Superman: Legacy will be a critical and financial success. There's no non-schizo reason to believe otherwise.

Superman: Legacy will be a critical and financial success. There's no non-schizo reason to believe otherwise.

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  1. 7 months ago

    At this point I don't care anymore

    • 7 months ago

      Caring about live-action capeshit was always foolish. If you like capeshit, just read the comics, where there's decades of stories, many of which are great. Plenty of material to last a lifetime of reading.

    • 7 months ago

      >At this point I don't care anymore
      I've sadly hit this point with DC movies and the MCU. Aquaman 2 was the last one I actually wanted to see and the rumor industry has been saying for a long time it's going to suck.

      I just don't trust 2020s Hollywood to make superhero movies or casting decisions human beings would want to see, and it's hard to get excited about another reboot.

  2. 7 months ago

    I wouldn't bet on financial to be honest. I'm excited for it but I'm not sure enough time will have passed between now and 2025 for general audiences to be on board with DC again.

    • 7 months ago

      Counter point: the strikes have fricked up release schedules and the landscape is looking dire.

      People will come out to see blockbusters if it has some kind of spark to it: Barbie, Kong vs Godzilla, Planet of the Apes, Super Mario Bros.

      People are burned out by bad capeshit but there's still goodwill for Pattinson's Batman, Joaquin's Joker and Gunn's Peacemaker.

      A well done trailer will get people excited.

      • 7 months ago

        What ultimately matters is the sunk cost fallacy of Warner Bros.

        The schizoid on this board need to pull the stick out of their ass: Gunn's Chapter 1 sounds fun and intriguing. It's all about the execution and I'm optimistic based on his track record.

        But will Zaslav be willing to stick with it if he doesn't get an immediate (unrealistic) billion dollar return on investment? Will he sell WB before that point?

        • 7 months ago

          You’re an easily influenced ideal consoomer whose standards of quality and overall expectations are in the shitter by design, congrats

  3. 7 months ago

    Audiences don't want superhero movies anymore. This will crater just like The Marvels, Blue Beetle, and all the other capeshit Hollywood tried to force down our throats this year

  4. 7 months ago

    I think at best it'll be a moderate success and at worst it'll under-perform for WB's expectations. Either way I imagine it'll be a good movie. I don't think James Gunns' DC universe is gonna materialize, but getting an honest-to-god good Superman movie would be a really nice bookend to the reign of comic book movies

    • 7 months ago

      >I imagine it'll be a good movie.
      It will be technical proficient and, if you don't care about DC or about Superman, it might be a decent enough movie, as I felt GotG v3 was, but it wasn't worth the price (and I didn't pay to see it, a friend did, but it did cost me 2+ hours of my day).

      It will be received somewhere between Superman Returns and Man of Steel.

      Most of the complaints from normies will be from people who don't like Superman to begin with, and will gloss over the actual flaws with the movie to complain about the same cliché shit like how Superman is "boring". The rest of the complaints will be about making characters black, gay, female, and other psyop crap forced in by Hollywood israelites.

      Only Cult Followers now praise MoS, and even people who liked their first impressions of Returns don't necessarily think that any longer. At best, there are people that will defend certain things about each or both films but very few (non-cult minions) who will defend either in their entirety. So that's damning with VERY faint praise, friend.

      • 7 months ago

        >that's damning with VERY faint praise, friend.
        Yeah, that's kinda what I was going for.

      • 7 months ago

        Damn indeed guardians 3 was a waste of 3 hours. Black guy loses to a pouncing baby raccoon. Whatever the name of the MC, he has his signature rocket boots and helm all the time, except when he gets spaced. But then survives anyway, so why? To make that scene from that painting about god and man, with the golden eyebrows guy?
        I took a shit yesterday and it was better written than that. He's not going to write something better than Snyder, so the question boils down to who does the better special effects?

  5. 7 months ago

    It will be received somewhere between Superman Returns and Man of Steel.

    Most of the complaints from normies will be from people who don't like Superman to begin with, and will gloss over the actual flaws with the movie to complain about the same cliché shit like how Superman is "boring". The rest of the complaints will be about making characters black, gay, female, and other psyop crap forced in by Hollywood israelites.

