>TFW fusion is a metaphor for sex

>TFW fusion is a metaphor for sex
>Whole episode about how Steven wants to see two women ''fuse''
Based coomer, he is literally me

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  1. 10 months ago

    Anybody wanna fuse? no homosexual tho.

    • 10 months ago

      Draw yourself then I'll draw us fused
      (Plus any other anons who draw themselves)

  2. 10 months ago

    >Steven had gay sex with his dad
    Umm based?

    • 10 months ago

      >Annoying straight coomer was right all along
      >To save the day the lesbians need to have sex in front of him
      Extremely problematic

    • 10 months ago
  3. 10 months ago

    So, was this cucking?

    • 10 months ago

      >Staring at boobs
      He is into it
      Do you think when a gem fuses their pussy is 2x better? Or do they have two?

    • 10 months ago

      Pearl definitely treated it like she thought she was

    • 10 months ago

      Pearl was cucked while trying to cuck Greg
      >Pearl and Rose tried fusing once
      >Pearl still remembers that, and is in love
      >Pearl gets jealous of Greg
      >Pearl uses music video as excuse to start making out with Rose
      >Plan backfires since Greg is into it

  4. 10 months ago

    >Ruby and Amethyst are 69ing each other 24/7
    >Steven and Pink Steven are 69ing each other 24/7

  5. 10 months ago

    the same people who say fusion isn't a metaphor for sex are the same people who say peridot is asexual because she didn't want to fuse

    • 10 months ago


      >TFW fusion is a metaphor for sex
      >Whole episode about how Steven wants to see two women ''fuse''
      Based coomer, he is literally me

      It's a metaphor for intimacy in general. the specific type of intimacy depends on the people fusing
      so it can be romantic, platonic, or filial depending on the people.

      • 10 months ago


      • 10 months ago
        • 10 months ago

          Recalling from when the show was still airing, absolutely everyone and their mother disliked when that one weirdo guide or children's book whatever the frick it was even teased the idea for Peridot being asexual representation.
          Thankfully it was something that only remained in that one book and even then it didn't ever get officially put into the show, it's something that a literal who crew member just tried to confirm after her last episode aired.
          I don't think the interpretation that

          It's a metaphor for intimacy in general. the specific type of intimacy depends on the people fusing
          so it can be romantic, platonic, or filial depending on the people.

          is pointing out is wrong either, but the crew really shouldn't have put this much excessive thought into it.
          ..I mean, we know [why] they did. It's still not a good reason for it though, it should have just been a cool display of unity between gems and to also give a spotlight to the culmination of their unity, whether for good (Opal) or bad (Malachite)

          • 10 months ago

            >then it didn't ever get officially put into the show
            There was a whole episode that explored it.

            • 10 months ago

              So then fusion is sexual.

            • 10 months ago

              Recalling from when the show was still airing, absolutely everyone and their mother disliked when that one weirdo guide or children's book whatever the frick it was even teased the idea for Peridot being asexual representation.
              Thankfully it was something that only remained in that one book and even then it didn't ever get officially put into the show, it's something that a literal who crew member just tried to confirm after her last episode aired.
              I don't think the interpretation that [...] is pointing out is wrong either, but the crew really shouldn't have put this much excessive thought into it.
              ..I mean, we know [why] they did. It's still not a good reason for it though, it should have just been a cool display of unity between gems and to also give a spotlight to the culmination of their unity, whether for good (Opal) or bad (Malachite)

              It's a metaphor for intimacy in general. the specific type of intimacy depends on the people fusing
              so it can be romantic, platonic, or filial depending on the people.

              I'm posting it again. You brought this on yourselves.
              First off, this completely contradicts what we have been told about fusion time and time again; fusion is not just sex, it's supposed to be all types of relationships. Well, in the face of Peridot being asexual, that simply doesn't fricking work! You can't claim a character is asexual because they don't engage in a certain practice, but then turn around and claim that very same practice isn't sexual, that's completely fricking moronic. I don't care what excuses you come up with for this, and trust me, I've heard many, none of them can address the central problem; fusion is either sexual, or it isn't. I'm not making a false dichotomy, it's simply how it is. Either fusion isn't a sexual thing, and Peridot should be able to do it, or it is and Peridot is asexual. This is a dichotomy, only one of these things can be true, you can't have your cake and eat it too.
              My second issue with this however, is unrelated with fusion, and is more about how Peridot is written in general. There is no reason to believe that Peridot, as she is shown to be in the series, is asexual or aromantic. If anything, Peridot demonstrates far more interest in romantic relationships than any other gem in the show sans Ruby, Sapphire, and possibly Pearl.

