Taika Waititi Admits Struggles With THOR: LOVE AND THUNDER

>"It was very difficult to find the right tone. I want my films to be entertaining, and I like a lot of humor in them - to poke fun not only at the idea of the Space Viking, but also to poke fun at humans and how we bumble our way through life on this planet."

>"The comic run is very serious, and Jane’s story is especially tense. And so to try to find humor around that stuff, as well as making it an emotional story, was always going to be difficult. And we struggled with that. We wrestled with it throughout the edit, right up until we finished the film."

>"We did funny scenes about having cancer, we did way more tragic scenes about having cancer. Some audiences really loved the humor part of it. Some audiences really wanted it to be just like the comics. But, you know, I always say, if you want it to be exactly like the comics read the comic. You've got to change things here and there to make it a film."


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  1. 8 months ago

    >You've got to change things here and there to make it a film."
    But he literally just said that he made it funny on purpose and could have made it serious like the comic. ?????

  2. 8 months ago

    >I made a tonally inconsistent film
    >If fans of the comic book character said film is based upon don't like his representation they can still kick sand
    Okay? I don't get why every MCU director feels so above the comics they're blatantly pulling entire story threads from

    • 8 months ago

      >If fans of the comic book character said film is based upon don't like his representation they can still kick sand
      I'm not a great lad of David's but that's the least comic book fans deserve.

  3. 8 months ago

    He's only mad you thought it was shit, this is how creators are. If it had made 1.4 billion dollars and everyone sucked his dick he wouldn't feel conflicted about it.

  4. 8 months ago

    le wacky "maori" man whose real name is Cohen

  5. 8 months ago

    Sometimes it's ok not to make something funny

    • 8 months ago

      Fricking Ben Stiller made "Escape at Dannemora", it's not impossible to branch off and make something dramatic.

      Also if Taika thought that he had struggles with the script of Thor Love and Thunder then he has no idea of the struggles I had with watching it.

  6. 8 months ago

    Snyder was right in the end.

    • 8 months ago

      As always

  7. 8 months ago

    >You've got to change things here and there to make it a film.

  8. 8 months ago

    >>"The comic run is very serious, and Jane’s story is especially tense. And so to try to find humor around that stuff, as well as making it an emotional story, was always going to be difficult.

    Hey, Taika, I have a suggestion - don't do it if you have serious subject matter you want to treat like an SNL skit.

  9. 8 months ago

    This was the first MCU film since infinity war I checked out from and never watched. I am glad I made that choice.

    • 8 months ago

      >This was the first MCU film since infinity war I checked out from and never watched

      Age of Ultron didn't disorient you with the nauseating quips?

    • 8 months ago

      Got3 should have been your choice, Gunn left and every movie since has been bad or nostalgia injection.

  10. 8 months ago

    I bailed early on. Something about Quill doing a 180 turn and celebrating the arrival of Thor (similar to Hulkbuster Banner in Infinity War) rubbed me the wrong way. Later in a different film, Groot says, "I love you guys". Marvel is rubbing me raw.

    • 8 months ago

      >Groot says, "I love you guys".
      That was kino and you didn't get it.

  11. 8 months ago

    Also, the director famously laughed at how bad the CGI was.

    I'm sorry, but as a writer/director/producer, I think overseeing the film in it's entirety is part of the job description. I understand this was a cash grab and his heart wasn't in it, but at least do the bare minimum. Dude didn't event check out the special effects or CGI prior to release?


    • 8 months ago

      Marvel movies aren't directed. They are manufactured on an assembly line in New Delhi.

  12. 8 months ago

    Just my opinion but Thor love and thunder is th best marvel movie next to guardians of the galaxy

    Taika has to pretend the movie struggled because of the negative backlash but frick the fans. I liked it.

    • 8 months ago

      Movie was trash. The kids powering up was the definition of anti-kino. Only the parts with Bale in it are good. Last part with Bale and Eternity was the best part.

  13. 8 months ago

    >And so to try to find humor around that stuff, as well as making it an emotional story, was always going to be difficult. And we struggled with that.
    >We did funny scenes about having cancer
    the end result was goats screaming like in memes...

  14. 8 months ago

    He's a hack. He ruined Thor by turning him into a clownshoes.

    • 8 months ago

      He is just a henchman. He was brought in by Hemsworth to get rid of Hiddleston coz he was jealous of him. Ironic that without Loki his franchise went to shit

    • 8 months ago

      that Ragnarock film was alright but it did make him a buffoon.
      He is a completely different character in Avengers Infinity War. Then he is back to be a buffoon in End Game.