    • 7 months ago

      I don't think any of the casted Superman characters have been raceswapped or genderbent, they're all white

      • 7 months ago

        Perry and Lana aren't in the clear yet

      • 7 months ago

        We both know they're casting a black guy as Perry.

        Perry and Lana aren't in the clear yet

        I don't think Lana will be in this movie.

  6. 7 months ago

    every single dc film since the revamp has bombed, marvel movies are now bombing, shit isnt looking good

  7. 7 months ago

    Don't care. Won't watch.

  8. 7 months ago

    >Superman: Legacy will be a critical and financial success.
    Good one.

  9. 7 months ago

    I just want the trunks and the cape S back

  10. 7 months ago

    jesus i dont remember adam savage looking so old

  11. 7 months ago

    by financial success, you mean that it will make about as much as The Batman, and IF all the other DCU movies/shows are good, the Justice League movie MIGHT make a billion dollars

  12. 7 months ago

    Unironically, it can, as long as it doesn't suck. Unlike the deluge of other cape flicks this year, a Superman movie is something the public has actually been craving for and will turn out for it out of curiosity. If it's good then everyone will go.Superman, Batman, and Spider-man are the only characters largely immune to any perceived fatigue in the genre.

  13. 7 months ago

    Sure sure. Like the last 3 superman movies. Face it. Superman is cursed.

    • 7 months ago

      >Face it. Superman is cursed.
      No he's not. He's just a bad character.

      • 7 months ago

        There are no bad characters, only bad writers

      • 7 months ago

        >shitty writers make shitty stories
        >dur it’s the imagined characters fault
        People like you are why the talent pool is down the shitter.

  14. 7 months ago

    >Like Stephen King, Gunn thought the Flash was great
    Reason enough

  15. 7 months ago

    Is this the movie with the leaked plot about Superman fighting islamic terrorists in the middle east? I can see it being a success, cia propaganda pays well.

  16. 7 months ago

    its coming out on my 31st birthday, its not often big budget films are released on July 11th like ever.

    • 7 months ago

      That's because the premiere date is Gunn's late dad's birthday

  17. 7 months ago

    Gunn got lucky with guardians, you can already see that his suicide squad did nothing.

  18. 7 months ago

    why are indians seething so much at him

  19. 7 months ago

    Literally the only movie I care about is the Authority movie but at the same time I'm deathly afraid of it. The team has had so many bad runs and the only character to have anything halfway decent in the last decade was Midnighter and I guess Jack was ok in that one issue of Ram V's Swamp Thing

  20. 7 months ago

    >There's no non-schizo reason to believe otherwise.
    Every Gunn take on superheroes/villains has been misfit Losers/buttholes/Doofuses. All of them.
    Perhaps the OP would like to explain how that successfully translates to Superman and the Justice League. Formerly Known as the Justice League, sure. Full of losers, buttholes and doofuses.
    But the Trinity and the rest? I don't think so Tim.

    • 7 months ago

      i can at least appreciate an attempt to try something different. i think Gunn is challenging himself by doing Superman and playing him straight.

      • 7 months ago

        We don't know that he's trying something different. Whedon, Snyder, Raimi, Wan and the rest, they all fall back into their "styles". When you are a big-boy director getting quarter-billion budgets I think you naturally assume you are the breasts and what they want is your distinct movie-making style.

        • 7 months ago

          WBD looks at Gunn's body of work and the relative success he's had with the Superhero genre; what makes you think that they are asking him to make "Superman, but not James Gunn signature style"?
          That doesn't seem rational?

          all i know is that Gunn did say that Superman isn't a "comedy"

          • 7 months ago

            Okay, so what is James Gunn's record with non-comedy films? Also, he probably doesn't consider GotG3 a "comedy", but I sure do.

      • 7 months ago

        WBD looks at Gunn's body of work and the relative success he's had with the Superhero genre; what makes you think that they are asking him to make "Superman, but not James Gunn signature style"?
        That doesn't seem rational?

