They and their staff work HARD to make cartoons while you guys just hate on everything and tell them their stuff is shit without even watching it first,

What the frick have any of you ever done with your lives? At least these people are actually making cartoons instead of just tearing them down.

The Kind of Tired That Sleep Won’t Fix Shirt $21.68

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  1. 11 months ago

    Every single Mexican in existence hates you. Seethe, they want you to give up bc you deserve it. Mexico is a perfect country where everyone is fit and good looking, and it has low crime. You have no right to portray them as a gringo. Every single Latino alive hates white people and Americans. You deserve harassment, you deserve so much. We hate you. We hate you more than anything in this world FRICK OFF FOREVER AND EVER

    • 11 months ago

      >Every latino

    • 11 months ago

      Imagine if mexicans directed this hatred towards their government.

      • 11 months ago

        That'd be their 3rd revolution I think.

      • 11 months ago

        Mexicans hate their government so much what are you talking about?

        • 11 months ago

          Not enough.

    • 11 months ago

      >Mexico is a perfect country where everyone is fit and good looking, and it has low crime.
      Don't forget everybody looks white too.

      • 11 months ago

        As a latinex I say this, unironically.

        So true, real latrinex shit

    • 11 months ago

      I kept expecting for something REALLY offensive about this to actually pop up but the whole thing seems to boil down to Mexicans on twitter being mad that there's a show being made by a Latin-American (or whatever you want to call her) set in the US and was heavy influenced by the Latin-American (or whatever you want to call it) community she grew up in. I guess the made up town being called 'Earthquake Heights' is kind of tacky?

      • 11 months ago

        >I kept expecting for something REALLY offensive about this to actually pop up
        Theres the part where the main VA called spanish a racist conquistador language and Mexico a shithole

      • 11 months ago

        Some of the names for the characters are either moronic, or just straight up slurs, like Chacha.

  2. 11 months ago

    I think this is the first time ever I'm enjoying this. Every previous witch hunt I remember was just raw autism, but this one is just too funny. An empty show that literally only exists to pander to a community to get them to like you, and before it even premieres it manages to shit on that community. It's not regular incompetence, it's not even average Disney-tier incompetence, this was fricking extra-deluxe-premium incompetence. Bravo.

  3. 11 months ago

    Maybe go complain to twitter where that shit is actually happening.

    • 11 months ago

      Twitter is fricking right. I’m making a anti account for this awful monsterous gringo as we speak, it’s in Spanish so it’s gonna be pretty hard to understand if you don’t speak it. (Which is good, I hate Americans and English speakers) I’m hoping this gets out and she gets canned from any job she’ll ever get. I’m sick of the damage POC get from her

      • 11 months ago

        I've heard about it, but also, I don't care. I don't ascribe to the "YOU'RE A BAD PERSON AND SHOULDN'T HAVE A JOB" mentality because a person somehow offended you. Get over it, snowflake.

  4. 11 months ago

    >my truth
    You can’t own truth. There’s THE truth and only that. Otherwise it’s just myopi

    • 11 months ago

      1. A lot of people in Industry animation went on here and other places before or even during their careers yelling at me and others, they don't practice what they preach
      2. They don't care about merit, they actively gatekeep the best cartoonists out of the industry as none of them follow their ideological/social purity
      3. They don't have a respectful, patient discussion with critics, they treat all criticism the same whether rude or elaborate and well written. And the brief, "rude" remarks save a lot of time that would be otherwise wasted


    • 11 months ago


  5. 11 months ago

    I saw this and I felt bad, but at the same time... Honey, we've only GOT LA representation. That's all we get anymore. Noone makes content about being latino in a different part of the world. It's your story, but it's been the same story we've gotten for the last 10 years.

    • 11 months ago

      I mean when the entire animation industry is located in LA and studios aren't actively seeking talent outside of their closed off community you have to attend a rich college to even get into it's kinda hard to make shows that don't take place there

      • 11 months ago

        >person that lives in a bubble shocked that they are people and worlds outside of bubble
        >blames the latter instead of taking their complaints seriously or apologize for being a EOP pleb and retreats to bubble

        I hate non oppressed ppl with a passion. No one cares about us, I’m saying this as a Mexican non-binary I’m just so done. I hate her so fricking much it hurts, she’ll NEVER EVER BE FRICKING OPPRESSED LIKE AN ACTUAL LATINO IS! I hate her so much I’m so mad. EVERYONE FRICKING HATES US WE NEVER GET REP BUT THIS SHIT I WANT HER TO STFU FOREVER AND SO DOES EVERY SINGLE PERSON ON Cinemaphile AND ALL MY LATINO FRIENDS ITS NOT FRICKING FAIR I WANT REAL REP NOW!!!! ban gringos and whites from writing POC forever!!! I hate her and she deserves to be harassed

        • 11 months ago

          This is why they are obsessed with it. Nobody that was ever actually oppressed, bullied, traumatized in any way or anything like that talks much about it and shills it. Nobody WANTS to be oppressed or be treated like shit because it's fricking crap and it hurts and it makes you feel like absolute shit, so you try to hide it or try to overcome or forget it.
          It only sounds alluring to a kid that never faced any serious problems. To them this is the real life equivalent of the obligatory dark past of fictional heroes. They literally believe they're figures from pop-culture and they measure and compare every experience to popcultural shit since popculture is the only shit basement dweller tumblerinas and rich little kids know anything about.

          • 11 months ago

            They’ll never understand what we’ve been through, NO NON OPPRESSED PERSON SHOULD EVER WRITE AN OPPRESSED MINORITY! EVER! This show is fricking serious and I’m sick of being told by gringos “lmfao it’s just a fricking cartoon, calm down” (Even my own fricking brother told me this, I’m still mad at him bc he doesn’t understand the impact) at least you understand and so does every one else on Cinemaphile. This b***h is a spoiled, rich, gringo monster. I hate Americans I hate privileged people. That’s why I’m writing my own story. She deserves the worst life has to throw at hee

            • 11 months ago

              You tell ‘em, anon

        • 11 months ago



        • 11 months ago

          Is this a pasta?

          • 11 months ago

            It is.

        • 11 months ago

          You... sound like a troll, real mexican would probably use some amount of spanish in their writing

        • 11 months ago

          You’re not oppressed either, go back to twitter

      • 11 months ago

        Hollywood Collapse is too good for it.

