>Starfire's defining traits are having massive, voluminous 80s hair and huge tits

>Starfire's defining traits are having massive, voluminous 80s hair and huge breasts
>her most iconic and notable appearance is the one with straight, neat hair and a flat chest
Why is this? Why did the cartoon succeed where the comics failed?

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  1. 11 months ago

    The cartoon somehow white washed the frick out of an alien

    • 11 months ago

      Everyone had big hair in the 80s

    • 11 months ago

      >white washed

    • 11 months ago

      She is clearly orange in all of those cartoons wtf are you talking about?

  2. 11 months ago

    The cartoon was popular but Starfire may have been a lot more popular if she had curves like Ravens.

  3. 11 months ago

    I really wonder...

    How is his 2003 animated version it's more popular and beloved than his version of the comics?

    • 11 months ago

      Girl next door characterization > prostitute

      • 11 months ago

        I haven't read the comics and I only know the animated version... Explain to me how Starfire is usually in the comics

        • 11 months ago

          In the 80s she was the happy, upbeat girl hanging with the team. Like a school cheerleader hanging out.

          90s Starfire was all angst about her planet being blown up, moody, talked about how she was a warrior from a warrior planet full of warriors all the time but never did much and hardly ever appeared.

          00s Starfire was like some kind of hippie commune bawd that had sex for normal everyday entertainment and mostly hung out with Animal Man.

          • 11 months ago

            >Mostly hung out with Animal Man
            I remember them in 52, but do they continue to interact after that? Been too long since I've read it to remember how their plotline ends.

        • 11 months ago

          She's was the heart of the team, encouraging others to express themselves honestly and let their emotions out in a healthy way instead of bottling things up. While this is most well remembered for the sex positive free love stuff, it applied to all emotions, and her friendship with Raven was a key part of the latter's own character development. They're a good match together, not just because they're both hot girls, but because Starfire's attitude is a perfect foil for Raven being the most bottled up team member and having good reasons for being bottled up. Of course this is all relative to comic book writing with all parties involved having their characters screwed with and regressed ad nauseum but that's how she was when she was at her best.

          Missing the emotional heart aspect is how you get Nu52 Starfire who only existed to be an emotionless wiener sleeve, and it's why cartoon Starfire is not an unfaithful adaption.

      • 11 months ago

        She wasn't loose until the 2000's, after the 2003 cartoon aired.

    • 11 months ago

      Comic version never had a lot going for her. She was just typical comic skimpy clothes girl and acted exactly like everyone else all the time. Totally indistinguishable from all the X-Girls of the 80s and 90s too.

      2003 Starfire actually acted like an alien that just got here a year ago and does not understand Earth things. Plus she used a lot of Tamaranean terminology a lot, it was pointed out how she was actually not human pretty often, she had actual characterization that fit her perfectly as an alien hanging out on Earth. Something comics barely ever bothered with in 20 years.

      • 11 months ago

        In the 80s she was the happy, upbeat girl hanging with the team. Like a school cheerleader hanging out.

        90s Starfire was all angst about her planet being blown up, moody, talked about how she was a warrior from a warrior planet full of warriors all the time but never did much and hardly ever appeared.

        00s Starfire was like some kind of hippie commune bawd that had sex for normal everyday entertainment and mostly hung out with Animal Man.


      • 11 months ago

        >Starfire's defining traits are having massive, voluminous 80s hair and huge breasts
        >not being fricking orange
        Christ, people will just say anything these days.

        >Comic version never had a lot going for her. She was just typical comic skimpy clothes girl and acted exactly like everyone else all the time. Totally indistinguishable from all the X-Girls of the 80s and 90s too.
        You could just say you never read the comics if that's what you wanted us to know, anon. 80's Starfire is also a fish out of water, but while the 2003 cartoon played up the wacky alien aspect of that, which was still a thing in the 80's comics, her most defining character trait was being very expressive and uninhibited. It's a constant bit of discussion with her and the earthling Titans that their restraint, acquiescence to social and legal laws confuses her. It takes her awhile to accept not just killing their enemies and she repeatedly chastises the other Titans for seeming to get angrier with their friends for going off brand than with their enemies for whom they must show inhuman self control against.

        • 11 months ago

          >Starfire's defining trait is she's ambigiously brownish

        • 11 months ago

          Been reading Teen Titans longer than you have been alive zoomer.

          Actually read a book and not a wiki article. Because everything you said was completely wrong.

    • 11 months ago

      Exposure. More kids watch cartoons than people read comics. By several orders of magnitude.

