Still the most comics accurate Batman

Still the most comics accurate Batman

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  1. 2 years ago

    It's stupid to act like there's only one true Batman.

  2. 2 years ago

    My attempt to rescue this shitty bot thread:
    What if Dozier had made a Superman series instead? Who do you think would have been cast in the various roles?

    • 2 years ago

      He nearly made a Wonder Woman series
      Only a five minute pilot was made

      It’s pretty bad

      • 2 years ago

        O O F A H

    • 2 years ago

      How many times is this fricker going to make this same thread? All he does is make this and Nolan threads.

      • 2 years ago

        Nolan fans don’t like Adam West; or do you mean anti-Nolan fans?

        • 2 years ago

          He makes the same posts, he was doing it with Nolan, then after everyone made fun of him saying Nolan is for ppl who dont like Batman he just switched to 66. Literally the exact same posts everytime.

          • 2 years ago

            That’s weird, I haven’t noticed that guy.
            There is a group of bot like autists who cannot quit spamming the same threads over
            and over
            and over
            and over
            and over
            and over
            Mods and jannies don’t do anything about it for some reason

            • 2 years ago

              Look up posts regarding the same subject or pics. Its some mexican kid who was saying Nolan had the most comic accurate Batman and best movie. After making the same thread almost daily he's been making an Adam West one for the past days but saying West. You can tell it's him because he goes irrationally ape shit if you mention Schumacher.

              • 2 years ago

                Let's put that to the test...

              • 2 years ago

                Should be a reletively easy thing to do, considering it's been the same threads with the same worded sentences and responses. Shouldnt need hand holding.

              • 2 years ago

                It's literally the same guy who was shilling TDK as the best and most comics accurate movie before switching to 66 after getting made fun of. It's the same syntax, same pics used, same flipping out at Schumacher, and same threads being made before the same one he made even die.




                And thats not even trying to search.

              • 2 years ago

                Anon, I love The Dark Knight and made all the threads with that pic.
                But I didn’t make the Harley Quinn thread.
                I also didn’t make the Adam West thread, and I don’t know why you have this belief that I “switched to Adam West.” I haven’t “switched to Adam West,” The Dark Knight is still the undisputed GOAT masterpiece of filmmaking and especially superhero filmmaking, and the greatest Batman movie of all time
                (I also did make the thread with the Robert Pattinson pic saying it was a remake of The Dark Knight but worse)
                I’m not sure as to why you believe I “switched to Adam West.”
                I’m going to make another Dark Knight thread though, just to piss you off

              • 2 years ago

                Yeah alright, buddy.

              • 2 years ago

                Here you go seniõr


                ay caramba I did eet again!

              • 2 years ago

                Congrats, you've made the same thread literally 16+ times.

                I don't see how you think this makes anyone look like a moron besides you.

              • 2 years ago

                I’m going to make it more than 16 gringo
                Just because of you. You had to like the gay Batman movies, and now I am insulting them on Cinemaphile
                You wienerroach

              • 2 years ago

                I'm glad you decided to come clean now and admit what we all already knew despite your horrible attempts to lie at first. Please, continue.

              • 2 years ago

                When did I “lie”?

              • 2 years ago

                I’m looking for references to Mexico/being Mexican and Nolan and I just can’t find any.

            • 2 years ago

              Sometimes I really wonder if those "Dead internet theory" schizos have a point when I see this crap. It honestly would be less scary if it were bots.

  3. 2 years ago

    I honestly don't understand the hate Forever and Batman & Robin get. I think Schumacher did a fantastic job at trying to replicate the camp factor of the 1966 series and modernizing it for the extreme 90s era. Bright colors, corny jokes, all played completely straight like the TV show.

    • 2 years ago

      Schumachers movies are beautiful and is a great modernization of all things Batman. Its almost the perfect modern Batman being able to be serious in parts without being funless.

  4. 2 years ago

    >The plot of Pop Goes The Joker (S02E57) begins with the Joker invading an art gallery with his goons, defacing the paintings, before started a twisted “artistic” career. This plot line is reused in Batman (1989)
    >Hizzonner the Penguin (S02E17) is about the Penguin running for mayor of Gotham City, he at one point endears himself to the city by very publicly rescuing a baby in danger. This plot line is reused in Batman Returns (1992)
    >Batman Forever (1995) has a line from Robin: “holey rusted metal,” referencing the “holy” catchphrase of Burt Ward
    >Batman: The Movie (1966) begins with a weapon that sends out dehydration beams being stolen from a ship. This plot line is reused in Batman Begins (2005)
    >In The Dark Knight (2008), the Joker wears a clown mask while robbing a bank. The mask is identical to a mask Cesar Romero wears in the episode The Joker Is Wild (S01E05) when he disguises himself as Pagliacci
    >the Lego Batman Movie (2017) shows the Adam West Batmobile in the Batcave, and at one point Alfred references every previous Batman movie (“I’ve seen you go through this before, in 2016, in 2013, in 2008, in 2005…) and when he gets to “1966” real footage of Adam West is shown instead of a lego version
    >In Joker (2019), the child Bruce Wayne spins as he slides down a fireman pole, the same way Adam West and Burt Ward would when entering the Batcave in the show
    >In The Batman (2022), a bust of William Shakespeare is shown in Wayne Tower in the scene where Alfred reads through Bruce’s mail. In the show, the button to enter the Batcave is hidden inside a bust of Shakespeare
    It’s so cool when Batman stuff references the 60s show

  5. 2 years ago

    Adam West Batman is PEAK Batman. May he rest in peace.

    • 2 years ago

      I’m not a huge Family Guy fan, but he’s funny in that too
      He was also in some sketches online that are hilarious

      >what are these?
      >those would be bat socks
      >they just look like normal socks
      >Batman wore those socks

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