      • 11 months ago

        >we need to be more diversity!
        >but only with our kind

    • 11 months ago

      Lmfao someone should hack her social media. She’ll never understand that Mexicans are oppressed and underrepresented af, white ppl shouldn’t write POC ever. This is why in my own original story, I have literally no white ppl or any minority who’s over repped/not oppressed like everyone on Cinemaphile including myself. I hope she gets her info leaked sodkfjfnfnfj her misery is great af lmfaoooooo

      • 11 months ago

        I know you're trolling, but I can't tell who your target is. Are you pretending to be someone who works for the show pretending to be one of us?

      • 11 months ago

        >someone should hack her
        Reading this and knowing the topic is Mexicans, I thought the post would go in a different direction.

    • 11 months ago

      I mean when the entire animation industry is located in LA and studios aren't actively seeking talent outside of their closed off community you have to attend a rich college to even get into it's kinda hard to make shows that don't take place there

      It's ironic. They claim they want diversity but all the people they hire all come from the same places and schools. The stories they choose to create are similar. Everyone now a days in the industry is a trust fund baby. It's never someone from a poor background, or someone who lived in a different country, or anything remotely interesting and different.

  6. 11 months ago

    >person that lives in a bubble shocked that they are people and worlds outside of bubble
    >blames the latter instead of taking their complaints seriously or apologize for being a EOP pleb and retreats to bubble

    • 11 months ago

      >My truth

      Every time I hear some variation of this phrase I want to vomit.

      • 11 months ago

        She has no truth, she’s hurting our community! She deserves this! She fricking deserves it so fricking much! SHE IS LITERALLT HURTING THE LATINO COMMUNITY!!! I hope a cool Latino Chad hacks her Twitter soon

      • 11 months ago

        It's a premium cope attitude of sheltered social media addicts.
        If you have no positive personality trait, no strength, no will to better, the emotional development of a toddler and no hobbies besides LARPing panic attacks then you will resort to make posts about how VALID you are and harass everybody that doesn't agree with that.
        It's the same reason for why these people are obsessed with brand-like identity shit. A normal person has traits and episodes of the past to be proud of and made exciting experiences since early childhood. These people never did nor experienced jackshit so they try to make themselves interesting by adding mental illnesses and 14 ethnicities to their bio.

    • 11 months ago

      I love how her only argument is literally, "am I out of touch? no, it's everyone else who lives outside my neighborhood who are wrong."

      • 11 months ago

        It’s her show. She made it based off how she grew up. If your pissed about representation in a fricking cartoon, you need to touch grass or change the channel.

        • 11 months ago

          Um, my entire floor is grass, chudcel, maybe, just maybe, you should check your privileges.

          • 11 months ago

            Maybe you should check out another cartoon. Zoom zoom.

        • 11 months ago

          Her show is a shit product that will lose the company money, at least it's Disney so nothing of much value was lost

      • 11 months ago

        Fricking kek I knew that scene reminded me of something.

    • 11 months ago

      Breh. Look Amphibia's LA, there's no excuse.

  7. 11 months ago

    If anything else, this entire event has shown me that Mexicans having a thicker skin than "gringos" was complete bullshit.

    • 11 months ago

      No, fricking shut up. Shut the frick up, this is fricking serious as a heart attack, our kind is oppressed, murdered, beaten, and under repped. We’ve delt with so much, and with thick skin, now we’re DONE! Die gringo puta madrè. We don’t want this, ITS ACTUALLY HURTING US!!! Every single person on Cinemaphile is crying out but you bc you’re mayo af. This is a board for POC WE DESERVE TO VENT BC THIS HURTS US!!! This is why I’ll never put overrepped shit in the story I’m writing. Fricking die

    • 11 months ago

      Cinemaphile always told me that Mexicans were based and didn’t cry about racism like those damn Black folk but I guess not

      • 11 months ago

        they only cry when the left does it though no different to the whites on here who get mad when the left does anything

      • 11 months ago

        If anything else, this entire event has shown me that Mexicans having a thicker skin than "gringos" was complete bullshit.

        I guess the only based ones are the Asian

        • 11 months ago

          Shit, the moustache only makes her hotter

        • 11 months ago

          >Correct portrayal of a Mexican woman that accounts for cultural sensitivity
          Unironically, yes. Had the character design and style being nice, cute, and shit, even hot, instead of freaking brown-skinned goblins, then nobody would be complaining (and by "nobody" I mean less people, of course there would still be some left)

    • 11 months ago

      Cinemaphile always told me that Mexicans were based and didn’t cry about racism like those damn Black folk but I guess not

      Chicanos aren't the same as Mexicans, dumbasses. Anyone who works in the industry is guaranteed to act different from someone who lives in Mexico as they are completely different environments.

      • 11 months ago

        We have thin skin and have put up with oppression for so long, she’s the drawing point. I hate her more than anything in the world. The main villian in my story is a Chicano and is slightly based on her, also she’s from America. I think you’ll like it, I have no Chicanos or whites or any kind of American as the main character and it’s mostly focused on bringing light to oppressed groups, story wise.

      • 11 months ago

        But Chicanos aren't the ones b***hing about this show. Mexicans are complaining that a show about Chicanos in LA by a Chicana isn't an accurate representation of Mexico.

        • 11 months ago

          >Mexicans are complaining that a show about Chicanos in LA by a Chicana isn't an accurate representation of Mexico.
          There are some who have the misconception of the show being set in Mexico, instead of LA, that's true.
          But what originally was a mild complain about the portrayal of Mexican culture (even by second or third generation children) and Spanish, escalated into the current shitshow when the creator and main VA replied to said complains in the... not exactly most tactful way possible, specially the VA.

    • 11 months ago

      >Le [false equivalence] xD

    • 11 months ago

      Cinemaphile always told me that Mexicans were based and didn’t cry about racism like those damn Black folk but I guess not

      The real problem was that they used the now equivalent to the "n-word" for non-chicano latinos, i.e. "latinx", in the show related material.

      I'm confident, had they used a different term, most Mexicans and fellow LatinAmericans would have ignored the show and just say "another ugly show by the gringos... anyhow, what's the next anime?"

    • 11 months ago

      So all that seethe about blackwashing and being antipatriotic was my mind playing tricks on me?

