Still the only actual Bond film produced in 21st century. What made Hollywood to give up on Bond franchise?

Still the only actual Bond film produced in 21st century.
What made Hollywood to give up on Bond franchise?

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  1. 6 months ago

    Never watched it because the trailer revealed it was about his secret brother.

  2. 6 months ago

    leia seydoodoo is the only good thing about it

  3. 6 months ago

    remember noticing that it's one of the only big box movies that's come out this decade that had a deliberate color palette that also made an effort to look good
    I remember the movie having lots of different and satisfying shades of brown, as backwards as that sounds.

  4. 6 months ago

    There hasn't been an actual Bond film in like thirty years.

    • 6 months ago

      Die another day was only 21 years ago

      • 6 months ago

        Like he said, it's been 30 odd years. Bond ended with Goldeneye.

        • 6 months ago

          Wrong, Goldeneye was the last peak. It ended with Tomorrow Never Dies, completely adequate installment. After that the production was super americanized and not remotely bondish.

          Also in the spirit of the season I wish everyone a merry pirate christmas bond with telly savalas. You know you don't watch enough Lazenby.

          • 6 months ago

            TWINE and DAD are good flicks with some great stuff so I don't see how GE is the peak and end. post-DAD was the end as they quite literally rebooted a character and continuity stretching back to 1962.

            • 6 months ago

              sophie marceau was great but the rest of the film was complete garbage
              leaned too hard into the anniversary thing the navel-gazing franchiseness is what murdered the series.

      • 6 months ago

        Talking about Licence to Kill. The series kind of lost its identity with Brosnan and while the wheels didn't immediately fall off (GE and TND are still good), by the time TWINE came around it became more of a generic action film series.

        • 6 months ago

          I agree. I enjoy Timothy Dalton, but License to Kill was too much like a generic 80's action flick instead of a fun spy thriller. And seeing how it's a film dead-set on revenge doesn't quite have the charm that other Bond movies have.

          GoldenEye was the only Brosnan film I can respect. Janus was a great villain.

          • 6 months ago

            >License to Kill was too much like a generic 80's action flick instead of a fun spy thriller
            A) It's partly based on Fleming's novel Live and Let Die
            B) American action movies were themselves inspired by James Bond
            C) He does more actual spy shit in LTK than most other Bond movies

            • 6 months ago

              This, I don't understand how you can come away thinking all of those things which simply aren't true. Then again, the anon could not gel with it due to being used to Moore style.

              I really hope the IO Interactive game ends up being good. At this rate it may be the final good Bond thing we get.

              >modern vidya studio who has shown their allegiance to ESG
              >a media property as contested and hated by wokies as James Bond

              No way, give up all hope.

            • 6 months ago

              I know and I still enjoy it, but you can sorta see how they fumbled the ball with it. Prior to LTK, most of the plots involved subterfuge and megalomania schemes. LTK was a straight-up revenge thriller.

              The reason why LTK is considered the last true Bond film was that it was the last one made before the Cold War ended. A lot of espionage writers ran into this problem once the Soviets crumbled. Islamic terrorism and the Chinese weren't as good opponents than Ivan was. And secret organizations like SPECTRE can only run its course for so long.

              • 6 months ago

                >The reason why LTK is considered the last true Bond film was that it was the last one made before the Cold War ended
                It's more than that. It was the last Bond movie produced by Cubby Broccoli before he handed the reigns to his daughter, it was the last Bond movie to have Maurice Binder do the credits, it was the last Bond movie where Bond is portrayed as a callous womanizer, it was the last Bond movie before they made M a woman, and it was the last Bond movie to have a main Bond girl who immediately falls for him instead of spurning his advances until he "proves himself" to her.

              • 6 months ago

                Brosnan's stuff is watchable for sure but Bond ended with LTK, that's for sure. The SOVL was gone and LtK also offered the perfect ending for the character with the wall falling down and the Cold War ending. I can't acknowledge Brosnan as canon due to not being under Cubby and female feminist woke M which is tough since his movies have some incredibly good stuff but he came in way too late to the party.

              • 6 months ago

                female M was an opportunity to flex the loose cannon disobedient bond to set him against her feminisms. onatop was the woke female power fantasy though

              • 6 months ago

                I can't stand to watch GoldenEye anymore because THAT scene just taints the whole thing and Brosnan's era. I much prefer Connery to Dalton and ending it with that. Bond retiring with best girl Pam and going on adventures together is a perfect ending for the cinematic character.

              • 6 months ago

                its always going to end up like OHMSS, can't be helped.

              • 6 months ago

                That's too depressing to think about so I'll think that they just retired happily together. I think once is enough to drive home Bond's lone wolf misery porn of a life, twice is overdoing it.

              • 6 months ago

                takes a hardened man to be james bond, cracking the jokes is extremely important.

              • 6 months ago

                All those reasons are valid too.

                My problem with License to Kill is that having 2 Bond girls usually ended up with 1 of them dying or being a double agent or whatever. I liked both actresses, but they kinda played it safe with Dalton hooking up with the US agent and telling the drug lord's lover to date that leader instead.

                Also what's the consensus on Never Say Never Again? I thought it was an interesting remake of Thunderball despite its flaws.

  5. 6 months ago

    it sucked dick, like some kind of parody of Bond films

  6. 6 months ago

    Bond ended with Die Another Day, some people go as far as to say it ended with License to Kill but that's hyperbole, the Brosnan era was pure Bond kino even with feminist M which was more of a joke than a serious character. Go play Nightfire or Everything or Nothing, they're more fun and imaginative than anything in the drought Craig era.

    • 6 months ago

      I really hope the IO Interactive game ends up being good. At this rate it may be the final good Bond thing we get.

