>starred in two of the biggest critically acclaimed sci fi?

>starred in two of the biggest critically acclaimed sci fi / action movies of the 80s
>completely disappeared off the map shortly after

What went wrong, tv?

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  1. 4 months ago


  2. 4 months ago

    The curse of James Cameron. Only Arnold was strong enough escape, and only then by going into politics.

  3. 4 months ago

    He was an alcoholic who beat his fat wife in Wal-Mart so he got cancelled

  4. 4 months ago

    He went to siberia to film a movie and then fricking almost died drinking vodka 24/7. Im glad seeing him more in mandalore and videogames

    • 4 months ago

      Michael Biehn fell into the bottle and never quite climbed out, a Russian company sued him for showing up the set drunk, for always having a water bottle filled with vodka...
      it was really a stupid idea to bring an alcoholic to Russia.

      The other problem is that Michael Biehn is kinda arrogant and he and his wife overhype. When Michael Biehn was young he was really drop-dead gorgeous and got cast probably for that, and probably had directors fawning all over him for that -- and then he started losing his looks fast due to drinky drinky. Because he got to work with Lauren Bacall early he started saying he only wanted to work with Al Pacino or Robert De Niro. Biehn had a nice bit part in Planet Terror but then he talk as if he's the main character who save the day, that everybody know to cheer when he show up at the hospital -- but I don't remember that scene. Biehn and his wife made a really sucky b-horror film that was actually a z-horror film but Biehn was only in one sex scene and we barely got to see anything, the other sex scene someone got kill, a lot of fans would forgive a lot of suck a b horror if there was at least a hot sex scene and eye candy, starring the actresses and the actors that had a lot of fangirls, but they failed to deliver even that within the film in spite of hyping it as being full of sex. Basically Michael Biehn is the male version of a roastie actress who took herself too seriously.

      >Please wait a while before making a post
      I'm just going to start pressing post before I start typing. This happens when I open a new window after closing all windows.

  5. 4 months ago

    I know about the alcoholism stuff later, but i think what started it was Fox screwing him over with Alien 3 and suing them, he pissed off the wrong Fox exec who got him blacklisted by all the major studios. Similar thing happened to Crispin Glover with Back to the Future part 2, took years for his career to recover.

  6. 4 months ago

    I don't know why morons think starting in a big hit or two means your career will take off. Hollywood is filled with actors in iconic roles that went on to have shitty careers.

    • 4 months ago

      Because they're morons

  7. 4 months ago

    Well that pretty much wrapped it up.
    Also he was successful, he did star in some of the best selling action films in 90s too. Sure he didnt get lead roles but he was still working at highest level.

  8. 4 months ago

    the only reason why he was in aliens is because the guy he replaced was caught in england doing drugs, so he had to be sent home.
    he almost didn't get the job in terminator bc the role he was playing while cameron was looking for actors had a thick southern accent which cameron didn't think was appropriate for the reese & it had to be told to cameron that it was just a fake accent.
    he got shitcanned out of the alien franchise because sigourney weaver knew that he was going to become the star of the franchise once aliens came out so she b***hed that it was either him or her and the execs didn't want to look sexist.
    navy seals pretty much killed him as a leading actor bc it didn't do well at the box office.
    he almost dropped out of tombstone bc he wanted the doc holiday part that went to val kilmer.
    the whole "alcoholic" bit is way overblown; the siberia film was a scam from the start and it was only used as an excuse to write the film off. he also got scammed in asia with a film by being promised all this stuff and the producer never delivered on any of it.

    • 4 months ago

      more shit:
      ** he was briefly attached to what was eventually "mad max: fury road" way back in the early stages before furiosa became the main focus.
      ** he was briefly attached to "deep rising" before the part went to treat williams.
      ** everyone gives him shit for turning down "point break" but, when he read it, it was more of an action/comedy than what it eventually became.
      ** everyone gives him shit for passing on "the usual suspects" but, at the time, no one else was attached to it and it's a common ploy to try to get actors / directors attached to things to attract producers in order to help other projects and then ditch that project, leaving actors and directors to miss other opportunities and he didn't want that.

