake of leading the player through Star Wars-y moments, that's all.

              • 7 months ago

                He was already Force Sensitive, essentially throughout JK he is literally just a dude with a lightsaber who learns through experience and achieves his potential. Luke does the same thing the second time he picks up a lightsaber.

              • 7 months ago

                >he is literally just a dude with a lightsaber
                AND A FEW QUESTIONS AM I RITE? *insert reheated Chuck Norris meme here*

                It's Cinemaphileerminshit.

              • 7 months ago

                It's true though, how is any of that different from Luke? 90% of Luke's training is offscreen between movies when he was on his own.

              • 7 months ago

                Luke isn't the applicable comparison here. It's Rey. Consider that.

              • 7 months ago

                But Rey was totally without any experience and becomes the strongest Force user ever in like two days. Meanwhile Kyle was an active soldier for like ten years and was actually instructed by a Force Ghost.

              • 7 months ago

                >But Rey was totally without any experience and becomes the strongest Force user ever in like two days
                How big of a span of time do you think Jedi Knight takes place in? Luke didn't beat up a bunch of trained Jedi in the original Star Wars movie.

              • 7 months ago

                Longer than TFA->TLJ. Probably longer than the start of the first movie to the end of the last movie. With no experience Luke learned to use the Force on his own, and with some training from Yoda he was able to fight against fricking Vader for an extended period. You can say Vader wasn't trying but Luke clearly gets one over on him several times. Then with no more training from Yoda he trains himself in just a year to be as good as he is in RotJ.

              • 7 months ago

                Everything you wrote is wrong. Every single thing.

                Stop shilling for Rey

              • 7 months ago

                >WOAH you like this EU thing that Disney killed? FRICKING DISNEY SHILL!

              • 7 months ago

                >Longer than TFA->TLJ.
                Maybe but probably comparable, and in any case far, far less time than Luke.

              • 7 months ago

                He's far less powerful than Luke.

              • 7 months ago

                Interesting you bring up Luke and Rey, because in Dark Forces Kyle ends up around as strong as a dark Jedi who, at the peak of his power, couldn’t beat Luke in an ambush and had to run away once he lost the element of surprise.
                To contrast Rey becomes the strongest entity in the galaxy and then has a death and resurrection like she’s the fricking messiah.
                Trying to compare the two is absolutely asinine, because at his core Kyle is an improbably competent character who primarily fixes problems he himself caused over the course of his games, while Rey could have no powers at all and still be one of the worst Mary Sues ever written due to her black hole effect on the script and having absolutely no intentional character flaws.

              • 7 months ago

                I don't care about power levels. That's not my point. My point is that Kyle as a character and his relationship to the Force is about as developed as Rey's in a similar span of time because much like TFA is a Star Wars-themed amusement park ride rushing the audience along to the familiar beats so is Jedi Knight because it's a fricking video game. Its story is not worth defending. It's less egregious because it's a video game, but that doesn't mean it should be elevated either. The Jedi Knight games are not well-written.

              • 7 months ago

                Luke is also the confirmed most powerful force user of all time. I like Katarn, but he’s no Luke

  50. 7 months ago

    >introduce rule of two
    >realize it's stupid and make countless exceptions to the rule
    >continually introduce secret survivors of Order 66
    >more and more contrived excuses to justify their absence in the original story, especially when the Rebellion starts winning
    >create Ahsoka as Anakin's apprentice during the clone wars to help develop his character
    >fail to kill her off to justify her absence in the original story
    >introduce this binary dichotomy of Jedi/Sith and point out the flaws in both sides
    >never explore the binary and either sideline characters who see the hypocrisy in the Jedi and/or suggest they are evil without evidence

    Why is Star Wars the most "wasted potential" franchise of all time?

    • 7 months ago

      >Why is Star Wars the most "wasted potential" franchise of all time?
      No. But what it takes to beat it out is so unbelievable as to make you question reality.

      • 7 months ago

        QRD on rwby? I never got into it because I thought the CGI looked like shit. I know one guy who says it's shit now though

        • 7 months ago

          >QRD on rwby?
          >sexy not-Final Fantasy girls
          >creator poisoned to death by weaponized cat
          >office full of actual tumblrites, all fricking each other, nobody can write or animate
          >company is bought out like twice
          >all of the girls' VAs are now camprostitutes, dead character VAs rim dogs
          >porn reddit is twice as large as main reddit
          >all the fanfiction is universally better and more high-effort than the show, including the porn animations

          >fifteen different manga adaptations none of which actually adapt past the first arc
          >somehow has constant AAA crossovers like BBCTB or with DC which actually inserts the literal justice league into the universe and somehow they have better chemistry with the characters than they do with each other
          >10 seasons of breakneck pacing and world-altering events but somehow it's all a slow-ass slog where nothing has happened
          I could go on, but tl;dr it's the worst trainwreck of all time.

