

Homeless People Are Sexy Shirt $21.68

DMT Has Friends For Me Shirt $21.68

Homeless People Are Sexy Shirt $21.68

  1. 9 months ago

    So is everyone else on the show. A bunch of statues standing around.

    • 8 months ago

      >So is everyone else on the show. A bunch of statues standing around.

      That's something I noticed about the Disney live action stuff, they don't have natural humor to them like the Lucas or animated stuff. Sure they may have self aware 'well that was awkward' marvel quips but it feels more like commentary than an actual joke that could exist in universe. With the rest of the movies just being stoic reverence for source material they don't understand.

      • 8 months ago

        Yeah. I guess they never appreciated the poetry of Luke Skywalker being a personable farm boy that did good. It didn't occur to them that there was a potential angle that the Jedi didn't understand how to forgive Vader, but that maybe Uncle Owen raised Luke to be a bit more sympathetic.

        Also, the more battles the movies and series portray, the more that the whole franchise comes across as a never ending quagmire, such that celebration and happiness over successes are always an inappropriate expense.

        • 8 months ago

          >Yeah. I guess they never appreciated the poetry of Luke Skywalker being a personable farm boy that did good. It didn't occur to them that there was a potential angle that the Jedi didn't understand how to forgive Vader, but that maybe Uncle Owen raised Luke to be a bit more sympathetic.

          Because to them kindness and human decency are a weakness for both men and women. For women being kind and forgiving is sexist and regressionist and they don't owe you empathy. For men, Luke's brand of compassion, or even Obi Wan and Anakin's episode 3 closeness is still seen as lame and gay. But wait isn't gay what they want, no, it's clear the only acceptable LGBTQSUVS are lesbians, mtf troonys, and whatever the frick a 'queer folx' is.

          >Also, the more battles the movies and series portray, the more that the whole franchise comes across as a never ending quagmire, such that celebration and happiness over successes are always an inappropriate expense.

          I mean the thing is that SW was always about Star Wars, and it was always much darker than it appeared on first glance. The difference was though that the universe wasn't in a perpetual status quo of underdog good guys and their totally incompetent superiors who let the villains walk all over them. All for the sake of trying to ape the original trilogy.

          But y'know what frick it. If SW is dead then let's just go full pandering mode,so.

          >all animated
          >bunch of frozen clone troopers are unthawed by the New Republic
          >All Jedi who survived order 66 start a new Jedi order
          >Yuhzan Vong resulting in endless temporary hero villain team ups
          >your favorite character from legends >Sympathetic Fel Empire wank
          >Luke does some insane legends bullshit feat once a film/every other episode
          >KOTOR references
          >Villains are sith force ghosts from the Old Republic led by Abeloth
          >Sith Jar Jar

          • 8 months ago

            >bunch of frozen clone troopers are unthawed by the New Republic
            They've done that already.

            • 8 months ago

              I mean like more than one. Also I'm glad that whoever did that comic remembered that Clones are literal genetically enhanced Super Soldiers.

      • 8 months ago

        >they don't have natural humor to them like the Lucas

        > Lucas
        > natural humor

        I can sort of deride Disney, but Lucas went off the rails in the prequels, and REALLY went for the stilted Opera Shakespeare sensation.

      • 8 months ago

        When you're in a fricking green screen room and don't have any props or even know what you're looking at, you're kinda forced to just standard there awkwardly and move where you're allowed to. There's nothing to improvise with.

  2. 9 months ago

    the only sovlfull performance in the show

  3. 9 months ago

    Where's my snippy eager Milfsoka who is wiser but still conditioned by her jedi "training"?

    • 9 months ago

      Growing up watching your entire way of life die violently does shit to a woman, I guess.

      • 8 months ago

        Tell that to Yoda. homie had to live with letting Satan take over the galaxy.

  4. 9 months ago

    >Those montrals

  5. 8 months ago

    Was she high when she made this saber?

    • 8 months ago


    • 8 months ago

      no curved sabers is something she used since she was Anakin's frick toy.
      It has something to do with Dooku's combat style.