    • 11 months ago

      The show was popular and go just made her hair and other things pink

    • 11 months ago

      1. Comics in the 80s were kind of a niche market back then as far as adult fans are concerned
      2. 2003 was likely most people's exposure to Teen Titans
      3. Anime aesthetics which Gen X and Millennials were really into at the time

    • 11 months ago

      Back when the internet wasn't that big cartoons served as the mainstream introduction for most (side) characters. The regular comic reader population was very small compared to the amount of kids who watched these shows. Not to mention comics always have the issue of pushing the same dozen or so characters all the time and everyone else is just a supporting actor. The 2003 TT show was a hit and this set every character there as the golden standard for most kids as outside Robin these characters weren't really known before in the mind of the public. Same why the BTAS/STAS/JL/U versions are still essentially the default looks/personalities for most DC characters.

      Unless someone makes an insanely popular TT show - which is unlikely - 2003 Raven and Starfire will forever be the "default" version of them.

  4. 11 months ago

    2003>1980>the rest

    Though its hard to beat the Perez BIG HAIR of the 80s version

  5. 11 months ago

    Her quirky and caring cartoon personality was likeable, its as simple as that

  6. 11 months ago

    It isn't that her comic version is unpopular, otherwise it wouldn't have been adapted so many times while the cartoon version only exists in the original and Go. It's more than the cartoon caught lightning in a bottle, being a well written show with likeable characters that came out when the DCAU was at its peak (even though it technically wasn't part of it). The two might as well be completely separate characters that are both popular in different ways and for different reasons.

    • 11 months ago

      They keep making her brown when she's supposed to be golden

      • 11 months ago

        >They keep making her brown when she's supposed to be golden

        >You will never see cute latina Starfire
        Why even live?

    • 11 months ago

      Didn't that game also take cues from 2003? She was even eating/drinking mustard like she did in the cartoon in her ending which had Cyborg, Robin, Raven, and Beastboy when she was reminiscing the old days.

  7. 11 months ago

    I kind of liked how around 2008-2011 she was really tall. Like 7 feet tall. It's nice to see some aliens actually being different sizes than typical human size all the time.

  8. 11 months ago

    Young girls liked the latter more

  9. 11 months ago

    I think I genuinely like the DC Super Hero Girls design the most. It looks the best even though a skirt that long and tight is probably one of the worst things you can wear in a fight

    • 11 months ago

      You wold think most girls would not wear a skirt if they could fly. Kind of defeats the purpose.

      • 11 months ago

        I can forgive if they're wearing it over a regular leotard or shorts. It's pretty much just for fashion and if other capes can get away with wearing functionless... capes, then a skirt is fine. I would think none of them are flying around with their underwear on show but honestly you never know

        • 11 months ago

          I think 90s Supergirl was actually wearing a miniskirt over white underwear the whole time

  10. 11 months ago

    >03 Starfire
    Please, she wasn’t huge like Raven but she wasn’t a chestlet either

    • 11 months ago

      >she wasn’t a chestlet
      There's an old Batgirl story where Babs infiltrates this hellfire club of uber wealthy elites that were abducting heroes and harvesting them for body parts.
      Starfire's breasts ranked second only to Power Girl's and were described as "perfect teardrops".

      A description that has always stuck with me.

      • 11 months ago

        if you remember the issue, please let me know.

      • 11 months ago

        Found the panel searching what you said.

        • 11 months ago

          >Phantom Lady! That's it!
          ngl Phantom Lady do be having some top shelf breasts.

        • 11 months ago

          Sooo... sauce?

          • 11 months ago

            trying to find it, I asked the person who mentioned it but I got nothing but that image sadly, it redirected to a DC comic reading app home page and I doubt it's from powergirl 1# from 2023.

      • 11 months ago

        Searching feverishly for this issue, all I can find is "
        Birds of Prey Vol 1 110" an issue called "Fan Club" but i've not been able to read it.

        • 11 months ago

          Sooo... sauce?

          Found it. JSA:Classified, issue #20, page 16.

          • 11 months ago

            thank you kindly anon <3

            • 11 months ago

              you're welcome, had fun looking for it

              (basically, reverse looked for the pic, found a tumblr referencing something about JSA, googled for "jsa, body parts", found a description to said issue, looked for it online et voilà)

          • 11 months ago

            >Phantom Lady! That's it!
            ngl Phantom Lady do be having some top shelf breasts.

            Implication being that the used to belong to Phantom Lady.

            • 11 months ago

              Must be Sandra's since Dee still had hers when she showed up in Blackest Night.

              • 11 months ago

                damn thats horny af.

              • 11 months ago

                >Not Power Girl big, btw

              • 11 months ago

                Power Girl's got that giant anime background character power: she's always the biggest whenever she's around, official stats be damned.