      • 4 months ago

        oh, and one last thing: he was originally going to be in titanic in the role that billy zane eventually got. however, producers eventually talked cameron out of it bc they wanted a romance novel angle of zane vs. dicaprio fighting over what's-her-name and even wanted a climactic fist fight (which was filmed but never put into the film). however, that angle got ditched in post-production and reshoots to focus more on the romance and the sinking.

        • 4 months ago

          more shit:
          ** he was briefly attached to what was eventually "mad max: fury road" way back in the early stages before furiosa became the main focus.
          ** he was briefly attached to "deep rising" before the part went to treat williams.
          ** everyone gives him shit for turning down "point break" but, when he read it, it was more of an action/comedy than what it eventually became.
          ** everyone gives him shit for passing on "the usual suspects" but, at the time, no one else was attached to it and it's a common ploy to try to get actors / directors attached to things to attract producers in order to help other projects and then ditch that project, leaving actors and directors to miss other opportunities and he didn't want that.

          the only reason why he was in aliens is because the guy he replaced was caught in england doing drugs, so he had to be sent home.
          he almost didn't get the job in terminator bc the role he was playing while cameron was looking for actors had a thick southern accent which cameron didn't think was appropriate for the reese & it had to be told to cameron that it was just a fake accent.
          he got shitcanned out of the alien franchise because sigourney weaver knew that he was going to become the star of the franchise once aliens came out so she b***hed that it was either him or her and the execs didn't want to look sexist.
          navy seals pretty much killed him as a leading actor bc it didn't do well at the box office.
          he almost dropped out of tombstone bc he wanted the doc holiday part that went to val kilmer.
          the whole "alcoholic" bit is way overblown; the siberia film was a scam from the start and it was only used as an excuse to write the film off. he also got scammed in asia with a film by being promised all this stuff and the producer never delivered on any of it.

          Cheers for the inside scoop michael

    • 4 months ago

      more shit:
      ** he was briefly attached to what was eventually "mad max: fury road" way back in the early stages before furiosa became the main focus.
      ** he was briefly attached to "deep rising" before the part went to treat williams.
      ** everyone gives him shit for turning down "point break" but, when he read it, it was more of an action/comedy than what it eventually became.
      ** everyone gives him shit for passing on "the usual suspects" but, at the time, no one else was attached to it and it's a common ploy to try to get actors / directors attached to things to attract producers in order to help other projects and then ditch that project, leaving actors and directors to miss other opportunities and he didn't want that.

      based info provider
      >sigourney weaver knew that he was going to become the star of the franchise
      Ripley was the real monster all along

      • 4 months ago

        i forgot to mention the "dredd" connection: he was asked to audition for the role of "judge dredd" (the role eventually went to karl urban) but he had reservations because of his age but he was convinced to do it and so he did it. when time passed and he didn't hear anything, he was told that he was turned down because of his age. however, the real reason was that this was another example of getting a famous name attached to something to attract other talent or to use leverage against other actors ("hey, if you don't take the role, we have michael biehn waiting, so you better accept our terms!"). this ploy was used to great effect with jack nicholson and robin willians in the 1989 batman film where williams was used TWICE as a means to get other talent (the joker and the riddler).

        • 4 months ago

          He must have been gun shy and paranoid due to all the shenanigans that go on in Hollywood. Hard to know who to trust, must be tiring if you are not a shark type personality yourself.

          • 4 months ago

            the producers wanted him to have a bit part in "the gray" (the one with liam neeson and the arctic and the wolves) but he passed because it was only a bit part and the producers only wanted to it as stunt casting. when he demanded a larger part and a larger salary to go with it, they rewrote the part for frank grillo and expanded the role (which is what mb wanted in the first place, lol).

            • 4 months ago

              He would have been good in that. Was great to see him in Planet Terror after so long

            • 4 months ago

              I loved you in tiberium sun. Your best role

              • 4 months ago

                he had forgotten about that role for a while. his agent had convinced him that full motion video was going to be the next big thing and that's why he agreed to do that role.

                and since we're on the topic, "blood dragon" almost never happened (he wanted to turn it down) and his wife insisted that he do the voice over work.