  15. 8 months ago

    Man this guy had so much potential, he made pretty good movies and then he hit it big with Thor Ragnarok and then he was a name that everyone wanted, he was involved with Star Wars, Jojo Rabbit got him an Oscar... And then it all fell apart, Love and Thunder was a disaster and his newest movie bombed critically and will bomb financially

  16. 8 months ago

    IMHO: Taika Waititi is a talented director who either does not or cannot bring that talent to bear in his MCU projects, because he feels no remote interest in or organic connection to the material. He's not doing this because he's passionate about the world, characters or any of this other science-fantasy bullshit, he's here because Disney offered him a lot of money to direct some of their slops so they can trick normies into thinking there's some culture involved ("Ooh a foreign director with an exotic name!") and TW took the money and ran. I don't blame him for handling it like this.

  17. 8 months ago

    >You've got to change things here and there to make it a film.

    What he means is to get it made as a film. There is absolutely zero reason why comic book stories couldnt be adapted near directly.

    Am I asking for a direct one to one copy? Well, it worked for sin city, but no, nothing needs to be one to one, but you can keep a consistent tone to the character people have shown up to see.

    Hollywood is the only industry that takes someone else's property and feels this need to alter it.

    Why not just start pissing in Coke bottles and selling it to people saying, Well, we have to change things a little.

  18. 8 months ago

    He's terrible. All his films are crap.
    What we do in the shadows was good because Jemaine Clement wrote and directed it.

    He's also never read a comic book in his life. Neither have I because they're for 4 year old morons, but i don't pretend like i have in interviews.

  19. 8 months ago

    >but also to poke fun at humans and how we bumble our way through life on this planet

  20. 8 months ago

    >Some audiences really loved the humor part of it. Some audiences really wanted it to be just like the comics

    I'm willing to bet there is a sizeable audience that hates this shit without giving a frick about the comics.

  21. 8 months ago

    >"Yeah, I think I'll stuff that topic with jokes"
    How about treating it like the serious issue it is and just offer respect to the subject? Nothing wrong with giving the movie more contrast and flavour by putting in serious scenes that give the characters some gravitas. I'm seriously convinced Waititi couldn't make a good movie to save his life and that the Nazi movie was a huge exception

    • 8 months ago

      >treating anything seriously

      I think this requires a grip on reality that's not present in large parts of the audience.

      • 8 months ago

        Unfortunately, Eternals proves you right even though I found it to be among the best movies of the recent phases along with Guardians 3.
        It's crazy to see how Waititi did the exact opposite for Thor in comparison to what James Wan did for Aquaman. Wan turned Aquaman from everyone's laughing stock to a super badass while Waititi turned Thor from a funny but serious character into a mumbling moron (literally)

  22. 8 months ago

    He's fricking terrible. An awful director.
    Such an unfunny sense of humor that doesn't translate to anyone other than moronic so yb oys
    How much longer has he got? He's gone as far as he can and is on the way down now surely?

    • 8 months ago

      hopefully he goes back to making his own shitty movies.

  23. 8 months ago

    What race is he? Never heard him speak . Is he Persian or Afghan or something?

    • 8 months ago

      Worse. He is - Allah forgive me for uttering this phrase - a kiwi.

  24. 8 months ago

    I do agree with him about reading the source material if you want it to be right. If it were up to me the movies would stick as closely to the comics as possible and only change what is needed to make the story work in film or tv format instead of a comic one, but I have absolutely zero faith in Pedowood or Yidnsey to adapt anything well at all anymore so rather than give them your time and money for subpar slop just go read the source material. Very rarely is an adaptation better than the source. You want to engage in some Marvel stuff, go directly to the well. In a better world the movies and shows would be faithful and fun recreations but this is a shithole world and adaptations are garbage. Stop supporting them. Frick this homosexual and his trash movies.

    • 8 months ago

      The proof is in anime. Almost always faithfully done.

  25. 8 months ago

    Yeah it ended up the tonally all over the place. It was a mess and you can't have it all. Jane cancer while being thor is one movie. Thor finding himself like hearted comedy is another one, and the god killer was played so serious. All three meshed pretty terrible and I blame him for not committing to one film. Felt like he could only do the movie if it was a comedy and it really isn't the right fit with how serious two out of three themes are in the film.

  26. 8 months ago

    >I like funny movies and struggled to make a serious story be funny

    god damn this Black person really is moronic

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