>Starred a billion dollar superhero. >Starred two successful diverse female characters from Disney+

>Starred a billion dollar superhero
>Starred two successful diverse female characters from Disney+
>Had the first black female director directing a MCU movie
>Captain Marvel is the strongest Avenger

How did it fail? Is America really a bunch of racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic, Islamophobic, Christofacists?

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  1. 5 months ago

    Yes, and it's so fricking exhausting.
    I can't wait to move out.

  2. 5 months ago

    >superficial physical trait
    >superficial physical trait
    >superficial physical trait
    >superficial physical trait

  3. 5 months ago

    I love how the
    implies it is some gross miscarriage when in reality its just like 30-40 million.

    • 5 months ago

      >Invest millions upon millions of dollars in a product
      >It does not even break even

      Uhm anon, I know math is probably transphobic in commiefornia but losing multiple millions is a pretty big fricking deal.

    • 5 months ago

      >implies it is some gross miscarriage when in reality its just like 30-40 million.
      I too believe the theaters had to support this masterpiece and it's diverse cast and POC director, so they didn't take a single cent of the box office for themselves.

      I mean otherwise it's 200 million lost, minimum. Thank god theaters are so nice.

    • 5 months ago

      Don't care about this but that also means lost opportunity cost for sequels and merchandise.

    • 5 months ago

      The Marvels lost over 200 million

  4. 5 months ago

    >Try to appeal to both feminists and Muslims with same character
    >It keeps failing

    • 5 months ago

      It really is amazing she's flopped in her comics, she flopped in her own team book, she's flopped in a massive budget show, she's flopped in a massive budget game, and she's flopped in a massive budget movie now.

      She literally has failed in every conceivable medium to fail outside of a stage play, and all of them with massive budgets and advertising to give them every edge just to ensure nobody thought they cheaped out on her, and she still is somehow being pushed. She even talks about privilege in that garbage champions comic when she has more headstarts than fricking captain america did with his first movie. It's astonishing.

  5. 5 months ago

    Captain Marvel was not a billion dollar superhero.
    The Infinity War end-credits teaser was what was worth a billion dollars.

  6. 5 months ago

    nobody cares about the disney plus shows.

  7. 5 months ago
  8. 5 months ago

    It failed because nobody gave a crap about these characters. If they actually bothered, they should have worked on Cap Marvel as a character more so that she can endear herself to audiences. All I got from the first Cap Marvel movie was that she was an angry butthole and she sporadically showed up in other movies, always busy fighting space baddies. They needed her to fight on earth and give her more character to flesh her out, then they could do the Marvels as the 3rd Cap Marvel movie. Marvel is doing the same mistake as WB, their trying to jump ahead to the team-up, when they should have been working on character first. Nobody gave a crap about The Marvels because nobody knows who they are. Cap Marvel is an butthole, and Monica and Ms. Marvel are both on Disney+ so people who don't have that won't know who the frick these two are.

    • 5 months ago

      I never saw the marvel but I did see the first Captain marvel and endgame and I’m a little drunk but here’s what I’d do with a Captain marvel sequel
      >with earth’s major heroes gone Carol decides to stay on earth and be its premier hero
      >the weight of that responsibility starts to weigh on her, she second guessed herself maybe turns to a bit of the booze
      >meta commentary on how this D-list character is suddenly thrust into a major role without any real buildup besides she has vegana
      >overcomes these doubts to save the world from skrulls or something I don’t know
      >her arc is overcoming her self doubts and insecurities but also humbled by not solely relying on her OP level

  9. 5 months ago

    except shes not no matter how much corporate homosexuals like to coerce people into thinking she is

  10. 5 months ago

    two successful diverse female characters from Disney+
    Ms. Marvel was the least watched Marvel show.
    The movie is a massive failure either way, no need to make shit up to make it look just a bit worse.

  11. 5 months ago

    I blame the side characters who nobody asked for. Doesn’t help that Brie Larson isn’t very popular these days.

  12. 5 months ago

    >Starred a billion dollar superhero
    Almost none of that billion dollars was due to Captain Marvel herself
    >Starred two successful female characters from Disney+
    Not doing homework to watch your movie
    >First black female director directing a MCU movie
    Literally how is anyone supposed to know this unless they specifically look up who is directing, and why should anyone give a frick?
    >Captain Marvel is the strongest Avenger
    Wow I really don't care lol

  13. 5 months ago

    Just a decade ago this shit bait thread would've been deleted on sight.
    Hiroasiatic and his homosexual mods really ruined this site.

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