              • 10 months ago

                Think back to Peridot and the way she behaved. From the very moment she watched some random soap opera, she became a shipgay. Peridot instantly became obsessed with shipping her favorite characters, does that sound like the behaviour of someone who isn't interested in romantic relationships? They say her interest is purely 'anthropological' but that is absolute bullshit. To give an analogy, an entomologist would probably be facsinated in studying how ants reproduce, but they wont be completely obsessed with the relationship dynamics of two particular ants as they concoct convoluted charts to explain why two specific ants are perfect to each other as they write fricking fanfiction about why their pairing is perfect. What I'm saying here is, the interest Peridot expresses in romance goes far beyond what we would expect to see of simple acedemic interest. Someone who's interest is purely scientific would expectantly be a fair bit more formal and medical, and not nearly so impassioned. Even someone whos is very passionate and interested in what they study wouldn't be anywhere near as caught up on this one particular subject to the exclusion of all else. Sure, mating practices and reproduction are part of what they study, but it's just that, one part. Anyone who dedicates their life to studying a particular field would have to be passionate about it to do so, but they aren't just passionate about a single thing, it's the entire picture. An entomologist doesn't focus solely on how ants reproduce and their relationships to the exclusion of all else, they express just as much interest in the other parts of ant life as well.

              • 10 months ago

                Peridot doesn't express anywhere near this level of interest or passion in any other part of Human culture, quite the opposite infact; Peridot is immediately enthralled by the subject of romance and how relationships work, and is intensely contrasted by her earlier behaviour. We saw how Peridot acted when she first arrived to earth(and before her character was flanderized to hell and back) and we see that Peridot is calm, methodical, and business-like. The only other time we see Peridot express a comprable level of excitement for something is when she views the original plans for the earth colony, and even then she still doesn't rave about it as much as she does her shipping preferances.
                In short, Peridot's interest in romantic relationships is far too ardent and focused for it to be purely anthropological in nature, and no other gem displays as much interest in it as her. And again, going off of behaviour Peridot has demonstrated before, if her interest was just acedemic, we wouldn't expect nearly so much intensity from her. Again, Peridot is, or at least was cold and medical, even with things she was interested in, even if she was fascinated enough by humans to want to study how their relationship dynamics function, she still wouldn't display such an intense level of passion about this one particular thing to the exclusion of anything else.

              • 10 months ago

                In short, Peridot's interest in romantic relationships is far too ardent and focused for it to be purely anthropological in nature, and no other gem displays as much interest in it as her. And again, going off of behaviour Peridot has demonstrated before, if her interest was just acedemic, we wouldn't expect nearly so much intensity from her. Again, Peridot is, or at least was cold and medical, even with things she was interested in, even if she was fascinated enough by humans to want to study how their relationship dynamics function, she still wouldn't display such an intense level of passion about this one particular thing to the exclusion of anything else.

              • 10 months ago

                I know I was late to get into SU, only starting to follow the show in 2017 when season 5 had already started, but I remember the days before Peridot was announced to be 'aro ace', and you know what? I don't remember anyone thinking Peridot was asexual in that time period. Sure, some people may have wrote the occasional fanfic of that headcanon, but people do that with all characters, it was never a mainstream or widely held position. Not a single person was going around saying 'guys, it's so obvious Peridot is supposed to be asexual and aromantic, just look at the signs!'. And do you know the reason why no one was saying that back then? Because there are no fricking signs in the show she's aroace, there's signs that show the exact fricking opposite. The closest 'sign' anyone can point to is her not fusing with Garnet, which- well, refer to my first point on the can of worms that is fusion. But even leaving that aside, that's still a weak 'sign'. Lets do something the show and the Crystal Gems never do, and just have a little compassion for Peridot think and think about the whole thing from her perspective; she's been trapped on an alien planet for months at this point, constantly being hunted down and attacked by people that, as far as she knows, intend to murder her. She's eventually captured by these people, and loses her only means of protecting herself from harm while now having to work with this group of people who are still very aggressive towards her, and are not at all above making threats of violence and ostracizing her if she does not behave in a manner exactly in line with what they want without ever actually telling her what they consider acceptable, and now the leader of this band of terrorists(because lets face it, from Homeworld's perspective, that's pretty much what the Crystal Gems are) is now offering to perform an extremely intimate and possibly sexual/romantic act with her.