          • 7 months ago

            It's sad that Homophobe Ruby was the best thing that's happened since Season 3.

            • 7 months ago

              https://files catbox moe/7lqdbs mp4

              • 7 months ago

                It'll be hilarious if they never get Season 10 and this ends up being one of the last memes from RWBY.

    • 7 months ago

      They put women in charge of it

  51. 7 months ago

    >Has a fandom ever been as mindbroken and apathetic to shitty product after shitty product like with this IP?
    No, but that's because most other fandoms aren't this fanatical and long-established. Star Trek is running a close second, though.
    By contrast, It only took a few years for Netflix to kill the Witcher dead dead dead.

  52. 7 months ago

    Disney destroyed Star Wars on purpose because it was a series about a white man beloved by white men and white boys aren't allowed to have heroes anymore.

  53. 7 months ago

    Imagine owning Spider-Man, but shelving him and making movies out of Madame Web…

    Imagine owning Luke Skywalker, but shelving him and making movies out of Sabine Wren and Rey Palpatine….

    This is why Star Wars fails.

  54. 7 months ago

    filoni is pure cancer..if that name ever shows up again i ain't watchin it

    • 7 months ago

      And always has been. I can't believe people talk about Clone Wars like it's anything other than manchild prequel slop

  55. 7 months ago


    Ok I'm the guy from the beggining with the south park pic. I am not saying it isn't star wars, I am saying it's bad. They did good with the Mandalorian, they do bad everytime they push real life politics/agenda and recycle the prequels/sequels and doing a shitty job with the EU is just horrid, especially for someone who read the books. How the hell can you incorporate a character from a kids show into a gritty novel, it's hard and obviously the result is mediocre.

  56. 7 months ago

    Ahsoka should have been barefoot, athletic, not a Black person, and wear indigenous-inspired attire. Rosario Dawson is a COMPLETE and UTTER miscast. It's borderline Jake Skywalker treatment.

  57. 7 months ago

    lmao at the leftist cope ITT that leftists don't regularly act like useful idiots for big banks and corporations. Being a leftist in current year means you're clueless about how to even rebel/dissent against the political status quo in the first place. It's why the American deep state shows exactly zero concern whatsoever about you, they know you're useful idiots who will always be manipulated into directions the political ruling class finds desirable.

  58. 7 months ago

    no one is watching that shit

    • 7 months ago

      I watch for cute Ukie.

  59. 7 months ago

    People waste a lot of words to say two very obvious things about nu-Wars: the writers can't write, and the Volume is an absolute travesty. Very few of the actual concepts in this show are inherently bad, and really the whole thing should have been an easy slam dunk from all angles. So what does Filoni do? Makes the whole show into a MacGuffin quest, sanitizes and ultra-feminizes all character conflict, and gives us possibly the worst dialogue we have ever seen in a Star Wars show/film. The producers of this shit shirk literally all common sense when it comes to writing, filmmaking, and creating art. The mistakes made are so obvious it's actually annoying that anyone has to articulate them. But in fact, we do, because on one side you have Disneygays who would scarf down actual human shit in the name of Star Wars, and on the other "fans" of Star Wars who somehow barely understand its story and seethe every time their Christ figure, Luke, is not doing flips on screen.

    Also please shut the frick up about Zahn. He's pedestrian trash and his writing is nearly as tiresome as Filoni's

    • 7 months ago

      >But in fact, we do, because on one side you have Disneygays who would scarf down actual human shit in the name of Star Wars, and on the other "fans" of Star Wars who somehow barely understand its story and seethe every time their Christ figure, Luke, is not doing flips on screen.

      This false binary is literal brainlet tier. I’ve never talked to a single person who wanted to see Luke do “flips.”

      And TLJ is garbage

  60. 7 months ago

    I just marathoned the show yesterday to see what all the hype was about and I genuinely do not understand why everyone was saying this was the second coming of Star Wars and how Filoni is god.