    • 11 months ago

      You want the truth?

      Mexicans don't really care about the show, but years and years and years of calling us Latinx is obnoxious and tiresome. we just learned that if we cry wolf your stupid "woke" pieces of shit companies may do something, and this is all cause of YOU, you Americans have successfully exported cultural war to Latam.

    • 11 months ago

      Garbage show made by garbage cartoonists
      for garbage people

      Cinemaphile always told me that Mexicans were based and didn’t cry about racism like those damn Black folk but I guess not

      If you guys like to take it quiet like the fricking cucks you are its not our problem

  8. 11 months ago

    There isn't a human being on earth who is immune to criticism. Why do twitterbabies think they're so special?

  9. 11 months ago

    why are you yelling at us? it's the twittergays throwing their shit at the walls over this show

  10. 11 months ago


  11. 11 months ago

    um who's gonna tell anon that latinos are represented in media made in spanish speaking countries?

    • 11 months ago

      Why tf does it have to be only in our countries? We deserve to be shown in other places too!!! Shut up, literally every single person in this thread feels the same way.


      She deserves it. She deserves the worst

  12. 11 months ago

    We should get rid of all Chicano and hire real Mexicans instead
    One drop is bullshit if you were born in the us you aren't Mexican

    • 11 months ago

      This! Every Mexican I know wants them to go extinct. NON POC SHOULD NEVER WRITE POC EVER! Mexicans are giga chads and hate anyone who isn’t in their circle like Chicano dogs and gringos, were the only good writers! That’s why I’m making my own story with Mexican chars only.

  13. 11 months ago

    >Why tf does it have to be only in our countries?
    becuase the rest of the world wants to see their own people? thats like asking why the japanese hire asian actors or why a swedish tv program has swedish actors. and don't use POC thats the same thing as calling us "coloured"

  14. 11 months ago

    Unironically this. Stop getting mad at fricking cartoons.

    Holy shit this generation is beyond help.

  15. 11 months ago

    So when exactly did cartoons stop being about entertainment and become therapy for trust-fund west coast theater kids?

    • 11 months ago

      I think thats media in general. You can find them in books, music, movies. The only thing that's changed is that they have mass marketing now.

      • 11 months ago

        Poor people can't afford to take a chance on creative industries, basically. If you're wealthy, your family can pay for specialist training (music, acting, art, whatever) and/or support you in other ways (housing, bills, networking, travel costs) while you "follow your dream" in unpaid internships or, at best, poverty line wages. If you fail, it's not the end of the world - you can either try again or do something else. Poor kids don't get the same opportunities, they have to work much harder at worse paying jobs (when by all logic they shouod do anything else) and if they do somehow get a spot at the big time they have to make it work first time or that's it, no refunds. People do their best to fit in to their peer group to avoid washing out, so even if there's at least a little variety in viewpoints and backgrounds initially, it soon self selects for a surprisingly narrow range.

        It's a real problem in places like the UK, which wasn't exactly short of out of touch private school poshos the first place.

        • 11 months ago

          It's so common it's basically it's own genre now, it's like Isekai but with worse writing and awful designs

          Most shows nowadays are some jackass therapy session at this point, especially if they feature generational trauma or have an underdog protagonist that hates on beautiful things

          • 11 months ago

            Well "Stranger in a Strange Land" is an ancient and popular story for a reason, it let's you get really imaginative while also giving you a core of "normal person" to act as a baseline to compare it to and have character development. Isekai is just a modern take on it, but with added "oh god being a Japanese salaryman suuuuuuuuuucks" escapism / "if I was in charge things would be much better" power fantasy. The fantasy here boils down to "I'm special, important and exotic (but in a safe quirky way that I choose rather than is forced upon me)". The generational trauma aspects keep cropping up in anything done by second and third generation immigrants because the people writing them are trying to make their family backgrounds and history (the old country, family members who don't speak the lingo well, poverty and violence or at least the threat of poverty and violence, and yeah at least some racism and prejudice), mesh with their actual existence (middle class American but brown/Polish surname/quirky grandparent/unusual holidays etc). That's one of the reasons the "my truth" stuff stands out and the upset at native South and Central Americans is quite intense in this case - its a rejection of part of who they are that they're quite sincere about, by a group they identify strongly with. Its not even a Hispanic thing, you see it with Midwesterners who head to Europe and especially Germany/Nordic countries. Nobody likes to find out that their people they admire don't care for them at all.

            • 11 months ago

              >The generational trauma aspects keep cropping up in anything done by second and third generation immigrants
              Its also a rejection of their old values and culture, and an embrace of new american values and culture. Like third generation arabs wearing hijab but being lesbian or some shit

              • 11 months ago

                I wouldn't say it's a rejection, per se, it's still trying to navigate one aspect of who they are (lesbian) with another from their background (traditional culture/religion). Again, same sort of dealie as with Primo, the syncretic culture has aspects of both but reflects more of the place and time they grew up in and what they personally find important, while the "foreign" aspects are more surface level and aesthetic. This obviously annoys the people who still live in the "foreign" culture no end, especially when its presented as being sensitive to them or in some way a product of there's. "My culture is not a costume" imperialism, only instead of dreamcatchers and feather head-dresses its cultures that arent going extinct and can therefore flame you online.

                Its especially moronic when they go back to their home countries and act all superior and smug because they grew up in the west or something and their home country is le third world, despite usually being lower educated and poorer then most people in their own home countries.

                Its not their home country though, is the thing. They're Americans. Its no different from some dickhead from Boston going all out with St Patrick's day because they're fourth generation Scots-Irish (which is itself a whole other thing that's funny/insulting to both Scottish and Irish people)

              • 11 months ago

                >Its not their home country though
                Im not even talking about that, its the children of immigrants whose parents travel back to their home country at least once every two years.

            • 11 months ago

              >The generational trauma aspects keep cropping up in anything done by second and third generation immigrants
              Its also a rejection of their old values and culture, and an embrace of new american values and culture. Like third generation arabs wearing hijab but being lesbian or some shit

              I hate when they then start b***hing about not belonging in either.
              >Reject parts of your old culture
              >Don't really embrace the new culture
              Bitch, of cause neither is going to embrace you. You made your own separate third culture.

              • 11 months ago

                Its especially moronic when they go back to their home countries and act all superior and smug because they grew up in the west or something and their home country is le third world, despite usually being lower educated and poorer then most people in their own home countries.