              • 10 months ago

                Yea, Peridot couldn't possibly not want to fuse with Garnet because she's unfomortable performing such an intimate act with someone who in the preceeding weeks wanted her dead and is now keeping her as a prisoner, no, her being asexual is the only possible explanation /s.
                Lets just forget the whole fusion debate for a second and face some facts here. Throw me a bone and lets pretend fusion is definately 100% supposed to be like sex. I know you may not agree with that, but please just pretend for a moment for the sake of an analogy to help this point be more clear. With this understanding, let's take a different look at this situation that would be more relatable to a human. Peridot is being solicited for sex by someone who has physically assulted her on multiple occsions in the past and is now holding her prisoner. And yes, Peridot is a prisoner, she isn't free to leave the barn of her own free will at this point and is for all intents and purposes, a prisoner of war. In most modern first world contries, we would call that sexual assult/rape. I find it pertinant to remind you, that it is absolutely considered rape for a prison guard to have sex with an inmate, regardless of whether or not the inmate consents. By our standards in our society, Garnet soliciting sex from Peridot, a person whom she is keeping confined as a prisoner, would be considered sexual harrasment in any court of law, and Peridot would not be considered capable of consenting to such an act given their relative positions. Were they to have sex with each other, this would be an open and shut case of a captor taking sexual advantage of a person they are keeping confined against their will, and Garnet would be found guilty of rape in a heartbeat.

              • 10 months ago

                With all that in mind, back to the definite facts of the matter. Sexual or not, fusion is still by all metrics quite an intimate and personal thing, and any reasonable person would be extremely uncomfortable at doing something like that with someone who has tried to kill them and is now holding them hostage. Peridot not wanting to fuse with Garnet isn't a sign of her being asexual, it's her being a rational fricking person. I don't suppose you'd call a bank teller asexual because she doesn't want to spread her legs for a bank robber who beat the shit out of her and is holding her hostage?

              • 10 months ago

                Think back to Peridot and the way she behaved. From the very moment she watched some random soap opera, she became a shipgay. Peridot instantly became obsessed with shipping her favorite characters, does that sound like the behaviour of someone who isn't interested in romantic relationships? They say her interest is purely 'anthropological' but that is absolute bullshit. To give an analogy, an entomologist would probably be facsinated in studying how ants reproduce, but they wont be completely obsessed with the relationship dynamics of two particular ants as they concoct convoluted charts to explain why two specific ants are perfect to each other as they write fricking fanfiction about why their pairing is perfect. What I'm saying here is, the interest Peridot expresses in romance goes far beyond what we would expect to see of simple acedemic interest. Someone who's interest is purely scientific would expectantly be a fair bit more formal and medical, and not nearly so impassioned. Even someone whos is very passionate and interested in what they study wouldn't be anywhere near as caught up on this one particular subject to the exclusion of all else. Sure, mating practices and reproduction are part of what they study, but it's just that, one part. Anyone who dedicates their life to studying a particular field would have to be passionate about it to do so, but they aren't just passionate about a single thing, it's the entire picture. An entomologist doesn't focus solely on how ants reproduce and their relationships to the exclusion of all else, they express just as much interest in the other parts of ant life as well.

                Peridot doesn't express anywhere near this level of interest or passion in any other part of Human culture, quite the opposite infact; Peridot is immediately enthralled by the subject of romance and how relationships work, and is intensely contrasted by her earlier behaviour. We saw how Peridot acted when she first arrived to earth(and before her character was flanderized to hell and back) and we see that Peridot is calm, methodical, and business-like. The only other time we see Peridot express a comprable level of excitement for something is when she views the original plans for the earth colony, and even then she still doesn't rave about it as much as she does her shipping preferances.
                In short, Peridot's interest in romantic relationships is far too ardent and focused for it to be purely anthropological in nature, and no other gem displays as much interest in it as her. And again, going off of behaviour Peridot has demonstrated before, if her interest was just acedemic, we wouldn't expect nearly so much intensity from her. Again, Peridot is, or at least was cold and medical, even with things she was interested in, even if she was fascinated enough by humans to want to study how their relationship dynamics function, she still wouldn't display such an intense level of passion about this one particular thing to the exclusion of anything else.