  6. 8 months ago

    why do star wars shows and movies that get marketed with having a male protagonist feature said male protagonist get rescued, beaten up or told what to do by strong wyman every episode and almost every strong or important side character is always female as well but shows with female protagonist never feature the female protagonist getting rescued by men and all the important or strong side characters are also exclusively women?

    • 8 months ago

      Halfway agenda, halfway ideological capture

    • 8 months ago

      To ensure a generation of spineless little boys raised by single mothers who have never been shown a strong male role model will happily part with their balls and bend over backwards, so that a generations of girls who have had the bar lowered to the subbasement under the guise of "equality" can take over with zero resistance

  7. 8 months ago

    b***h still looks like she's wearing a bad hat.

  8. 8 months ago

    What was or was not very funny about the signal and the signalman, can now stop waiting for it to spread. It's very complicated. Why bother? I am puzzled. Is this listing for purple waterfall? in, in, if blanc, BROT... this music has given me the whole world rudo... og anime too... Okay, spread and mix, per?

    • 8 months ago

      Bot post.

  9. 8 months ago
    • 8 months ago

      Shes really good at pulling that psycho b***h face that is also attractive. I have to hand it to her and the casting as she generally feels like she is a force user where as Rosario comes off as like some stoic wine aunt who likes tarot cards.

  10. 8 months ago
    • 8 months ago

      Lotta shit wrong with this scene, but I honestly can't get past the custom fit space suit, don't those ugly ass tentacles come in all sizes for that race?
      I remember Shaak-ti's were much bigger and more ornate, why wouldn't there just be a generic one size fits all for them...?

      • 8 months ago

        >why wouldn't there just be a generic one size fits all for them...?
        What? The whole suit is made to fit her, its her suit. That's like saying astronauts have just one size for their suits.

    • 8 months ago

      It's amazing how they can take a concept that would have been lauded 20ish years ago and make it lame and eye rolling.

    • 8 months ago

      >This works
      Dave's love of his waifu is getting out of control

    • 8 months ago

      uhh...why don't they just shoot the ship instead of focusing on her?

  11. 8 months ago

    Any webm requests?

  12. 8 months ago

    Not Cinemaphile related
    Frick off

    • 8 months ago

      Ahsoka originated from the animated clone wars series

  13. 8 months ago

    Is it just me or was the new episode an absolute snorefest.
    >Sabine training that goes nowhere
    >The New Republic being moronic (again)
    >more Sabine training that goes nowhere
    >starfighter fight/chase
    >protagonists now know what they’re building
    >antagonists are now hunting them in the forest (cliffhanger)
    Maybe I’m just a cynical asshat but this episode reeked of mediocre filler.

    • 8 months ago

      >why Sabine doesn't become the chosen one after one day of training like Rey did?
      Gee, i dunno.

    • 8 months ago

      What's sad is that there is a way to do everything you listed in a way that is interesting to watch. It would take the actors to actually have an emotion beyond Stoic / Determined / Serious / Smug, but it could be done.
      Unfortunately the actors either received no direction or gave absolutely no fricks whatsoever.

    • 8 months ago

      training that goes nowhere
      What do you mean "goes nowhere"? She trains, because she got her ass handled to her. She trains because she has to in order to overcome the adversaries they're facing.
      >>The New Republic being moronic (again)
      Yeah, but then again, it's a canon constraint. They have to explain how they missed The First Order and got obliterated. But it's not like it's that farfetched.
      >>more Sabine training that goes nowhere
      You've already pointed out that complaint.
      Which was very well done and the most Star Wars'y Star Wars has felt since Lucas.
      now know what they’re building
      Because Huyang scanned the thing that they were building? Did you even watch it?
      are now hunting them in the forest (cliffhanger)
      So? It's a TV-show. Of course, there's gonna be some cliffhangers.

  14. 8 months ago

    I actually like this show. A lot.

    And I really didn't like Rebels.

    • 8 months ago

      >Sabine is flat
      As the prophets of /swco/ observed, many moons ago.