              • 11 months ago

                well if both cultures wouldn't gate keep then none of this would be happening

              • 11 months ago

                I think its because America has this assimilation idea shit. Give up your culture and completely be digested by this new culture. If they just let minorities live in their own quarters/ghettoes both cultures would be enriched by it.

              • 11 months ago

                It all went wrong when they let God damn German swarthoids walk around like they're people. About 60 square miles worth of English with buckles on their hats, that's who America belongs to.

            • 11 months ago

              Most isekai aren't imaginative at all, they are just "average Japanese male self insert is placed into a setting with generic JRPG fantasy tropes, up to and including direct video game concepts like XP and levels". It is so bad that the term "native isekai" is being used to describe settings that have the Dragonquest video game-y stuff but lack any isekai elements. It is cookie cutter and only popular because everyone immediately knows they're getting a wish fulfillment story, often with a "the whole world wronged me but I'll get revenge with my cheat skill" hook.

              Generational trauma, on the other hand, is nothing but a safe way to feel "relatable". "Oh look, my character has problems with their parents just like you :^)". Rather than the hero facing actual external challenges like, you know, a villain; we get to see them bicker with fricking mom and dad.

              • 11 months ago

                Thats kind of interesting, its not a genre I've particularly explored so i hadn't realised it was so homogeneous. Do you think it's pushed more from the audience side or the creator side? Like, are the manga and anime creators responding to demand or are they writing what they know (which ties into your second point, actually, if you're told to write what you know, and all you know is samey rpgs and/or having a falling out with your parents...)

    • 11 months ago

      When cartoons started being made largely by women, since west coast women are basketcases.

    • 11 months ago

      When they forget that their predecessors made their personal issues to ENTERTAIN OTHERS. They forgot the "entertain" part .

  16. 11 months ago

    I'm honestly more upset about how ugly the character designs are

  17. 11 months ago

    maybe next time don't wholesale disrespect the culture and people you are portraying, then they won't tell you you're shit. Same reason most modern reboots are shit, they only want to check boxes and virtue signal, there is no substance, just an attempt to pick your metaphorical pocket.

    • 11 months ago

      Pickpocketing would be at the forefront of your mind wouldn’t it you fricking beaner rat

      • 11 months ago

        >Pickpocketing would be at the forefront of your mind wouldn’t it you fricking beaner rat
        funny but i don't actually care about this show because I'm not part of the culture. I do however understand the ideas and concerns being put forward because it's happened with too many shows already. If you want to go insult "beaners" just go to /misc/ that's 90% of the audience pretending to be american.

      • 11 months ago

        Thats Brazil.

  18. 11 months ago

    Why are modern cartoonists so thin-skinned? And if they didn't want to receive hate then why did they make it ugly in a non-charming way.

    • 11 months ago

      More like why are Hispanics so thin-skinned? Sending death threats over a cartoon all because of the mispronunciation of the title.
      Her "muh colonizer" retort was stupid but the sheer about of autism about this cartoon that isn't even out, just the intro teased is unhinged.

      • 11 months ago

        >More like why are Hispanics so thin-skinned?
        Hispanics did complain about the show when the teaser was released, but it was the replies of both the VA and the creator that snowballed the shitstorm the show is currently in.
        Disney seriously needs to put a muzzle in their creators when it comes to social media, and let professionals hose down the complains in a clever way.

  19. 11 months ago

    What a fricking asshat, so goddamn pretentious. She speaks if she deserves to be above self-doubt.

    • 11 months ago

      I hope she gets hacked and her info LEAKED! Cinemaphile will dance party and call the person a “gigachad!”

      • 11 months ago

        I can't tell if you're being satirical or not which must mean I'm pretty dumb... I think.

        • 11 months ago

          I’m not, I’m pissed off. Sorry my English sucks. I’m done with this shit.



          Frick you

          • 11 months ago

            Your English is great anon, no apologies necessary. I imagine this shit is pretty frustrating.

            • 11 months ago

              It is. I’m actually mad my brother told me to calm down bc “it’s only a cartoon”, but he’s 14 and doesn’t understand the pain. I’m so glad you and everyone else on Cinemaphile feels the same. This shit could destroy us.

  20. 11 months ago

    Only a narcissistic butthole says "my truth"
    Truth isn't something personal or a thing that can be owned, it just is

    These Chicanos are so far up their own asses that they think they speak for someone else outside of their insulated bubble of fecal moronation, then recoil at the fact they are despised by real Latinos that they claim to be

    Her art is shit, her worldview is shit and she is a narcissist that used someone else's money to both virtue signal and make a project about herself that's the truth behind this mess

    • 11 months ago

      I don't think the way she does. Only one of her parents is latino anyways don't lump me in with her.

      • 11 months ago


        Every single Latino in the world and every single person on Cinemaphile hates you!!! SHUT UP!!!! You’re literally hurting us with your bullshit!!! Chicanos are monsters vermin!!!!!!

      • 11 months ago

        I'm going to tell you a little secret, if you hate latinos for despising all Chicanos all you have to do is stop being one

        You are a Gringo and should be proud of being American, we might call you a stupid gringo but we will not call you a Chicano anymore if you embrace the glory of your birthright, you are American be proud of it

        • 11 months ago

          No, they deserve the worst. I hate them. We all do! They are rats, all Americans are rats! I hate them!

          • 11 months ago

            I don't hate gringos, meet a couple of cool Texans and Floridians in my travels
            However the nicest guy from California I ever meet was a mute that spoke sign language, that should tell you how fricking obnoxious, condescending and disgusting those people are

            If a gringo is a gringo hay muere, If a gringo claims to be a Chicano they are the biggest pieces of shit know to man and beast

            • 11 months ago

              Ok how do you feel about Texas?

              Hmm this is another texan psyop to make people hate all non texans. The jig is up I've caught you red handed.

              • 11 months ago

                Not really, I entered a language school and one of our teachers was from Texas, a metal head that was overtly friendly and a general cool dude
                When I went abroad I passed through Texas and one of my fondest memories is that if an elderly couple inviting us to their grilling party, it was nice
                Meanwhile every butthole I have meet from California drained the fun of any place they went into and acted as if they were superior to everyone else

                When I say Texans are nice I mean it

              • 11 months ago

                Frick you Texas and Frick your lonestar beer.