              • 4 months ago

                Based and staying in character, truly a masterful actor!

                Did you ever get approached to suck off israeli producers or rape kids to become a "made man" in hollywood?

              • 4 months ago

                yur funny.
                here's the truth - from around 97 to 2009, there was a quasi-official message board dedicated to the guy.
                he would occasionally pop in and chat with members. it was a good time.
                there was also another message board run by dedicated mb fans who kept in touch with him and would give out tidbits of insider info.

                sorry to burst your bubble. you won't believe me and that's fine.
                one last factoid: if it was up to him, he would've spent the rest of his life being on CBS' "the magnificent seven" as he honestly had a great time on the show and loved the character.

              • 4 months ago

                What's "he" up to now? Did "he" get vaxxed?

              • 4 months ago

                Does "he" know any other celebs that lurk/post on Cinemaphile?

    • 4 months ago

      >because sigourney weaver knew that he was going to become the star of the franchise once aliens came out so she b***hed that it was either him or her
      thart's not true, if anything its the opposite of how weaver felt about the movies.

    • 4 months ago

      more shit:
      ** he was briefly attached to what was eventually "mad max: fury road" way back in the early stages before furiosa became the main focus.
      ** he was briefly attached to "deep rising" before the part went to treat williams.
      ** everyone gives him shit for turning down "point break" but, when he read it, it was more of an action/comedy than what it eventually became.
      ** everyone gives him shit for passing on "the usual suspects" but, at the time, no one else was attached to it and it's a common ploy to try to get actors / directors attached to things to attract producers in order to help other projects and then ditch that project, leaving actors and directors to miss other opportunities and he didn't want that.

      oh, and one last thing: he was originally going to be in titanic in the role that billy zane eventually got. however, producers eventually talked cameron out of it bc they wanted a romance novel angle of zane vs. dicaprio fighting over what's-her-name and even wanted a climactic fist fight (which was filmed but never put into the film). however, that angle got ditched in post-production and reshoots to focus more on the romance and the sinking.

      I really liked your voice acting in Blood Dragon. Cheers.

    • 4 months ago

      >he got shitcanned out of the alien franchise because sigourney weaver knew that he was going to become the star of the franchise once aliens came out so she b***hed that it was either him or her and the execs didn't want to look sexist.
      you made this thing up. Only your ass nows how much of this else is your inner Supreme Gentelman talking shit

    • 4 months ago

      >the only reason why he was in aliens is because the guy he replaced was caught in england doing drugs, so he had to be sent home.

      James Remar from The Warriors, a pretty based actor in his own right

  9. 4 months ago

    He went hard on the bottle and got a reputation of not being worth dealing with so he tanked his own career more or less.

  10. 4 months ago

    He was just too high strung. Poor soul.

  11. 4 months ago

    Who else will be flicking the biehn to navy seals tonight

  12. 4 months ago


    >not continuing it as a spinoff franchise.
    irrc because God damn that was around 10yrs back they were talking about doing more. The fact they didn't shows that they don't like money.

  13. 4 months ago

    >the abyss
    >navy seals
    >the rock

    We need someone that can play a Seal team Commander

  14. 4 months ago

    Pic related and also priced himself out of the market

  15. 4 months ago

    He was fantastic as Kyle Reese and Corporal Hicks. That's all that matters.

  16. 4 months ago

    Neil Blomkamp was about to being back Hick for a new Alien movie. Would have been cool

    • 4 months ago
      • 4 months ago

        That's really cool artwork but I feel his left arm should be more fricked up.

  17. 4 months ago


    They made a sequel which had nothing to do with the original game and it flopped

  18. 4 months ago

    A pretty boring leading man. Arnold and Linda are all people remember from the first terminator, not him

  19. 4 months ago

    He was a raging alcoholic who never cared enough to hire a publicist. But his career didn't really die until the late 90s, he was still in Tombstone and The Rock.

  20. 4 months ago
  21. 4 months ago


    Yeah, Reese was badass. His scenes in the future war and him battling the terminator were some of the best parts of the movie.

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