      • 8 months ago

        /swco/ would have been ecstatic if it aired back then.

        • 8 months ago

          just get a compilation of the ass shots and perhaps it will be remembered fondly

      • 8 months ago

        Is that Teh Dave? Because it looks like a Teh Dave.

    • 8 months ago

      I love the purple haired asian girl aesthetic so much

    • 8 months ago

      T I T E

    • 8 months ago

      I don't know. There are a lot of things that are off. Sabine doing the Luke bit about how can she fight with the helmet on, for instance. She's watched Ezra being trained by Kanan. Hell, she's taken SHOTS at Ezra while he was blinded by a helmet to teach him not to sense and block. At the same time it feels strange because surely Mandalorians teach blind combat. For instance if Mando were being stalked would we be surprised if he reacted before he saw the enemy? Not like that's Mando specific, it's common to show how badass a lot of bounty hunters are.

      Maybe these are silly gripes. Some of it's for pottery reasons (quoting Luke), some of it's for the audience (people haven't seen Rebels), some if it I guess is just superior Jedi stealth.

    • 8 months ago

      >suddenly she's supposed to be almost force sensitive because the Force must be Female
      For fricks sake...

      • 8 months ago

        Everyone can do it, female or not.

        • 8 months ago

          I remember when Pablo tweeted something along those lines and people wanted to beat his fat, coffee injected ass.

          • 8 months ago

            People are moronic. Though this absolutely does not give Rey any slack, because the b***h NEVER TRAINED, and yet she successfully used mind trick on the first day she learned about the Force's existence. Whereas Lucas clearly says, that you have to work hard and train to learn to do things. Talent will help you, but it's nothing without training. But ultimately, it boils down to the fact that anyone could do it if they worked hard. Lucas has been continuously saying this since the beginning.

            From Return of the Jedi story conference:
            >Kasdan: The Force was available to anyone who could hook into it?
            >Lucas: Yes, everybody can do it.
            >Kasdan: Not just the Jedi?
            >Lucas: It’s just the Jedi who take the time to do it.
            >Marquand: They use it as a technique.
            >Lucas: Like yoga. If you want to take the time to do it, you can do it; but the ones that really want to do it are the ones who are into that kind of thing. Also like karate.

            • 8 months ago

              No, Lucas is moronic. Based on lore, there's no way the Sith, dark Jedi, or any other force group in the galaxy wouldn't have thought to train hundreds of thousands of their subjects to unlock their force sensitivity to overcome the numbers of the Jedi Order if its as easy as Sabine is making it out to be.

              • 8 months ago

                Because it's nearly pointless if a person doesn't have enough innate talent (midichlorians), and very few people have that. The show stressed that multiple times. You're kind of moronic (no flame).

              • 8 months ago

                You just posted Lucas stating anyone can wield the force, talent or no talent. It's all about training hard to be able to use it instead of it coming naturally for those with high midichlorians.
                Relating talent to midichlorians is some moronic shit anyways since you can argue that anyone in real life can have innate talent in something.

              • 8 months ago

                What some people learn in, say, a year, some people take decades to master. Everyone can learn to play Chess. Not everyone can be Magnus Carlsen. Some people are inherently more "talented." Yet they still had to learn to become good at what they are. In Star Wars, "talent" is the midichlorian count when it comes to the Force. What Anakin learned in a few years when he joined the Order at the age of 9, for other Jedi it took a decade since they were toddlers and reached his age when he joined. Sabine might never be able to move that cup. But that doesn't mean the training won't benefit her in concentrating and mastering her emotions nonetheless.

              • 8 months ago

                First off, we have no idea how many the Sith trained back in the day since we simply have no canon data on that. Second, even if they did that would only work if the Sith could keep control over them. Who knows, maybe the Sith tried...and this is why their Empire came crashing down.

                Similarly the Nightsisters could create Force super soldiers, as they did with Savage Opress. Dude was eating blaster bolts like they were fricking candy. As far as I can tell it's because the Night Sisters shoved a great seething mass of Living Force energies straight up his ass, making him a swole beast. Oddly enough they also never made their distant menfolk into buff Force muscle gods to defend them. I suppose they have their reasons.