        • 11 months ago

          Not that anon but as devil's advocate I'll say that not everyone can look at America and American history and find it something to be proud of considering all the bad stuff done.

          • 11 months ago

            Racist, transphobic, colonizing country that’s done no good! They should die! I hate them! Every single person on Cinemaphile does too! At least my country is good, excepting and has done good!

            • 11 months ago

              Ok how do you feel about Texas?

              • 11 months ago

                All southern American countries are the worst. Never been, but I’ve heard.

          • 11 months ago

            That's painfully moronic, even koreans can be proud of a general sinking all their fleet, if you aren't pround of the land you were born then you need to look at yourself
            If you can't love yourself you can't love your neighbor, if you can't love your neighbor you can't love your country

            Sadly Americans have a problem with merchants of ugly, they want people sad and disappointed on who they are so they sell them a world where there's nothing to be proud of and you can project your hate for yourself unto your neighbor to feel better about yourself, many swallow those lies and are taught to hate themselves and others hence the lack of love for their own land, it's truly despicable

          • 11 months ago

            Every country on earth did bad shit one time or another

        • 11 months ago

          anon I'm not white

    • 11 months ago

      >Only a narcissistic butthole says "my truth"
      Truth isn't something personal or a thing that can be owned, it just is
      Was struggling for the longest time over how much I despise the 'my truth' thing. It felt like it sprouted from the same idea as 'emotional labor' then bloomed into this glorious font of moronation from morons beating the living frick out of it. Appreciate it anon

      I'm going to tell you a little secret, if you hate latinos for despising all Chicanos all you have to do is stop being one

      You are a Gringo and should be proud of being American, we might call you a stupid gringo but we will not call you a Chicano anymore if you embrace the glory of your birthright, you are American be proud of it

      > you are American be proud of it
      I oddly click with this

      >Muh community in LA hasn't been represented yet
      Let's ignore the other parts of the world for a minute, let's ignore the idea of representing Mexicans correctly and not just this enclave in LA.
      For the major studios besides AS formerly, the entire industry of creators, the entire location these characters are in or are located by, all of that is only representing the small circle in this map.
      Every cartoon recently is taking place in California too now, they don't even try the "it could be anywhere in the US!" bs
      There's such a disconnect with what's airing now because almost all of us don't live in this small circle and can't relate. I live in the most populated part of the US in the northeast and I don't feel my area has ever been represented by animation.
      How can Mexico even get represented right if no where else but one city has representation not only with animators but with the characters too?

      As some one who lived in SoCal for years, high agree. I dont watch cartoons much as I used to, but when I do? It started to look more and more like Californian life. Frick this Primo's shit looks like what fricking Santa ana looks like now which is piss fricking disgusting. Bet this dumb c**t grew up somewhere nice like Brea,or some shit. Wouldent know a 'esse' if he came up and slammed his balls in her face.

      • 11 months ago

        Emotional labor is fine because it's just a fixed way of describing a specific category of things for which there wasn't already a commonly used descriptor. "My truth" is a problem because it means both "how I feel about thing" and "the truth about thing" without indicating which, implicitly negating the authority of the person using it by making room for other people's truths on the same topics where they might not actually be welcome.

  21. 11 months ago

    This show is just bland. It's at least better than garbage like Velma, Owl House, or Harley Quinn.

  22. 11 months ago

    Just for that i'm bullying them even more, frick you. Gargle my dick.

  23. 11 months ago

    they deserve all the hate for not doing a single bit of research, one characters name means little vegana and another characters name is literally a slur, also the place is names terremoto

    • 11 months ago

      >one characters name means little vegana
      I want to believe this was actually full intentional and their way of trying to get crap by Disney.
      It would be so based if it were true.

    • 11 months ago

      >the place is names terremoto
      Only thing that dosent piss me off about this whole thing. So used to cartoon towns having stupid or semi risque names that this revelation felt so nothing.
      >But it takes place in california! the earthquakes anon!
      I am aware, the most we get is 5.0. litterly feels like 3-4 large cargo trucks driving by your house doing 40. There hasent been 'a big one' since the 90dies. We're over due but it would be another 9.0 at worst and nothing of value would be lost

      • 11 months ago

        earth quakes aren't so bad if you live in the desert country side with no tall buildings or trees to squish you

        • 11 months ago

          you'd be surprised. Nearly all of SoCal might as well be a megalopolis but most the buildings out of major 'city' areas are 2-3 stories. Not to mention most of the higher buildings have some earthquake repellent engineering going on. Worse case for the desert areas like 29 palms and yucca vally is all the boomers that invested in wind and solar would immediately be eating shit because of how fricking stupid/useless the green energy is. Never been to the Mohave to see if they have the same problems so who knows what they got up there.

  24. 11 months ago

    Why is every single person in this thread a raging homosexual?

    >Uwu our repsentashion 🙁

    • 11 months ago

      Shut up and leave, you’ll never understand the pain!

      • 11 months ago


        THE PAIN




      • 11 months ago

        You are right, i don't


        Jesus fricking christ. Who gives a fricking frick

    • 11 months ago

      I'm willing to bet most of the outrage here is just larping.

  25. 11 months ago

    Shit as it may be, I don't care for it. Worst case scenario, at least it's original crap I have no business bothering with.
    But in cases of scumbags riding on franchises like He-Man, She-Ra, Scooby-Doo etc, I'll give them all the shit I can and it won't be enough.

  26. 11 months ago

    Whats even happening? Mexicans are at war with chicanos?

    • 11 months ago

      All for having the wrong birth certificate.

      • 11 months ago

        >DUDE IM LE MEXICAN XD (born in burgerland)
        >acts cringy on the internet about MUH ANCESTORHS

        • 11 months ago

          but it's true you'll shit on people even if they aren't obnoxious like the half breed making the show are just because they were born in the wrong place

  27. 11 months ago

    >Muh community in LA hasn't been represented yet
    Let's ignore the other parts of the world for a minute, let's ignore the idea of representing Mexicans correctly and not just this enclave in LA.
    For the major studios besides AS formerly, the entire industry of creators, the entire location these characters are in or are located by, all of that is only representing the small circle in this map.
    Every cartoon recently is taking place in California too now, they don't even try the "it could be anywhere in the US!" bs
    There's such a disconnect with what's airing now because almost all of us don't live in this small circle and can't relate. I live in the most populated part of the US in the northeast and I don't feel my area has ever been represented by animation.
    How can Mexico even get represented right if no where else but one city has representation not only with animators but with the characters too?