    • 7 months ago

      You just described Justice League International. I'd be psyched to see James Gunn adapt that into a movie.

      • 7 months ago

        And I'd love to see Nextwave movie, but can studios draw an audience and sustain an expensive franchise based on JLI or Nextwave?

        Disney has made it's pile of billions with Marvel and it's stock has climbed back to pre-pandemic.
        They can afford to make Eternals 2.
        WBD has thrown away billions for little return, and it's stock is heading to junk status, I'd argue they can't really afford to make "silly Superman".
        Gunn Skwad never really caught fire, and supposedly Robbie is a huge star with a popular character?

      • 7 months ago

        And yes, I'd be psyched to see Gunn doing JLI alongside a thriving DCU, but he's being brought in to renovate Superman.
        And I question that Gunn can do Superman at all, I don't see anything on his resume suggesting he can?

  21. 7 months ago

    And for the record, Snyder himself tried to make the League into this;
    Doofus Flash and Aquaman (WW comes off as a doofus unintentionally)
    Loser Cyborg
    butthole Batman
    with Superman pivoting between all 3.

    And no one was impressed outside of Poosylvania.

  22. 7 months ago

    Mostly because the only comic book Snyder was familiar with was Watchmen, so he tried to make the Justice League into "goofy Watchmen" for the kiddies.
    Or the characters in Watchmen into the supr srs Justice League, given they became the team called Watchmen (lol).

    In any case Gunn doing Superman and the rest is like putting Garth Ennis in control of DC comics.

  23. 7 months ago

    Legacy is probably going to be a hit if mostly just because James Gunn's name is attached, what's more interesting to speculate on is if the rest of the DCU can succeed.

    The game is already rigged against them, they can't use most of the classic Justice League characters because most of their movies or sequels bombed so they're mostly resorting to niche heroes or teams, they're making a Batman movie that's going to compete with the other currently ongoing Batman franchise, and they're attempting to pull off an overarching narrative that involves noth movies/shows but somehow tries not to feel like homework to watch.

    I suppose the first point doesn't matter since the audience that watches comic book movies don't really read comics and Gunn could hypothetically build a DC franchise that's mostly built on obscure characters but it still feels like he's putting too much faith on the average movie goer to know stuff like the difference between the DCEU and DCU, Reeves and DCU Batman, and to be able to watch and catch up on everything.

    • 7 months ago

      The Reeves Batman film isn't terribly popular; it garnered a lot of box office simply by being the umpteenth Batman reboot. It's a dull spin-off of Nolanbats, which made big monies purely on the strength of it's villain casting; Sparklebats has thus far had shit villain casting (Penguin is just mobster-guy, sorry).
      >the game is already rigged against them
      No one forced WB(D) to make and release this shit. WB churned it out with enthusiasm, and Discovery paid (too much) to take over and throw this slop into theaters.
      Their biggest problems are:
      1. they non-stop shove these movies into theaters, even Disney has decided a break is in order next year.
      2. they are almost out of monies; WBD struggles to maintain a $10 stock valuation and they are 50 billion in the hole, they legit don't have the resources to keep at this with any sort of budget.

      • 7 months ago

        >The Reeves Batman film isn't terribly popular
        And you're basing this on your own personal opinion of the movie?

        • 7 months ago

          It fell well below the performance of the last few Batman films. I take that the same way that Sony did with ASM2, a movie that adjusted grossed the same as The Batman.

  24. 7 months ago

    Each and every one of this man's movies have been an astonishing failure.

  25. 7 months ago

    >There's no non-schizo reason to believe otherwise.
    Superman isn’t a popular character half of his films are flops and his knock offs are more popular with the GA currently. What’s even worse, if the rumors are true Spider-Man 4 will came out right before Legacy.

    • 7 months ago

      only 2 movie had a director who wanted to make a movie but the israelites where greedy, check the making of the superman movies

  26. 7 months ago

    This movie was announced 1 year ago and is still 1.5 years away from release. People's interest has already waned. We're still up for the upcoming Aquaflop which I almost forgot about.

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