  7. 6 months ago

    The problem with the Craig era is so apparent and obvious. The guy himself is short, ugly, looks like Putin and has no charisma. The franchise lives or dies on the main lead's charisma. Compare him to Brosnan who had god given charisma and handsomeness. If the next one isn't handsome or cool, it's dead forever.

    • 6 months ago

      Craig sucks but the biggest issue with his run is the look, tone, and stylistic shortcomings. They don't feel like Bond movies, they feel like typical 21st century spy thrillers in the vein of 24, Bourne and shit like 'Body of Lies.' Spectre is the sole exception where it actually attempts to follow the Bond formula, but fails to capture the 007 magic.

      • 6 months ago

        Pretty much. The earlier Bonds had elements of humor and wry charm when dealing with people. Craig's Bond is too stoic as a soldier/operative.

        This, I don't understand how you can come away thinking all of those things which simply aren't true. Then again, the anon could not gel with it due to being used to Moore style.
        >modern vidya studio who has shown their allegiance to ESG
        >a media property as contested and hated by wokies as James Bond

        No way, give up all hope.

        I still enjoy LTK, but you can really pinpoint the shift from The Living Daylights to License to Kill as well as the 60's, 70's, and earlier 80's installations. I also wish Dalton had 1 or 2 more chances to play Bond.

      • 6 months ago

        I thought Skyfall felt like a real bond movie.

        • 6 months ago

          It was a Bond movie but subverted. Insinuating Bond had slept with men, black Moneypenny, gay Q who makes fun of the gadgets in a millenial humour way, the DB5 is destroyed, the Bond theme is played wrong. It's a Bond movie by morons who despise the character and made a sinister subversion to piss people off, knowing most audiences wouldn't care either way because the'yre dumb and the brand is too big.

        • 6 months ago

          Skyfall felt like a Christopher Nolan Batman film, but filled with fanservice like "HEY FANS YOU REMEMBER THE ASTON MARTIN FROM GOLDFINGER LMAO" and other lame callbacks

          • 6 months ago

            It also destroyed the reboot continuity, how does Craig's Bond have Connery's DB5 for frick's sake. CR and QoS were great in my eyes as an alternate universe 2000's Bond. They had Bourne influence for sure but they were fun movies with that 2000's SOVL. The rest of his movies are gay Nolan ripoffs.

            • 6 months ago

              I can't stand CR, it's my least favorite "Bond film." QoS on the other hand, for all its flaws, is a fast paced entertaining action flick with some gorgeous girls and an underrated villain

              • 6 months ago

                I feel like i'm talking to crazy people when praising QoS. I just watched it the other day and had a fricking blast, with some coke and food. Easily the most entertaining and Bondian movie Craig has ever done.
                >'We're teachers on a sabbatical and we just won the lottery'.
                >Finally a Bond girl there just to be hot with a pun name (Strawberry Fields)
                >Goldfinger-type villain with memorable villain face and lines.
                >Olga Kyrylenko.

                It's his best movie by far, I don't care for the others, I can't bear to watch them. Based QoS appreciator.

              • 6 months ago

                also this guy was so fricking fun to watch even for a few scenes.

              • 6 months ago

                >It's his best movie by far, I don't care for the others, I can't bear to watch them. Based QoS appreciator.
                based, I feel the same way. It's the one and only Craig Bond movie that I genuinely like and look forward to rewatching. Also the plot follows the Bond formula pretty well, minus quips and gadgets of course. The one serious flaw is the annoying editing, but I don't think it's as egregious as say a Paul Greengrass flick

              • 6 months ago

                Craig actually started to feel like Bond in that movie, with the classic formula with that 2000's edge which wasn't so bad and I actually liked the whole Bourne aesthetic fused with classic Bond. It was really interesting. They should have never brought back Moneypenny Q and the rest, stick to their guns and continue what they did but obviously studio heads are moronic. Camille was so interesting as a Bond girl. Bond doesn't frick her but still, she's a bit of an airhead with a good heart and a tragic past and really cute and fun. A gem of a movie tbh. Mathis' death was also quite emotional.

              • 6 months ago

                QoS, no.

                mathis yes, everything else no.

              • 6 months ago

                Elaborate. It was a really enjoyable flick.

              • 6 months ago

                mostly the enjoyable bits weren't bond style, the bond style stuff was halfassed. the writing and general production was also fricking worthless. setting and location and evil-organization character are more important than even the action.

          • 6 months ago

            It was a Bond movie but subverted. Insinuating Bond had slept with men, black Moneypenny, gay Q who makes fun of the gadgets in a millenial humour way, the DB5 is destroyed, the Bond theme is played wrong. It's a Bond movie by morons who despise the character and made a sinister subversion to piss people off, knowing most audiences wouldn't care either way because the'yre dumb and the brand is too big.

            these, I'll never understood the love for skyfall. it's such a piece of shit of s movie that dedicated itself to shit on series staples for the sake of showing a dark and brooding mc like it was popular at the time. it also felt like a more violent version of home alone than a serious spy flick

            • 6 months ago

              as always when people think about a javier bardem movie they remember javier bardem. they dont remember the rest of it.

      • 6 months ago

        Craig is good at comedic stuff from what i've seen and there's this commercial where goes full Moore and it isn't so bad so you are right but at the end of the day he's just too ugly and short. No one wants to be Daniel Craig and that's what dooms him as a Bond actor.

  8. 6 months ago

    >no Clive Owen James Bond kino

    I want to leave this reality.

    • 6 months ago

      far too low class

  9. 6 months ago

    Who's your favorite Bond waifu?

    • 6 months ago

      She is definitely the hottest one imo

      • 6 months ago

        trips do not lie but i have a special place in my heart for giant 60s/70s hair

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