    • 11 months ago

      >Live in Jersey
      >Represented by one of the best Cartoon Network shows of all time
      >Haven't had any shows since except for Marvel stuff.

      • 11 months ago

        The place got trashed hard every episode and it was still enjoyable, it's quite a miracle just how timeless this classic is

    • 11 months ago

      >No Cartoons ever set on Long Island.

  28. 11 months ago

    >Drawing herself in brownface
    The showrunner cries out in pain as she strikes you.

  29. 11 months ago

    Literally the easiest thing they could have done was say nothing and it would have died down on its own. The show runner only opened herself up to ridicule by putting out that "Spanish is a colonizer language" video. Latin Americans rib on gringos for getting it wrong literally all the time.

    • 11 months ago

      That wasn't the show runner, that was the main VA

  30. 11 months ago

    Callate Gringo

  31. 11 months ago

    This is kind of like is a black person grew up in the inner city ghetto eating watermelon and fried chicken with their friends Sambo, Jim Crow, and Gator Bait, always scheming to try to get welfare money and trying to become rappers, and then years later innocently decided to make a cartoon about their childhood experiences.

    • 11 months ago

      Shit, man. I'd watch it.

    • 11 months ago

      doesn't watermelon come from africa?

    • 11 months ago

      The Boondocks is getting a new season?

  32. 11 months ago

    Californians are privileged pieces of shit. Nice to see that making it through.

  33. 11 months ago

    your story is a knock off of the loud house and failing to understand spanish

  34. 11 months ago

    >I could have never predicted this.
    Because you live in a L.A. bubble divorced from the opinions of the people you told Disney you were going to represent.

    >My truth.
    No sign of introspection or acknowledgment that just maybe the cartoon was a shitty ugly idea.

    • 11 months ago

      You know it be nice if you could some how say this to her face, or a direct message or something.

  35. 11 months ago


    • 11 months ago

      >Unironically looking cute as a kid
      >Draws her self-insert as a "la globina"
      Let's face it... the problem is the character design, had they been cute, nobody would complain

      • 11 months ago

        The caricature of herself is accurate.
        >glasses. check
        >curtain-like haircut. check
        >awkward tween smile. check
        >tomboyish clothing. check

        The problem is the generic bean-head design which even now entering the 2020s hasn't fricking died. Not ugly, kinda cute, but highly unimaginative.

        • 11 months ago

          I never said it wasn't accurate, though. I said it is ugly.

          Maybe you think it is kinda cute, I guess that is were we are drawing the line on personal taste, and I can respect that. I do agree that it is highly unimaginative.

  36. 11 months ago

    Mexicans will justify this.

    • 11 months ago

      >Picks a cover from 1963
      At least pick one from the current century, anon

      • 11 months ago

        They will justify it this very same year if you asked.

        • 11 months ago

          Probably, but at least then you would have actually earned your "gotcha!"

  37. 11 months ago

    Ok, even if the creator say it's based of LA more than Mexico it still does a shit job at it. It doesn't even look like LA.
    >Where's the homeless people?
    > Where's the cracked out blacks and Mexicans harassing people?
    >Where's the numerous pieces of trash and debris?
    >Where are the gang members and shady people hanging out?
    >Where are the taco stands at every corner?
    >Where are the kids playing soccer on the street?
    >Where are the annoying white liberals in gentrified areas saying everything is fine stop being a bigot?
    You can tell the creator grew up in a sheltered or gentrified area.

    • 11 months ago

      >Mexicans harassing people?
      That's the whole premise of the show

  38. 11 months ago


  39. 11 months ago

    >it's my story
    Then stop demanding that everyone else treats it as their story as well.
    This show is specifically aimed at (You), and a handful of commiefornian chicanos, and noone else.

  40. 11 months ago
  41. 11 months ago

    please stop accidentally being racist
    i'm going to bust a gut

  42. 11 months ago
    Anonymous between this and the lead VA responding to criticism is this thing dead on arrival or is it going to get higher than normal ratings because of the controversy (either from people hate-watching or people watching at of sympathy for the showrunner)?
    Also does Disney not have like social media people to wrangle their crew from dumb stuff like this?

    • 11 months ago

      They do but the issue is they're in on it too so they allow this tard behavior.

      • 11 months ago

        I'm not entirely sure of that. Remember how Dana and Hirsch badmouthed Disney during the entire broadcast of TOH and they never did anything...
        Other than blacklisting Dana and canning the show. Remember, season 3 was practically mercy.

    • 11 months ago

      >is this thing dead on arrival or is it going to get higher than normal ratings
      At this moment, I think it can go either way.
      It will mostly depend on Disney does. Either they show full support to the people behind it... or listens to the backlash and either can this thing, or force the team to redo most of it.

      • 11 months ago

        Normally I could se Disney rework stuff, however this is animation it's expensive even when you cut a lot of corners and after several frick ups Disney seem to be in a very vulnerable position right now

        I don't think they can afford to redo this show, either they release this mess in it's current stage and brave through even more brand damage in order to preserve their favorable loan status with the banks or they can an announced finished diverse show and risk their ESG score lowering after their diversity chief "went for greener pastures", I don't think we can understand how things are actually going in Disney without insiders but almost every product they have been working for the past 3 years is probably getting delayed, reworked or cut in order to save both face and costs wich makes me doubt that primos as a hole has any preferential treatment

        We have to consider how long producing an animation takes, this show probably started development in 2020 when things weren't that rough on Disney and diversity products were seen as a good thing both financially and for brand recognition wich tells me that when the team said they were blindsided by the criticism they weren't joking they fricking lived in a bubble all thorough this show development

    • 11 months ago

      I’m going to watch at least the first episode now out of morbid curiosity

      Would not have given a shit if there was no uproar

  43. 11 months ago

    Creators need to be bullied so they learn to do what they want despite criticism but also so they learn to never pander, the entire Spanish speaking world hates this woman and have disowned her from their race because they are not only Grammar Nazi's but regular Nazi's who are angry she pointed out they will never be white, and that's perfectly fine, no one can call themselves a true artist without receiving multiple death threats or even outright assassination attempts.
    It's your fault you died if you don't own a gun.