                It would be an interesting arc if Peridot was much more interested in exploring and adopting how humans demonstrate intimacy rather than gem culture of doing it. It would be kind of like a real-life parallel how some people are born in cultures they simply don't agree with or like and when they move to a new state or country, they finally feel at "home".

                It wouldn't have to be that fusion is intimate, it could be Peridot not liking the melding of minds.

        • 10 months ago

          If you want asexual representation, have characters not talk about love or engage in romance in any way. That fricking simple.

      • 10 months ago

        It's a pretty bad metaphor, these different kinds of love don't share the same types of intimacy.

        • 10 months ago

          and that's why it's just a metaphor you literal moron
          Metaphors NEVER work 1:1, never, not a single one of them, because they are not the actual thing. That's the entire point of metaphors you complete waste of organs

          • 10 months ago

            You're a moron. Metaphors are supposed to be comparable to the thing they're a metaphor for. If your metaphor doesn't make any sense in relation to the thing it's supposed to be a metaphor for, then you completely fricked it up.

            • 10 months ago

              Adding to your post by reminding everyone of pic related's contribution to why the fusion metaphor just shouldn't have been as deep as the crew made it.
              What fricking relationship do you get from these mish mashed literal abominations that are all still fusing into something?

      • 10 months ago

        It was VERY plainly a metaphor for specifically sexual intimacy in a very clear cut and well written way for nearly the entire first three seasons and only turned into a muddled mess later on when Steven started fricking his Moms.

        It’s no coincidence that the show quality takes a nose dive after Earthlings.

  6. 10 months ago

    You now remember pearl being raped by amethyst

    • 10 months ago

      Pearl was the one who raped Garnet because she got jealous Garnet kept fusing with Amethyst.

  7. 10 months ago

    I forgot about the lion holy frick that was a memory flood

  8. 10 months ago

    Nothing about steven universe is based. It’s cringe.

  9. 10 months ago

    It wasn't a metaphor for sex until, like, season 2, back in season 1, it was just a cool thing gems do.

  10. 10 months ago

    I get that fusion is meant to be any kind of love/intimacy, but if they didn't want people to see it as something sexual, they shouldn't have put scenes like this into the show. Pearl even covers Steven's eyes when it happens, implying she thinks it's inappropriate for a child to see.

    • 10 months ago

      They also make this joke. The amount of actual fusions in the show, there are even amounts of platonic, romantic, and battle practical fusions. However, the romantic ones all have extra visual flairs and much more focus that make you remember them more than just the Rubies fusing that it's not hard to see why people think of fusion as being mostly romantic/sexual.

      Things like Pearl making Greg jealous that she can fuse with Rose, or Ruby asking Sapphire if it was "okay for her", or Garnet asking Peridot if it was her first time fusing and telling her it's okay if she's not ready, the fact that Garnet's and Stevonnie's fusion is a symbol of pure love, on top of all the dances or people suggesting that some fusion is inappropriate. Like, no fricking duh people remember all THAT more than just, "Oh, Amy and Steven quickly hugged and fused and then beat Jasper with their combined skills in non-cinematic way".

      I don't know how they would rectify this. Tone down some of the more romantic imagery? Or maybe balance it out by having the "power fusions" get equal attention with some kind of DBZ or Transformers power-up sequence? I don't know.

      • 10 months ago

        Just drop all the outside/meta influence saying it has any further meaning.
        Seriously, remove the straight up confirmation that fusions are a metaphor for anything, and you get Pearl being salty that they don't form Sardonyx, Peridot's alien-ness to how the crystal gems operate while slightly tiptoeing her way to understanding each of them better, and makes all the fusion's unity just seem like a great showcase of teamwork or synergy.

        You probably need to do a LOT more than that, but now that I think about it, why the frick did they bother even explaining this 'metaphor'? It should have been left up to interpretation and not fell into the 'tell don't show' folly. Because the fusions whenever they're on screen were typically pretty fricking awesome showcases of teamwork.

  11. 10 months ago

    He fused with his father.

    • 10 months ago

      You act like you're surprised, the showrunner is an open fujo

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