                People are moronic. Though this absolutely does not give Rey any slack, because the b***h NEVER TRAINED, and yet she successfully used mind trick on the first day she learned about the Force's existence. Whereas Lucas clearly says, that you have to work hard and train to learn to do things. Talent will help you, but it's nothing without training. But ultimately, it boils down to the fact that anyone could do it if they worked hard. Lucas has been continuously saying this since the beginning.

                From Return of the Jedi story conference:
                >Kasdan: The Force was available to anyone who could hook into it?
                >Lucas: Yes, everybody can do it.
                >Kasdan: Not just the Jedi?
                >Lucas: It’s just the Jedi who take the time to do it.
                >Marquand: They use it as a technique.
                >Lucas: Like yoga. If you want to take the time to do it, you can do it; but the ones that really want to do it are the ones who are into that kind of thing. Also like karate.

                As I recall the argument was about... something like saying Einstein wasn't smart, he just had insight he wasn't aware of from a cosmic power and Muhammad Ali wasn't a great boxer he just had the Force on some level. These people felt it reduced the awesomeness of people by giving credit instead to that mystical energy field that binds everything, blah blah blah. Thing is, that's how the Force works in this story. It's always been a part of everyone and everything, essential for how people even exist at all.

      • 8 months ago

        If it assuages your incel instincts, they point out that she's distinctly not Force sensitive. They do the "everyone has the Force" bit that we've known for a long time (used to be some big arguments by people who hated that part of Han's skill is said to be somewhat Force based, especially in terms of luck which Obi-Wan refuses to believe in, i.e. luck is actually just the Force doing Force shit even if people aren't consciously aware of it). Huyang even says the Jedi Order would never have accepted her and Ahsoka says she doesn't even want Sabine to be a Jedi, "just herself." Sabine even says she's never had any abilities, and doesn't feel any of the shit Ahsoka does.

        fwiw Sabine will very likely start displaying the Force just as an inevitability of this kind of story. Once she lets go her conscious self, Believes™, and becomes part of a larger world. It's possible this won't happen, I just personally figure this is where it's headed. Doesn't mean she'll be at instant Rey levels.

      • 8 months ago

        Kyle Motherfricking Katarn did as he did in Dark Forces because he started to develop the Force unconsciously, and the fact that his family guarded the secred of the Valley of The Jedi.
        Filoni will pull the same thing with Sabine, but she wont be part of luke's shitty order like Kyle "Doomguy is my paradox poker buddy" Katarn.

        • 8 months ago

          >luke's shitty order
          Feels bad, man. Of course if there is going to be a separate Jedi Order, perhaps even set up in another galaxy depending on how this all shakes out (assuming there isn't an entire Jedi offshoot there already...or, worse, Sith) then they'll no doubt come into play with Rey's planned new film. Frick this fricking timeline.

          • 8 months ago

            It is obvious this shit is getting canned.
            Andor and The Movie were garbage

            People wanted Kyle

            • 8 months ago

              I don't want Disney's horrid little claws anywhere near Kyle.
              I'm worried enough about the Dark Forces remaster heralding the mouse looking to plunder that particular corner of the EU and bastardize it.

    • 8 months ago

      Rebels had some good episodes here and there, mostly finales or anything that featured the inquisitors or thrawn or maul. Anything outside of that was mostly filler junk outside maybe that episode where they travel to Zeb's homeworld and they play some really kino music.

  15. 8 months ago

    I loved Clone Wars and Rebels was alright but so far Ashoka while not being bad is just incredibly boring, which might honestly be worse than being awful.

    • 8 months ago

      No its not, id take a boring death then an awful one any day

  16. 8 months ago

    I know one of the bigger criticisms of Rebels was Sabine's lack of character but this show feels like it's regressed her entirely. She acts way too petulant for a war veteran and too much like a child.

    Anyway I'm only watching for the 3 darksiders, they actually are interesting to watch.

    • 8 months ago

      What does the orange mean?

  17. 8 months ago


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