              • 11 months ago

                I imagined Kenshiro punching her boobs repeatedly. No idea why that would happen.

  11. 11 months ago

    Literally what if they just made her naked as they clearly want her to be?

    I mean shit, just let them show breasts for, like, a month in all comics to get it out of their systems and have reasonable stories and shit and not convoluted horny nonsense like “Silk NEEDS to frick Spider-Man because of spider hormones”.

    Just let people jerk off and move on holy SHIT.

  12. 11 months ago

    Basically one had an individual personality and traits and the other didn't. Comic Starfire being an alien was just a quick and easy explanation for her being orange with glowing eyes. Not much came of it and she acted like everyone else, generic teen character who liked music, milkshakes, and malls. The whole 80s team was pretty much lie that except Raven who had the silent empath thing going on for a while so she just acted weird around everyone else.

    But comic Starfire was made to be the breasts and ass in splash pages and basically made Beer Ad poses every time you saw her, likely because she was traced from beer ads at the time.

    • 11 months ago

      >comic Starfire was made to be the breasts and ass in splash pages
      Her design was inspired by a irl mexican stripper.
      In the comics she modeled and posed for not-Playboy.

      • 11 months ago


    • 11 months ago

      >she acted like everyone else, generic teen character who liked music, milkshakes, and malls.
      did you actually read the comics or watch youtube videos?
      > and basically made Beer Ad poses every time you saw her, likely because she was traced from beer ads at the time.
      I don't think George Perez ever traced.

  13. 11 months ago

    Simple cartoons reach a wider audience than the comics and it’s easier to animate straight hair.

    • 11 months ago

      03's design is the perfect balance between easy to draw while still being visually interesting and appealing.
      Something sorely lacking in today's cartoons.

  14. 11 months ago

    If Starfire's classic design did get a long running cartoon adaptation, I imagine it'd be as popular as 90's Rogue. It's a striking design in and of itself, it's just that TT03 was a big show, and at the zeitgeist of a new way cartoons were looking.

    I'm not sure if Classic starfire in DCAU style would be as popular vs, say, the X-men TAS style though. It really needs a more detailed art style to sell it. Volcana sort of has starfire's hair in DCAU style and she's forgotten. Granted TT03 at it's height was probably more popular than any DCAU show bar BTAS

  15. 11 months ago

    Cute and funny continues to win the hearts and minds of men and women as it has since the dawn of the human species. Hags continue to be a niche fetish at best.

  16. 11 months ago

    Starfire isn't flat in 03. What are you smoking?

  17. 11 months ago

    comic writers are even more perverted and degenerate than animators and film directors.

  18. 11 months ago

    The voluminous hair was an 80s byproduct that went out of fashion by the time Starfire made her animation debut. That's like expecting Luke Cage to remain looking like a blaxploitation protag with the tiara.

  19. 11 months ago

    Let's be honest, most people had never even heard of Starfire before 2003.

  20. 11 months ago

    2003 Star actually looks like a teenager.

  21. 11 months ago

    They went the Lum route and realized cute > loose

    • 11 months ago

      ew why is her hair short

  22. 11 months ago

    Because cartoon Starfire was written as a character, while comics Starfire was created first and foremost as fetish fuel, and thus barely has characterization. Just look at how comics Starfire's entire personality flip-flops with every new writer, and it's clear that her personality and character were never prioritized, and even now they barely have any idea what to do with her.

  23. 11 months ago

    Literally just having a likeable personality. Same reason why small horses became some of the most popular waifus in history despite having absolutely no human physical qualities. Personality matters that much, and this was always known everyone ever dabbling in any sort of media, modern writers are just angry, spiteful, hateful feminists, trannies and assorted mindbroken trash and their simps who only want to le hilariously subvert le expectations by making all protagonists just as ugly and terrible persons as they are. Just look at Velma or I am not Starfire or the Star Wars sequels for some easy examlples.

    • 11 months ago

      That guy has six perfect wives and he's complaining?

  24. 11 months ago

    Her '80s hair looks like a bloody stool.

  25. 11 months ago

    I do wish Starfire from 2003 had bigger breasts but they were big enough to still have that jiggle physics scene so idk. TTG is a travesty in general, all the designs are butchered versions.

  26. 11 months ago
  27. 11 months ago

    very unpopular opinion but i find big hair more charming than flat hair

  28. 11 months ago

    how are breasts and hair her defining trait if the character is still the character without them?

    like batman is batman whether his costume is black or grey or blue, because appearance doesnt define the character. batman but he uses guns and kills people isnt batman, even if he wears the same costume. there was a whole run in the 90s about this.

    also, which one are you calling flat? cause the 2003 one is her most iconic appearance and isnt flat

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