    • 11 months ago

      Hehe oye primos is funny

      • 11 months ago

        Hehe ye

    • 11 months ago

      Was this better or worse than that Sinagporean Comedian who made that bad MH370 joke at Malaysia's expense?

      • 11 months ago

        Worse, the guy didn't basically get democratically branded a race traitor over a grammatical error and pointing out that he isn't white.

      • 11 months ago

        When it comes to humor, those people a abit more lenient, since half of the stuff is true.

    • 11 months ago

      As a latinex I say this, unironically.

  44. 11 months ago

    I can appreciate the idea of persevering through trouble and resistance, but at the same time as an artist you have a sincere religious duty to maintain the highest standards of your art possible.
    Primos is not that, and dying on the hill of it likes its some substantial contribution to culture when it's just a self-insert comedy is misguided and self-defeating, because it isn't something you should be attaching your identity to even at its best.

    • 11 months ago

      >as an artist you have a sincere religious duty to maintain the highest standards of your art possible.
      This thread has the funniest takes. Gonna think about this looking at my inflation fur porn.

      • 11 months ago

        Hey, some of the best furry art is made with that mindset.

      • 11 months ago

        >This thread has the funniest takes.
        M'lady two thirds, if not more, of this thread is blatant bait. I know women have no sense of humour but come on its so obvious these fellers are joking

  45. 11 months ago

    >sending mails to korean slave shops

  46. 11 months ago

    I feel like there's a lack of Espanol in those messages/comments.

    Did she leave those out on purpose?
    Cause you cant tell me you angered mexicans about the language and not get a single angry letter that isnt in espanol

  47. 11 months ago
    • 11 months ago


      • 11 months ago


        >as an artist you have a sincere religious duty to maintain the highest standards of your art possible.
        This thread has the funniest takes. Gonna think about this looking at my inflation fur porn.

        Ok, so pornography is wrong and you do wrong things is what you're saying

        well let this be a lesson that the people you were trying to represent are in fact reprehensible.

        Yup, trips of truth confirm representation is moronic and will always backfire with the ethnic group in question threatening to kill you like the savages they are.

        Quit talking to yourself as you desperately try to repair your wounded ego from the industry getting rightfully blasted by mexicans

  48. 11 months ago

    >I'm proud I'm proud I'm proud
    Pryde is a sin

  49. 11 months ago

    well let this be a lesson that the people you were trying to represent are in fact reprehensible.

    • 11 months ago

      Yup, trips of truth confirm representation is moronic and will always backfire with the ethnic group in question threatening to kill you like the savages they are.

      • 11 months ago

        latinos have higher testosterone than blacks

  50. 11 months ago

    Primos looks forgettably cringe, but the overwhelming seethe latinos had over it is kind of bizarre and unwarranted tbqh. It's just a dumb cartoon about a chicano in California, not some serious projection about the entirety of latino experience like damn.

    • 11 months ago

      Broken Spanish is nothing new, other media has far more broken shit. Every sign in Spanish in GTA is gibberish, you won't see anybody crying about it.
      Sure, people laughed at "oye primos" because it's a stupid thing to say, but the outrage only started thanks to the moronic c**t that defended the broken Spanish by saying that talking Spanish is LE BAD and, on top of that, she pretended her personal opinion was the real reason the show had been written that way. If she hadn't said anything, no one would have given a frick about the show.

      • 11 months ago

        The difference is that GTA isn't directed at Latinos, and the "oye primos" is in the OP of the show - front and center.

        • 11 months ago

          Ironically latinos love the shit out of GTA, specially san andreas

    • 11 months ago

      You're forgetting that being "latinx" is 100% the creator's entire identity.
      A "Latinx Person of Color" getting Spanish wrong and getting all defensive about it when actual native speakers from actual Mexico are correcting you is like someone calling themselves a "Grandmaster of Chess" and forgetting how the Knight piece moves, then yelling at actual chess players that correct you.
      She then doubled down, and now this is, what, "tripling down"?

  51. 11 months ago

    Weird lady, we're just random people dunking on something we see as an awful product. None of us care about your 'muh story' because it's the same shit we've seen for the past years. what makes yours different, the fact that your a different shade of brown?
    The world's burden doesn't fall on your shoulders. The world won't cease to exist if your story isn't told. Stop trying to drum up sympathy of an issue that really doesn't matter.

  52. 11 months ago

    She gets the victimization complex from the other half of her ethnicity

  53. 11 months ago

    >Stop bullying the audience, they are the ones that give you ratings and money

    There homosexual.

  54. 11 months ago

    It is an injustice but hard work doesn't guarantee a good end result. Also in the case of the showrunners, they make cartoons they want to watch, not we and our children.

  55. 11 months ago

    i hate when these people act like they are innocent children when they're in their thirdies with all kinds of skeletons in their closet (specially when considering they're animators). This disgusting behavior is a big red flag that this a toxic person.

  56. 11 months ago

    I'm not going to reply to Guy of all people lmao.

    • 11 months ago

      Ok wanker, enjoy either racist narcissism projects like this or stuff that draws on my teenage self being badly plagiarized like spider-verse, which has obvious Homestuck influence

      Oh no people online told her to kill herself, praying for her 🙁

      Industry people were okay with me being told that so it's obviously NBD

  57. 11 months ago

    b***h is getting a reality check.

  58. 11 months ago

    Oh no people online told her to kill herself, praying for her 🙁

  59. 11 months ago

    >They and their staff work HARD
    Stopped reading right there. Just because your work took a lot of effort, does not make it valuable. Hard work can and often does go to waste. Shit is shit, regardless of how hard you had to work to push it out.

  60. 11 months ago

    to me, people who can't take criticism came from another universe... or are children
    somebody somewhere doesn't like me? so what? I like what I do! that's all that matters!
    unless I secretly agree with the criticism

  61. 11 months ago

    I really wish the obvious self insert shit would just end already. Something like Gravity Falls is okay because it had an actual story going on.
    But this is supposed to be interesting and worth watching simply because it was her life. Pure narcissism right there.

    • 11 months ago

      Worked for the loud house.

      • 11 months ago

        The guy has 9 female siblings for real?