    >Rebels is required watching, so if you didn't watch an entire series cartoon for kids you won't know what is going on or care about these characters
    >The heroes all have plot armor, even moreso than usual. Sabine literally gets stabbed through the stomach then walks it off the next day. Ahsoka's ship gets pelted by a hundred fighter lasers yet shields are "only down 10%"
    >Scene after scene of some girl boss twilek breaking the rules because "im a general hurr durr" while a man is presented as unreasonable for even daring to doubt her
    >Every single scene she's in Ahsoka stands there crossing her arms and nodding with that smug b***h face
    >Thrawn hyped up as some doomsday level villain yet the entirety of his screentime is standing around a projector going, "mhmm yes yes I may have lost this engagement but I meant to lose mhmm"
    >Not to mention Thrawn never thought to kill Ezra despite having a decade to do so??
    >Sabine and Ezra's reunion is treated like someone meeting up with their highschool friend over the weekend complete with marvel-tier quips and humour. The emotional payoff just doesn't seem there for someone who was willing to doom the entire Galaxy to save her friend
    >You never actually find out what Baylan's objective is unless you watched an obscure 3 episode arc of a 2 decade old cartoon and put together the visual reference

    But the worst part of all is how dialogue just drags on and on and on. Characters frequently pause in the middle of their sentences to try and look important and profound, but it's just a huge waste of time. Ahsoka is the biggest offender of course.

    Overall, a solid 6/10.

    • 7 months ago

      >why everyone was saying this was the second coming of Star Wars
      No one said that.

      • 7 months ago
        • 7 months ago

          moron. It's 7.8 on IMDb and 70% audience score on RT. No one ever said or thought it is the second coming of christ. It is pretty mid with some solid episodes and moments, but overall nothing special.

          • 7 months ago

            >"No one said that"
            >A lot of people said that
            >"N-n-no doesn't c-count only shill aggregate r-review sites count.."

            • 7 months ago

              >>"N-n-no doesn't c-count only shill aggregate r-review sites count.."
              Unironically yes, because actual regular people go and vote there, and not YouTube e-celebs who sell their opinions as facts while being hyperbolic as frick.

              • 7 months ago

                those sites are like half bots at least.

  61. 7 months ago

    yeah, feels like only shills are watching these stuff.

  62. 7 months ago

    I thought it was fine. Cartoonishly stupid, but it's Filoni wtf are you expecting? It was basically Rebels S5 which is what I was expecting, and that's exactly what I got. I don't know, why even get mad at this point? Why put yourself through this every 4-5 months with a new show?

    • 7 months ago

      Filoni didn't actually write the cartoons. No writing credit on the original Clone Wars run (that had Lucas running the entire thing with the room of live-action writers), he had other writers on Rebels other than himself. Cartoons had actual character arcs and characters showing emotions instead of being bland planks of wood.

      People who are fans of the cartoons fell in love with those characters, with the relationships from those shows. They were replaced with flat, stoic, emotionless, at best two-dimensional cosplayers.

      It's amazing how this show can piss off both the cartoon fans for being a shitty downgrade, and casuals for the show simply being bad, and feeling left out for not having seen the cartoons. But even if you had seen the cartoons, you still don't get why the frick Sabine is now Ahsoka's apprentice (happened entirely offscreen, despite Ahsoka never interacting with Sabine even once throughout the entirety of Rebels), why the frick Sabine can use the Force, what the frick Ahsoka was doing during the OT, what the frick Ezra was doing with Thrawn and why he allowed him to escape, etc etc etc.

  63. 7 months ago

    I can't believe how hard Cinemaphile was filtered by this show

    • 7 months ago

      It was a mostly bad show with a couple very bright spots

      Baylon, Shin, and Anakin were great. Mortis/ Abeloth could be great too.

      Thrawn and Ezra were very well cast, but poorly used.

      Ashoka and Sabine were not good

  64. 7 months ago

    this isn't even remotely as bad as boba fett and obi wan, pretty decent 7/10 show. Cinemaphile being hyperbolic like always

  65. 7 months ago

    How come the "bad" guys are so much more interesting in Ahsoka than the "good" guys?
    Is it because Filoni didn't give them too much attentiuon in his writing and allowed the actors to fill in the gaps?

    • 7 months ago

      I liked the bearded jedi guy they found. He at least had some character unlike Ahsoka who had the emotional range of a rock.

      • 7 months ago

        Baylan absolutely steals the show, I agree. But honestly I liked the performances from Shin, Thrawn and Morgan actors as well. Thrawn suffers from Filoni not being able to write a smart character, but Lars still gives a great performance with the material he has.

    • 7 months ago

      I'd rather have a fricking Marrok show than an Ahsoka show.

    • 7 months ago

      I don't think they are, really. That's not praise for Ahsoka and co. either.

    • 7 months ago

      ray stevenson hard carried the character, everything interesting about baylan was entirely due to his performance, not the writing
      shin is only 'good' in the sense that she's cute in a kicked puppy being shown a bit of affection sort of way
      honestly any sort of emotion is better than the dull smug woman with arms crossed trope

      • 7 months ago

        >shin is only 'good' in the sense that she's cute
        I disagree, her non-verbal performance is good and conveys a lot of things about her character.

  66. 7 months ago

    i was told this is the location for the daily shin fan meetup?

    • 7 months ago

      That's right

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