Sym-Bionic Titan

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  1. 8 months ago

    Wasn't it written off for tax purposes? Doesn't that mean they legally can't make money off it anymore?

    • 8 months ago

      Basically yes but that doesn't mean Genndy can't try and get the rights back and finish the story himself through crowd funding

      • 8 months ago

        Yeah happened for FinalSpace.

      • 8 months ago

        Why hasn't Genndy tried to bring this back?

        >Creator known for having a 0/3 record of sticking the landing for shows in the last 10 years wants help to "finish" a show he made that people like.
        Lmao no, Genndy guaranteed would just make the series worse, as he's proven he can't wrap up a story to save his life.

        This is more of a full quote

        >On top of Primal, you've done a lot of great series over the years. So I do have to ask, with all the reboots and sequels and new seasons we've gotten lately, do you have an interest in maybe returning to Dexter's Laboratory or Sym-Bionic Titan as those are some of the most highly requested by fans?

        >TARTAKOVSKY: Dexter probably no. Because number one, the voice actress [Christine Cavanaugh] passed away and she was such the soul of Dexter I don't feel comfortable trying to replace her in a way. And we've done so many of them. I don't know why there's more to be done. You know what I mean? It's kind of a weird thing. Titan, for sure. Yeah, that story's not finished. We have more things written already and figured out for it to finish, but somebody's got to want to finish it.

        >It's not up to me. It's not like I can go, okay, Genndy, here's $10 million or whatever. My life doesn't work like that. It's still, well, "Why should we do it? Why was this canceled?...Are people going to watch it?" You still have to resell it and have people want to pay for it. It's not up to me. Yeah, that's probably the only thing I would return to. Obviously there's more Primal planned, and hopefully I'll get to do it, but looking backwards, I have too much new stuff that I still want to do. Unicorn is just scratching the surface of where I want to go.

        He also created Sym-Bionic Titan too

  2. 8 months ago


  3. 8 months ago

    Why hasn't Genndy tried to bring this back?

    • 8 months ago
      • 8 months ago

        >Symbolic TItans

        • 8 months ago

          >Symbolic tight-ends

    • 8 months ago

      This is more of a full quote

      >On top of Primal, you've done a lot of great series over the years. So I do have to ask, with all the reboots and sequels and new seasons we've gotten lately, do you have an interest in maybe returning to Dexter's Laboratory or Sym-Bionic Titan as those are some of the most highly requested by fans?

      >TARTAKOVSKY: Dexter probably no. Because number one, the voice actress [Christine Cavanaugh] passed away and she was such the soul of Dexter I don't feel comfortable trying to replace her in a way. And we've done so many of them. I don't know why there's more to be done. You know what I mean? It's kind of a weird thing. Titan, for sure. Yeah, that story's not finished. We have more things written already and figured out for it to finish, but somebody's got to want to finish it.

      >It's not up to me. It's not like I can go, okay, Genndy, here's $10 million or whatever. My life doesn't work like that. It's still, well, "Why should we do it? Why was this canceled?...Are people going to watch it?" You still have to resell it and have people want to pay for it. It's not up to me. Yeah, that's probably the only thing I would return to. Obviously there's more Primal planned, and hopefully I'll get to do it, but looking backwards, I have too much new stuff that I still want to do. Unicorn is just scratching the surface of where I want to go.

      • 8 months ago

        His run of Dexter's Lab had a good ending

        CONTROVERSIAL statement but I think Dexter COULD have a cute live action show if done right.

  4. 8 months ago

    >Creator known for having a 0/3 record of sticking the landing for shows in the last 10 years wants help to "finish" a show he made that people like.
    Lmao no, Genndy guaranteed would just make the series worse, as he's proven he can't wrap up a story to save his life.

    • 8 months ago

      His run of Dexter's Lab had a good ending

  5. 8 months ago

    What do you guys want to see if it continues? I would have liked to have seen the Pink Dragon return.

  6. 8 months ago

    I think they had more episodes planned and an idea of an ending. So it wouldn't be like a Samurai Jack change after 12 years.

  7. 8 months ago

    get a richanon to buy the rights back

  8. 8 months ago

    I don’t trust him to finish shows anymore

  9. 8 months ago

    Not motivated enough, ask me when Megas comes back

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