      • 11 months ago

        That usually only works if the person had a particularly odd life growing up. It's like a reality show where you have a family of dwarves or have 18 adopted children.

  62. 11 months ago

    >her last name is Kline
    Jews are so pathetic

  63. 11 months ago

    I mean the show looks lame but I don’t think it’s offensive enough to go after the showrunner like that.

  64. 11 months ago

    >to all those who question me... I'm sending you so much love. I want you to know that I'm holding this story in my heart so closely
    Hmm should I look at myself in the mirror a little bit and realize I fricked up big time with this little self insert fantasy into a culture I dont know anything about?
    >nahhhh I'm going to be even more patronizing and condescending
    I hope this b***h gets eaten alive

  65. 11 months ago

    Nobody is buying your, "I send much love to my haters!" moral high ground bullshit. We all know you're seething and raging to your friends and co-workers and obsessively checking comments that make you rage and cry.

  66. 11 months ago

    Serious question to every second-gen outside of LA or the US, can you even related to anything from that series from the shit you've seen so far?
    Because I can't. There are a bunch of issues I and other I know might face as kids of immigrants from southern countries, but everything in this shit is alien to me so I don't know if it's just me or some LA only issue. For once, all immigrants I know have huge families AT HOME, almost all of them are lonely in the new countries they settled. Most of them have one kid and no other relatives nearby and the kids always learn the mother-tongue of the parents. This is the central opposite of the shit the show seems to show or be about. Maybe it's normal for immigrants to immigrate with 50 other people and get 10 kids that never learn their language but it's certainly not something many others can relate with.

  67. 11 months ago

    No. We must bully them. Bullying has a purpose, and this is the time to use it.

  68. 11 months ago

    All of this energy, effort, emotional trauma, digging into your personal past and baring your vulnerabilities online. All of this bullshit could be avoided if she had the humility to re-record a single line in the intro song.
    I can have all the sympathy for her, doesn't change the fact what they did as a whole was stupid. The damage was self-inflicted.

    • 11 months ago

      These people are probably proud of being EOPs it makes them more oppressed or something. Bet she will claim to have a mental issue that prevents her from learning languages.

    • 11 months ago

      This baffles me too.
      Shit like that happened a billion times in the past. And everytime it happened, the show runner would apologize, thank the fans and promise to edit that bit. Then everybody would be happy. Mistakes like that happen all the time and creators either laugh about it and say sorry if it cannot be changed anymore or change it and thank others for mentioning it since they want to represent the culture of characters properly. What's so hard about this? Even world-renown movies have mistakes somewhere.

    • 11 months ago

      >All of this bullshit could be avoided if she had the humility to re-record a single line in the intro song.
      But what if Tater really can't speak Spanish well and that's a part of her character?

      • 11 months ago

        The characters are supposed to speak it so it's just her being moronic and disconnected from a culture she claims to be part of.

      • 11 months ago

        Then you say that simply and plainly, and disavow the stupid comments made by your VA. No need for all this extra bullshit about how special you think you are by being shit at Spanish, how that makes you a victim, or how this is the immigrant experience. There are millions of 2nd gen immigrants who don't make 1st grade grammar errors because they actually care about their culture. She doesn't get to bring all of them down to her level just to protect her ego.

    • 11 months ago

      >kneel to those that want you dead
      That literally the dumbest thing she could do. It’s best to just ignore the xi-cano snowflakes and let them get a new obsession to cry about.

      • 11 months ago

        >Ignore the target audience
        That's the winning strategy that brought us failure after failure from the industry

      • 11 months ago

        No. Apologizing to the woke mob who aren't your audience and has made it their mission to destroy lives is dumb.
        Apologizing to people your crew directly insulted simply for pointing out an objective mistake is the right thing to do.

      • 11 months ago

        The snowflakes are the upper middleclass kids from the US that LARP as immigrants like her, not the latinos she shits on.

  69. 11 months ago

    I’m raising a child so yeah there’s that. I’ll tell them the same thing I tell my kid, not everyone’s going to like you and that’s ok, but try to find people that do and no matter what remember family is forever and it’s only important that you like you, now what would you like to do.

  70. 11 months ago

    Do you think this b***h will kill herself if people bully her more?

  71. 11 months ago

    >my narcissistic autobiography and shitty city overrides your hating the poor quality of my work

  72. 11 months ago

    if you have internet access then you aren't oppressed...

  73. 11 months ago

    No. Also, join me in bullying comics people, they deserve it even more.

  74. 11 months ago

    >my truth
    Into the trash it goes.

  75. 11 months ago

    Everyone here is fragile but to be honest I'm actually on her side since it's her job.

    Everyone is free to say "I hate your fricking cartoon show it sucks ass" but being so TRIGGERED that you threaten to kill people or tell them to kill themselves is crazy schizophrenic tumblrtard unstable hysterical snowflake shit.

    It's just a fricking cartoon. Just say "I hate your fricking cartoon it's shit." Then it's their fault if they overreact since everyone is free to like or not like a fricking cartoon. No snowflake easily offended fragile egos OR death threats OR big Hollywood egos needed.

    God fricking damn it everybody GROW THE FRICK UP.

    • 11 months ago

      >that you threaten to kill people or tell them to kill themselves
      Nobody was doing that. Maybe a handful a people at best, but no more than the usual amount you get when you browse the internet and scroll past an occasional "kys". The overwhelming majority of people were complaining that she/Disney were being racist and calling her a gringo and chicano. The "THEY SENT ME D-D-D-DEATH THREATS" is often cope by people to try and amp up negative e-noise as being "scary" and "threatening" when the only fricking thing that happened was that people tweeted, made some YouTube videos, and hit the dislike button on her intro reveal.

  76. 11 months ago

    How is it hard work to write your self insert. This moron really expected everyone to just clap for no reason.

  77. 11 months ago


  78. 11 months ago

    All this shit is blown out of proportion but the creator shouldn't have put out that video. As much as I hate how companies act most of the time, they're the best when it comes to dealing with controversy. Give a non-answer and shut up. They don't always do that but that's the best way to handle situations and when they do it they do it very well.

    • 11 months ago

      That wasn't the creator. That was the lead voice actress.

      • 11 months ago

        That's even better. Just fire her and hire a new VA. Make sure everyone knows.
        >but that's too expensive!
        It's a PR move and makes an example of idiots making things worse.

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